Vocabulary a choose the correct word yellowstone



Словарный запас. Выберите правильное слово.

извергается очищает привлекает ошеломляюще проводит многолюдно заставляет испытывать

уважение к туру

1 Йеллоустонский национальный парк … много туристов каждый год

2 Пляж был очень… переполнен людьми.

3 Туристы всегда должны соблюдать местный дресс-код страны.

4 Лучшей частью поездки было то, что.

…………… декорации

5 Мы поехали на снегоходе……………. из этого района

6 Мы решили ……… переночевать в небольшом отеле в деревне.

7 Всегда важно… производить хорошее впечатление на работе.

8 Когда гейзер ……

он выбрасывает воду в воздух.

9 Дайвинг с акулами в Красном море, должно быть, потрясающий …

10 Человек должны… за собой, когда они отправляются на пикник

1 Yellowstone National Park … many tourists every year.

A enjoys C shares B attracts Dencourages 2 The beach was very … with people A small C awful B crowded D bad 3 When the geyser …, it sends water into the air. A stretches C erupts B covers D travels 4 Tourists should always the local dress code of a country. A support C care B treat D respect 5 lt’s athways important to … a good impression at work. A take C have B do D make 6 We went on holiday and had the … of our ives! C tour A experience B journey D time 7 The giant condor is a (n) … species and there aren’t many left in the wild C endangered A historical D dangerous B ancient 8 We’ll … the night at a resort A make C sleep D spend B camp 9 The best part of the trip was the … scenery C exciting A fun D stunning B dangerous 10 The building is now a … Heritage Site C Natural A World D Traditional B Diverse

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «1 Yellowstone National Park … many tourists every year. A enjoys C shares B attracts Dencourages 2 The beach was very … with people A …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » 1 Yellowstone National Park … many tourists every year. A enjoys C shares B attracts Dencourages 2 The beach was very … with people A small C awful B crowded D bad 3 When the geyser …, it sends water into the air.


2. Выберите правильный вариант
1 Yellowstone National Park …….. many tourists every year.
A enjoys C shares
B attracts D encourages
2. Let’s try some …….food in one of the restaurants in the town square.
A local
C tomato
B enjoy
D interesting
3 When the geyser
it sends water into the air.
A stretches
C erupts
B covers
D travels
4. Did you visit …….. sites of ancient Rome?
A monuments C historical
B local D history
5.Don’t forget to…… photos with your new camera.
C make
B take D do
A get​

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Упражнение 1, с. 11

1 Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильное слово.

1 There’s no point being in a job that doesn’t suit your skills.
Нет смысла заниматься работой, которая не соответствует вашим навыкам.

meet — встречать 

2 Can you solve this problem?
Можете ли вы решить эту проблему?

answer — ответить

3 Try and find the most practical solution to the problem.
Попробуйте найти наиболее практичное решение этой проблемы. 

artistic — художественный

4 Tracy is very caring; she should be a social worker.
Трейси очень заботлива; она должна быть социальным работником.

public —  общественный

Упражнение 2, с. 11

2. Fill in: spontaneous, down-to-earth, realistic, creative— Заполните: спонтанный, приземлённый, реалистичный, творческий.

1 Tonia is a down-to-earth person; she is very sensible and practical about everything.
Тоня — приземлённый человек, она очень разумна и практична во всём.

2 Madeleine is so spontaneous; you never know what she might do.
Мадлен такая спонтанная, никогда не знаешь, что она может натворить.

3 You’re not being very realistic about the situation. Your ideas aren’t logical.
Вы не очень реалистично оцениваете ситуацию. Ваши идеи не логичны.

4 Use your imagination and be creative.
Используйте своё воображение и будьте изобретательны.

Упражнение 3, с. 11

3. Choose the correct preposition. — Выберите правильный предлог.

1 Teresa wants to bring up her children in a small town.
Тереза хочет воспитывать своих детей в маленьком городке.

2 Make sure to lock all the windows and doors, so no one can break in.
Убедитесь, что заперты все окна и двери, чтобы никто не мог проникнуть внутрь.

3 Be confident and bring the interviewer around to your point of view.
Будьте уверены в себе и приведите интервьюера к своей точке зрения.

4 Look at those clouds! I hope a storm doesn’t break out while we are rock climbing.
Посмотрите на эти облака! Надеюсь, пока мы будем лазить по скалам, не разразится буря.

5 The employees want to bring about a change in their working hours.
Сотрудники хотят внести изменения в своё рабочее время.

6 The printer at my office is always breaking down.
Принтер в моём офисе всегда ломается.

Упражнение 4, с. 11

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets. — Заполните правильное слово, производное от слова в скобках.

1 Steve wants to be a sculptor when he grows up.
Стив хочет стать скульптором, когда вырастет.

2 Janet is the receptionist at our office.
Джанет — секретарша в нашем офисе.

3 Charlie is a trainee; he is learning all about his new job.
Чарли — стажёр; он узнаёт всё о своей новой работе.

4 Her father is a famous actor.
Её отец — известный актёр.

5 I’m looking for a job as a research assistant.
Я ищу работу в качестве научного сотрудника.

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 7 класс

Vocabulary Exercise -1

Choose the correct word.

#1. The population of this town has been __ for ten years at about 5000 people.

A) stationary

A) stationary

B) stationery

B) stationery

#2. Windsor __ on the Thames of London.

A) lies

A) lies

B) lays

B) lays

#3. A _ referee will judge a basketball game fairly.

A) disinterested

A) disinterested

B) uninterested

B) uninterested

#4. It will go __ with the murderer if he is caught.

A) hard

A) hard

B) hardly

B) hardly

#5. I have to __ you that our business with that company is very important to us.

A) remember

A) remember

B) remind

B) remind

#6. You are __ losing your things!

A) continuously

A) continuously

B) continually

B) continually

#7. The captain ordered all the __ to be fired.

A) canons

A) canons

B) cannons

B) cannons

#8. Our holiday was spoiled by bad …… .

A) weather

A) weather

B) whether

B) whether

#9. If you want to speak English fluently, you need more English __ .

A) practice

A) practice

B) practise

B) practise

#10. He was only three years old when his family __ from Germany.

A) immigrated

A) immigrated

B) emigrated

B) emigrated

#11. Let’s meet at seven o’clock. Will that time __ you?

A) suitable

A) suitable

B) suit

B) suit

#12. The police are on the __ of the thieves.

A) cent

A) cent

B) scent

B) scent

#13. The mercury in the thermometer is __ to changes in temperature.

A) sensitive

A) sensitive

B) senseble

B) senseble

#14. It isn’t very __ to leave the lights on when you’re not in the room.

A) economic

A) economic

B) economical

B) economical

#15. The boys __ the old barn for use by the club.

A) adapted

A) adapted

B) adopted

B) adopted

#16. We __ his excuse.

A) accepted

A) accepted

B) excepted

B) excepted

#17. Do you believe in the __ that all men are equal?

A) principal

A) principal

B) principle

B) principle

#18. I __ too much. I’m going to have a diet.

A) weight

A) weight

B) weigh

B) weigh

#19. Witnesses __ the policemen’s statement.

A) collaborated

A) collaborated

B) corroborated

B) corroborated

#20. His blood __ the ground.

A) dyed

A) dyed

B) died

B) died

#21. I need your __ on this paper. Could you do it just now?

A) signature

A) signature

B) sign

B) sign

#22. The information comes through secret __ .

A) canal

A) canal

B) channels

B) channels

#23. The police found a __ body in the river.

A) dead

A) dead

B) died

B) died

#24. The disease __ his mind so that he could not remember what he had done.

A) effected

A) effected

B) affected

B) affected

#25. There are several big parks in London __ Hyde Park.

A) beside

A) beside

B) besides

B) besides

Vocabulary Exercise -1

Vocabulary Exercise -1

Choose the correct word.

Choose the correct word.

1. Our holiday was spoiled by bad ———- .

A) weather

B) whether

Correct word : weather

Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather

2. There are several big parks in London ———- Hyde Park.

A) beside

B) besides

Correct word : beside

There are several big parks in London beside Hyde Park.

3. The information comes through secret ———- .

A) canal

B) channels

Correct word : channels

The information comes through secret channels.

4. We ———- his excuse.

A) accepted

B) excepted

Correct word : accepted

We accepted his excuse.

5. It will go ———- with the murderer if he is caught.

A) hard

B) hardly

Correct word : hard

It will go hard with the murderer if he is caught.

6. Windsor ———- on the Thames of London.

A) lies

B) lays

Correct word : lies

Windsor lies on the Thames of London.

7. I have to ———- you that our business with that company is very important to us.

A) remember

B) remind

Correct word : remind

I have to remind you that our business with that company is very important to us.

8. The boys ———- the old barn for use by the club.

A) adapted

B) adopted

Correct word : adapted

The boys adapted the old barn for use by the club.

9. The captain ordered all the ———- to be fired.

A) canons

B) cannons

Correct word : cannons

The captain ordered all the cannons to be fired.

10. The mercury in the thermometer is ———- to changes in temperature.

A) sensitive

B) senseble

Correct word : sensitive

The mercury in the thermometer is sensitive to changes in temperature.

11 . The disease ———- his mind so that he could not remember what he had done.

A) effected

B) affected

Correct word : affected

The disease affected his mind so that he could not remember what he had done.


Vocabulary Exercise -1

Choose the correct word.

12. The population of this town has been ———- for ten years at about 5000 people.

A) stationary

B) stationery

Correct word : stationary

The population of this town has been stationary for ten years at about 5000 people.

13. It isn’t very ———- to leave the lights on when you’re not in the room.

A) economic

B) economical

Correct word : economical

It isn’t very economical to leave the lights on when you’re not in the room.

14. Do you believe in the ———- that all men are equal?

A) principal

B) principle

Correct word : principle

Do you believe in the principle that all men are equal?

15. You are ———- losing your things!

A) continuously

B) continually

Correct word : continually

You are continually losing your things!

16. The police are on the ———- of the thieves.

A) cent

B) scent

Correct word : scent

The police are on the scent of the thieves.

17. Witnesses ———- the policemen’s statement.

A) collaborated

B) corroborated

Correct word : corroborated

Witnesses corroborated the policemen’s statement.

18. His blood ———- the ground.

A) dyed

B) died

Correct word :  dyed

His blood dyed the ground.

19. A ———- referee will judge a basketball game fairly.

A) disinterested

B) uninterested

Correct word : disinterested

A disinterested referee will judge a basketball game fairly.

20. He was only three years old when his family ———- from Germany.

A) immigrated

B) emigrated

Correct word : emigrated

He was only three years old when his family emigrated from Germany.

21. If you want to speak English fluently, you need more English ———- .

A) practice

B) practise

Correct word : practice

If you want to speak English fluently, you need more English practice.

22. I ———- too much. I’m going to have a diet.

A) weight

B) weigh

Correct word : weigh

I weigh too much. I’m going to have a diet.

23. The police found a ———- body in the river.

A) dead

B) died

Correct word : dead

The police found a dead body in the river.

24. I need your ———- on this paper. Could you do it just now?

A) signature

B) sign

Correct word : signature

I need your signature on this paper. Could you do it just now?

25. Let’s meet at seven o’clock. Will that time ———- you?

A) suitable

B) suit

Correct word : suit

Let’s meet at seven o’clock. Will that time suit you?

Vocabulary Exercise


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