Vocabulary choose the correct word quad racing wok racing


Упражнение 1, с. 25

1. Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильное слово.

1 quad racing — гонки на четырёхколёсных велосипедах

2 volcano surfing — вулканосёрфинг  

3 river bugging — спуск по горной реке на надувном матрасе

4 extreme ironing — экстремальная глажка одежды 

Упражнение 2, с. 25

2. a) Match the words to make phrases. — Сопоставьте слова, чтобы составить фразы.

1 C metal spikes — металлические шипы

2 E short flippers — короткие ласты

3 F smoking volcano — дымящийся вулкан

4 D world championship — чемпионат мира

5 B protective clothing — защитная одежда

6 A icy track — ледяная дорожка

b) Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to complete the sentences. — Используйте фразы из упр. 2а, чтобы завершить предложения.

1 You must wear protective clothing if you want to take part in volcano surfing.
Вы должны носить защитную одежду, если хотите принять участие в сёрфинге на вулкане.

2 Ben won the world championship in wok racing last week.
Бен выиграл чемпионат мира по гонкам вок на прошлой неделе.

3 The river bugger lost one of his short flippers when his foot hit a rock.
Спортсмен по речному спуску потерял один из своих коротких ласт, когда его нога ударилась о камень.

4 Ryan heated up the bottom of his wok before speeding down the icy track.
Райан нагрел дно своего вока, прежде чем мчаться по ледяной дорожке.

5 Ice climbing boots have metal spikes for digging into the ice.
Ледолазные ботинки имеют металлические шипы для вгрызания в лед.

6 The helicopter flew high over the mountain to take pictures of the smoking volcano.
Вертолёт пролетел высоко над горой, чтобы сфотографировать дымящийся вулкан.

Упражнение 3, с. 25  

3. Fill in: craze, competitor, rapids, slope, gloves, boards, axe— Заполните: увлечение, конкурент, пороги, склон, перчатки, доски, топор.

1 Volcano surfing is the latest craze in extreme sports.
Сёрфинг на вулканах — это последнее увлечение экстремальными видами спорта.

2 The young quad racing competitor failed to show up for the event.
Молодой участник гонок на квадроциклах не явился на мероприятие.

3 River buggers speed along a river and down rapids.
Спортсмены по речному спуску на надувных матрасах несутся вдоль реки и вниз по порогам.

4 He drove his ice axe deep into the side of the snow-covered mountain.
Он вонзил свой ледоруб глубоко в склон заснеженной горы.

5 A large droup of divers took their ironing boards underwater to set a world record.
Большая группа дайверов взяла свои гладильные доски под воду, чтобы установить мировой рекорд.

7 Ice climbing up a steep gloves is quite challenging.
Ледолазание по крутому склону довольно сложно.

6 Without webbed slope it is difficult to control your river bug.
Без перепончатого склона трудно контролировать ваш надувной матрас.


Упражнение 4, с. 25

4. Сomplete the sentences with correct form of the verbs in brackets. What type of Conditional is each sentence, 0 or 1st? — Завершите предложения правильной формой глаголов в скобках. Какого типа является каждое условное предложение, 0 или 1-е?

1 If you like extreme sports, you will love extreme ironing! (1)
Если вы любите экстремальные виды спорта, вам понравится экстремальное глажение одежды!

2 Unless the weather gets better, we won’t go to the beach. (1)
Если погода не улучшится, мы не пойдём на пляж.

3 When ocean waves erode cliffts, sea caves form. (0)
Когда океанские волны разрушают скалы, образуются морские пещеры.

4 If you boil water, it produces steam. (0)
Если вы кипятите воду, она производит пар.

5 If sea levels rice drastically, low-lying islands will vanish. (1)
Если уровень моря резко повысится, низменные острова исчезнут.

6 If Beth comes paintballing with us, she will have a great time. (1)
Если Бет пойдёт с нами играть в пейнтбол, она отлично проведёт время.

Упражнение 5, с. 25

5. Сomplete the sentences using the 0 and 1st Conditionals and your own ideas. — Завершите предложения, используя условные обозначения 0 и 1 и свои собственные идеи.

1 What it rains, plants get watered.
Когда идёт дождь, растения поливают.

2 If I have enough time today, I will go shopping.
Если у меня сегодня будет достаточно времени, я пойду по магазинам.

3 If I finish my homework early, I will come to the cinema with you.
Если я закончу домашнее задание пораньше, я пойду с тобой в кино.

4 Unless I get my licence, I can’t drive the car.
Если я не получу права, я не смогу водить машину.

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 7 класс

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Задание 1, с. 25

1. Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильное слово.

1 quad racing — гонки на четырёхколёсных велосипедах

2 volcano surfing — вулканосёрфинг

3 river bugging — спуск по горной реке на надувном матрасе

4 extreme ironing — экстремальная глажка одежды

Задание 2, с. 25

2. a) Match the words to make phrases. — Сопоставьте слова, чтобы составить фразы.

1 C metal spikes — металлические шипы

2 E short flippers — короткие ласты

3 F smoking volcano — дымящийся вулкан

4 D world championship — чемпионат мира

5 B protective clothing — защитная одежда

6 A icy track — ледяная дорожка

b) Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to complete the sentences. — Используйте фразы из упр. 2а, чтобы завершить предложения.

1 You must wear protective clothing if you want to take part in volcano surfing.
Вы должны носить защитную одежду, если хотите принять участие в сёрфинге на вулкане.

2 Ben won the world championship in wok racing last week.
Бен выиграл чемпионат мира по гонкам вок на прошлой неделе.

3 The river bugger lost one of his short flippers when his foot hit a rock.
Спортсмен по речному спуску потерял один из своих коротких ласт, когда его нога ударилась о камень.

4 Ryan heated up the bottom of his wok before speeding down the icy track.
Райан нагрел дно своего вока, прежде чем мчаться по ледяной дорожке.

5 Ice climbing boots have metal spikes for digging into the ice.
Ледолазные ботинки имеют металлические шипы для вгрызания в лед.

6 The helicopter flew high over the mountain to take pictures of the smoking volcano.
Вертолёт пролетел высоко над горой, чтобы сфотографировать дымящийся вулкан.

Задание 3, с. 25

3. Fill in: craze, competitor, rapids, slope, gloves, boards, axe. — Заполните: увлечение, конкурент, пороги, склон, перчатки, доски, топор.

1 Volcano surfing is the latest craze in extreme sports.
Сёрфинг на вулканах — это последнее увлечение экстремальными видами спорта.

2 The young quad racing competitor failed to show up for the event.
Молодой участник гонок на квадроциклах не явился на мероприятие.

3 River buggers speed along a river and down rapids.
Спортсмены по речному спуску на надувных матрасах несутся вдоль реки и вниз по порогам.

4 He drove his ice axe deep into the side of the snow-covered mountain.
Он вонзил свой ледоруб глубоко в склон заснеженной горы.

5 A large droup of divers took their ironing boards underwater to set a world record.
Большая группа дайверов взяла свои гладильные доски под воду, чтобы установить мировой рекорд.

7 Ice climbing up a steep gloves is quite challenging.
Ледолазание по крутому склону довольно сложно.

6 Without webbed slope it is difficult to control your river bug.
Без перепончатого склона трудно контролировать ваш надувной матрас.


Задание 4, с. 25

4. Сomplete the sentences with correct form of the verbs in brackets. What type of Conditional is each sentence, 0 or 1st? — Завершите предложения правильной формой глаголов в скобках. Какого типа является каждое условное предложение, 0 или 1-е?

1 If you like extreme sports, you will love extreme ironing! (1)
Если вы любите экстремальные виды спорта, вам понравится экстремальное глажение одежды!

2 Unless the weather gets better, we won’t go to the beach. (1)
Если погода не улучшится, мы не пойдём на пляж.

3 When ocean waves erode cliffts, sea caves form. (0)
Когда океанские волны разрушают скалы, образуются морские пещеры.

4 If you boil water, it produces steam. (0)
Если вы кипятите воду, она производит пар.

5 If sea levels rice drastically, low-lying islands will vanish. (1)
Если уровень моря резко повысится, низменные острова исчезнут.

6 If Beth comes paintballing with us, she will have a great time. (1)
Если Бет пойдёт с нами играть в пейнтбол, она отлично проведёт время.

Задание 5, с. 25

5. Сomplete the sentences using the 0 and 1st Conditionals and your own ideas. — Завершите предложения, используя условные обозначения 0 и 1 и свои собственные идеи.

1 What it rains, plants get watered.
Когда идёт дождь, растения поливают.

2 If I have enough time today, I will go shopping.
Если у меня сегодня будет достаточно времени, я пойду по магазинам.

3 If I finish my homework early, I will come to the cinema with you.
Если я закончу домашнее задание пораньше, я пойду с тобой в кино.

4 Unless I get my licence, I can’t drive the car.
Если я не получу права, я не смогу водить машину.

№1. fossil fuels, footpath, special offer, unpredictable, extinct, global warming, youth, freezing, competitors, rise

1. There’s a __________ on flights to France this month.

2. It’s ________ cold today.

3. The burning of ________ produces carbon dioxide.

4. The weather is __________. You never know what to wear.

5. Many animals may become _______.

6. ________ is causing ice to melt and temperatures to ______ .

7. One of the _______ broke his leg in the wok racing.

8. We stayed in ______ hostel for a week.

9. Follow the __________ and you will find the camp.

№2. Choose the preposition.

1. Many animals are in/ under threat.

2. They adapted to/ in the dark conditions.

3. He was singing loudly to scare by/ off bears.

4. Wear more clothes instead of turning off/ up the heat.

5. They warned me about/ of his bad behavior.

№3. Word formation. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in CAPITALS.

1. Extreme sports like roofing are ___________. (DANGER)

2. She looks ________ . (ATHLETE)

3. The salad is very ________ . (SALT)

4. This hotel is very _______. (EXPENSE)

5. Enjoy this ____ beauty. (NATURE)

6. Scientists say robots could be rather ____ in the future. (FUNCTION)

7. I like to travel with him by car. He is a very _____ driver. (CARE)

8. The sofa looks _______. I’d like to buy it. (COMFORT)

9. I’m _____ to oranges. That’s why I avoid eating them. (ALLERGY)

№4. Choose the correct item.

1. I promise I ____ to the library after school.

a) am going b) will go c) go

2. Tom _____ on a trip this weekend.

a) going to go b) is going c) goes

3. My train _______ at 9:00 tomorrow.

a) leaves b) will leave c) is leaving

4. We _____ dinner at a restaurant at 7p.m. I booked a table yesterday.

a) have b) will have c) are having

5. Don’t worry. I _____ you to do the task.

a) help b) am helping c) will help

6. If you heat water, it ______

a) boils b) will boil c) boil

7. If you study hard, you ____ the exam.

a) would pass b) would have passed c) will pass

№5. Communication. Match 1-6 to A-F.

1. How can I help you?

2. Can I book it, please?

3. Does that include breakfast?

4. How much is it per night?

5. How about joining me for a game?

6. We look forward to seeing you.

A. Thank you. Goodbye.

B. It’s 100 $

C. I’d like to book a room, please.

D. Sure, I’d love to!

E. Certainly. When for?

F. No, I’m sorry.

2 Speed, excitement, danger. You can find all these in the different extreme that have become popular last 10 years. Take bungee jumping. You jump off a bridge and you fall and fal, and then, just before you hit the ground or water, an elastic rope pulls you back. In skysurfing you jump out of aeroplane and use a board to «surf» the air, doing gymnastics in mid-air! And extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous. Winter sports have always an element of danger. For example snowboarding, which has all the excitement of surting but on snow, is more dangerous even than skiing. Probably the most dangerous of all the new winter sports Is snowrafting. You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed — and you can’t control the boat! Of course, water sports have always been fun. Ice diving, for those people who are absolutely crasy.

2 Of course, water sports have always been fun. Ice diving, for those people who are absolutely crasy. You put on diving equipment and dive under a frosen lake. And, if that’s not enough, you try to walk upside down on the ice! I feel cold just thinking about it A lot of people are not fit nowadays. It’s a big problem today. If you want to feel fit you’d better go in for one kind of sport or another. I think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don’t do sports regularly and t is not an essential part of my dally life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. In summer I go swimming as there is a beautiful lake with pure water Where my Granny lives. In winter I sWim in the swimming pool. I like to ride the bike. I shouldn’t call myself a sports fan Of course , I like to watch sports.

2 you try to walk upside down on the ice! feel cold just thinking about it. A lot of people are not fit nowadays. It’s a big problem today. If you want to feel Tit you d better go in for one kind of sport or another. l think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don’t do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. In summer I go swimming as there is a beautiful lake with pure water where my Granny lives. In Winter I swim in the swimming pool. I like to ride the bike. I shouldn’t call myself a sports fan Of course , I like to watch sports competitions on I V, lIke hockey or football. But most of all T admire extreme kinds of sport. I think they are really cool.

Module 3 Test

1. Listening.  You are going to hear an interview with a quad racer. For each question (1-5) choose

the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1.How did Max start quad racing?

A He began racing with his cousins.

B He got a quad for his birthday.

C A friend introduced him to it

D His dad wanted him to try it.

2. Max prefers quad racing to dirt bike racing


A he can jump higher on a quad.

B he has better control on a quad.

C quads are faster.

D quads are safer.

3. According to Max, he is good at

A jumping with his quad.

B steering his quad.

C reaching top speeds.

D driving in difficult areas.

4. After Max’s accident,

A it took him a year to return to racing.

B his mother wouldn’t allow him to race again.

C he was afraid to race for a while.

D he needed two months to recover.

5. What does Max suggest to those who want to

start quad racing?

A Buy a quad and start driving.

B Go to watch races to see if you like it.

C Join a race club and try it.

D Take a quad class and start learning.

2. Reading. Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or NS (Not Stated).

Deep in a valley that borders Jordan and Israel is a sea like no other in the world. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth with its shores and water surface at 423 metres below sea level. The Dead Sea is also the saltiest place on earth. The amount of water that evaporates from the sea is far greater than the water that flows into the sea. The evaporated water leaves behind large amounts of salt making the Dead Sea six times saltier than the oceans. Shiny white crystals of salt cover the shores of this amazing sea giving it a snow-covered effect. Because of this high salt concentration, no fish or marine life can live in the water and this is why people call it the Dead Sea. If a fish accidently swims into the Dead Sea from one of the rivers that flow into it, it dies instantly. People, however, can swim in the Dead Sea. Well they don’t actually swim, they float. The large amount of salt in the water makes it very dense meaning bodies float

with no effort. This is the only place in the world where one can lie down on the water and read a book! The high salt content also gives the water healing properties. Tourists come to the Dead Sea each year to relax in its unique water and enjoy the health benefits from this deadly sea.

1. The Dead Sea is in the Middle East. ………

2.  The Dead Sea has more salt in its water than any other sea. ……..

3.  The Dead Sea is six times larger than other seas. ……..

4.  The Dead Sea is home to a lot of fish. ……..

5.  People aren’t allowed to swim in the Dead Sea. ……..

3. Vocabulary. Complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases: terrifying, research station, compete, crashed into, special offer, blizzard, scare off, threatened, greenhouse gas, volcano surfing, under threat, protective, unpredictable, stunning scenery, footpath.

1. I hope there won’t be a … like the one we had on my first visit here.

2. My uncle has worked at the scientific  … since I was a teen.

3. We should protect … species or they’ll die out.

4. If you want to try … you’ll have to go to Cerro Negro Volcano.

5. Put on some … clothing and fly down the slope at 50 kmph!

6. To … with wok racers successfully you need to warm the bottom of your wok.

7. The trail passes through forests and valleys showing the most … in North America.

8. This … runs through mountains.

9. Do you have any … ? Yes, a single room at the youth hostel is $69 per night!

10. Global warming results in more and more … weather.

11. A lot of rare animals are … due to extreme weather conditions.

12. When people burn fossil fuels they produce … .

13. To … the burglar the woman screamed loudly.

14. The car … the log on the road.

15. Their rafting trip turned into a … fight for survival.

4. Grammar. Put the verbs into the correct future tense.

1. I …(light) a fire, it’s freezing cold!

2. We…(go) to a ski lodge at the weekend. Steve booked it last week.

3. Watch out! You… (crash) into the tree!

4. When…  your Maths lesson(end)? At 10.40.

5. I promise I…(not be) late tomorrow!

5. Grammar. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to form conditionals or wishes.

1. I hurt my leg ice climbing yesterday. I should have worn protective boots. I wish…

2. I didn’t finish school. If only…

3. I smoke a lot. It’ a bad habit. I wish…

4. I need to save some money to go to ski resort next week. I wish…

5. I wonder about George because of extreme sports. If only…

6. Whenever I …(get) to work on foot, I …(buy) a morning newspaper.

7. If I…(be) you, I…(hire) a babysitter for your son.

8. Pete is ill. If he…(listen) to my advice, he …(stay) at home and …(not face) with bad weather yesterday.

9. When Sue…(earn) more money, she…(go) on a cruise.

10. We’ve lost our cat! If he …(close) the door, the cat…(come out).

6. Grammar. Use the appropriate phrasal verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences: go around, go off,  go over, look after, look up, look for, look through.

1. Turn on the TV! They’re saying about the bomb which just… .

2. I need some information about the Pacific Ocean. Let’s…it on the Internet.

3. Don’t worry, we’ve got enough apples to…the children.

4. Did you like my article? Actually, I didn’t read it well, I only…it.

5. What are you doing? I…a cheaper restaurant in our neighbourhood.

6. The cake smells badly. I think it already… .

7. Should I … details of our future meeting please?

8. I promise I… my little niece.

9. I’m in hurry! My alarm clock … !

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