Vocabulary word building tests


10. Word building

Use the word on the right to make a new
word which fits in the sentence.


He was born blind; but he has
always treated this so called ___disability____
as a challenge.



I’m ___________ in favour of
the plan, but there are still one or two points that I’m not entirely happy



Andrea does lovely paintings,
photographs and drawings. She’s just very ___________.



I think it’s very ___________
of the supervisor to expect us to work overtime every night this week.



There is a saying in English; ‘___________
speak louder than words.’



That rule is not ___________
in this case.



Look at Chinese, Russian or
Arabic. I think English is a ___________ easy language to learn.



On no account repeat to anyone
else what you have heard in this meeting. Treat it all as strictly ___________.



I don’t think their marriage
will last long. They’re ___________ quarrelling.



You are now in our hands, Mr
Bond. Do exactly as you are told-___________ is punishable by instant



The lives of people in every
country  in the world are being
affected by economic ___________.



He was extremely ___________. I
had to do everything myself.



He won silver in the discus at
the Olympic Games but was ___________ after a drugs test.



Industrial robots work with
far greater ___________ than any human.



You make these trivial
incidents sound so ___________.



Лексико-грамматический тест направлен на диагностику и проверку знаний учащихся по пройденному языковому материалу.

Лексико-грамматический тест

Вы будете выполнять лексико-грамматический тест. Задания написаны курсивом. Внимательно читайте само задание. Ответы пишутся с маленькой буквы. Заполнение грамматической формы глагола в скобках можно писать как полным (is going), так и сокращенным (‘s going) вариантами. Чтобы приступить к следующему вопросу, надо нажать кнопку далее. Вопрос на нахождение соответствия с фразовым глагол give в первой колонке написано предложение,во второй предлог (1-4), к каждому предложению вы подбираете правильный по смыслу предлог и выбираете его номер в отдельном окне со стрелочками. По окончании теста, у вас выставляется оценка. делаем скриншот и прислат мне для подтверждения. Также вы можете просмотреть свои ответы более подробно. Тест вы можете выполнять с 10.00 до 18.00. После дступ будет закрыт. 

Количество вопросов в тесте:

Test your English vocabulary size

This test takes only 3 minutes on average

This test consists of two stages. In first stage, we will show you 35 words.
You should choose words that you know well. After choosing words, you should continue for the second stage.
In the second stage, you will see 10 questions.
Here, you should choose the word that has same meaning or if you don’t know the meaning of the word you should choose «I don’t know» option. When you continue,
according to your level, you will see 10 questions more.
Most likely, you will see 20 questions in total in the second stage but it can be 10 to 40 questions depending on your level.

Why should you check your vocabulary?

Language learning consists of the following parts: grammar, vocabulary learning and speaking. Of these; grammar is the one that can be completed in the shortest time. Speaking is only possible if you know words. There are tens of thousands of words in a language. The vocabulary learning process is quite long. You can test your vocabulary to know how many words you know and plan your learning process accordingly.

An example vocabulary size test video

Click here to watch example test

How many words should you know at which level?

Table: Approximate number of active and passive words that should be based on CEFR levels

Level Active Words Range Passive Words Range
A1 0-300 0-600
A2 301-750 601-1500
B1 751-1500 1501-3000
B2 1501-3000 3001-6000
C1 3001-5500 6001-11000
C2 5501-11000 11001-20000+
Language Proficiency Levels
A1 Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives,
people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
A2 Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
B1 Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
B2 Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
C1 Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning.
Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
C2 Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.
Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.
Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.

Table: Cefr language levels (CEFR: European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment)

What is vocabulary?

Vocabulary is «words we must know to communicate effectively; words in
speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary)» (Neuman&Dwyer, 2009, p. 385).

Receptive Vocabulary (Passive words)

Receptive vocabulary is words that learners recognize and understand when they are used
in context, but which they cannot produce. It is vocabulary that learners recognize when
they see or meet in reading text but do not use it in speaking and writing (Stuart Webb, 2009).

Productive Vocabulary (Active words)

Productive vocabulary is words that the language learners understand and can pronounce
correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. It involves what is needed for
receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write at the appropriate time. Therefore,
productive vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because the learners can
produce the words to express their thoughts to others (Stuart Webb, 2005).

The numbers of active words are less than passives. Because peoeple understand thousands of words on different subjects by listening,
reading and seeing, but they can use only the words in line with their interests and the words used commonly (especially when speaking).
The words people use to understand are passive, and the words that are used to express and build new structures are called active words.

Word Sets

Numbers, days, seasons, months, countries, languages, feelings, adjectives, prepositions, pronouns, modal verbs etc..

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Having a strong vocabulary is essential for understanding and communicating effectively in English.

Vocabulary listed in a dictionary

The Barton English Vocabulary Test was designed in 2012 and updated in 2021. A shorter Javascript version of the quiz can now be found here.

This vocabulary test contains hundreds of unique fill-in-the-blank questions to help you build your vocabulary, level by level. In the test, you’ll have to select the most suitable word that matches the sentence in each question. The vocabulary test questions are divided into four English levels.

Here is an example of an upper-intermediate question:
«The outside of the restaurant was recently redesigned in order to … more customers.»

attract propose introduce restore

(The answer is attract).

Please read the level descriptions below to determine which level is best for you. The difficulty of each word has been determined by the English Vocabulary Profile (EVP) and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA).

Feel free to repeat the test again and again so you can learn from your mistakes. Good luck!

Elementary (A2) (15 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR A2 level (TOEIC:225, IELTS: 3).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: fast, earn, write.

Intermediate (B1) (31 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR B1 level (TOEFL iBT:42, TOEIC:550, IELTS:4.5).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: suggest, doubt, interview.

Upper-Intermediate (B2) (48 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR B2 level (TOEFL iBT:72, IELTS:6, FCE).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: threaten, reliable, adjust.

Advanced (C1) (79 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR C1 level (TOEFL iBT:95, TOEIC:945, IELTS:7.5, CAE).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: gossip, eligible, optimistic.

Proficient (C2) (125 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR C2 level (IELTS:9, CPE).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: instinct, diplomatic, sacred.

1. Write the noun form of these verbs. Some are the same as the verb.



1   complete


2   achieve

3   need

4   dream

5   argue

6   fail

7   translate

8   erupt

9   rescue


2 achievement   3 need   4 dream   5 argument

6 failure   7 translation   8 eruption   9 rescue

2. Complete the text with the noun form of the verbs in brackets. You may need the plural form.

Last year, at the age of seventeen, Mike Perham became the youngest sailor to complete a 1……………………………. (circumnavigate) of the world alone. But this year, two sixteen-year-old girls are beginning separate 2……………………………. (attempt) to beat his record. Last year, a thirteen-year-old Dutch girl, Laura Dekker, was finishing her 3……………………………. (prepare) for the same journey when a children’s court stopped her. Now aged fourteen, she’s trying again. It seems that many teenagers today aren’t interested in the normal forms of 4……………………………. (entertain) and 5……………………………. (relax), like video games and sports. They want 6……………………………. (experience) that can really excite their 7……………………………. (imagine) and also help with the 8……………………………. (develop) of personal skills. So they choose 9……………………………. (explore). Their amazing 10……………………………. (accomplish) certainly look good on their CVs when it’s time to find 11……………………………. (employ). But for most of them, that probably isn’t the main 12……………………………. (motivate).


1 circumnavigation   2 attempts   3 preparations

4 entertainment   5 relaxation   6 experiences

7 imaginations   8 development   9 exploration

10 accomplishments   11 employment   12 motivation

3. Study the dictionary entries. Then answer the questions below.

 Which noun is countable? …………………………….

 Which noun is uncountable? …………………………….

 Which noun has no definition? …………………………….

      (Note: related nouns sometimes have no definition if the meaning is clear without one.)

 Which entry has example sentences? …………………………….

 Why are there two examples, not one?




1 explorer   2 exploration   3 exploration   4 explore

5 explore has multiple meanings.   6 exploration


Sometimes pictures with labels can help you record and learn related words.


sail – She sailed to America.

go sailing – We went sailing last summer.

4. Read the Vocab boost! box. Then complete the labels and add any other words you can. Use a dictionary to help you.


1 ski lift   2 skier   3 ski jacket   4 ski slope   5 skis

5. Complete the sentences using the noun or verb form of the word given in brackets.

1   The ……………………… of the new stadium will be next September. (complete)

2   It’s wonderful to ……………………… life in another country – you can learn so much about the world. (experience)

3   The books he wrote about famous mountain climbers are his greatest ……………………… (achieve)

4   She ……………………… to go running every day to prepare for the race. (need)

5   I don’t know what the ……………………… was about, but they’re friends again now. (argue)

6   Cars and lorries ……………………… over the bridge all day. (thunder)

7   Firefighters ……………………… their lives every day to save people and buildings. (risk)

8   I’m not sure what her ……………………… is, but she really wants to succeed. (motivate)

9   The ……………………… for our trip were quick because we only planned to stay for two nights. (prepare)

10   He is famous for his ……………………… as a mountain climber. (accomplish)


1 completion   2 experience   3 achievements

4 needs   5 argument   6 thunder   7 risk

8 motivation   9 preparation   10 accomplishments

The web app evaluates the test taker’s English vocabulary skills with various built-in test levels, including groups by word frequency, middle school and high school spelling words, and standardized exams like IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, and GRE.

A test sheet of 20 words will be produced dynamically based on a specific level. The app will count your test time and give you a score after submission.

Select your test object and start to test! It’s easy to run and doesn’t need one minute of training.

1 Frequency-Based Word Lists

Some people estimate English vocabulary size by frequency-based word lists. By applying the correct percentage of each level, you can calculate your vocabulary size quickly. If you want to do it, you get to the right place.

This section has eight levels based on the most frequent 10000 words. From the 2000th word, we divide them into groups of 1000 words. So, you see the eight test levels, like 2K-3K, 3K-4K, etc. It’s a handy online tool to estimate vocabulary size.

We select the 10000 words from multiple academic resources as our word bank. If you have any concerns about frequency-based word lists, please visit THIS PAGE, which may clarify your confusion.

2 Middle School Spelling Words

This section has three grades: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Each grade’s test sheet is based on 400 spelling words. The page below shows spelling words and how we choose spelling words for middle school students.
Why These Words

You can also view middle school spelling words directly:

3 High School Spelling Words

This section has grades 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. Each grade’s test sheet is based on 500 spelling words. On the below page, we have a brief introduction about what is spelling words and how we choose spelling words for high school students.
Why These Words

You can also view high school spelling words directly:

4 Test Word Bank of SAT

The SAT vocabulary test bank is merged from SAT wordlists on the website. The core is 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List, with nearly 4000 words around in total.

We group these words by frequency and call them Level 1, 2, and 3 accordingly; each level covers 1000+ words.

You can also view these words from the course:

5 Test Word Bank of GRE

The GRE vocabulary test bank is the same as our popular online course, 5000 GRE Vocabulary Words.

We group these words by frequency and call them Level 1, 2, 3, and 4 accordingly; each level covers 1000+ words.

You can also view these words from the course:

6 Test Word Bank of TOEFL

The TOEFL vocabulary test bank is the same as our popular online courses, 5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List and 6000 TOEFL Vocabulary List.

We group these words by frequency and call them Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 accordingly; each level covers 1000+ words.

You can also view these words from the courses:

7 Test Word Bank of IELTS

The IELTS vocabulary test bank is the same as our popular online courses, 4000 IELTS Academic Words and 6000 IELTS Academic Words.

We group these words by frequency and call them Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 accordingly; each level covers 1000+ words.

You can also view these words from the courses:

 Answers reported from PL tutor page

Report test results:

  1. You cannot report the result if you work in DIY.
  2. If you work on the URL your teacher assigned, your result will be sent to the teacher’s email directly.
  3. If you want a comment or suggestion without a teacher, test and report it to us on the PL Tutor Page.
  4. In case 3, if you report with an email address, you may get feedback through the email; if by a penname, please check the comments from the «Answer Pool» section.

Test taker: Ariuka


Test Name: Word Frequency: from 2K to 3K
Test Time: 20230411
Your test mark: 70
Done in: 6 minutes
Failed Words: 6

governor     :
Right Answer: head of a state government
Picked Option: Don’t select.

observation     :
Right Answer: act of watching something or someone carefully; taking a patient look
Picked Option: result of a particular influence

grant     :
Right Answer: allow to have; give on the basis of merit; be willing to concede
Picked Option: Don’t select.

shelter     :
Right Answer: structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
Picked Option: Don’t select.

yard     :
Right Answer: a unit of measurement equal to three feet or approximately
Picked Option: box with a lid; used for storage; usually large and sturdy

poverty     :
Right Answer: lack of money; state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs
Picked Option: Don’t select.

Test taker: ece günay

Please take TOEFL Vocabulary: Level 1 course, which should match your circumstance.

Test Name: TOEFL Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230328
Your test mark: 60
Done in: 9 minutes
Failed Words: 8

averse     :
Right Answer: reluctant; disinclined; turned away or backward; unwilling
Picked Option: act or state of giving out intense heat and light; luminous

deign     :
Right Answer: condescend to give or grant; esteem worthy; consider worth notice
Picked Option: represent; signify; stand for

feeble     :
Right Answer: lacking vigor, force, or effectiveness; faint; frail
Picked Option: stiff and unyielding; strict; not flexible

flavoring     :
Right Answer: something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts
Picked Option: sudden jerking, as from a heavy blow; a sudden, strong feeling of surprise or disappointment

hollow     :
Right Answer: sound as if echoing in an empty space; void; vain; not solid; having space or gap or cavity
Picked Option: unlikely to harm or disturb anyone

luster     :
Right Answer: shine, polish, or sparkle; soft reflected light
Picked Option: Don’t select.

reliant     :
Right Answer: relying on another for support
Picked Option: continuous, without interruption; intact

torpor     :
Right Answer: state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness; dormancy
Picked Option: a sportsman; one who contended for a prize in public games

Test taker: Audrey Lim

You need to enhance your IELTS vocabulary skills immediately, please go to https://www.examword.com/study/course-online and select IELTS level 1 to start.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230321
Your test mark: 55
Done in: 15 minutes
Failed Words: 9

certificate     :
Right Answer: the document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts; document issued to a person completing a course
Picked Option: one that is not yet fully developed; sprout

convict     :
Right Answer: find or declare guilty
Picked Option: suspend; fasten to some elevated point without support from below; hold for support

ditch     :
Right Answer: the trench made in the earth by digging; any long, narrow receptacle for water on the surface of the earth
Picked Option: a person qualified to practice dentistry

erase     :
Right Answer: rub letters or characters written, engraved, or painted
Picked Option: revoke; call off; omit or delete

flush     :
Right Answer: flow and spread suddenly; flood
Picked Option: throw with force or recklessness; throw or cast away; move in an abrupt

mount     :
Right Answer: go up or advance; fix onto a backing; put up or launch
Picked Option: steer or move into a certain direction; take away; remove from a fixed position; extract

rational     :
Right Answer: consistent with; based on; using reason
Picked Option: with meaning; letter by letter

resume     :
Right Answer: give a summary; return to a previous location or condition
Picked Option: disfigure; destroy; frustrate; overcome or vanquish; resist with

welfare     :
Right Answer: benefit; something that aids health or happiness
Picked Option: neglect of order or system; irregularity; disturbance; sickness

Test taker: Precious

Suggest to test level 2.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230317
Your test mark: 80
Done in: 5 minutes
Failed Words: 4

dock     :
Right Answer: deprive someone of benefits; remove or shorten the tail of an animal
Picked Option: take place; be found to exist; come to one’s mind

legend     :
Right Answer: explanatory list of symbols on a map; unverified story handed down from earlier times
Picked Option: guard; defender; protector; state under guard; division of a county; division of a hospital

pathetic     :
Right Answer: causing sadness, compassion, or pity
Picked Option: marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion; affected, or troubled, with fear or panic

terrace     :
Right Answer: a row of houses built in a similar style; a level shelf of land with steep slopes
Picked Option: a long thin piece of cloth or paper; measuring instrument for length by a narrow strip

Test taker: Agboola Shade

83 minutes? Don’t waste time.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230318
Your test mark: 85
Done in: 83 minutes
Failed Words: 3

presume     :
Right Answer: take for granted as true in the absence of proof; venture without authority
Picked Option: recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection

rage     :
Right Answer: something that is desired intensely; state of extreme anger
Picked Option: the pain of mind; mental suffering arising from any cause, as misfortune, loss of friends; sorrow; sadness

stake     :
Right Answer: money risked on a gamble; pole set up to mark something; right or legal share of something
Picked Option: team; guard team; group of persons; business enterprise

Test taker: Sitora

Start your IELTS vocabulary building immediately!

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230318
Your test mark: 35
Done in: 3 minutes
Failed Words: 13

barrel     :
Right Answer: vessel; large cylindrical container
Picked Option: Don’t select.

breeze     :
Right Answer: light current of air; gentle wind; progress swiftly and effortlessly
Picked Option: Don’t select.

cellar     :
Right Answer: room or rooms under a building, and usually below the surface of the ground
Picked Option: place abounding in trees or shrubs; the wild forest

coincidence     :
Right Answer: two or more things occurring at the same time by chance
Picked Option: Don’t select.

gale     :
Right Answer: powerful wind; a gust of wind; emotional outburst as laughter or tears
Picked Option: Don’t select.

hurricane     :
Right Answer: big storm; severe tropical cyclone
Picked Option: Don’t select.

junk     :
Right Answer: a fragment of any solid substance; old iron, or other metal, glass, paper; discarded material
Picked Option: Don’t select.

pin     :
Right Answer: a piece of wood, metal, generally cylindrical, used for fastening separate articles together
Picked Option: an elaborate and systematic plan of action; chart or outline of a system or object

reveal     :
Right Answer: make known; disclose, or show
Picked Option: Don’t select.

source     :
Right Answer: point of origin, such as spring, of stream or river; one that causes, creates, or initiates
Picked Option: pasteboard for paper boxes; pasteboard box

steak     :
Right Answer: slice of meat, typically beef, usually cut thick
Picked Option: Don’t select.

talented     :
Right Answer: showing a natural gift for something
Picked Option: able to feel;  responsive to external conditions; susceptible to attitudes of others

weed     :
Right Answer: a wild plant growing where it is not wanted
Picked Option: Don’t select.

Test taker: Manpreet Kaur

Your vocabulary skill isn’t good. Try the tests of Grade 6 or Grade 7.

Test Name: Word Frequency: from 3K to 4K
Test Time: 20230318
Your test mark: 50
Done in: 6 minutes
Failed Words: 10

wandering     :
Right Answer: of a path e.g.
Picked Option: arousing fear; threatening; difficult to undertake or defeat

shared     :
Right Answer: have in common
Picked Option: constrict; make smaller; compress or concentrate

stupid     :
Right Answer: in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock
Picked Option: disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings

pleasing     :
Right Answer: attractive; comfortable
Picked Option: protected by trademark or patent or copyright; made or produced or distributed by one having exclusive rights

destined     :
Right Answer: decree or designate beforehand
Picked Option: emit something suddenly and forcefully

nay     :
Right Answer: not this merely but also; not only so but
Picked Option: never resting; unquiet; uneasy; continually moving; eager for change; discontented

certainty     :
Right Answer: quality or condition of being certain; fact or truth unquestionable established; clearness
Picked Option: a line of people who are all walking or travelling in the same direction, as part of a ceremony

vital     :
Right Answer: full of life; animated; necessary to continued existence; living or breathing
Picked Option: in these times

weep     :
Right Answer: shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain
Picked Option: grip; take hold of or seize firmly with or as if with the hand

unpleasant     :
Right Answer: disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings
Picked Option: acceptable; passable


You need to enhance your IELTS vocabulary from Level 1.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230319
Your test mark: 60
Done in: 13 minutes
Failed Words: 8

brand     :
Right Answer: a burning piece of wood; mark made by burning with a hot iron; distinctive mark upon in any way
Picked Option: management; supervision; people who are in charge of management; the activity of government for powers and duties

confront     :
Right Answer: be face to face with; oppose in hostility or competition; deal with
Picked Option: Don’t select.

dawn     :
Right Answer: time each morning at which daylight first begins; beginning; start
Picked Option: the action of stretching something tight; anxiety; feelings of hostility

genuine     :
Right Answer: authentic; real; true
Picked Option: not easily explained; beyond from the usual or expected; not divisible by two

mighty     :
Right Answer: having or showing great strength or force or intensity
Picked Option: preceding in the order of time; former; previous

swamp     :
Right Answer: low land that is seasonally flooded; low land region saturated with water
Picked Option: Don’t select.

term     :
Right Answer: limited period of time; point in time at which something ends; termination; deadline
Picked Option: Don’t select.

valid     :
Right Answer: logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable
Picked Option: Don’t select.

Test taker: Divya

Nice job, try finishing in 4 minutes; then move to level 2.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230311
Your test mark: 90
Done in: 5 minutes
Failed Words: 2

brand     :
Right Answer: a burning piece of wood; mark made by burning with a hot iron; distinctive mark upon in any way
Picked Option: a sign made to give notice to a person

term     :
Right Answer: limited period of time; point in time at which something ends; termination; deadline
Picked Option: pledge, undertaking; an act of binding yourself  to a course of action

Test taker: Amaze Mygo

Nice job, try finishing in 4 minutes.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230309
Your test mark: 95
Done in: 5 minutes
Failed Words: 1

fort     :
Right Answer: a fortified defensive structure; permanent army post
Picked Option: passageway between rows of seats, as in an auditorium or an airplane; the wing of a building

Test taker: Amaze Mygo

Good job, you can start level 2 now.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230309
Your test mark: 85
Done in: 3 minutes
Failed Words: 3

obsessed     :
Right Answer: having or showing excessive or compulsive concern; influenced or controlled by a powerful force
Picked Option: low or inferior in station or quality; modest

raid     :
Right Answer: search without warning; surprise attack by a small armed force
Picked Option: advantage; something that aids or promotes well-being; welfare; gain

scandal     :
Right Answer: a publicized incident that brings about disgrace; damage to reputation by disclosure of improper behavior
Picked Option: one who has committed a crime; one who is found guilty by the verdict, confession, or proof

Test taker: Taita Moonb

Nice done; try again with more patience.

Test Name: TOEFL Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230309
Your test mark: 70
Done in: 3 minutes
Failed Words: 6

bound     :
Right Answer: tied; held; committed; limit; constraint; leap; jump
Picked Option: persistent adherence to your ideas; being difficult to handle or overcome

constrain     :
Right Answer: restrain; keep within close bounds; confine
Picked Option: split into opposite extremes or camps

ephemeral     :
Right Answer: short-lived; enduring a very short time
Picked Option: representing what is real; not abstract or ideal; producing the effect or appearance of nature

pore     :
Right Answer: the tiny opening in tissue, as in the skin of an animal; space in rock, soil
Picked Option: a small part of something intended as representative of the whole

rip     :
Right Answer: tear or be torn violently; criticize or abuse forcefully and violently
Picked Option: remove the cover from; expose; disclose

vacant     :
Right Answer: void of thought or knowledge; without an occupant or incumbent
Picked Option: unchecked; free; marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion

Test taker: Hydroli Hot

Very good, you can test level 2 now.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230308
Your test mark: 90
Done in: 4 minutes
Failed Words: 2

involve     :
Right Answer: wind around; connect with something; include necessarily; engage thoroughly
Picked Option: take place; be found to exist; come to one’s mind

rescue     :
Right Answer: free from harm or evil; take from legal custody by force
Picked Option: meeting of elected or appointed representatives

Test taker: Xuwei Guo

Excellent ! Try level 2.

Test Name: IELTS Vocabulary: Level 1
Test Time: 20230308
Your test mark: 85
Done in: 2 minutes
Failed Words: 3

banner     :
Right Answer: flag; sign; a newspaper headline that runs across the full page
Picked Option: a sign posted in public place as an advertisement

dip     :
Right Answer: insert into a fluid and withdraw again; immerse for baptism; wet, as if by immersing; moisten
Picked Option: sell at artificially low prices; throw away as refuse

trauma     :
Right Answer: emotional wound or shock having long-lasting effects; serious injury to the body
Picked Option: fee for services; a group of people appointed to find out about something; authorize

Vocabulary Assessment


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Today’s Vocabulary Genius

flaguser image

Alexander Trippensee

Vocabulary: 32764

Today’s Vocabulary Genius

flaguser image

queen ar

Vocabulary: 32714

Today’s Vocabulary Genius

flaguser image

Adnan Butt

Vocabulary: 25838

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