Vocabulary and grammar exercises fill in the correct word

Vocabulary Fill in Exercises:

Fill in the correct words 1
Vocabulary Fill in the blanks 2
Vocabulary fill in the blanks 3
Word fill in worksheet 4

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Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box below. Make necessary structure changes.

glove such as excitedly believe
tolerate couch potato subject tease
rush hour quarrel refectory bored
traditional wrestle disgusting

1. I am a student. I stay at a hostel and eat my meals in the —- of the hostel.

2. We wear our —- in the season of winter. They keep us warm.

3. Do you —- as a sport? Yes, I do.

4. My favorite —- at school are Math and English.

5. I don’t —- that kind of behavior in my classes. Please do not do it again.

6. My parents are —-. They spend most of their time in front of TV. They never do exercise or other activities.

7. You are two close friends. Please do not —- about such small things.

8. Do you hate driving in this evening —-? Of course I do.

9. I always —- him about his Irish accent.

10. 10. Do you —- in God? Yes, I do.

11. These boys and girls perform —- dances.

12. Cartoon characters —- Mickey Mouse and Popeye are still popular in our country.

13. People gather and talk —-.

14. Are you not —- of doing the same things every day?

15. I almost threw up because the food was —-.

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1.Fill in the correct word


1 I often go window …………………when I want to relax.

2 They play computer ……………………….. all time!

3 Every teenager knows how to send text………………… on a mobile phone.

4 Do you want to do extreme ………………this weekend?

5  Bill doesn’t spend a lot of ………………. with his family. It’s a pity.

2. Choose the correct answer A, B or C

1. I think Paul is …… of me because I have a new bike.

a jealous  b dishonest  c mean

2. Kate is a very kind and …… girl; she believes whatever people tell her.

a loyal  b trusting  c supportive

3. Jack is quite ……..; one minute he’s all happy, the next he’s upset

a selfish  b moody  c aggressive

4. I love this artist’s paintings; he’s very ……….. .

a respectful  b comfortable  c creative

5. Jim is always telling jokes. He is very ………. .

a active b funny c angry

3. Underline the correct word

1. Jim is always hangs out/chat with his friends at the local shopping centre.

2. I can’t stand Michael. He’s a pain in the back/neck.

3. Get off my back/shoulder and stop teasing me! I’m really not in the mood!

4. She’s so annoying! She always gets on my neck/nerves!

5. I’ve never seen Luke in such a bad mood; he’s like a bear with a sore back/head.

6.I like to chat/surf online with my friends when I have free time.

4. Form adjectives from the words in brackets.

1. My family is always very …….… of my decisions. (SUPPORT)

2. She’s a very …….. person; no wonder she’s a babysitter. (CARE)

3. This book is really …… . (INTEREST)

4. This actor is very …………….. in England. (FAME)

5. My car is very ……………… . I don’t spend much money on petrol. (ECONOMY)

6. She is a very …………………..teacher. (TALENT)

5. Put the verbs into the correct tense (the present simple, present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous).

1. A: What …………….. (you/do) this weekend?

B: Nothing special. I …………(usually/visit) my grandparents at the weekends …………… (leave) for London on Friday.

2. A: ……………..(you/have) lunch yet?

B: Not yet. I ……. (work) in the garden for the past five hours.

3. A: ……………………(you/like) bungee jumping?

B: You know, I ………….(never/try) it but I ………………… (think) of trying it this weekend.

4. A: I …..(go) to the gym every day for 2 months and I …………(not/lose) any weight yet.

B: I …………..(exercise) every day too but I …………….(also/be) on a diet.

5. A: How long ………… (Jane and Kate /be ) friends?

B: They ……………….(know) each other for 10 years and they ……………..(share) a flat for the last 4 years.

6.I …………….. (go) jogging every morning.

7.I’m tired. I ……………(not / sleep) yet.

8.My brother always __________ (wear) my clothes.

9.Why _________ (you / look) at me now?

10.The children are dirty. They _____________ (play) football since morning.

11.We can’t buy the tickets. We ________ (already / spend) all our money.

6. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. I am not very good …….. Maths.

A at B up C for

2. Look …………. the unknown words in the dictionary.

A after B up C out

3. Jane is looking ………… to the trip at the weekend.

A down after C forward

4. My father is keen ….. fishing.

A on B about C with

5. Everybody looks …….. him because he didn’t help clean up after a party.

A down on B out for C up

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479 просмотров


Fill in the correct word

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Английский язык


31 Май, 18


479 просмотров

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1 costumes

2 gardening

3 fireworks

4 special dish 

5 flowers

6 decorations

7 phone

8 dusting 

9 homework

10 cake


31 Май, 18

Ребята, прошу помогите! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! Хотя бы чем то…
Вообще английский не знаю :( 30Б
NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………. DATE:…………………………

CLASS:………………………………………………………………………………… MARK:……………………………


A Fill in the correct word.

● fireworks ● special dish ● gardening ● flowers ● costumes ● celebrate

● dusting ● phone ● decorations ● homework

e.g. Everyone’s getting ready to celebrate the New Year’s Day.

1 At Halloween, we all wear strange ……………………………………….
2 Sam is doing the ………………….He loves plants and flowers.
3 She loves to watch the …………….. in the sky on Guy Fawkes’ Night.
4 Mum is making a …………………………. for dinner tonight.
5 He gives his mother…………… on her birthday.
6 The room looks lovely with all the ………………….
7 Can I make a ………………………………………. call?
8 The living room is dirty we must do some …………….
9 I’m sorry. I can’t go out tonight because I’m doing my……………….
10 Mum is making ………………. for my birthday!

B Underline the correct word.

11 It’s your turn to do/make the dusting.
12 He doesn’t want to do/make the washing-up
13 Help your dad do/make the shopping.
14 Mum is doing/making a special dish.
15 They are doing/making wreaths.

C Choose the correct item.

16 On St. Patrick’s Day, we like to …………the parade.
A listen B watch C eat

17 This is a great game. Why don’t you …………..in?
A join B go C come

18 After the party you can help me to…………..
A work B take C clean

19 It’s great fun when we … gifts.
A exchange B lose C return

20 Let’s play a game of …………………… chairs.
A talented B musical C dramatic


D Underline the correct word.

21 He is/are washing the car.
22 We is/are having a party.
23 I is/am eating a sandwich.
24 Is/Are they watching TV?
25 Is/Are she listening to music?

E Write the correct form of the verb in bracket

This e.g. is (be) Craig Bellows and his mother, Claire. They 26) …………..(be)
from Scunthorpe. Craig and Claire 27)………………………. (have) the same blond hair
and blue eyes. In the picture, Craig 28)…………………….(sit) on a swing and Claire
29)……………. (hold) him. They 30)…………….. (have) a great time.

F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

31 is/wearing/what/she?…………………………………………………………………….

32 watching/not/Susan/is/a/film………………………………………………………………………

33 you/enjoying/your/holiday/are?…………………………………………………………………….

34 is/drums/not/Cynthia/today/playing/the………………………………………………………………………

35 the/eating/are/wh/ not/sandwiches/ they?…………………………………………………………………….

Everyday English
G Match the questions to the responses.

e.g. Are you having fun? F A dozen white roses.

36 What do you think of the party? …… B No, not really.

37 Are you doing anything at the moment? …… C It’s brilliant.

38 What do you have in mind? …… D Yes, please. I have it ready.

39 What are the sandwiches like? …… E They’re horrible.

40 Would you like to include a card? …… F Yes, we are.

H Read the text and answer the questions.

This a picture of my brother at his birthday party. His name is Paul and in this
picture he is wearing his favourite T-shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of
decorations and Paul is having a great time. He is blowing a party horn and drinking
some orange juice. His friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to
happy music. You
can’t see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen.
They are making all food and drinks.

41 What kind of hat is Paul wearing?…………………………………………………………………….

42 What is Paul doing?……………………………………………………………………..

43 What are Paul’s friends eating?…………………………………………………………………….

44 What is everybody listening to?……………………………………………………………………..

45 Where are Paul’s parents?…………………………………………………………………….


Класс: 10

Учебник: Spotlight 10

Раздел: 6

Количество заданий:3

Задание 1: вставить слова в предложения по смыслу

Задание 2: раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужную форму (условные предложения 1,2,3 типов)

Задание 3: перевести слова и фразы по теме на английский язык

Время выполнения: 40 минут


Test 6 . Spotlight 10. Variant 1.

Ex. 1 Fill in the correct word: protect, raw, vegetarians, carbohydrates, brain, overweight, fiber, rumbling, indigestion, potatoes

I am hungry and my tummy starts ….

Orange foods are …. food.

My favourite vegetables are cucumbers and …..

In sushi they use … fish. I don’t like it.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and …..

Chips contain many ….

Fruit and vegetables ….. us from all kinds of illnesses. 

Ann is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.

If you have ….., you should avoid spicy food.

This restaurant is a great place for ….

Ex. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

I’m sure she (come) if you invite her.

If the weather (be) fine, we will go for a walk.

If I were you, I (not spend) so much time playing video games.

If I (can) live anywhere in the world, I would live in Bali.

 If she had studied harder, she (have) a well-paid job.

If you had added more spices, the meat (be) more tasty.

If I had bought dollars earlier, I (be) rich.

If I (be) you, I (stop) eating junk food.

If you are at home on time, I (have) dinner with you.

If it wasn’t so cold outside, we (go) for a walk.

Ex. 3 Translate into English

1. сырая рыба 2. вареный картофель 3. желтая дыня 4. изжога 5. обслуживание 6. широкий выбор 7. самообслуживание 8. персонал 9. углеводы 10. лишний вес

Test 6 . Spotlight 10. Variant 2.

Ex. 1 Fill in the correct word: soothing, peaches, service, overweight, carbohydrates, dry seeds, boiled, protein, red, atmosphere

.. foods get you moving.

My favourite fruits are apples and …..

In okroshka they use …. vegetables. I don’t like it.

Diary products are rich in …..

Sugar contains many ….

Blue foods are ….

Susan is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.

If you have ….., you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.

The …. in this restaurant is too slow.

I like this place for its informal and relaxed ….

Ex. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

I’m sure he (join) us if you invite him.

If there is no rain, we (ride) a bike.

If I were you, I (not let) her go.

If I (can) buy any car, I would buy Mercedes-Benz McLaren .

If she (finish) her homework on time, she would have come to the party.

If you had added more salt, the dish (be) more tasty.

They (go) to Alaska if everything (be) ready for them.

If I (be) you, I would stop watching this silly film.

If you are ready on time, we (not wait) you outside.

If it wasn’t so rainy outside, we (go) for a walk.

Ex. 3 Translate into English

1. сырой баклажан 2. жареное мясо 3. красный арбуз 4. сухая кожа 5. неформальная атмосфера 6. приемлемые цены 7. самообслуживание 8. жирная рыба 9. клетчатка 10. лишний вес

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Fill in the correct word

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31 Май, 18


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в категории Английский язык

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31 Май, 18


(432k баллов)

Лучший ответ

1 costumes

2 gardening

3 fireworks

4 special dish 

5 flowers

6 decorations

7 phone

8 dusting 

9 homework

10 cake

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