Vocabulary complete the sentences with the correct word gripping

Английский язык,

вопрос задал nikitashlakov,

4 года назад



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Ответил astadorian89



1. Expand

2. Predictable

3. Set

4. Wreckage

5. Absorbed

6. Extract

7. Integrated

8. Gripping

9. Hovering

10. Sank

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11 месяцев назад

Английский язык


4) Complete the sentences with the correct word. * gripping predictable • set extract siank • wreckage gxpand integrated absorhed • hovering

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11 месяцев назад

Светило науки — 30 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


1. Expand

2. Predictable

3. Set

4. Wreckage

5. Absorbed

6. Extract

7. Integrated

8. Gripping

9. Hovering

10. Sank

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    Starlight 8 Test 4 (1)

    1. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

    skeptical, revive, gazed ,predictable, extinct, whistling, footprints, wreckage

    1. He could hear birds ______ in the trees as he walked through the forest.

    2. Ann found the film to be ______ and had guessed the ending from the start.

    3. They are looking into ways to _______ prehistoric creatures.

    4. People are examining the ______ from the plane crash.

    5. They followed the strange creature’s _________ in the snow.

    6. John______ at the strange lights in the sky.

    7. Tom is _____ about the existence of Bigfoot.

    8. Dinosaurs have been ________ for millions of years.

    1. Choose the correct item.

    1. The girls ____saw a strange creature in the forest.

    1. itself b. ourselves c.themselves

    1. The photos were taken at _____ River Thames.

    1. — b. the c. a

    1. Strange lights _____ many times in the area since 1964.

    1. were seen b.are seen c. have been seen

    1. Kate went to the museum yesterday, ____she?

    1. didn’t b.wasn’t c.hasn’t

    1. I fell and cut ____ on the rock.

    1. itself b.ourselves c.myself

    3.Change the active sentences to passive.

    1) The Government is planning a new road near my house.

    2) My grandfather built this house in 1943.

    3) The cleaner has cleaned the office.

    4) He had written three books before 1867.

    5) John will do it later.

    6) By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal.

    4.Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.

    1. When was the Museum of Cosmonautics opened?

    2. What space-related tourist attractions are located near the Museum of Cosmonautics?

    3. How often does the Museum of Cosmonautics change its exhibits?

    4. What can the exhibits tell us about the early stage of space exploration?

    5. Where is the Museum of Cosmonautics located?

    6. What facilities does the Museum of Cosmonautics offer to its visitors?

    7. Where can you look for information about international space flights?

    A. VDNKh is one of the central and most impressive Metro stations in Moscow. It is featured in tourist guides and there are always lots of people going in and out of the station. Right by the Metro Station exit, a monument to the Conquerors of Space will certainly attract your attention. It is not only an impressive monument — inside the base of the Space monument tower you will find the Museum of Cosmonautics — a unique museum with exhibits which are definitely worth seeing.

    B. The monument to the Conquerors of Space was constructed in 1964 to glorify the first manned space flight. It is designed as a 107-metre high obelisk, and its shape resembles the fumes from the rocket. The shiny rocket is on the very top of the obelisk, heading up to the sky. The Museum of Cosmonautics appeared in the base of the monument much later. It welcomed the first visitors on April 10, 1981. The event was devoted to the 20th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s space flight.

    C. There are several exhibit halls in the museum. In one of them, there are objects and documents referring to the beginning of the era of space exploration. There you can see replicas of the first satellites and the first space station, as well as some personal belongings of the first cosmonaut of the Earth. There are also some documents referring to the space flights as well as photos and videos which recorded the preparation for the first space flight.

    D. After a three-year reconstruction, which was completed in 2009, a few new sections were added to the Museum of Cosmonautics. Before the reconstruction, the museum focused only on the achievements of the National Space Programme. Now, the new sections provide information about the space programmes of the USA and China. Of course, a special area is dedicated to the International Space Station, where space researchers from different countries work together.

    E. Since the reconstruction, the Museum of Cosmonautics has displayed interactive exhibits, which include the simulator from the training centre. You can book a training session on board the spaceship and feel what real cosmonauts do. The museum has got a lecture hall, which is appropriate for educational events, a cafe, where you can have space food in tubes, and a gift shop. Of course, the museum meets the needs of people with disabilities.

    F. The Museum of Cosmonautics welcomes visitors every day except Monday, from 10am till 7pm. However, if you are interested in the history of space exploration, it is highly recommended to explore the area around, too. The museum and VDNKh station are connected by a green alley with busts of cosmonauts, which is called the Cosmonauts Alley. The pavilion ‘Cosmos’ in the Exhibition Centre (VDNKh) displays a lot of artefacts from the National Space Programme.

    Starlight 8 Test 4 (2)

    1.Complete the sentences with the correct word.

    Conducting, unexpected, gripping, dull, countless, sank, glanced, hovering

    1.Kim’s heart ____ when the tour bus left without her.

    2. A UFO was spotted ______ above the small town.

    3.The book’s popularity is due to its ______ storyline.

    4. There have been _____ UFO sightings around the world.

    5. The scientist is ______ an experiment in the laboratory.

    6. The novel was so _____ that it put me to sleep.

    7.There was a(n) ______twist at the end of the film.

    8. Tim ______at his watch before running the test.

    1. Choose the correct item.

    1. His pictures ____ in tomorrow’s newspaper.

    1. are published b. have been published c. will be published

    1. She went on a ghost tour in ____Venice, Italy.

    1. — b. the c. a

    1. We will go to the museum, ____ we?

    1. don’t b.shall c.won’t

    1. Mike blames ____ for the accident.

    1. myself b. himself c.yourself

    1. Strange sounds ______coming from the cave every night.

    1. have been heard b. were heard c.are heard

    3.Change the active sentences to passive.

    1) People speak Portuguese in Brazil.

    2) They are building a new stadium near the station.

    3) Somebody has drunk all the milk!

    4) I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.

    5) A workman will repair the computer tomorrow.

    6) By next year the students will have studied the passive.

    4.Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.

    1. What can the Indian ancient drawings tell us about?

    2. Why do people come to the holy waters?

    3. Where are Indian movies made?

    4. Why is India getting more and more popular with tourists?

    5. How can travellers escape the heat?

    6. Which ancient language influenced modern languages a lot?

    7. Why is the Indian capital called a city of contrasts?

    A. The world’s first university was established in India in 700 BC, where more than 10,500 students from around the world studied more than 60 different subjects. The training was conducted in Sanskrit. Nowadays, Sanskrit is considered to be the mother of all the European languages. Its elements can be traced in most of them.

    B.The most frequently visited place in India is Delhi, the capital city of the country. It seems to be divided into two parts. New Delhi is a modern city with hi-tech architecture, tourist attractions and modern facilities. Old Delhi is several centuries old, with narrow streets, ancient churches and noisy bazaars. Lots of people live in slums without the most essential facilities like toilets and running water.

    C. People all over the world know of India’s greatest river, the Ganges. The river looks extremely beautiful in the morning light. It is the subject of thousands of prayers. It has become a common ritual for pilgrims to gather by the holy river in the mornings. It is believed that bathing in the Ganges helps to cure all kinds of diseases and can improve your life in general.

    D. Indian climate differs from one part of the country to another. The air is cool and fresh in the mountains, but in the plains it is usually very hot and dry, so even a short trip can be very hard for an inexperienced traveller. That is why tourists are always glad to have a rest at one of the numerous stations in the hills. There they can enjoy a nice cup of real Indian tea, the most refreshing drink in such a climate.

    E. India is not all history. It is also famous for its Bollywood industry, which produces different films. Indian films have always had their own style; they are rich in music and dancing. Though the industry is still developing, many Indian film stars have received Oscar prizes and are known throughout the world. The home of Bollywood is Mumbai, also known as a busy port and the country’s commercial centre.

    F. There is an unusual treasure hidden in the Indian mountains. These are striking ancient temples cut in the rocks. For example, the Buddhist cave temples at Ajanta were built at least 2,000 years ago. Inside the caves on the walls, tourists can see animal images and pictures of people’s lives. Some researchers believe that the interpretation of the images can help us to learn a lot about people’s lives in ancient times.

    Конец формы

    4 Underlinethe odd word out.

    Example: mumble
    slamscream giggle

    1 monotonous
    tedious colloquial repetitive

    2 wages
    bonus salary skills

    3 employer
    career profession job

    4 idiom
    collocation metaphor transcribe

    5 rejected
    praised dumped broke up with

    6 affluent
    well-off penniless loaded

    7 creak
    sigh groan stammer

    8 thought-provoking
    competitive gripping intriguing

    9 yell
    splash slurp drip

    10 bang
    crash crunch whistle


    5 Underlinethe correct word(s).

    Example: The
    book made me laugh. The writing was really witty/moving.

    1 If
    you get some qualifications/benefits, then you’ll
    probably get a better job.

    2 I
    have a new timetable/hoursat school. I now start at
    7.00 in the morning and finish at 2.00 in the afternoon.

    3 I’m
    lucky to have the prospects/opportunityto travel for
    my work. I’ve visited China six times.

    4 I
    missed a few days of work and was behind schedule, but now I’ve

    5 Lucia
    and Rudolf are getting on like a stick/houseon fire.
    They’re really happy together.

    6 What’s
    got on/intoPat? She seems very upset.

    7 I’m
    going to get a new car next month, but for the time being/nowI’m taking the bus.

    8 You
    have to teach kids that they can’t always get their ownway/together. Sometimes you have to do what someone else wants
    you to do.

    9 I
    need to get around/backhome by midnight. I have an
    early start tomorrow.

    10 It
    took George a long time to get over/anywherelosing
    his job, but now that he’s working again, he’s happy.


    6 Complete the sentences with one word.

    Example: Don’t
    put off going to university. If you wait, it may
    be too late.

    1 I
    ________ my teeth every time my boss says ‘Will you come into my
    office, sweetheart?’

    2 It’s
    best to meet your problems ________ on and solve them before they get

    3 A
    ________ is a frequent combination of words. Often they are the only
    possible combination to express a concept, like light snow.

    4 It’s
    a big ________-off when someone is late for a date.

    5 Aldo
    loves living in Barcelona. He’s having the time of his ________.

    6 If
    you keep trying, it’s only a question of ________ before you find a

    7 If
    you spend too much money, you’re living beyond your ________.

    8 My
    kids don’t go to school yet, so we have to pay for ________ while
    we are at work.

    9 A
    ________-fisted person is not generous with money.

    10 When
    you ______ money, you put it into your bank account.


    7 Complete the words in the sentences.

    Example: A
    story that makes you feel sad is depressing.

    1 Musical
    ability r________ in my family. My grandmother and my brother
    both played the piano, and I play the guitar.

    2 I’ve
    entered a c________ to win a holiday in Greece. If I win, I’ll
    take my whole family with me.

    3 When
    I was 12, I failed an exam. I felt very a________ and so I
    never failed an exam again.

    4 My
    gut f________ is that everything’s going to be all right.

    5 My
    work day is a b________ of emails, phone calls and meetings.
    Sometimes I don’t even have time for lunch.

    6 The
    children were s________ for making so much noise. They were
    quiet after that.

    7 My
    sister and I don’t have the same o________ about a lot of
    things, but we do have the same taste in music and clothes.

    8 He
    told a really d________ story about losing his job, his
    girlfriend leaving, and then getting really ill.

    9 His
    translation was very f________ to the original version. I read
    it in Spanish and in English, and they both had the same feeling.

    10 When
    Lucho saw Beata’s new car, he was s________ with envy. He’s
    always wanted to own a Porsche.





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