Was being the operative word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Ms. Tiara Fadel DDS

Score: 4.2/5
(27 votes)

the most important word in a phrase, which explains the truth of a situation: He was a painter — «was» being the operative word, since he died last week.

What does it mean when someone says being the operative word?

phrase. If you describe a word as the operative word, you want to draw attention to it because you think it is important or exactly true in a particular situation.

How do you find the operative word in a sentence?

Operative-word sentence example

  1. The proper distance was maintained — and proper was the operative word . …
  2. Secret was the operative word . …
  3. The term «girls» is really the operative word when it comes to dress shopping.

Can a noun be an operative word?


Operative word is a noun. A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality.

What is the operative sentence?

Definition of Optative Sentence:

The sentence which expresses a prayer, keen wish, curse etc. is called an optative sentence. This kind of sentence generally starts with ‘may’ and ‘wish’.

26 related questions found

What are the operative words?

the most important word in a phrase, which explains the truth of a situation: He was a painter — «was» being the operative word, since he died last week. Linguistics: sentences & expressions.

What are the 7 types of sentences?

The other way is based on a sentence’s structure (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex).

  • Statements/Declarative Sentences. These are the most common type of sentence. …
  • Questions/Interrogative Sentences. …
  • Exclamations/Exclamatory Sentences. …
  • Commands/Imperative Sentences.

What is the root word of operative?

operative (adj.)

late 15c., operatif, «active, working,» from Old French operatif (14c.) and directly from Medieval Latin operativus «creative, formative,» from operat-, past-participle stem of operari (see operation). Meaning «producing the intended effect» is from 1590s.

Who is an operative?

An operative is a worker, especially one who does work with their hands. [formal] In an automated car plant there is not a human operative to be seen. Synonyms: worker, hand, employee, mechanic More Synonyms of operative.

What’s the meaning of secret agent?

: a person who tries to get secret information about another country, government, etc.

What does operative eye mean?

Eye surgery, also known as ocular surgery, is surgery performed on the eye or its adnexa, typically by an ophthalmologist. The eye is a very fragile organ, and requires extreme care before, during, and after a surgical procedure to minimise or prevent further damage.

What is an operative question?

adj. 1 in force, effect, or operation. 2 exerting force or influence.

What are affirmative sentences?

An affirmative sentence simply states something. It is any declaration that is positive. An affirmative sentence expresses the validity of truth of an assertion. … An affirmative or positive sentence means something is so, while a negative sentence – which is its polar opposite – means something is not so.

What is the meaning of effectually?

1 : in an effectual manner. 2 : with great effect : completely.

What does operative mean in government?

countable noun. An operative is someone who works for a government agency such as the intelligence service. [mainly US] Naturally the CIA wants to protect its operatives. Synonyms: spy, secret agent, double agent, secret service agent More Synonyms of operative.

What is meant by imperative sentence?

An imperative sentence gives a command, demand, or instructions directly to an audience, and typically begins with an action word (or verb).

What is a secret operative?

n a police force that operates relatively secretly to check subversion or political dissent. secret service. n. 1 a government agency or department that conducts intelligence or counterintelligence operations.

Is not operative meaning?

: not operative: such as. a : not functioning an inoperative clock. b : having no effect or force an inoperative law.

What does become operative mean?

adjective. operating, or exerting force, power, or influence. having force; being in effect or operation: laws operative in this city. effective or efficacious. engaged in, concerned with, or pertaining to work or productive activity.

Is an operative a spy?

As a noun, operative is often used as a synonym for spy.

What is an operative element?

being in force or having or exerting force. element.

What are the 10 types of sentences?

10 Sentence Structure Types You Should Recognize With Examples

  • Simple Sentence Structure: Ernest Wolfe. …
  • Periodic/Interruptive Sentence Structure: Definition: …
  • Cumulative/Loose Sentence Structure: …
  • Inverted Sentence Structure: …
  • Parallel/Balanced Sentence Structure: …
  • Tricolon/Triadic Sentence: …
  • Anaphora: …
  • Rhetorical Question:

What is correct sentence?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense. If the subject is in plural form, the verb should also be in plur al form (and vice versa).

What are the 8 kinds of sentences?

Terms in this set (8)

  • Simple Sentence. a sentence with only one independent clause.
  • Compound Sentence. a sentence made up of two or more simple sentences.
  • Complex Sentence. …
  • Compound-Complex Sentence. …
  • Declarative Sentence. …
  • Interrogative Sentence. …
  • Imperative Sentence. …
  • Exclamatory Sentence.

What is the new word of appropriate?

1 befitting, apt, felicitous, suited, proper, due, becoming, pertinent; meet. 3 apportion, allocate, assign.

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здесь главное слово

ключевое слово

тут главное слово

«Posing» being the operative word.

Exactly, ex being the operative word.

And you would be correct — «ultimately» being the operative word.

«May» being the operative word.

«Was» being the operative word.

«Tried» being the operative word.

Was, I guess, being the operative word.

«Seemed» being the operative word.

«Almost» being the operative word.

«Before» being the operative word.

«try» being the operative word.

«Previous» being the operative word.

«Was» being the operative word.

«trying» being the operative word.

«Was» being the operative word.

Лучше сказать, «был«.

«Were» being the operative word.

«Guy» being the operative word here.

«Hell» being the operative word.

«tried» being the operative word, but you’re the Assistant Director.

«Theoretically» being the operative word.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 39. Точных совпадений: 39. Затраченное время: 19 мс

53 parallel translation

«Dead» being the operative word.

Ключевое слово «смертельно».

Yeah, «ball» being the operative word.

Неужели на свидании? Вот именно, на свидании.

Dying being the operative word here.

До смерти, это ты верно подметил.

— «Hired» being the operative word.

«Наняла» — ключевое слово.

«Was» being the operative word.

Ключевое слово — «был».

Committed being the operative word.

«Заключена» является главным словом.

Was, I guess, being the operative word.

Была, я думаю, это было оперативное слово

— «Had» being the operative word.

— Верные слова!

— «Almost» being the operative word.

Ключевое слово : «едва».

— «Little» being the operative word.

— Ключевое слово — маленьких.

«Committed» being the operative word.

» «адействован» — ключевое слово.

«May» being the operative word.

«может быть» — главные слова.

«try» being the operative word.

«Пытаюсь» — здесь главное слово.

«Chance» being the operative word. It could be a strangulation made to look like a hanging, but as of now, the evidence is equivocal.

Это может быть удушение, которое выдали за повешенье, но пока улики двусмысленны.

Sunk being the operative word.

Ключевое слово — «слил».

«Had» being the operative word.

«Было» — ключевое слово.

«Finish» being the operative word.

«Закончить» это результативное слово.

Junkie being the operative word.

Ключевое слово «наркоман».

«Before» being the operative word.

Ключевое слово — «раньше».

«If» being the operative word.

Ключевое слово «если».

«Were» being the operative word.

«Были» понятие здесь ключевое.

«tried» being the operative word, but you’re the Assistant Director.

«пыталась» тут ключевое слово, но вы ведь замдиректора.

«Was» being the operative word.

Лучше сказать, «был».

«Hell» being the operative word.

«Черт» — подходящее слово.

Trying being the operative word.

Пытался правильное слово.

«Was» being the operative word.

«Была» здесь ключевое слово.

Correct- — with «break» being the operative word.

Correct- — with «break» being the operative word.

Yeah, «try» being the operative word.

Да, «попытаться» определяющее слово.

«Guy» being the operative word here.

«Парень» является ключевым словом.

«Kids» being the operative word.

Ключевое слово — мальчишки.

«trying» being the operative word.

«Пытался» тут главное слово.

«Business» being the operative word. Because I have gotten business off of this. Legit business.

«Дело» здесь главное слово, Чак, потому что благодаря этому я занимаюсь делом, бизнесом – легальным бизнесом – завещания, распоряжение имуществом.

Shit being the operative word.

Дерьмо тут главное слово.

Exactly, ex being the operative word.

Точно, и ключевое слово тут — бывших.

«Contained» being the operative word.

«Содержащий» — это ключевое слово.

«Potentially» being the operative word.

— Вот именно, могли бы.

«Tried» being the operative word.

Ключевое слово — «пыталась».

Yeah, «almost» being the operative word.

Да, «почти» — подходящее слово.

I said maybe it could wait, with «maybe» being the operative word.

Я сказал, возможно, сможет подождать, где «возможно» было ключевым словом.

«Hope» being the operative word.

«Надеюсь» здесь ключевое слово.

? Force? being the operative word, right?

«Силовая» – это же что-то значит, да?

«Seemed» being the operative word.

Основное слово — «вам показалось».

— The operative word being «hate.»

Ключевое слово «ненавидь».

the operative word being «life.» Confining them for life requires significant resources.

Если вы покинете грузовой отсек, вас попросят его сдать.

The operative word there being «girl.» I mean, you know how old I am.

Обрати внимание, я сказала «девочек». Я в смысле, ты прекрасно знал, сколько мне лет.

You married a man from a very rich family- — the operative word being «family.»

И ключевое слово здесь «семья».

The operative word being released.

Ключевое слово — «отпустили.»

Right, with the operative word being potential.

Точно, только с уточнение, что это недостоверно.

Yes, the operative word being «cavemen.»

Да, ключевые слова «пещерные люди».

The operative word being «personal»?

Ключевое слово «личный»?

The operative word being «ex.»

Ключевое слов — бывшая.

  • translate «being the operative word» Turkish

being the operative word — перевод на русский

ключевое слово


being the operative wordключевое слово

-» Hired» being the operative word.

«Наняла» — ключевое слово.

— «Little» being the operative word.

Ключевое слово — маленьких.

«Committed» being the operative word.

«»адействован » — ключевое слово.

«Had» being the operative word.

«Было» — ключевое слово.

«Unusual» is the operative word.

Ключевое слово — » необычно»

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  • being the operative word: phrases, sentences

The operative word is «externalization» which he defines, generally, as moving something from the inside to the outside.

Glen Peters, Paisley REGARDING the letter «Taxi Dilemma», the operative word is «Parked».

Ego being the operative word when it came to Jeremy Thorpe — and Hugh Grant displayed that in buckets.

Whirlwind romances do work — «work» being the operative word. Malcolm Strang email

The operative word is «moderate,» defined as two or fewer standard drinks a day for men and no more than one a day for women.

Says: THE operative word here is «AN» Apple website.

Whether that happens is another matter but I think there is a genuine feeling that should they get a marquee signing early on, then it could be a fruitful summer for fans and the club — ‘should’ being the operative word there.

«Lost» is indeed the operative word for this violent fairy tale about a fractured family trying to survive among the ruins of a city overrun by thugs, sexual predators and other demons, nearly all of them cribbed from the surreal cinematic imaginations of other, vastly more intuitive filmmakers.

The operative word is «their hopes» and not «our hopes.» For Jackson, he’s not yet part of the team-the mess-he did not take part in creating.

but the operative word used to describe her quest—diet—is surrounded by negative connotations that parents do not want their children to take to heart.

Obviously ‘who’ being the operative word as he is currently starring as the said Doctor.

Open is the operative word. And openness is the strategy of Polycom to help companies maximise their investments in unified communications (UC).

of Malta, Malta), by the operative word «critical,» and bring together insights from critical theory, critical hermeneutics, discourse analysis, comparative studies, policy sociology, critical multiculturalism, postcolonial studies, post-structuralism, social anthropology, historical and critical ethnography, political economy, cultural studies, and critical studies.

But that lucky lot will be in for a treat because «scorch» really is the operative word for a car that pumps out 335bhp from its twin-turbo six-cylinder 3.0-litre engine.

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