Vocabulary complete the sentences with the correct word settled

Упражнение 1, с. 117

1. Complete with: incredible, locals, won, discovered, settled, lifetime, voyage, accurate, empire, legend. — Заполните с: В комплекте с: невероятный, местный, завоеванный, обнаруженный, оседлый, пожизненный, путешествие, точный, империя, легенда.

1 Alexander the Great created a huge empire and won a place in history.
Александр Македонский создал огромную империю и завоевал место в истории.

2 Genghis Khan’s Mongolian empire stretched from Hungary to Korea.
Монгольская империя Чингисхана простиралась от Венгрии до Кореи.

3 Mozart was an incredible musician and composed his first concerto at the age of five.
Моцарт был потрясающим музыкантом и сочинил свой первый концерт в возрасте пяти лет.

4 Da Vinci’s maps are extremely accurate and show every detail.
Карты да Винчи чрезвычайно точны и показывают каждую деталь.

5 According to legend, the city of Atlantis sank into the sea after a huge earthquake.
Согласно легенде, город Атлантида затонул в море после сильного землетрясения.

6 The Pilgrims settled in an area near the sea and built a town called Plymouth.
Пилигримы поселились в районе у моря и построили город под названием Плимут.

7 The early Pilgrims made a long voyage on the Mayflower to reach America.
Первые пилигримы совершили долгое путешествие на «Мэйфлауэре», чтобы добраться до Америки.

8 The giant terrified the locals, stealing their sheep and eating people.
Великан наводил ужас на местных жителей, воровал у них овец и ел людей.

9 Henry Carter discovered the lost tomb of Tutankhamun.
Генри Картер обнаружил потерянную гробницу Тутанхамона.

10 Julius Caesar achieved many things in his lifetime.
Юлий Цезарь многого достиг за свою жизнь.

Упражнение 2, с. 117

2. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. — Завершите предложения формами глаголов в скобках в прошедшем простом или в прошедшем непрерывном.

1 A: How did the Pilgrims survive their first winter?
B: The natives taught them how to hunt and grow crops.
Как паломники пережили свою первую зиму?
Туземцы научили их охотиться и выращивать урожай. 

2 2 A: Who killed Alexander the Great?
B: Nobody. He died of a fever. Никто.
Кто убил Александра Македонского?
Он умер от лихорадки.

3 A: Were the children watching TV when you called?
B: No. They were having lunch.
Дети смотрели телевизор, когда вы позвонили?
Нет. Они обедали.

4 A: Einstein didn’t start to speak until he was three years old.
B: Really? I didn’t know that.
Эйнштейн не начинал говорить, пока ему не исполнилось трёх лет.
Неужели? Я этого не знал.

5 A: How did you burn the chips?
B: The phone rang when I was cooking them.
Как вы сожгли чипсы?
Телефон зазвонил, когда я их готовила.

Упражнение 3, с. 117

3. Match the exchanges. — Сопоставьте реплики.

1 C 2 E 3 D 4 A 5 B

1 How was your weekend? C It was great, thanks.
Как прошли выходные? Это было здорово, спасибо.

2 That sounds like a lot of fun. E It was.
Это звучит очень весело. Так и было.

3 Where did you go? D We went to the zoo.
Куда вы ходили? Мы ходили в зоопарк.

4 When did she die? A In 1934.
Когда она умерла? В 1934 году.

5 Did you have a nice time? B Yes, I did, thanks.
Вы хорошо провели время? Да, спасибо.

Упражнение 4, с. 117

4. Read the text and answer the question. — Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос.

Pyotr Kapitsa was a famous Russian physicist. He was born on 8th July, 1894 in Krnstadt.

When he was a student, he stopped his studies to work as an ambulance driver during WWI. He graduated in 1918 and then moved to England to work with Ernest Rutherford. He made a number of discoveries related to magnetic fields and he became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1929. He started doing research in low temperatures in the 1930s which led to his discovery of superfluidity in 1937. He helped to start the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and he taught there for many years. From 1957, he was a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978 for his work in 1937.

Kapitsa died on 8th April, 1984, but people remember him as a great physicist and his discoveries are still very important in astrophysics.

Пётр Капица был известным русским физиком. Он родился 8 июля 1894 года в Крнштадте.

Когда он был студентом, он бросил учебу, чтобы работать водителем скорой помощи во время Первой мировой войны. Он окончил университет в 1918 году, а затем переехал в Англию, чтобы работать с Эрнестом Резерфордом. Он сделал ряд открытий, связанных с магнитными полями, и в 1929 году стал членом Королевского общества. Он начал заниматься исследованиями низких температур в 1930-х годах, что привело к его открытию сверхтекучести в 1937 году. Он помог основать Московский физико-технический институт и много лет преподавал там. С 1957 года он был членом Академии Наук СССР. Он получил Нобелевскую премию по физике в 1978 году за свою работу в 1937 году.

Капица умер 8 апреля 1984 года, но люди помнят его как великого физика, и его открытия до сих пор очень важны в астрофизике.

1 Where was Kapitsa born?
Где родился Капица?

2 Why did he stop his studies?
Почему он прекратил учёбу?

3 Where did he teach?
Где он учил?

4 What did he  win in 1978?
Что он выиграл в 1978 году?

5 When did he die?
Когда он умер?


1 He was born in Krnstadt.
Он родился в Крнштадте.

2 To work as an ambulance driver during WWI.
Он стал работать водителем скорой помощи во время Первой мировой войны.

3 He taught at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
Преподавал в Московском физико-техническом институте.

4 He won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Он получил Нобелевскую премию по физике.

5 He died on 8th April, 1984.
Он умер 8 апреля 1984 года.

Упражнение 5, с. 115

5. Fill in: Return, please. — Here you are. — I’d like two tickets to Manchester, please. — We’d like to take the 9:30 am bus. — Заполните: Обратно, пожалуйста. — Возьмите деньги. — Мне нужны два билета до Манчестера, пожалуйста. — Мы хотели бы сесть на автобус в 9.30 утра.

1 A: That’s £36, please.
B: Here you are.
Это 36 фунтов, пожалуйста.

2 A: What time would you like to leave?
B: We’d like to take the 9:30 am bus.
В котором часу вы хотели бы уехать?
Мы хотели бы сесть на автобус в 9.30 утра.

3 A: Hello. Can I help you?
B: I’d like two tickets to Manchester, please.
Здравствуйте. Могу я вам помочь?
Мне нужны два билета до Манчестера, пожалуйста.

4 Single or return?
B: Return, please.
В одну сторону или вернётесь?
В обе стороны, пожалуйста.

Упражнение 6, с. 117

6. Write a short biography of a famous person your country. Write: who they were, when & where they were born, the main events/ achievements in their life, when they died (80-100 words). — Напишите короткую биографию известного человека вашей страны. Напишите: кем они были, когда и где родились, основные события/ достижения в их жизни, когда они умерли (80-100 слов).

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

Английский язык. 6 класс

Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

Test 4
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


Example: The
students will have finished/have finishedthe
test in a couple of minutes.

1 This
time tomorrow, you’re taking/’ll be takingyour
driving test.

2 Good
luck with the interview! I’ll be thinking/’ll have
of you.

3 I’ll
have gone
/’ll be goinginto town more next week –
that’s when my course starts.

4 The
meeting should be a quick one so we’ll have finished/befinishingby 3.00.

5 I’m
sure we’ll have solved/’ll be solvingall our
energy problems by 2050.

6 We
usually start our lunch at 1.30, but tomorrow we’ll have
/‘ll be startingit at 2.15 as there’s a lot
of work to do in the morning.


2 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: If
you likeromantic films, you’ll love this film.

like like liked

1 If
you’re cooking a meal tonight, I ________ anything this afternoon.

not eating ’won’t have eaten won’t eat

2 We’ll
have the party outdoors on Saturday unless it ________ .

rain ’s raining will have rained

3 If
you eat fresh, healthy food, you ________ to take vitamin

need aren’t needing will need

4 If
you’re feeling hungry, you probably ________ enough to eat.

have had haven’t had aren’t going to have

5 Unless
you ________ like you need a break, we’ll carry on walking.

felt ‘re feeling aren’t feeling

6 If
you make bread, you ________ a warm place to put it while it rises.

need ’re
needing ’ve needed


3 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s) from the box.

as soon as before in case whenwhile unless
until (x2)

Example: I’ll
be downstairs in five minutes whenI’ve got dressed.

1 I
can’t start cooking ____ Jane brings the food.

2 Give
me a ring later ____ you’re having your break.

3 There’s
no way I’m helping him ____ he pays me.

4 Take
my number ____ you need to call me.

5 I’m
not leaving ____ you give me my money back.

6 Let
me know ______ you’ve heard any news.

7 You
shouldn’t eat _____ you do exercise.

8 The
passengers got off the plane ____ it had landed.





4 Underlinethe odd word out.

Example: hailstorm
flood drought mild

1 damp
drizzling bright pouring


3 hot
scorching boiling freezing

4 settled
changeable hail bright

5 drizzling
breeze hurricane tornado


the correct word

We bought some ice creams because it was boiling /

1 It’s
going to be damp and chilly/sunnytomorrow.

2 It’s
difficult to say what the weather will be like later – it’s so

3 There
was a really strong/heavy wind blowing at the coast.

4 It’s
a very mild/coolday for mid-winter.

5 If
there’s thick/strongfog the traffic will be very

6 You’ll
need your sunglasses – it’s incredibly clear /brightoutside.

7 There’s
not much rain today, but it’s still quite damp/drizzling.


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  • 1English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014


    4 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation AENGLISH FILE


    3 Complete the sentences with the correct words(s) from the

    after as soon as before in case when while unless until (x2)

    Example: Ill be downstairs in five minutes when Ive got

    1 I cant start cooking ____ Jane brings the food.

    2 Give me a ring later ____ youre having your break.

    3 Theres no way Im helping him ____ he pays me.

    4 Take my number ____ you need to call me.

    5 Im not leaving ____ you give me my money back.

    6 Let me know ______ youve heard any news.

    7 You shouldnt eat _____ you do exercise.

    8 The passengers got off the plane ____ it had landed.


    Grammar total 20


    4 Underline the odd word out.Example: hailstorm flood drought

    1 damp drizzling bright pouring

    2 monsoon shower hurricane blizzard

    3 hot scorching boiling freezing

    4 settled changeable hail bright

    5 flood breeze hurricane tornado


    5 Underline the correct word.Example: We bought some ice creams
    because it was

    boiling / pouring.

    1 Its going to be damp and chilly / sunny tomorrow.2 Its
    difficult to say what the weather will be like

    later its so settled / changeable.3 There was a really strong /
    heavy wind blowing at

    the coast.

    4 Its a very mild / cool day for mid-winter.5 If theres thick /
    strong fog the traffic will be very


    6 Youll need your sunglasses its incredibly clear / bright

    7 Theres not much rain today, but its still quite damp /



    1 Underline the correct verb forms.Example: The students will
    have finished / have

    finished the test in a couple of minutes.

    1 This time tomorrow, youre taking / ll be taking your driving

    2 Good luck with the interview! Ill be thinking / ll have
    thought of you.

    3 Ill have gone / ll be going into town more next week thats
    when my course starts.

    4 The meeting should be a quick one so well have finished / be
    finishing by 3.00.

    5 Im sure well have solved / ll be solving all our energy
    problems by 2050.

    6 We usually start our lunch at 1.30, but tomorrow well have
    started / ll be starting it at 2.15 as theres a lot of work to do
    in the morning.


    2 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).Example: If
    you like romantic films, youll love this

    film. will like like liked

    1 If youre cooking a meal tonight, I ________ anything this

    m not eating wont have eaten wont eat

    2 Well have the party outdoors on Saturday unless it

    will rain s raining will have rained

    3 If you eat fresh, healthy food, you ________ to take vitamin

    dont need arent needing will need

    4 If youre feeling hungry, you probably ________ enough to

    wont have had havent had arent going to have

    5 Unless you ________ like you need a break, well carry on

    ve felt re feeling arent feeling

    6 If you make bread, you ________ a warm place to put it while
    it rises.

    need re needing ve needed


  • 2English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014


    4 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation AENGLISH FILE



    7 Write S if the sounds are the same, and D if they are

    Example: drizzle, chilly S drizzle, icy D

    1 pouring, drought ____2 heavy, settled ____3 below zero, cold
    ____4 icy, mild ____5 flood, thunder ____


    8 Underline the stressed syllable.Example: free|zing

    1 tor|na|do2 change|a|ble3 ad|van|tage4 bli|zzard5


    Pronunciation total 10

    Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

    6 Complete the sentences with one word.Example: The plane took
    off exactly on time.

    1 Investing money in the stock market is never safe youre taking
    a ________.

    2 You dont need to rush take ________ time and enjoy your

    3 Dont expect so much from Jane you must take into ________ that
    shes still young.

    4 You should take more care ________ yourself. You dont eat

    5 Ive always wanted to take ________ in a charity event.

    6 The wedding will take ________ at the church on 12th July.

    7 Do you think you take ________ your mother or your father in

    8 You should take ________ of the low exchange rates and get
    some dollars now.


    Vocabulary total 20

  • 3English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014


    ENGLISH FILEUpper-intermediate4 Reading and Writing A

    now. The study gives details of what action needs to be taken by
    the owners of transport networks, for example. ( 5 )

    Rail Minister Theresa Villiers explained that although the UK
    government needs to manage money very carefully, it is committed to
    spending considerable sums on transport through vital projects such
    as the Thameslink upgrade, Crossrail, the proposed High Speed rail
    network, and more electrification of the rail network.

    The new Blackfriars Railway station in London is being fitted
    with technology including sun pipes, rainwater harvesting systems,
    insulation and solar panels to make it less reliant on water and
    electricity networks. Perhaps this station will lead the way for
    others all over the country to become more environmentally

    A It also highlights the role of the government in protecting
    the UK from the effects of climate change.

    B So, how long has it been damaged for?

    C This involves spending around 200 billion on UK transport and
    power supplies over the next five years.

    D As well as getting money from the government, she also asked
    for help from British businesses.

    E So, what does that mean for people who need to use these

    F Roads, railways, and power and water supplies also need to be
    protected as weather patterns become more serious.

    Reading total 10


    You have been asked to write a report on how your town or city
    is helping the environment for the schools Eco-Club. Write 140180
    words. Include the following information:

    environment makesomesuggestionsformorethingsyourtown/city

    could do explainwhythesethingswouldmakeadifference

    Writing total 10

    Reading and Writing total 20


    Read the article about the effects of climate change in the UK.
    Five sentences have been removed. Which sentence (AF) fits each gap
    (15). There is one extra sentence you do not need to use.

    The Effects of Climate Change in the UKClimate change is a
    long-term change in weather patterns over periods of time that
    range from decades to millions of years. It is one of the greatest
    environmental issues of our time.

    The effect of changes in our climate has been a hot topic for
    many years. And now government ministers in the UK have warned that
    the internet could be badly affected due to climate change. ( 1

    Scientists say that higher temperatures and rainstorms could
    affect wi-fi communications. In addition, wetter winters and drier
    summers might lead to subsidence the sinking of the ground damaging
    underground cables. ( 2 ) If climate change affects the quality of
    the signal, or there is no signal due to extreme changes in
    temperature, people will clearly be disadvantaged. It would be very
    serious if communication systems were not working in the height of
    an emergency. This is why the issue must be dealt with.

    The Environment Secretary, Caroline Spelman, recently explained
    the governments plans to take action. ( 3 ) However, if these
    facilities cannot deal with the increase in floods and storms
    likely to accompany rising temperatures, the money will have been
    wasted, she warned. Speaking at Blackfriars Railway Station in
    London, which a UK rail company says is being redeveloped with the
    long-term effects of climate change in mind, Ms Spelman said the UK
    economy would not be able to grow if infrastructure transport and
    communications networks and reliable energy and water supplies

    Ms Spelman explained that our economy is built on this
    infrastructure. But it could not grow if there are repeated power
    failures, or if goods cannot be transported because roads are
    flooded and railways have been damaged, or if heavy rainfall or
    high temperatures negatively affect wi-fi signals. ( 4 ) According
    to Ms Spelman, they could come forward and develop new technologies
    and processes to help our current systems better deal with climate

    A government report published recently outlines how planning and
    design of new systems needs to consider the effect of climate
    change. This is especially important as many projects will still be
    there in 50 to 100 years from

  • 4English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014


    ENGLISH FILEUpper-intermediate4 Listening and Speaking A


    1 Listen to five people talking about road safety. Choose from
    the list (AF) what each speaker says about road safety. Use the
    letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to
    use.A dont speak on the phone while drivingB make sure you always
    wear your seatbeltC pay attention to the conditionsD be prepared
    for your journeyE check how fast you are driving F wear the correct
    clothes at night

    Speaker 1: Speaker 2: Speaker 3: Speaker 4: Speaker 5:


    2 Listen to a radio interviewer talking to a young person who
    does voluntary work for an environmental agency.1 Rick spent 6
    months / 9 months / 12 months

    working as a volunteer.

    2 Ricks role included looking at the fish that were caught /
    finding types of seahorses in the ocean / tidying up beaches.

    3 Volunteers usually had one / two / three days off each

    4 All volunteers shared a kitchen / bathroom / bedroom.

    5 Some people on the project had the chance to learn to dive /
    learn about construction work / learn how to teach.


    Listening total 10


    1 Make questions and ask your partner.1 What / do / prevent
    climate change in your daily life?

    2 How / people live / 50 years time?

    3 What / least favourite / type of weather? Why?

    4 What / weather usually like in your country in summer?

    5 What / the riskiest thing / ever do?

    Now answer your partners questions.

    2 Listen to your partner talking about climate change. Do you
    agree with him / her?

    3 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree or
    disagree. Give reasons.We cant do anything to stop climate change,
    so we should enjoy life now.

    Speaking total 20

    Listening and Speaking total 30

  • 1English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014


    ENGLISH FILEUpper-intermediate4 Grammar, Vocabulary, and
    Pronunciation B

    3 Underline the correct verb forms.Example: The students will
    have finished / have

    finished the test in a couple of minutes.

    1 Do you think well have solved / ll be solving how to make
    clean energy by 2040?

    2 The interview wont take long Im sure Ill have finished / be
    finishing by 4.30.

    3 This time on Tuesday, youre taking / ll be taking your last

    4 Ill have / ll be having my English lesson at 7.30. It starts
    at 7.00

    5 I hope your driving test goes well! Ill be thinking / ll have
    thought of you.

    6 Ill have gone / ll be going out more often when weve found a
    new babysitter.


    Grammar total 20


    4 Underline the correct word(s).Example: We bought some ice
    creams because it was

    boiling / pouring.

    1 In very thick / strong fog the planes can still land

    2 This winter the weather has been surprisingly mild / cool.

    3 When the night sky is clear / bright you can see an incredible
    number of stars here.

    4 It was so clear / bright on the ski slope it was difficult to
    see anything.

    5 Its difficult to know what the weather will be like its so
    settled / changeable.

    6 You need a strong / heavy wind if you want to go sailing.

    7 They say it will be wet and chilly / sunny for the next



    1 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).Example: If
    you like romantic films, youll love this

    DVD. will like like liked

    1 Well take a picnic to the park unless it ________. will rain s
    raining will have rained

    2 If you make pizzas, you ________ a very hot oven to cook them

    need re needing ve needed

    3 Unless you ________ too tired, well keep walking until we get
    to the top of that hill.

    ve felt re feeling arent feeling

    4 If were going to that new restaurant tonight, I ________
    anything this afternoon.

    m not eating wont have eaten wont eat

    5 If you arent full, its obvious that you ________ enough to

    wont have had havent had arent going to have

    6 If people make sure they eat a good diet, they ________ lots
    of vitamin pills.

    dont need arent needing will need


    2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in

    Example: I wont start cooking until you arrive (arrive).

    1 Whats your mobile number in case I ________ (need) to contact

    2 Jan and Martin will get in touch as soon as they ________
    (hear) any news.

    3 Bring some work you can do offline in case my internet
    ________ (not work) later.

    4 Give me a ring at 1.00 while you ________ (have) your lunch

    5 Ive just got up Ill give you a call when I ________ (get)

    6 We ________ (send) you an email after weve got back from our

    7 I wont be satisfied unless you ________ (give) me an exchange
    or a refund.

    8 Im not going to do the work unless she ________ (pay) me well
    for it.


  • 2English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014


    ENGLISH FILEUpper-intermediate4 Grammar, Vocabulary, and
    Pronunciation B


    7 Write S if the sounds are the same, and D if they are

    Example: drizzle, chilly S drizzle, icy D

    1 icy, mild ____2 flood, thunder ____3 pouring, drought ____4
    heavy, settled ____5 below zero, cold ____


    8 Underline the stressed syllable.Example: free|zing

    1 ad|van|tage2 bli|zzard3 par|ti|ci|pate4 tor|na|do5


    Pronunciation total 10

    Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

    5 Complete the sentences with one word.Example: The plane took
    off exactly on time.

    1 Were hoping to take ________ in the next London Marathon.

    2 I dont think I take ________ my father Im nothing like

    3 The garden party takes ________ in July every year, in the
    palace gardens.

    4 Take ________ of the low prices and buy things in the January

    5 If you invest in gold, youre still taking a ________ because
    the price could go down.

    6 Do take into ________ that Billy is only 15 you cant treat him
    like an adult.

    7 Take ________ time eating breakfast, theres no need to

    8 I think I take care ________ myself I certainly eat well and
    exercise a lot.


    6 Underline the odd word out.Example: hailstorm flood drought

    1 hot scorching boiling freezing

    2 settled changeable hail bright

    3 flood breeze hurricane tornado

    4 damp drizzling bright pouring

    5 monsoon shower hurricane blizzard


    Vocabulary total 20

  • 3English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014


    ENGLISH FILEUpper-intermediate4 Reading and Writing B

    effects of climate change. Rail Minister Theresa Villiers
    explained that although the UK government needs to manage money
    very carefully, it is committed to spending considerable sums on
    our transport through vital projects such as the Thameslink
    upgrade, Crossrail, the proposed High Speed rail network, and more
    electrification of the rail network.

    The new Blackfriars Railway station in London is being fitted
    with technology including sun pipes, rainwater harvesting systems,
    insulation and solar panels to make it less reliant on water and
    electricity networks. Perhaps this station will lead the way for
    others all over the country to become more environmentally

    A The study gives details of what action needs to be taken by
    the owners of transport networks, for example.

    B And now government ministers in the UK have warned that the
    internet could be badly affected due to climate change.

    C Over the next five years, it intends to spend around 200
    billion on UK transport and power supplies.

    D According to Ms Spelman, they could develop new technologies
    to help our current systems better deal with climate change.

    E She was sure that it was essential for the work to be done

    F This is why the issue must be dealt with.

    Reading total 10


    You have been asked to write a report on how your town or city
    is helping the environment for the schools Eco-Club. Write 140180
    words. Include the following information:

    environment makesomesuggestionsformorethingsyourtown/city

    could do explainwhythesethingswouldmakeadifference

    Writing total 10

    Reading and Writing total 20


    Read the article about the effects of climate change in the UK.
    Five sentences have been removed. Which sentence (AF) fits each gap
    (15)? There is one extra sentence you do not need to use.

    Unexpected challenges from environmental changeClimate change is
    a long-term change in weather patterns over periods of time that
    range from decades to millions of years. It is one of the greatest
    environmental issues of our time.

    The effect of changes in our climate has been a hot topic for
    many years. ( 1 ) As weather patterns become more serious,
    railways, roads, and power and water supplies also need to be

    Scientists say that higher temperatures and rainstorms could
    affect wi-fi communications. In addition, wetter winters and drier
    summers might lead to subsidence the sinking of the ground damaging
    underground cables. So, what does that mean for people who need to
    use these communications? If climate change affects the quality of
    the signal, or there is no signal due to extreme changes in
    temperature, people will clearly be disadvantaged. It would be very
    serious if communication systems were not working in the height of
    an emergency. ( 2 )

    The Environment Secretary, Caroline Spelman, recently explained
    the governments plans to take action. ( 3 ) However, if facilities
    cannot deal with the increase in floods and storms likely to
    accompany rising temperatures, the money will have been wasted, she
    warned. Speaking at Blackfriars Railway Station in London, which a
    UK rail company says is being redeveloped with the long-term
    effects of climate change in mind, Ms Spelman said the UK economy
    would not be able to grow if infrastructure transport and
    communications networks and reliable energy and water supplies

    Ms Spelman explained that our economy is built on this
    infrastructure. But it could not grow if there are repeated power
    failures, or if goods cannot be transported because roads are
    flooded and railways have been damaged, or if heavy rainfall or
    high temperatures negatively affect wi-fi signals. She also asked
    for help from British businesses. ( 4 )

    A government report published recently outlines how planning and
    design of new systems needs to take into consideration the effect
    of climate change, and this is especially important as many
    projects will still be there in 50 to 100 years from now. ( 5 ) It
    also highlights the role of the government in protecting the UK
    from the

  • 4English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014


    ENGLISH FILEUpper-intermediate4 Listening and Speaking B


    1 Answer your partners questions. Now make questions and ask
    your partner.

    1 How worried / people your country / climate change? Why?

    2 What / environmental stories / in news recently?

    3 What / favourite type of weather? Why?

    4 What / the weather / like / your country / winter?

    5 you / do any dangerous sports? Why? / Why not?

    2 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree or
    disagree. Give reasons.People do extreme sports because modern life
    is too safe and boring.

    3 Listen to your partner talking about the environment. Do you
    agree with him / her?

    Speaking total 20

    Listening and Speaking total 30


    1 Listen to five people talking about road safety. Choose from
    the list (AF) what each speaker says about road safety. Use the
    letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to
    use.A make sure you are dressed properly for the time of

    dayB get ready in advance for your journeyC check your engine
    before a long journeyD pay attention to how fast you are
    travellingE take note of whats happening outsideF forget about
    using your phone while you are driving

    Speaker 1: Speaker 2: Speaker 3: Speaker 4: Speaker 5:


    2 Listen to a radio interviewer talking to a young person who
    does voluntary work for an environmental agency.1 Rick worked for
    the environmental agency for a full

    year / most of the year / half a year.2 A small group of people
    on the project worked with

    seahorses / fish / beaches.3 Rick was free for one / two / three
    days each week.4 Volunteers often spent their evenings sitting on

    beach / chatting in the kitchen / relaxing in the equipment

    5 All volunteers are taught how to dive / how to recognize
    plants / how to build.


    Listening total 10

  • 1English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014

    4 Answer Key AENGLISH FILE



    2 S3 S4 S5 S

    8 1 tor|na|do2 change|a|ble3 ad|van|tage4 bli|zzard5

    Reading and Writing

    READING1 1 F

    2 E3 C4 D5 A

    WRITINGStudents own answers.Task completion: The task is fully
    completed and the answer easy to understand. (4 marks)Grammar: The
    student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor
    errors do not obscure the meaning. (3 marks)Vocabulary: The student
    uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the
    message clearly. (3 marks)

    Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

    GRAMMAR1 1 ll be taking

    2 ll be thinking3 ll be going4 ll have finished5 ll have solved6
    ll be starting

    2 1 wont eat2 s raining3 dont need4 havent had5 re feeling6

    3 1 until2 while3 unless4 in case5 until6 as soon as7 before8

    VOCABULARY4 1 bright

    2 shower3 freezing4 hail5 breeze

    5 1 chilly2 changeable3 strong4 mild5 thick6 bright7 damp

    6 1 risk2 your3 account4 of5 part6 place7 after8 advantage

  • 2English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014

    4 Answer Key AENGLISH FILE


    Listening and Speaking

    LISTENING1 Speaker 1: E

    Speaker 2: FSpeaker 3: ASpeaker 4: CSpeaker 5: D

    2 1 6 months2 finding types of seahorses in the ocean3 two4
    kitchen5 learn about construction work

    SPEAKINGInteractive communication and oral production: The
    student communicates effectively with his / her partner, asking and
    answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating
    conversation, and responding. The student uses appropriate
    strategies to complete the task successfully. (10 marks)Grammar and
    Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and
    structure to communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not
    impede communication. (5 marks)Pronunciation: The students
    intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message
    clear and comprehensible. (5 marks)

  • 3English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014

    ENGLISH FILEUpper-intermediate4 Answer Key B


    2 S3 D4 S5 S

    8 1 ad|van|tage2 bli|zzard3 par|ti|ci|pate4 tor|na|do5

    Reading and Writing

    READING1 1 B

    2 F3 C4 D5 A

    WRITINGStudents own answers.Task completion: The task is fully
    completed and the answer easy to understand. (4 marks)Grammar: The
    student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor
    errors do not obscure the meaning. (3 marks)Vocabulary: The student
    uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the
    message clearly. (3 marks)

    Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

    GRAMMAR1 1 s raining

    2 need3 re feeling4 wont eat5 havent had6 dont need

    2 1 need2 hear / ve heard3 isnt working / doesnt work4 re
    having5 ve got6 ll send7 give / ve given8 pays

    3 1 ll have solved2 ll have finished3 ll be taking4 ll be
    having5 ll be thinking6 ll be going

    VOCABULARY4 1 thick

    2 mild3 clear4 bright5 changeable6 strong7 chilly

    5 1 part2 after3 place4 advantage5 risk6 account7 your8 of

    6 1 freezing2 hail3 breeze4 bright5 shower

  • 4English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014

    ENGLISH FILEUpper-intermediate4 Answer Key B

    Listening and Speaking

    LISTENING1 Speaker 1: D

    Speaker 2: ASpeaker 3: FSpeaker 4: ESpeaker 5: B

    2 1 half a year2 fish3 two4 relaxing in the equipment room5 how
    to dive

    SPEAKINGInteractive communication and oral production: The
    student communicates effectively with his / her partner, asking and
    answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating
    conversation, and responding. The student uses appropriate
    strategies to complete the task successfully. (10 marks)Grammar and
    Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and
    structure to communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not
    impede communication. (5 marks)Pronunciation: The students
    intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message
    clear and comprehensible. (5 marks)

  • 4English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University
    Press 2014

    Listening ScriptsENGLISH FILE


    FILE 4Listening 2

    Interviewer Hello, Im Louisa Fielding and this is Environmental
    Corner. With me today is Rick, who volunteers for an environmental
    agency. Rick, welcome to the programme.

    Rick Hi thanks very much.Interviewer Now youve done some
    voluntary work for an environmental

    agency in Asia, havent you?Rick Thats right. It was for a diving
    and marine conservation group in

    Thailand.Interviewer So, what exactly is marine
    conservation?Rick Its basically anything to do with things that
    live in the sea.Interviewer How long did you spend in Thailand?Rick
    Oh, it was quite a long time actually. Hmm lets see. Id already

    decided to take a year off before going to university, but didnt
    want to spend the full 12 months working on the project I wanted
    to, er, you know do a bit of travelling too, and I had to work to
    earn some money as well. So, I spent about half my gap year

    Interviewer What type of things did the volunteers on this
    project do when they were there?

    Rick Most of us were involved in diving surveys where we helped
    to identify sea horses there were so many different types. And
    thats what I was involved in. A few people worked with local
    fishermen they looked at which kinds of fish they catch and taught
    them about keeping certain fish safe for the future. Others helped
    with cleaning up the beaches in the area, and they got local kids
    to help out with that.

    Interviewer How many days a week did you have to work? It sounds
    like you were very busy.

    Rick There was a work schedule each week so we know what was
    happening and when. The schedule varies, depending on the time of
    year, the weather, and the number of volunteers on the project. We
    normally worked five days a week and did some diving each day. We
    had two days to ourselves to relax, travel back to the mainland or
    get involved in some of the other activities that there were, like
    diving or boat trips.

    Interviewer That sounds like fun! What were the living
    conditions like?Rick Well, we shared wooden bungalows with other
    volunteers 4 people to

    each one. The accommodation had electricity provided by a
    generator for a few hours in the evenings, and each bungalow had an
    attached bathroom with a bucket shower basically thats just where
    you use buckets of water to wash yourself. The bungalows are just a
    few metres from the beach, so the sea views are amazing! Everyone
    ate together in the area that we all share. It had a kitchen and
    large dining area and had plenty of space to study or just enjoy
    the view and relax. The surrounding garden had an equipment room
    and in the evenings staff and volunteers went there to play cards
    or watch a DVD.

    Interviewer Hmm not bad. So, do you need experience if you want
    to work on one of these projects?

    Rick Obviously it would be a big help if you already knew
    something about marine biology, but no, volunteers dont need any
    previous experience. One of the first things everyone is taught, is
    how to dive to the necessary level. There are lots of qualified
    instructors there. Youll actually leave Thailand with lots of
    experience under your belt a few of the guys even learned how to do
    building work and you might even have the chance to study some
    tropical plants in the nearby jungle.

    Interviewer It certainly sounds like a valuable way to spend
    your time, if you have that kind of time to spare of course.

    Rick Oh definitely Id recommend it to anyone with an interest in
    environmental issues and ( fade )

    FILE 4Listening 1

    Speaker 1 We all know the importance of wearing seatbelts of
    course, but my number one tip would be to keep an eye on your speed
    when youre behind the wheel of your car. The limits are there for a
    reason, you know! And its better to leave 15 minutes early and take
    your time, than to have an accident and not get there at all.

    Speaker 2 Well, because of the weather we have in this country,
    one thing thats really important is to check that you have the
    right clothes on before you go out in the dark. And that applies if
    youre walking, jogging, or cycling. You should always have
    something on your upper body that can be easily seen and that
    reflects the light it could save your life.

    Speaker 3 Many accidents happen because people are so distracted
    by chatting on mobiles even when theyre using hands-free kits. Id
    say just avoid them completely. Its best to concentrate 100% on the
    road in front of you. You never know whats coming up ahead.

    Speaker 4 I think theres so much more to being a good driver
    than knowing the traffic laws and speed limits. You have to drive
    according to the weather thats really important! Give yourself more
    time if its raining, for example, because that slows traffic right
    down. And keep your distance from the car in front of you because
    the road surface will be more dangerous.

    Speaker 5 Apart from all the obvious things like not driving
    fast and not chatting on the phone, Id say planning your trip is
    pretty important. Especially in winter. Make sure you have
    everything you need in the boot of your car because you never know
    what might happen. I mean things like a blanket and some food, in
    case you get stuck, or even medicine.

Here you have two progress tests to review units from 1 to 6.
The key is below the tests.
Have a nice day! :)



1   Complete the sentences. Use the correct form
of the verb in brackets.

Example: I’ve
never read (read) a book in

1   Be careful. We _______________ just _______________
(paint) that door.

2   I _______________ (see) your brother at the
pool when I was swimming.

3   We _______________ (fly) to Malaysia at 10
o’clock next Tuesday.

4   _______________ you _______________ (go) to
Moscow before?

5   My sister _______________ (study) photography
at the moment.

6   _______________ you _______________ (wait) for
your bus when I saw you yesterday?

7   When they got to Paris, they _______________
(go) out for a meal.

8   I _______________ (not be) late tomorrow.
That’s a promise.

9   Let’s eat Japanese food. I _______________
never _______________ (try) it.

10   When _______________ Pavol _______________
(go) back to Warsaw? Is it tomorrow?

2   Underline the correct form.

Example: When have
you finished /
did you finish
your work?

1   I’m
going to
/ ’ll see you at the
cinema at six o’clock.

2   What did
you do
/ were you doing for your
last holiday?

3   My room is more tidy / tidier than
my sister’s.

4   When did
he get
/ has he got back from

5   Katya didn’t run enough fast / fast enough
to win the race.

6   Tai’s girlfriend is someone who / which loves dancing.

7   That’s the most / more difficult
question you’ve ever asked me.

8   We’ve finished our homework, but / so we’re going out for a walk.

9   Who did you see / saw at the post

10   Does
your brother stay
/ Is your brother
with you this weekend?

11   Megan always
/ is always late to school.

12   I was
/ sat on a bench when
the bus arrived.

13   Mr King will
/ is meeting someone at
four, but he can see you at three.

14   I don’t think it’ll snow / ’s snowing

15   We haven’t had nothing / anything to
eat today – we’re really hungry.

3   Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: Sorry, what
did you say? I didn’t hear.

1   I’ve __________ heard that joke. Kim told me
it yesterday.

2   The concert wasn’t as good __________ the one
I saw last week.

3   She had a party __________ it was her

4   __________ it was raining, we went to the
beach for a picnic.

5   It was __________ worst film I’ve ever seen!

6   This hotel is less expensive __________ the
last one.

7   A passenger is someone __________ travels on
a bus or train.

8   We haven’t been to the new museum __________.
What’s it like?

9   I’m sure she __________ call me soon.

10   Leo __________ the competition. His singing
was the best.

4   Put the words in the correct order.

Example: excellent I latest think his will book be

I think his latest book will be excellent.

1   your how people are many in there family ?


2   doesn’t exercise do husband enough my


3   next going are to what study year you ?


4   as my older me sister isn’t as tall


5   book is this the I’ve read best ever



5   Underline the odd word out.

Example: trainers  
shorts   boots  

1   generous  
mean   funny   friendly

2   cap   T-shirt   sweater  

3   polluted  
noisy   crowded   lazy

4   thin   bald  
overweight   slim

5   disgusting  
luxurious   delicious   comfortable

6   buy  
hire   rent   sunbathe

7   necklace  
earrings   leggings   bracelet

8   shy   talkative
  extrovert   high

9   receipt  
check-in   checkout   customer

10   washing up  
ironing   sailing   tidying

6   Write the opposite.

Example: teach   learn

1   mend      __________

2   win         __________

3   start        __________

4   sell         __________

5   forget     __________

7   Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: Slim
is the opposite of fat.

1   Did you __________ any souvenirs while you
were in Bavaria?

2   I’m sorry, he isn’t here. He’s __________

3   Bella’s birthday is __________ Christmas Day!

4   I don’t have enough __________ to do my work
and help you.

5   It’s really dark in here. Can you turn
__________ the light please?

6   Students, please work in __________ and talk
to your partner.

7   When we’re on holiday, we __________ bikes to
get around.

8   Can I __________ €10 from you, please? I’ll
give it back tomorrow.

9   I wear __________ and sports socks when I do
sport. If not, my feet hurt.

10   I didn’t spend much __________ when we went
out last night.

8   Complete the sentences with the correct

Example: She tried on
the dress in the shop.

off   on  

1   Have
you  __________ your bed this morning?

     done   made  

2   They
don’t go __________ to eat very often.

     off   out  

3   The
hotels are too expensive, so we’re __________ at a campsite.

     staying   hiring   renting

4   How
do you __________ this word?

     repeat   underline  

5   We’re
seeing our cousins next week. We’re really looking __________ it.

     for   forward to  

6   The
town centre was very __________. There were a lot of people.

     quiet   boring  

7   My
university course starts __________ October.

     in   on  

8   We
__________ at the hotel very late last night.

     got   arrived  

9   I
__________ Victor some money last month, and he hasn’t paid me back.

     spent   lent  

10   Don’t
eat all that cake! It’s really __________.

       unhealthy   uncomfortable   polluted

11   What
did you think __________ the play?

       off   for  

12   This
lesson started __________ 9.15. You’re late again!

       on  in   at

13   I’m
going to _______ Chris to our picnic this weekend.

       meet   invite  

14   Don’t
worry _______ the washing up. I’ll do it later.

       about   for   on

15   Who’s
paying _______ the car parking?

       to   for  


9   Underline the stressed syllable.

1   sun|bathe

2   ge|ne|rous

3   trou|sers

4   for|get

5   i|ro|ning

6   lu|xu|ri|ous

7   pro|nounce

8   ja|cket

9   de|li|cious

10   po|llu|ted

10 Match the words with the same sound.

boring   dress   windy  
watch   father   email   lazy   funny   cloudy   match   sightseeing

Example: page   lazy

1   said          _______

2   shy           _______

3   gloves       _______

4   cardigan   _______

5   trolley       _______

6   talkative   _______

7   crowded   _______

8   touch        _______

9   beach       _______

10   tick           _______


1   Read
the article and tick (
) A,
B, or C.

CouchSurfing – a different kind of travel

Emma Jackson

I love travelling abroad, but two years ago I
didn’t have much cash
to spend on my holiday. At first, I was planning to go camping again, but then
a friend suggested an alternative:
CouchSurfing. I had no idea what that was, so she explained. ‘CouchSurfers’ are
people who stay as guests
in other people’s homes for
, and visit the
in the local area. You can do the things that most tourists do,
like sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing in the town centre. Or your host could give you a
language lesson, teach you how to cook local delicacies, or take you to places that visitors
never find. It sounded much more fun than my other holidays, so I joined the
website and sent emails to about twenty hosts in France and Spain right away.

A few days later, I already had ten replies.
After a week or two of emails, I made arrangements with four hosts in three
different cities.  I’m quite talkative
and they seemed very friendly, so I wasn’t concerned about spending time with strangers. Two
weeks later, I was arriving in Paris, and meeting my first host, Claudette.

Over the next ten days, I stayed in four very
different homes, improved
my foreign languages, and made some great new friends. Sometimes the places
where I stayed were basic – a sofa to sleep on, or even just a floor, but
sometimes they were luxurious – much nicer than the hostels that I usually go
to. I think it was probably the cheapest and most interesting holiday I’ve ever

I’ve done CouchSurfing again twice
since then: in Italy, and here in the UK. I’ll definitely do it again. In fact,
I’m going on a trip to South America next year. And I’ve had five visitors at
my place, including Claudette. I’ve discovered that hosting is as much fun as exploring a new place. CouchSurfing
is a fantastic experience. Try it some time!

Example: Emma
started CouchSurfing because she wanted to save money.

A True 
cü    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

1   It
was her first holiday in another country.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

2   Emma’s
friend was a regular couch surfer.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

3   ‘CouchSurfers’
can spend time with the homeowners.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

4   Half
of the people who Emma emailed didn’t reply.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

5   Two
of the people she visited lived in the same city.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

6   Emma
went on holiday about a month after joining the website.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

7   Emma
is quite shy.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

8   Emma
had a nice bed to sleep in at all the places where she stayed.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

9   Emma
has now had three CouchSurfing holidays.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

10   Claudette
was Emma’s favourite host.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

2   Match
five of the highlighted words / phrases with the definitions.

Example: people
who stay in a hotel or house for a short time


1   worried __________

2   made better __________

3   finding and learning about something __________

4   interesting things for tourists to visit

5   different thing to choose __________


1   Listen
to Claire talking about her favourite photo. Tick (
) A or B.

1   The photo is of a 16th birthday

c    B  False  c

2   Lisa and Tom were at the party.

c    B  False  c

3   Claire’s mum is popular with Claire’s

c    B  False  c

4   Jamie isn’t talkative.

c    B  False  c

5   Claire has no younger brothers or sisters.

c    B  False  c

2   Listen
to five conversations. Match them with places A–E.

Conversation 1  c

Conversation 2  c

Conversation 3  c

Conversation 4  c

Conversation 5  c

A  at

B  at an

C  at a

D  at a

E   in a
clothes shop


1   Ask your partner these questions.

1   What school subject do / did you like most?

2   Why are you studying English?

3   Do you want to learn any other languages?

4   What did you have for dinner last night?

5   What are your plans for your next holiday?

6   What is the best book you have ever read?

7   Do you like beach or city holidays? Why?

8   Which country would you most like to visit?

9   Have you ever spoken English abroad? When?

10   What job would you most like to have? Why?

answer your partner’s questions.

2   Make questions and ask your partner about a
weekend trip he / she went on.

•    Where
/ go?

•    How
/ travel?

•    What
/ do / afternoon?

•    What
/ do / evening?

•    Where
/ stay?

•    How
much / cost?

3   Read this information about a weekend trip
you went on and answer your partner’s questions.

trip to Bath

Coach leaves London at 8.30 a.m. Saturday

Arrive in Bath about 11.00 a.m.

Tour of the city: 12.00–5.00 p.m. Saturday

Dinner at Smith’s Restaurant: 7.00pm Saturday

Accommodation: City Hotel

Free time for shopping

Return travel: leave Bath Sunday at 3.00 p.m.

Arrive back in London at 5.30 p.m.

Cost: £180 per person


1   Underline
the correct form.

Example: When did
you finish
/ have you finished
your work?

1   Does
your sister stay
/ Is your sister
with you this weekend?

2   I haven’t had anything / nothing to
eat today, and I’m really hungry.

3   Who did you see / saw at the bank?

4   I’ve finished my homework, so / but I’m going out for a walk.

5   I don’t think it ’s raining / ’ll rain tomorrow.

6   Mrs Matthias will meet / is meeting
someone at three, but she can see you at four.

7   We were
/ sat on a bench when
the bus arrived.

8   I’m
going to
/ ’ll see you at the
theatre at eight o’clock.

9   Your room is more tidy / tidier than
my sister’s.

10   What did
you do
/ were you doing for your
last holiday?

11   Yann is
/ always is late to

12   This is the more / most difficult
question in the test.

13   Sofia’s boyfriend is someone who / which loves swimming.

14   Jake didn’t run enough fast / fast enough
to win the race.

15   When did
they get
/ have they got back
from Canada?

2   Put the words in the correct order.

Example: excellent I latest think his will book be

I think his latest book will be excellent.

1   as my older me brother isn’t as tall


2   book was that the I’ve read best ever


3   your how people are many in there family ?


4   doesn’t exercise do wife enough my


5   next going are to what study year you ?


3   Complete
the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: I’ve
never read (read) a book in

1   When _______________ Maria _______________ (go) back to Rome? Is it

2   My brother _______________ (study) photography at the

3   I _______________ (not be) late tomorrow. That’s
a promise.

4   _______________ you _______________ (be) to New York before?

5   Let’s eat Thai food. We _______________ never _______________ (try) it.

6   _______________ you _______________ (wait) for your bus when I saw
you yesterday?

7   They _______________ (go) out for a meal when they
got to Bangkok.

8   I _______________ (see) your sister at the pool
when I was swimming.

9   Be careful. I _______________ just _______________ (paint) that door.

10   We _______________ (fly) to Hong Kong at 2
o’clock next Tuesday.

4   Complete
the sentences with one word.

Example: Sorry, what
did you say? I didn’t hear.

1   This restaurant is less expensive __________
the last one.

2   I’m sure he __________ arrive soon.

3   A doctor is someone __________ helps people in hospital.

4   Tara __________ the competition. Her dancing
was the best.

5   We haven’t been to the new cinema __________.
What’s it like?

6   It was __________ worst book I’ve ever read!

7   He had a party __________ it was his birthday.

8   __________ it was raining, we went out
for a walk.

9   The concert wasn’t as good __________
the one we saw last week.

10   I’ve __________ heard that joke. Adam told me
it yesterday.


5   Complete the sentences with the correct

Example: She tried on
the dress in the shop.

off   on  

1   I __________
Tom some money last week, and he hasn’t paid me back.

     borrowed   lent  

2   My
university course finishes __________ June.

     in   on  

3   I
don’t go __________ to eat very often.

     off   out  

4   There
were a lot of people in the shop. It was very __________.

     crowded   quiet  

5   Don’t
eat all that cake! It’s really __________.

     polluted   uncomfortable  

6   Who’s
paying __________ the tickets?

     on   for   to

7   She __________
at the hotel very late last night.

     got   came   arrived

8   What
did you think __________ the book?


9   Have
you __________ your bed this morning?

     done   made  

10   This lesson started __________ 9.15. You’re late again!

       at   on   in

11   I’m
going to __________ Jill to our party this weekend.

       meet   invite  

12   How
do you __________ this word?

       repeat   underline  

13   We’re
__________ at a campsite because the hotels are too expensive.

       hiring   staying  

14   Don’t
worry __________ the washing up. I’ll do it later.

on   for

15   He’s
seeing his friends at the weekend. He’s really looking __________ it.

       for   forward to  

6   Underline the odd word out.

Example: trainers  
shorts   boots  

1   leggings   earrings   necklace

2   customer   receipt   checkout   check-in

3   tidying   sailing 
 ironing   washing up

4   slim  
thin   overweight   bald

5   shy   high
  talkative   extrovert

6   sunbathe   buy   hire   rent

7   T-shirt   cap   sweater  

8   crowded 
 noisy   lazy   polluted

9   friendly   funny   generous   mean

10   luxurious   disgusting 
 delicious   comfortable

7   Write the opposite.

Example: teach  learn

1   start        __________

2   sell         __________

3   forget     __________

4   mend      __________

5   win         __________

8   Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: Slim
is the opposite of fat.

1   When I’m on holiday, I often __________ a
bike to get around.

2   He didn’t spend much __________ when he went
out last night.

3   Can I __________ €20 from you, please? I’ll
give it back later today.

4   Did you __________ any souvenirs while you
were in Italy?

5   I always wear __________ and sports socks to
do sport. If not, my feet hurt.

6   Pietro’s birthday is __________ New Year’s

7   Students, please work in __________ and talk
to your partner.

8   It’s really dark in here. Can you turn
__________ the light, please?

9   I don’t have enough __________ to do my work
and help you.

10   Sarah isn’t here. She’s __________ work.


9   Match the words with the same sound.

 windy   cloudy
  boring   father lazy   funny   watch   sightseeing   email   match

Example: page   lazy

1   cardigan   _______

2   touch        _______

3   crowded   _______

4   tick           _______

5   beach       _______

6   gloves       _______

7   said          _______

8   trolley       _______

9   shy           _______

10   talkative   _______

10 Underline the stressed syllable.

1   lu|xu|ri|ous

2   po|llu|ted

3   i|ro|ning

4   de|li|cious

5   ja|cket

6   sun|bathe

7   pro|nounce

8   trou|sers

9   for|get

10   ge|ne|rous


1   Read
the article and tick (
) A,
B, or C.

CouchSurfing – a different kind of travel

Emma Jackson

I love travelling abroad, but two years ago I
didn’t have much cash
to spend on my holiday. At first, I was planning to go camping again, but then
a friend suggested an alternative:
CouchSurfing. I had no idea what that was, so she explained. ‘CouchSurfers’ are
people who stay as guests
in other people’s homes for
, and visit the
in the local area. You can do the things that most tourists do,
like sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing in the town centre. Or your host could give you a
language lesson, teach you how to cook local delicacies, or take you to places that visitors
never find. It sounded much more fun than my other holidays, so I joined the
website and sent emails to about twenty hosts in France and Spain right away.

A few days later, I already had ten replies.
After a week or two of emails, I made arrangements with four hosts in three
different cities.  I’m quite talkative
and they seemed very friendly, so I wasn’t concerned about spending time with strangers. Two
weeks later, I was arriving in Paris, and meeting my first host, Claudette.

Over the next ten days, I stayed in four very
different homes, improved
my foreign languages, and made some great new friends. Sometimes the places
where I stayed were basic –a sofa to sleep on, or even just a floor, but
sometimes they were luxurious – much nicer than the hostels that I usually go
to. I think it was probably the cheapest and most interesting holiday I’ve ever

I’ve done CouchSurfing again twice
since then: in Italy, and here in the UK. I’ll definitely do it again. In fact,
I’m going on a trip to South America next year. And I’ve had five visitors at
my place, including Claudette. I’ve discovered that hosting is as much fun as exploring a new place. CouchSurfing
is a fantastic experience. Try it some time!

Example: Emma started CouchSurfing because she wanted to save money.

  cü    B  False  c   
Doesn’t say

1   She
first tried CouchSurfing two years ago.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

2   Emma’s
friend didn’t like camping.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

3   ‘CouchSurfers’
share their homes and their time.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

4   When
Emma sent out emails, everyone replied quickly.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

5   She
decided to visit four cities.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

6   It
took Emma about a month to organize her holiday.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

7   Emma
is quite extrovert.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

8   Some
of the places where Emma stayed were unusual.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

9   Emma
now speaks French fluently.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

10   Emma
says that she visited Claudette again.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

2   Match five of the highlighted words /
phrases to the definitions.

Example: people who stay in a hotel or house for a short

1   person who invites people to their home

2   immediately _______

3   special food _______

4   without paying _______

5   money _______


1   Listen
to Claire talking about her favourite photo. Tick (
) A or B.

1   The photo is of a party by the sea.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

2   There are six people in the photo.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

3   Claire’s mum has dark hair.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

4   Her brother Jamie is hard-working.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

5   Alex looks bored in the photo.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

2   Listen
to five conversations. Match them with speakers A–E.

Conversation 1  c

Conversation 2  c

Conversation 3  c

Conversation 4  c

Conversation 5  c

A  a
shop assistant

B  a
party guest

C  an
office worker

D  a

E   a


1   Answer
your partner’s questions.

Now ask your partner these questions.

1   What
school subjects don’t / didn’t you like?

2   What
kind of music do you like?

3   What
are your plans for next week?

4   What
do you usually use your computer for?

5   What
did you have for lunch yesterday?

6   What
is the best film you have ever seen?

7   What
would be a perfect night out for you?

8   What
is your favourite photo? Why?

9   Have
you ever been anywhere very hot? Where?

10   What
do you enjoy doing on holiday?

2   Read
this information about a weekend trip you went on and answer your partner’s

Weekend trip to Oxford

Coach leaves London at
9 a.m. Saturday

Tour of Oxford
colleges: 2.00 – 4.30p.m.

Theatre: 7.30 p.m.

Rudolph Hotel
Free time for shopping
Return travel: leave Oxford Sunday at 7.00 p.m.

Arrive back in London
at 9.00 p.m.
Cost: £195 per person

3   Make
questions and ask your partner about a weekend trip he / she went on.

•    Where
/ go?

•    When
/ leave?

•    What
/ do / during / day?

•    Where
/ eat / evening?

•    When
/ get back / London?

•    How
much / cost?




1   ’ve … painted

2   saw

3   ’re

4   Have
… been

5   is

6   Were
… waiting

7   went

8   won’t

9   ’ve
… tried

10   is
… going


1   ’ll

2   did
you do

3   tidier

4   did
he get

5   fast

6   who

7   most

8   so

9   see

10   Is
your brother staying

11   is

12   was

13   is

14   ’ll

15   anything


1   already

2   as

3   because

4   Although

5   the

6   than

7   who

8   yet

9   will
/ ’ll

10   won


1   How many people are there in your family?

2   My
husband doesn’t do enough exercise.

3   What
are you going to study next year?

4   My
older sister isn’t as tall as me.

5   This
is the best book I’ve ever read. / This book is the best I’ve ever read.



1   mean

2   cap

3   lazy

4   bald

5   disgusting

6   sunbathe

7   leggings

8   high

9   check-in

10   sailing


1   break

2   lose

3   stop
/ finish

4   buy

5   remember


1   buy / get

2   at

3   on

4   time

5   on

6   pairs

7   hire

8   borrow

9   trainers

10   money


1   made

2   out

3   staying

4   pronounce

5   forward

6   crowded

7   in

8   arrived

9   lent

10   unhealthy

11   of

12   at

13   invite

14   about

15   for



1   sunbathe

2   generous

3   trousers

4   forget

5   ironing

6   luxurious

7   pronounce

8   jacket

9   delicious

10   polluted


1   dress

2   sightseeing

3   funny

4   father

5   watch

6   boring

7   cloudy

8   match

9   email

10   windy



1   B

2   C

3   A

4   C

5   A

6   A

7   B

8   B

9   A

10   C


1   concerned

2   improved

3   exploring

4   the

5   alternative



1   B

2   B

3   A

4   A

5   A


1   B

2   C

3   E

4   A

5   D




1   Is your sister staying?

2   anything

3   see

4   so

5   ’ll

6   is

7   were

8   ’ll

9   tidier

10   did
you do

11   is

12   most

13   who

14   fast

15   did
they get


1   My older brother isn’t as tall as me.

2   That
was the best book I’ve ever read. / That book was the best I’ve ever read.

3   How
many people are there in your family?

4   My
wife doesn’t do enough exercise.

5   What
are you going to study next year?


1   is … going

2   is

3   won’t

4   Have
… been

5   ’ve
… tried

6   Were
… waiting

7   went

8   saw

9   ’ve
… painted

10   ’re


1   than

2   will
/ ’ll

3   who

4   won

5   yet

6   the

7   because

8   Although

9   as

10   already



1   lent

2   in

3   out

4   crowded

5   unhealthy

6   for

7   arrived

8   of

9   made

10   at

11   invite

12   pronounce

13   staying

14   about

15   forward


1   leggings

2   check-in

3   sailing

4   bald

5   high

6   sunbathe

7   cap

8   lazy

9   mean

10   disgusting


1   stop / finish

2   buy

3   remember

4   break

5   lose


1   hire

2   money

3   borrow

4   buy
/ get

5   trainers

6   on

7   pairs

8   on

9   time

10   at



1   father

2   match

3   cloudy

4   windy

5   email

6   funny

7   dress

8   watch

9   sightseeing

10   boring


1   luxurious

2   polluted

3   ironing

4   delicious

5   jacket

6   sunbathe

7   pronounce

8   trousers

9   forget

10   generous



1   A

2   C

3   A

4   B

5   B

6   A

7   A

8   C

9   C

10   B


1   host

2   right

3   delicacies

4   for

5   cash



1   A

2   B

3   B

4   A

5   B


1   D

2   E

3   A

4   C

5   B

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

tempted • intact • consumer • rummage • discarded • condemned • foraging • tuck • landfill • rope
1 I decided not to take that bottle of milk as the packaging didn’t seem … .
2 For scavengers … food is the point of every day interest.
3 … price of the same goods is different in Moscow and other cities.
4 If you … in your bag, you will definitely find the keys.
5 To breed high quality cattle in this climate zone you need a … strategy.
6 You must … the trousers into the boots to keep warmer on such a cold day.
7 I’ve always felt … to trying drawing but never had time for that.
8 Nobody will want a flat next to the city … as the smell is awful.
9 Who can we … in to make dinner for tomorrow’s party?
10 Sam is … to leave school for three days for his misbehavior.

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