Video games one word or two

Is video games one word or two?

In the U.S., the habit it to write video games, as two words. In Europe, I usually see videogames.

Is video games a compound word?

The word ‘video games’ is not a pronoun. The word ‘video games’ is a compound noun, the plural form of ‘video game’. A compound noun is a word made of two or more individual words that merge to form a noun with a meaning of its own. It is not the name of a specific ‘game,’ but just a ‘game’ in general.

Why are video games called video games?

Originally Answered: Why are games called “video games”? Because video game is a variation of games that uses video (tv) as its output. The same way you refer to board games as such.

Are video games and computer games the same?

A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment. A video game is essentially the same form of entertainment, but refers not only to games played on a personal computer, but also to games run by a console or arcade machine.

Why are video games bad?

But too much video game playing may cause problems. It’s hard to get enough active play and exercise if you’re always inside playing video games. And without enough exercise, kids can become overweight. Overdoing video games also could affect other important stuff, like friendships and how well a kid does in school.

Do video games kill brain cells?

Playing “shooter” video games weakens the brains of young people and puts them at greater risk of dementia in later life, new research suggests. A trial in Canada found that those who spent a lot of time playing games such as Call of Duty had less grey matter in a crucial part of the brain.

Do video games ruin your brain?

Studies investigating how playing video games can affect the brain have shown that they can cause changes in many brain regions. Summary: Research to date suggests that playing video games can change the brain regions responsible for attention and visuospatial skills and make them more efficient.



What is the 1st best selling game?

List of best-selling video games – › wiki › › wiki › List_of_best-selling_video_games

Who is the most famous gamer?

#1 Ninja (Tyler Blevins)#2 PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg)#3 Preston (Preston Arsement)#4 Markiplier (Mark Fischbach)#5 Shroud (Michael Grzesiek)#6 DanTDM (Daniel Middleton)#7 VanossGaming (Evan Fong)#8 Jacksepticeye (Sean McLoughlin)

Which Call of Duty sold the most?

Call of Duty: Black Ops

What is the best selling album of all time?


What is the #1 album of all time?

In 2018, The Eagles’ greatest hits album, released in 1976, surpassed Michael Jackson’s 1982 album “Thriller” to take the top spot on the RIAA’s list. The Eagles have the first and third best-selling albums of all time, with the band’s “Hotel California” following “Thriller.”

Who is the #1 selling artist of all time?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, British rock band The Beatles are top of the list for best-selling artists worldwide, with 257.7 million certified sales. Second is Elvis Presley with almost 207 million sales, followed by Michael Jackson with 169.7 million.

Who has the most number 1 hits?

The Beatles

What song is the longest at number 1?

Most weeks at number one by singlePositionArtistSingle1Frankie Laine”I Believe”*2Bryan Adams”(Everything I Do) I Do It for You”3Wet Wet Wet”Love Is All Around”Drake (feat. Wizkid and Kyla)”One Dance”8


Shape of You

What is the most played song ever?

List of most-streamed songs on Spotify – › wiki › List_of_most-streamed_songs_… › wiki › List_of_most-streamed_songs_…

Which song sold the most copies ever?

White Christmas

Gamers, I’m going to do something videogames do to us quite a bit: ask you a question, to find out once and for all, is videogame one word or two?
Q: What is a videogame?
A: An entertainment activity in which players operate a simple device to complete tasks digitally.
B: A new entertainment medium rivaling the cultural significance and revenue of film, TV, art and literature, but which exclusively relies on the resilience, reflexes and mental functioning of the participant, to interact with both AI and other humans to achieve their individual, unique goals.
C: A miserable little pile of secrets.
They’re all “true”. But If you answered B, for you, this question is worth exploring. (If you answered C, I’m glad you love CastleVania as much as I do. Have at you!!)
Ironically, it’s a videogame series that leads me ask this question: what is the difference between “videogame” and “video game”, and more importantly why does it matter?
I’ve been writing “videogame” since I was a little kid who started playing Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 at 3 years old, in 1985. I think it was because of how I say it. I got so giddy over gaming that I can’t help excitedly turning the word into a three-syllable mushjob. “VIDYOGAMES!”
It also just made sense to me. I’d see “videocassette” written out and lots of “video-” words are compound. With videogames being this new thing it just made sense to have its own term.
Once I began the head copy editor on the daily Ohio State student newspaper, The Lantern, though, style guides and grammar became not just hunches and afterthoughts but real issues with real meaning to a huge publication and its audience.
Chris Hatala Ohio State Lantern 2003 Games Done Legit Videogames Video Game
No idea if The Lantern still follows it, but I implemented “videogame” as news editor/head copy editor during my stint there
Unless you’re a special kind of obsessor over the English language, I’m sure you can care less if the New York Times writes “‘60s”, “1960s” or “1960’s,” but it’s actually pretty sweet to learn how small differences in grammar, spelling and punctuation can fundamentally change the meaning or philosophy of a sentence — or a word.
So I made “videogame” one word for Lantern style, even though the Associated Press Stylebook (yes, that’s one word) still listed it as two. Which I understood the AP’s stance (or non-stance), they don’t like change. (“Web site” finally became “website” officially during my tenure — it was 2004 and they finally succumbed to popular lexicon.)
Las Vegas Video Games Videogames Casino Video Gaming
Video Gaming! Here in Las Vegas I got all excited till I realized they meant “video games” — slot machines! Videogaming is my hobby … video gaming is not
I figured the Internet and mainstream media would figure “videogames” out too, just like we stopped writing “web site” and putting technology like “modem” in quotes in consumer manuals.

Video Games Live videogames Games Done Legit

But Google hasn’t. Neither have most games “journalists” for that matter despite that there actually is a “Videogame Style Guide” written by some of gaming history’s most respected and seasoned editors.
(By the way, look for an upcoming feature on why games “journalism” by its own definition is an oxymoron.)
Just Check out this forward written by one of the pioneers in the world of games writing:
“ … it’s not just Little Billy Pokégamer who’s reading about videogames. The average age of my magazine’s readers is over 21 years old. Heck, the average age of gamers in the U.S. is over 29 years old.
“And for videogame writing to be taken seriously by adults, it has to be written for adults.
“That doesn’t just mean correct grammar and spelling (though those are musts, obviously). It also means a level of consistency that shows writers aren’t just pulling industry terms out of their asses (or worse, Wikipedia).”
— Dan “Shoe” Hsu, Editor-in-Chief, EGM: Electronic Gaming Monthly
Video Games Videogames One Word Or Two Games Done Legit Journalism
So what does this have to do with whether videogames is one word or two? The key phrase in that sentence is videogames writing to be taken seriously.
OK, so note that copyeditor is one word. Why is that? It’s a dude who edits copy, right?
To put that in context, let’s examine the argument for keeping videogame as one word. I’ve heard people say:

  • “It looks dumb as one” (which I argue the opposite, especially now in 2015).
  • “It’s always been like that” (which is never a solid argument, nor is it true)
  • “It’s not needing a compound word, unlike videotape and videocassette. Just like board game is two words.”

Number three is at least a valid talking point. Board game IS two words. They argue “videocassette” is one word (how absurd does THAT look compared to “videogame”?) because the cassette is not literally “video”. The magnetic tape contains tape, but the object itself, on its surface, features no video image. You need a cassette deck and a television (one word) to see anything, right?
So if the tape itself could project video on your wall, it would stay two words. I guess. (Hey, I didn’t author this line of thinking, I just troll message boards).
So back to: Is videogame one word? They say it’s a game played out in video, just like Monopoly or Hi-Ho Cherry-o or Settles of Catan is a game, played out on a board.
Well, let’s go back to the first question I asked you. If you’re reading this far (gamers are not known as readers, which is another myth — think of how much text we read even in a 16-bit RPG) you probably answered “B”.

Centipede videogame video game Games Done Legit retrogaming
It’s Centipede video slots: video games or videogame?

It’s a new entertainment medium, completely separate from anything that has even been invented in human history.
And it’s a disservice to them to compare to call them “video games” now.
Final Fantasy VII Video game videogame Cloud Aeris dies Games Done Legit
Is this a “video game”, to be in the same literal use of the word as pixels moving around on a screen? To share the same word as a medium with video slot machines and Pong?

If someone says they like board games, do you first think of chess? I would guess no. That’s because while it shares the fundamental end goal of Chutes and Ladders (to win), the complexity, strategy, and timelessness of chess supercedes its base nature of literally being a game played on a board.
Chess is still a board game, by definition, for the strict interpretists out there. But for the literalist who argues for “video game”, what is chess when it’s played on a PC? Now it’s a “video game” instead? A video board game? A video-board game? (See my note on compound modifiers if you don’t know what that hyphen means.) If it’s still just a board game, that means “chess” and “board games” can supercede the original, literal definition of its classification..
Even with the game of chess’s eternal nature fixed (the object is to beat the other player) its nature as a “board game” can change.
Thanks to the times and technology, the definition of videogame has changed.
Pong is a video game.
Metal Gear Solid, EarthBound, Shadow of the Colossus, Seaman, Wonder Project J2, World of Warcraft, Destiny, Mario Paint, Elder Scrolls, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto V: these are videogames. Calling them video games is like calling Casablanca a TV show because it’s being viewed on your television.
The object of a videogame is NOT just to win. Much of the time, there is no one object anymore. The object is to experience — to play a videogame that way you want to, as a unique entertainment medium. It’s just as much on you, the player, as the game developer.
Metal Gear Solid Games Done Legit Videogames Are Art
This is a “videogame”, not a “video game”.

I cannot reduce Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 & 3, with deep meta themes that question human nature, genetics, and reality, to a “video game”. Some flashing lights and simple tasks were not what inspire me to this day to think about lessons and questions imparted through the developers to me, through this interactive medium. The point of Metal Gear wasn’t to win, it’s to take away something important from your experience as a gamer, that’s just for you.

When I beat “EarthBound” I’m not happy because I won the game. I’m happy because I was entertained by more than pushing buttons in sequence. I’m happy the game actually acknowledges me, the player, and my special role in guiding Ness, and helped me feel better about my real life, art and friendship.
When I play ping pong, I’m just happy because I won.
I play Dance Dance Revolution competively (of all things), as well as fighting games. Ironically if anything is a “video game” still, it might be these. As complex as they are to achieve in, and as many people love them, you are always just trying to beat the CPU or the other guy: hence, a simple “video game”.

DDR Ghaleon AAA Competitive Games Done Legit Chris Hatala Dance Dance Revolution
DDR is a “video game” in the most literal sense.

So for the literalists, I agree with you on that. But many activities, like sports, become one word (basketball, football) even though those don’t NEED to be one word like videocassette allegedly did by the literalist definition (“It’s a ball that goes in a basket; it’s a ball that gets kicked around”). But of course they are now.
Compound words don’t always form out of grammatical necessity. They happen because they become accepted, commonplace, and unique, new parts of popular culture. Writing “web site” or “foot ball” looks like you’ve been living in a cave for decades and never heard of them before.
#socialmedia and #videogames
Furthermore, not writing videogames as one word makes even less sense in the hashtag (note that hashtag is one word as well, when literally it could be two) age. I’m not saying everything needs to become one word (I’m not German), but certain terms clearly are meant to be, because we as a people are naturally doing it.
And in fact I hope “socialmedia” joins it soon too. Just like videogames, social media is greater than the sum of both separate words.
When you say social media, you know exactly what I mean. It’s not just media expressed socially (which by definition could mean I hand you a newspaper article) at all, nor is it something even practiced by just the media or something. We all are social media. The term is greater than the sum of its parts, with a unique meaning.
Just like videogames.
Grammar Note:
Also, a quick note for the grammarful: anytime “video game” is used as a compound modifier, it needs to be hyphenated or it’s fundamentally changing the meaning of what you’re trying to say.
“Video game journalist” is a game journalist who is shown on or exclusively uses video, like Max Headroom if he talked about Final Fantasy or something. “Video-game journalist” would be a journalist of video games. A “high-school student” is a student in high school. A “high school student” is a school student who is high, either because of his friends or illegal substances.
Games are greater
Videogames are much greater than the sum of its word parts, now in 2015 more than ever. And as technology futher advances, they will become even less about the game and more about the video — the experience and social power they bring to millions around the world.
Either way, “videogames” has it covered.
Video Games are games played through on a video-enabled device.
Videogames are a hobby, a culture, and the most interactive and social entetainment pastime in history.
“Games Done Legit” is GDL Entertainment, and that starts with how we represent videogames!
What do you think? As an appreciator of the hobby, I would love for you to hear your thoughts on “videogame” and “video game”!
Talk to me — Chris Hatala, Event Director/Final Boss of GDL — anytime on Facebook or Twitter (@GamesDoneLegit)!]]>

Is video game one word or two words?

Merriam-Webster,, Collins Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary and the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (I stopped there) all say it’s written as two words: video game.

Is video game a verb or noun?

video-game noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

What defines video game?

A video game or computer game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface or input device – such as a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion sensing device – to generate visual feedback. Video games are classified into a wide range of genres based on their type of gameplay and purpose.

What is the #1 game in the world?

Most Popular PC Games | Global

1. Minecraft Mojang
2. League of Legends Riot Games
3. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Valve Corporation
4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare/Warzone Activision
5. Valorant Riot Games

Can I go blind from playing video games?

– Video game addicts, rejoice: U.S. researchers have found that playing is actually good for your eyes, and despite all those dire warnings from your parents, it won’t make you blind. Their vision was tested after the study, with those who played the action game scoring better in the eye test.

Do video games rot your brain?

Playing violent ‘shooter’ video games can damage the brain and may even increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, brain scans suggest. By the end of the study, they found that people who habitually played action games had fewer neurons in their hippocampus, a key memory center in the brain.

How many hours of video games is healthy?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours per day of screen-based entertainment. Parents should create a “media plan” that dictates what hours a child can enjoy video games without affecting behavior and homework, Radesky says.

Do video games kill brain cells?

Recent medical studies indicate that violent video games damage the brain permanently. Video games may be more dangerous to your health than cigarettes or alcohol. The studies show that repeated playing of violent video games minimizes the activities of the brain involved in reasoning and planning.

Is 5 hours of gaming bad?

While there isn’t a consensus on how many hours of video games (and general screen time) is too much, the finding by Twenge and her colleagues that more than five hours per day is excessive seems reasonable.

Why is Roblox 12+?

The purpose of Roblox is for players to interact and make friends. Roblox appeals directly children under 12, easy targets who lack the ability to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate requests. The game invites players to explore imaginary worlds of all kinds.

How long should a 17 year old play video games?

Put clear limits on your child’s gaming. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests time allotted should be under 30 to 60 minutes per day on school days and 2 hours or less on non- school days.

How many teens play video games?

Thirty-six percent of adolescents (80% of boys and 20% of girls) played video games. On average, gamers played for an hour on the weekdays and an hour and a half on the weekends.

What percent of gamers are teenagers?

Distribution of video gamers in the United States in 2020, by age group

Characteristic Share of respondents
Under 18 years 21%
18 to 34 years 38%
34 to 54 years 26%
55 to 64 years 9%

How many girl gamers are there?

In 2020, it was calculated that women accounted for nearly 41 percent of all gamers in the United States, a slight increase over the previous year. The global gaming industry has been developing at a fast pace in recent years.

Are video games bad for you?

But too much video game playing may cause problems. It’s hard to get enough active play and exercise if you’re always inside playing video games. And without enough exercise, kids can become overweight. Overdoing video games also could affect other important stuff, like friendships and how well a kid does in school.

Are video games healthy?

Playing video games, including violent shooter games, may boost children’s learning, health and social skills, according to a review of research in American Psychologist. The study comes out as debate continues among psychologists and other health professionals regarding the effects of violent media on youth.

What are the positive effects of playing video games?

They can improve cognitive abilities, such as increase visuospatial cognition, mental rotation, attention, and help individuals overcome cognitive limitations. Video games can also prime natural positive aggression, helping behaviors, and prosocial behaviors.

Do video games cause stress?

Some research studies have found that video games induce stress (Hasan et al., 2013; Hasan, 2015; Ferguson et al., 2016), while others have shown that video games reduce or manage stress (Reinecke, 2009; Russoniello et al., 2009; Roy and Ferguson, 2016).

Is playing video games bad for your heart?

Studies of the health hazards of video-game playing have linked seizures, psychologic disturbances, and other health problems with the games. The study reported here measured changes in blood pressure and heart rate that occurred in 23 young men when they played a video game.

How do video games help you mentally?

Mental stimulation. Video games often make you think. When you play video games, almost every part of your brain is working to help you achieve higher-level thinking. Playing video games works with deeper parts of your brain that improve development and critical thinking skills.

How do video games affect the brain?

Research to date suggests that playing video games can change the brain regions responsible for attention and visuospatial skills and make them more efficient. Research to date suggests that playing video games can change the brain regions responsible for attention and visuospatial skills and make them more efficient.

Can video games change your personality?

The degree of addictive video game use has been found to be related to personality traits such as low self-esteem (Ko et al., 2005) and low self-efficacy (Jeong and Kim, 2011), anxiety, and aggression (Mehroof and Griffiths, 2010), and even to clinical symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders (Wang et al., 2018).

How do video games affect behavior?

Increased aggression, which could indicate kids learning violence from gaming. Change in behavior, such as increased social isolation or a decline in grades at school. Irritability. Difficulty sleeping.

How do video games affect the body?

Other case studies have reported adverse effects of playing video games, including auditory hallucinations,w13 enuresis,w14 encopresis,w15 wrist pain,w16 neck pain,w17 elbow pain,w18 tenosynovitis,w19-w22 hand-arm vibration syndrome,w23 repetitive strain injuries,w24 peripheral neuropathy,w25 and obesity.

Can gaming kill you?

Game addiction problems can induce repetitive strain injuries, skin disorders or other health issues. Other problems include video game-provoked seizures in patients with epilepsy. In rare and extreme cases, deaths have resulted from excessive video game playing (see Deaths due to video game addiction).

What happens if you play video games all day?

“Consequences of video game addiction can showcase in a number of ways, including wrist, neck and elbow pain, skin blisters, calluses and sleep disorders. Long-term addiction could lead to obesity, weakness or numbness in the hands (peripheral neuropathy) and even blood clots,” Dr. Moberg says.

Do video games cause obesity?

Overall, there is inconsistent evidence of the relationship between video gaming and obesity, with just over half of articles indicating no significant association between video game play and obesity.

Why video games are bad for kids?

They play video games at the expense of homework, sleep, exercise or relationships with family and friends. They may have depression, anxiety, shyness, aggression, and problems with too much cell phone use. Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may be particularly vulnerable.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Is videogame one word or two words?
  • 2. Is video games a compound word?
  • 3. What words describe video games?
  • 4. Does video games have a space?
  • 5. Who was the first person to use videogame as one word?
  • 6. What’s the difference between video game and video game?
  • 7. Which is the best word for video games?
  • 8. Why are there two words in video game magazine?
  • 9. Which is wrong video games or video games?
  • 10. Is videogame a compound word?
  • 11. Should video game be hyphenated?
  • 12. What is bring your A game?
  • 13. What words describe a mountain?

Dictionaries. Merriam-Webster,, Collins Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary and the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (I stopped there) all say it’s written as two words: video game.

Is video games a compound word?

The word ‘video games’ is a compound noun, the plural form of ‘video game’. A compound noun is a word made of two or more individual words that merge to form a noun with a meaning of its own. So it appears to me that video game is the word preferred by most people, but video game journalists tend to prefer videogame.

What words describe video games?

Here are some adjectives for video games: violent sci-fi, nasty, bloody, coin-operated, hand-held, interactive, handheld, combative, online, sci-fi, nonexistent, electronic, viable, best-known, violent, upcoming, relevant, idiotic, damn, tame, newest, animated, antique, endless, latest, nasty, fatal, extreme, different …

Does video games have a space?

Unlike the spaces of film, paintings, and photography, videogame spaces are spaces that are both observed and engaged directly; they are thus experiential spaces. You may like this Does knuckles have a love interest?

Who was the first person to use videogame as one word?

The site describes the story of Bill Kunkel, known for being one of the first video game journalists, who originally started out using videogame as one word in the late 70s. And that stuck for a while.

What’s the difference between video game and video game?

But eventually, Eddy decided that it should be two words, because Google searches were turning up far more results for “video game” than “videogame.” So, says Kunkel, he’s backed off and now calls ’em “video games.” As for Wired? We use videogame. As they say in Wired Style: when it doubt, close it up.

Which is the best word for video games?

The book suggests one word, by the way. This post, also on engadget, describes the results of a poll from 2005 in which most people reported the preferred two words. So it appears to me that video game is the word preferred by most people, but video game journalists tend to prefer videogame.

Why are there two words in video game magazine?

And that’s what Kunkel and crew ended up calling the next game magazine they worked on: Videogames And Computer Entertainment, edited by Andy Eddy. But eventually, Eddy decided that it should be two words, because Google searches were turning up far more results for “video game” than “videogame.”

The book suggests one word, by the way. This post, also on engadget, describes the results of a poll from 2005 in which most people reported the preferred two words. So it appears to me that video game is the word preferred by most people, but video game journalists tend to prefer videogame. You may like this Is Tomb Raider ps4 for kids?

The site describes the story of Bill Kunkel, known for being one of the first video game journalists, who originally started out using videogame as one word in the late 70s. And that stuck for a while.

But eventually, Eddy decided that it should be two words, because Google searches were turning up far more results for “video game” than “videogame.” So, says Kunkel, he’s backed off and now calls ’em “video games.” As for Wired? We use videogame. As they say in Wired Style: when it doubt, close it up.

Which is wrong video games or video games?

Videogames, as one word seems wrong to me. But I thought it worth having a look online as well. (Chrome, incidentally, is subtly suggesting that it’s two words by squiqqly-lining the one-word version in this paragraph). I thought I’d start with a few of the online dictionaries.

Is videogame a compound word?

Should video game be hyphenated?

Grammar Note: Also, a quick note for the grammarful: anytime “video game” is used as a compound modifier, it needs to be hyphenated or it’s fundamentally changing the meaning of what you’re trying to say. TLDR; Video Games are games played through on a video-enabled device.

What is bring your A game?

“Bring Your ‘A’ Game” is a common expression in athletics which means to arrive with your top attitude and ability because with today’s competition we’re going to need it. In life, every day is game day. You simply can achieve your goals with B- effort.

What words describe a mountain?

Here are some adjectives for mountains: key himalayan, mostly rugged, perfectly textured, high and very cold, incredibly tall and slender, higher equatorial, spectral and desolate, snowy, uninhabited, admirably wooded, old, glacial, barely palpable, savage, fantastic, quite pointy, distant and tall, dim, bold, high …


  • #1

I’ve been known to type it both ways. Is there a general consensus about the structure of this all important word/phrase?

If by definition we call videogame a word, does that not mean it has to be not two words?[footnote]Aren’t awkwardly phrased double-negatives cool?[/footnote]

  • #2

I tend to separate them personally. Although that’s more because it stops my spell checker bugging me about it.


  • #3

I usually type it out as two words. It just seems proper to me, I’m not sure why.

  • #4

Oddly enough, I consider video game to be separated, but website to be one word.

  • #5

2, because that’s good English.

  • #6

I spell it out as two seperate words. It’s a habit and it doesn’t look right as just one word.


  • #7

Two seperate words. It’s for the sake of writing it down, mainly. My teachers are picky on the English of my papers.

  • #8

2 words. I don’t type board game as one word, or sports game as one word. Video is a an adjective in this case, and game is the noun.

  • #9



  • #10

meganmeave said:

2 words. I don’t type board game as one word, or sports game as one word. Video is a an adjective in this case, and game is the noun.

But you have the Wide World of Sports, or Sportcenter… but you can’t have the Wide World of Video or Videocenter, as those would sound like TV shops.

Nautical Honors Society

  • #11

2 words. Microsoft word told me so.


  • #13

Nautical Honors Society said:

2 words. Microsoft word told me so.

If that’s the litmus test by which things are measured these days, god help us all.

Hurr Durr Derp

  • #14

My spell-check says it’s two words.

I still tend to write it as a single word though.

Nautical Honors Society

  • #15

SavingPrincess said:

Nautical Honors Society said:

2 words. Microsoft word told me so.

If that’s the litmus test by which things are measured these days, god help us all.

If this is the response to jokes these days, god help us all.

OT: It’s 2 words, but I spell it as one sometimes, doesn’t really matter.

  • #16

SavingPrincess said:

meganmeave said:

2 words. I don’t type board game as one word, or sports game as one word. Video is a an adjective in this case, and game is the noun.

But you have the Wide World of Sports, or Sportcenter… but you can’t have the Wide World of Video or Videocenter, as those would sound like TV shops.

Isn’t Sportscenter a proper noun though? It’s the name of a show, right? Or are you talking about something else.

If it’s the name of a show one, then all I have to say about that is proper nouns don’t have to follow the general English rules.

  • #17

I always typed them apart. :3 Video game.

Good morning blues

  • #19

Two words. We speak English, not German.


  • #20

meganmeave said:

SavingPrincess said:

meganmeave said:

2 words. I don’t type board game as one word, or sports game as one word. Video is a an adjective in this case, and game is the noun.

But you have the Wide World of Sports, or Sportcenter… but you can’t have the Wide World of Video or Videocenter, as those would sound like TV shops.

Isn’t Sportscenter a proper noun though? It’s the name of a show, right? Or are you talking about something else.

If it’s the name of a show one, then all I have to say about that is proper nouns don’t have to follow the general English rules.

Yes, but Sports is fine without «game», it means the same thing. Video without «game» is a completely different thing; therefore «video game (videogame)» is a noun that requires it to be a single entity else it loses all meaning. Just something I’ve been thinking about.

I have a new game on my iPod that I am eager to share with you. The game is called “Tiger Woods Golf Tour” and it is really simple. It is designed to be fun, silly, and relaxing at the same time. There are different levels to the game. Each level is made up of a single word, and the word is the key to the level. You need to be able to read the word correctly in order to enter the next level.

Tiger Woods Golf Tour is not a game for the faint of heart. Its design is intended for players who have a high level of self-awareness. This doesn’t mean that you can’t beat levels if you beat your high score and take enough vacation time in between. But the game is designed to be a challenge, not a game of pure enjoyment.

Tiger Woods Golf Tour is not a game for the faint of heart. Its design is intended for players who have a high level of self-awareness. This doesnt mean that you cant beat levels if you beat your high score and take enough vacation time in between. But the game is designed to be a challenge, not a game of pure enjoyment.

This is an important distinction that needs to be made. Tiger Woods Golf Tour is designed by a man whose name is meant to be synonymous with self-awareness. Not only does Tiger Woods Golf Tour have high-level self-awareness, it is also designed to be a challenge. It is designed to test your skills, to test your mind, and to test your will to overcome all of the challenges that you face on a daily basis.

I think the name “Tiger Woods Golf Tour” is a great name and also a great name for a game. But I don’t think it is very appropriate for a game. I think we need to do better than that.

One thing that I find interesting with Tiger Woods Golf Tour is the way in which the game is designed. It is not about shooting a golf ball. It is not about playing a golf game. The game is about playing a golf game. There is no golf game. It is just a game. There is no golf game. It is a game designed to put all of the player’s time into the game. The goal is to kill the golf ball.

This is a bit of an overstatement, but it does bring up the question of what makes a game a good game. For us, we look at it in two different ways. When we first come into the game, we are not looking at the game, we are looking at our game. Once we get to play the game, we are looking at the game and the game. At some point we will even be looking at the game through the game.

The game is designed to be addictive, but it is not designed to be the best game. It is designed to be a game that you play to get a specific number of hits. If you put the effort in, you will get a good time out.

It is hard to say how long a game will become addictive, but it has been known to become addictive after just about any number of hours. If you do your best to play the game the best you can, you will get a good time out. And if you start playing the game just for the fun of it, well then you will probably find it so addictive that you will want to play the game for the rest of your life.

The idea of playing games for the pure enjoyment of it is a fun one. If you play games just for the pleasure of it, you will probably never stop. But if you start playing games for the pure enjoyment of it then you will have to change the game.

Table of Contents

  1. Is videogame one word or two words?
  2. What is the spelling of video game?
  3. Is a video game a noun?
  4. Do video games ruin your eyes?
  5. What are gamers called?
  6. Is a gamer a job?
  7. Is being a gamer bad?
  8. Who is the most paid gamer?
  9. Who is the richest girl gamer?
  10. Who is the #1 gamer in the world?
  11. Who is the No 1 gamer in the world?
  12. Who is richest gamer in the world?
  13. Who is the best girl gamer?
  14. Which country has most gamer girls?
  15. Who is the most beautiful gamer girl?
  16. Are female gamers real?
  17. Why are there no pro gamer girls?
  18. Is gaming a good career?
  19. How much do gamers earn in India?
  20. Who is God of PUBG?
  21. Who is richest PUBG player?
  22. Who is richest gamer in free fire?
  23. Who is the No 1 player in free fire?

Grammar Note: Also, a quick note for the grammarful: anytime “video game” is used as a compound modifier, it needs to be hyphenated or it’s fundamentally changing the meaning of what you’re trying to say. TLDR; Video Games are games played through on a video-enabled device.

Is videogame one word or two words?

Merriam-Webster,, Collins Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary and the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (I stopped there) all say it’s written as two words: video game.

What is the spelling of video game?

A video game is a computer game that you play on your television set or on a similar device.

Is a video game a noun?

View the pronunciation for video game….video game ​Definitions and Synonyms.

singular video game
plural video games

Do video games ruin your eyes?

It’s true that prolonged video gaming sessions can have short-term negative effects on your eye health. Excessive use of digital devices like tablets and computers can lead to eye strain, headaches, dry eyes, and fatigue in your shoulders and neck.

What are gamers called?

An avatar, username, game name, alias, gamer tag, screen name, or handle is a name (usually a pseudonym) adopted by a video gamer, used as a main preferred identification to the gaming community. Clans are generally a group of gamers who play together as a team against other clans.

Is a gamer a job?

The Definition of a Professional Gamer A pro gamer is a full-time competitive player who is paid to play video games. It’s almost like a career in the gaming field. Most professional players are normally paid by their teams or sponsors to compete in the biggest esports tournaments around the world.

Is being a gamer bad?

While there can be some benefits to playing video games, both on behavior and brain health, it’s not a risk-free hobby. Playing games for an extended period of time on a regular basis isn’t good for your physical health and can possibly hinder your social skills. Being active is a critical aspect of our overall health.

Who is the most paid gamer?

Johan Sundstein

Who is the richest girl gamer?

Sasha Hostyn Sasha

Who is the #1 gamer in the world?


Who is the No 1 gamer in the world?

As of March 2021, PewDiePie was ranked first among the most popular YouTube gaming channels with 109 million subscribers. Canadian gamer Evan Fong, aka VanossGaming, was ranked seventh with 25.5 million subscribers.

Who is richest gamer in the world?

Richest Gamers Of 2021

  • Tyler Blevins (Ninja) You may have come across this name.
  • PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg) On YouTube, Felix “PewDiePie” has more than 110 million subscribers, placing him in spot 1.
  • Preston Aka Preston Arsement.
  • Mark Fischbach (Markiplier) – $14 Million.
  • Félix Lengyel.

Who is the best girl gamer?

Top Female Gamers On YouTube

  • LDShadowLady.
  • IHasCupquakes.
  • PressHeartToContinue.
  • OMGItsFireFoxx.
  • TheRPGMinx.
  • MelonieMac.
  • YammyXOX.
  • YOGSCAST Hannah. With over 1.3 million subscribers, YOGSCAST Hannah is one of the top female gamers on YouTube today.

Which country has most gamer girls?

For 2019, the numbers of female gamers had grown to 38% of the 1.33bn Asian gaming population, according to Google which collaborated with market researchers Niko Partners. For China, they now account for 45%, while for South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia the figure is 40%.

Who is the most beautiful gamer girl?

Let’s take a look at the 20 hottest female gamers out there who are taking the video gaming world by storm.

  • Anna “Ant1ka” Ananikova. Source: YouTube/TeamGetfight.
  • Meg Turney.
  • Janet “xChocoBars” Rose.
  • Nikolett “nylon” Keszeli.
  • Eefje “Sjokz” Depoortere.
  • Kaitlyn “kaitlyn” Richelle.
  • Chloe “ChloeLock” Lockley.
  • Pamella “Pamcakes”

Are female gamers real?

While 48% of women in the United States report having played a video game, only 6% identify as gamers, compared to 15% of men who identify as gamers. This rises to 9% among women aged 18–29, compared to 33% of men in that age group. Half of female PC gamers in the U.S. consider themselves to be core or hardcore gamers.

Why are there no pro gamer girls?

It’s simply because there are aren’t many females who play esport games. For someone to want to become a professional gamer, they must first find a game enjoyable or realize they are good at it, and then decide they want to pursue playing this game at a professional level. Only, not all games have a professional level.

Is gaming a good career?

Gaming is a highly competitive sector where professionals are needed who have a good balance of creativity, fun and technology. You can also pursue Career in Gaming after completing your B. Tech in computer science engineering as a Game developer.

How much do gamers earn in India?

According to industry estimates, professional gamers earn anywhere between Rs 70-85 lakh per annum, if they are also content creators. Aside from winning the prize pool, a professional gamer is paid upto Rs 50,000 per month from the esports company they represent.

Who is God of PUBG?

Coffin. Coffin aka SP-Coffin (recent name) is a professional PUBG Mobile player from Turkey. Coffin is known as God of PUBG Mobile.

Who is richest PUBG player?

Harpreet Singh Janjuha a.k.a Ronak is a very well reputed PUBG player who currently plays for the team Fnatic Mobile. Awarded The Rampage Freak in PUBG Mobile India Series 2019, Ronak has earned over Rs. 1 crore by competing in tournaments alone.

Who is richest gamer in free fire?

Lokesh Gamer

Who is the No 1 player in free fire?

TSG Jash

There are a variety of video games that fall into one or two word categories. Some examples are «Pac-Man,» «Space Invaders,» and «Tetris.» Games that fall into this category typically consist of a very simple premise with a limited number of levels. Other games, such as «Super Mario Bros.,» «The Legend of Zelda,» and «Call of Duty,» are more complex and have a greater number of levels.

Table Of Contents Show

  • Dictionaries
  • Gaming sites
  • Other video- words
  • On Art and Violence
  • Movies can be scary too…
  • When you say his name, he appears…
  • How is videogame spelled?
  • Is a compound noun video games?
  • In a nutshell, what are video games?
  • What are some phrases for video games?

During a group email exchange today, a colleague asked for clarification on the style of videogames/video games. While it was not my place to provide an answer, I immediately thought that surely video games, as two words, was correct.Videogames, as one word seems incorrect to me, but I thought it was worth a look online as well.(Incidentally, Chrome is subtly implying that it’s two words by squiggly-lining the one-word version in this paragraph.)

Do video games only consist of one word or two words?


I started with a few online dictionaries: Merriam-Webster,, Collins Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, and the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (I stopped there) all say it’s written as two words: video game.


Looking at COCA again, I discovered that video game (1339) was far more popular than video game (189).

Do video games only consist of one word or two words?

Do video games only consist of one word or two words?

And, based on the example sentences provided by COCA, it appears that a large proportion of the uses of videogame are as noun adjuncts modifying other nouns such as controller, maker, franchise, players, sales, developers,nbsp;etc. The use of video game also appears to be used attributively, though not nearly as frequently as videogame.

Gaming sites

Then I discovered a couple of other gaming websites, which describes as «the great ‘videogame’ versus ‘video game’ debate.»The site tells the story of Bill Kunkel, known as one of the first video game journalists, who began using the term «videogame» as a single word in the late 1970s, and it stuck for a while.However, when one of his magazine partners noticed that people were searching for «video games» on Google more frequently, and that the two-word search term was driving more traffic to their site, they decided to switch to using video game.

Then I came across this on engadget, written by Kyle Orland 8 years ago, which describes itself as «an effort to set down some consistent answers for those niggling copy editing questions that constantly come up when writing about games,» including whether to write video game or videogame.By the way, the book suggests one word; this post, also on engadget, describes the results of a 2005 poll in which most people reported the preferred two words.

So it appears to me that most people prefer the word «video game,» but video game journalists prefer «videogame.»

Other video- words

So, while video game might be much more common in everyday use than videogame,nbsp;and the five dictionaries that I consulted seemed to agree, there was a bit more variation with other video words.

Merriam-Webster, OxfordDictionaries, Collins, and Cambridge all have definitions for videocassette. Merriam-Webster, OxfordDictionaries, Collins,


video cassette (two words) LongmanLongman

All, although Collins states that it can be both videotape or video tape (Merriam-Webster, OxfordDictionaries, Cambridge, Longman)All, although Collins says it can be both videotape
or video tape (Merriam-Webster, OxfordDictionaries, Cambridge, Longman)

I couldn’t agree more with Buzzcut’s post titled «Videogames: Closing the Annoying Gap,» which argues that «videogame» is preferable to «video game.» I’ve been thinking about this for a while and just haven’t gotten around to posting about it.It’s inconvenient to always have to search for both terms, and it’s even more inconvenient to do a Google search for «videogame» and see «Did you mean: video game,» but search for «video game» and not be asked if I meant «videogame.» (Of course, there’s also the term «computer game,» which is used occasionally.)

I think one word is preferable to two simply because it emphasizes the inseparability of the video from the game; I would prefer some sort of gamevideo term, but that isn’t a word in English.I also believe that using the term «video game» separates them and prevents a true synthesis of both.

According to the author of the buzzcut article, the difference is primarily geographical:

In the United States, it is customary to write video games as two words, whereas in Europe, I usually see videogames.

I’m not sure I agree; I believe the difference is more profound.Take a look at these Google Scholar search results: «videogame» and «video game.» Notice a pattern? Most of the search results for «videogame» are people who are actually researching videogames, whereas most of the search results for «video game» are people who are actually researching violence and the effects of videogames.

I noticed this a few months ago and haven’t posted about it because I’m not sure what to make of it because I haven’t taken enough rhetoric courses (and no, there are no media, film, ethnography, or performance pages, despite the fact that they are supposed to be equal parts of the department).But I digress…) to understand what difference that space truly represents; I suspect it has something to do with literacy or even respect for the medium.Those who use the term «video game» have a different level of literacy about the medium than those who do not. (Roger Ebert used the term «video game» in his review of Doom, which started the whole thing with him.)Of course I’m not saying that just because you use one term over the other means that you are smarter or more serious about videogames. However, I do think that it is interesting that the vast majority of violence stuff uses the two word phrase while perhaps not the vast majority, but a majority nonetheless, uses the one word phrase.

So, anyone have any ideas? What is the meaning behind using one word over the other, especially when they sound the same? This isn’t like «terrorists» versus «freedom fighters» or «invasion of Iraq» versus «liberation of Iraq,» but I believe there is something similar going on.

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On Art and Violence

Now that the semester is winding down, I’ve got a little more time to blog (and write my last couple dissertation chapters, revise them all, and write the intro and conclusion chapters…). A couple of things have happened (or are about to happen) that have the gaming world buzzing: Roger Ebert wrote about videogames again, and the Supreme Court is hearing the case of California’s law prohibiting the sale of videogames to minors.

Regarding Ebert, he concludes by asking, «Why are gamers so intensely concerned, anyway, that games be defined as art?» which echoes my own call for all of us to stop caring about «art.» Tons and tons of people have tried to convince him he’s wrong — so many, in fact, that I don’t even want to bother hunting down links to some of the stories that do it.

However, it is very concerning that he appears to believe that he can judge games by looking at screenshots; would he write a review of a film based on the text on the back of the dvd box? To believe that he can judge games in that manner is quite ignorant.

Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg because look at the picture at the top of his post, which I have no idea if he chose or not.I’d say he didn’t, but he did choose the rest of the pictures in the post, so perhaps he did; regardless, the picture didn’t appear by itself.Someone chose that picture, and what is in it? A child.So someone whether it was Ebert of just some random web guy, wanted to pick a picture of a gamer and they picked a kid — once again perpetuating the stereotype that games are for kids and in this instance also seemingly indicating that games are in and of themselves childish. WowThat’s pretty sad.

Now, onto the Supreme Court…

I’m fairly confident that the Supreme Court will rule that this law is unconstitutional, not only because lower courts have consistently ruled that laws regulating videogame sales are unconstitutional, but also because the Supreme Court recently ruled that a law prohibiting animal cruelty videos is unconstitutional.

Today’s Diane Rehm Show featured Leland Yee, the California politician behind the bill, Craig Anderson, the guy who has never met a form of media that didn’t cause aggression, and a couple other people I don’t remember. Now, I’ve previously criticized Anderson’s vague use of the term «aggression,» so I was pleasantly surprised that Diane Rehm’s first question to Anderson was «what is the definition of aggression?»I think that it really key because in that statement Anderson (who also in this CNN video says that videogame-caused “aggression” isn’t really any worse than film or television-causes “aggression” ) says that videogames don’t really make kids violent.

If the most well-known person who believes videogames cause aggression does not believe they cause violence, it makes the case that they are so bad that we need laws prohibiting their sale much more difficult to prove.

Personally, I am looking forward to the Supreme Court finally repealing such laws.

…along with Jack Thompson getting involved and saying some crazy things…

Movies can be scary too…

Allow me to go on a non-videogame rant here… It is still about moral panics surrounding children and media, so it could have easily been about videogames instead of movies.

I heard a story on the local NPR station last night about someone threatening to sue Redbox because they sell «R-rated» movies, so I looked it up and discovered that it was picked up by a few local news outlets, including the Indianapolis Fox Affiliate and the Louisville ABC Affiliate.According to reports, Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Stan Levco is stirring up trouble.

Of course, neither of the two stories linked above, nor any of the other stories I saw, seemed to mention two minor details: First, the MPAA rating system «is a voluntary system,» and the ratings are not legally enforced; the only possible grounds for a lawsuit would be under obscenity or pornography laws.Levco almost certainly knows this, so why is he making such a fuss? This brings us to the second missing detail: Levco is running for re-election.

So this is just a ploy to get Levco into the news so he can say he’s «fighting for families» and concerned about «family values» without having to do anything. When I first heard about this story, I wondered if he was up for re-election because that’s the only time public officials try to start legal proceedings related to media.I suppose Levco couldn’t come up with any easy videogame targets.

Heaven forbid that any of the media outlets that covered this story spent two minutes wondering why Levco was doing this or anything… That’s some good reporting there…

When you say his name, he appears…

How is videogame spelled?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 23 Nov.2022.Video game.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 23 Nov. 2022.

Is a compound noun video games?

For example, the term «video game» is an open compound, but it is typically hyphenated when used to modify a noun such as «player» or «collector.»the term ‘video game’ is an open compound, but is typically hyphenated when modifying a noun such as the word ‘player’ or ‘collector’.

In a nutshell, what are video games?

May 2021) Video games are electronic games that are played on a video screen (typically a television, computer monitor, or built-in screen when played on a handheld machine). There are many different types of video games, or genres, such as role-playing games, shooters, first-person shooters, side-scrollers, and platformers.electronic games played on a video screen (normally a television, computer monitor, or built-in screen when played on a handheld machine). There are many types, or genres, of these games: role-playing games; shooters, first-person shooters, side-scrollers, and platformer.

What are some phrases for video games?

synonyms for video game..

computer game..



computerized game..

electronic game..

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