Vocabulary a fill in the sentences with the correct word from below crowded encouraged


A Fill in the sentences with the correct word from

encourage               experience  

• protect              spoil            
crowded                  dangerous               explore

1 Everyone should do their part to …………….. the environment.

2 She will have a …………………..holiday without an instructor.

3 Food can………………………….. very quickly if left out in the sun.

4 Yellowstone National Park is a great tourist ………………………… .

5 Take a tour into space and ……………………………… the universe!

6 Visitors can ………………………….. stunning views from the harbour

7 I didn’t like the……………………………… beaches.

8 We drove through ……………………….. towns and villages and saw
some amazing scenery.

9 All you need to visit the park are ………………………… and a

10 Jason deCaires Taylor hopes they will …………………………… people
to think about the environment.


the correct item.

1 This restaurant has got a cosy/peaceful dining room
and serves excellent Italian dishes.

2 Steve’s flat has  got a long/stunning view of the

3 I lost/missed my passport last year on holiday.

4 I hope you have/take a great time trekking in the



C   Choose
the correct item.

1 I ……………
you as soon as I reach Madrid.

A  will
call        B call          C am calling

2 That
suitcase looks heavy. I ………….. it for you.

to carry         B  am carrying             

 C  will

3 Larry
…………….. to Los Angeles on Saturday. He’s already got his tickets.

 A is travelling       B  going to
travel              travels

4 No
clouds in the sky. It ……………. another sunny  day.

A is going
to be      B  is being    C be

5 If you ………………
ice in water, it floats.

drops         B drop        C would drop

6 I think
I …………… to bed. I’m tired.

A am
going      B going to go    C  will go

7 There is
no news from him. He …………

still be in the holiday camp.

A could         
B might        C probably

8  My
father has recently travelled to …….. Antarctica as a scientist.

B   —                C the

She has
gone on ………. Holiday to the mountains.

—             B the               C a

10 This is
the museum …………. you can see paintings by Van Gogh.

A which          
B Whose                 C Where

11 We will
miss the plane if we ………  now.

A wouldn’t
leave              B won’t leave

C don’t

12 The
river is in …………. North of the region.

A —                 
B the            C a

13 Let’s
go to that restaurant………… chef is famous for seafood dishes.

A which                  
B whose            C where

14 I
………………. Around the Greek islands next year.

A am going
to sail        B sailing           C sail

15 We
……………..ancient ruins when we visit Bolivia.

A are
exploring              B will explore            C is going to


D Read the text. In each question (1-6)
choose the correct answer
A, B, C or D.

Test 4

A 1
protect                 6 experience

2 dangerous            7 crowded

3 spoil                      8

4 attraction             9 flippers

5 explore                 10 encourage

cosy                    3 lost

2 stunning             4 have

C 1
A       4A        7 B         10 C         13 B

2 C      5 B       8 B          11
C        14 A

3 A      6 C       9 C          12 B  
     15 B

C        2 B        3 A       4 C         5 C        6C



A Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below.

• polluted  • swept  • affect  • poverty  • save  • habitat  • hunting  • lay  • suffers  • raises

1 Don’t swim in the lake; it’s very ………polluted……….. .

2 It’s against the law to go ……….hunting………………………. for animals without a licence.

3  Millions of people live in ……poverty………….. in Africa.

4 Doctors ………save………………………. people’s lives every day.

5 This city …suffers…………….. from floods every year.

6 The charity …raises…………….. money to help poor families in Africa.

7 The observation team monitors animals in their natural …habitat……………..  

8 Sea turtles usually ……lay………………………. their eggs at night.

9 Hurricanes ………..affect……………………… millions of people every year.

10  The storm caused landslides which …swept…………….. houses out to sea.

B Choose the correct item.

1 Our class makes a donation to a local charity every year.

2  The volunteer team helped search for survivors after the earthquake.

3 Karin supports many issues, including fighting poverty.

4 The charity event takes place once a year.

5 He promised the locals to help clean the neighbourhood.

6 Paul had a steep fall and broke his leg.


C Choose the correct item.

1 The tornado ….B…. some houses in town last week.

 A has destroyed  

 B destroyed

 C has been destroying

2 Peter has …C….. published his third novel.

 A yet B for  C just

3 Have you ever ….B…. to Australia?

 A go B gone C been

4 Trevor has …B….. climbed a mountain.

 A ever B never C yet

5 If their team …A….. better, they would have won the game.

 A had played

 B will play

 C would play

6 They haven’t been abroad ..B…… years.

 A yet B for  C since

7 Martha …A….. as a volunteer since 2010.

 A has been working

 B was working

 C worked

8 Molly ….C…. to Cameroon last year.

 A has travelled

 B was travelling

 C travelled

9 I wish I ….C…. enough money to go on holiday next month.

 A had  B had had  

 C have

10 Last weekend, we …C….. around the campfire and sang songs.

 A sat

 B have sat

 C were sitting

11 Tony couldn’t walk because he …A….. his ankle.

 A has twisted

 B had twisted

 C have twisted

12 Jack isn’t here. He ..B…… skateboarding.

 A has gone B has been going

 C has been

13 Laura …C….. in Pakistan since 2008.

 A was living   B lived   C has lived

14 I wish it ..A…… so much yesterday.

 A didn’t rain

 B hadn’t rained

 C hasn’t rained

15 If I …B….. the lottery, I would donate some money to charity.

 A had won  B won C win  


D Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

                                   тут типа текст должен быть

1 Scott left New York City because he wanted to change jobs. F  

2 Mercy Ships is a charity hospital in Liberia, Africa.  T  

3 Doctors and staff don’t get paid on Mercy Ships.  T  

4 Scott volunteered as a doctor on a floating hospital. F  

5 Unsafe water caused many of the illnesses of Mercy Ships’ patients. T  

6 “Charity: water’s” first project was in Uganda. T  

7 17 million people now receive clean water from Scott’s charity. F  

Everyday English

E Choose the correct response.

1 What are you doing?

2 Would you mind helping me?

3 What time?

4 Can I give you a hand?

5 Around six would be great.  A Of course not!

B At five o’clock.

C Actually, I’ve nearly finished.

D OK, see you tomorrow.

E I’m just collecting donations.

1 ……E………  2 ……C………  3 ……B………  4 …A…………  5 ……D………


Вставить слова по смыслу предложения:

1 Local people are very charming and dress brightly.

2 Pollution damages the reefs in the Gulf of Mexico.

3 Coral reefs are very beautiful as they comprise unique nature.

4 This place is famous for its stunning landscapes.

5 Physical exercises usually include indoor activities.

6 If you learn how to plunge you may easily have a holiday at the seaside.

7 I am very busy today as I have tons of things to do.

8 You may feel the thrill of flying if you go bungee jumping.

9 Some questions will encourage the students to think about the proper answer.

10 Cosmopolitan atmosphere is very typical of his articles and the whole magazine.


1 Местные жители очень очаровательны и ярко одеваются.

2 Загрязнение наносит ущерб рифам в Мексиканском заливе.

3 Коралловые рифы очень красивы, так как они представляют собой уникальную природу.

4 Это место славится своими потрясающими пейзажами.

5 Физические упражнения обычно включают занятия в помещении.

6 Если вы научитесь погружаться в воду, вы легко сможете провести отпуск на море.

7 Сегодня я очень занят, так как у меня куча дел.

8 Вы можете почувствовать острые ощущения от полета, если прыгнете с тарзанки.

9 Некоторые вопросы побудят студентов подумать о правильном ответе.

10 Космополитическая атмосфера очень характерна для его статей и всего журнала

Страница 16 из 53

*A. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• weekly • ghost • ruined • puzzled • rush • knock • mines • worried • introduce • naughty • loud
e.g. He heard a loud noise and ran.

1. The streets were empty. It was like a ghost town.
2. The police were puzzled. They had no idea who stole the money.
3. Can I introduce myself? My name is Henry Smith.
4. Fred was very naughty yesterday. He didn’t do his homework.
5. There were many ruined buildings in the town that people wanted to rebuild.
6. There are a lot of weekly health magazines that give good advice about diets.
7. We have got a lot of time. You don’t need to rush.
8. She was worried because her sister didn’t come home after school.
9. You must knock on the door before you enter my room.
10. There are many gold mines in South Africa.


например, Он услышал громкий шум и побежал.
1. Улицы были пусты. Это было похоже на город−призрак.
2. Полиция была озадачена. Они понятия не имели, кто украл деньги.
3. Могу я представиться? Меня зовут Генри Смит.
4. Фред вчера был очень непослушным. Он не сделал уроки.
5. В городе было много разрушенных зданий, которые люди хотели восстановить.
6. Есть много еженедельных журналов о здоровье, которые дают полезные советы о диетах.
7. У нас много времени. Тебе не нужно торопиться.
8. Она волновалась, потому что ее сестра не пришла домой после школы.
9. Вы должны постучать в дверь, прежде чем войти в мою комнату.
10. В Южной Африке много золотых шахт.

*B. Match the adjectives to their opposites. Сопоставь прилагательное с его противоположным по значению.

e.g. wealthy B

11. relaxed     C
12. crowded   A
13. clean        E
14. beautiful   F
15. busy         D

A. deserted
B. poor
C. stressed
D. quiet
E. polluted
F. ugly

11 – C, 12 – A, 13 – E, 14 – F, 15 – D.


например, богатый B
11. расслабленный
12. многолюдный
13. чистый
14. красивый
15. занятой

А. заброшенный
B. бедный
C. напряженный
D. тихий
E. загрязненный
F. некрасивый

*C. Complete the types of buildings. Завершите типы построек.

e.g. garage

16. hotel
17. post office
18. restaurant
19. saloon
20. school


например, гараж
16. отель
17. почтовое отделение
18. ресторан
19. бар
20. школа

*D. Write the correct past form of the irregular verbs. Напишите правильную форму прошедшего времени неправильных глаголов.

e.g. have – had

21. drink – drank
22. see – saw
23. go – went
24. find – found
25. hear – heard
26. come – came
27. read – read
28. give – gave
29. make – made
30. be – was / were


например, иметь − имел
21. пить − пил
22. видеть − видел
23. идти − ходил
24. найти − нашел
25. слышать − слышал
26. приходить − пришел
27. читать − читал
28. давать − давал
29. сделать − сделал
30. быть – был / были

*E. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Запишите глаголы в скобках в форме Past Simple.

e.g. Judy went (go) to the cinema with friends last night.

31. Mike walked (walk) to school yesterday.
32. Walt Disney died (die) in 1966.
33. I spent (spend) €40 on a new dictionary.
34. My parents decided (decide) to take a few days off work and paint the house.
35. Mark didn’t sing  (not / sing) at the karaoke last night.
36. Our teacher said (say) that the class was very good today.
37. Peter shouted (shout) at his sister this morning.
38. My grandparents met (meet) during the war.
38. Be careful. We paid (pay) a lot of money for that vase.
40. I’m sorry. I didn’t do (not / do) my homework last night.


например, Вчера вечером Джуди ходила (ходить) в кино с друзьями.
31. Майк вчера ходил в школу пешком.
32. Уолт Дисней умер в 1966 году.
33. Я потратил 40 евро на новый словарь.
34. Мои родители решили взять отпуск на несколько дней и покрасить дом.
35. Марк вчера вечером не пел в караоке.
36. Наша учительница сказала, что класс (урок) сегодня был очень хорошим.
37. Питер накричал на сестру сегодня утром.
38. Мои бабушка и дедушка познакомились во время войны.
38. Будьте осторожны. Мы заплатили много денег за эту вазу.
40. Мне очень жаль. Вчера вечером я не сделала домашнее задание.

*F. Choose the correct response. Выбери правильный ответ.

e.g. What was in it? C

41. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office?   A
42. Here you are.                                         D
43. Do any of these look familiar?                F
44. Thank you very much.                            B
45. What does it look like?                           E

A. Yes. What can I do for you?
B. You’re welcome.
C. Some money and a camera.
D. Thank you.
E. It’s black with a silver handle.
F. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

41 – A, 42 – D, 43 – F, 44 – B, 45 – E.


например, Что в нем было? C
41. Простите. Это офис мистера Брауна?
42. Вот, держите.
43. Что−нибудь из этого вам знакомо?
44. Большое спасибо.
45. Как это выглядит?

А. Да. Что я могу сделать для вас?
B. Пожалуйста.
C. Немного денег и фотоаппарат.
D. Спасибо.
E. Он черный с серебряной ручкой.
F. Да, тот, что в углу, мой.

*G. Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space. Прочтите текст и выберите лучшее слово A, B или C для каждого пропуска.

Saturday, 14th June
I had a great day! I woke up 46) at 8 o’clock and the sky 47) was blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm and the trip only 48) took an hour. When we 49) arrived, we went swimming and then we had a picnic on the beach.
50) In the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There 51) were a lot of strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!
When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but then the sea was 52) very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 53) were afraid but it was also fun. It took 54) us two hours to get back but we arrived safely.
When I got home, mum was very worried but I 55) told her that I had had a really great day!

e.g. A. an B. the C. a

46. A. on      B. at      C. of
47. A. had    B. was   C. were
48. A. was    B. last   C. took
49. A. came B. got    C. arrived
50. A. On     B. In      C. At
51. A. were  B. was   C. had
52. A. much B. lot     C. very
53. A. was    B. were C. are
54. A. our     B. us     C. them
55. A. said   B. heard C. told

46 – B, 47 – B, 48 – C, 49 – C, 50 – B, 51 – A, 52 – C, 53 – B, 54 – B, 55 – C.


Суббота, 14 июня
У меня был отличный день! Я проснулся 46) в 8 часов и небо 47) было синим. Я встретил Ларри и Джорджа в порту в девять, и мы отправились на Литл−Айленд. Море было спокойным и поездка 48) заняла всего час. Когда мы 49) приехали, мы пошли купаться, а потом устроили пикник на пляже.
50) Днем мы пошли гулять по острову. Мы нашли пустой дом на вершине холма. Там 51) было много странных картин на стенах дома. Это было круто!
Когда мы вышли из дома, небо было серым, а потом пошел дождь. Мы решили покинуть остров, но тогда море было 52) очень бурным. Лодка двигалась вверх−вниз и из стороны в сторону. Нам 53) было страшно, но было весело. 54) Нам потребовалось два часа, чтобы вернуться, но мы прибыли благополучно.
Когда я пришел домой, мама очень волновалась, но я 55) сказал ей, что у меня был действительно отличный день!

*H. You will hear two people talking about a town in the past. Listen and circle the correct answer A, B or C. Вы услышите, как два человека говорят о городе в прошлом. Прослушайте и обведите правильный ответ A, B или C.

e.g. Mary and her Grandpa are looking at
A. old photographs.
B. old paintings.
C. old books.

56. In the place of the Cathedral Hotel, there is
     A. a music college.
     B. an art college.
     C. a business college.
57. In the past, Manchester was
     A. interesting.
     B. dangerous.
     C. beautiful.
58. A lot of people worked in
     A. restaurants.
     B. the mines.
     C. shops.
59. In the past, Market Street was
     A. busy.
     B. quiet.
     C. boring.
60. Today, the library has
     A. many visitors.
     B. very few visitors.
     C. no visitors at all.

56 – A, 57 – A, 58 – B, 59 – A, 60 – A.


например, Мэри и ее дедушка смотрят
А. старые фотографии.
B. старые картины.
C. старые книги.
56. На месте гостиницы «Собор» находится
А. музыкальное училище.
B. художественный колледж.
C. бизнес−колледж.
57. В прошлом Манчестер был
А. интересный.
B. опасный.
C. красивый.
58. Многие люди работали в
A. рестораны.
B. шахты.
C. магазины.
59. В прошлом Маркет−стрит была
A. оживленной.
B. тихой.
C. скучной.
60. Сегодня в библиотеке
A. много посетителей.
B. очень мало посетителей.
C. никаких посетителей.

Аудио к заданию:

− Grandad, this old photography exhibition is very interesting. Look! This picture is from 1900s. Does that building still exist today?
− No, that was the “Cathedral” hotel. Today in its place there is a modern building – the College of Music.
− I see. Grandad, was Manchester very different when you were young?
− Yes, a lot of things have changed but it has never stopped to be interesting city to live in.
− Really? What was different by then?
− First of all, a lot of people worked in the mines. It was really hard work and very dangerous. And back then Manchester wasn’t as beautiful as it is now. Market Street, for example, was busy with people doing their shopping but it didn’t have as many nice buildings as it does today.
− Oh, yes. Those modern glass buildings are very beautiful but I like old buildings like the Portico Library.
− Oh, the Library! It had so many visitors back then!
− It’s still the same. A lot of people visit the Portico Library today, even though they’ve got televisions and the Internet.
− That’s true!

Перевод аудио:

− Дедушка, эта старинная фотовыставка очень интересна. Смотри! Это фото 1900−х годов. Это здание все еще существует сегодня?
− Нет, это была гостиница «Собор». Сегодня на его месте находится современное здание − Музыкальный колледж.
− Понятно. Дедушка, Манчестер был совсем другим, когда ты был молод?
− Да, многое изменилось, но жить в этом городе всегда интересно.
− В самом деле? Что изменилось с того времени?
− Во−первых, много людей работало на шахтах. Это была действительно тяжелая работа и очень опасная. И тогда Манчестер не был таким красивым, как сейчас. Маркет−стрит, например, была заполнена людьми, делавшими покупки, но на ней было не так много красивых зданий, как сегодня.
− О, да. Эти современные стеклянные здания очень красивы, но мне нравятся старые здания, такие как библиотека Портик.
− О, библиотека! Тогда в ней было столько посетителей!
− Все до сих пор также. Многие люди сегодня посещают библиотеку Портик, даже несмотря на то, что у них есть телевизоры и Интернет.
− Это правда!



The problem of ____deforestation__________ is caused by cutting down and burning trees. Our society is producing too much packaging and food waste which ends up on the ___ rubbish___________ tip. When the last animal of a certain species dies, that species becomes _____extinct__________. Many animals find it more and more difficult to survive as their natural _____habitat_________ is destroyed. Factories and cars _____release__________ poisonous chemicals into the air. ___release_____ groups try to protect animals and the places where they live. Pollution is__ threatening ___the lives of many animals. Several environmental groups are working to __conservation_____________ the world’s rainforests from being destroyed.

 encourage prevent adoption reduce cut down on

Choose the correct modal verb.

I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to take it to the police station as soon as possible. Did you get some money from the bank? – No, I didn’t need to. I had enough in my wallet. Sorry, I’m late. – You should wear a watch. I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t have got lost because I gave them a map. Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course. We needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food. When shall I visit you next? – You might call in tomorrow if you like.

  Paraphrase the following sentences using modal verbs.

16. He needs to take the exam again. 17. I’m sure Terry can’t be at the office. 18. It is possible that Jane can  call me this evening. 19. You mustn’t eat and drink in the classroom. 20. We are ought to clock in and out every day. 21. Can I do anything to help? 22. Sam could reach the top of the mountain after climbing for several hours. 23. We can throw a party on your birthday.

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

Yesterday we ran … Tim on our way to the cinema.

B to

My friend is an avid supporter … Greenpeace.

 A of

This car runs … unleaded petrol.

C on .

He has almost run … this old lady!


I feel strongly … recycling.

B about

Test 4 Module 4 (Starlight 6)A Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below.creatures • trails sharedencourage treasure . erupts attract •stunning . grow • flippersrecognize1. We organized this event to help sea.2. Because of the climate, few plants ———.. in tundra regions3. Swimming with ………… was an absolutely new experience for me.4. When a volcano …………, it throws out lava, ash and gases5. While I was on holiday in Africa, I took many photographs of the ………. landscape.6. Our park has also got great hiking………. for visitors.7. Eli…………….. his chocolate with the other kids.8. You should find something unusual in your region to ……… new tourists.9. Jill hopes to …………. people to think about water pollution.10. You can go on a …………. hunt in the Pirates area of our park​

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На этой странице находятся все задания с полными, готовыми решениями из учебника Starlight 10, Progress Check 3.

Ex. 1. Fill in: hustle, boundary, antique, lined, early, adapt, virtually, break, feature, quaint, spectacular, cope, season, trendy, restore.
Вставить слова: hustle, boundary, antique, lined, early, adapt, virtually, break, feature, quaint, spectacular, cope, season, trendy, restore.


1) The country road was __ with trees.
2) From the top of the tower there is a __ view of the countryside.
3) I can’t stand the __ and busde of big cities.
4) According to research, lizards can __ to changes in their environment easily.
5) It’s __ impossible to be there by Friday.
6) A thick hedge forms the __ between the two gardens.
7) They set off in the __ hours of the morning.
8) I don’t know how he can __ with all this pressure.
9) His car is so old that he calls it‘my __’!
10) They decided to __ the old fireplace by themselves.
11) He didn’t __ his promise. He had everything ready by noon.
12) People who commute daily usually buy a(n) __ ticket to save money.
13) There are a lot of __ shops to visit.
14) There are a lot of __ old villages in England.
15) An interesting __ of this old house is the underfloor heating system.

1) The country road was lined with trees. – Вдоль сельской дороги росли деревья.
2) From the top of the tower there is a spectacular view of the countryside. – С вершины башни открывался живописный вид на сельскую местность.
3) I can’t stand the hustle and busde of big cities. – Я не выношу суеты больших городов.
4) According to research, lizards can adapt to changes in their environment easily. – По исследованиям, ящерицы легко могут адаптироваться к изменениям в своей среде.
5) It’s virtually impossible to be there by Friday. – Это практически невозможно быть здесь к среде.
6) A thick hedge forms the boundary between the two gardens. – Густая живая изгородь образует границу между двумя садами.
7) They set off in the early hours of the morning. – Они отправились в самые первые часы утра.
8) I don’t know how he can cope with all this pressure. – Я не знаю, как он может справиться со всем этим давлением.
9) His car is so old that he calls it‘my antique’! – Его машина такая старая, что он называет ее “мой антиквариат”!
10) They decided to restore the old fireplace by themselves. – Они решили самостоятельно восстановить старый камин.
11) He didn’t break his promise. He had everything ready by noon. – Онне нарушал своего обещания. К полудню у него все было готово.
12) People who commute daily usually buy a season ticket to save money. – Люди, которые каждый день ездят из пригорода в город, покупают проездной, чтобы сэкономить деньги.
13) There are a lot of trendy shops to visit. – Существует множество модных магазинов для посещения.
14) There are a lot of quaint old villages in England. – В Англии есть много причудливых деревень.
15) An interesting feature of this old house is the underfloor heating system. – Интересная особенность этого старого дома заключается в системе обогрева, расположенной под полом.

Ex. 2. Fill in the correct word.
Вставить слова: Вставить правильное слово.


1) The actors were dressed __ original costumes.
2) The match was put __ due to bad weather.
3) I came __ Sue at the fair.
4) She didn’t want to part __ her collection, but she had to as there was no room.
5) He adapted easily __ the new environment.

1) The actors were dressed in original costumes. – Актеры были одеты в оригинальные костюмы.
2) The match was put off due to bad weather. – Матч был отложен из-за плохой погоды.
3) I came across Sue at the fair. – Я столкнулся со Сью на ярмарке.
4) She didn’t want to part with her collection, but she had to as there was no room. – Она не хотела расставаться со своей коллекцией, но ей пришлось, потому что не было места.
5) He adapted easily to the new environment. – Он легко приспособился к новой среде.

Ex. 3. Choose the correct word.
Выбрать правильное слово.


1) The restaurant was good, but pretty/rather too expensive for me.
2) I was disappointed not to win, but still quite/rather pleased to come third.
3) The place is quite/rather famous for its festival.
4) They had a rather/quite good idea about what to do.
5) It was pretty/quite a surprise to see her again.

1) The restaurant was good, but rather too expensive for me. – Ресторан был хорошим, но для меня слишком дорогой.
2) I was disappointed not to win, but still quite pleased to come third. – Я был разочарован тем, что не победил, но все равно мне приятно от того, что пришел третьим.
3) The place is quite famous for its festival. – Это место весьма известно своим фестивалем.
4) They had a rather good idea about what to do. – У них была весьма хорошая идея по поводу того, что делать.
5) It was quite a surprise to see her again. – Было весьма удивительно снова увидеть ее.

Ex. 4. Fill in: be/get used to, used to, would in the correct form.

Вставить в правильной форме be/get used to, used to, would.


1) I __ living in the countryside. I just love it.
2) As a child, he __ always spend his holidays with his grandparents.
3) He didn’t like his new neighbourhood at first, but he __ it now.
4) While on holiday, we often __ get up early and walk on the beach.
5) He __ drive to work before he bought a car.

1) I am used to living in the countryside. I just love it. – Я привык жить в деревне. Я просто люблю это.
2) As a child, he used to (или would) always spend his holidays with his grandparents. – Будучи ребенком, он имел обыкновение всегда проводить каникулы с бабушкой и дедушкой.
3) He didn’t like his new neighbourhood at first, but he is used to it now. – Сначала ему не понравился его новый район, но теперь он к нему привык.
4) While on holiday, we often used to get up early and walk on the beach. – Будучи на отдыхе, мы имели обыкновение часто вставать рано и гулять по пляжу.
5) He didn’t use to drive to work before he bought a car. –
Он не имел обыкновения ездить на машине на работу до того, как купил машину.

Ex. 5. Complete the sentences with a word derived from the word in capitals.

Преобразовать слово и вставить в контекст.


1) The hostel was run by a nice __FRIEND__ woman.
2) The singer made a __SPECTACLE__ appearance at the concert.
3) They managed to make the festival a __MEMORY__ occasion.
4) There’s a wide __CHOOSE__ of dishes to sample.
5) The __WARM__ of the islanders will make your stay unique.

1) The hostel was run by a nice friendly woman. – Гостиницей управляла симпатичная дружелюбная женщина.
2) The singer made a spectacular appearance at the concert. – Выступление этого певца на концерте было зрелищным.
3) They managed to make the festival a memorable occasion. – Им удалось сделать фестиваль запоминающимся событием.
4) There’s a wide choice of dishes to sample. – Для пробы есть много блюд.
5) The warmth of the islanders will make your stay unique. – Теплый прием жителей острова сделает ваше пребывание уникальным.

Ex. 6. Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. Use two to five words.

Допишите втрое предложение, испoльзуя от двух до пяти слов, включая предложенное.


1) The use of dictionaries isn’t permitted during the exam.
allowed You __ dictionaries during the exam.

2) She didn’t allow me to go out.
made She __ in.

3) I expect he was satisfied with the service.
been He __ satisfied with the service.

4) You ought to pay the bill straight away.
better You __ the bill straight away.

5) There were a lot of people in the room.
packed The room __ people.

1) The use of dictionaries isn’t permitted during the exam.
allowed You are not allowed to use dictionaries during the exam. – Вам не разрешается пoльзоваться словарями во время экзамена.

2) She didn’t allow me to go out.
made She made me stay in. – Она заставила меня остаться дома.

3) I expect he was satisfied with the service.
been He must have been satisfied with the service. – Должно быть, он был удовлетворен услугой.

4) You ought to pay the bill straight away.
better You had better pay the bill straight away. – Вам keit сразу оплатить счет.

5) There were a lot of people in the room.
packed The room was packed with people. – Комната была набита людьми.

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