Vocabulary word lists with definitions

  1. Kings of B’More

    When sixteen-year-old Harrison Meredith finds out that his best friend Linus Munro is moving away, he plans a surprise…

  2. Far AwayLisa Graff

    When twelve-year-old Caraway June Ames learns that she may lose the connection to her mom’s spirit in Far Away, she…

  3. You Go FirstErin Entrada Kelly

    Twelve-year old Charlotte Lockard lives in Pennsylvania while eleven-year-old Benjamin Boxer lives in Louisiana, but…

  4. Katt vs. DoggJames Patterson and Chris Grabenstein

    Molly the katt and Oscar the dogg belong to different families who hiss and growl at each other, but when they both get…

  5. A Snicker of MagicNatalie Lloyd

    Twelve-year-old Felicity Juniper Pickle, with the help of a mysterious Beedle, tries to bring magic back to the town of…

  1. Unequal: A Story of AmericaMichael Eric Dyson and Marc Favreau

    In this nonfiction story of America, the authors recount the struggles of key African Americans in the country’s march…

  2. Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I a Woman?Patricia McKissack

    This biography chronicles the life of Sojourner Truth, a woman who was born a slave, and who became the embodiment of…

  3. Society and SolitudeRalph Waldo Emerson

    In this collection of twelve essays, the leader of New England’s transcendentalist movement shares his philosophical…

  1. Common SenseThomas Paine

    In this pamphlet, Paine urges the American colonists to fight for independence from Great Britain and form a new…


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, when Muhammad’s first revelation of the Quran is…

20 Words

Holi Festival

Holi – the Festival of Colors, Festival of Spring, and Festival of Love – is one of the most popular…

20 Words

150 Vocabulary Word-Definition Lists and Worksheets for Middle – High School

Here are a total of 150 downloadable learning and instructional documents to help with expanding and building vocabulary for middle and high school students. These cover a variety of topics, and include word and definition lists, vocabulary exercises, worksheets and lessons. They are pdf  files, unless indicated as .doc format. Update: here are our latest vocabulary posts: 373 Greek and Latin Roots in English Words, Vocabulary For Middle and High School Students and 106 More Vocabulary and Spelling Worksheets, Lists, Texts and Videos, Grades 1-8. Also, don’t miss 150 Spelling Books to freely download.

  • 20 Vocabulary Words, Middle School
  • 35 Word Chain Crossword Puzzles with answers
  • 3rd Grade Vocabulary Words
  • 3rd Grade Word Study Worksheets
  • 47 Vocabulary Worksheets, Answers at end – Higher Grades
  • 100 Words Every High School Freshman Should Know
  • 100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 1, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 2, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 3, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 4, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 5, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 6, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 7, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 8, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 9, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 10, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 11, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 12, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 13, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 14, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 15, High School
  • 100 Vocabulary Tests with Answers, Intermediate
  • 100 Vocabulary Units & Tests with Answers, Advanced
  • 100 Vocabulary Units & Tests with Answers, Intermediate
  • 500 Vocabulary Words, HS Levels C and D
  • 1250 Words & Phrases in 60 Units with Answers, Elementary
  • A ‘Word’ About Vocabulary
  • Academic Vocabulary List
  • Agriculture Vocabulary Words
  • Algebra Vocabulary List, Definitions for Middle School
  • Approaching New Words
  • Architecture Vocabulary Words
  • Back Words for Back to School A Vocabulary Brain Teaser
  • Beginning Middle and End of Words with Test and Answers
  • Beowulf Vocabulary Words
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  • Cellular Transport Vocabulary Words
  • Check Your English Vocabulary for Medicine
  • Common Vocabulary Words Level 1 – Verbs
  • Connotation Chart with answer key
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  • Ecology Vocabulary Words
  • Eighth Grade Literary Terms You Should Know.doc
  • Emotions Vocabulary Words
  • Energy Vocabulary Words
  • Engaging Activities for English Vocabulary Learners
  • Evolution Vocabulary Words
  • Five Senses Example for Generating Similes-Metaphors
  • Five Senses Organizer for Generating Similes-Metaphors
  • Flocabulary SAT Vocabulary Word List
  • Fossil Vocabulary
  • Getting ‘In’ to Prefixes
  • GMAT Vocabulary List
  • GRE Vocab Flashcard eBook
  • Helping your school age child to understand and use words
  • High School Music Band Vocabulary
  • Language Arts Instructional Routine Book K-6th Grade
  • Lesson for Spelling and Vocabulary Contest
  • Lord of the Flies Chapters 1-4 Vocabulary Worksheet
  • Matter Vocabulary Words
  • Metaphors in I Have A Dream speech
  • Middle School Assessment Vocabulary
  • Middle School Level Vocabulary Matching Words 1
  • Middle School Math Terminology
  • Middle School Math Vocabulary Word Wall Cards
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  • Prefix Suffix Root List Chart.doc
  • SAT Vocabulary Words Commonly Tested
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  • Six-Step Vocabulary Instructional Practice
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  • Tier 2 Vocabulary Words for High School
  • Top 1000 Vocabulary Words
  • Vertebrates Vocabulary Words
  • Vocabulary Activities
  • Vocabulary Critical Word List with Definitions, to Grade 12
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards – Basic Set
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards – Easy Set
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards – Hard Set
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards – Medium Set
  • Vocabulary Games for Middle School
  • Vocabulary Learning Strategies
  • Vocabulary Lesson 1 – Cuisine.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 2 – Law.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 3 – Money and Finance.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 4 – School Days.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 5 – Feelings.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 6 – Writing and Editing.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 7 – Construction.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 8 – Sports.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 9 – Behavior.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 10 – Nature and Wildlife.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 11 – Mystery and Suspense.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 12 – Clothing and Fashion.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 13 – Travel .doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 14 – Government.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 15 – Medicine .doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 16 – History.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 17 – Language and Literature.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 18 – Transportation.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 19 – Suffixes -ation-tion-ion-sion.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 20 – Agriculture.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 21 – The Military.doc
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  • Vocabulary Lesson 26 – Occupations.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 27 – Actions.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 28 – Health.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 29 – Art and Music.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 30 – Science.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 31 – Hobbies.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 32 – Business.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 33 – Animal Life.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 34 – Prefixes di-dis-.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 35 – Prefixes co-con-com-.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 36 – Verbal Communication.doc
  • Vocabulary Words, 3rd Unit
  • Vocabulary Worksheet Grade 9
  • Vocabulary Workshop Unit 2, 20 Words for 6th Grade
  • Vocabulary Workshop Unit 3, 20 Words for 6th Grade
  • Weather Climate Vocabulary
  • Word Games and Puzzles
  • Word List for Graduate Management Admission Test
  • Words Often Confused Set 1, scan
  • Words Often Confused Set 2, scan
  • Workshop 1 Vocabulary Words
  • Workshop 4 Vocabulary Words
  • WW II Vocabulary Words
150 Vocabulary Word and Definition Lists for Middle-High School

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Academic Vocabulary List

See more videos like this here.

Note: These are general meanings for the words. You may encounter other definitions depending on context.
Check a dictionary for other meanings.

See also:

Word Definition, meaning
adolescent a teenager
affiliate associate as a member
alarm a device that sound a warning
alley a narrow passageway or street
almanac book of facts published annually
alphabet a set of English letters
alternative choice, selection, option
analgesic something used to reduce pain
antique object prized for its age
apiece each, individually
appetite desire to eat
approach get closer
ardor with great intensity
assemble come together, meet
astonish surprise, amaze
astronomy science that deals with the universe
athlete sportsman or woman
attic area between the roof and ceiling of a house
authenticity reality, certainty
axe instrument used in chopping wood
Word Definition, meaning
bake to cook in an oven
banknote paper money or currency
bargain something you can buy cheaply
barrel a large round container used for holding great amounts of liquid
bat a small, furry mammal which flies at night
bathrobe clothing worn after taking a shower
blackout electric power outage
blade the flat, cutting edge of a knife or tool
blame to accuse someone or wrongdoing
blank empty, without any marks
blissful extremely happy
boast brag; say great things about yourself
bounce spring or leap like a ball
burglar one who breaks into a building and steals
Word Definition, meaning
cage a structure made of wires or bars for confining animals
carve to create a form by cutting
cattle a general name for “cows”
cellophane a plastic wrapping
century period of one hundred years
challenge call for energetic work or action
charge postpone or delay payment until the bill comes
chew to cut and grind with the teeth
chime device that produces a bell-like sound
cite give reference to
coffin a box in which a dead body is placed for burial
collapse fall down
combination joining together of things or ideas
compassion feeling of sympathy towards another person
compensation payment for service, loss or expense
concoct create by combining various ingredients
condominium individual home within a building of similar homes
confess admit to wrongdoing
confront raise an issue directly and argumentatively
conquer defeat, overcome
consumer person who buys things
contact to get in touch with; get together to talk with
contemporary from the same time period
cope handle or deal with a difficult situation
cork material from the bark of a tree, often used for wine bottles tops
coward a person who is not brave
cracker a hard, salty, cookie-like food
cream thick, fluffy milk based product
credentials qualifications or background
crook a thief, criminal, swindler
crummy lousy, miserable, or worthless
curiosity desire to know; inquisitive interest
Word Definition, meaning
decathlon ten track and field events
decorative ornamental, with artistic design
dent weaken, lessen the value of something, usually by hitting
depending trusting, relying on
deposit put money into a bank account
desperate without hope
dessert sweet dish served after a meal
detect to discover the existence of something
devout very religious
dip put lightly into water or liquid
discrimination treating people unfairly because of their differences
dozen a set of twelve
drudgery hard, uninteresting labor
dull boring, not exciting; not bright or sharp
dweller inhabitant, person who lives at a certain place
Word Definition, meaning
earn get money through working
eclipse event obscuring the sun or moon
emerald a precious stone of bright green color
encourage give help, support or confidence
ensure make certain, insure
enthusiastic very interested or excited about something
entirely on the whole
estate property, land, possessions
evaluate give feedback
evolve develop slowly
exhausted extremely tired
exile forced removal from one’s country
expansion growth
expert a person with a high degree of knowledge or skill
eyelid a fold of skin which covers the eyeball
Word Definition, meaning
fantasy imagination, dream world
fascinating very interesting, exciting, fun
fatal causing death
finesse ability to handle difficult situations well
fleet group of ships
flock group of sheep
fold to lay or bend something over upon itself
former the first of two things
fortune good or bad luck, fate
frighten to make someone scared or afraid
fugitive one who tries to escape, runaway
fur thick animal hair
Word Definition, meaning
galaxy a group of millions of stars
gallery place where art is displayed for the public
generous giving unselfishly, usually large amounts
gigantic huge, large, enormous
glance to look quickly
glimpse a brief look; an indication
goofy funny, silly
Word Definition, meaning
hanger a device upon which clothing is hung
harvest gather crops at the end of growing season
hatch break out of an egg
havoc a lot of trouble, chaos
heir one who inherits from a parent
hemorrhage excessive bleeding
hop jump a short distance, sometimes on one foot
Word Definition, meaning
ignore a device upon which clothing is hung
illusion false idea, dream
immigrant person who comes into a country to live
incident an occurrence or even; happening
incredible unbelievable
inferior of lower or lesser quality
inform to tell, give the facts
inhabitant resident
inquire ask questions
inquiry the act or process of questioning
instinct natural or innate ability
interfere to get in the way; prevent someone from doing a task
irrational impossible to explain reasonably
irrelevant not related or applicable
issue things that need to be discussed
Word Definition, meaning
jam sweet preserved fruit spread
jogging running slowly
juvenile young, immature, youthful
Word Definition, meaning
knot formed when two ropes are tied together
Word Definition, meaning
lack absence, deficiency
latter the second of two things
leak a hole or crack which allows water to pass thorough
lecturer a university professor
legitimate lawful, conforming to accepted standards
listless lacking energy or spirit
log a fallen tree trunk or bulky piece of timber
lonely without needed companionship
lumber wood which has been sawed into boards
Word Definition, meaning
magician one who performs illusions
maid paid housekeeper
mathematics course subject dealing with numbers and calculations
melt to reduce from a solid to a liquid by heat
monopoly complete commercial control
motive reason
museum institute that displays artifacts for the public
Word Definition, meaning
naked without covering or clothing
narrow thin, not wide
nationwide everywhere in the country
negligent failing to give proper care or attention
Word Definition, meaning
observe perceive thorough the senses, see
octopus deep sea animal with eight legs
opaque not transparent
ounce unit of weight, one-sixteenth of a pound
outraged upset, very mad
outskirts the suburbs, area around a city
outstanding distinguished, excellent
owe to be under obligation or indebted to someone
own possess
Word Definition, meaning
parlance language, usually used by a particular group
participation taking part, getting involved in a group activity
patriotic having feelings of devotion towards one’s country
peak top of the mountain
peasant poor, simple farmer
peddler someone who sells things
perceive sense, notice, observe through the senses
perceive to sense (see, hear, smell, touch)
personality the nature or character of a person
plug part of a machine connected to an electrical source
pocket a flat pouch sewn into the clothing
poll survey from the general population
portion small part or section
pounding beating, hitting repeatedly
poverty condition of being poor
practical useful and realistic
premarital before marriage
prevent stop something from happening
priceless very valuable
profit money people make from business
proportion segment or section, percentage of the whole
province a designated political area within a country
psychiatry branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders
punish impose a penalty for wrongful behavior
puppet doll or toy which can be animated by manipulation
Word Definition, meaning
qualm feeling of uneasiness, doubt or fear
Word Definition, meaning
railing a bar which is used for support when climbing stairs
rainbow an arch containing the colors of the spectrum
ramble to talk on an on without saying much
rancher person who owns a large farm with animals
region area, location
reinforce give support to, strengthen
relationship social connection between people
release set free, allow to go out
reluctance hesitation, unwillingness to do something
rendezvous meeting at a pre-arranged place
revenue earnings, income from a business
revolver gun, pistol
ribbon a narrow strip of cloth used for decoration
rinse to cleanse with water after washing with soap
rise go up, get higher
risk possibility of danger or loss
roam wander, walk around without direction
rough having a bumpy surface; not smooth
route path, road, way
Word Definition, meaning
sample try or test food for taste
sand a grainy type of soil found on beaches
scientist an expert in a field of study
seal an aquatic mammal prized for its fur
severe cruel, harsh
sheet a large thin cloth which can be spread on a bed
significantly in an important or meaningful way
skill ability, talent
slang informal language
slim skinny; thin
soak to immerse or drench in water or other liquid
sober not drunk; serious
spill allow something to fall or run out of a vessel or container
spoil to make the quality of something worse
sponge an absorbent material used for washing
squeeze to compress; press closely, usually for extracting juice
starvation terrible hunger
stow put something in a small space for storage
struggle have difficulty doing something; fight
subsequent coming after, following
supply materials kept in stock for future use
survey (noun) a questionnaire, or a report showing results of a poll
survey (verb) ask questions to find out people’s opinions
swallow to move food or drinks down the throat
swell get bigger, enlarge
swing to move back and forth, sway
Word Definition, meaning
tap to strike or hit gently
telescope instrument for viewing distant objects
teller a person who works at a bank window
textile fabric, cloth, woven material
therapy professional psychological counseling
thermometer an instrument used for measuring temperature
thrilling exciting
thunder noise usually followed by a flash of lightning
tipping giving extra money for services
toss throw lightly
trampoline athletic equipment used for jumping into the air
transfer change vehicles or transportation en route to one’s destination
trapper person who catches wild animals for a living
treat special delight
trend a fad that lasts for a long time
trophy prize given in a race or competition
Word Definition, meaning
unflattering not in a complimentary way
upgrade improve the quality of something
Word Definition, meaning
varnish a substance painted on wood to make it glossy
vast huge, immense
vocational pertaining to a specific job
volunteer person who gives service without pay
Word Definition, meaning
walrus large seal-like mammal with tusks
warehouse large building for storage
warrior fighter
waste use wrongly, use too much of
wed get married
widespread covering a large area
widow woman whose husband has died
wilderness wild, unsettled area
withdraw take money out of the bank
wooden made of lumber or timber products
workaholic compulsive worker
wrap to cover with paper, cloth, or plastic
Word Definition, meaning
yawn open the mouth in an expression of sleepiness

Note: These are general meanings for the words. You may encounter other definitions depending on context.
Check a dictionary for other meanings.

See Academic Vocabulary Exercises for quizzes matching words and definitions.

Man and woman: The terms ‘men’ and ‘women’ refer exclusively to humans. Humans are shaped by both biological sex and socio-cultural gender.

List of Man and woman Vocabulary Word Book


























Post Views: 1,705

Headword    Sublist    Related word forms    analyse 1 analysed, analyser, analysers, analyses, analysing, analysis, analyst, analysts, analytic, analytical, analytically, analyze, analyzed, analyzes, analyzing approach 1 approachable, approached, approaches, approaching, unapproachable area 1 areas assess 1 assessable, assessed, assesses, assessing, assessment, assessments, reassess, reassessed, reassessing, reassessment, unassessed assume 1 assumed, assumes, assuming, assumption, assumptions authority 1 authoritative, authorities available 1 availability, unavailable benefit 1 beneficial, beneficiaries, beneficiary, benefited, benefiting, benefits concept 1 conception, concepts, conceptual, conceptualisation, conceptualise, conceptualised, conceptualises, conceptualising, conceptually consist 1 consisted, consistency, consistent, consistently, consisting, consists, inconsistencies, inconsistency, inconsistent constitute 1 constituencies, constituency, constituent, constituents, constituted, constitutes, constituting, constitution, constitutional, constitutionally, constitutions, constitutive, unconstitutional context 1 contexts, contextual, contextualise, contextualised, contextualising, contextualize, contextualized, contextualizing, uncontextualised, uncontextualized contract 1 contracted, contracting, contractor, contractors, contracts create 1 created, creates, creating, creation, creations, creative, creatively, creativity, creator, creators, recreate, recreated, recreates, recreating data 1 define 1 definable, defined, defines, defining, definition, definitions, redefine, redefined, redefines, redefining, undefined derive 1 derivation, derivations, derivative, derivatives, derived, derives, deriving distribute 1 distributed, distributing, distribution, distributional, distributions, distributive, distributor, distributors, redistribute, redistributed, redistributes, redistributing, redistribution economy 1 economic, economical, economically, economics, economies, economist, economists, uneconomical environment 1 environmental, environmentalist, environmentalists, environmentally, environments establish 1 disestablish, disestablished, disestablishes, disestablishing, disestablishment, established, establishes, establishing, establishment, establishments estimate 1 estimated, estimates, estimating, estimation, estimations, over-estimate, overestimate, overestimated, overestimates, overestimating, underestimate, underestimated, underestimates, underestimating evident 1 evidence, evidenced, evidential, evidently export 1 exported, exporter, exporters, exporting, exports factor 1 factored, factoring, factors finance 1 financed, finances, financial, financially, financier, financiers, financing formula 1 formulae, formulas, formulate, formulated, formulating, formulation, formulations, reformulate, reformulated, reformulating, reformulation, reformulations function 1 functional, functionally, functioned, functioning, functions identify 1 identifiable, identification, identified, identifies, identifying, identities, identity, unidentifiable income 1 incomes indicate 1 indicated, indicates, indicating, indication, indications, indicative, indicator, indicators individual 1 individualised, individualism, individualist, individualistic, individualists, individuality, individually, individuals interpret 1 interpretation, interpretations, interpretative, interpreted, interpreting, interpretive, interprets, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misinterpretations, misinterpreted, misinterpreting, misinterprets, reinterpret, reinterpretation, reinterpretations, reinterpreted, reinterpreting, reinterprets involve 1 involved, involvement, involves, involving, uninvolved issue 1 issued, issues, issuing labour 1 labor, labored, labors, laboured, labouring, labours legal 1 illegal, illegality, illegally, legality, legally legislate 1 legislated, legislates, legislating, legislation, legislative, legislator, legislators, legislature major 1 majorities, majority method 1 methodical, methodological, methodologies, methodology, methods occur 1 occurred, occurrence, occurrences, occurring, occurs, reoccur, reoccurred, reoccurring, reoccurs percent 1 percentage, percentages period 1 periodic, periodical, periodically, periodicals, periods policy 1 policies principle 1 principled, principles, unprincipled proceed 1 procedural, procedure, procedures, proceeded, proceeding, proceedings, proceeds process 1 processed, processes, processing require 1 required, requirement, requirements, requires, requiring research 1 researched, researcher, researchers, researches, researching respond 1 responded, respondent, respondents, responding, responds, response, responses, responsive, responsiveness, unresponsive role 1 roles section 1 sectioned, sectioning, sections sector 1 sectors significant 1 insignificant, insignificantly, significance, significantly, signified, signifies, signify, signifying similar 1 dissimilar, similarities, similarity, similarly source 1 sourced, sources, sourcing specific 1 specifically, specification, specifications, specificity, specifics structure 1 restructure, restructured, restructures, restructuring, structural, structurally, structured, structures, structuring, unstructured theory 1 theoretical, theoretically, theories, theorist, theorists vary 1 invariable, invariably, variability, variable, variables, variably, variance, variant, variants, variation, variations, varied, varies, varying achieve 2 achievable, achieved, achievement, achievements, achieves, achieving acquire 2 acquired, acquires, acquiring, acquisition, acquisitions administrate 2 administrates, administration, administrations, administrative, administratively, administrator, administrators affect 2 affected, affecting, affective, affectively, affects, unaffected appropriate 2 appropriacy, appropriately, appropriateness, inappropriacy, inappropriate, inappropriately aspect 2 aspects assist 2 assistance, assistant, assistants, assisted, assisting, assists, unassisted category 2 categories, categorisation, categorise, categorised, categorises, categorising, categorization, categorized, categorizes, categorizing chapter 2 chapters commission 2 commissioned, commissioner, commissioners, commissioning, commissions community 2 communities complex 2 complexities, complexity compute 2 computable, computation, computational, computations, computed, computer, computerised, computers, computing conclude 2 concluded, concludes, concluding, conclusion, conclusions, conclusive, conclusively, inconclusive, inconclusively conduct 2 conducted, conducting, conducts consequent 2 consequence, consequences, consequently construct 2 constructed, constructing, construction, constructions, constructive, constructs, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, reconstruction, reconstructs consume 2 consumed, consumer, consumers, consumes, consuming, consumption credit 2 credited, crediting, creditor, creditors, credits culture 2 cultural, culturally, cultured, cultures, uncultured design 2 designed, designer, designers, designing, designs distinct 2 distinction, distinctions, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly, indistinct, indistinctly element 2 elements equate 2 equated, equates, equating, equation, equations evaluate 2 evaluated, evaluates, evaluating, evaluation, evaluations, evaluative, re-evaluate, re-evaluated, re-evaluates, re-evaluating, re-evaluation feature 2 featured, features, featuring final 2 finalise, finalised, finalises, finalising, finality, finalize, finalized, finalizes, finalizing, finally, finals focus 2 focused, focuses, focusing, focussed, focussing, refocus, refocused, refocuses, refocusing, refocussed, refocusses, refocussing impact 2 impacted, impacting, impacts injure 2 injured, injures, injuries, injuring, injury, uninjured institute 2 instituted, institutes, instituting, institution, institutional, institutionalise, institutionalised, institutionalises, institutionalising, institutionalized, institutionalizes, institutionalizing, institutionally, institutions invest 2 invested, investing, investment, investments, investor, investors, invests, reinvest, reinvested, reinvesting, reinvestment, reinvests item 2 itemisation, itemise, itemised, itemises, itemising, items journal 2 journals maintain 2 maintained, maintaining, maintains, maintenance normal 2 abnormal, abnormally, normalisation, normalise, normalised, normalises, normalising, normality, normalization, normalize, normalized, normalizes, normalizing, normally obtain 2 obtainable, obtained, obtaining, obtains, unobtainable participate 2 participant, participants, participated, participates, participating, participation, participatory perceive 2 perceived, perceives, perceiving, perception, perceptions positive 2 positively potential 2 potentially previous 2 previously primary 2 primarily purchase 2 purchased, purchaser, purchasers, purchases, purchasing range 2 ranged, ranges, ranging region 2 regional, regionally, regions regulate 2 deregulated, deregulates, deregulating, deregulation, regulated, regulates, regulating, regulation, regulations, regulator, regulators, regulatory, unregulated relevant 2 irrelevance, irrelevant, relevance reside 2 resided, residence, resident, residential, residents, resides, residing resource 2 resourced, resourceful, resources, resourcing, under-resourced, unresourceful restrict 2 restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictions, restrictive, restrictively, restricts, unrestricted, unrestrictive secure 2 insecure, insecurities, insecurity, secured, securely, secures, securing, securities, security seek 2 seeking, seeks, sought select 2 selected, selecting, selection, selections, selective, selectively, selector, selectors, selects site 2 sites strategy 2 strategic, strategically, strategies, strategist, strategists survey 2 surveyed, surveying, surveys text 2 texts, textual tradition 2 non-traditional, traditional, traditionalist, traditionally, traditions transfer 2 transferable, transference, transferred, transferring, transfers alternative 3 alternatively, alternatives circumstance 3 circumstances comment 3 commentaries, commentary, commentator, commentators, commented, commenting, comments compensate 3 compensated, compensates, compensating, compensation, compensations, compensatory component 3 componentry, components consent 3 consensus, consented, consenting, consents considerable 3 considerably constant 3 constancy, constantly, constants, inconstancy, inconstantly constrain 3 constrained, constraining, constrains, constraint, constraints, unconstrained contribute 3 contributed, contributes, contributing, contribution, contributions, contributor, contributors convene 3 convened, convenes, convening, convention, conventional, conventionally, conventions, unconventional coordinate 3 co-ordinate, co-ordinated, co-ordinates, co-ordinating, co-ordination, co-ordinator, co-ordinators, coordinated, coordinates, coordinating, coordination, coordinator, coordinators core 3 cored, cores, coring corporate 3 corporates, corporation, corporations correspond 3 corresponded, correspondence, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponds criteria 3 criterion deduce 3 deduced, deduces, deducing, deduction, deductions demonstrate 3 demonstrable, demonstrably, demonstrated, demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstration, demonstrations, demonstrative, demonstratively, demonstrator, demonstrators document 3 documentation, documented, documenting, documents dominate 3 dominance, dominant, dominated, dominates, dominating, domination emphasis 3 emphasise, emphasised, emphasising, emphasize, emphasized, emphasizes, emphasizing, emphatic, emphatically ensure 3 ensured, ensures, ensuring exclude 3 excluded, excludes, excluding, exclusion, exclusionary, exclusionist, exclusions, exclusive, exclusively framework 3 frameworks fund 3 funded, funder, funders, funding, funds illustrate 3 illustrated, illustrates, illustrating, illustration, illustrations, illustrative immigrate 3 immigrant, immigrants, immigrated, immigrates, immigrating, immigration imply 3 implied, implies, implying initial 3 initially instance 3 instances interact 3 interacted, interacting, interaction, interactions, interactive, interactively, interacts justify 3 justifiable, justifiably, justification, justifications, justified, justifies, justifying, unjustified layer 3 layered, layering, layers link 3 linkage, linkages, linked, linking, links locate 3 located, locating, location, locations, relocate, relocated, relocates, relocating, relocation maximise 3 max, maximisation, maximised, maximises, maximising, maximization, maximize, maximized, maximizes, maximizing, maximum minor 3 minorities, minority, minors negate 3 negated, negates, negating, negative, negatively, negatives outcome 3 outcomes partner 3 partners, partnership, partnerships philosophy 3 philosopher, philosophers, philosophical, philosophically, philosophies, philosophise, philosophised, philosophises, philosophising, philosophize, philosophized, philosophizes, philosophizing physical 3 physically proportion 3 disproportion, disproportionate, disproportionately, proportional, proportionally, proportionate, proportionately, proportions publish 3 published, publisher, publishers, publishes, publishing, unpublished react 3 reacted, reacting, reaction, reactionaries, reactionary, reactions, reactivate, reactivation, reactive, reactor, reactors, reacts register 3 deregister, deregistered, deregistering, deregisters, deregistration, registered, registering, registers, registration rely 3 reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance, reliant, relied, relies, relying, unreliable remove 3 removable, removal, removals, removed, removes, removing scheme 3 schematic, schematically, schemed, schemes, scheming sequence 3 sequenced, sequences, sequencing, sequential, sequentially sex 3 sexes, sexism, sexual, sexuality, sexually shift 3 shifted, shifting, shifts specify 3 specifiable, specified, specifies, specifying, unspecified sufficient 3 insufficient, insufficiently, sufficiency, sufficiently task 3 tasks technical 3 technically technique 3 techniques technology 3 technological, technologically valid 3 invalidate, invalidity, validate, validated, validating, validation, validity, validly volume 3 volumes access 4 accessed, accesses, accessibility, accessible, accessing, inaccessible adequate 4 adequacy, adequately, inadequacies, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately annual 4 annually apparent 4 apparently approximate 4 approximated, approximately, approximates, approximating, approximation, approximations attitude 4 attitudes attribute 4 attributable, attributed, attributes, attributing, attribution civil 4 code 4 coded, codes, coding commit 4 commitment, commitments, commits, committed, committing communicate 4 communicable, communicated, communicates, communicating, communication, communications, communicative, communicatively, uncommunicative concentrate 4 concentrated, concentrates, concentrating, concentration confer 4 conference, conferences, conferred, conferring, confers contrast 4 contrasted, contrasting, contrastive, contrasts cycle 4 cycled, cycles, cyclic, cyclical, cycling debate 4 debatable, debated, debates, debating despite 4 dimension 4 dimensional, dimensions, multidimensional domestic 4 domestically, domesticate, domesticated, domesticating, domestics emerge 4 emerged, emergence, emergent, emerges, emerging error 4 erroneous, erroneously, errors ethnic 4 ethnicity goal 4 goals grant 4 granted, granting, grants hence 4 hypothesis 4 hypotheses, hypothesise, hypothesised, hypothesises, hypothesising, hypothesize, hypothesized, hypothesizes, hypothesizing, hypothetical, hypothetically implement 4 implementation, implemented, implementing, implements implicate 4 implicated, implicates, implicating, implication, implications impose 4 imposed, imposes, imposing, imposition integrate 4 integrated, integrates, integrating, integration internal 4 internalise, internalised, internalises, internalising, internalize, internalized, internalizes, internalizing, internally investigate 4 investigated, investigates, investigating, investigation, investigations, investigative, investigator, investigators job 4 jobs label 4 labeled, labeling, labelled, labelling, labels mechanism 4 mechanisms obvious 4 obviously occupy 4 occupancy, occupant, occupants, occupation, occupational, occupations, occupied, occupier, occupiers, occupies, occupying option 4 optional, options output 4 outputs overall 4 parallel 4 paralleled, parallelled, parallelling, parallels, unparalleled parameter 4 parameters phase 4 phased, phases, phasing predict 4 predictability, predictable, predictably, predicted, predicting, prediction, predictions, predicts, unpredictability, unpredictable principal 4 principally prior 4 professional 4 professionalism, professionally, professionals project 4 projected, projecting, projection, projections, projects promote 4 promoted, promoter, promoters, promotes, promoting, promotion, promotions regime 4 regimes resolve 4 resolution, resolved, resolves, resolving, unresolved retain 4 retained, retainer, retainers, retaining, retains, retention, retentive series 4 statistic 4 statistical, statistically, statistician, statisticians, statistics status 4 stress 4 stressed, stresses, stressful, stressing, unstressed subsequent 4 subsequently sum 4 summation, summed, summing, sums summary 4 summaries, summarisation, summarisations, summarise, summarised, summarises, summarising, summarization, summarizations, summarize, summarized, summarizes, summarizing undertake 4 undertaken, undertakes, undertaking, undertook academy 5 academia, academic, academically, academics, academies adjust 5 adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, adjustments, adjusts, readjust, readjusted, readjusting, readjustment, readjustments, readjusts alter 5 alterable, alteration, alterations, altered, altering, alternate, alternating, alters, unalterable, unaltered amend 5 amended, amending, amendment, amendments, amends aware 5 awareness, unaware capacity 5 capacities, incapacitate, incapacitated challenge 5 challenged, challenger, challengers, challenges, challenging clause 5 clauses compound 5 compounded, compounding, compounds conflict 5 conflicted, conflicting, conflicts consult 5 consultancy, consultant, consultants, consultation, consultations, consultative, consulted, consulting, consults contact 5 contactable, contacted, contacting, contacts decline 5 declined, declines, declining discrete 5 discretely, discretion, discretionary, indiscrete, indiscretion draft 5 drafted, drafting, drafts, redraft, redrafted, redrafting, redrafts enable 5 enabled, enables, enabling energy 5 energetic, energetically, energies enforce 5 enforced, enforcement, enforces, enforcing entity 5 entities equivalent 5 equivalence evolve 5 evolution, evolutionary, evolutionist, evolutionists, evolved, evolves, evolving expand 5 expanded, expanding, expands, expansion, expansionism, expansive expose 5 exposed, exposes, exposing, exposure, exposures external 5 externalisation, externalise, externalised, externalises, externalising, externality, externalization, externalize, externalized, externalizes, externalizing, externally facilitate 5 facilitated, facilitates, facilitating, facilitation, facilitator, facilitators, facilities, facility fundamental 5 fundamentally generate 5 generated, generates, generating generation 5 generations image 5 imagery, images liberal 5 liberalisation, liberalise, liberalised, liberalises, liberalising, liberalism, liberalization, liberalize, liberalized, liberalizes, liberalizing, liberally, liberate, liberated, liberates, liberating, liberation, liberations, liberator, liberators licence 5 licences, license, licensed, licenses, licensing, unlicensed logic 5 illogical, illogically, logical, logically, logician, logicians margin 5 marginal, marginally, margins medical 5 medically mental 5 mentality, mentally modify 5 modification, modifications, modified, modifies, modifying, unmodified monitor 5 monitored, monitoring, monitors, unmonitored network 5 networked, networking, networks notion 5 notions objective 5 objectively, objectivity orient 5 orientate, orientated, orientates, orientating, orientation, oriented, orienting, orients, reorient, reorientation perspective 5 perspectives precise 5 imprecise, precisely, precision prime 5 primacy psychology 5 psychological, psychologically, psychologist, psychologists pursue 5 pursued, pursues, pursuing, pursuit, pursuits ratio 5 ratios reject 5 rejected, rejecting, rejection, rejections, rejects revenue 5 revenues stable 5 instability, stabilisation, stabilise, stabilised, stabilises, stabilising, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stabilized, stabilizes, stabilizing, unstable style 5 styled, styles, styling, stylise, stylised, stylises, stylish, stylising, stylize, stylized, stylizes, stylizing substitute 5 substituted, substitutes, substituting, substitution sustain 5 sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, sustains, sustenance, unsustainable symbol 5 symbolic, symbolically, symbolise, symbolised, symbolises, symbolising, symbolism, symbolize, symbolized, symbolizes, symbolizing, symbols target 5 targeted, targeting, targets transit 5 transited, transiting, transition, transitional, transitions, transitory, transits trend 5 trends version 5 versions welfare 5 whereas 5 abstract 6 abstraction, abstractions, abstractly, abstracts accurate 6 accuracy, accurately, inaccuracies, inaccuracy, inaccurate acknowledge 6 acknowledged, acknowledgement, acknowledgements, acknowledges, acknowledging aggregate 6 aggregated, aggregates, aggregating, aggregation allocate 6 allocated, allocates, allocating, allocation, allocations assign 6 assigned, assigning, assignment, assignments, assigns, reassign, reassigned, reassigning, reassigns, unassigned attach 6 attached, attaches, attaching, attachment, attachments, unattached author 6 authored, authoring, authors, authorship bond 6 bonded, bonding, bonds brief 6 brevity, briefed, briefing, briefly, briefs capable 6 capabilities, capability, incapable cite 6 citation, citations, cited, cites, citing cooperate 6 co-operate, co-operated, co-operates, co-operation, co-operative, co-operatively, cooperated, cooperates, cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, cooperatively discriminate 6 discriminated, discriminates, discriminating, discrimination display 6 displayed, displaying, displays diverse 6 diversely, diversification, diversified, diversifies, diversify, diversifying, diversity domain 6 domains edit 6 edited, editing, edition, editions, editor, editorial, editorials, editors, edits enhance 6 enhanced, enhancement, enhances, enhancing estate 6 estates exceed 6 exceeded, exceeding, exceeds expert 6 expertise, expertly, experts explicit 6 explicitly federal 6 federation, federations fee 6 fees flexible 6 flexibility, inflexibility, inflexible furthermore 6 gender 6 genders ignorant 6 ignorance, ignore, ignored, ignores, ignoring incentive 6 incentives incidence 6 incident, incidentally, incidents incorporate 6 incorporated, incorporates, incorporating, incorporation index 6 indexed, indexes, indexing inhibit 6 inhibited, inhibiting, inhibition, inhibitions, inhibits initiate 6 initiated, initiates, initiating, initiation, initiations, initiative, initiatives, initiator, initiators input 6 inputs instruct 6 instructed, instructing, instruction, instructions, instructive, instructor, instructors, instructs intelligent 6 intelligence, intelligently, unintelligent interval 6 intervals lecture 6 lectured, lecturer, lecturers, lectures, lecturing migrate 6 migrant, migrants, migrated, migrates, migrating, migration, migrations, migratory minimum 6 ministry 6 ministered, ministerial, ministering, ministries motive 6 motivate, motivated, motivates, motivating, motivation, motivations, motives, unmotivated neutral 6 neutralisation, neutralise, neutralised, neutralises, neutralising, neutrality, neutralization, neutralize, neutralized, neutralizes, neutralizing nevertheless 6 overseas 6 precede 6 preceded, precedence, precedent, precedes, preceding, unprecedented presume 6 presumably, presumed, presumes, presuming, presumption, presumptions, presumptuous rational 6 irrational, rationalisation, rationalisations, rationalise, rationalised, rationalises, rationalising, rationalism, rationality, rationalization, rationalizations, rationalize, rationalized, rationalizes, rationally recover 6 recoverable, recovered, recovering, recovers, recovery reveal 6 revealed, revealing, reveals, revelation, revelations scope 6 subsidy 6 subsidiary, subsidies, subsidise, subsidised, subsidises, subsidising, subsidize, subsidized, subsidizes, subsidizing tape 6 taped, tapes, taping trace 6 traceable, traced, traces, tracing transform 6 transformation, transformations, transformed, transforming, transforms transport 6 transportation, transported, transporter, transporters, transporting, transports underlie 6 underlay, underlies, underlying utilise 6 utilisation, utilised, utiliser, utilisers, utilises, utilising, utilities, utility, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizes, utilizing adapt 7 adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adaptations, adapted, adapting, adaptive, adapts adult 7 adulthood, adults advocate 7 advocacy, advocated, advocates, advocating aid 7 aided, aiding, aids, unaided channel 7 channelled, channelling, channels chemical 7 chemically, chemicals classic 7 classical, classics comprehensive 7 comprehensively comprise 7 comprised, comprises, comprising confirm 7 confirmation, confirmed, confirming, confirms contrary 7 contrarily convert 7 conversion, conversions, converted, convertible, converting, converts couple 7 coupled, couples, coupling decade 7 decades definite 7 definitely, definitive, indefinite, indefinitely deny 7 deniable, denial, denials, denied, denies, denying, undeniable differentiate 7 differentiated, differentiates, differentiating, differentiation dispose 7 disposable, disposal, disposed, disposes, disposing dynamic 7 dynamically, dynamics eliminate 7 eliminated, eliminates, eliminating, elimination empirical 7 empirically, empiricism equip 7 equipment, equipped, equipping, equips extract 7 extracted, extracting, extraction, extracts file 7 filed, files, filing finite 7 infinite, infinitely foundation 7 foundations globe 7 global, globalisation, globalization, globally grade 7 graded, grades, grading guarantee 7 guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantees hierarchy 7 hierarchical, hierarchies identical 7 identically ideology 7 ideological, ideologically, ideologies infer 7 inference, inferences, inferred, inferring, infers innovate 7 innovated, innovates, innovating, innovation, innovations, innovative, innovator, innovators insert 7 inserted, inserting, insertion, inserts intervene 7 intervened, intervenes, intervening, intervention, interventions isolate 7 isolated, isolates, isolating, isolation, isolationism media 7 mode 7 modes paradigm 7 paradigms phenomenon 7 phenomena, phenomenal priority 7 priorities, prioritisation, prioritise, prioritised, prioritises, prioritising, prioritization, prioritize, prioritized, prioritizes, prioritizing prohibit 7 prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, prohibitions, prohibitive, prohibits publication 7 publications quote 7 quotation, quotations, quoted, quotes, quoting release 7 released, releases, releasing reverse 7 irreversible, reversal, reversals, reversed, reverses, reversible, reversing simulate 7 simulated, simulates, simulating, simulation sole 7 solely somewhat 7 submit 7 submission, submissions, submits, submitted, submitting successor 7 succession, successions, successive, successively, successors survive 7 survival, survived, survives, surviving, survivor, survivors thesis 7 theses topic 7 topical, topics transmit 7 transmission, transmissions, transmits, transmitted, transmitting ultimate 7 ultimately unique 7 uniquely, uniqueness visible 7 invisibility, invisible, visibility, visibly voluntary 7 voluntarily, volunteer, volunteered, volunteering, volunteers abandon 8 abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons accompany 8 accompanied, accompanies, accompaniment, accompanying, unaccompanied accumulate 8 accumulated, accumulates, accumulating, accumulation ambiguous 8 ambiguities, ambiguity, unambiguous, unambiguously append 8 appended, appendices, appending, appendix, appendixes, appends appreciate 8 appreciable, appreciably, appreciated, appreciates, appreciating, appreciation, unappreciated arbitrary 8 arbitrarily, arbitrariness automate 8 automated, automates, automatic, automatically, automating, automation bias 8 biased, biases, biasing, unbiased chart 8 charted, charting, charts, uncharted clarify 8 clarification, clarified, clarifies, clarifying, clarity commodity 8 commodities complement 8 complementary, complemented, complementing, complements conform 8 conformability, conformable, conformance, conformation, conformed, conforming, conformist, conformists, conformity, conforms, non-conformist, non-conformists, non-conformity, nonconformist, nonconformists, nonconformity contemporary 8 contemporaries contradict 8 contradicted, contradicting, contradiction, contradictions, contradictory, contradicts crucial 8 crucially currency 8 currencies denote 8 denotation, denotations, denoted, denotes, denoting detect 8 detectable, detected, detecting, detection, detective, detectives, detector, detectors, detects deviate 8 deviated, deviates, deviating, deviation, deviations displace 8 displaced, displacement, displaces, displacing drama 8 dramas, dramatic, dramatically, dramatisation, dramatisations, dramatise, dramatised, dramatises, dramatising, dramatist, dramatists, dramatization, dramatizations, dramatize, dramatized, dramatizes, dramatizing eventual 8 eventuality, eventually exhibit 8 exhibited, exhibiting, exhibition, exhibitions, exhibits exploit 8 exploitation, exploited, exploiting, exploits fluctuate 8 fluctuated, fluctuates, fluctuating, fluctuation, fluctuations guideline 8 guidelines highlight 8 highlighted, highlighting, highlights implicit 8 implicitly induce 8 induced, induces, inducing, induction inevitable 8 inevitability, inevitably infrastructure 8 infrastructures inspect 8 inspected, inspecting, inspection, inspections, inspector, inspectors, inspects intense 8 intensely, intenseness, intensification, intensified, intensifies, intensify, intensifying, intension, intensity, intensive, intensively manipulate 8 manipulated, manipulates, manipulating, manipulation, manipulations, manipulative minimise 8 minimised, minimises, minimising, minimize, minimized, minimizes, minimizing nuclear 8 offset 8 offsets, offsetting paragraph 8 paragraphing, paragraphs plus 8 pluses practitioner 8 practitioners predominant 8 predominance, predominantly, predominate, predominated, predominates, predominating prospect 8 prospective, prospects radical 8 radically, radicals random 8 randomly, randomness reinforce 8 reinforced, reinforcement, reinforcements, reinforces, reinforcing restore 8 restoration, restored, restores, restoring revise 8 revised, revises, revising, revision, revisions schedule 8 reschedule, rescheduled, reschedules, rescheduling, scheduled, schedules, scheduling, unscheduled tense 8 tensely, tenser, tensest, tension, tensions terminate 8 terminal, terminals, terminated, terminates, terminating, termination, terminations theme 8 thematic, thematically, themes thereby 8 uniform 8 uniformity, uniformly vehicle 8 vehicles via 8 virtual 8 virtually visual 8 visualisation, visualise, visualised, visualising, visualization, visualize, visualized, visualizing, visually widespread 8 accommodate 9 accommodated, accommodates, accommodating, accommodation analogy 9 analogies, analogous anticipate 9 anticipated, anticipates, anticipating, anticipation, unanticipated assure 9 assurance, assurances, assured, assuredly, assures, assuring attain 9 attainable, attained, attaining, attainment, attainments, attains, unattainable behalf 9 bulk 9 bulky cease 9 ceased, ceaseless, ceases, ceasing coherent 9 coherence, coherently, incoherent, incoherently coincide 9 coincided, coincidence, coincidences, coincident, coincidental, coincides, coinciding commence 9 commenced, commencement, commences, commencing, recommenced, recommences, recommencing compatible 9 compatibility, incompatibility, incompatible concurrent 9 concurrently confine 9 confined, confines, confining, unconfined controversy 9 controversial, controversially, controversies, uncontroversial converse 9 conversely device 9 devices devote 9 devoted, devotedly, devotes, devoting, devotion, devotions diminish 9 diminished, diminishes, diminishing, diminution, undiminished distort 9 distorted, distorting, distortion, distortions, distorts duration 9 erode 9 eroded, erodes, eroding, erosion ethic 9 ethical, ethically, ethics, unethical format 9 formats, formatted, formatting found 9 founded, founder, founders, founding, unfounded inherent 9 inherently insight 9 insightful, insights integral 9 intermediate 9 manual 9 manually, manuals mature 9 immature, immaturity, maturation, maturational, matured, matures, maturing, maturity mediate 9 mediated, mediates, mediating, mediation medium 9 military 9 minimal 9 minimalisation, minimalise, minimalised, minimalises, minimalising, minimalist, minimalistic, minimalists, minimalization, minimalize, minimalized, minimalizes, minimalizing, minimally mutual 9 mutually norm 9 norms overlap 9 overlapped, overlapping, overlaps passive 9 passively, passivity portion 9 portions preliminary 9 preliminaries protocol 9 protocols qualitative 9 qualitatively refine 9 refined, refinement, refinements, refines, refining relax 9 relaxation, relaxed, relaxes, relaxing restrain 9 restrained, restraining, restrains, restraint, restraints, unrestrained revolution 9 revolutionaries, revolutionary, revolutionise, revolutionised, revolutionises, revolutionising, revolutionist, revolutionists, revolutionize, revolutionized, revolutionizes, revolutionizing, revolutions rigid 9 rigidities, rigidity, rigidly route 9 routed, routes, routing scenario 9 scenarios sphere 9 spheres, spherical, spherically subordinate 9 subordinates, subordination supplement 9 supplementary, supplemented, supplementing, supplements suspend 9 suspended, suspending, suspends, suspension team 9 teamed, teaming, teams temporary 9 temporarily trigger 9 triggered, triggering, triggers unify 9 unification, unified, unifies, unifying violate 9 violated, violates, violating, violation, violations vision 9 visions adjacent 10 albeit 10 assemble 10 assembled, assembles, assemblies, assembling, assembly collapse 10 collapsed, collapses, collapsible, collapsing colleague 10 colleagues compile 10 compilation, compilations, compiled, compiles, compiling conceive 10 conceivable, conceivably, conceived, conceives, conceiving, inconceivable, inconceivably convince 10 convinced, convinces, convincing, convincingly, unconvinced depress 10 depressed, depresses, depressing, depression encounter 10 encountered, encountering, encounters enormous 10 enormity, enormously forthcoming 10 incline 10 inclination, inclinations, inclined, inclines, inclining integrity 10 intrinsic 10 intrinsically invoke 10 invoked, invokes, invoking levy 10 levies likewise 10 nonetheless 10 notwithstanding 10 odd 10 odds ongoing 10 panel 10 panelled, panelling, panels persist 10 persisted, persistence, persistent, persistently, persisting, persists pose 10 posed, poses, posing reluctance 10 reluctant, reluctantly so-called 10 straightforward 10 undergo 10 undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underwent whereby 10

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