Saren Erdmann is an Information
Technology Project Manager for US
Bank. Saren’s primary responsibilities
include managing software installations
and enhancements for US Bank’s
branch locations. She identifies project
stakeholders, coordinates and runs all
project-related meetings and communications, documents each project,
and assesses risks and solutions that keep initiatives running as smoothly
as possible.
Because most of Saren’s stakeholders are located in remote offices, she
must coordinate with them via phone calls, e-mails, or instant messaging.
Saren is quick to note the dangers of miscommunication when
exchanging notes with colleagues in short digital texts. “Since the written word
can be interpreted in so many ways, it is very important to be clear,” she advises.
To write with clarity, Saren recommends keeping messages short and to the
point and using a professional tone. Her rule of thumb is that “no matter how
well you know someone, you must always maintain a level of professionalism
when sending written communication at work.” However, a little humor
carefully delivered to a friendly audience won’t hurt: “If I have been working
with someone for a long time and we have a personal relationship, my
work-related communications to them are slightly more relaxed, but still
Project managers like Saren are agile at juggling correspondence. They
multitask, prioritize which items need an immediate response, and have a
strategy for managing items on the back burner. “I am bombarded with so
much correspondence on a daily basis that it is difficult to absorb everything
I receive right away. I am careful to archive all project documentation and
correspondence in a central location. If I need to refresh my memory or read an
original communication I missed, I can find the information in my files.”
Research the word stakeholder. What is the original meaning? How is it used
in this profile?
3 ★★★ Complete the sentences with ‘s and a family word. 1 My dad ‘s mum 2 My sister 3 4 5 6 My mum My cousin My mum My dad is my grandma. is my dad. is my aunt. is my uncle. is my grandma. is my granddad.памагите пж даю 100 балов
Family Words
A family tree for
some of Anne and Ivan Sorokin’s relations.
Ivan and Anne and
their children.
Ivan is Anne’s husband and Karen and Jack’s father.
Anne is Ivan’s wife and Karen and Jack’s mother.
Anne and Ivan are
Karen and Jack’s parents.
Karen is Anne and
Ivan’s daughter. Jack is their son.
Karen is Jack’s sister. Jack is Karen’s brother.
Henry and Diana
Henry is Karen
and Jack’s grandfather. Diana is
their grandmother.
Henry and Diana
are Karen and Jack’s grandparents.
Karen is their granddaughter. Jack is their grandson.
Amelia, George
and Meena.
George is Karen and
Jack’s uncle.
Amelia and Meena
are Karen and Jack’s aunts.
Karen is Amelia,
George and Meena’s bniece. Jack is
their nephew.
Kavita and Amal
are Karen and Jack’s cousins.
Have you got any brothers and sisters? No, I am an only child.
Do you come from a big family? Yes, I have
three brothers and two sisters.
Error Warning
We say ‘my/his wife’ (singular) but ‘our/their
wives’ (plural)
1.1 |
Look at the family tree on the opposite page. Complete
1.2 |
The Sorokins have Meena has a brother, Sanjay. Sanjay is Kavita and Amal’s |
1.3 |
Ask friend these questions. Then write sentences about
Помогите с заданием пожалуйста.
1VOCABULARY family and adjectives a.
Can you remember these words?
Do the puzzle in pairs.
1. The opposite of thin of slim is .
2. Your brother’s wife is your .
3. Your sister’s daughter is your .
4. Your mother’s brother is your .
5. Your aunt’s children are your .
6. The opposite of fair is .
7. The opposite of short is .
8. Your brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.
Are your .
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