Vocabulary fill in the correct word sharp lion wild

Fill in the correct word.

• sharp

• lion

• wild

• dangerous

• fur

• elephants

• wing

• crocodile

• legs

• leopard

• paws

e.g. My cat is black with white paws.
1. A _ can stay under water for two hours.
2. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken _ .
3. Koalas have got _ claws for climbing.
4. Indian _ have small ears.
5. Some snakes are _ . They can bite humans.
6. I like my dog’s soft, white _ .
7. _ animals don’t make good pets.
8. A _ can run fast and has spots.
9. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin _ .
10. The _ is the king of the jungle.


Английский язык 5 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 5 B (Module 5). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• острый
• лев
• дикий
• опасный
• мех
• слоны
• крыло
• крокодил
• ноги
• леопард
• лапы
например: Моя кошка черная с белыми лапками.
1. _ может находиться под водой два часа.
2. Мой попугай не умеет летать. У него сломан _.
3. У коал есть _ когти для лазания.
4. У индийских _ маленькие уши.
5. Некоторые змеи _. Они могут укусить людей.
6. Мне нравится мягкий белый _ моей собаки.
7. _ животные не могут быть хорошими домашними животными.
8. _ может быстро бегать и имеет пятна.
9. Жирафы очень высокие с длинными тонкими _.
10. _ − король джунглей.

1. A crocodile can stay under water for two hours.
2. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken wing.
3. Koalas have got sharp claws for climbing.
4. Indian elephants have small ears.
5. Some snakes are dangerous. They can bite humans.
6. I like my dog’s soft, white fur.
7. Wild animals don’t make good pets.
8. A leopard can run fast and has spots.
9. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin legs.
10. The lion is the king of the jungle.

Перевод ответа
1. Крокодил может находиться под водой два часа.
2. Мой попугай не умеет летать. У него сломано крыло.
3. У коал есть острые когти для лазания.
4. У индийских слонов маленькие уши.
5. Некоторые змеи опасны. они могут укусить людей.
6. Мне нравится мягкий белый мех моей собаки.
7. Дикие животные − плохие домашние животные.
8. Леопард быстро бегает и имеет пятна.
9. Жирафы очень высокие, с длинными тонкими ногами.
10. Лев − король джунглей.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: benneta


Автор ответа: goldenpearl


1) lion

2) crocodile

3) legs

4) wing

5) leopard

6) sharp

7) wild

8) elephants

9) fur

10) dangerous

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Test 5 (Spotlight
– 5)


 I. Listen and match the people to their pets.

People                        Pets

1. Vicky                     a   budgie

2. Nathan                   b   cat

3. George                   c   goldfish

4. Maggie                  d   tortoise

5. Susan                     e   dog

                                   f   guinea pig

                                   g   rabbit 


II. Fill in the correct word: sharp, lion, wild,
dangerous, fur, elephants, wing, crocodile, legs, leopard.

1) The ………… is the king of the jungle. 2) A ………. can stay
under water for two hours. 3) Giraffes are very tall with long, thin ………. . 4)
My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken ………… . 5) A …………. can run fast and has
spots. 6) Koalas have got ………… claws for climbing. 7) ………. animals don’t make
good pets. 8) Indian ………… have small ears. 9) I like my dog’s soft, white ……….
. 10) Some snakes are ………..  . They can bite humans.


Write the third person singular.

I live – he ………     2) I swim – he ……….    3) I hunt – he ……….  4) I wash – he
………. 5) I play – he ………. 6) I cry – he ……….. 7) I go – he ……….. 8) I watch – he
………. 9) I carry – he ………..

I like – he ……… .

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) Bears ………. (sleep) all winter. 2) Cats ………. (climb)
trees. 3) A tortoise ……….. (eat) leaves.

4) Leopards ………. (run) very fast. 5) The Bengal tiger ……….
(hide) in tall grass.

V. Fill in Do/Does and answer the questions.

1) ……….. monkeys like to eat bananas? Yes, ………..    2) ………..
camels live in forests? No, ………… .

3) ………… the rhino like to sit in mud? Yes, ………..    4)
…………the koala drink water? No, ………… .

5) ………… your friend like dogs? Yes, ……….. .

VI. Make the sentences negative.

1) Kangaroos ……… (not/live) in Africa. 2) Helen ……….
(not/enjoy) going to the Zoo. 3) He ……. (not/like) tigers. 4) Penguins ………..
(not/sleep) during the day. 5) My parents ………. (not/like) snakes.

Everyday English.

VII. Choose the correct response.

1) What do elephants eat?                 A     It’s black
and white.

2) What colour is the penguin?         B     It’s Nelson.

3) When do cats sleep?                     C     No, I don’t!

4) What is your dog’s name?            D     Fruit and

5) Do you like snakes?                     E      During the


VIII. Read the text and answer the questions.

     A penguin is a bird. Penguins can’t fly. They live in
the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in cold weather. Their size
helps too. They are fat! The penguin is black and white. Penguins don’t sleep
during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea.
They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes.

1) Where do penguins live?

2) What helps them stay warm?

3) What colour are penguins?

4) When do penguins sleep?

5) What do penguins eat?                                                               Total:
50 points

  1. Fill in the correct word: sharp, lion, wild, dangerous, fur, elephants, wing, crocodile, legs, leopard.

1) The ………… is the king of the jungle.

2) A ………. can stay under water for two hours.

3) Giraffes are very tall with long, thin ………. .

4) My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken ………… .

5) A …………. can run fast and has spots.

6) Koalas have got ………… claws for climbing.

7) ………. animals don’t make good pets.

8) Indian ………… have small ears.

9) I like my dog’s soft, white ………. .

10) Some snakes are ……….. . They can bite humans.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present simple  form.

1) Bears ………. (sleep) all winter.

2) Cats ………. (climb) trees.

3) A tortoise ……….. (eat) leaves.

4) Leopards ………. (run) very fast.

5) The Bengal tiger ………. (hide) in tall grass.

6) Butterflies ……………….. (taste) with their feet.

7) A cheetah …………….(run) very fast.

8) Mary ………………. (do) her morning exercises every day.

  1. Write the third person singular of the following verbs

  1. I speak – he ……………………… Я говорю – он ……………………….

  2. I play – he ………………………….

  3. I teach – he ………………………….

  4. I cry – he ……………………………

  5. I live – he …………………………..

  6. I swim – he ……….

  7. I hunt – he ……….

  8. I wash – he ……….

  9. I go – he ………..

  10. I watch – he ……….

  11. I carry – he ………..

  12. I like – he ……… .

  1. Fill in do/does and answer the questions.

  1. ……………… l need my book? No, …………………………….

  2. ………………..your friend live in a big house? Yes, ………………………….

  3. ……………………..you like pizza? Yes, …………………………..

  4. ……………..your parents watch TV in the morning? No, …………………………

  5. …………………………….a lion eat leaves? No, …………………………….

  6. ……….. camels live in forests? No, ………… .

  7. ………… the rhino like to sit in mud? Yes, ………..

  8. …………the koala drink water? No, ………… .

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple negative form.

1. Mary and Tom …………………… (not/run) very fast.

2. Sasha …………………………(not/swim) well.

3. They ……………………………(not/play) football.

4. My mom ……………………………..(not/enjoy) going to the zoo.

5. The baby ……………………………..(not/cry) a lot at night.

6. Choose the correct response.

1) What do elephants eat? A It’s black and white.

2) What colour is the penguin? B It’s Nelson.

3) When do cats sleep? C No, I don’t!

4) What is your dog’s name? D Fruit and grass.

5) Do you like snakes? E During the day.

7. Read the text and answer the questions.

A penguin is a bird. Penguins can’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in cold weather. Their size helps too. They are fat! The penguin is black and white. Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for five minutes.

1) Where do penguins live?

2) What helps them stay warm?

3) What colour are penguins?

4) When do penguins sleep?

5) What do penguins eat?



Вопрос по английскому языку:

A. Fill in the correct word.
•dangerous • elephants • leopard • crocodile • lion • paws•legs • sharp • fur • wing • wild
e.g. My cat is black with white paws.
1. Indian……..have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white………..
3. A……….can run fast and has spots.
4. The………..is the king of the jungle.
5. ………animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin……
8. A ………. can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are …………. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got……….claws for climbing.

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. Indian elephants have small ears.
2. I like my dog’s soft, white fur.
3. A leopard can run fast and has spots.
4. The lion is the king of the jungle.
5. Wild animals don’t make good pets.
6. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken wing.
7. Giraffes are very tall with long, thin……
8. A crocodile can stay under water for two hours.
9. Some snakes are dangerous. They can bite humans.
10. Koalas have got sharp claws for climbing.

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  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

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  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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