Vocabulary a complete the sentences with the correct word reached




1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• reached • donate • conserve • hair-raising • faced • inspiration
badly • scruffy grabbed • raise

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1 год назад

Светило науки — 574 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи


1 conserve

2 hair-raising

3 donate

4 raise

5 inspiration

6 scruffy

7 faced

8 reached

9 grabbed

10 badly


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A Complete the sentences with the correct word.<br />
• reached • donate • conserve • hair-raising • faced • inspiration<br />
badly • scruffy grabbed • raise<br /><br /><br />

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1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• reached • donate • conserve • hair-raising • faced • inspiration
badly • scruffy grabbed • raise


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1 год назад

Светило науки — 587 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


1 conserve

2 hair-raising

3 donate

4 raise

5 inspiration

6 scruffy

7 faced

8 reached

9 grabbed

10 badly


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A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
  reached   donate   conserve   hair-raising   faced   inspiration   badly   scruffy
  grabbed   raise
1 We can ……………………………………….. electricity by using solar energy.
2 River rafting down the Niagara River promises to be a ………………………………… adventure!
3 The shelter is asking people to ……………………………………….. shoes and clothing.
4 We need to ……………………………………….. awareness about deforestation of the rainforest.
5 The teacher’s work as a volunteer was a true ………………………………….. to his students.
6 The man is not homeless despite his ……………………………………….. appearance.
7 He ……………………………………….. many challenges trekking through the Amazon.
8 They were walking for an hour before they …………………………………… a petrol station.
9 The colourful poster ……………………………………….. our attention.
10 The children were ……………………………….. behaved in the cinema and were asked to leave.
B Circle the correct item.
1 The river contains toxic / vicious waste.
2 A swarm / school of dolphins swam close to us.
3 This unique / natural species of plant is found only in rainforests.
4 The government is being accused / criticised for not doing enough to protect the
5 It’s important to support / sustain the community centre by helping with the fundraisers.
6 John and Kevin explored / wandered around the festival.
C Choose the correct item.
1 If Caroline …….. on the trip, she would
have enjoyed it.
A will go B went C had gone
2 Gordon, …….. is in our class, volunteers at
the library after school.
A who B whose C that
3 …….. the shelter raises more money, it will
A If B Since C Unless
4 Peter …….. go on a hike through the
woods; he has a broken leg.
A can’t B doesn’t have to
C mustn’t
5 I wish I …….. the concert, but I had to
A saw B had seen
C would see
6 The river …….. runs through our city is
very polluted.
A where B who C which
7 If I had more free time, I …….. at a charity.
A had volunteered
B will volunteer
C would volunteer
8 We …….. to work today; it’s a holiday.
A mustn’t
B shouldn’t
C don’t have to
9 If we don’t stop deforestation, we …….. the
A will lose B would lose C will have lost
10 If Janet …….. in France, she would speak
French right now.
A would study
B studied
C had studied
11 The campsite …….. we go in the summer
has a recycling programme.
A when B where C which
12 If Joy had found the lost dog, she …….. it
home with her.
A will take
B would have taken
C had taken
13 You …….. litter in the park; it’s against the
A can’t B shouldn’t C mustn’t
14 If only I …….. more, I would have passed
the exam.
A would study
B studied
C had studied
15 Jack, …….. house burnt down, is now
A whose B who C where
E Choose the correct response.
1 How can I help you? A Sure. It’s 5654 4243 8486 3445
2 Can I have the credit card number? B It’s Mary Evans.
3 When does this card expire? C OK. That’s great.
4 Could I get your full name please? D In May next year.
5 I’d like to make a donation of £30. E I’d like to make a donation.
F You will hear an interview with a community worker. For questions 1-7,
choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 What was Rockjoy’s original aim?
A to be a community centre
B to provide counselling for local people
C to supply food to the homeless
2 Which building does the shelter now
A the town hall
B an old warehouse
C a former hotel
3 What is the shelter’s main source of
A the local council
B public donations
C the shelter’s charity shop
4 The majority of people who stay in the
shelter are
A female.
B families.
C adults.
5 What makes the children’s centre different
from a normal school?
A Students of all ages learn the same
B No formal classes are provided.
C Students can choose what they want to
6 How does the shelter help their residents
get back on their feet?
A by giving them money
B by educating them
C by finding them employment
7 In order to work in the shelter, all
volunteers must
A go through a period of training.
B be approved by a figure of authority.
C be over the age of 18.


Вставить слова по смыслу предложения:

1 Local people are very charming and dress brightly.

2 Pollution damages the reefs in the Gulf of Mexico.

3 Coral reefs are very beautiful as they comprise unique nature.

4 This place is famous for its stunning landscapes.

5 Physical exercises usually include indoor activities.

6 If you learn how to plunge you may easily have a holiday at the seaside.

7 I am very busy today as I have tons of things to do.

8 You may feel the thrill of flying if you go bungee jumping.

9 Some questions will encourage the students to think about the proper answer.

10 Cosmopolitan atmosphere is very typical of his articles and the whole magazine.


1 Местные жители очень очаровательны и ярко одеваются.

2 Загрязнение наносит ущерб рифам в Мексиканском заливе.

3 Коралловые рифы очень красивы, так как они представляют собой уникальную природу.

4 Это место славится своими потрясающими пейзажами.

5 Физические упражнения обычно включают занятия в помещении.

6 Если вы научитесь погружаться в воду, вы легко сможете провести отпуск на море.

7 Сегодня я очень занят, так как у меня куча дел.

8 Вы можете почувствовать острые ощущения от полета, если прыгнете с тарзанки.

9 Некоторые вопросы побудят студентов подумать о правильном ответе.

10 Космополитическая атмосфера очень характерна для его статей и всего журнала

A Complete the sentences with the correct word. • tiring • share • text • bite • chores • hang • poisonous • typical • exotic • staff 1 In my free time, I like to ………………………….. out with my friends. 2 My half-hour drive to work is very ………………………….. . 3 Snake venom can be very ………………………….. . So be careful! 4 Nancy sends ………………………….. messages to her friends every day. 5 On a ………………………….. day I have toast and coffee for breakfast. 6 The ………………………….. at this restaurant are very helpful. 7 At the zoo, we can see ………………………….. birds from the rainforest. 8 A………………………….. from a reptile can be very dangerous. 9 I have to help my parents with household ………………………….. at the weekend. 10 I ………………………….. a bedroom with my younger sister. Дам 50 баллів


1 The website began to attract a lot of attention and soon had thousands of visitors each day.

2 Mary was burnt out from work and went on holiday.

3 To Max’s relief he finally passed the exam on the third attempt.

4 Margaret is a highly skilled mountain climber.

5 Terry stumbled through the problem and finally found the answer

6 She gasped in amazement when she saw the magician disappear.

7 Mike took a crash course in public speaking at the weekend.

8 It takes a lot of determination to achieve your goals.  

9 Carrie watched in awe as the monk walked across burning hot coals.

10 Dave wants to memorise his speech instead of reading it to the audience.


1 Веб-сайт начал привлекать большое внимание, и вскоре его ежедневно посещали тысячи человек.

2 Мэри вымоталась на работе и уехала в отпуск.

3 К облегчению Макса, он наконец сдал экзамен с третьей попытки.

4 Маргарет — высококвалифицированный альпинист.

5 Терри наткнулся на проблему и, наконец, нашел ответ

6 Она ахнула от изумления, когда увидела, что волшебник исчез.

7 На выходных Майк прошел ускоренный курс публичных выступлений.

8 Требуется много решимости, чтобы достичь своих целей.

9 Кэрри со страхом наблюдала, как монах шел по раскаленным углям.

10 Дэйв хочет заучить свою речь, а не читать ее аудитории.


Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• heavy • cost • helpful • crowded • peace

Her cousin hates driving in ______ traffic.
John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and _____people.
The streets in Birmingham are very ______ .
He likes living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ____of living.
They love country for _____ and quiet.

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Test 2


        A        Complete the sentences with the correct word.

bookcase • mirror • shape • floor • sink • earthquake-proof • mountains • friendly • plants • wardrobe

  1. My …………… is full of books, I need to buy a new one.
  2. We live on the second …………… of that house.
  3. My sister has got a big …………… in the bathroom.
  4. Michael has got a book in the …………… of a heart.
  5. The …………… in the kitchen is rather old.
  6. All the houses in Japan are …………… .
  7. The house has a great view of the …………… .
  8. The factory is …………… to the environment.
  9. There are some exotic …………… in our garden.
  10. You may keep your clothes in the …………… .

        B        Underline the correct item. This that these those plurals some any

  1. The astronauts live and work at the space station/gas station.
  2. Lucy has got some new friends in the neighbourhood/on Earth.
  3. As for mealtimes/breaks, we have a big kitchen in our house.
  4. You may wash/clean your hands in the bathroom.
  5. I bought a packet/tin of cookies yesterday.
  6. It is good to clean the dust/dirt from the furniture every day.
  7. We usually keep food in the fridge/bath in the kitchen.
  8. Mom usually uses a dishwasher/washing machine to wash clothes.
  9. I don’t like ironing/catching shirts as it is very difficult.
  10. We have got a German sewing machine/cooker in the kitchen.


        C        Choose the correct item. There is, are, books this that some any prp

        1 There (is/am) no doctor in the room, you (have/has) to wait.

2 Are (these/this) children Spanish? – No, they (are/aren’t)

3 Is (this/these) her book? – Yes, (it/its) is.

4 The carpet is (on/under) the floor. The (childs/children) like playing on it.

5 These (woman/women) are very beautiful.

6 There aren’t (any/some) forks (on/behind) the table.

 7 (Is/are) there a dishwasher (in/from) the kitchen? – Yes, (it/there) is.

 8 I’ve got big (foot/feet). I need a (bigger/biggest) size.

 9 Where is (that/those) table? – It is (next/front) to the window.

10 There is (an/a) old book on the shelf. (The/a) book is (mine/my).

D Give the missing form of the word

1 foot — …

2  …  — ladies

3 shelf — …

4 … — people

5 toy — …

6 glass — …

7 … — foxes

8 child — …

9 … — men

10 mouse — …


        E        Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).

         1        The Shoe House is in America.                

        2        The Shoe House is rather small.                

        3        The first owner is Carleen Farabaugh.        .        

        4        The Shoe House is very beautiful.        .        

        5        There are different floors in the house.        .        

        6        There is a shop in the house.        .        

        7     The living room is in the heel.        .        

8                There are tours around the house.        .        

9     The owners of the house are friendly.         .        

10   Carleen and Ron always live in the house.        .        

Everyday English

        F        Choose the correct response.

        1        A:        What’s your address, please?

                B:        a 12 Morrison Avenue.

                        b Primrose 21.

        2        A:        What’s it like?

                B:        a Great!

                        b It’s really big.

        3        A:        What floor is it on?

                B:        a on the 5th.

                        b opposite the room.

        4        A:        Is it far from the city centre?

                B:        a Wow, great!

                        b Not that far.

        5        A:        How many rooms has it got?

                B:        a Well, it’s really big.

                        b Four and a kitchen.


        G        Write a short email to your new English pen friend Dan about your room (50-60 words). Include:

• its size

• a description of its walls  (colour, height, covering)

• the furniture

• your sleeping place

• ask Dan about his room

• ask Dan to write back


Starlight Tests. 5th grade.


Test 2

  1. 1. bookcase, 2. floor, 3. mirror, 4. shape, 5.s, 6. earthquake-proof, 7. mountain, 8. friendly, 9. plants, 10. wardrobe.
  2. 1. space station, 2. in the neighbourhood, 3. mealtimes, 4. wash, 5. a packet, 6. dust, 7. fridge, 8. washing machine, 9. ironing, 10. cooker.
  3. 1. is/have, 2. these/aren’t, 3. this/it, 4. on/children, 5. women, 6. any/on, 7. Is/In, 8. feet/bigger, 9. that/next, 10. an/the/mine.
  4. 1. feet, 2. lady, 3. shelves, 4. person, 5. toys, 6. glasses, 7. fox, 8. children, 9. man, 10. mice.
  5. 1. T, 2. F, 3. F, 4. NS, 5. T, 6. T, 7. F, 8. T, 9. T, 10. F.
  6. 1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b.
  7. Hi Danny.

My room is rather nice. It is not very big, but there is a large window so there is a lot of light in the room. There isn’t much furniture but there is a carpet on the floor.

What’s your room like? Is it light?

Write back soon,


© Prosveshenie 2014        

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