I’m now switching to VIM
from TextMate. I found ^+W
in INSERT mode very useful. However, I’d like to delete not only the word before cursor, but the word after or around cursor as well.
I did some googling, but the only thing I can find was ^+W
to delete word BEFORE cursor.
4,1871 gold badge21 silver badges33 bronze badges
asked May 7, 2009 at 10:14
Normal mode:
daw : delete the word under the cursor
caw : delete the word under the cursor and put you in insert mode
answered May 7, 2009 at 14:34
22.3k14 gold badges43 silver badges38 bronze badges
I think it’s just daw
daw - delete a word
6,4585 gold badges44 silver badges53 bronze badges
answered Sep 13, 2010 at 18:57
1,1711 gold badge7 silver badges2 bronze badges
What you should do is create an imap of a certain key to a series of commands, in this case the commands will drop you into normal mode, delete the current word and then put you back in insert:
:imap <C-d> <C-[>diwi
42.5k14 gold badges76 silver badges113 bronze badges
answered May 7, 2009 at 15:27
4,1844 gold badges26 silver badges21 bronze badges
The below works for Normal mode: I agree with Dan Olson’s answer that you should probably be in normal mode for most deletions. More details below.
If the cursor is inside the word:
to delete in the word (doesn’t include spaces)
to delete around the word (includes spaces before the next word).
If the cursor is at the start of the word, just press dw
This can be multiplied by adding the usual numbers for movement, e.g. 2w to move forward 2 words, so d2w deletes two words.
Insert Mode ^w
The idea of using hjkl for movement in Vim is that it’s more productive to keep your hands on the home row. At the end of a word ^w works great to quickly delete the word. If you’ve gone into insert mode, entered some text and used the arrow keys to end up in the middle of the word you’ve gone against the home-row philosophy.
If you’re in normal mode and want to change the word you can simply use the c
(change) rather than d
(delete) if you’d like to completely change the word, and re-enter insert mode without having to press i
to get back to typing.
answered May 7, 2009 at 10:18
3,75424 silver badges28 bronze badges
answered May 7, 2009 at 10:17
Nadia AlramliNadia Alramli
111k36 gold badges172 silver badges152 bronze badges
To delete all characters between two whitespaces, in normal mode:
To delete just one word:
answered Dec 7, 2016 at 19:42
1,20814 silver badges9 bronze badges
It doesn’t look like there’s any built-in way to do it in insert mode, which was the question. Some of the other answers are correct for normal mode, as well as pointing out that a custom mapping could be created to add the functionality in insert mode.
Honestly, you should probably do most of your deleting in normal mode. ^W is neat to know about but I’m not sure I can think of a situation where I’d rather do it than esc to go into normal mode and have the more powerful deletion commands at my disposal.
Vim is very different from a number of other editors (including TextMate) in this way. If you’re using it productively, you’ll probably find that you don’t spend very much time in insert mode.
answered May 7, 2009 at 10:34
Dan OlsonDan Olson
22.6k4 gold badges41 silver badges56 bronze badges
To delete the entire word your cursor is on use diw
To delete the entire word your cursor is on and to put you in insert mode use ciw
if you dont want to delete the entire word but delete from where you are the dw/cw
answered Apr 21, 2017 at 19:57
Since there are so many ways to delete a word, let’s illustrate them.
Assuming you edit:
foo-bar quux
and invoke a command while the cursor is on the ‘a’ in ‘bar’:
foo-bquux # dw: letters then spaces right of cursor
foo-quux # daw: letters on both sides of cursor then spaces on the right
foo- quux # diw: letters on both sides of cursor
foo-bquux # dW: non-whitespace then spaces right of cursor
quux # daW: non-whitespace on both sides of cursor then spaces on the right
quux # diW: non-whitespace on both sides of cursor
answered Mar 25, 2019 at 12:05
3,0551 gold badge23 silver badges29 bronze badges
Insert mode has no such command, unfortunately. In VIM, to delete the whole word under the cursor you may type viwd
in NORMAL mode. Which means «Visual-block Inner Word Delete». Use an upper case W
to include punctuation.
answered Nov 10, 2017 at 16:44
4095 silver badges4 bronze badges
The accepted answer fails when trying to repeat deleting words, try this solution instead:
" delete current word, insert and normal modes
inoremap <C-BS> <C-O>b<C-O>dw
noremap <C-BS> bdw
It maps CTRL-BackSpace, also working in normal mode.
answered May 31, 2009 at 6:23
For deleting a certain amount of characters before the cursor, you can use X. For deleting a certain number of words after the cursor, you can use dw (multiple words can be deleted using 3dw for 3 words for example). For deleting around the cursor in general, you can use daw.
answered May 7, 2009 at 10:18
John TJohn T
23.6k11 gold badges56 silver badges82 bronze badges
In old vi, b
moves the cursor to the beginning of the word before cursor, w
moves the cursor to the beginning of the word after cursor, e
moves cursor at the end of the word after cursor and dw
deletes from the cursor to the end of the word.
If you type wbdw
, you delete the word around cursor, even if the cursor is at the beginning or at the end of the word. Note that whitespaces after a word are considerer to be part of the word to be deleted.
answered May 7, 2009 at 10:34
66.5k13 gold badges110 silver badges140 bronze badges
Not exactly sure about your usage of «before» and «after», but have you tried
Edit: I guess you are looking for something to use in insert mode. Strangely enough, there is nothing to be found in the docs, ctrl-w seems to be all there is.
answered May 7, 2009 at 10:18
47.4k4 gold badges67 silver badges87 bronze badges
I made two mappings so I could get consistency in insert and out of insert mode.
:map <'Key of your choice'> caw
:imap <'Key of your choice'> <'Esc'> caw
Sagar Jain
7,30512 gold badges46 silver badges83 bronze badges
answered Jan 19, 2014 at 17:16
10.4k1 gold badge14 silver badges7 bronze badges
I’d like to delete not only the word before cursor, but the word after or around cursor as well.
In that case the solution proposed by OP (i.e. using <c-w>
) can be combined with the accepted answer to give:
inoremap <c-d> <c-o>daw<c-w>
alternatively (shorter solution):
inoremap <c-d> <c-o>vawobd
Sample input:
word1 word2 word3 word4
^------------- Cursor location
word1 word4
answered Apr 3, 2018 at 2:36
7,0313 gold badges18 silver badges43 bronze badges
First install Vim.
To install the packages, first install ‘vundle’ using following command. Use ‘git-shell’ to run this command in Windows.
git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim (in Windows : use 'git-shell' to run below command) git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git C:/Users/<Username>/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
Copy and paste the .vimrc file in the home directory.
In Windows, paste in the .vimrc file at C:/Users/<Username>/; and change the line “set rtp+= …” in .vimrc with correct location of “Vundle.vim” i.e. “set rtp+=C:/Users/<Username>/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim”.
Use double quote to comment/uncomment the packages in .vimrc file e.g. ” Plugin ‘mattn/emmet-vim’ will not install the package “emmet-vim”. Or add some more packages in .vimrc file as required.
After selecting the packages, open vim and run the command -> :PluginInstall and it will install the all the plugins.
Use :help <plugin name> to see the list of operations.
1.1. Starting Vim¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:w | save file |
:w <filename> | save file as <filename> and keep the current file open |
:sav <filename> | save file as <filename> and open <filename> |
:q | quit (if already saved) |
:q! | quit without saving |
:e <filename> | open new/existing <filename> in new buffer |
:wq | save and quit |
:bn | go to next buffer i.e. file |
:b <filename> | go to buffer with <filename> |
:bd | close current file without exiting vim |
:bd! | close current file without exiting vim and ‘no modification’ |
:vim * | open all files in the directory (all in same buffer) |
:vim file1 file2 file3 | open file1, file2 and file3 in vim |
:n | go to next file |
:n <filename> | go to file name |
:prev | go to previous file |
ctrl-Z | suspend vim |
fg | bring forground vim |
1.2. Undo/Redo¶
Commands | Descriptions |
u | undo |
crtl-r | redo |
1.3. Insert¶
Commands | Descriptions |
i | insert mode at cursor |
I | insert mode at beginning of the line (i.e. first character of line) |
s | delete character under the cursor and enter into insert mode |
S | delete the line and go to insert mode from the beginning of same line |
a | insert mode after the cursor |
A | insert mode at the end of line |
o | insert mode on below line |
O | insert mode at bottom line |
C | delete from cursor to end of line and go to insert mode |
r | replace current character |
R | replace characters until Esc is pressed (i.e. same as insert button in keyboard) |
1.4. Copy/Paste/Delete¶
Commands | Descriptions |
y | yank (copy) |
yiw | copy the word |
yw | copy the word after the cursor |
yy or Y | copy the line |
y$ | copy till end of the line from current location of cursor |
“+y | copy to clipboard e.g. “+yiw will copy the word in clipboard |
<F3>y | same as above (use <F3> for clipboard, remapped in .vimrc) |
<F3>p | paste from clipboard (see above line as well) |
p | paste after cursor (remapped as ]p in .vimrc ) |
]p | paste with indentation |
P | paste before cursor |
ctrl-P | paste from clipboard (remapped in .vimrc) |
shift insert | paste from clipboard (remapped in .vimrc) |
d<command> | delete<command> |
diw | delete word (and stay at normal mode) |
ciw | delete word (and go to insert mode) |
dw or cw | delete word after the cursor |
dd or cc | delete line |
D or C | delete till end of line |
x | delete character (delete) |
X | delete character (backspace) |
. | repeat previous operation |
1.5. Paste in search or colon commands¶
- Following commands can be used at command mode during search or color commands e.g. :w ctrl r ctrl w etc.
Commands | Descriptions |
ctrl r “ | paste the last copied data |
ctrl r ctrl w | paste the word under cursor |
ctrl r % | print the naem of current file |
shift insert | paste the data from clipboard |
1.6. Search¶
Commands | Descriptions |
/ | forward then use n/N for next/previous match |
? | backward |
* (asterisk) | word under cursor forward (exact match) |
g* | word under the cursor (partial match) |
# | word under cursor backward (exact match) |
g# | word under cursor backward (partial match) |
/<word1> | search for exact match for “word1” |
:set ignorecase | use this option for avoiding case-matches |
:set noignorecase | use this option for case-matches |
1.7. Replace¶
- Use ‘c’, ‘g’, ‘gc’ and other combination to perform the desired replacement.
Commands | Descriptions |
:s /word1/word2 | substitute word1 with word2 in current line (only first occurrence) |
:s /word1/word2/c | substitute word1 with word2 in current line after confirmation (only first occurrence) |
:s /word1/word2/g | substitute word1 with word2 in current line (all occurrence) |
:s /word1/word2/gc | substitute word1 with word2 in current line ater confirmation (all occurrence) |
:1,4 s /word1/word2 | substitute word1 with word2 in lines 1 to 4 (only first occurrence in each line) |
:%s /word1/word2/g | replace all occurrences |
:%s /word1/word2/gc | replace all occurrence after confirmation |
:%s /ctrl-r ctrl-w/word2/gc | replace all occurance of the word under cursor after confirmation (exact match) |
:s /<word1>/word2 | substitute exactly matched “word1” with word2 in current line |
1.8. Indentation¶
Commands | Descriptions |
>> | Right indent the current line |
5>> | Right indent 5 lines |
<< | De-indent line |
5== | Re-indent 5 lines |
>% | Increase indent of a braced or bracketed block (place cursor on brace first) |
=% | Reindent a braced or bracketed block (cursor on brace) |
<% | Decrease indent of a braced or bracketed block (cursor on brace) |
]p | Paste text, aligning indentation with surroundings |
=i{ | Re-indent the ‘inner block’, i.e. the contents of the block |
=a{ | Re-indent ‘a block’, i.e. block and containing braces |
>i{ | Increase inner block indent |
<i{ | Decrease inner block indent |
Commands | Descriptions |
:retab | convert existing tabs to spaces |
1.9. Mouse settings¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:behave mswin | mouse functionality will work as windows |
:behave xterm | mouse functionality will word as x-windows |
1.10. Command/Visual Mode¶
Commands | Descriptions |
Esc or crtl-[ | command mode |
v | visual mode |
crtl-v | visual block mode |
1.11. Cursor movement¶
To run the ‘ctrl-]’ and ‘ctrl-T’ command, we need to create the tags first. In the below command, the ‘tags’ will be created for all the python files in the directory, which will be stored in a file ‘tags’,
(run the following command in shell) ctags -R *.py
Commands | Descriptions |
h | left |
j | down |
k | up |
l | down |
w | forward to the beginning of next word |
3w | forward 3 words |
W | forward to the beginning of next word (only spaces are the end of word) |
b | backward to the beginning of next word |
B | backward to the beginning of next word (only spaces are the end of word) |
e | forward to end of next word |
E | forward to end of next word (only spaces are the end of the word) |
gg | go to first line of page |
G | go to end line of page |
10G | go to 10th line |
10gg | go to 10th line |
0 | go to first character of line |
$ | go to end character of line |
^ | go to first non-black character of line |
M | go to middle of the screen |
fa | go to next a in current line |
Fa | go to previous a in current line |
ta | go to end of next a in current line |
Ta | to to end of previous a in current line |
ctrl-o | go to previous location e.g. we went to line 10 from line 18, ctrl-o will go to line 18 again |
ctrl-i or Tab | go to next location i.e. go to line 10 again from line 18. |
gd | go to the local declaration of the word under cursor |
gD | go to the global declaration of the word under cursor |
g* | search for the word under the cursor |
g# | same as g* but in backward direction. |
gf | go to the filename under the cursor, use ctrl-o to go back |
ctrl-] | go to tag definition (a tag can be a function or variable name etc.); use ctrl-o to go back |
ctrl-T | go back to previous loation from where ctrl-] was exectued |
1.12. Screen movements¶
Commands | Descriptions |
ctrl-d | move half screen down |
ctrl-f | page down |
ctrl-e | move one line down |
ctrl-u | move half screen up |
ctrl-b | page up |
ctrl-y | move one line up |
z<Enter> | move current line to the top of screen (with cursor at the beginning) |
zt | move current line to the top with without changing the location of cursor |
move current line to the center of screen (with cursor at the beginning) |
zz | move current line to the center of screen (without moving cursor) |
z- | move current line to the center of screen (with cursor at the beginning) |
zb | move current line to the center of screen (without moving cursor) |
1.13. Unix Shell¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:shell | go to unix shell |
exit | type exit in unix shell to come back in Vim |
1.14. Registers¶
Commands | Descriptions |
“ayy | copy line in register ‘a’ |
“ap | paste content of register ‘a’ |
Capital letters append the new value to previously stored values | |
“Ayy | copy line and append to previous value in register “a” Then use “a to paste the value in register ‘a’ |
“=3*2<Enter>p | paste the result i.e. 6 at the current cursor location |
:registers | display the values in all the registers |
:registers abc | display the values of registers a, b and c |
1.15. Multiple Files¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:arg grep -l ‘import’ *.py | open all files in current folder which contains word ‘import’ |
1.16. Mark¶
Commands | Descriptions |
ma | mark the line with name ‘a’ (use a-z or 0-9) |
Next go to some other line and excute following command | |
d’a | delete till line which is marked as ‘a’ |
:marks | show the list of marks |
‘a | go to mark a |
1.17. Sorting¶
Commands | Descriptions |
!10G (press enter) sort (press enter) | it will sort first ten lines according to name |
!G (press enter) sort (press enter) | it will sort all the lines according to names |
!!ls | go to terminal, run ls command and print the output on the file (i.e. print list of file in current directory) |
!!dates | go to terminal, run date command and print the output on the file |
1.18. Printing the code¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:hardcopy <filename.pdf> | open the printing-instructions-window |
:TOhtml and then save the file | Save in html format, use :colorscheme default for white background |
1.19. Mapping¶
- Please read the comments in .vimrc file for more commands and details
- comment/uncomment the command using double quote as per requirement.
Commands | Descriptions |
:map | display the key-mappings, |
1.19.1. Copy/paste from clip board¶
Use <F3> and then normal copy/paste command from clipboard.
Copy/paste to clip board | |
<F3> is remapped | nnoremap <F3> “+ |
<ctrl-P> is remapped | nnoremap <C-P> “+]p (paste with indentation) |
<F3>yiw or <F3>yy etc. | copy the word or line etc. in clipboard |
<F3>p | paste the data from clipboard |
1.19.2. Disable arraow keys¶
Below code can be used in .vimrc file
“Key mappings : disable arrow keys |
no <left> <Nop> |
no <down> <Nop> |
no <up> <Nop> |
no <right> <Nop> |
ino <down> <Nop> |
ino <left> <Nop> |
ino <right> <Nop> |
ino <up> <Nop> |
1.19.3. Code execution¶
“python commands |
” Execute : F9 (Below code is used in .vimrc file) |
:autocmd FileType python :nmap <F9> :! clear <CR> :! python % <Enter> |
“C/C++ commands |
“Compile : F9 (Below code is used in .vimrc file) |
:autocmd FileType c,cpp :nmap <F9> :! rm -r out <CR> :! clear <CR> :! g++ % -o out <Enter> |
“Run : Ctrl+F9 (Below code is used in .vimrc file) |
:autocmd FileType c,cpp :nmap <C-F9> :! clear <CR> :! ./out <CR> |
1.20. Buffer¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:bn | go to next buffer i.e. file |
:b <filename> | go to buffer with <filename> |
:bd | close current file without exiting vim |
:bd! | close current file without exiting vim and ‘no modification’ |
1.21. Split windows¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:split | split window in two part and display current file in both window |
:split <filename> | open <filename> in split window |
:5 split <filename> | open <filename> in new split window with width of 5 line |
:new | split window in two part with second window as blank |
crtl-w j | go to below split window |
crtl-w k | go to above split window |
crtl-ww, crtl-w w | go to next split window |
crtl-w + | increase the width of split window by one line |
5 crtl-w — | decrease the width of split window by 5 line |
crtl-w = | make all split window of equal size |
crtl-w _ | maximize the current split window |
1.22. Auto completion¶
Commands | Descriptions |
ctrl-p,ctrl-n | auto complete by looking previous/next words (use ctrl-p or ctrl-n to change the words from list) |
1.23. Text files¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:set textwidth=50 | change the line after 50 character |
:1,5 center 50 | textwidth = 50 and center the lines 1 to 5 |
:1,5 right 50 | textwidth = 50 and right justify the text on lines 1 to 5 |
:1,5 left 4 | left margin = 4 for lines 1 to 5 |
Use $ for end of the line as shown below, | |
:1,$ center 50 | textwidth=50 and cneter all the line |
or use % sign for the file (results is same as above, | |
:% center 50 | |
:set wrap | turn the wrap words on |
:set nowrap | turn off the wrap words |
1.24. Macros¶
Commands | Descriptions |
qa | start recording and store in reg ‘a’. Then perform certain operations. press ‘q’ again to stop recording. |
@a | execute macro |
3@a | repeat macro 3 times |
1.25. More commands¶
Commands | Descriptions |
ctrl + g | name of current file |
ctrl + u | move half screen up |
ctrl + d | move half screen down |
J | join line below with current line |
3J | join below two line with this line (not 3) |
z= | spell suggestion |
~ | change case of letter |
:digraphs | to see the list of symbols e.g. copyright etc. |
1.26. Block Visual Mode¶
Add same items in the beginning/end/middle of all the lines
Commands | Descriptions |
crtl-v | select the block with cursor movement |
press I (insert before) or A (insert after) or c (replace) |
type the text -> press Esc -> block will be replaces by text |
1.27. Zoom Screen¶
Commands | Descriptions |
Zoom in | crtl-+ |
Zoom out | ctrl– |
1.28. Save session¶
Commands | Descriptions |
:mksession name.vim | save session |
:mksession! name.vim | override session |
:source name.vim | load session |
1.29. Folding¶
Use space (remapped in .vimrc) at the line below the function definition for folding/unfolding the code.
1.30. Plugins¶
First install ‘vundle’ using following command. Use ‘git-shell’ to run this command in Windows.
- git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
- After that copy and paste the .vimrc file in the home directory (in Windows paste in the director C:/Users/<Username>/)
- Use double quote to comment/uncomment” the packages in .vimrc file e.g. ” Plugin ‘mattn/emmet-vim’ will not install the package “emmet-vim”. Or add some more packages in .vimrc file as required.
- After selecting the packages, open vim and run the command -> :PluginInstall and it will install the all the plugins.
- Use :help <plugin name> to see the list of operations.
1.30.1. NERDTree¶
Commands | Descriptions |
NERDTree | turn on the directory structure |
NERDTree! | disable the directory structure |
m | then use various operations for delete, and create files. |
e.g | |
m-a meher | create a file with name meher |
m-a meher/ | create a folder with name meher |
1.30.2. Surround¶
Commands | Descriptions | Results |
ysiw” | add “” to the word | Meher -> “Meher” |
ds” | delete surround quotes | “Meher” -> Meher |
cs[( or cs]) | change surround [] by () | [2+3]/2 -> (2+3)/2 |
cst<h1> | change <p> tag to <h1> | <p>Meher Krishna</p> -> <h1>Meher Krishna</h1> |
1.30.4. vim-table-mode¶
Follow the below steps to create the ‘rst-table’ in Vim,
- Enable/Disable table mode using ‘:TableModeEnable/TableModeDisable’ or using ‘:TableModeToggle’,
- Type column-names e.g. |Col1 | Col2| and press enter
- Then press | twice to create the table. Do the same to add more lines in the table.
- Also, go above the |Col1 | Col2| and press | twice (required for correct rst-table-format)
1.30.5. vim-extline¶
This is used to underline the text, which is required for making Headings in .rst document.
- Type the symbols (in insert mode) e.g. = and then press ctrl-l ctrl-l to complete it.
- Or press ctrl-l and then press the symbol,
- Or press ctrl-l and then press a number e.g. 1, 2 etc. This is autocomplete the underline base on heading levels.
- Some more commands are listed below,
Commands | Descriptions |
ctrl-l ctrl-l | Auto-line update |
ctrl-l ctrl-h | Horizontal line update |
ctrl-l ctrl-u | Change to underlined title |
ctrl-l ctrl-o | Change to overlined title |
ctrl-l ctrl-i | Change to underlined and overlined title |
ctrl-l = or = ctrl-l | Force Section heading (with = as underline) |
ctrl-l 2 | Force Section heading (level 2) |
1.30.6. ConqureShell¶
Use :ConqueTermSplit to start the terminal in the Vim.
1.30.7. Airline¶
Airline theme plugin for better view e.g. display name of file, line number, column number etc.
I know I’ve probably looked over this a million times in all the vi
documents I’ve read, but I can’t seem to find the delete from cursor to end of line command.
2,7321 gold badge19 silver badges31 bronze badges
asked Nov 29, 2010 at 20:58
(uppercase letter D)
The command dw
will delete from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word character. The command d$
(note, that’s a dollar sign, not an ‘S’) will delete from the current cursor position to the end of the current line. D
(uppercase D) is a synonym for d$
(lowercase D + dollar sign).
129k15 gold badges231 silver badges386 bronze badges
answered Nov 29, 2010 at 21:00
10.3k2 gold badges25 silver badges12 bronze badges
As others have mentioned: you can use d$
or D
(shift—d) to delete from the cursor position until the end of the line.
What I typically find more useful is c$
or C
(shift—c) because it will delete from the cursor position until the end of the line and put you in [INSERT] mode.
answered Dec 8, 2015 at 20:57
Brad JohnsonBrad Johnson
1,2911 gold badge8 silver badges4 bronze badges
One of the nice things about vi is its logical command structure. d
followed by a motion command deletes to the target of that motion. $
moves to the end of the line (mnemonic: like in regexps). So d$
deletes to the end of the line. Similarly, e
moves to the end of the current word, and w
moves to the beginning of the next word; so de
deletes the end of the current word, and dw
additionally deletes the following whitespace.
answered Nov 29, 2010 at 21:33
You probably want to use D. Move the cursor to the first character you want to delete, then hit shift-D. Everything gone. Actually, it’s in the default cut buffer, so you can P or p paste it back in.
I use Dp (delete to end of line, then put it back), move to the end of some other line, then p again to paste the same text in at the end of this other line. Works wonders in config files, where you need to put some complicated URL in two or more places.
answered Nov 30, 2010 at 4:52
I think an insert mode shortcut could come in handy.
In insert mode maybe would be better starting changing until the end of line (put this on your ~/.vimrc
inoremap <C-l> <C-o>C
So you have, as have been said, D in normal mode and Ctrl+l in insert mode. As you can see you have also C that starts changing till the end of the line.
<C-o> ......... insert normal keystroke in insert mode
I have chosen Ctrl—l because l
is under your fingers. The Ctrl—k is already used to insert digraphs.
I have been searching through :h i_Ctrl
for some free keybindings, and it is actually the bigger problem when it comes to creating new shortcuts to perform actions in vim.
answered Jan 19, 2018 at 10:19
To delete a range of lines from after the cursor position, 3D will delete from the cursor until the end of the line, as well as the next two lines completely (i.e., deletes 3 lines after the cursor position).
e.g. for the following text (cursor represented as |
If there's a cursor |in the line
Using the command 3D will output:
If there's a cursor
answered Jul 5, 2018 at 13:51
Nick BullNick Bull
5433 silver badges13 bronze badges
My cursor is on the final character of a word in Vim. Without moving the cursor, is there any succinct way to delete the current word and the word before it?
As far as I can tell, the only way to delete the current word is to use diw
. Using db
leaves the character under the cursor (which happens to be the last character).
asked Sep 12, 2011 at 16:26
I would do either 2dbx
or vbbd
. Or v5bd
if there were 5 words to delete.
I prefer vbbd
as I like to have some visual clue of what I’m going to do and it feels a bit cleaner.
answered Sep 12, 2011 at 17:51
22.1k2 gold badges48 silver badges58 bronze badges
Backward moving actions, (like db
) take effect from the boundary in front of the cursor.
Probably your easiest way to do this is something like xd2b
— that takes care of the character under the cursor first.
Generally I prefer to use Bdw
(or wdB
) when deleting whole words, as this doesn’t leave you with a double space where the word was. Obviously this depends on the context of your actions, and what else you’re trying to achieve.
answered Sep 12, 2011 at 16:39
is one option. The added v
modifies the motion to also delete the character under the cursor.
Vim makes a distinction between inclusive and exclusive motion.
toggles the «inclusiveness» or «exclusiveness» of a motion. For an
example of toggling the opposite direction (inclusive => exclusive),
try it withe
inclusive for an explication. Until now, you thought it
was just esoteric nonsense! Didn’t you? Didn’t you?! (At least, my
eyes glazed over whenever I used to read that section in the help…
answered Nov 1, 2016 at 5:00
Administrative Commands
Runtime Commands
Path to runtime executable
Example Output
Show path order
:set runtimepath?
Use :set rtp
as a shorter alternative to same command.
Example Output
~/.vim, /usr/local/share/vim/vimfiles, /usr/local/share/vim/vim74, /usr/local/share/vim/vimfiles/after, ~/.vim/after
Show advanced version info
Check if compatible with vi mode is on or off
:set compatible?
Check if plugins are set to load
:set loadplugins?
List all sourced plugin scripts (pathogen plugin mgr should appear before other plugins)
Troubleshooting Tips
- Backup up your
and create a new one with minimal config.- If testing pathogen plugin just put
execute pathogen#infect()
,syntax on
,filetype plugin indent on
- If testing pathogen plugin just put
Buffers and Windows
Open an empty buffer in the current window.
Buffers will become hidden when they are abandoned.
:set hidden
List open buffers.
Next buffer, Previous buffer
:bn, :bp
Go to third buffer, for example
:buf 3
Open a file in current window
:e filename.txt
Open a file, horizontal split
:split filename.txt
:sp filename.txt
Open a file, vertical split
:vsplit filename.txt
:vsp filename.txt
Move cursor to previous window.
Close this window.
Make this the only window.
Move cursor to hjkl
arrow window.
Combining commands
Operation + Motion
(until the start of the next word, EXCLUDING its first character)e
(to the end of the current word, INCLUDING the last character)$
(to the end of the line, INCLUDING the last character)0
(from cursor to bol)
Delete the word vans
from trucks vans cars
while on the v
=> trucks_(c)ars
note a space is left intact and the cursor, ()
ends up on the c.
Delete the word vans
from trucks vans cars
while on v
=> trucks_(_)cars
note two spaces are left this time and the cursor ends up one space left.
() = cursor, _ = space
Some possible operation+motion combinations:
dw, de, d$, d0
yw, ye, y$, y0
cw, ce, c$, c0
Quantity + Motion
motions: w, e, $, 0
quantity: 1 to n
(move to the start of the line)
(move cursor two words forward)
(move cursor two words back)
Move cursor to the end of the third word forward.
If at start of word, this word is included.
If at end, it will move three whole words.
Quantity + Operation)
operations: dd, d
quantity: 1 to n
(delete the next 5 lines)
(delete two words)
Command Mode — Copy/Paste/Select
Text must be selected first for most (if not all) of these commands. V
selects a line, v
selects a character etc.
Cut(yank), Paste(put)
Yank to buffer current line:
or Y
Yank from cursor to bol, yank from cursor to eol:
y0, y$
Put (paste) after position or after line, put before position or before line:
p , P
Yanking characters or words. Enter visual mode, select text, yank then put:
then hjkl
then y
then p
Yanking lines. Enter visual mode, select text, yank then put:
then hjkl
then y
then p
Changing characters or words. Enter visual mode, select text, yank then put:
then hjkl
then y
then change text.
At the end of this line, join the beginning of the next line:
Change word. change
command is a delete command that remains in insert mode:
Change to end of line:
Change line:
With cursor on f
of function
selects whole function block:
Insert text from external file foo.txt
:r foo.txt
Indent one or more lines:
> + h,j,k,l
Un-indent one or more lines:
< + h,j,k,l
Indent n
following lines, confirm with enter:
2> <enter>
Unindent n
following lines, confirm with enter:
2< <enter>
Comment a block of code:
one space to left of block- Use movement keys to select a vertical row
- Enter
- Wait
- Done
Uncomment a block of code:
on first forward slash (comment)- Use movement keys go down and right (select all the //)
to deleteEsc
- Done
Command Mode — Deleting
Delete character to right, left.
dx , dX
Delete word at cursor.
Delete the preceding word.
Delete from cursor to eol.
D, d$
Delete entire line.
dd , :d
Delete this number #
of lines from cursor. e.g. 4dd
would delete the next 4 lines:
Delete to this number #
this character x
, e.g. d2f.
delete to 2nd .
Delete character.
Delete this number of characters. e.g. 10x
deletes 10 characters.
Undo last action, undo changes on current line.
u , U
Redo. i.e. undo the undo’s.
Repeat last command.
Delete everything on line to the left of the cursor.
Delete everything on line to the right of the cursor.
Deletes the character under the cursor, clears current line. Both enter
insert mode after.
s, S
Text deleted with d, c or x is also copied.
Executing files and using the command line from within vim
Launch an external command.
:! [command]
Print working directory.
List buffers.
Short Directory listing.
:! ls
Long Directory listing.
:! ls -l
Long alphabetical listing.
:! ls -la
Delete File.
:! rm newfile.txt
Exit vim Shell:
Connect to mysql on Mac OS 10.
:cd /Applications/MAMP/Library
! bin/mysql --host= --port=8889 -u[user] -p[password]
! bin/mysql --host= --port=8889 -uroot -p12345
Overview: Select Text to write (output) to a file.
(enters visual mode)h,j,k,l
(select text):
- Vim adds ‘<,’> to command,
(to write file)- (name of file)
v + h,j,k,l + : (+'<,'>) + w + <filename>
:!'<,'>w filename.txt
Read (input) file contents into current file:
:r filename.txt
(file contents are placed below cursor line)
Read shell command output into file:
:r! echo $PATH
Read shell long listing output into file:
:r! ls -l
Read network configuration into file:
:r! ifconfig
Command Mode — Movement
- , +
(previous line, next line)
w , W
(next word, next blank delimited word)
b , B
(beginning of word, beginning of blank delimited word)
e , E
(end of word, end of blank delimited word)
( , )
(sentence back, sentence forward)
{ , }
(paragraph back, paragraph forward)
0 , $
(beginning of line, end of line)
(beginning of file)
(end of file)
nG , :n
(line n)
H , M , L
(top, middle, bottom of screen)
(move forwards one screen or page, in a file)
(move backwards one screen or page, in a file)
(scroll down in the file)
(last cursor position)
(next cursor position)
(advance the cursor one position)
(search forward for a character, where x is the character)
f+x then ;
(same as above but to find the next instance on the line use repeated
(search backwards for a character, where x is the character)
(search forward for a character, where x is the character, but stop before
the character)
(same above but backwards)
(with cursor on a word, move to next word)
(with cursor on a word, move to previous word)
(on {}, (), [] will find next matching one)
Ranges may precede most ‘colon’ commands and cause them to be executed on a
line or lines. For example, :3,7d
would delete lines 3 — 7.
Ranges are commonly combined with the :s
command to perform a replacement on
several lines, as with :.,$s/pattern/string/g
to make a replacement from the
current line to the end of the file.
(lines n-m)
(current line)
(last line)
(marker c)
(all lines)
(all matching patterns in file)
:w <file>
(write file, current file if no name given)
:w >> <file>
(append file, current file if no name given)
:r <file>
(read file after line)
:r !program
(read program output)
:n, :p
(next file, previous file)
(edit new file)
(replace line with program output)
(location of global config file)
Command Mode — Searching
(search forward, for a word in the file, from the start)
(search forward, for a word and include next n lines.
e.g. /loopers/+10)
(search for a word in the file, from the end, i.e backwards. e.g.
searches for cars)
n , N
(searches for next instance of the word, previous instance)
(go back to last position)
(go forward)
Search is interpreted as a regex, so a*b
means zero or more a's
followed by a b
, ^abc
means abc
at the beginning of a line, [0-9]
looks for the next digit, etc.
Vim Modes — Switching
Insert before cursor, before line.
i , I
Append after cursor, after line.
a , A
Open new line after the current line, before current line.
o , O
Replace one character, replace one word.
r , R
(turns hen
into han
, h[e]n => han)
Visual mode (characters), visual mode (lines)
v , V
Change word.
Change word from position until end of word.
Exit insert mode.
Help related commands for vim
Open help system
:h, :help
Close help system
Jump from one window to another
C-w C-w
Place cursor on tag and jump to a subject
Jump Back
Looking for normal mode help: (no prepend)
:help w
:help user-manual
:help c_ C-d
:help insert-index
Looking for visual mode help: (prepend with v_)
:help v_u
Looking for insert mode help: (prepend with i_)
:help i_<Esc>
Looking for command line help: (prepend with
:help :quit
Looking for command line editing help: (prepend with c_)
:help c_<Del>
Looking for vim command argument help: (prepend with -)
:help -r
Looking for option help: (enclose in »)
:help 'textwidth'
Searching for help:
:help word, then C-d to see matching entries for word
:help grep