Vocabulary choose the correct word john has got

Choose the correct word.
1.John has got a painful mouth……………. .
A ache B cut C ulcer D rash
2.You can’t………if you don’t get enough sleep/
A swallow C neutralise B distinguish D concentrate
3.Garlic is good for our…………..system.
A immune C natural B stomach D hearing
4.One day doctors may find the……..for a cold.
A medicine B cure C remedy D anti-venin
5. The platypus has a poisonous…………on its back legs.
A sting B needle C spike D bite
6.Maggie gets……sickness when she is on a boat.
A stomach B travel C dizzy D stress
7.We all have…..remedies in our kitchen cupboards.
A cure B plaster C rash D home
8.You should put some..cream on an insect bite.
A indigestion B antiseptic C infection D medical
9.MP3 players can lead to hearing…… .
A volume B arthritis C loss D pain
10.The roads get…………when it rains.
A blurred B constricted C confined D slippery


1С. John has got a painful mouth ulcer. (язвочка во рту)

2D. You can’t concentrate if you don’t get enough sleep. (сконцентрироваться)

3A. Garlic is good for our immune system. (иммунной системы)

4B. One day doctors may find a cure for the common cold. (способ лечения)

5С. The platypus has a poisonous spike on its back legs. (ядовитый шип)

6B. Maggie gets travel sickness when she is on a boat. (морская болезнь)

7D. We all have home remedies in our kitchen cupboards. (домашние лекарства)

8B. You should put some antiseptic cream on an insect bite. (обеззараживающий крем)

9C. MP3 players can cause hearing loss. (потерю слуха)

10D. The roads get slippery when it rains. (становятся скользкими)


1. Pat is taking a self defense class. (уроки самообороны)

2. You should put some cream on that itchy rash. (сыпь)

3. Curry gives me an upset stomach. (расстройство желудка)

4. Dan feels nervous in confined spaces. (замкнутых пространствах)

5. Too much time in front of a screen can lead to blurred vision. (ухудшение зрения)


1B. Lyn doesn’t have to go to school today as it’s a holiday. (не нужно)

2А. Bob can work late today. He isn’t sure. (возможно,но не уверен)

3C. Mia,who lives next door,practices yoga. (которая)

4B. The reason why I exercise is to get fit. (почему)

5C. Both Peter and Paul are afraid of heights. (И…,и…)

6B. You should buy an MP3 player. They’re great. (т.к. совет)

7C. You may put some honey in a glass of warm milk for a sore throat. (больше как совет)

8А. Neither Tim nor Ryan is afraid of snakes. (Ни…,ни…)

9A. You should exercise regularly,it’s good for you. (совет)

10С. Kate is the girl whose dad is a surgeon. (чей)

11A. Harry could walk when he was 10 month old. (физическая возможность)

12А. This is the gym where I exercise regularly. (где)

13B. You don’t have to buy milk. We’ve got lots. (нет необходимости)

14А. Ann didn’t come to the party because she had to work late. (вынуждена)

15А. He was able to climb up the tall building yesterday. (мог)

Choose the correct word.

1. John has got a painful mouth.

. A ache B cut C ulcer D rash


You can’t.

If you don’t get enough sleep /

A swallow C neutralise B distinguish D concentrate


Garlic is good for our.


A immune C natural B stomach D hearing


One day doctors may find the.

For a cold.

A medicine B cure C remedy D anti — venin


The platypus has a poisonous.

On its back legs.

A sting B needle C spike D bite


Maggie gets.

Sickness when she is on a boat.

A stomach B travel C dizzy D stress


We all have.

Remedies in our kitchen cupboards.

A cure B plaster C rash D home


You should put some.

Cream on an insect bite.

A indigestion B antiseptic C infection D medical


MP3 players can lead to hearing.

. A volume B arthritis C loss D pain


The roads get.

When it rains.

A blurred B constricted C confined D slippery.

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7 form test – 3d term 2nd variant


A Choose the correct word.

1 The platypus has a poisonous …….. on its back legs.

    A sting   B needle   C spike   D bite

2 Bob suffers ……… hay fever and has itchy, watery eyes.

   A with   B from   C of    D through

3 Maggie gets …….. sickness when she is on a boat.

   A stomach   B travel    C dizzy   D stress

4 One day doctors may find a ……. for the common cold.

   A medicine    C remedy

    B cure           D anti-venin

5 John has got a painful mouth …….. .

   A ache   B cut   C ulcer   D rash

6 Garlic is good for our …….. system.

     A immune    C natural

     B stomach   D hearing

7 We all have …….. remedies in our kitchen cupboards.

    A cure    B plaster    C rash    D home

8 The roads get …….. when it rains.

      A blurred           C confined

      B constricted    D slippery

9 MP3 players can cause hearing …….. .

   A volume    B arthritis    C loss    D pain

10 You should put some …….. cream on an insect bite.

    A indigestion   C infection

    B antiseptic     D medical

B Circle the correct item.

1 Too much time in front of a screen can lead to constricted / blurred vision.

2 You should put some cream on that itchy cough /rash.

3 Dan feels nervous in tense / confined spaces.

4 Curry gives me an upset stomach / sickness.

5 Pat is taking a self remedy / defence class.


C Choose the correct item.

1 You …….. buy milk. We’ve got lots.

   A mustn’t   B don’t have to    C shouldn’t

2 Ann didn’t come to the party because she …….. work late.

   A had to   B must   C should

3 He …….. to climb up the tall building yesterday.

   A was able    B should    C could

4 I……. stop sneezing!

   A may not В shouldn’t С can’t

5 I ……..go out last night. I didn’t feel well.

  A wasn’t able to   В didn’t have to    С mustn’t

6 You ……..listen to your MP3 player in class.

    A don’t have to   В mustn’t   С couldn’t

7 You ………tell anyone your e-mail password.

   A couldn’t       В mustn’t    С don’t have to

8 Simon ………ride a bike when he was five.

   A had to В could С was able

9 I ………not go to school tomorrow. I’m not sure yet.

   A may В could С can

10 Garlic and honey …….kill germs.

      A must     В can     С might

Fill in the appropriate modal verb that matches the meaning in brackets.

1 You…………………………….bring me flowers, but thank you. (It wasn’t necessary)

2 I ……………………………. come for a visit next month. (Perhaps)

3 You…………………………….have a holiday and relax. (I advise you to …)

4 Jane ……………………………. sleep during storms when she was younger. (She wasn’t able to …)

5 He……………………………. sit so close to the TV. (It’s a bad idea)

6 ………………………………you like another piece of cake? (Do you want…?)


D Reading Task (Capped text)

Read the text. Five sentences are missing. Match the sentences (A-F) to the gaps(1-5). There is one extra sentence.


E Listen to Ian Marshall talking about his job as a lifeguard in Australia. For each question, choose the best answer А, В, С or D.

1 Ian works …

   A at a lake.

   В at a swimming pool.

   С at the beach.

   D in different locations.

2 He wants to learn …

   A how to drive a powerboat.

   В advanced first aid.

   С how to teach fitness.

   D beach management.

3 Ian says that he doesn’t like ….

   A observing the swimming area.

   В checking the equipment.

   С getting up early in the morning.

   D the written work he has to do.

4 Lifeguards may soon …

   A not need to use whistles.

   В know when sharks are nearby.

   С use only high-tech equipment.

   D be able to keep dangerous animals away.

5 Ian says that people are safer when they …

   A stay near the shore.

   В know about dangers.

   С are strong swimmers.

   D have first aid skills.

Everyday English

F Read the dialogue and fill in the missing phrases.

 — I’ll write you a prescription.

 — What should I do?

— Only if it gets worse.

 — What seems to be the problem?

 — it’s really painful.

A: Hello. Please come in and have a seat.

B: Thank you.

A: Now, then. 1) ………………………………………………

B: It’s my eye. I got something in it a few days ago

and now 2) ………………………………………………….

A: OK. Let’s take a look. Hmm … yes, it’s very red.

I’m afraid it’s infected.

B: Oh no! 3) …………………………………………………….

A: You should use some eye drops twice a day for

three days. 4) ………………………………………………

B: Thank you. Should I come and see you again?

A: 5) ……………………………………………………………….

B: Ok. Thanks.


Упражнение 1, с. 44

1. Match the words to form phrases. — Сопоставьте слова, чтобы сформировать фразы.

1 D global warming — глобальное потепление

2 C homeless people — бездомные

3 F endangered animals — исчезающие животные

4 G running water — проточная вода

5 B medical supplies — медикаменты

6 A forest fires — лесные пожары

7 E natural disaster — стихийное бедствие

Упражнение 2, с. 44

2. Use the phrases from Ex. 1 to complete the sentences. — Используйте фразы из упр. 1 для завершения предложений.

1 It makes me sad when I see homeless people on the streets.
Мне становится грустно, когда я вижу бездомных на улицах.

2 The United States sent food and medical supplies to the earthquake survivors in Haiti.
Соединённые Штаты направили продовольствие и медикаменты пострадавшим от землетрясения на Гаити.

3 Some countries lose lots of trees every summer because of forest fires.
Некоторые страны каждое лето теряют много деревьев из-за лесных пожаров.

4 After the earthquake people lived in tents and didn’t have any running water.
После землетрясения люди жили в палатках и не имели водопровода.

5 A hurricane is a very destructive natural disaster.
Ураган — это очень разрушительное стихийное бедствие.

6 Temperatures around the world are changing because of global warming.
Температура во всём мире меняется из-за глобального потепления.

7 Pandas and loggerhead turtles are endangered animals.
Панды и головастые черепахи — вымирающие животные.

Упражнение 3, с. 44  

3. Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильное слово.

1 There is a drought because it hasn’t rained for months.
Там засуха, потому что уже несколько месяцев не было дождя.

2 After the earthquake there were some aftershocks.
После землетрясения произошло несколько подземных толчков.

3 When the tsunami hit land, it washed lots of houses away.
Когда цунами обрушилось на землю, оно смыло множество домов.

4 The disaster affected thousands of people.
Катастрофа затронула тысячи людей.

5 The island suffers from power cuts every time there is bad weather.
Остров страдает от перебоев с электричеством каждый раз, когда наступает плохая погода.

6 The rescue teams were able to save many people from the rubble.
Спасателям удалось спасти многих людей из-под завалов.


Упражнение 4, с. 44

4. Write the past participles of these verbs. — Напишите причастия прошедшего времени этих глаголов.

1 see — seen видеть

2 buy — bought купить

3 give — given дать

4 arrive — arrived приехать 

5 say — said сказать

6 tell — told рассказать

7 cause — caused вызвать

8 feel — felt почувствовать

9 destroy — destroyed уничтожить

10 save — saved спасти

11 go — gone идти 

12 find — found найти

13 be — been быть

14 have — had иметь

15 eat — eaten съесть 

16 lose — lost потерять

17 offer — offered предложить 

18 take — taken взять

19 work — worked работать 

20 visit — visited посетить

Упражнение 5, с. 44  

5. Сomplete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. — Завершите предложения настоящей совершенной формой глаголов в скобках.

1 A: Have you seen Jack at all today?
B: Yes, he left about ten minutes ago.
А: Вы видели Джекa вообще сегодня?
Б: Да, он ушёл минут десять назад.

2 A: When was the last time there was an earthquake in the city?
B: There hasn’t been one since 1990.
А: Когда в последний раз в городе было землетрясение?
Б: Такого не было с 1990 года.

3 A: John hasn’t packed his suitcase yet.
B: He should hurry up. His flight is leaving soon.
A: Джон ещё не собрал свой чемодан.
Б: Ему следует поторопиться. Его самолёт скоро вылетает.

4 A: Jane has spent all summer at an eco-camp.
B: That’s nice. I hope she’s having fun.
A: Джейн провела всё лето в эко-лагере.
Б: Это хорошо. Надеюсь, ей было весело.

5 A: We have never experienced an earthquake.
B: I have. It’s very frightening.
A: Мы никогда не испытывали землетрясения.
Б: Да. Это очень страшно.

6 A: Lisa has lived in Haiti since 1999.
B: I know. I haven’t seen her since she moved.
A: Лиза живёт на Гаити с 1999 года.
Б: Я знаю. Я не видел её с тех пор, как она переехала.

7 A: Have they rescued any trapped people yet?
B: Yes, they have saved six people so far.
А: Они уже спасли кого-нибудь из попавших в заточение людей?
Б: Да, до сих пор они спасли шесть человек.

8 A: Have you ever volunteered for a charity?
B: No, but I’d like to.
А: Вы когда-нибудь добровольно занимались благотворительностью?
Б: Нет, но мне бы хотелось.

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 6 класс

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