Vocabulary word groups underline the word that is different


Put the verbs in the correct tense.

A. Wow. Is that your new car? (be)
B. Yes.

A. When did you get it? (you/get)
B. I bought it last month. (buy)
Do you like it? (you/like)

A. Yes, it’s great. What happened to your front light?
B. I hit another car when I was driving to work. (hit/drive).
I thought the traffic lights had changed, but they hadn’t. (change)
Would you like to go for a drive?

A. I can’t just now, because I am meeting a friend in ten minutes. (meet)
How about tomorrow evening? It’s Wednesday and I usually finish work early. (finish)
B. OK, I will pick you up at 7.00. (pick you up)
You will love it, I know. (love)

A. I’m sure I will. See you tomorrow then.


a) Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why.

  • Fresh, Seafood, Frozen, Home-made
  • Fried, Chicken, Duck, Sausage
  • Knife, Roast, Fork, Spoon
  • Referee, Coach, Captain, Pitch
  • Pool, Track, Beat, Court
  • Aggressive, Jealous, Bossy, Affectionate
  • Charming, Sensible, Sociable, Moody
  • Cousin, Family, Mother-in-law, Grandfather

b) Write words for the definitions.

  1. It’s an adjective for food that is hot e.g. curry or chilli__spicy.
  2. It’s what you have before the main course__soup.
  3. It means when two teams finish a match with the same score__draw.
  4. It means to hurt yourself in an accident or doing a sport__get injured.
  5. Your mother’s second husband is your__step-father.
  6. It’s an adjective for a person who always thinks about him/herself__selfish.
  7. It’s an adjective. It’s the opposite of generous__mean.

c) Fill each gap with one word.

  1. I always ask for steak when we eat out.
  2. What do you usually have for lunch?
  3. It’s a good idea to warm up before you start running.
  4. Who do you get on with best in your family?


a) Underline the word with a different sound.

Pool, Tuna, Fruit, Course
Cook, Food, Look, Football
Court, Ball, Roast, Prawns
Couple, Draw, Cousin, Duck
Sausage, Bossy, Frozen, Golf

b) Underline the stressed syllable.


Այս նյութը հրատարակվել է Անգլերեն-ում։ Էջանշեք մշտական հղումը։

Hometask for 20.04.2021
NEF Student’s Book What do you remember slide 67
NEf Student’s Book Can you understand the text 68 read the text and be ready to discuss in class
NEF Student’s Book Grammar 6A slide 142, ex-es 6A a,b


a. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb in brackets.

  1. If I don’t pass the exam, I will do it in January. (do)
  2. You’d sleep better if you drank less coffee. (drink)
  3. Don’t buy it unless you are be sure like it. (be)
  4. If I could change a part of my body, I would change my nose. (charge)
  5. As soon as he arrives, we can have dinner. (arrive)

b. Choose a, b, or c.

  1. Where would you live if you took the job in London?
  2. I used to go out with that boy over there.
  3. I didn’t use to enjoy flying but now I love it.
  4. In the summer I usually go to the country.
  5. Did she use to wear glasses?


a․ Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why.

1) cottage, flat, village, detached house

2) sink, dishwasher, fridge, shower

3) secondary, uniform, boarding, state

4) cheat, pass, exam, fail

5) classmate, friendship, colleague, close friend

b. Complete the sentences.

1) Maths, physics, and geography are subjects.

2) A school year is often divided into three terms.

3) A school where you have to pay is a private.

4) A senior university teacher is a professor.

5) The area outside the central part of a city is called the suburbs.

6) Smoke comes through the chimney.

7) The part which covers the top of a house is the roof.

8) The ‘door’ of a garden is the gate.

c. Fill each gap with one word.

1. They often argue about politics.
2. Do you keep in touch with old school friends?
3. They live in the suburbs.
4. Do you get on well with the people in the office?
5. My son is at university.
6. We don’t have very much in common.


a. Underline the word with a different sound.

Touch, Study, Student, Subject
Punish, Music, Argue, University
Close, Cosy, Country, Stone
Flat, Cottage, Balcony, Maths
Block, Copy, Modern, Homework

b. Underline the stressed syllable.

Uniform, ExamSecondary, Residential, Colleague

a․ Complete the sentences using reported speech.

‘The hotel is full: The receptionist told me the hotel was full.

  1. ‘I’ll call the manager.’ The waiter said that she would call the manager.
  2. ‘I’ve passed all my exams.’ Jack said that he had passed all his exams.
  3. ‘You should get to the airport early.’ They said that we should get to the airport early.
  4. ‘I may be late.’ Jack said that he might be late.
  5. ‘I didn’t tell anybody!’ Mary said that she hadn’t told anybody.
  6. ‘Can you help me?’ She asked us if we could help her.
  7. “Do you want to dance?’ He asked me if I wanted to dance.
  8. ‘Have you been here before?’ I asked her if she had been there before.
  9. ‘What music do you like?’ She asked me what music I liked.
  10. ‘Where’s the nearest bank?’ I asked her where the nearest bank was.

b. Complete the reported imperatives and requests.

‘Don’t stop here.’ The traffic warden told us not to stop there.

  1. ‘Be quiet!’ The teacher told us to be quiet.
  2. ‘Please don’t smoke!’ I asked the taxi driver not to smoke.
  3. ‘Open your mouth.’ The dentist told me to open my mouth.
  4. ‘Don’t tell anyone!’ Melinda told us not to tell anyone.
  5. ‘Could you show me your driving licence?’ The policeman asked me to show him my driving licence.
  6. ‘Please switch off your mobiles.’ The flight attendant told us to switch off our mobiles.
  7. ‘Don’t eat with your mouth open!’ I told my daughter not to eat with her mouth opened.
  8. ‘Can you bring me the bill, please?’ He asked the waiter to bring him the bill.
  9. ‘Get off at the next stop.’ The bus driver told me to get off at the next stop.
  10. ‘Dont wait.’ Our friends told us not to wait them.


a. Complete the sentences with one word.

1. What were you and Sarah talking about?
2. You didn’t like the film, did you?
3. My father loves opera, and so does my mother.
4. A I’ve been to India twice.
B Have you? I’d love to go?
5. What have you been doing since I last saw you?

b. Circle the correct answer, a, b, or c.

1. Could you tell me what time the bus leaves?
2. How many people usually come to this class?
3. I’ve read at least three books so far this month.
4. That was the best film I’ve ever seen!
5. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll finish.


a. Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why.

1 vain stubborn possessive wise
2. cheerful loyal insincere conscientious
3. flu blister cold asthma
4. GP A&E specialist doctor

b. Complete the sentences with a preposition.

1 Who were you talking to on the phone?
2. She’s very good at listening to people.
3. Sam is a real pain in the neck.
4. She’s allergic to milk.
5. What are you waiting for?

c. Complete the sentences with an adjective made from the word in bold.

1. Damien is very forgetful. He never remembers our anniversary.
2. I’m ambitious – I want to go far in my profession.
3. My brother is very reliable. I can always depend on him for anything.
4. Luke is very moody – happy one moment and sad the next.
5. Madeleine is very sensitive. It’s very easy to hurt her feelings.

d. Write words for the definitions.

1. bleed – when blood comes out of, for example, your finger
2. swollen – bigger than normal, especially because of an injury or infection
3. bandage – a piece of cloth used to tie round a part of the body that has been hurt
4. bad-tempered – (a person who) gets angry very easily
5. bossy – (a person who is) always telling other people what to do
6. arrogant – (a person who) thinks he/she is superior to other people


a. Underline the word with a different sound.

1. cheerful headache choking stitches
2. sociable unconscious pressure bossy
3. funny impulsive blood flu
4. cough open swollen throat
5. heart calm earache arm

b. Underline the stressed syllable.

arrogant immature injection allergic specialist


a. Complete the sentence with one word.

  1. A. Shall we watch the film.

B. No. I’ve already seen it three times.

2. A. How long have you lived here?

B. Since 2004.

3. A. Have you read this novel.

B. No. Is it good?

A. I haven’t finished it yet.

b. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

1. I started work here three years ago.

I’ve started work here for three years.

2. I made some coffee a moment ago.

I’ve just made some coffee.

3. The train is cheaper than the plane.

The plane is so expensive than the three.

4. Women drive more carefully than men.

Men don’t drive as carefully as women.

5. None of the other sofas are as comfortable as this one.

This sofa is the most comfortable one.


a. Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why.

1. coin cheque bank note

2. save waste mortgage owe

3. exhausted terrified hungry furious

4. delicious wonderful great awful

5. flight journey trip travel

6. coach van helmet lorry

7. cycle lane railway station speed limit traffic jam

b. Write words for the definitions.

1. It’s an adjective. It means very dirty. Filthy

2. It’s a noun. It’s money that you pay to the government. Tax

3. It’s a noun. It’s the time of day when buses and trains are full. Rush hour

4. It’s a verb. To give someone money which they most later pay back. Lend

5. It’s a noun. It’s the place in a railway station where you get on / off a train. Platform

6. It’s a verb. It means to receive money from a relative after their death. Inherit

7. It’s a noun. It’s the piece of paper you need to get on a plane. Boarding card

8. It’s an adjective. It means very small. Tiny

c. Complete the sentences with one word.

1. What time did the plane take off ?

2. She took some money out of the cash machine.

3. Who paid for the meal last night?

4. When can you pay me back the money you owe me ?

5. Can I pay by credit card ?


a. Underline the word with a different sound.

  1. afford board coach enormous

2. tiny pick up traffic ticket

3. crash station, rush, charge

4. coin, cheque, cycle, carriage

5. seat, earn, speed, greedy


a. Underline the word that is different

1. funny friendly lazy generous

2. eye mouth nose toe

3. feet legs knees fingers

4. see hear ear smell

5. foggy windy sunny cloudy

6. dress cap skirt blouse

7. socks trainers pyjamas boots

8. get an e-mail get a message get home get a present

9. duck chicken butterfly swan

10 dolphin whale eagle shark

b. Complete the phrases


carry do get go know make

meet spend sunbathe wear


1. ______ on the beach

2. ______ a coat

3. ______ a bag

4. ______ a noise

5. ______ yoga

6. ______ somebody for a long time

7. ______ somebody for the first time

8. ______ swimming

9. ______ angry

10. ______ time (with your friends)

c. Complete with on, up, etc.

1. I was born ____ 2nd April.

2. What are you doing ____ the weekend?

3. We always go on holiday ____ July.

4. I don’t agree ____ you.

5. Wait ____ me. I’m nearly ready.

6. Don’t throw ____ those papers.

7. I always try ____ clothes before I buy them.

8. Hurry ____ . We’re late.

9. I have to look ____ my little sister today.

10. I’ll pay you ____ the money tomorrow.

d. Write the opposite verb or adjective

1. friendly _______

2. talkative _______

3. rude _______

4. patient _______

5. lend money _______

6. crowded _______

7. pass an exam _______

8. push the door _______

9. find your keys _______

10. buy clothes _______

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b word groups Underline the word that is different.

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