Vocabulary choose the correct word this is such a


Exit test


the titles (1-8) to the texts (A—G). There is one extra title.

Expensive wear                     2.  Different opinions                 3. 
Helpers in learning

Unchanged element              5.  Exclusive rights                    6. 
Colourful clothes

Keeping the tradition           8.  Saving time

A.         Do you wear a uniform to
school? Would you like to wear one? These are questions for debate and discussion.
Like in lots of things there are two sides in this problem. Some people say
that all schools should have uniforms. Others are sure that school uniforms are
not comfortable and old-fashioned. Well, both arguments have experts on their
side. There is no clear answer. And what is your opinion?

B.         Christ’s Hospital is one of the
oldest schools in Britain. They have an unusual uniform which dates back to the
time when the school was founded. And that was in 1552! Boys and girls wear a
long blue coat, knee trousers, and yellow socks. And today students don’t
change their habits. They still wear the same uniform.  There were some talks
about making the uniform more modern. But it was decided to continue wearing
the old uniform.

C.         Many   school   teachers  
and   parents   believe   that uniforms   create   a   better   learning  
environment  at school. Children stop paying much attention to bright clothes
and fashion labels, which distract their attention. Instead they spend more
time on studying and learn to concentrate better on classes. As a result their
attention improves and they get higher marks. Different studies in the UK prove

D.         Harrow is a prestigious boys’
school in northern London with a strict uniform tradition. You can easily
recognize a Harrow student by the hat, which is part of the uniform. All boys
have to wear their hats every day when they go to classes or return from them.
Some students are allowed to wear a different scarf, tie or jumper.  But the
hat should always be there. Students must wear it no matter what happens.

E.         Many parents complain that
their children spend a lot of time  planning and  choosing what clothes to wear
to school every day. Instead they could sleep an extra hour. However, if
children wear uniforms at schools, they don’t worry about what to wear every
day. And they may have an extra hour or half an hour every morning. Sounds
nice, doesn’t it?

F.          Eton  College  is  one  of
the  best and  most  prestigious schools in  Britain. The uniform is very
strict: black jacket and a waistcoat, a white collar and dark trousers. Only a
small group of students can slightly change their uniform. They are members of
an important school club called the Pop. They can wear any waistcoat they
please. Prince William, when he was at Eton, wore a waistcoat designed like a
British national flag.

G.          School uniforms are not always
cheap for parents, especially if there are two or more children in a family and
they are all students. Parents can’t buy any clothes they want. They can’t shop
at sales, either. What is more, many schools have several uniforms such as
everyday uniforms, formal uniforms for special events and another uniform for
P.E. classes. And children grow fast. So parents have to spend more money every











Choose the correct word.

1   This is such a………………novel.
I can’t put it down.

A gripping   В  fast-paced     С  
life-changing    D  surprising

2   He has been…………that
song all day.

A  buzzing    В   screeching    С   whistling    D 

3   Her heart…………when she
heard the bad news.

A sank    В   dropped   С   fell       D 

4 The misbehaving student was………..from

A dropped     В   suspended     С  
released      D  kicked

5 Brian’s   determination  comes 
from  his   ………….strength.

A  mental    В   physical   С  
inner         D  body

6 Tuition……….for university can
be expensive.

A  resources В   wages   С   donations D 

7   Helen doesn’t have the…..to
try extreme sports.

A  courage        В  
determination         С   patience    D  pride

8   The advertisement was  brightly
coloured  in order to………attention.

A approach          В   process          
С   claim      D  grab

9  Tom is a real……..to the team.

A asset        В   resource      С  
requirement   D  service

10 Greenpeace tries to………awareness
of environmental issues.

A promote   В   lift        С   expand    
D  raise

11   Wilma is very generous and
regularly………money to charity.

A  presents     В   donates      С  
gathers   D  supplies

12   You should try bungee jumping
for a(n) ……. adventure

A  eye-opening    В   nerve-wracking   
С   hair-raising    D  sharp-toothed

13   The volcanic………was caught on

A explosion      В   epicentre          
С   eruption   D  meltdown

14 Officials ……… a state of
emergency after the earthquake.

A notified        В  administered         
С   declared    D  admitted

15   The………..services rushed
to the car accident

A  recovery    В   emergency     С  
survival   D  relief

Circle the correct item.

1   A tsunami can travel at the speed /
of an aeroplane!

2   Natural  disasters can  sometimes 
result  in  a massive loss / damage of life.

3   Be careful the manual / sliding
doors don’t hit you.

4   All mobile phones are reduced /
in school buildings.

5   Ann wandered / wondered around
the market.

6   Jim was attacked by a school /
of bees!

7   Before she visits Paris, Jane plans to
take a crash / smash course in French.

8   To my relief/ comfort, nobody
was hurt during the accident.

9   Jackie gasped / breathed in
amazement when she saw the acrobats perform!

10 You must work hard to achieve your goals
/ aims


Choose the correct item.

1    Chris…..volcano surfing
every weekend

A goes               В   is going      
С    has gone

2   The  group  …..   down  the 
slope  when  the avalanche occurred.

A skied               В   was skiing   С  
had skied

3    Have you…..the breaking news

A see                  В  
seen              С  seeing

4   Richard…..to Chile next

A travels            В   is traveling  С 

5    Kate…..a documentary last

A  had watched В   watched С  was watching

6   The news…..by the time she
turned on the TV.

A  has already started  В   already
started С   had already started

7 I don’t mind……..second hand

A to buy            В   buy              
С   buying

8 That’s a great blouse. I………it.

A will take        В  am going to take С 
am taking

9   This computer screen isn’t
as…..as that one.

A  bigger             В   biggest       
С   big

10   Mary refuses…..products that
can’t be recycled.

A  purchasing     В   to purchase С  

11 We……..help out at the
homeless shelter; it’s a good idea.

A  have to        В  
must                 С  should

12   If I won a lot of money,
I……..donate some to charity.

A will               В   would have     С 

13   This is the cabin……..we
stayed last winter.

A which           В   when               
С  where

14   He……..come to the clean up
day, he is working.

A  mustn’t       В   doesn’t have to С  

15   You……..enter the building;
it’s forbidden.

A shouldn’t     В   don’t have to   С  

16   Mike……..find a job; he’s
still unemployed.

A  mustn’t        В   couldn’t           
С   can’t

17   I…..him if he was a martial
arts expert.

A  said                 В  
asked            С  told

18   Tony said he would go to the

A tomorrow      В  the following day С  
next week

19 Tom and Larry really enjoyed
…..at the music festival last week.

A ourselves       В  themselves  С 

20   Why don’t we visit…..Tower
of London?

A —                     В  
а                   С  the

21   A new space centre…..built

A  is                     В  
was               С  will be

22    Don’t forget to book the

A  do you            В   will you      
С   could you

23   You don’t believe in

A  do you            В   aren’t you    С  
don’t you


Read the text and fill in the gaps
transforming the capitalized words.

The Universe

Some__________believe it’s possible that                                             SCIENCE

there are billions and billions of
universes. Each universe

has a _________________possible
consequence for                            DIFFERENCE

every _____________In the universe
we                                               ACT

live in V. V. Putin has been___________President.                        

But in other universes different things
happened. Imagine

if that’s true!  In some universes,  ___________parents

didn’t meet, so you weren’t born. In a
different universe,

a meteor didn’t strike the Earth, so the

didn’t become extinct. In another
universe, you started ___________ LEARN

________a year earlier, so you read this
text                                          ENGLAND

last year. It makes you think, doesn’t it?


You have received a letter from
your English-speaking pen friend, Peter.

…I’ve found that almost everyone in
my class does sports. I’ve never done any sport at all and now I feel that it’s
time to start. What sports are most popular with your friends? What sports do people
in your country do in winter? What do you do in PE classes at school?…

Write him a letter and answer his 3

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of
letter writing.


Страница 22

Now I know — Теперь я знаю

Vocabulary — Словарик

1. Choose the correct word — Выбери правильное слово


  1. mobile phone — мобильный телефон
  2. helmet — шлем
  3. hairbrush — расческа
  4. roller blades — роликовые коньки
  5. gloves — перчатки

2. Look and write — Посмотри н напиши глагол, соответствующий картинке


  1. sail — плавать под парусом
  2. skate — кататься на коньках
  3. dive — нырять
  4. ski — кататься на лыжах

3. Write the numbers — Напиши числа


  1. sixty
  2. thirty
  3. ninety-five
  4. a hundred
  5. eighty-one
  6. fifty

Grammar — Грамматика

4. Read and choose — Прочитай и выбери


  1. Не is a great cook. Не can cook really well. — Он замечательный повар. Он умеет очень хорошо готовить.
  2. Look! Mary is dancing! — Посмотри! Мэри танцует!
  3. Can you ride a bike? — Ты умеешь кататься на велосипеде?
  4. Harry and Тот aren’t sleeping. They’re in the garden. — Гарри и Том не спят. Они в саду.


Если вам понравился сайт, поделитесь страничкой в соцсетях, чтобы не потерять его:


Подпишитесь на нашу группу вк!

Помогите срочно надо английский : Вот задание:Сhoose the correct word: 1)A: Look at Tony. He’s such a good footballer!  B:Yeah, he’s great/greatly! 2) A: Do you like our new History teacher? B: Yes, his lessons are very interesting/interestingly. 3)A: You play the vilion beautiful/beautifully. B: Thank you. I practies very careful/carefully. 4) A: What do you think of the school dining hall? B: The food is horribly/horrible! 5) A: Are you good/well at Art? B: No! I draw terribly/terrible!

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


Упражнение 1, с. 37

1 Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильное слово.

1 Ken grabbed his coat and left.
Кен схватил пальто и вышел. 

gripped — захваченный 

2 He uses a safety net to climb tall buildings.
Он использует страховочную сетку, чтобы лазить по высоким зданиям. 

security — безопасность 

3 He wants to raise awareness about environmental problems.
Он хочет повысить осведомлённость об экологических проблемах.  

rise — подъём 

4 He hangs from nigh ledges with his bare hands.
Он свисает с выступов голыми руками. 

bends — изгибы 

5 He sighed with relief when he heard his son was safe.  

Он вздохнул с облегчением, когда услышал, что его сын в безопасности.

asked — спросил


Упражнение 2, с. 37

2. Listen to Ian Marshall talking about his job as a lifeguard in Australia. For each question, choose the best answer A, B, C or D. — Послушайте, как Ян Маршалл рассказывает о своей работе спасателем в Австралии. Для каждого вопроса выберите лучший ответ A, B, C или D.

1 C Ian works …
C at the beach.
Йен работает … на пляже.

A at the lake.
на озере.

B at a swimming pool.
в бассейне.

D in different locations.
в разных местах.

2 A He wants to learn …
A how to drive a powerboat.
Он хочет учиться … как управлять моторной лодкой.

B advanced first aid.
продвинутая первая помощь.

C how to teach fitness.
как научить фитнесу.

D beach management.
управление пляжем.

3 D Ian says that he doesn’t like …
D the written work he has to do.
Ян говорит, что ему не нравится … письменная работа, которую он должен выполнить.

A observing the swimming area.
наблюдение за зоной купания.

B checking the equipment.
проверка оборудования.

C getting up early in the morning.
вставать рано утром.

4 B Lifeguards may soon …
B know when sharks are nearby.
Спасатели могут скоро … знать, когда поблизости акулы.

A not need to use whistles.
не нужно использовать свистки.

C use only high-tech equipment.
используйте только высокотехнологичное оборудование.

D be able to keep dangerous animals away.
уметь держать опасных животных подальше.

5 B Ian says that people are safer when they …
B know about dangers.
Ян говорит, что людям безопаснее, когда они … знают об опасностях.

A stay near the shore.
держатся поближе к берегу.

C are strong swimmers.
являются сильными пловцами.

D have first aid skills.
имеют навыки оказания первой помощи.

Presenter: Thank you for joining us. Tonight on the show we have Ian Marshall, one of our local lifeguards, here to tell us a little bit about his job. Ian, thanks for coming. I’m sure that most of us have a very good idea about what a lifeguard does, but can you give us a few more details?

Ведущий: Спасибо, что присоединились к нам. Сегодня вечером на шоу у нас в гостях Ян Маршалл, один из наших местных спасателей, который расскажет нам немного о своей работе. Йен, спасибо, что пришёл. Я уверен, что у большинства из нас есть очень хорошее представление о том, что делает спасатель, но не могли бы вы рассказать нам ещё немного подробностей?

Ian: Sure. Well, of course, as a lifeguard, I make sure that people are safe in and around the water. I patrol the beach, but other lifeguards are on duty at lakes and swimming pools. A lifeguard is a necessity on a busy beach because even strong swimmers can get into trouble.

Ян: Конечно. Ну, конечно, как спасатель, я забочусь о том, чтобы люди были в безопасности в воде и вокруг неё. Я патрулирую пляж, но другие спасатели дежурят у озёр и бассейнов. Спасатель — это необходимость на оживлённом пляже, потому что даже сильные пловцы могут попасть в беду.

Presenter: OK, so how did you become a lifeguard, Ian?
Ведущий: Хорошо, так как же ты стал спасателем, Ян?

Ian: Well, actually, it was quite difficult. I had to take some courses including advanced first aid and beach management and then I had to complete various different fitness and skills tests. Even now, I take different courses to improve my skills. This year I’m hoping to take a course in powerboat driving.

Ян: Ну, на самом деле, это было довольно сложно. Мне пришлось пройти несколько курсов, включая продвинутую первую помощь и управление пляжем, а затем я должен был пройти различные тесты на пригодность и навыки. Даже сейчас я посещаю различные курсы, чтобы улучшить свои навыки. В этом году я надеюсь пройти курс вождения моторной лодки.

Presenter: And what’s a typical day like for you?
Ведущий: А какой у вас типичный день?

Ian: Well, between October and March, I’m on patrol from 6 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. That’s OK with me – I actually really like early mornings! Daily duties include rescuing when necessary, of course, checking all the equipment and keeping swimmers aware of any dangers. Our main duty though is to observe the beach and the swimming area to make sure everyone is obeying the beach rules in order to prevent accidents and emergencies. There’s a lot of paperwork to do, too. This is probably my least favourite part of the job, but it’s very important.

Ян: Ну, с октября по март я нахожусь в патруле с 6 утра до 3 часов дня. Со мной всё в порядке — я действительно очень люблю раннее утро! Ежедневные обязанности включают, конечно, спасение при необходимости, проверку всего снаряжения и информирование пловцов о любых опасностях. Однако наша главная обязанность — следить за пляжем и зоной для купания, чтобы убедиться, что все соблюдают правила пляжа, чтобы предотвратить несчастные случаи и чрезвычайные ситуации. Кроме того, нужно сделать много бумажной работы. Это, вероятно, моя наименее любимая часть работы, но она очень важна.

Presenter: You mentioned equipment. What kind of equipment do you use?

Ведущий: Вы упомянули оборудование. Какое оборудование вы используете?

Ian: Well, we have a boat for accidents out at sea, but we also use horns, loudspeakers and even the simple whistle to get people’s attention. In fact, the whistle is probably the most important piece of equipment I use because I have it with me all the time and it’s very effective at getting people’s attention. There’s also a radio to get in touch with other lifeguards and the emergency services. It’s not very high-tech, I know, although I recently heard about some research that scientists are doing. They want to electronically tag sharks, so when they get near the shore, we get an SMS warning on our mobile phones.

Ян: Ну, у нас есть лодка для несчастных случаев в море, но мы также используем рожки, громкоговорители и даже простой свисток, чтобы привлечь внимание людей. На самом деле, свисток, вероятно, самый важный элемент оборудования, которым я пользуюсь, потому что он всегда со мной, и он очень эффективен для привлечения внимания людей. Есть также радио, чтобы связаться с другими спасателями и аварийными службами. Я знаю, что это не очень высокотехнологично, хотя недавно я слышал о некоторых исследованиях, которые проводят учёные. Они хотят пометить акул электронным способом, поэтому, когда они приближаются к берегу, мы получаем SMS-предупреждение на наши мобильные телефоны.

Presenter: Really? While we’re on the subject of sharks, just how dangerous are they to swimmers off the coast of Australia?

Ведущий: Правда? Раз уж мы заговорили об акулах, насколько они опасны для пловцов у берегов Австралии?

Ian: Well, in the past 10 years, sharks have killed about 10 people and attacked about ten others in Western Australia, but we shouldn’t just focus on sharks. There are many other dangers such as the box jellyfish, which is one of the most poisonous creatures in the sea, especially as it’s almost invisible to swimmers. Actually, another important part of our training is looking out for dangerous creatures and giving first aid treatment if someone gets, for instance, a jellyfish sting. The first thing we do with a sting is to pour vinegar on it! We also try to educate swimmers about the risks. A little knowledge can save a lot of lives.

Ян: Ну, за последние 10 лет акулы убили около 10 человек и напали ещё на десять человек в Западной Австралии, но мы не должны сосредотачиваться только на акулах. Есть много других опасностей, таких как коробчатая медуза, которая является одним из самых ядовитых существ в море, особенно потому, что она почти невидима для пловцов. На самом деле, ещё одна важная часть нашего обучения — это наблюдение за опасными существами и оказание первой медицинской помощи, если кто-то получит, например, укус медузы. Первое, что мы делаем с жалом, — это наливаем на него уксус! Мы также стараемся информировать пловцов о рисках. Немного знаний может спасти много жизней.

Presenter: Interesting, Ian. Well, it’s been fantastic having you on the show. Tune in next week, listeners, when we have a real-life storm chaser in the studio. Until then, good night and have a great week.

Ведущий: Интересно, Ян. Что ж, было здорово, что ты участвуешь в шоу. Настройтесь на следующую неделю, слушатели, когда у нас в студии будет настоящий штормовой охотник. А пока спокойной ночи и удачной недели.


Упражнение 3, с. 37

3. Read the text and choose the most appropriate title for each section. There is one extra title. — Прочитайте текст и выберите наиболее подходящее название для каждого раздела. Есть ещё одно дополнительное название.

• Chilling Out — Охлаждение

• Learning a New Language — Изучение нового языка

• Finding it Easy — Найти его легко

• Making Dangerous Friends — Заводить Опасных Друзей

Real-life Super Heroes
Реальные Супергерои

1) Chilling Out — Охлаждение

The freezing cold has no effect on Wim Hof. Also known as the «Iceman», Wim Hof climbed Mount Everest wearing only a pair of shorts in temperatures that can kill an ordinary person. He holds an incredible nine world records and often appears in various countries up to his neck in ice. Scientists can’t explain Hof’s superhuman ability to put up with below-zero temperatures, but believe it may be due to his skill at meditation. When most people face extreme cold, the blood in their bodies moves away from theirfingers and toes to protect their inner organs. After years of meditating, Wim has complete control over his blood flow and can keep it moving to all parts of his body, no matter how cold it gets.

Леденящий холод никак не влияет на Вима Хофа. Также известный как «Ледяной человек», Вим Хоф поднялся на Эверест в одних шортах при температуре, которая может убить обычного человека. Он владеет невероятными девятью мировыми рекордами и часто появляется в разных странах по шею во льду. Учёные не могут объяснить сверхчеловеческую способность Хофа мириться с минусовыми температурами, но полагают, что это может быть связано с его умением медитировать. Когда большинство людей сталкиваются с экстремальным холодом, кровь в их телах отливает от пальцев рук и ног, чтобы защитить их внутренние органы. После многих лет медитации Вим полностью контролирует свой кровоток и может поддерживать его во всех частях тела, независимо от того, насколько холодно.

2) Making Dangerous Friends — Заводить Опасных Друзей

South African animalbehaviourist Kevin Richardson first made friends with some lion cubs 12 years ago at a lion park, and now he is playing with, cudding and even falling asleep next to lions! He says he can do this because he tries to know each animal’s personality and develop understanding with them. Now Richardson, known as ‘The lion whisperer’, cares for 39 lions on his 1,800-acre wildlife reserve. Kevin uses his fame to raise awareness about lions under threat in the wild. «Numbers have dropped by up to 75% in the past decade,» he says. Kevin also made a film using members of his adopted family called White Lion: Home is a Journey.

Южноафриканский анималист Кевин Ричардсон впервые подружился с несколькими львятами 12 лет назад в львином парке, и теперь он играет, обнимается и даже засыпает рядом со львами! Он говорит, что может сделать это, потому что он пытается узнать личность каждого животного и развить понимание с ними. Теперь Ричардсон, известный как «Шепчущий льву», заботится о 39 львах в своём заповеднике дикой природы площадью 1800 акров. Кевин использует свою славу, чтобы повысить осведомлённость о львах, находящихся под угрозой в дикой природе. «За последнее десятилетие их число сократилось до 75%», — говорит он. Кевин также снял фильм с участием членов своей приёмной семьи под названием «Белый лев: дом — это путешествие».

3) Finding it Easy — Найти его легко

32-year-old Daniel Tammet can solve the most difficult math problems in the time it takes most of us to remember where we put our calculator! He has an incredible mental ability to count and calculate. He doesn’t see numbers in his head, though, he sees shapes. «When I multiply, I see two shapes. The image starts to change and a third shape appears. That’s the answer.» Daniel is an autistic savant who has broken records with his unbelievable memory. Daniel can also speak 10 languages and learned Icelandic in just one week! In 2007, he also wrote his autobiography, Born on a Blue Day.

32-летний Даниэль Таммет может решить самые сложные математические задачи за то время, которое большинству из нас требуется, чтобы вспомнить, куда мы положили наш калькулятор! Он обладает невероятной умственной способностью считать и вычислять. Однако он не видит чисел в своей голове, он видит формы. «Когда я умножаю, я вижу две фигуры. Изображение начинает меняться, и появляется третья фигура. Вот и ответ.» Дэниел — учёный-аутист, который побил рекорды своей невероятной памятью. Даниэль также может говорить на 10 языках и выучил исландский всего за одну неделю! В 2007 году он также написал свою автобиографию «Рождённый в голубой день».

autistic savant — somebody with a mental condition that prevents them from communicaring well, but has a highly-developed talent in another area e.g., painting, calculating.

аутичный учёный* — человек с психическим заболеванием, которое мешает ему хорошо общаться, но обладает высокоразвитым талантом в другой области, например, в живописи, вычислениях.

Упражнение 4, с. 37

4. Read the text again and write W (Wim), K (Kevin) or D (Daniel). — Прочитайте текст ещё раз и напишите W (Wim), K (Kevin) или D (Daniel).


1 wants people to help fight for something? K
хочет, чтобы люди помогали бороться за что-то?

2 confuses scientists? W
сбивает с толку учёных?

3 has a nickname? W & K
имеет прозвище?

4 travels around the world? W
путешествует по всему миру?

5 does something very quickly? D
делает что-то очень быстро?

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 7 класс

Подборка по базе: Домашнее задание для подготовки презентаций с докладами по курсу, ЭФ Зачетное задание.docx, Анализ и диагностика. Задание 1..doc, Домашнее задание по всем формам.docx, Практическое задание 2 инфо.docx, Практическое задание 1 инфо.docx, 6кл истор оеч тема 2.docx, философия — задание.docx, Предварительное следствие задание 1.docx, Практическая работа Тема 1.pdf

Part B. Subject area: “People and Society”

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct answer.

1) Everyone said they had enjoyed themselves at the wedding.

A — enjoyed

2) Mary seems to go out with a different group of friends almost every night.

A — group

3) People can become very bad-tempered when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.

В — bad-tempered

4) More and more people are living into old age and it’s a serious social problem.

D — old

5) Stephanie seems to be very popular with her classmates.

D — popular

6) Most ordinary people have no idea what it’s like to be famous.

В — ordinary

7) When my parents got divorced, my best friend was very sympathetic and

listened to all my problems.

С — sympathetic

8) Rita’s very sensitive and easily gets upset when people criticise her.

В — sensitive

9) Police were called in when the crowd of people began to get violent.

A — crowd

10) My dad says he once met Robbie Williams when he was still unknown.

A – unknown
Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct word.

1) These days, many parents find it difficult tosupport a large family.

2) Forgetting to thank us for dinner is typical of George.

3) My grandma doesn’t have any close family her own age left.

4) In ancient times, people had a very different view of the world.

5) Who was to blame for the argument?

6) Don’t you know it’spolite to close your mouth when you are eating?

7) Nathan’s parents were verypleased when they saw him in the school play.

8) I have a very goodrelationship with my mother.

Exercise 3. Phrasal verbs. Complete using the correct form of the words in italics. You need to use one word twice.

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to 1) look down on everyonearound them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others 2) make up and forgiveeasily. As we 3) grow up, our personality develops and we find that we 4) get on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, butis also influenced by those who 5) bring us up. If we 6) look up to our parents orother family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to 7) put us down all the time and we 8) fall out with them a lot, then perhapswe will develop quite different personalities.

Exercise 4. Phrasal verbs. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

1) The doctor said that the old woman had died passed away peacefully in her sleep.

2) I always support back upmy brother when he gets into trouble.

3) Tony seems to have really fallen in love with fallen forVanessa.

4) Mark is such a bully and treats badly picks on the younger boys at school.

5) I was surprised was taken aback when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.

6) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly settled down in Australia.

7) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about asked after you.
Exercise 5. Phrases and collocations. Write one word in each gap.

1) Could you do me a favour and ask Oliver to see me in my office?

2) I don’t have many ambitions, but I’d like to graduate and then start a family.

3) As we walked down the street, Helen took pity on the beggar and gave him some money.

4) Nadia’s hair looked awful, but I didn’t have the courage to tell her.

5) My dad can’t stand losing an argument and always has to have the last word.

6) The new law seemed to meet with everyone’s approval.

7) Can you take care of your little sister for a minute while I go to the shop?

8) When you first fall in love, the whole world seems a beautiful place.

9) I don’t really make friends very easily because I’m quite shy.

10) I didn’t recognise Ed when I saw him because he was in disguise.

11) You’re in a very good mood. Why are you so happy?

12) If you keep breaking your promises, people won’t trust you any more.

13) I had a really strange dream last night about my best friend.
Exercise 6. Word patterns. Choose the correct answer.

  1. The government is trying to convince people of the need for higher taxes.

2) I believe that judges should be independent from the government.
3) Local residents object to having the new power station in their area.
4) Do you think they should ban people from smoking in public places?
5) The MP asked if the prime minister was aware of the growing social problem.

6) Most people seem to agree with the newspapers’ criticism of the government.

7) I don’t think people should rely on the state, even if they are unemployed. 

8) The mayor was attacked for wasting public money.


Exercise 7. Word patterns. Find the extra word in each line.

1) Hell, said Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people, and whether you agree with
2) or not, we are all have to learn to live together. We may not always
3) approve of that other people’s behaviour, but we do have to live with it.
4) It is impossible to force other people in to behave exactly how we think
5) they should behave. Of course, the law bans from all kinds of behaviour
6) and if you can convince to enough people, you might be able to get the
7) government to pass a new law. Mostly, though, you have to let off people
8) live their own lives, in the same way you expect them to allow you for to
9) live your life.You don’t have to pretend it that you like how some other
10) people live, but letting them to be themselves is often the only choice .

Exercise 8. Word formation. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

I had a really stupid 1) argumentwith my best friend the other day. It all ARGUE

started because we were talking about 2) marriage and having a family. MARRY

I said that 3) politenessis important when you are married and she said POLITE

that she thought that was rubbish and that4) kindness is much more KIND

important. Well, we were 5) ableto agree and, in the end, she ABLE

left without saying goodbye. I do hope it doesn’t spoil our 6) friendship FRIEND

Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1) My best friend has a great personality and everyone likes her.
2) I have a good relationship with my mum and I can talk to her about anything.
3) They’ve just published a book of George Bush’s correspondences and it looks really interesting.
4) Jenny seemed willing to talk about her argument with Nancy, but I eventually got the facts.
5) As I waited for Kelly to arrive at the cinema, I bit my nails nervelessly
6) Ignore what Sharon says about you. It’s just jealousness.
7) In the past, children were expected to be very obeyed
8) Brenda blames her unhappiness on being single, but I’m not so sure.
9) Tom knew that being chosen as class president was a real achievement.
10) Kevin’s so sensitive that you have to be very careful what you say to him.
Задание 2


Exercise 1. Fill in “say” or “tell” in the correct form.

1) Jack told me that he was enjoying his new job.

2) Tom said it was a nice restaurant but I didn’t like it much.

3) The doctor said that I would have to rest for at least a week.

4) Ann told Tom that she was going away.

5) Our teacher said he was pleased with our work.

6) Yesterday my friend said he hadn’t told anyone my secret.

7) Stop telling lies!

8) Could you please tell me your name?

9)The little girl said her prayers and went to bed.

10)I really can’t tell Jane from Kate. They are twins.

11)“I haven’t got enough money,” he said to John.

12)He said he would meet us later.
Exercise 2. Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Report what Charlie told you.

1. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to Canada.

2. Charlie said that his father was in hospital.

3. Charlie said that Nora and Jim were getting married next month.

4. Charlie said that he hadn’t seen Bill for a while.

5. Charlie said that Margaret had had a baby.

6. Charlie said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing.

7. Charlie said that he would tell Jim he saw (had seen) me.

8. Charlie said that I could come and stay with him if I was ever in London.

9. Charlie said that he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.
Exercise 3.Report these questions beginning I asked..

1. I asked what Peter’s address was.
2. I asked when the new manager was coming.
3. I asked how she knew my name. 
4. I asked why all the windows were open.
5. I asked how many books she wanted.

6. I asked where they kept the money.

7. I asked what time the meeting was.

8. I asked when the last train left.

9. I asked how the photocopier worked.

10. I asked how often Ann went shopping.
Exercise 4.Report the following commands.

  1. The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.
  2. He told to me,that i need to read the instr. before i switch on the machine.
  3. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter not to let the children eat any sweets. 

4. She told us to shut he door but dont lock it.
5. I told him to he dont come before 6 o clock.

6. Mrs Lane told her babysitter not to take the dog into the children`s bedroom.

7. He asked “Could you close all the windows? It’s too cold in the room.
Exercise 5. Turn the following dialogue into Reported Speech.

Sally asked Diane If she had applied for the job.

Diane told her it had been fine but she was wondering if she wanted the job because she would have to move to Manchester.

Sally asked what she would do then.

Diane told Sally that if they offered her the job, she couldn’t accept it.
Exercise 6. First state if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) then turn from Direct into Reported speech.

1)The teacher said that Paris is the capital of France.

2.The little boy told her that he hadn’t broken the window.
3.She told him to eat his dinner.
4.Jane asked Helen if she had seen that film.
5.Fiona said that she had had an argument with Mark the day before.
6.The manager explained that the new guests would arrive the next day.
7.George said that Greece is was hotter than England.
8.Simon asked the stranger where the post office was.
9.Michael said that he might go sailing the next week.
10. The mother told her children not to eat with their fingers.

Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1) If she , hadn’tbroken,the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for a new one.

2) If it hadn’t been cold, they wouldn’t have lit the fire.
3) If she studied more, she would be a better student.
4) They wouldn’t have seen the Queen if they hadn’t visited London on that day.
5) If you should win that competition, you will be rich.
6) If I lived in France, I would speak French well.
7) If they had locked the doors, the burglars wouldn’t have got in.
8) We will have a party if Alan passes his driving test.
9) I will give John your message if I should see him today.
10) They wouldn’t had any money if their cousin hadn’t lent them some.
11) Those plants don’t grow if you don’t water them.
12) I would buy that bag if it had been cheaper.
13) If she had opened  the letter, she would have been surprised.
Exercise 8. Choose the correct answer in sentences 1-5.

1) If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the train.

2) What can I do if she refuses to listen to me?

3) His French won’t improve unless he studies more.

4) If I had more time, I would take up tennis.

5) If I were in your position, I’d buy a new suit.

Choose the correct verb form А, В, С or D to fill the spaces in 6-10.

6) I ____ happy to advise you if you’d asked me.

В would have been  

7) If she ____ her driving test, she would have bought a car.

D had passed

8) I wouldn’t have lent him the money if he ____ desperate.

С hadn’t been

9) If you’d run faster, you ____ the bus.

С could’ve caught

10) If I hadn’t worked hard when I was young I ____ where I am now.

D wouldn’t be
Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.

1.If the dog , keeps barking, the neighbours will complain.

2. The boss will be angry if you arrive late for work again.

3. If you eat too much, you’ll be sick!

4. If the weather is bad on Saturday, we will stay at home.

5. You should see a doctor if you don’t feel well.

6. If you study hard, you will pass your exam.
Exercise10. Use the correct tense form:

If you 1) see this film, we2) will discuss it later. If she 3) has a problem, I 4) will help her. If we 5) travel by car, we 6) will save a lot of money. If he not 7) give her flowers once a week she 8) will be offended. If they 9) blame him, it 10) will serve him right. When the children 11) come home for Christmas, the parents 12) will be happy. When the summer season 13) comes, there 14) will be a lot of tourists here. When you 15) go to shopping, use your credit card. You 16) will feel better, after you 17) takes the tablet. We 18) will buy their car after father 19) gets his salary. I not 20) try on this dress before I 21) know how much it 22) will be. I 23) wake you up as soon as I 24) get up. They 25) will make an announcement about the plane as soon as it 26) lands. As soon as Tom 27) fix the engine we 28) will continue our journey. As soon as he 29) writes to me I 30) let you know. We 31) will lie in the sun and 32) swim in the warm sea unless the weather 33) changes for the worse. She not 34) will not marry him unless he 35) gives up his bad habits. You not 36) will not lose weight unless you 37) eat less. We 38) will have a good time while our holiday 39) lasts. I 40) keep you here, until you 41) tell the truth.

Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Julie, I am writing to thank you for my birthday present. I was so happy to receive it — I had so many lovely presents, I don’t know what doing with them all! On my birthday I want for a meal with some friends and afterwards we went dancing at that new club on Poplar Street. If you haven’t been, it’s certainly worth going there. Now that l’m old enough drive, I’m busy taking driving lessons. Dad said he would let me use his car as long as I promise to be careful. Well, I must go now. I hope hearing from you soon. Love, Madeline.

Exercise 12 put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the –ing form.

1) I hate travelling by train, (travel)

2) He left without saying goodbye, (say)

3) She managed to lose a lot of weight, (lose)

4) Swimming helps you keep fit, (swim)

5) They made him to tell them the truth, (tell)

6) Matt goes to jog every morning, (jog)

7) We are sorry informing you that you have failed the exam, (inform)

8) I’d love to go to the cinema tonight, (go)

9) I look forward to seeing you again soon, (see)

10) It’s no use trying to make him change his mind, (try)

11) Sue went to the library to borrow some books, (borrow)

12) I don’t know how to dothis exercise, (do)

Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or-ing form.

My mother is an amazing woman. She is 87 years old and she still enjoys 1) going out(go out) for a walk every day. She doesn’tmind 2) doing all her housework and she’s glad 3) to help her elderly neighbours when they can’t 4) go to the shops. She’s too old 5) to,dig the garden any moreshe stopped 6) doing that last year but she’s still healthy enough 7) to, mow the grass! In the summer she still goes 8) swimming when it’s warm and she lets her grandchildren 9) bury her in the sand. She often says, «It’s no good 10) being alive if you don’t enjoy yourself.» I’d love 11) to be like my mother when I’m her age.

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