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places in town
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1. noun A space, typically a closet, that is large enough for one to literally walk inside it. Please tell me the closet’s a walk-in. You better hope it’s a walk-in, with all the stuff you own!
2. noun A customer or client who arrives or enters off the street, especially without a previous booking or appointment. Hey Bill, two walk-ins just showed up. Do we have any tables available? The clinic reserves mornings for walk-ins, but you can book an appointment for the afternoon if you prefer.
3. adjective Of or referring to such clients or customers. The doctors wanted to set up a free walk-in clinic for people who don’t have health insurance. The number of walk-in customers has plummeted ever since online shopping took off.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
1. mod. having to do with a customer who just comes in off the street. We were hoping for more walk-in trade.
2. n. a customer who walks in off the street. We had a couple of walk-ins this morning, but none of the hotel residents came.
McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
- walk together
- take a walk
- walk (one) off (one’s) feet
- walk somebody off their feet
- walk someone off their feet
- one’s sea legs
- sea legs
- walk it
- walk (right) this way
- walk (in) single file
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
шагают на месте
ходьбой на месте
I’ll follow in His footsteps. [walk in place]
We climb the hill, (Walk in place.)
At home, play a game of catch with your kids or walk in place as you watch television.
Дома вы можете поиграть с детьми в игры с мячом и заняться приседаниями или ходьбой на месте во время просмотра телевизора.
First, stand up, stretch, and walk in place every hour that you sit.
Начните регулярно разминаться, например, вставать, потягиваться и ходить каждый час из тех, что сидите.
If you have a sedentary robot, take five minutes every couple of hours to get out of the workplace and take a few turns, squat, and walk in place.
Если у вас сидячая робота, выделите по пять минут каждые пару часов на то, чтобы встать с рабочего места и сделать несколько поворотов, поприседать, сделать ходьбу на месте.
Just walk in place instead.
We climb the hill, (Walk in place.)
We’ll put on our costumes, walk down the street, (Walk in place.)
Результатов: 9. Точных совпадений: 9. Затраченное время: 74 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
входить, неожиданно нагрянуть, неожиданно появиться
- входить (без ведома хозяев)
- преим. амер.; разг. легко получить работу
- (walk in on) заставать (кого-л.) в стеснительной ситуации
Мои примеры
Примеры с переводом
Many of our customers walk in off the street without having heard of us before.
Многие наши клиенты приходят с улицы, ничего о нас до этого не слышав.
It was not a place to walk in late at night.
Это было не лучшее место для ночных прогулок.
If I walk in looking like that, they’ll think I’m not right in the head.
Если я войду туда в таком виде, они подумают, что у меня не в порядке с головой.
It was unlucky for Stephen that the boss happened to walk in just at that moment.
К сожалению для Стивена случилось так, что как раз в эту секунду туда вошёл начальник.
She took a walk in the snow.
Она прогулялась под снегом.
We went for a walk in the park.
Мы пошли в парк прогуляться.
It was too far for her to walk in high-heeled shoes.
Это было слишком далеко, чтобы она, на своих высоких каблуках, могла туда дойти.
ещё 12 примеров свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Why don’t we take a walk in the garden?
…please do not walk in the house with muddy boots on, as you will get the carpet dirty…
It was hot, and we decided to walk in the shadow of the wall (=along the wall, where its shadow would fall).
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What’s the difference between walk in and walk into in contexts like :
He walked into/in my room?
Are they interchangeable?
asked May 2, 2016 at 17:18
lekon chekonlekon chekon
2,69710 gold badges38 silver badges61 bronze badges
Sometimes they are used to mean the same thing, sometimes they aren’t. It depends on the context.
«Into» gives the idea of transitioning from outside to inside.
«In» can mean the same, but not necessarily. For example, «He walked in your room» could mean that he was already in the room and he walked (no transition from outside to inside).
But if someone is outside a room and says «I’m walking in your room», they would mean that they’re walking into the room. Whether that’s incorrect or not, I don’t know.
answered May 2, 2016 at 17:23
The main difference between walk in the garden and walk into the room is:
- to walk into means to enter [a place] or bang into. [walk into a wall] Walk into is not a phrasal verb. It implies a location or place.
- to walk in a place, like a garden or room means you are already inside the area and walking.
- but watch out for the noun: a walk-in clinic, you don’t need a appointment.
- In AE, walks-in is also used for hair dressing salons (no appointment needed).
When used as noun, a walk-in customer is one without an appointment.
answered May 2, 2016 at 20:02
39.4k3 gold badges29 silver badges84 bronze badges
He walked into/in my room
Usually, when the verb walk like go and come expresses the movement of someone to the inside of a place, it takes the preposition into, not in.
However, it’s correct to use ‘in’ in the same sense as an adverb, without a following noun of place or space. For examples:
He walked in and sat down in a chair.
The door was open so I just walked in.
answered May 3, 2016 at 3:46
26.9k1 gold badge27 silver badges50 bronze badges
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