Vocabulary word for great

Other forms: greater; greats

As an adjective great describes things that are very good, large, or important — like a great movie, a great forest, or a great battle that changed the course of a war.

Great can also be a noun: a person who is a legend in his or her field, like Aretha Franklin, a soul great, or Wayne Gretzky — a hockey great who became known as «the Great One.» Only a few people qualify for the distinction of being a great — it takes a remarkable talent that continues to awe people long after the person’s heyday.

Definitions of great

  1. noun

    a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field

    “he is one of the
    greats of American music”

  2. adjective

    relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind

    great juicy steak”

    great multitude”

    great auk”

    great old oak”

    great ocean liner”

    great delay”


    big, large

    above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

  3. adjective

    of major significance or importance

    great work of art”



    important, of import

    of great significance or value

  4. adjective

    remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect

    great crisis”

    “had a
    great stake in the outcome”



    beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable

  5. “had a
    great time at the party”


    bang-up, bully, corking, cracking, dandy, groovy, keen, neat, nifty, not bad, peachy, slap-up, smashing, swell


    having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified

  6. great A”


    capital, majuscule


    relating to capital letters which were kept in the top half of a compositor’s type case

  7. adjective

    in an advanced stage of pregnancy

    great with child”


    big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, heavy, large, with child


    carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life

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Are you searching for another word for “great”? On this page, you will find all the synonyms for the word “great” in English with example sentences.

Great Synonyms

Other Words for Great List

  • Admirable
  • Beautiful
  • Capital
  • Delightful
  • Engaging
  • Fabulous
  • Glorious
  • Impressive
  • Laudable
  • Magnificent
  • Notable
  • Outstanding
  • Peerless
  • Rapturous
  • Sensational
  • Terrific
  • Unbelievable
  • Wonderful
  • Amazing
  • Breathtaking
  • Captivating
  • Distinguished
  • Enjoyable
  • Fantastic
  • Grand
  • Incomparable
  • Lovely
  • Marvelous
  • Noteworthy
  • Overwhelming
  • Perfect
  • Refreshing
  • Skillful
  • Transcendent
  • Unique
  • Wondrous
  • Arresting
  • Clever
  • Distinctive
  • Estimable
  • Fascinating
  • Incredible
  • Masterful
  • Out of sight
  • Phenomenal
  • Remarkable
  • Smashing
  • Tremendous
  • Unparalleled
  • World-class
  • Awesome
  • Commendable
  • Excellent
  • Finest
  • Inestimable
  • Miraculous
  • Strong
  • Praiseworthy
  • Special
  • Enormous
  • Huge
  • Gigantic
  • Spectacular
  • Excessive
  • Immense
  • Splendid
  • Extreme
  • Stunning
  • Numerous
  • Super
  • Vast
  • Superb
  • Voluminous
  • Ample
  • Surprising
  • Thrilling
  • Exquisite
  • Invaluable
  • Priceless
  • Monumental

Great Synonyms Examples


  • The author has done an admirable job of compiling all this material.


  • The audience was enraptured by her beautiful voice.


  • We had a delightful time talking about the olden days on his farm.


  • It’s an engaging manner that easily deceives.


  • They had a fabulous time during their week in a suite at the Paris Hilton.


  • I got dressed and emerged into glorious sunshine.


  • Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background.


  • The objectives were laudable and in some ways romantic.


  • The magnificent scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye.


  • Reynolds was a notable conversationalist.


  • The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding.


  • To be a peerless man is very difficult.


  • The students gave him a rapturous welcome.


  • Experts agreed that this was a truly sensational performance.


  • He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.


  • It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold medal.


  • They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather.


  • I saw the most amazing film yesterday!


  • The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.


  • He became a captivating tutor in international politics, and his students worshipped him.


  • I think grey hair makes you look very distinguished.


  • I really must congratulate the organizers for a well run and enjoyable event.


  • Have you heard his new opera? It is fantastic.


  • The wedding was a very grand occasion.


  • She is incomparable and in business terms she is perfect.


  • Nice house, good job, lovely family – you’ve got it made!


  • As he opened the back door, a marvelous aroma greeted him.


  • Use bold type for headings and bullet points for noteworthy achievements.


  • There is overwhelming evidence that smoking damages your health.


  • She is a perfect angel.


  • I found the atmosphere relaxed and very refreshing.


  • Fluent English in written and oral and be skillful in communication.


  • To sit down in meditation and think of these mystical ideas is to poise oneself for the transcendent journey.


  • She is compelling, spectral, fascinating, an unforgettably unique performer.


  • Suddenly, he held up a wondrous ring upon his finger, and vanished from sight.


  • The most arresting feature is the painted wall decoration.


  • He’s a very clever man.


  • The company has a distinctive logo that makes it well known.


  • You should not, of course, stop reading this estimable newspaper.


  • Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to.


  • You’re pretty incredible, Belinda.


  • I think he’s just got a marginal talent he’s masterful at exploiting.


  • The product has been a phenomenal success.


  • He answered every letter in his voluminous correspondence, and never formally.


  • The sets and costumes for the dance performance were exquisite.


  • It’s a truly monumental work, at an unbeatable price.

Another Word for Great | Infographic

List of Great Synonyms in English

Great Synonyms

Last Updated on January 8, 2021

Synonyms for Great

Date Published: 26 December 2017 | Author: Mike Smith | 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars11 votes — 98.18% Click a star to vote

It’s time to widen your own vocabulary and find out some new words for great. We all use it very often, but sometimes it has to be changed by a synonym. But we are people and who hasn’t been in a situation when you just can’t remember a word? There are great synonyms, but what to do, if they vaporized from your head? Well, save this article! The list of other words for great will always be there:

  • incredible;
  • awesome;
  • fascinating;
  • amazing;
  • stunning;
  • first class;
  • astonishing;
  • best;
  • super;
  • wonderful;
  • fabulous;
  • effective;
  • good;
  • spectacular;
  • flawless;
  • admirable;
  • tremendous;
  • high quality;
  • brilliant;
  • adorable;
  • superb;
  • interesting;
  • excellent;
  • attention grabbing;
  • breath taking;
  • exceptional;
  • mind blowing;
  • extraordinary;
  • stupendous;
  • champion;
  • invaluable;
  • outstanding;
  • memorable;
  • superior;
  • commendable;
  • impressive;
  • fine;
  • incomparable;
  • fantabulous;
  • extraordinary;
  • mesmerizing;
  • terrific;
  • outperforming;
  • magnificent;
  • supreme;
  • reverberating;
  • phenomenal;
  • remarkable;
  • perfect;
  • super duper;
  • spectacular.

Use those synonyms for great whenever it’s needed.

большой, отличный, великий, замечательно, вельможи


- большой; огромный, громадный, колоссальный

- большой, значительный, многочисленный (о числе, количестве, мере, степени и т. п.)

- длинный, большой (о пространственной протяжённости)

a great way — длинный путь
a great distance — большое расстояние

- долгий, продолжительный, длительный, большой (о временной протяжённости)

a great while — долгое время
a great while ago — очень давно
great age — глубокая старость
to reach a great age — достичь глубокой старости, дожить до глубокой старости
of great antiquity — очень древний, относящийся к глубокой древности

- большой, сильный, глубокий, колоссальный, огромный (о чувствах, состояниях, свойствах и т. п.)

ещё 17 вариантов


- собир. сильные мира сего
- великие писатели, классики
- pl. студ. жарг. последний экзамен на степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук (в Кембридже и Оксфорде)

by /in/ the great — оптом, гуртом

Мои примеры


all creatures great and small — все твари, большие и малые (люди и животные)  
a great quantity of fish — большое количество рыбы  
an actress of great charm — актриса огромного обаяния / очень обаятельная актриса  
a young person of great wisdom — молодой человек великой мудрости  
the great bulk of a building — огромная масса здания  
a man of great moral integrity — человек высоких моральных качеств  
a woman of great wit and charm — женщина большого остроумия и обаяния  
the great brains of the world — великие умы человечества  
great bulk — огромное большинство  
mind of great capacity — всеобъемлющий ум  
extreme / great caution — крайняя осторожность  
drastic / great change — большие перемены  

Примеры с переводом

Peter the Great

Пётр Великий

What a great idea!

Какая прекрасная идея! / Как здорово придумано!

A car can be a great expense.

Машина может обойтись вам очень дорого.

He left in great disgust.

Он ушёл в сильном раздражении.

John always takes great care over his work.

Джон всегда очень внимательно относится ко всей своей работе.

The paintings cost a great deal (=a lot) of money.

Эти картины стоят кучу (т.е. очень много) денег.

The project will require a great amount of time and money.

Проект потребует большого количества времени и денег.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He felt great awe for the landscape.

The dancer performed with great élan.

That shop does a great afternoon tea.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

greater  — большой, вящий
greatly  — значительно, очень, весьма, возвышенно, благородно
greatness  — величие, величина, сила
greats  — вельможи, сильные мира сего, великие писатели, классики, богачи
greatest  — величайший
greaten  — увеличивать, увеличиваться

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): great
мн. ч.(plural): greats

срав. степ. (comparative): greater
прев. степ. (superlative): greatest

great is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

The word ‘great’ is made up of 5 letters.


  • (s) relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind; «a great juicy steak»; «a great multitude»; «the great auk»; «a great old oak»; «a great ocean liner»; «a great delay»
  • (s) more than usual; «great expectations»; «great worry»
  • (s) (used of persons) standing above others in character or attainment or reputation; «our distinguished professor»; «an eminent scholar»; «a great statesman»
  • (s) of major significance or importance; «a great work of art»; «Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th century»
  • (s) remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect; «a great crisis»; «had a great stake in the outcome»
  • (s) very good; «he did a bully job»; «a neat sports car»; «had a great time at the party»; «you look simply smashing»
  • (s) uppercase; «capital A»; «great A»; «many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script»
  • (s) marked by active interest and enthusiasm; «an avid sports fan»; «a great walker»; «an eager beaver»


Using the word ‘great’ in Scrabble will fetch you 6 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 7 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

Check out the Anagrams of great

Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of great

Words Ending With ‘great’

There is 1 word which ends with ‘great

Words Starting With ‘great’

Following are 17 words which start with ‘great

Words Containing ‘great’

Following are 17 words which contain ‘great

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘great’

Info Details
Points in Scrabble for great 6
Points in Words with Friends for great 7
Number of Letters in great 5
More info About great great
List of Words Starting with great Words Starting With great
List of Words Ending with great Words Ending With great
6 Letter Words Starting with great 6 Letter Words Starting with great
7 Letter Words Starting with great 7 Letter Words Starting with great
6 Letter Words Ending with great 6 Letter Words Ending with great
7 Letter Words Ending with great 7 Letter Words Ending with great
List of Words Containing great Words Containing great
List of Anagrams of great Anagrams of great
List of Words Formed by Letters of great Words Created From great
great Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
great Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
great Definition at Dictionary Click Here
great Synonyms At Thesaurus Click Here
great Info At Wikipedia Click Here
great Search Results on Google Click Here
great Search Results on Bing Click Here
Tweets About great on Twitter Click Here

In this post we put together best list of vocabulary words for IELTS exam. Strong IELTS vocabulary is key to get a high score in your exam. Easiest way to improve your vocabulary is using synonyms for common English words. Synonym words are awesome way to get a great score in IELTS exam. These word pairs organized for reading and writing section.

You can also download IELTS Academic Wordlist at the end of this page.

  • Vocabulary Words for IELTS List 1

Blameless  innocent
Crazy  insane
Noted  famous
Madness  insanity
Arrogant  haughty
Awful  terrible
To disclaim  to deny
To vary  to differ
Accurate  correct
Sacristy  vestry
Dreadful  terrible
Immoderate  excessive
Cozy  comfortable
Garbage can  trashcan
Perception  insight
Warranty guarantee
Immediate  instant
Mind  intellect
Vague  indistinct
Understandable  comprehensible
Indisputable  undeniable
Terror  terrorism
Highbrow  intellectual
Cube  dice
Remoted  isolated
Well timed  timely
Gratuity  tip
Disadvantaged  deprived
Abundant  ample
To misconceive  to misunderstand
Denims  jeans
Connect  join
Ecstasy  joy
Magistrate  justice of the peace
Eager  keen
Wise  knowing
Crusade  campaign
To establish  to set up
Neutral  impartial
Vicious  ferocious
Interplay  interaction
To desert  to abandon
Touchdown  landing
Oblique  indirect
To accomplish  to achieve
Hashish  cannabis
To close  to shut
Defective  faulty
Mischievous  impish
Dormant  inactive
Idle  lazy
Turbulent  blustering
To disclose  to reveal
Dally  loiter
Isolated  lonely
Missing  lost
Drab  dull
Fortunate  lucky
Hearsay rumor
Mendacity  lying
Superb  magnificent
Leading  main
Chiefly  mainly
Aggressive  militant
Noon  midday
Vague  indistinct
Misfortune  mishap
Misread  misinterpret
Deceptive  misleading
Lacking  missing
Jealous  envious
Doubt  mistrust
Wrong  mistaken
Away  absent
To notify  to inform
Mannequin  model
Dicey  risky
Empty  drain
Misery  distress
Impartial  neutral
Impartial  neutral
To behave  to act
Bendy  flexible
Extra  additional

Vocabulary List for IELTS 2

To administer  to manage
Murderer  assassin
To maintain  to preserve
Mediocre  fair
Aromatic  fragrant
Dispute  debate
Ambitious  aspiring
To foretell  to predict
To ignore  to disregard
Virtue  advantage
To cope  to manage
Appreciable  considerable
Disagreeable  unpleasant
Rubbish  nonsense
To bear on sth.  to affect
Lousy  awful
To consult  to refer to
Cranky  cross
Mackintosh  waterproof coat
Pocket book  notebook
Middleman  intermediary
Paper money  notes
Infamous  notorious
Mirth  fun
Selection  choice
To quake  to tremble
Today  nowadays
Hate loathe
Mean  unkind
Contaminate  defile
Impediment  obstacle
Construction (lit.)  interpretation
Hostile  antagonistic
To function  to operate
Apparent  obvious
Comfort  consolation
Unstated  unspoken
Enormous  huge, immense
Sincere  honest
Imperfect  faulty
Obsolete  out of date
Above  overhead
Total  entire,
Twosome  pair
Especially  particularly
Monotonous  boring
To hurry  to rush
Ardor  passion
Gut  intestine
Identical  duplicate
Immodest  conceited
Untrue  unfaithful
Achieve  accomplish
To annoy  to irritate, to bother
Awkward  clumsy
Completely  totally
To elevate  to raise, to promote
Insolvent  bankrupt
To rue  to regret
Essential  fundamental
Peaceable  peaceful
Nightfall  dusk
Handsome  good
Stupid  dense
Zenith  peak
Vacant  empty
Fragrance  perfume
Maybe  perhaps, possibly
Aid  help, assist
Bad (not good)  poor, naughty
Magician  conjurer
Unfortunate  unlucky
Gravestone  headstone
Housebreaking  burglary
To grab  to seize
Refrain  chorus
To disappear  to vanish
Painting  portray
Adjourn  postpone
Instructions  directions
Momentous  powerful
Priority  precedence
Stationary  fixed
Praise  compliment
Insufferable  unbearable
Previous  preceding
Exactly  precisely
Mistrust  distrust
Early  premature
Untimely  premature
Antagonize  provoke
Citation  quotation
Naughty  disobedient
Cheesy  corny, tacky
Huge  vast
Hole  gap
Magnify  expand
Lethal  deadly
Immune  exempt
Mourn  grieve
Ban  forbid
Infrequent  rare
Spontaneous  automatic
To cite  to quote
Uncooked  raw
Arrive  reach, come
Dark  dismal
Unlawful  illegal
Knowingly  deliberately
Moderately  reasonably
Insurgent  rebel
Uprising  rebellion
Clerk  receptionist
Miserable  depressing
Curative  healing
Equity  fairness
Immature  inexperienced
Artful  crafty
Practically  virtually
Conscious  aware
To arrive  to reach
Apparent  evident
Crook  criminal
Unvoiced  voiceless

Vocabulary Words for IELTS List 3

Negligent  inattentive
To differentiate  to distinguish
Inferior  substandard
Win  succeed
Hold  grasp
To nominate  to appoint
To near  to approach
To impact  to affect
Charter  constitution
Eccentric  unusual
Consecutive  successive
Morose  sullen
Disagree  differ
Invoice  bill
To withstand  to resist
Insupportable  intolerable
Meeting  assembly
To convey  to communicate
To denationalize  to privatize
Abstract  summary
Attractive  appealing
Illiberal  intolerant
To overhaul  to overtake
Anyway  besides
To respond  to reply
Precis  summary
Dry  arid
To minimize  to play down
Satisfied  convinced
Vain  useless
To conform  to comply
Conflict  clash
Twister  tornado
To float  to drift
Instinct  intuition
To admit  to confess
To intensify  to heighten
Intriguing  fascinating
Moderate  lenient
Minor  lesser
To infect  to contaminate
To vacuum  to hoover
Removable  detachable
Sundown  sunset
Joy  delight
Encourage  support
Class  lesson, course
To vanquish  to conquer
Turmoil  disturbance
To transform  to convert
To deprave  to corrupt
To chop  to cut
To diminish  to decrease
To involve  to entail
To magnify  to exaggerate
Constancy  fidelity
Ornament  decoration
Diminish  curtail
Nugatory  worthless
Revolting  disgusting
Torpid  lethargic
Prompt  immediate
To operate  to function
Vast  huge
To inspect  to examine
To collect  to gather
Impetuous  reckless
To receive  to get
Beneficent  generous
Nameless  anonymous
To confuse  to mix up
Overseas  abroad
To deduce  to infer
High  elevated
Convalesce  recover
Outside  external
To renounce  to give up
More and more  increasingly
To grouse  to grumble
To assure  to guarantee
Advocate  support
Coiffure  hairstyle
Forehead  brow
Discount  reduction
To appear  to seem
Except  apart from
To survive  to outlive
Migrant  drifting
Dead  lifeless
Notwithstanding  however
A native  a local
To visualize  to imagine
Informal  casual
To begin  to start
Infuriate  enrage
Animated  lively
Chorus  refrain
Necessary  essential
Provided  if
Remorse  regret
Domesticate  cultivate
Steady  regular
Testament  testimony
If  whether
Applicable  relevant
Difficult  hard
Trustworthy  reliable
Mend  repair
Moral  ethical
Nobility  the aristocracy
Repute  reputation
Abbreviate  condense
Unhurt  unharmed
Imperative  crucial
Dilute  weaken, thin
Prosperous  affluent
To fabricate  to manufacture
Reasonable  fair
Idler  loafer
Mandatory  required
Suppress  restrain
Dossier  file
Lucid  clear
Complete  total
Diverse  distinct
Backside  behind, bottom
To answer  to reply
Home  domestic
Matters  things
Correct  right
Brow  forehead
Remainder  the rest
Object  thing
Hermetic  airtight
To learn  to memorize
Considerate  thoughtful
Considerate  thoughtful
Urgent  important
Inconsiderate  thoughtless
Silly  foolish

IELTS Words with Meaning List 4

Words  Meanings
To evaluate  to assess
Substantially  considerably
Dangerous  unsafe
Hall  corridor
French dressing  vinaigrette
To explode  to blow up
To collapse  to break down
To accumulate  to build up
Livid  furious
Remark  comment
Vibrate  tremble
Inflexible  rigid
To select  to choose
Spotlight  highlight
To illuminate  to clarify; to light up
Disaster  catastrophe
To encounter  to come across
To emphasize  to stress
Innocent  harmless
Undeniable  indisputable
Humiliate  embarrass
Beautiful  attractive
To impeach  to question
Bloodless  cold
Hard  tough
Dubious  doubtful
Reliable  dependable
Material  fabric
Infantile  childish
To imagine  to suppose, to assume
Clever  intelligent
Deliberately  intentionally
Last  final
Brave  courageous
Winery  vineyard


IELTS Academic Wordlist PDF – (download)

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Last updated:

December 6, 2022

One of the largest English dictionaries has more than 21,000 pages.

Here’s something even more impressive: someone actually attempted to read it from start to finish in one year.

Don’t worry thoughyou don’t need to do all that to master English.

Master the most common 3,000 words, and you’ll pick up 90% of what you’re hearing and reading.

Bump that up to around 10,000, and you’re considered fluent.

In this post, we’ve put together all of our best English vocabulary lists.

Travel English? Business English? Slang words? We’ve got them all here!  


  • Core English Vocabulary
    • Common English words
    • Important specific words
    • Easily confused words
    • Time, day and months vocab
    • Friends, Family and home
    • Romance and love vocabulary
    • Travel and survival English
    • Food, drink and eating out
    • Hobbies
    • Nature-related words
  • Advanced English Vocabulary
    • Difficult English words
    • Business and professional English
    • Word Parts and Components
  • English Slang
    • Regional English Slang
      • American English
      • Australian English
      • British English
      • New Zealand English
  • More Fun English Vocabulary
    • Holidays in English
    • Miscellaneous fun English vocabulary

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Core English Vocabulary

Use English pretty often, and you’ll notice that the same words keep popping up over and over.

In this section, we’ll tackle the core English vocabulary that you need to know, from articles such as a and the to friendly greetings and ordering from restaurants like a local.

This is the practical type of English that’s meant for your day-to-day life—whether you’re chatting with friends, traveling or about to go on a date!

Common English words

Important specific words

Easily confused words

Time, day and months vocab

Friends, Family and home

Romance and love vocabulary

Travel and survival English

Food, drink and eating out


Nature-related words

Advanced English Vocabulary

Already feel confident with basic English but you want to expand your vocabulary? Then you might be ready to move on to more advanced English!

You can delve into widely known but more complicated words like illusion and runners-up. Or maybe you’d want to find out all about common word roots (they’ll boost your comprehension right away!). There’s also the weird but wonderful world of homophones, where two words sound alike but have different meanings.

Deepen your understanding of English with these blog posts:

Difficult English words



Business and professional English

Word Parts and Components

English Slang

Once you’ve got the foundations of English down, one way to sound even more natural is to learn slang. If you read through any English-language social media website—Twitter, Youtube, Facebook or Reddit, for example—you’ll see lots of slang:

Don’t be such a couch potato.

TBH, I haven’t seen that meme yet.

This summer, I’m going to YOLO.

Slang tends to pop up in informal or casual conversations as well as online. Different English countries can also have different slang! 

Regional English Slang

American English

Australian English

British English

New Zealand English

More Fun English Vocabulary

When it comes to English vocabulary, you’ll keep finding fascinating words.

For one, there are words for special occasions. Some of the most prominent English-speaking holidays are Valentine’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and they each have their own unique vocabulary.

The English language also has tons of interesting niches you can look into. Broaden your tech speak in English with words like “download” and “screenshot,” or get trendy with some of the newest words in the language!

Make your English more colorful with these guides:

Holidays in English

Miscellaneous fun English vocabulary

Constantly learning vocabulary is a key part of becoming fluent.

It’s fascinating to see how communicating in English becomes easier as you pick up more and more words!

With this master sheet of resources, you can grow your vocabulary—from building a foundation with the most basic words to expressing yourself like a native.

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