Wanting to learn more word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

желающих узнать больше

хочет узнать больше

желая узнать больше

хочет больше узнать

For more than two years, I have seen ‘tremendous’ interest from companies wanting to learn more about the blockchain.

На протяжении более двух лет, я наблюдаю огромный интерес со стороны компаний, желающих узнать больше о блокчейне.

Amtrak provides route guides on its website for travelers wanting to learn more about the sites that are passed along the way.

Amtrak предоставляет путеводители на своем веб-сайте для путешественников, желающих узнать больше о сайтах, которые пройдены по пути.

Cooling Tower Fundamentals provides a level of basic cooling tower knowledge and is a great resource for those wanting to learn more.

Основы системы охлаждения обеспечивают уровень базовых знаний о градирнях и являются отличным ресурсом для тех, кто хочет узнать больше.

For those wanting to learn more about trading strategies there is a whole section dedicated to this and the various strategies (ten in total) explained.

Для тех, кто хочет узнать больше о торговых стратегиях, есть целый раздел, посвященный этому, и объясняются различные стратегии.

If the beauty of the construction has left you wanting to learn more, then check out the displays containing information on the history of this fascinating building.

Если красота строительство оставил Вас, желая узнать больше, а затем проверить дисплеи, содержащие информацию об истории этой увлекательной здания.

Wanting to learn more on young people’s involvement in the country’s AIDS response, the Crown Princess met with a group of young people active in HIV prevention and peer education activities.

Желая узнать больше об участии молодежи в национальных мерах по противодействию СПИДу, кронпринцесса встретилась с группой молодых людей, активно работающих в сфере профилактики ВИЧ и просвещения по методу «равный-равному».

A great resource for anyone wanting to learn more.

A good course for young people and for adults wanting to learn more.

Chatbots, which use AI to answer simple questions from people wanting to learn more about a subject, are already being adopted in industries ranging from banking to medicine.

Чатботы, которые используют искусственный интеллект для ответа на простые вопросы от людей, желающих узнать больше о сервисах компаний, активно используются во многих отраслях, начиная от банковского дела и заканчивая медициной.

For those wanting to learn more about Antoni Gaudí then visit the interior.

The museum next door houses a great collection of images and artifacts chronicling Guevara’s life and is a great place for anyone wanting to learn more about the man whose face has graced t-shirts around the world.

По соседству с музеем находится большая коллекция изображений и артефактов, повествующих о жизни Гевары и является отличным местом для тех, кто хочет узнать больше о человеке, чье лицо украшает футболки по всему миру.

Those wanting to learn more about Corinth and see many of the artefacts from its excavation can also visit the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.

Те, кто хочет узнать больше о Коринфе и увидеть его артефакты, могут также посетить Археологический музей Древнего Коринфа.

Meanwhile, the American Gut Project, housed at the University of Colorado-Boulder, has raised more than $612,000 from people wanting to learn more about their own microbiomes.

Между тем, на American Gut Project, проводимый в Университете Колорадо в Боулдере, было собрано более $612 тысяч силами людей, желающих узнать больше о своей микрофлоре.

Those wanting to learn more about the rich cultural history of Trier would do well to visit the City Museum Simeonstift (Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier).

Тем, кто хочет узнать больше о богатой культурной истории Трира, будет полезно посетить Городской музей Симеонштифта (Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier).

Wanting to learn more, they kept in contact with the Maharishi and made arrangements to spend time with him at his teaching centre located near Rishikesh, in «the Valley of the Saints» at the foothills of the Himalayas.

Желая узнать больше о учениях гуру, они продолжали поддерживать связь с Махариши и договорились приехать в его учебный центр, расположенный недалеко от Ришикеша, в «Долине Святых» у подножия Гималаев.

Wanting to learn more, Bartelby lets her turn the page but discovers jumbled words; the future has not yet been written.

Так как она хочет узнать больше, Бартелби позволяет перевернуть страницу, но она обнаруживает лишь бессвязные слова — будущее еще не написано.

Anyone wanting to learn more about pediatric medicine should read this book.

Unfortunately this disgust also stops me from wanting to learn more.

For anyone wanting to learn more on the subject.

It will work well for new couples wanting to learn more about each other.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 44. Точных совпадений: 44. Затраченное время: 78 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Learning is ceaseless. You can cultivate an erudite persona as an adolescent—or even as an octogenarian—by building your vocabulary. Creating habits to help you learn and use the most accurate words in your language will make it easier to communicate, write, and think. Continue reading after the jump for more specific tips about building your vocabulary.

  1. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 1


    Read voraciously. Once you leave school, you won’t get word drills and homework assignments that force you to learn new words. It can be easy to stop reading. If you want to build your vocabulary, establish a reading regimen and stick to it.[1]

    • You might try reading one new book a week, or reading the newspaper every morning. Pick a frequency and pace that works for you, and develop a reading routine that fits into your schedule.
    • Try to read at least one book and several magazines every week. Be consistent. As well as improving your vocabulary, you’ll also keep updated and backdated, your general knowledge will increase, and you’ll be an intelligent, well-rounded person.
  2. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 2


    Read high literature. Challenge yourself by reading as many books as you have the time and inclination for. Read classics. Read new fiction and read old fiction. Read poetry. Read Herman Melville, William Faulkner, and Virginia Woolf.

    • Try reading nonfiction and technical books: these will rapidly teach you not only new ways to speak, but also new ways to think. Read about a variety of subjects, like philosophy, religion, and science.
    • If you usually read the local paper, consider trying the long, difficult stories in national, international and business newspapers and magazines, like The New Yorker or The Economist.
    • There are many classics available for your perusal at Project Gutenberg and LibriVox.


  3. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 3


    Read online sources. Read online magazines, essays, and blogs on a variety of subjects. Read record reviews and fashion blogs.

  4. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 4


    Look up any words you don’t recognize. When you see an unfamiliar word, do not skip over it impatiently. Try to puzzle out its possible meaning in the context of the sentence, then look it up in the dictionary and confirm its definition.

    • Consider keeping a small notebook with you and quickly jot down unknown words as you come across them for checking later. If you hear or see a word you don’t know, be sure to look it up.
  5. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 5


    Read the dictionary. Dive in. Read entries for words you aren’t yet familiar with. This requires the ownership of a quality dictionary to make it more interesting, so look for a dictionary that has lengthy explanations on the origins and uses of words, as these will go a long way to helping you remember the word and enjoy using your dictionary.[2]

  6. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 6


    Read the thesaurus. Look up words you use a lot so you can learn similar words, and use those words as well.

    • Reading and having conversations with others is the most significant way to improve your vocabulary.[3]
    • You can enhance your vocabulary by reading a dictionary or using an online thesaurus.[4]
      [v161927_b01]. 1 September 2021.</ref>
    • Or take a linguistics class and learn about how languages have formed.
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  1. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 7


    Set a goal. If you’re committed to building your vocabulary, set a goal for yourself. Try to learn three new words a week and work them into your speech and writing. With conscious effort, you can learn several thousands of new words that you’ll remember and use. If you can’t use a word effectively and accurately in a sentence, it’s not a part of your vocabulary.[5]

    • If you’re easily learning three words a week, start upping the ante. Try to learn ten words next week.
    • Looking up 20 new words a day in the dictionary will make it difficult to use any of them accurately. Be realistic and build practical vocabulary that you’ll be able to use.
  2. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 8


    Use flashcards or post-it notes around your house. If you’re going to make a habit of learning new words, try some simple memorization techniques as if you were studying for a test. Hang post-its with the definition of a particular word you hope to memorize above the coffee maker, so you can study it while fixing your morning cup. Affix a new word to each house plant so you can study while watering.[6]

    • Even if you’re watching TV or doing other activities, keep some flashcards with you and study your new words. Always be building.
  3. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 9


    Write more. Start journaling if you don’t already, or start a blog. Actively flexing your writing muscles will keep your vocabulary strong.[7]

    • Write letters to old friends and use lots of specific details. If your correspondence is typically short and informal, switch it up and write a longer letter or email than you’re used to writing. Take time in crafting letters as you would an essay for school. Make considered choices.
    • Consider taking on more writing responsibilities at work. If you typically avoid composing memos or writing group emails or participating in group discussions, change your habits and write more. You might as well get paid to build your vocabulary.
  4. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 10


    Use accurate adjectives and precise nouns. The best writers aim for concision and accuracy. Get out the thesaurus and use the most accurate word possible in your sentences. Don’t use three words when one will do. A word is a useful addition to your vocabulary if it reduces the number of words in a sentence.[8]

    • For instance, the phrase «dolphins and whales» can be replaced with the word «cetaceans,» making «cetaceans» a useful word.
    • A word is also useful if it is more descriptive than the word or phrase it replaces. For example, many people’s voices could be described as «pleasant». But someone with a very pleasant voice could be said to have a «mellifluous» voice.
  5. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 11


    Don’t flaunt it. Inexperienced writers think using the Thesaurus function in Microsoft Word twice in every sentence makes writing better. It doesn’t. Using flashy vocabulary and «spelling bee» words makes your writing pompous. What’s worse, though, is that it also makes writing less accurate than more common words. Using the appropriate word is the mark of a real writer and a sure sign of advanced vocabulary.

    • You could say that «Iron Mike» is Mike Tyson’s «sobriquet,» but «nickname» might be the more accurate and useful word in the sentence. Therefore, «sobriquet» may be less useful in your vocabulary.
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  1. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 12


    Sign up to be emailed a «Word of the Day» using one of the many online dictionaries. You can also procure for yourself a Word of the Day calendar; be sure to read the word on the page each day and aim to remember each day’s word and even use it somewhere in your day.

    • Visit word building sites such as freerice.com and construct an expansive vocabulary while nourishing the hungry or doing something else useful.
    • There are many online sites devoted to compiling alphabetical lists of unusual, weird, old-fashioned, and difficult words. Avail yourself of the search engine to find these sites and to learn from them. This is a great way to while away time waiting for a bus or in the bank queue.
  2. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 13


    Do word puzzles and play word games. Word puzzles are an excellent source of increasing your word knowledge because the puzzle creators will often need to resort to an array of unusual words to ensure that the words fit into their puzzles and that they are interesting for the puzzle doer. There are many varieties of vocabulary puzzles, including crosswords, find-a-word and hidden word puzzles. As well as strengthening your word knowledge, puzzles are also good for improving your critical thinking skills. For word games, try such games as Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to extend your vocabulary.

  3. Image titled Expand Your Vocabulary Step 14


    Learn a little Latin. Although it might seem like a dead and done language, knowing a bit of Latin is an excellent way to learn the roots of many words in the English language and can help you figure out the meaning of a wide range of words that you don’t yet know without having to resort to the dictionary. There are online Latin learning resources, as well as plenty of texts (check out your favorite used books bookstore).[9]

  4. Advertisement

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  • Question

    What kind of books should I read to work on my writing?


    There are many books on how to write well. However, reading absolutely any book will help your writing if you pay attention to the way the writer uses words.

  • Question

    I’ve tried hard to learn more and more words and utilize them in my daily conversation, but at the right moment I abruptly forget and get stuck. What should I do?


    Just keep practicing. We get better at things we practice.

  • Question

    I can’t understand some words when Americans sing, but I understand everything when they speak. Why is that?

    Community Answer

    American singers often sing very quickly and do not pronounce words clearly. Many native English speakers have to look up song lyrics in order to know what singers are saying.

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  • Frequent use of filler words such as «Like…», «So…», «Um…», «Ain’t» and «Yea…» can make even people with large, more constructed vocabularies sound unlearned. Stay away from the unnecessary words and contractions.

  • Try to make a journal of synonyms/antonyms so that you can easily organize/learn the degree of «expression» of a particular word. For example, the word «destitute» sounds more intense than the word «poor».

  • Look on the back of products you have in your house (soda cans, food boxes, shampoo bottles etc.) They’re bound to have complex words written on them.

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  • Be aware that you may use words others may not know, and this could create barriers to communication and mutual understanding. Be prepared to use simpler synonyms in different contexts to alleviate this problem. Don’t be a jerk, in other words.


Things You’ll Need

  • Dictionary
  • Word cards and marker
  • Notebook and marker
  • Classic novels, difficult reads
  • Wide range of reading material


About This Article

Article SummaryX

If you want to expand your vocabulary, read a variety of books and look up words that you don’t know. For example, you could try reading some free classics, like those by William Faulkner or Virginia Woolf, on websites like Project Gutenberg or Librivox. You can also improve your vocabulary by getting a high-quality dictionary and looking up a few words each day. Alternatively, you can sign up for one of the free «Word of the Day» emails sent by online dictionaries. To learn how to incorporate new words into your writing, read on!

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  • patricia mmokwa

    patricia mmokwa

    Nov 14, 2017

    «This article made me realize that in order to improve my vocabulary it requires more than just reading books.…» more

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Перевод по словам

want [noun]

verb: нуждаться, хотеть, желать, хотеться, испытывать необходимость, быть нужным, испытывать недостаток, требовать, требоваться

noun: желание, необходимость, потребность, нужда, недостаток, жажда, бедность

  • we want maintain — мы хотим сохранить
  • you want prepare yourself — Вы хотите подготовить себя
  • i want to discuss — я хочу обсудить
  • want to take it — хочу взять
  • want it to stop — хотите, чтобы остановить
  • just want to look — просто хочу посмотреть
  • i want your word — я хочу ваше слово
  • want to lose them — хотят, чтобы их потерять
  • you must want — Вы должны хотеть
  • may even want — может даже захотеть

to [preposition]

preposition: к, в, до, на, для

abbreviation: телеграфная контора, телеграфное отделение

  • to attach importance to sth. — придавать значение СТГ.
  • to be close to tears — чтобы быть ближе к слезам
  • to break to pieces — разорвать на куски
  • to go to the scaffold — идти на эшафот
  • to move to anger — чтобы рассердить
  • to pay compliments to smb — на комплименты кому-л
  • forced to flee their homes due to — вынуждены покинуть свои дома из-за
  • to yield to — уступить
  • asked me to convey to you — просил меня передать вам
  • to accede to a treaty — присоединиться к договору

learn [verb]

verb: учиться, научиться, учить, узнавать, знакомиться, разучивать, выучивать, выучиваться, подучиваться, подучивать

  • we learn more about — мы узнаем больше о
  • learn it — узнать его
  • where did you learn to shoot — где вы научились стрелять
  • you need to learn how — Вы должны научиться
  • you will also learn — Вы также узнаете,
  • did you learn that — Вы узнали, что
  • time to learn how — время, чтобы узнать, как
  • if you can learn — если вы можете узнать
  • learn to dive — научиться нырять
  • learn about animals — узнать о животных

more [adverb]

adverb: более, больше, еще, гораздо, много, значительно, снова, очень, опять, почти

adjective: больший, дополнительный, добавочный, более многочисленный

noun: большее количество, дополнительное количество

  • more seriously — более серьезно
  • more customers — больше клиентов
  • build more — строить более
  • incomparably more — несравненно
  • consumed more — потребляли больше
  • more sharing — более совместное использование
  • more accomplished — более достигнуто
  • incorporated more — Инкорпорейтед более
  • more canadians — больше Канадцы
  • more inhumane — более бесчеловечно

Предложения с «want to learn more»

So why would he want to learn more about the U.S. campaign than an average guy who sometimes reads the news and doesn’t always understand it?

Так зачем Путину нужно вникать в суть американской предвыборной кампании глубже, чем простому обывателю, который иногда читает новости, но далеко не всегда понимает их?

Isn’t it possible I just want to learn more aut the Jewish faith?

Неужели так трудно поверить, что я просто хочу побольше узнать об иудейской вере?

I told Damien that I want to learn more about Satanism.

Я сказала Дамиену, что хочу больше узнать о сатанизме.

I want to learn more about our people racially, obviously since I’m a foreign Turk I don’t know as much.

Я хочу узнать больше о нашем народе в расовом отношении, очевидно, поскольку я иностранный турок, я не знаю так много.

But if you could enlighten me please I want to learn more about our true racial nature.

Но если бы вы могли просветить меня, пожалуйста, я хочу узнать больше о нашей истинной расовой природе.

If you want to learn more about Mr Spiner go here ->.

Если вы хотите узнать больше о мистере Спинере, идите сюда — >.

They, like me, want to learn more english words… as opposed to you i assume?

Они, как и я, хотят выучить больше английских слов… в отличие от вас, я полагаю?

If they want to learn more about it through this picture, here is the link.

Если они хотят узнать больше об этом через эту фотографию, вот ссылка.

We could have a link from other articles to the article on the book to help readers who want to learn more about the book qua publication.

Мы могли бы иметь ссылку из других статей на статью о книге, чтобы помочь читателям, которые хотят узнать больше о публикации книги qua.

If you want to learn more about me, pay a visit to my talk page.

Если вы хотите узнать обо мне больше, посетите мою страницу обсуждения.

We want to learn more about you and see how we can best give you an opportunity to work with Cochrane.

Мы хотим узнать больше о вас и посмотреть, как мы можем лучше всего дать вам возможность работать с Кокрейном.

When William Blake said that we are here to learn to endure the beams of love, he knew that your family would be an intimate part of this, even as you want to run screaming for your cute little life.

Когда Уильям Блэйк сказал, что мы здесь, чтобы научиться терпеть лучи любви, он знал, что ваша семья будет неотъемлемой частью процесса, даже если хочется убежать с криком о спасении своей дражайшей жизни.

And the principles are: machines that are altruistic, that want to achieve only our objectives, but that are uncertain about what those objectives are, and will watch all of us to learn more about what it is that we really want.

Основные моменты: это альтруистичные машины, которые хотят добиваться лишь наших целей, но не знают, каких именно целей, и будут наблюдать за всеми нами, чтобы узнать, чего мы на самом деле хотим.

Yes, so we want it to learn more, as I said, about our objectives.

Стюарт Рассел: Как я уже сказал, мы хотим, чтобы роботы узнали больше о наших целях.

And while girls should be getting outside to learn to be gutsy, I get that adults don’t want to get on hoverboards or climb trees, so we all should be practicing at home, in the office and even right here getting up the guts to talk to someone that you really admire.

Итак, девочки должны выйти на улицу, чтобы научиться быть смелыми, но я понимаю, что взрослые не хотят кататься на гравидосках или лазать по деревьям, поэтому мы все должны тренироваться дома, на работе и даже прямо здесь, набираясь храбрости для разговора с тем, кем мы действительно восхищаемся.

It’s a spiral to ever-increasing capabilities, but we need to know when we seek to learn , and when we seek to perform, and while we want to spend time doing both, the more time we spend in the learning zone, the more we’ll improve.

Это спираль всевозрастающих возможностей, но нам нужно понимать, когда мы хотим учиться и когда мы хотим действовать, и хотя нам хочется делать это одновременно, чем больше времени мы посвящаем зоне обучения, тем лучше наши результаты.

If we want to learn about the past, it’s time we inverted the pyramids.

Если мы хотим узнать больше о прошлом, то пришло время перевернуть пирамиды.

If we want to make a good drawing, we must have a good eye, see and watch, learn to compare things and have rich imagination.

Если мы хотим сделать хороший чертеж, надо иметь хорошее зрение, видеть и наблюдать, учимся сравнивать вещи и богатое воображение.

As I want to learn , to speak and to read English, I must be attentive in class and I must always prepare my homework.

Так как я хочу учиться, говорить и читать по — английски, я должен быть внимательным в классе, и я всегда должен готовить домашнее задание.

I want to learn Spanish and French too.

Я хочу выучить испанский и французский тоже.

Studying the English language under the guidance of the University teachers I want to learn much about the history of words, their origin and usage in ancient times.

Изучая английский язык под руководством преподавателей университета, я хочу многое узнать о происхождении слов и их употреблении в давние времена.

If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or an air control officer you have to learn English, the language of international communication.

Если ты хочешь стать стюардессой, летчиком или диспетчером авиалиний, ты должен выучить английский язык, язык международного общения.

If you want to know the language, you should make yourself sit down the table, open the book and learn , cram, revise and practice.

Вы должны заставить себя сесть за стол, взять книгу и читать, зубрить, повторять и практиковаться.

I want to learn English to visit those places of the United Kingdom where films of my idol, Harry Potter, were shot.

Я хочу учить английский, чтобы побывать в тех местах Соединенного Королевства, где снимались фильмы моего кумира, книжного героя — Гарри Поттера.

People want to learn foreign languages to write their pen-friends or to communicate with them personally.

Люди хотят знать иностранные языки, чтобы переписыватся со своими друзьями и общаться с ними лично.

I just thought he might want to learn his letters.

Я просто подумал, что он, быть может, захочет научиться грамоте.

Well, you know, once I flip through this, you know, if you want to learn , I…

Ну, как только я это пролистаю… э… ну… если хочешь научиться, то я…

You want to learn how to make films? Go make a movie.

Если вы хотите научится снимать фильмы — пойдите и сдёлайте фильм.

I want to meet a girl that I have a lot in common with and ask her out and learn about her family on a park bench in the middle of the night.

Хочу встретить девушку, с которой у меня много общего, пригласить ее куда — нибудь, говорить о ее семье, сидя на скамейке в парке посреди ночи.

If you want to learn some strategy and tactics, learn from the best.

Если Вы хотите изучить стратегию и тактику игры, учитесь у лучших.

Those who want self-control must learn mind control.

Если хочешь научиться самоконтролю, нужно научиться контролировать сознание.

And unfortunately, if you want to learn about the microorganisms, just looking at them in a microscope is not sufficient.

К сожалению, для их изучения недостаточно просто исследовать их под микроскопом.

What we really want to do in the end is learn how to program self-assembly so that we can build anything, right?

На самом деле наша конечная цель — научиться программировать самосборку, что откроет возможность строить что угодно.

Being a psychiatrist and saying you want to learn or study about psychedelics it’s, you know, it’s not that well received.

Быть психиатром и говорить, что ты хочешь изучать психоделики — это не то что нормально воспринимается обществом.

If you want to start an electric engine company, learn how to retrofit a gasoline engine, or simply figure out what you could do with your own car, go to www.ecars-now.org.

Если вы хотите присоединиться к кампании по установке электрического двигателя, зайдите на сайт www.ecars — now.org и ознакомьтесь, как модернизировать бензиновый двигатель, или просто представьте, что бы вы могли сделать со своей собственной машиной.

If you want to truly understand price dynamics and the mechanics of financial markets, you need to learn to analyze price action on an indicator-free price chart.

Если вы хотите действительно понять ценовую динамику и механику финансовых рынков, то должны научиться анализировать ценовое действие на чистом ценовом графике без индикаторов.

I want to talk about what we learn from conservatives.

Я хочу поговорить о том, чему нас учат консерваторы.

To learn more about how to change number format codes, you may want to review the guidelines for customizing a number format before you get started.

Перед тем как изменять коды числовых форматов, ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями по настройке числовых форматов.

You don’t need to be a financial expert to be a good trader; forex trading is simple to learn if you want to give it a go.

Вам не нужно быть финансовым экспертом, чтобы стать хорошим трейдером. Торговать на рынке Forex просто: принципам торговли не трудно научиться, если Вы действительно хотите зарабатывать.

If you want to learn a language well, learn it yourself.

Если хочешь хорошо изучить язык, изучи его сам.

Be sure to launder your undies every night, and learn to talk on some cultured subject, and you will have all the dates you want.

Обязательно каждый вечер простирывайте ваше нижнее бельё и учитесь вести беседу на темы культурной жизни, тогда у вас не будет отбоя от поклонников.

Dwayne, why would you want to learn magic tricks?

Дуэйн, зачем тебе разучивать всякие фокусы?

Why would I want to learn a menial skill?

С чего бы это я должна хотеть получить рабочие навыки?

No, hey, I want to learn how to revel.

Нет, я хочу научиться, как надо зажигать.

I want you to learn how they programme the machine.

Ещё я хочу, чтобы ты изучила, как они программируют компьютер.

In his father’s opinion, he did not want to learn what he was taught.

С точки зрения отца, он не хотел учиться тому, чему его учили.

And I want to learn to throw a knife hard and straight.

И хочу научиться хорошо, прямо бросать нож.

Well, you know, once flip through this, uh, you know, if you want learn , I…

Ну, как только я это пролистаю… э… ну… если хочешь научиться, то я…

But as soon as people hear that I want to learn kung fu they either shoo me off or beat me up!

Но как только люди слышат, что я хочу учиться кун — фу они прогоняют меня тумаками!

Besides, I would not want to be robbed of the chance to learn from such a wise mentor.

К тому же не хотелось бы упускать шанс поучиться у столь мудрого наставника.

They can’t imprison your mind… and that’s why I want you to learn to read.

Они не смогут заточить твой ум… и поэтому я хочу, что бы ты научилась читать.

Learn how to take the initiative if you don’t want me to micro-manage.

Научитесь проявлять инициативу, если не хотите, чтобы я занимался микро — менеджментом.

Being a psychiatrist and saying you want to learn or study about psychedelics it’s, you know, it’s not that well received.

Быть психиатром и говорить, что ты хочешь изучать психоделики — это не то что нормально воспринимается обществом.

I want to learn how to snowboard.

Я хочу научиться кататься на сноуборде.

I want to learn how to cure cataracts, side sickness and all other diseases.

Хочу научиться исцелять бельмо, хворь в боку и все остальные недуги.

If you want to get anywhere… learn to make your own choices.

Чтобы из тебя что — то получилось, надо уметь принимать решения.

I want him to supervise a detailed inventory… of the lmperial storerooms So that we can learn exactly how much has been stolen 29.970

Я хочу, чтобы он провел тщательную инвентаризацию императорских хранилищ Чтобы мы могли знать, что было украдено у нас.

It is my profession and my desire to know, I want to understand people in particular, so I want to learn history.

Моя специальность — добывать знания. Я хочу разобраться в поведении отдельных людей. Мне необходимо изучить историю…

Hopefully, the truth we want Fischer to learn .

Надеюсь, правда, которую Фишер должен выучить.

Because I want she should learn the Christian faith, returned Gerhardt determinedly.

Затем, чтоб она росла христианкой, — решительно отвечал Герхардт.

No one can deny it.

The size of your vocabulary matters.

Having a large vocabulary allows you to understand and communicate in English (almost) like a native.

So in this guide, you will learn 4 proven ways to increase your English vocabulary.

This guide will teach you:

  • How to learn words deeply.
  • How to increase vocabulary in a short time.
  • How to expand your writing and speaking vocabulary.
  • How to ensure you don’t forget words you learn.

Of course, if you want to accomplish these things, you need multiple methods.

Here are the 4 best ways to improving English vocabulary:

  1. Read and listen to English regularly
  2. Use vocabulary apps
  3. Imitate native speakers
  4. Prefer to use English over your native language

In this article, we’ll examine these strategies in great detail.

This guide is long. If you just want a summary of what to do, click here to jump to the step-by-step action plan.

Now let’s begin.

Method #1: Read and Listen to English Regularly

Reading and listening are the most powerful duo in English learning.

The key is to do it as much as possible. I recommend you do it during mindless activities like commuting to work or waiting at the airport. It’s a great way to turn boring activities into productive time.

You can read or listen to anything you want, but the best place is to start are things you find interesting. (For example, if you’re a fitness fanatic, you may read English books about exercise, diet, and nutrition.)

Or you can start with these two resources:

  • Books to read to improve your English
  • English listening materials (free download)

The Pros of Reading and Listening

Let’s look at the advantages of this method. (We’ll discuss the limitation later.)

Pro #1: It’s a powerful way to learn word usage

Some students learn English words by simply memorizing their meanings.

DISCUSS (dəˈskəs)
Talk about (something) with another person.

SECRET (ˈsēkrit, ˈsikrɪt)
Something that is kept unknown or unseen by others.

There’s a problem with this approach; it doesn’t tell you how to use words correctly in a sentence.

On the other hand, when you read or listen to English, you learn not just the meanings, but also how the words are used in a sentence.

We discussed the problem until 3 PM.

Leaning words in context (with surrounding words) like this is effective.

Suppose that presently you use the word ‘discuss’ incorrectly, so you tend to say, “discuss about (the topic),” instead of “discuss (the topic).”

How do you fix this mistake?

The answer is a lot of reading and listening. If you see and hear native speakers use the word discuss enough times, eventually you’ll get used to the correct usage, and “discuss something” will start to feel right while “discuss about something” will start to feel wrong.

Let’s look at another example.

Which of the two sentences below is correct?

  1. I’ll share the secrets to learn English vocabulary fast.
  2. I’ll share the secrets to learning English vocabulary fast.

This one confuses a lot of beginners. They tend to think the first one is correct because they believe the preposition ‘to’ cannot be followed by verb+ing.

But for advanced students who have seen and heard the word ‘secret’ in various instances, they know that the second sentence is the correct one.

Pro #2: It improves your English grammar

When you expose yourself to English, your brain is learning English grammar behind the scenes.

When you read a novel or listen to a story, the brain is learning things like:

  • When to use certain English tenses.
  • How to use prepositions (at, on, in, for, to).

English grammar is complicated and confusing, but the more you take in correct input, the better your grammar.

Pro #3: It improves your English comprehension

This one is obvious.

The more you read and listen, the better you understand written and spoken English.

Do you see why reading and listening are so powerful? They improve multiple aspects of your English at the same time.

The Limitation of Reading and Listening

When it comes to building vocabulary, reading and listening focus on quality, not quantity.

They are good at helping you learn words deeply, but not quickly.

Although they are powerful, it takes a long time to notice an improvement.

This is especially true for learners who already have a large vocabulary. Even if they read and listen a lot, they don’t come across unknown words very often.

This means if you want to learn a lot of new words in a short period of time, you need a faster approach like using vocabulary building apps.

Important Note to Advanced Learners

Although reading and listening are a slow way to build vocabulary, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do them.

It’s actually the opposite.

If your vocabulary level is quite advanced, listening and reading are a great way to deepen your understanding of the words you already know (so you can use them correctly in speaking and writing).

Even if you read something that contains only the words you know, it’s still beneficial because you get to see how those words are used.

Method #2: Learn English Words using Vocabulary Apps

Do you want to learn a lot of vocabulary in a short time?

Are you preparing for an upcoming English exam in which your vocabulary will be tested?

If so, say hello to vocabulary building apps.

Vocabulary apps are the most convenient way to learn English vocabulary. You can grab your phone and learn some new words almost anytime and anywhere.

Of all the vocab apps I’ve reviewed, the best one is WordUp.

WordUp focuses on helping you learn English vocabulary deeply.

It accomplishes this by giving you a lot of usage examples.

In addition to word definitions, it shows video clips from movies and TV shows, songs, quotes, and news articles (lots of them).

Here are some screenshots:

By teaching words in context, with plenty of examples, it ensures that you’ll truly understand the words.

The app doesn’t have all the English words in the database (only the most frequently used ones). However, the number of words available is more than enough to keep you busy for a long time. Hopefully, they’ll add more words in the future.

There are many other vocabulary apps, but it’s hard to find one as good as WordUp. Some of the other apps show only one usage example for each word, or they show only one definition for multiple-meaning words.

So I only recommend WordUp for now. But feel free to try the other ones yourself.

By the way, do you want to improve your spoken English?
If so, enter your email address to join my English speaking course:

Method #3: Imitate Native Speakers

Do you understand English well but are poor at speaking and/or writing?

Do you often have trouble finding the right words to use?

If so, you have a small active vocabulary.

Active vocabulary refers to the words that you’re able to use in speaking and writing, whereas passive vocabulary are words that you know but can’t use.

How do you expand active vocabulary?

Some teachers advise that you make sentences using the words that you want to turn into active vocabulary.

So if the target word is ‘resolve’ (to decide firmly on a course of action), you may write down something like, “After being diagnosed with diabetes, she resolved to stop eating sugar.”

This is a good way to build active vocabulary, right?

But there are two problems:

  1. What if you unintentionally use words incorrectly? (You can’t fix mistakes if you don’t know you’re making them.)
  2. It’s a bit tricky to use this method to build speaking vocabulary. (You have to get three things right: the word meaning, the correct usage, and the pronunciation.)

So I’d like to offer a different approach, which is imitating (copying) native speakers.

The strength of this practice is that it ensures you’re using words exactly like native speakers do (because you’re copying them).

There are two types of active vocabulary: writing and speaking vocabulary. Let’s discuss how to improve each of them using the Imitation practice.

How to Improve Your Writing Vocabulary

Are you bored with your own writing because you keep using to same words?

If so, you’ll love this writing practice.

The idea is simple: you read the writing of a native speaker, one sentence at a time. And without looking, try to write it down from memory.

This video demonstrates the process step-by-step:

Do you have a favorite English book? Pick a chapter and start copying.

Is there an English website that you read regularly? Pick an article from the site and start practicing!

The Imitation technique is not used only by language learners; it has been used by writers as well.

Some aspiring writers will take the works of their favorite writers and imitate them. This allows them to learn the writing style (word choice, sentence structure, etc.) of those accomplished writers.

In fact, a few famous people have also used this technique to improve their writing. In his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin wrote about how he taught himself to write better by copying the writing he admired.

How to Improve Your Speaking Vocabulary

The process is similar to the writing practice.

Here are the steps:

  1. Find a short audio or video clip in English (2 – 10 minutes long). (There are millions of them on YouTube.)
  2. Listen to the entire clip.
    1. Make sure that you understand everything.
    2. The clip should contain a lot of words and phrases you’ve never used in conversation.
  3. Play the clip again. This time, repeat after the speaker. When the speaker finishes a sentence, pause the clip and repeat the entire sentence.
  4. If a sentence contains a word or phrase you’ve never spoken out loud, you should repeat that sentence many times while thinking about the meaning of that sentence.
  5. Once you finish imitating the entire clip (or a part of it), try to express the main points or ideas on your own.

The last step (5th one) is crucial. During this step, you will NOT be able to recall the exact words. You will forget a lot things. You will struggle to speak.

And that’s a good thing!

Why? Because research shows that “struggle” enhances learning.

You can experience it yourself. Take a look at the following words; spend the same amount of time on each column.

Column A Column B
ocean / breeze bread / b_tter
leaf / tree music / lyrics
sweet / sour sh_e / sock
movie / actress phone / bo_k
gasoline / engine river / b_at
school / college pen_cil / paper
fruit / vegetable be_r / wine
computer / chip television / rad_o
chair / couch l_nch / dinner

Now, without looking, open a text editor (or grab a piece of paper) and write down as many of the words as you can.

From which column did you recall more words?

If you’re like most people, you remembered more of the words in column B. In fact, studies show you probably remembered three times as many!

Embrace the struggle!

Why is that?

When you saw a word with a blank space, you stopped (very briefly) to figure out what it was. That tiny bit of struggle made you remember.

This phenomenon has been replicated in many studies. When learning is easy, people tend to forget what they learn. But when there’s some difficultly involved, the knowledge sticks with them long term.

So if you really want to increase your speaking vocabulary, don’t just mindlessly repeat after the speaker word for word. It’s too easy.

You must struggle!

Method #4: Prefer to Use English over Your Native Language

Your brain is efficient. It’s constantly sweeping out unused memories to make room for new and frequently-used ones.

So if you don’t recall certain information for a while, you forget it.

If you don’t perform a specific skill for a while, it gets worse.

It’s on the tip of my tongue.

The same goes for your English vocabulary.

Without constant exposure to the language, you forget the meanings of some words.

If you don’t speak and write in English frequently, it becomes harder to find the right words. (Imitation practice can help with this.)

This is why you should add English to your daily routine so that English vocabulary stays fresh and active in your mind.

The idea is simple. If something can be done in either your native language or in English, choose to do it in English.

For example, if you want to search for information on how to do something, search for it in English.

If you take a lot of notes (reminders, shopping lists), take notes in English.

If you enjoy TV shows of your native country, switch to American or British TV shows.

If you’re addicted to social media, follow English pages and groups related to your interests. (And make a lot of comments in English.)

Change the language of your phone, all the apps, and everything else you can think of to English.

Do you write a diary? Record your thoughts and feelings in English.

These are just random examples. The actual things to do “in English” depend on your routine.

So take a look at the things you do each day. Can some to them be done using the English language?

Don’t think that this is trivial. Don’t underestimate this process.

It may seem to not make much difference in the short term, but the habit of preferring to do things in English will definitely improve your English vocabulary in the years to come.

Summary: Action Plan to Improve Your English Vocabulary

As you’ve learned, there are multiple ways to build vocabulary, each has different strengths and weaknesses.

It can be confusing to figure out when to use each of these methods.

So here’s a practical, step-by-step guideline:

Step 1: read/listen to English during mindless activities

We all have nonproductive activities that take up a lot of our precious time:

  • Waiting for an appointment.
  • Commuting.
  • Lying in bed awake, waiting to feel sleepy.

This is the best time to read or listen to something in English.

The time you spend listening/reading should be at least 5 – 10 minutes long.

It takes time to fully shift your attention to something, so if the period is too short (like 2 – 3 minutes), that’s not enough time to fully concentrate on the material.

If you try to read or listen to something for just a few minutes, it will be hard to pay attention. You may see/hear the words but your mind will be occupied with something else.

Step 2: use vocabulary apps throughout the day

Our days are filled with hundreds of little moments:

  • Standing in line.
  • Waiting for the elevator.
  • While the coffee is brewing.
  • Pooping.

These moments are very short (usually less than 5 minutes)…too short to read or listen to something in English. This is when most people browse social media or text messages.

But not you! If you want to increase your vocabulary fast, this is the time to open a vocabulary app and learn a few English words.

Each time you do this, it may not seem like much (maybe you learn only 1 – 2 words). But if you do it throughout the day, the words begin to add up!

Adopt this habit. You’ll be surprised how much English vocabulary you can learn.

Step 3: if you want to build active vocabulary, practice Imitation

As you know, nowadays it’s not enough to just “understand” English. You mush be able to communicate in English too (and do it well).

To achieve this, you need to expand your speaking and/or writing vocabulary.

So I suggest practicing the Imitation technique for at least 15 minutes a day. It’s the best way to train yourself to use new words (in the correct way).

Whether you practice writing or speaking depends on which skill is more important to you at the moment. If both are equally important, you can alternate between the two, so one day you practice speaking, the next day you practice writing, and so on.

Step 4: use English instead of your native language whenever possible

You forget things that you don’t recall or use often, so using English regularly is essential.

Do your best to use more English in your daily routine.

Do you keep track of your appointments in a calendar app? Write down the details in English.

Do you often write down a list of things to buy? Make a list in English.

Sometimes, you may not know the English word for something, that’s okay. You can use the word in your native language instead. (Or better yet, you can search for that English word online. It’s super easy. No big deal.)

And that is all you need to know about improving your English vocabulary. You can adjust my suggestions as needed to suit your goals.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found this article useful.

8 min

Created: July 13th, 2022Last updated: April 3rd, 2023

How To Boost Your English Vocabulary


So many people chat easily in English. And then the question naturally arises, why can’t I do that? The essence of the problem lies in the fact that not every one of us has a sufficient vocabulary.

While learning English, not only the rules are important, but also the words. Without a vocabulary, all the rules and formulas for making sentences will simply be useless.

First, understand: it is impossible to remember all the words! This is not related to your laziness, these are purely physiological features of our brain. Don’t blame yourself that you have known and heard something, but forgotten. Just choose the most effective way for you, and answer how to improve your vocabulary in English.

How to Boost Your English Vocabulary

Words are an essential part of the language. If you don’t know them, you won’t be able to express one thought or understand another. To constantly improve your English level, you need practice. But after work, people don’t want to read foreign books or watch movies without translation.

And what if you spend only 15-20 minutes a day learning English? And you don’t have to force yourself, because the process is organized excitingly. You see your progress by the day, compete with other users, exercise pronunciation, and the level is growing rapidly.

All this is implemented in the Promova application, where you can increase your vocabulary by 300 words per month.

12 Ways to Expand Your Vocabulary

There are some tips to improve vocabulary:

1. Learn a few words a day.

Take a list of 15 words every day. That’s enough for a start. Say all the words loudly, clearly, and with different intonations twice in the morning and the evening. Depending on your memory, you can spend two or three days on one list. 

2. Read aloud

You should always read aloud. Pronouncing a word will be easier for you to remember not only how it looks, but also how it is pronounced. In addition, you will have a much better chance that you will be able to use the word in speech and improve your vocabulary skills.

But before you learn a word, check its pronunciation. If you immediately remember its pronunciation incorrectly, you are unlikely to retrain.

3. Use household items

Any household items in the house can become your assistants. You can stick stickers with words on them. Some people think that it is ineffective or suitable only for learning banal vocabulary, but it is not. It is important not only to stick papers but also not to forget to work with them. Otherwise, after a week you will stop noticing them, and the words will not be remembered.

4. Special literature

In English, it is called the Vocabulary Resource Pack. Pay attention: these are NOT textbooks. There are many authors and publishers, but the structure of such manuals is about the same. Each has one level of difficulty; the words are collected by topic. After the explanations, several exercises for using and memorizing await you.

5. Constantly use new words in speech 

use new words in speech

The best thing is to find someone to talk to. The network is full of resources that are created for such mutual pumping of conversational skills. If you are embarrassed to talk to unfamiliar speakers, agree with a friend. 5 minutes of each conversation should be in English.

6. It is necessary to learn new vocabulary and words without taking them out of context

One word in English can have many translation options that are not related to each other in any way.

Therefore, all methodologies recommend memorizing the entire phrase, and sometimes sentences. By no means a specific word, since you can get into an awkward situation by using the wrong word.

7. Films, books and foreign songs will be a very good help to increase vocabulary

You can choose different films, for example, adapted, with or without subtitles, and the genre can be different. The more you watch, the more accents and speech styles you hear. As it turned out, there are a lot of colloquial phrases in films that you can remember and skillfully use in your speech.

Another good helper is a book. It doesn’t matter what kind of books they are, electronic or audio. By reading, you memorize words visually, as well as pronouncing them to yourself, which gives you every chance to expand your vocabulary.

Songs in English are another English vocabulary booster. They will help you develop the skill of speaking, easier assimilation, and memorization of words. Information that sounds like a «background» is sometimes absorbed even more firmly.

8. Do you think what to cook for dinner today? Look for the recipe on an English-language culinary website.

9. Change the language of the settings of your computer, mobile phone, and other gadgets to English.

10. Do you like to keep up to date with events, and read the news daily? Do not neglect English-language news portals. 

If you are not familiar with the sociopolitical vocabulary, then you can first read the news in your native language, and then find the same in English. At the same time, you will learn the point of view of the bourgeois press on various events. It is very interesting and often unexpected.

11. Mind map

According to most opinions, this is the coolest way to work with words. For example, choose the theme «Kitchen». You write in the center of the paper «kitchen», and then it’s time for creativity. Draw an arrow and write «food» and everything that fits into this category: potatoes, pasta, meat, onion, cucumber, and so on. Next, you can draw an arrow with actions, for example, what you can do with food: cook, book, peel, cut, slice, blend, and so on.

12. Use visual associations

For example, you learn the names of parts of the world, countries, and capitals. Print out a large contour map and sign all the names in the language you are studying. You see the outline of the country on the map – you understand what kind of country it is – you see its name in a foreign language, as well as the name of the capital. You do not need to compare the name in your native language, you directly build an association with the country and its foreign name.

The same can be done with a calendar for studying the days of the week, months, and numbers, with a wall clock, with objects in the room.


Learn Even More Words with Promova

How to learn new vocabulary? Every year new language apps appear in the App Store. It remains only to decide which one is right for you. It is better, of course, to look at those that are based on a scientific methodology.

Instead of starting a diary, or setting an alarm clock, you can use a smart Promova algorithm that will adjust to you and will tell you exactly when and which words should be repeated. The creators of the application promise that if you study for only three to four minutes a day, then in a month you will master 150 new words.

And expanding vocabulary will be guaranteed for a long time.

The words in the application are divided according to the level of complexity and different categories — from travel and chemistry to thematic collections based on popular TV series.

You don’t have to painfully try to figure out which words suit your language level or independently select words on a specific topic.

Another advantage of digital cards is that they are complemented by illustrations, in combination with which words are remembered better.


Vocabulary expansion is one of the indicators of the level of language proficiency. The number of known words is just a number that has no particular value. It is not necessary to strive for certain figures and draw conclusions based on them. But measuring vocabulary still makes sense.

Measuring the number of familiar words will help you track your progress in English. To do this, it is important to use the same methods – for example, always the same vocabulary test. If you take the test 1-2 times a year, you can see the progress. This will help, if necessary, adjust the balance in learning, pay more attention to vocabulary, or motivate you to further improvement.

Everyone learns differently, so if you don’t know what works for you yet, try as many ways or combinations of them as possible: word cards, phone apps, word lists, games, or stickers are great ways to increase your vocabulary. The same applies to finding the right time: some people need an accurate schedule, and others learn spontaneously. But the main thing is to practice systematically. Practice makes everything perfect and possible.


How do I remember the new words I’ve learned?

There is only one way to leave a word in memory for a long time: to constantly use it in speech. But if you do not live in a country with an English-speaking population, it is not so easy to follow this rule. Put the most difficult words at the beginning and end of the list. This is called the «edge effect». Memorizing words from the beginning and end of the list are remembered best. So write down there what you can’t master in any way.

How can I improve my English vocabulary fast?

Don’t learn English words in a vacuum. If you come across an unfamiliar word, and you decide to remember it, write down the context in which it was used. If you like a song, read its translation. Write down a quote that you particularly liked. Sing it during the next audition. Also improve your vocabulary with movies, music videos, and books.
There is no single indicator of whom, how and in what time should remember words. If suddenly something did not work out the first time, do not scold and do not blame yourself for it. Just go from the other side, look at the situation from a different angle, and in no case compare yourself with others. Everyone has an individual pace of learning a foreign language.

How do you learn new words daily?

Every day we have to assimilate and memorize large amounts of information. The process of memorizing is time-consuming, but properly selected methods will help to cope with this task. The main thing is to overcome laziness and find an interesting approach for you. Then memorizing words will not be a daily routine. Divide words into semantic blocks. Do not learn words out of context — immediately use them in speech. Periodically return to the studied material. Learn words piecemeal and don’t try to memorize everything at once. And be sure to combine memorization techniques. In order not to overload the memory, we advise you not to chase a lot of words. If you plan to study daily or at least every other day, 15 words will be enough.

Which app is best for learning English vocabulary?

If you are interested in services that help you memorize English words, we recommend Promova. Thanks to this resource, you will understand how it is easier to remember English words.
Promova will help you memorize new words every day and return to them at increasing intervals. The program will remind you when you need to repeat the words, in the specified order and with the desired frequency.

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