Vulcan word for no

An example of Vulcan writing.

The Vulcan language (also known as Old Vulcan) was the language of the Vulcan people of the planet Vulcan. (TOS novelization: Star Trek: The Motion Picture) Humans were typically known to have difficulties in reproducing Vulcan speech. (TOS novel: The Patrian Transgression)

The Vulcans of Darien 224 also spoke an archaic form of Vulcan, having been stranded away from the rest of Vulcan culture for two millenia. (EV comic: «Cloak and Dagger») The word «reshek» was a symbol within the Vulcan alphabet of which it was the third. (TOS novel: Corona) In the Vulcan language, the words for science and philosophy sprung from the same route in that both disciplines needed to be pure, logical as well as free of emotions. (TOS novel: Crisis on Vulcan)

In the modern Vulcan language, the word for idiot is derived directly from an older compound word that means «one who fails to participate in civil affairs.» (TOS novel: Spock’s World) It also contained no word that corresponded to «coincidence». (TOS novel: The Entropy Effect) In addition, there was no Vulcan word for comedian and thus they were forced to use the English version when referring to it. (TOS novel: The Vulcan Academy Murders)

This was evident by the fact that there was no term for joke within the Vulcan language. (TOS novel: Crisis on Vulcan)

It was also stated that there were no curse words within their tongue. (TOS novel: Dreams of the Raven)

In more antiquated Vulcan language, when emotion was still commonplace, was the sentiment, «I grieve with thee».
It stated empathy and sympathy for one in turmoil, with no foreseeable answer in logic. (TOS episode: «Amok Time», TOS novel: The Return)


  • Ancient Vulcan (ST novel: The Return)
  • High Tongue (TOS novel: Exodus)
  • Modern Vulcan (TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible)
  • Old High Vulcan (TOS novel: The Romulan Way)
This article or section is incomplete
This article is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article’s talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.


adronn feltara
Phrase that meant «mind-peace», the act of clearing one’s mind from other thoughts. (TTN novel: Taking Wing)
To do with the practice of Vulcan nomenclature, the akhra name is an extended apellation that may be pronounced aloud by non-Vulcanoids. (TOS novel: Crossroad)
A religious term expressing an equivalence between matter, energy, and thought. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
Literally, «revenge worse than death». (TOS novel: Spock’s World, TOS novel: Vulcan’s Glory)
A word referring to the apparent knowledge of the Vulcan people that a higher power (i.e. God) does indeed exist. Falls under the Rule of Silences. (TOS novel: Spock’s World)
The Vulcan equivalent of fate, Klingon Honor or Bajoran pagh. (DS9Day of Honor novel: Armageddon Sky)
besaya glantaya
Phrase translates as «stellar observer», name of starship Besaya Glantaya. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
See bertakk soup.
Literally defined as «reality-truth» in Vulcan religion/philosophy, methods of emotional self-control and teachings of pacifism. The term cthia is also known simply as logic. (TOS novel: Spock’s World)
dorli fai-tukh
Phrase translates as «honored knowledge», name of starship Dorli Fai-tukh. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
dwemish Hi-An
Enok-Kal Fi Lar
Application of word translates as «knowledge», as in the names of the starships Dorli Fai-tukh and Yeht Fai-Tukh. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
fal chaya
Phrase translates as «noble endeavour», name of starship Fal Chaya. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
See forati sauce.
mountain. (TOS novel: Spock’s World)
The Vulcan word for the draw of Pon farr. There is no Human word. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
The Vulcan command to begin a marriage ceremony. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
Word in the Vulcan language, roughly the equivalent of «What is, is» in Federation Standard. «When one accepts what cannot be changed, one begins to think like a Vulcan.» (TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible)
kalifee v’rekor
Application of word translates as «challenge», as in the names of the koon-ut-kal-if-fee or the starship Tor-ut Koon. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
The «marriage or challenge». (TOS episode: «Amok Time»)
Vulcan language term used at the start of certain types of combat. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
Basically means, «let’s fight.» (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
kroykah or kroyka
Vulcan command that literally means, «stop!» or, «halt!» (TOS episode: «Amok Time»)
Enter, come, proceed. (TOS novel: The Prometheus Design)
A physical position, referred to as the «open posture,» used by Vulcans during meditation. (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky)
lunikkh ta-Vik
manil arek
Archaic Vulcan term that meant «swift death». Over the years, the term became distorted in the Romulan language and became known as ma’l Arik. (TOSVulcan’s Soul novel: Epiphany)
ni var
Term referring to a whole composed of two parts or halves. (TOSNew Voyages 2 short story: «Ni Var»)

Later used as the name of a starship Ni’Var and the re-naming of the planet Vulcan, as Ni’Var, after the Romulan reunification.
actually a name of an ancient Vulcan soldier who stood guard over the city of Gol and failed to see an army approaching. He was allowed to live and his failure led to his name meaning «fool» in the Vulcan language. (ENT episode: «Kir’Shara»)
Gut feeling, literally vibes. (TOS novel: Spock’s World)
Phrase translates as «pathfinder», name of starship Pahn-Ree. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
Term when translated meant «Corona». (TOS novel: Corona)
Term referring to places that are prone to unpredictable events. (TOS novel: Crossroad)
plak tow
«Blood fever» rage experienced during pon farr. (VOY episode: «Blood Fever»)
pon farr
See plomeek soup.
Vulcan interrogative phrase asking, «Is it thou?» Depending on the inflection, it’s similar to the Latin question, «Et tu, Bruté?» (And you, Brutus?) Julius Caesar’s final words. (TOS movie: The Final Frontier , novelization : Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
Old Vulcan word for «declared». This term was adopted by early Romulans and became djective. in their new language. (TOS novel: The Romulan Way)
shali bahn
Vulcan word, used as a derogatory adjective. (ENT novel: Age of the Empress)
Vulcan word for a Surakian school of logic. (ST novel: Captain’s Blood)
Application of word translates as «truth», as in the names of the starship Yeht Talal. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
translated to mean «Our minds are merging, becoming one» and part of the incantation of the Dashaya-Ni’Var ritual which had not been spoken for over two thousand years by 2267. (VAN novel: Open Secrets)
Vulcan word, in the intimate context of «lover». In casual, as a dear «friend» or «brother» (TOS novelization: Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
tor-ut koon
Phrase translates as «sacred challenge», name of starship Tor-ut Koon. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
t’san s’at
A word for «neighbor», but used in negative terms (Dr. McCoy states «it’s not a nice word», and explains it as preferring your neighbor to be under their land — in other words, dead — rather than living on it). (TOS novel: Spock’s World)
v’tosh ka’tur
Term for «…Vulcans without logic.» Viewed as outsiders to the traditional Vulcan way of repressing emotions and practicing logical behavior. (ENT episode: «Fusion»)
term for «Remember». (ENT episode: «The Forge»)
A word for «outsider», often used as an epithet. (TOS novel: Sarek)
yeht fai-tukh
Phrase translates as «true knowledge», name of starship Yeht Fai-Tukh. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
yeht talal
Phrase translates as «true discovery», name of starship Yeht Talal. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
Term meaning «friend». Raksha called this word out aboard the starship Nautilus to inform Spock that the yagghorth Nemo was a friendly monster. (TOS novel: Crossroad)


  • «Zero» — when a situation became too complicated, this referred to the need to return to the starting point. For example, «they must zero.» It was equivalent to a statement to calm down or relax in other languages. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)

External link

  • Vulcan language article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.


Altar • Andorian languages (Andorii • Graalen/Graalek • Greater Andorian • Lesser Andorian) • Bajoran (Balwan • Old Bajoran • Old High Bajoran) • Beta Promethean • Earth languages (Anglo-Saxon • Basque • Celtic • English • Farsi • French • Gaelic • German • Greek • Hebrew/Yiddish • Ibo • Italian • Japanese • Latin • Mandarin • Russian • Spanish • Swahili • Tagalog • Welsh) • Esperanta • Federation Standard (Galacta) • Ferengi (Trading Tongue) • Galacta (Federation Standard) • Gorn • Grennai • Klingonese (Battle Language • Klin trade patois • Klingonaase • Kumburan • Rumaiyn • ta’HoltlhIngan Hol/pIqaD • Warrior’s Tongue) • Makaro • Nemar • Old Hebitian • Old High Martian • Old Illyan • Olisu • Omearan • Orion language (High Orion • Kolari • Low Orion • Trader’s Tongue/Trader’s Script • Yrevish) • Orishan • Paklit • Payav • Pe • Realm Dialect • Reman • Rigellian Trade Dialect • Romulan (Rihannsu • High Rihan • Low Rihan • Old High Rihannsu) • Sign language (Gestural idiom) • Seshto • Taklathi • Tarn • Tellaran (Civil Conversation) • Tholian • Tzikaa!n • Vegan • Vulcan (Ancient Vulcan • High Tongue • Modern Vulcan • Old High Vulcan) • Xenexian • Xlatitigu

  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > Vulcan

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > vulcan

  • 3




    б) хромой, медлительный человек

    Англо-русский современный словарь > Vulcan

  • 4

    ˈvʌlkən сущ.;
    миф. Вулкан

    Vulcan римск. миф. Вулкан

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Vulcan

  • 5


    2) кузнец

    2. (vulcan)

    пожар; пламя; вулканический огонь

    НБАРС > vulcan

  • 6

    2) Религия: Вулкан

    3) Древне-римское: ( vulcan) пожар, Вулкан

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Vulcan

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > vulcan

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Vulcan

  • 9


    Vulcan римск. миф. Вулкан

    English-Russian short dictionary > Vulcan

  • 10

    [`vʌlkən] в римской мифологии Вулкан — бог огня, покровитель кузнечного ремесла. В греческой мифологии соответствует Гефесту — Hephaestus [hə`fi:stəs].

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Vulcan

  • 11



    хромой медлительный человек




    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > Vulcan

  • 12


    * * *

    (n) вулкан; вулканический огонь; кузнец; пламя; пожар

    * * *

    * * *


    * * *



    Новый англо-русский словарь > vulcan

  • 13

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > vulcan

  • 14

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > Vulcan

  • 15

    English-Russian smart dictionary > vulcan

  • 16

    1. n рим. миф. Вулкан

    2. n кузнец

    3. n поэт. пожар; пламя; вулканический огонь

    English-Russian base dictionary > Vulcan

  • 17
    Vulcan gun

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Vulcan gun

  • 18
    Vulcan Phalanx

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Vulcan Phalanx

  • 19
    Vulcan air defense (system)

    VAD, Vulcan air defense (system)

    зенитный артиллерийский комплекс «Вулкан»

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Vulcan air defense (system)

  • 20
    Vulcan air defense system

    VADS, Vulcan air defense system

    зенитный артиллерийский комплекс «Вулкан»

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Vulcan air defense system


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Vulcan — may refer to:Mythology*Vulcan (mythology), the blacksmith god of fire and volcanoes in Roman mythology **Hephaestus, the Greek god of smiths identified with Vulcan * Vulcan statue, the world s largest cast iron statue (of the god) and the city… …   Wikipedia

  • Vulcan — (deutsch ‚Vulkan‘) bezeichnet: Vulcanus, römische Gottheit M61 Vulcan, Maschinenkanone AG Vulcan Stettin, ehemalige deutsche Werft Vulcan.NET, eine Programmiersprache Crichton Vulcan, ehemalige finnische Werft Vulcan ist der Name folgender… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vulcan — es un brazo de desarrollo nacido del DBMS Firebird. Contenido 1 Objetivos 2 Nuevas características de Vulcan 3 SMP …   Wikipedia Español

  • vulcan — VULCÁN, vulcani, s.m. 1. Ridicătură muntoasă de formă conică, formată prin erupţia la suprafaţa solului a lavei şi a unor produse magmatice, având în centru o deschizătură largă. ♢ expr. A sta (ca) pe un vulcan = a fi ameninţat de o primejdie, de …   Dicționar Român

  • Vulcan — Vulcan: Содержание 1 Судоверфи 2 Механизмы 3 Оружие 4 В искусстве …   Википедия

  • Vulcan — Vul can, n. [L. Vulcanus, Volcanus: cf. Skr. ulk[=a] a firebrand, meteor. Cf. {Volcano}.] (Rom. Myth.) The god of fire, who presided over the working of metals; answering to the Greek Heph[ae]stus. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vulcan! — (1978) is a Star Trek novel by Kathleen Sky. According to David Gerrold, her husband Stephen Goldin was also involved in the writing, although not credited.Plot SummaryMr. Spock beams down to a crazy planet, full of murderous plots, in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Vulcan [1] — Vulcan, 1) s. Vulcanus; 3) s. Vulkan …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Vulcan — Vulcan, bei den Griechen Hephästos, Sohn des Jupiter und der Juno, Gott des Feuers und der Feuerarbeiter, dargestellt als hinkend, bärtig, mit Mütze u. Hammer; Gemahl der Venus, welche ihm viele Streiche spielte …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Vulcan — god of fire and metal work in Roman mythology, 1510s, from L. Vulcanus, a word of Etruscan origin. Often with allusions to his lameness and the unfaithfulness of his wife, Venus. As the name of a hypothetical planet between Mercury and the Sun,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Vulcan — [vul′kən] n. [L Vulcanus, Volcanus] Rom. Myth. the god of fire and of metalworking: later identified with the Greek Hephaestus …   English World dictionary


I’m often asked, “Where can I learn Vulcan?” Although the Vulcan Language Institute’s host server was hacked a few years ago and the original files were lost, most of the content, including instructional lessons, is still available at the Wayback Machine site. Much of the work on the Golic Vulcan languages — Traditional and Modern — was developed by this institute, first appearing online in 1998 and spearheaded by Mark R. Gardner, who posted on Facebook in 2018 that he was working on recovering the data. That didn’t happen, and in early 2020, he posted again that he was still trying to get the site back online. Mark’s pioneering work is also available as a print-on-demand book at Amazon. The book appears to be a copy of the Wayback Machine files and is an impressive 416 pages. It’s worth getting a copy, since the proceeds will help fund Mark’s endeavors.

Other fans, including Briht’uhn at, took up the torch where Gardner left off to develop other Vulcan languages. Briht’uhn spearheaded Ogen — the language of the Vulcan Diaspora — along with a calligraphic system and the Zun font. His site is still up but was abandoned in 2014, which is unfortunate, since he did some impressive work.

The Vulcan language learner can delve into the details of the Vulcan languages, as developed by these fans on these sites, so I won’t go into the developmental history here. Learners can also chat with other learners and get help in the Vuhlkansu Facebook group. The Vulcan Language Dictionary has also been going strong for many years. Along with Gardner’s Lexicon, the VLD is my main resource for vocabulary.

I don’t profess to be a linguist, just a linguaphile — a lover of languages. I’ve studied the grammar of eight different Earth languages — both European and Asian — and look forward to delving into more. What follows is a combination of Gardner’s lessons and my grammatical notes, some of which are my own invention since Gardner’s work didn’t reach the detail I needed to write Surak’s essays. I’ve had to invent both grammar, syntax, and vocabulary for Traditional Golic Vulcan at the Time of the Awakening, but I’ve always built upon what Gardner and the Vulcan Language Institute started.

Hopefully, the learner will find my grammatical notes to the Traditional Golic Vulcan of Surak’s time a satisfactory starting point fro translating his writings. I’m adding my notes here a little at a time, as I review Gardner’s book, incorporate any updates since I began writing, and adjust my own thinking. The goal is to provide those who wish to read Surak writings in the original Traditional Golic Vulcan a guide for translation. Because these notes also serve as guide for me, translating from English into TGV, they are not designed to be comprehensive. I have glossed over what I don’t need as a writer. Those wishing to learn TGV and MGV are encouraged to seek out the work of the Vulcan Language Institute.


In many of the Vulcan languages, the verb comes first in the sentence. This is true in Traditional Golic Vulcan, even in subordinate clauses. Vulcan verb forms also do not change between person and number (singular and plural).


Simple verbs, especially nam-tor, are often dropped when understood in common speech and writing, but in formal writing or for adding emphasis, such verbs are retained.

Surak la. Surak is here.

Vik pseth. The well is dry.

Aifa uzh-dunaplar t’du. These are your new books.

Nam-tor nash kaiidth. This is kaiidth.

Also, if the subject is the same, it is not repeated in the subordinate clause.

Dungi ki’kital nash-veh kuv vesht ma wak. I would have written if (I) had time.


The word ri is nearly identical to not in negating the action of a verb:

Ri bolau nash-veh masu. I do not need water.

Ri stariben nash-veh pa’riwesht il pa’naran. I do not speak of apathy but of acceptance.

Depending on the placement of ri in the sentence, it can provide emphasis to the following word:

Ri bolau sa-veh masu. He does not need water.

Bolau sa-veh ri masu. He does not need water.

Bolau ri sa-veh masu. He does not need water.

When there are multiple verbs in a sentence, apply ri where needed:

Ri aitlu ko-veh il bolau gol’nev t’nash-veh. She does not want nor need my help.

Aitlu hi ri bolau ko-veh gol’nev t’nash-veh. She wants but does not need my help.

Ri tishau yokul Surak kahm. Surak does not like to eat meat.

Weak Verbs




Most Golic Vulcan gerunds are formed by the verb-stem and the suffix -an or -an. If the stem ends in -a or -e, the gerund suffix is -yan.



gla-tor nash-veh I see / I am seeing


vesht gla-tor nash-veh I saw


ki’gla-tor nash-veh I have seen


ov’gla-tor nash-veh I had seen


fa-wak gla-tor nash-veh I shall see


fa-wak ki’gla-tor nash-veh I shall have seen


(kuv) vesht dungi gla-tor nash-veh (if) I were to see
yi’gla-tor nash-veh I would see
vesht dungi ki’gla-tor nash-veh I would have seen
dang-gla-tor nash-veh I should see
dang-ki’gla-tor nash-veh I should have seen


kup gla-tor nash-veh I can see / I am able to see
kupi gla-tor nash-veh I could see / I was able to see
kupi ki’gla-tor nash-veh I could have seen
Vun hal-tor sa-veh tal-tor paki-sehlat. He must go find the lost sehlat.
Lau tal-tor nash-veh yut fa-gad. I may/might find the way tomorrow.
Rok-tor nash-veh tal-tor os-dunap. I hope to find the old book.
Wedzh-tor ko-veh gla-tor per-gluvaya. She intends to see the play.



informal form gla’uh See!
honorific form gla’voh See!

Regular Verbs






kitau nash-veh I write / I am writing



ki’kital nash-veh I have written


ov’kital nash-veh I had written


fa-wak kitau nash-veh I shall write


fa-wak ki’kital nash-veh I shall have written


(kuv) dungi kital nash-veh (if) I were to write
yi’kitau nash-veh I would write
dungi ki’kital nash-veh I would have written
dang-kitau nash-veh I should write
dang-ki’kital nash-veh I should have written


kup kitau nash-veh I can write / I am able to write
kupi kitau nash-veh I could write / I was able to write
kupi ki’kital nash-veh I could have written
Bolau sa-veh yokel ein-vel. He needs to eat something.
Vun-sasau tu skladan na’ko-veh. You must transmit the message to her.
Lau-kitau Surak v’hak t’sa-veh. Surak may/might write his elegy.



informal form kita’uh Write!
honorific form kita’voh Write!

Irregular Strong Verbs







vesht estuhl nash-veh I touched


ki’estuhl nash-veh I have touched


ov’estuhl nash-veh I had touched


fa-wak estuhl nash-veh I shall touch


fa-wak ki’estuhl nash-veh I shall have touched


(kuv) vesht dungi estuhl nash-veh (if) I were to touch
vesht dungi ki’estuhl nash-veh I would have touched
dang-estuhl nash-veh I should see
dang-ki’estuhl nash-veh I should have seen


kup esthul nash-veh I can touch / I am able to touch
kupi estuhl nash-veh I could touch / I was able to touch
kupi ki’estuhl nash-veh I could have touched
Aitlu nash-veh gla-tor Surak. I want to see Surak.
Gish au fa-gad lasha. They expect to arrive tomorrow
Dotor nash-veh hal-tor na’Shi’Kahr. I plan to go to Shi’Kahr.



informal form estuhl’uh Touch!
honorific form estuhl’voh Touch!

Definitions For Vulcan


  • (Roman mythology) god of fire and metal working; counterpart of Greek Hephaestus

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Vulkan Run Time Libraries — это новейший API (интерфейс прикладного программирования) используемый для компьютерной графики. API это просто набор инструментов, которые программисты могут использовать для создания новых приложений, игр. 

Для чего нужен Vulkan?

Vulkan похож на старые графические API, такие как Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) и DirectX от Microsoft. Однако разработчики Vulkan построили его, чтобы обеспечить лучшую производительность и более сбалансированное использование процессора (CPU) и графического (GPU) процессора на вашем компьютере. Он построен вокруг современных задач высокой интенсивности, которые могут обрабатывать современные процессоры. Когда OpenGL и DirectX были новыми, вычислительное оборудование не обладало такой же мощью, как сегодня — они были созданы с использованием одноядерных процессоров. Vulkan более эффективен на современных многоядерных процессорах.

Vulkan является кросс-платформенным API, что позволяет ему работать на Android и Linux. В отличие от DirectX, который работает только на Windows и Xbox. Все это означает, что Vulkan — это своего рода новый стандарт для последних 3D-игр. Но это не значит, что старые API-интерфейсы бесполезны! Многие игры все еще используют их, и они все равно получают обновления.

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Вы можете легко проверить, есть ли у вас библиотеки Vulkan Run Time Libraries, установленные на вашем компьютере или ноутбуке. 

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Vulkan Run Time Libraries

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программа Vulkan

Еще можно просто зайти на локальный системный диск, где установлена сама windows, по следующему пути C:Program Files (x86)VulkanRT. Она может быть в папке и без (x86).

папка Vulcan RT

Как Vulkan попал на мой компьютер?

Если вы не помните установку Vulkan, то не переживайте. Когда вы обновили или установили новейшие драйвера видеокарты, то Vulkan Run Time Libraries установится автоматически. Обе графические карты NVIDIA и AMD теперь включают в себя Vulkan с обновлением драйверов. Поскольку Vulkan был выпущен только в начале 2016 года, старые видеокарты могут его не поддерживать. 

Какие игры поддерживает Vulkan?

Поскольку Vulkan — это новый API, вы не найдете сотни игр, которые его поддерживают. Тем не менее это не означает, что игры не используют его. Полный список игр, вы можете посмотреть в Википедии. (На русском списка не нашел).

  • The Talos Principle (2014): эта отличная игра-головоломка от первого лица была первой  поддерживающим «Вулкан».
  • Dota 2 (2013): популярная компания Valve MOBA представила поддержку Vulkan, вскоре после выхода API.
  • Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (2017): этот шутер от первого лица отличается только поддержкой Vulkan на ПК, а не старыми API.

Помимо этих игр, эмуляторы поддерживают Vulkan, такие как Dolphin (который эмулирует Nintendo GameCube) и игровые движки, такие как Source 2, Unity и CryEngine. Таким образом, мы можем ожидать больше игр с помощью Vulkan в будущем.

Должен ли я удалить Vulcan?

Если у вас установлен Vulkan на вашем компьютере, то вы скорее всего геймер или любитель поиграть в игры. Поскольку он загружается только с новейшими драйверами видеокарты. Вы не получите Vulkan при использовании встроенной видеокарты с интегрированной графикой.

Вы обязательно должны оставить и не удалять Vulkan с компьютера. Поскольку это новейший графический API, без помощи которого вы не сможете запускать более новые игры. Кроме того, нет возможности установить отдельно программу Vulkan Run Time Libraries. Если вы удалите ее, и решили потом снова установить, то вам придется переустановить графические драйверы видеокарт. Наличие этой библиотеки на вашем компьютере не приведет ни к каким поломкам. Он занимает мало места, не отвлекает вас разными уведомлениями и не является вирусом, как многие думают.

Vulkan — это гвоздь графики

Теперь вы знаете, что такое Vulkan Run Time Libraries, почему они находятся на вашем компьютере и что они делают для вас. Любой компьютерный геймер должен иметь этот набор библиотек в своей системе, чтобы последние игры шли гладко. Вы должны получать обновления для Vulkan, когда вы обновляете свои графические драйверы, поэтому вам не о чем беспокоиться.

Официальный сайт:

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