Vocabulary a complete the sentences with the correct word glittered

Test Module 2               Variant 2


I        Complete the sentences with the correct word.

  • glittered • far-fetched • fussy • rotten • raw • manipulate • spoilt • edible
  • marinated • mind-boggling
  1. I was surprised to learn that many insects are not only        , but taste good, too!
  2. Time travel may be a rather        idea, but one day it could be possible.
  3. Ruth doesn’t like vegetables; she’s such a        eater.
  4. The trainer is able to        the shark into various poses.
  5. I think you should cook the meat a little longer; it’s still        in the middle.
  6. That        meat has a terrible stench; put it in the bin outside!
  7. The beautiful gypsum crystals        in the light.
  8. There are so many possible uses for nanotechnology; it’s        !
  9.  David        the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked it.
  10. Alfred is a really        child; he always gets what he wants.

II        Underline the correct item.

  1. If a shark approaches, divers should avoid signalling/waving their hands around in the water.
  2. The deep-sea diver was chewed/bitten on the leg by a shark.
  3. The government has delayed/restricted the number of alligators each person may hunt.
  4. Carrie moved to Louisiana to enjoy a slower pace/rate of life.
  5. Liam bent/knelt down on the ground to get a closer look at the mineral.
  6. The inventor believes he has cracked/broken the secret to time travel!


       Choose the correct item

1        Mandy        her friends for dinner at eight o’clock tonight.

A will have met        C is meeting

B will have been meeting                D meets

2        Jack hopes he        a famous inventor one day.

A will be becoming    C will become

B will have become   D is becoming

3        They’ve bought tickets and they         the science fair.

A are going to visit        C are visiting

B will have visited        D visit

4        This time next Friday they        to Mexico in order to attend the sailing competition.

A will be travelling         C are travelling

B travel        D will travel

5        Even though they were covered in chocolate,
James was reluctant         the insects.

A eating     B to eat        C eat   D eats

6        By the end of the month,        I         at the science centre for four years.

A will have been working     C am working
B am going to work        D will work

7        The Insect Restaurant        at 11 pm on weekdays.

A will have been closing      C is closing

B will have closed        D closes

8        In order to avoid        yourself while skating, you should wear protective clothing.

A injures        C to injure

B injure        D injuring

9        Let’s go to the festival at 6 pm; I        work by then.

A will have been finishing    C am finishing
B will have finished        D finish

10 He can’t        in the skiing tournament next week because he’s sprained his ankle.

A competing        C compete

B competes        D to compete

11 Watch out! Those rocks…… on you!

A will fall                      C are falling

 B are going to fall      D will be falling

12  Mike refuses….paragliding. 

A to go                                         C go

В going                    D to be going

13        Would you like        a chocolate cover beetle?

A trying               С try

В to try                  D to have tried

13  Cory can’t help        about sharks in the water.

A to worry        С to be worrying

В worrying        D worry

15   He was reluctant        the secret of his invention.

A revealing        С to be revealing

В reveal        D to reveal

14  I’d rather        the dolphins than the penguins.

A to watch        С watching

В be watching        D watch

16  We spent months        for the race.

A practising        С to be practising

В to practise        D practice

IV    Complete the sentences with the correct -ing or (to) infinitive form.

1        You mustn’t         (go) ice climbing by yourself.

2        Tom isn’t brave enough        (try) bungee jumping.

3        How about        (go) ice skating at the weekend?

4        Sophia regrets         (eat) so much; she’s got stomach ache now.

5        Alex is considering         (take part) in a jousting tournament.

6        The guide made me          (wear)protective clothes in the mine.

7        Willie told Violet        (not/eat) the gum, but she ignored him.

8        I can’t wait        (see) Open Water; it sounds like my kind of film!

9        Gary has always wanted         (visit) Alaska.

10 Would you like          (come)to the Wild Foods Festival with me?

V       Reading

Read the text. Match the headings (A-E) to the numbered paragraphs (1-4) by writing your answers in the table. There is one extra heading.







1 Cleaning windows may not seem like a risky profession, but how about doing it while dangling hundreds of metres off the ground? That’s the job of skyscraper window cleaners! Unlike conventional window cleaners, those working on skyscrapers must be certified to do so. This is because they have to operate the complicated mechanisms of their lifting and support equipment. They must also be trained in proper safety procedures including appropriate chemical use (industrial cleaning products can pose a health risk) and, most importantly, fall prevention.


When most people see a wildfire, they do their best to flee from the area. But a smokejumper does exactly the opposite and dives straight into the flames! These firefighters race to the scene of a wildfire in high-speed jets and then parachute towards the burning trees in order to extinguish the flames! Although this may sound pretty dangerous, smokejumpers actually have an excellent safety record. This is mostly due to their fireproof jumpsuits as well as a thorough training programme. They receive training in the latest firefighting techniques every winter.


There are few jobs as unappealing and dangerous as being a hazmat diver. The job involves diving into sewage systems, toxic spills and even nuclear reactors in order to clean them and carry out maintenance. The divers wear pressurised suits designed to protect them, and are vaccinated on a regular basis against a variety of diseases found in waste material. The work itself is challenging since it’s impossible to see anything in the conditions they work in, so divers must rely on touch alone to fix faults.


For several weeks during autumn and winter, the freezing waters of the Bering Sea west of Alaska become crowded with fishermen. Their goal: catching Alaskan king crab, which can only be caught in the midst of a stormy sea! This lucrative business earns some fishermen $50,000 for just a few days’ work; however, due to the harsh conditions, it has also been dubbed the most dangerous job in America. The hours are long and arduous, while the many risks include catching hypothermia due to the cold, falling overboard and becoming tangled while using fishing lines. Many accidents occur every year because of the unpredictable weather conditions these fishermen work in.


You will hear five different speakers talking about sport. Match each speaker i (1-5) with the sentences (A-F). Use each j sentence only once. There is one extra sentence.

A The speaker talks about a popular new fitness craze.

В The speaker explains why he/she chose to do an extreme sport.

С The speaker talks about his/her plans for opening a business.

D The speaker explains why he/she enjoys watching a winter sport.

E The speaker describes how he/she achieved something.

F The speaker explains why he/she doesn’t like extreme sports.

From: Ann@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@oge.ru

Subject: Sports

… My brother has got a dangerous hobby – he has become a mountain biker. I worry about him. I would like him to spend more time at home. I wish he had chosen a safer entertainment.

… What risky sports are most popular with teenagers in your country? Why do teenagers often do extreme sports? What kind of extreme sports would you try and why? If wouldn’t, why?  …

Name ………………………..      Surname …………………………………………….     
Form ……………..


the sentences with the correct word. There are 2 extra words.

*descendant *disabled *pace *unavoidable *restrict *raw *manipulate *marinated *unbearable
*edible *replicate* rotten

1. David…………………………… the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked

2. This device allows the severely ………………………………………. to

3. A cruise is a chance to enjoy a slow ……………………………………. of

4. I think you should cook the meat a little longer: it’s
still ………………………………… in the middle.

5. Insect contamination is often ………………………………………… when
manufacturing foods.

6. The trainer is able to ………………………………………..the shark into
various poses.

7. That …………………………… meat has a terrible stench: put it in the
bin outside!

8. I try to ………………………………………….. myself to one dessert a day.

9. I was surprised to learn that many insects are not only
………………………………, but taste good, too!

10. He is known to be a direct …………………………………………. of the last

Name ………………………..      Surname …………………………………………….     
Form ……………..


the sentences with the correct word. There are 2 extra words.

*descendant *disabled *pace *unavoidable *restrict *raw *manipulate *marinated
*unbearable *edible *replicate* rotten

1. David…………………………… the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked

2. This device allows the severely ………………………………………. to

3. A cruise is a chance to enjoy a slow ……………………………………. of

4. I think you should cook the meat a little longer: it’s
still ………………………………… in the middle.

5. Insect contamination is often ………………………………………… when
manufacturing foods.

6. The trainer is able to ………………………………………..the shark into
various poses.

7. That …………………………… meat has a terrible stench: put it in the
bin outside!

8. I try to ………………………………………….. myself to one dessert a day.

9. I was surprised to learn that many insects are not only
………………………………, but taste good, too!

10. He is known to be a direct …………………………………………. of the last

Underline the correct item.

1. In the swamp there is a lot of moisture/sweat in
the air.

2. The invisibility cloak is a mind- fetched/boggling

3. Our parents brought/broke us up to believe in our
own abilities.

4. You’d better kneel/bend in front of the fire to
warm yourself.

5. Everyone was delighted when they cracked/broke the secret

6. The explorers came across an old abundant/abandoned

7. Doing snowboarding without adequate safety
equipment can be dead/deadly.

Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in

There are pills for everything. If you can’t sleep you take
a pill. If you’re depressed or just ____________________, you also can take a
pill. These days scientists are developing a new pill that you can use for
improving your ______________________. It will have the same effect on
people’s bodies as doing sports. The ________________________experiments on
mice have given wonderful results. The animals got stronger and healthier
without any exercise. However, some doctors think that such pills can be ___________________________for
health, especially in certain situations. The problem is that there will be
people who may use pill unwisely. For example, young girls who want to lose
weight and get slim may take several pills at once. It will be very _______________________
for their health. That’s why our government should think a lot before making
the ___________________ that allows the medicine to be produced.







Underline the correct item.

1. In the swamp there is a lot of moisture/sweat in
the air.

2. The invisibility cloak is a mind- fetched/boggling

3. Our parents brought/broke us up to believe in our
own abilities.

4. You’d better kneel/bend in front of the fire to
warm yourself.

5. Everyone was delighted when they cracked/broke the
secret code.

6. The explorers came across an old abundant/abandoned

7. Doing snowboarding without adequate safety
equipment can be dead/deadly.

Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in

There are pills for everything. If you can’t sleep you take
a pill. If you’re depressed or just ____________________, you also can take a
pill. These days scientists are developing a new pill that you can use for
improving your ______________________. It will have the same effect on
people’s bodies as doing sports. The ________________________experiments on
mice have given wonderful results. The animals got stronger and healthier
without any exercise. However, some doctors think that such pills can be
___________________________for health, especially in certain situations. The
problem is that there will be people who may use pill unwisely. For example,
young girls who want to lose weight and get slim may take several pills at
once. It will be very _______________________ for their health. That’s why
our government should think a lot before making the ___________________ that
allows the medicine to be produced.








Complete the sentences with the correct word. There
are 2 extra words.











Underline the correct item.








Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in








Вставить слова по смыслу предложения:

1 Local people are very charming and dress brightly.

2 Pollution damages the reefs in the Gulf of Mexico.

3 Coral reefs are very beautiful as they comprise unique nature.

4 This place is famous for its stunning landscapes.

5 Physical exercises usually include indoor activities.

6 If you learn how to plunge you may easily have a holiday at the seaside.

7 I am very busy today as I have tons of things to do.

8 You may feel the thrill of flying if you go bungee jumping.

9 Some questions will encourage the students to think about the proper answer.

10 Cosmopolitan atmosphere is very typical of his articles and the whole magazine.


1 Местные жители очень очаровательны и ярко одеваются.

2 Загрязнение наносит ущерб рифам в Мексиканском заливе.

3 Коралловые рифы очень красивы, так как они представляют собой уникальную природу.

4 Это место славится своими потрясающими пейзажами.

5 Физические упражнения обычно включают занятия в помещении.

6 Если вы научитесь погружаться в воду, вы легко сможете провести отпуск на море.

7 Сегодня я очень занят, так как у меня куча дел.

8 Вы можете почувствовать острые ощущения от полета, если прыгнете с тарзанки.

9 Некоторые вопросы побудят студентов подумать о правильном ответе.

10 Космополитическая атмосфера очень характерна для его статей и всего журнала

4 Underlinethe odd word out.

Example: mumble
slamscream giggle

1 monotonous
tedious colloquial repetitive

2 wages
bonus salary skills

3 employer
career profession job

4 idiom
collocation metaphor transcribe

5 rejected
praised dumped broke up with

6 affluent
well-off penniless loaded

7 creak
sigh groan stammer

8 thought-provoking
competitive gripping intriguing

9 yell
splash slurp drip

10 bang
crash crunch whistle


5 Underlinethe correct word(s).

Example: The
book made me laugh. The writing was really witty/moving.

1 If
you get some qualifications/benefits, then you’ll
probably get a better job.

2 I
have a new timetable/hoursat school. I now start at
7.00 in the morning and finish at 2.00 in the afternoon.

3 I’m
lucky to have the prospects/opportunityto travel for
my work. I’ve visited China six times.

4 I
missed a few days of work and was behind schedule, but now I’ve

5 Lucia
and Rudolf are getting on like a stick/houseon fire.
They’re really happy together.

6 What’s
got on/intoPat? She seems very upset.

7 I’m
going to get a new car next month, but for the time being/nowI’m taking the bus.

8 You
have to teach kids that they can’t always get their ownway/together. Sometimes you have to do what someone else wants
you to do.

9 I
need to get around/backhome by midnight. I have an
early start tomorrow.

10 It
took George a long time to get over/anywherelosing
his job, but now that he’s working again, he’s happy.


6 Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: Don’t
put off going to university. If you wait, it may
be too late.

1 I
________ my teeth every time my boss says ‘Will you come into my
office, sweetheart?’

2 It’s
best to meet your problems ________ on and solve them before they get

3 A
________ is a frequent combination of words. Often they are the only
possible combination to express a concept, like light snow.

4 It’s
a big ________-off when someone is late for a date.

5 Aldo
loves living in Barcelona. He’s having the time of his ________.

6 If
you keep trying, it’s only a question of ________ before you find a

7 If
you spend too much money, you’re living beyond your ________.

8 My
kids don’t go to school yet, so we have to pay for ________ while
we are at work.

9 A
________-fisted person is not generous with money.

10 When
you ______ money, you put it into your bank account.


7 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: A
story that makes you feel sad is depressing.

1 Musical
ability r________ in my family. My grandmother and my brother
both played the piano, and I play the guitar.

2 I’ve
entered a c________ to win a holiday in Greece. If I win, I’ll
take my whole family with me.

3 When
I was 12, I failed an exam. I felt very a________ and so I
never failed an exam again.

4 My
gut f________ is that everything’s going to be all right.

5 My
work day is a b________ of emails, phone calls and meetings.
Sometimes I don’t even have time for lunch.

6 The
children were s________ for making so much noise. They were
quiet after that.

7 My
sister and I don’t have the same o________ about a lot of
things, but we do have the same taste in music and clothes.

8 He
told a really d________ story about losing his job, his
girlfriend leaving, and then getting really ill.

9 His
translation was very f________ to the original version. I read
it in Spanish and in English, and they both had the same feeling.

10 When
Lucho saw Beata’s new car, he was s________ with envy. He’s
always wanted to own a Porsche.





(Time: 50
2 It’s very
A Complete the sentences with the correct word,
• parade • foggy • boots drop • map • boiling • tired traditional • sights • surviv
1 I want to visit all the ……..
…. in Egypt.
………. Outside today!
3 Jen and Bob are watching the
at the festival,
4 ks ………… …………. hot out. Let’s go swimming,
5 Do you want to try on these ……
6 In the desert, temperatures
………… at night.
7 Many plants can’t ……….., ……….. in the hot desert climate,
8 I’m …….
…. of hiking. Let’s stop for a snack,
9 The people in the parade are wearing …………..
costumes from their country.
10 It’s easy to get lost in the old town without a
I Poin​

Ответы на вопрос


1 sights

2 foggy

3 parade

4 boiling

5 boots

6 drop

7 survive

8 tired

9 traditional

10 map

Новые вопросы


Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• grated • meat • peel • punch • shoe

I don’t eat … because I’m a vegetarian.
If you add a …of salt, it will taste better.
I need …cheese for salad.
If you want to buy a pair of sandals for summer you should go to the … shop.
Can you …the potatoes, please?
Помогите решить даю 20 баллов

1 ответ:




1. meat

2. punch

3. grated

4. shoe

5. peel


1. мясо

2. удар

3. тертый

4. обувь

5. очистить

Читайте также

Ваш учитель попросил вас написать рассказ, заканчивающийся с этими словами «Hewas далеко, далеко в прошлом

Ответ:bought, went, knew, toke, I haven’t bougt, finished, spoke.


Это неправильные глаголы.

Ocean, astronout, atmosphere, galaxy, Solar System, universe

1 have you ever been to a rock concert
2 gillian has never played table tennis
3 thomas has just bought a new car
4 i have never been riding
5 how long have you had your washing machine
6 we have just come back from Switzerland in our holiday

Наверное правильно)
Отмечается, что таблетки могут быть получены из определенных лекарств без добавления вспомогательных веществ. Но для некоторых лекарств добавление вспомогательных веществ даже оказывается необходимым для преодоления определенных трудностей в их таблетировании. Применение различного давления во время таблетирования играет очень важную роль. Это помогает избежать ненужных осложнений. Таблетки, которые должны растворяться во рту, должны быть более сильно сжаты, чем другие таблетки для внутреннего применения. Другим важным эффектом более высокого давления является увеличение трения, которое требует использования большего количества люберганов и скользящих частиц. Для повышения их свойств потока в таблетки добавляют глиданты.

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