Was called be n word

Ted Nugent has recalled the «greatest compliment» he ever received in a new video posted to his Facebook page.

The story goes back to the very early days of his career, when Nugent and his band won a contest to open for the Supremes.

“I was a kid. Had no idea about the world of professionalism or music,» the rocker recalled. «But we were so dedicated to play like the Funk Brothers. Like Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Little Richard. The authenticity of that black dynamic and emotion and defiance and celebration of ‘free, free at last.’”

The aforementioned Funk Brothers were a group of session musicians who played on many of the most famous Motown releases of the ’60s and ’70s. The band was on site the night Nugent opened for the Supremes and caught the future Motor City Madman during soundcheck.

“They’re watching us, kind of snickering. And the biggest, baddest, blackest Funk Brother of all stood up and started moseying over towards us,” Nugent remembered. “So we’re putting our guitars away, the Funk Brother, big ol’ black dude comes up, puts his hand on my shoulder and goes, ‘That was great stuff, boys. You keep playing guitar like that, you’re gonna be a n—— when you grow up.’”

Nugent called it “the greatest compliment in the world,” explaining that the term was meant in a positive way. “That word was perfect expression that we had soul. Perfect expression that a bunch of little white whipper-snappers at least put everything we had into being tight like the Funk Brothers, like James Brown.”

“To this day I use it as a badge of honor,” Nugent admitted, adding that he still uses the phrase before a performance. “Every night before we go on stage, we put our firsts together and push with everything we have… and we go ‘Nig-up! Nig-up! James Brown! Wilson Picket! Motown! Funk Brothers! Funk Brothers! Funk Brothers! And then we hit the stage, and there’s not a Caucasian to be found.”

Despite Nugent’s declared reverence for Black artists, the rocker has been accused of racism on several occasions. Venues cited a “history of racist and hate-filled remarks» upon canceling a handful of his concerts in 2014. More recently, the rocker claims to have lost a sponsor of his Spirit of the Wild television show due to past accusations of racism.

«Everybody who pays attention — not the ones who call me a racist, but the people who are actually honest and pay attention know that I have paid homage and reverence to the black heroes of music all my life, which means I’m the anti-racist,” Nugent insisted in the Facebook video. “So if you find somebody who calls Ted Nugent a racist, you are looking at a subhuman piece of shit who lives a lie.»

Top 100 ’70s Albums

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


One thing we used was called a scraper.

Один из них, которым мы пользовались, назывался шабер.

It was called The Shack or something.

Он назывался «Лачуга» или ещё как-то там.

It was called ‘electronica’.

И называлась она, естественно, «Электроника».

First RDBMS version released in 1979 was called Oracle V2.

Первая версия СУБД, выпущенная в 1979 году, называлась Oracle V2.

The movie was called «Gigi».

Фильм, так и назывался — «Джиги-дзаги».

The first club I joined was called L’Huisserie.

Первый клуб, в который я вступил, назывался L’Huisserie .

Established in 1987, it was called Aegean Aviation.

Авиакомпания была создана в 1987 году, на то время она называлась Aegean Aviation.

Before we started Pioneers, our company was called Start Europe.

До того, как мы запустили Pioneers, наша компания называлась Start Europe.

It was called the hotel Marrakech.

Она так и называлась — «Отель Альдемарески».

That original club was called the Orlando Boys Club.

Поначалу клуб назывался «Орландо Бойс» (англ. Orlando Boys).

At first, he was called Saturnius, and from his name the whole region was called Saturnia.

Сначала он назывался Сатурний, и от его имени вся область называлась Сатурния.

Nobody knew what it was called.

Ну не знает никто как там что называлось.

A detailed report on peacekeeping procurement was called for.

Делегации просили представить им подробный доклад по вопросу о закупках для миротворческих операций.

The original version was called «C with classes».

Более ранние версии языка были известны как «С с классами».

It is understood no doctor was called.

Eventually a public inquiry was called.

В конце концов, было назначено официальное правительственное расследование.

He was called the man who never was.

Его назвали «человек, которого никогда не было».

Although the sea was called because it was very large.

Хотя морем его называли только потому, что оно было очень больших размеров.

This approach was called «state-based object-oriented programming».

Этот подход был назван «объектно-ориентированное программирование с явным выделением состояний».

It was called 13 million times.

Тем не менее, его упоминали 13 миллионов раз.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат was called

Результатов: 20858. Точных совпадений: 20858. Затраченное время: 387 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



be called — именоваться; называться; называется
be called up — призываться
be called for — до востребования
be called upon — быть вынужденным
to be called off — не состояться
to be called for — до востребования (надпись на письме)
be called / named — называться
be called to account — умереть
be called to the bar — получить право адвокатской практики в суде; быть принятым в адвокатуру
to be called to smth. — почувствовать призвание к чему-л.

to be called to the Bar — получить право адвокатской практики
letter to be called for — письмо до востребования
letters to be called for — письма до востребования
be called to last account — представать перед последним судом
to be called within the Bar — быть назначенным королевским адвокатом /барристером высшего ранга/ (в Великобритании)
it may truly be called tragic — ситуация в полном смысле слова трагическая
as they have come to be called — как их стали называть
be called up for active service — быть призванным на действительную военную службу
to go /to be called/ to the Bar — быть принятым в адвокатское сословие, стать адвокатом /барристером/
to be called up for active service — быть призванным на действительную военную службу
she will be called upon to testify — она будет вызвана (в суд) в качестве свидетеля
child almost homely enough to be called ugly — некрасивый, даже скорее безобразный ребёнок
a child almost homely enough to be called ugly — некрасивый, даже скорее безобразный ребёнок
you will be called over the coals for your conduct — вам достанется /попадёт/ за ваше поведение
please step outside and wait to be called into the office — выйди(те), пожалуйста, из комнаты и подожди(те), пока вас не вызовут
he won’t be called up for military service, he is over age — его не призовут в армию, он вышел из призывного возраста
to be called to one’s account, to go to one’s account, амер. to hand in one’s accounts — покончить счёты с жизнью, умереть
is called — называться; называется
it is called — называться; называется
is called for — требуется

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

называться, зваться

Перевод по словам

be  — быть, находиться, должен, тратта
call  — называть, назвать, вызывать, вызов, призыв, требование, позывной


He deserves to be called on that.

Он заслуживает того, чтобы его призвали за это к ответу.

Do you want to be called Miss or Ms?

Вы хотите, чтобы к вам (на письме) обращались «Miss» (мисс) или «Ms» (госпожа)?

The trip to Italy might be called off.

Поездка в Италию может быть отменена.

The elegy may truly be called tragical.

Эту элегию поистине можно назвать трагической.

I prefer to be called by my middle name.

Я предпочитаю, чтобы меня называли по второму имени /по отчеству/.

She must be called prompt at seven o’clock.

Её нужно вызвать ровно в семь часов.

A food maven could also be called a gourmet.

Знатока в еде можно также назвать гурманом.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Jack Dempsey was called a mauler  

I was called up three months after war broke out.  

«Here she is!» Will called with a false enthusiasm.  

A second violation was called on the basketball player.  

Zen has a speciality; in fact, it should not be called Buddhism.  

Explain why the common stock of a firm that borrows is a call option.  

The garrison was called out when news of the enemy’s advance was received.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

A. Underline the correct option.

 Shellfish open / are opened with a knife.

 Who invented / was invented the Internet?

 This metal is calling / is called steel.

 People have known / have been known about these metals for years.

 The money was collecting / was being collected when we arrived.

 That old coat should throw away / should be thrown away.

 How are you made / do you make bread?

 She has not invited / was not invited to the party.


2 invented   3 is called   4 have known

5 was being collected   6 should be thrown away

7 do you make   8 was not invited

B. Rewrite these sentences using the passive.

1    QUIET AREA. We do not allow mobile phones.

      QUIET AREA. Mobile phones are not allowed.

2    Someone may request ID.


3    You must show tickets at the door.


4    If you leave a bag in the station, someone will take it away and someone may destroy it.


5    We do not accept credit cards.


6    Please do not make too much noise, or we will ask you to leave.


7    You must wear hard hats.


8    You should carry ID at all times.



 ID may be requested

 Tickets must be shown at the door.

 If you leave a bag in the station, it will be taken away and may be destroyed.

 Credit cards are not accepted.

 Please do not make too much noise or you will be asked to leave.

 Hard hats must be worn.

 ID should be carried at all times.

C. Complete the text, using the words in brackets in an appropriate from of the passive.

Today, aluminium 1……is…… so widely ……used…… (use) that it is hard to imagine a world without it. It is a strong but light metal which 2……………………… (can / shape) into drinks cans and window frames. It is a common metal for building cars and aeroplanes. NASA’s space shuttles 3……………………… (could not / build) without it – each space shuttle is 90% aluminium.

Large amounts of aluminium 4……………………… (only / produce) for around 100 years, but the metal 5……………………… (discover) a long time before that, possibly as much as 2,000 years before. Aluminium comes from bauxite, a rock which 6……………………… (find) in hot places such as rainforests. The bauxite 7……………………… (take) to a factory where it 8……………………… (heat) to produce aluminium. It took many years to find a process for getting the metal out of the bauxite. As a result, when aluminium 9……………………… (first / produce), the price of the metal was higher than that of gold.

It is an expensive process because large amounts of electricity 10……………………… (need). For this reason, a lot of aluminium 11……………………… (reuse). Never throw a drinks can away – it 12……………………… (can / recycle) easily.


2 can be shaped   3 could not have been built

4 have only been produced   5 was discovered

6   is found   7 is taken   8 is heated

9 was first produced   10 are needed

11 is reused   12 can be recycled

D. What is being done in each picture? Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box and a passive form.

clean     open     repair     show     study     take

1   The new supermarket …is being opened. ……

2   The road ………………………………

3   The floor ………………………………

4   The film ………………………………

5   The mice ………………………………

6   She ………………………………


2   The road is being repaired

3   The floor is being cleaned.

4   The film is being shown today.

5   The mice are being studied.

6   She is being taken to hospital.

E. Complete these short newspaper reports using the verbs in brackets in the active or passive form. Then write a suitable headline for each report using the passive. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.



There 1……has been…… (be) an increase in the number of city centre shops which 2………………… (close) recently. The increase 3………………… (blame) on Internet shopping.


Drivers in Newport 4………………… (waste) petrol when they wait in traffic jams. Plans 5………………… (put forward) to encourage drivers to turn off their engines. Drivers 6………………… (could / ask) to pay up to £100 for keeping their engines on.


A man 7………………… (arrest) in Newport city centre yesterday. He 8………………… (try) to steal a CCTV camera from outside a car park. The man 9………………… currently ………………… (question) by police.


Twenty-eight-year-old film director, Max Tobin, 10………………… (get) married in secret last week. The well-known director 11………………… (born) and 12………………… (bring up) in Newport. He recently 13………………… (make) a film about local boy, Tom Lewis.


2   have closed / have been closed

3   is being blamed / has been blamed

4   are wasting / have been wasting

5   have been put forward / are being put forward

6   could be asked   7 was arrested

8   was trying   9 is … being questioned

10 got   11 was born   12 (was) brought up

13 made

Possible headlines




F. Write six sentences about this film using the facts below. Use the passive where appropriate.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 1980

Director: Irvin Kershner

Story for the first six Star Wars films by: George Lucas Mark Hamill (actor) = Luke Skywalker

OSCAR ® for best sound

Filming: in Norway and the Elstree Studios in London

Following film: Return of the Jedi

Example: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back was made in 1980.

1   ………………………………………………………

2   ………………………………………………………

3   ………………………………………………………

4   ………………………………………………………

5   ………………………………………………………

6   ………………………………………………………


1   The film was directed by Irvin Kershner.

2   The first six Star Wars films were written by / were based on a story by George Lucas.

3   Luke Sky walker is played by Mark Hamill. / Mark Hamill stars as Luke Skywalker.

4   It won the OscarTM for best sound.

5   It was filmed in Norway and the Elstree Studios in London.

6   The film was followed by Return of the Jedi.

G. What can (not) or should (not) be done with these things? Write two sentences for each item, using both modal verbs.

 a rusty spoon.


2   a plastic fork


3    an old shoe


4    a copper pan


5    a used toothbrush


6    bitter chocolate


7    dry bread


8    an old-fashioned mobile phone


Example: 1   It can be cleaned. It should not be used for eating.

H. Circle the correct option.

1    Your request is ………… considered.

      a being     b been     c be

2    When …………?

      a discovered penicillin?

      b was penicillin be discovered?

      c was penicillin discovered?

3    I could see that a lot of work ………… on the house.

      a had done

      b had been done

      c has been doing

4    She looked round to see if she ………… followed.

      a was be     b was been     c was being

5    When will the results …………?

      a be announced

      b announce

      c being announced?


1 a   2 c   3 b   4 c   5 a

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The first time someone shouted a racial slur at him on campus, Payton Head was shocked, a little stunned. He grew up on the south side of Chicago in a black community where he was used to being in the majority. He had never had direct racism thrown in his face before.

The second time it happened to him, Head said, he was walking with a friend to get cookies Friday night when a red pickup truck slowed and young people screamed the n-word at him.

But Head is now the president of the students’ association at the University of Missouri.

So he knew what to do: Tell people.

They listened.

His social-media post had been shared well over 1,000 times within a few days, the Columbia Missourian newspaper spread it as well, and the responses were more than he could keep up with.

Many people thanked him for speaking out, with comments like, “Preach, baby, preach!”

@HeadthePrez PLEASE to continue to speak out about situations such as yours. We have to be heard! Keep up the good work!

— lauren ✨ (@laurennicolehar) September 13, 2015

Some debated it, too, saying there is reverse racism, excessive attention to perceived slights and so much policing of language that freedom of speech on campus is threatened. When the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote about it, some readers were dismissive, pointing out all the resources directed at black students and other minority groups on campus to support them, and saying things like, “Whiners.”

Concerned Student 1950, the student activism group leading protests at Mizzou, held a press conference on Nov. 4. (Video: Ellise Verheyen and Matt Hellman/Columbia Missourian)

Head heard from university officials supporting him, he said, from professors who used his words to spark conversations in class, and, to his surprise, from well-known actor and activist Harry Belafonte.

University officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment Wednesday.

A spokesperson for the campus police said that the incident was reported to have happened near campus, not on it. The Columbia Police Department does not have a report of that nature by Head, according to a spokesperson there.

Head thinks his account resonated so widely because “this story is not just something that happens here. It’s not a Mizzou issue. It’s a societal issue. And very few people are privileged to have the voice to speak up that people will listen to.”

People were startled that it happened to him — a well-known and popular student leader — and that he didn’t ignore it this time.

“This happened to me, but it happens all the time, not only here, but everywhere,” Head said.

There was more tension on campus in the past year, he said, since the police shooting at Ferguson, a couple of hours away, incited debate over race nationally. But he didn’t write just about race. He wrote about all sorts of discrimination he sees, diving into some of the most highly charged and controversial topics out there, such as campus sexual assault and gender identity.

There was record high turnout when he was elected president of the Missouri Students Association, he said, on a platform that called on “Mizzou to embrace students who are different. I think it was because the student body recognized that change needs to happen.”

One phrase in particular from his post kept getting echoed.

After he described hearing the racial slur screamed at him, he wrote, “I really just want to know why my simple existence is such a threat to society.”

He wrote that he had experienced moments like that multiple times at Mizzou, and went on to challenge those who had not:

“Many of you are so privileged that you’ll never know what it feels like to be a hijab-wearing Muslim woman and be called a terrorist or a towel head.

“You don’t have to think about being transgender and worrying about finding a restroom…

“You’ll never know what it feels like to see Memorial Union every day and enter the side like a second class citizen because after 90 years, there’s still no accessible way to enter the tower. …

“You’ve never had to experience people throwing drinks on you and yelling [slur deleted] at you from the patio at Big 12 as you walk past on the street holding hands with your partner….

“You might never had to think twice about what you’re wearing walking around campus at night so that someone won’t think it’s okay to take ownership of your body because your outfit was ‘asking for it.’…

“These are some of my experiences and the experiences of the ones closest to me. This is what I’m fighting against every day in boardrooms, conferences, meetings, classrooms, the Capitol, and in my daily life. This is my reality…”

He called on people to change the culture, suggested student groups and other ways to get involved — and ended with the n-word again. (He threw in another insult that has been thrown at him, too, for being gay.)

“… if this post made you feel uncomfortable, GOOD! That means I’m doing my job.

“It’s time to wake up Mizzou.

“Your [slurs deleted] Missouri Students Association President,

“Payton Head”

(This post has been updated to more accurately describe the Columbia Missourian, which is a local newspaper that is staffed by student reporters and professional editors; it is not the student newspaper for campus.)

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