Vice versa english word

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vice versa





Use things and love people, not vice versa.

И стараться любить людей и пользоваться вещами, а не наоборот.

Good design helps to perceive information and not vice versa.

И, наконец, хороший дизайн сайта должен помогать восприятию информации, а не наоборот.

Marx argued that social existence shapes consciousness, not vice versa.

Маркс все таки был прав, говоря, что бытие определяет сознание, а не наоборот.

Economics exists for people, not vice versa.

Ведь, экономика существует для людей, а не наоборот.

But form should follow substance and not vice versa.

Представляется, что содержание должно превалировать над формой, а не наоборот.

Move from basic to complex, not vice versa.

Двигайтесь по направлению от простого к сложному, а не наоборот.

Job-seekers find that employers are seeking them rather than vice versa.

Эта профессия настолько востребована сегодня, что работодатели будут искать вас, а не наоборот.

Younger players may play in older divisions but not vice versa.

Игрок младшего возраста может участвовать в более старшей возрастной категории, но не наоборот.

Corporations exist to serve society, not vice versa.

Корпорации существуют для того, чтобы служить обществу, а не наоборот.

Faith is based on evidence not vice versa.

То есть внутреннее убеждение основывается на доказательствах, а не наоборот.

Marx always stressed that action preceded consciousness, not vice versa.

Маркс все таки был прав, говоря, что бытие определяет сознание, а не наоборот.

Companies depend on their customers and not vice versa.

Любая компания должна подстраиваться под своих клиентов, а не наоборот.

Although radicals attacked the column, and not vice versa.

Хотя именно радикалы и ветераны АТО нападали на колонну, а не наоборот.

Chinese know much more about America than vice versa.

На сегодня многие россияне знают больше о Китае, нежели наоборот.

I see far too many business owners running businesses that are running them, not vice versa.

Слишком многие владельцы малого бизнеса позволяют своему бизнесу управлять собой, а не наоборот.

Do not forget that your evidence should support your argument, and not vice versa.

Не стоит забывать, что сертификат только подтверждает ваши знания, а не наоборот.

Use less weight, but more reps rather than vice versa

используйте гантели меньшего веса, выполняя большее число повторений, а не наоборот.

After all, technologies are here for us, not vice versa.

В конце концов, это технологии должны служить нам, а не наоборот.

And now, vice versa, in spite of the mistakes, we are turning the situation in our favor.

А сейчас, наоборот, несмотря на ошибки, переламываем ситуацию в свою пользу.

This also applies to fish, which has always been considered useful, and not vice versa.

Это относится и к рыбе, которая всегда считалась, скорее, полезной, нежели наоборот.

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Vice versa, meaning (1) in reverse order from that stated, (2) or conversely, is two words, with no hyphen. The adverbial phrase was introduced to English from Latin roots in the late 16th century, and it has proved useful ever since. Like other established Latinisms, it does not need to be italicized in normal usage.


Vice versa indicates that a statement is equally true when its subject and object are switched—for example:

America is popular in Australia, and vice versa. [The Economist]

Scientists warned that further research would be required to find out if humans were spreading the bug to cows or vice versa. [Daily Mail]

It’s quick to fly from Italy to Greece (or vice versa), but much more romantic and cheaper to catch a ferry. [New Zealand Herald]

Vice versa is often misused to indicate a logical reversal rather than merely a subject-object reversal—for example:

… I should spend more on the clothes I wear the most and vice versa. [letter to Wall Street Journal]

Technically, this means I should spend more on the clothes I wear and the clothes I wear should spend more on me, which is obviously not what the writer intends to say.

Another example:

Good ones can make us all feel better, and vice versa. [Guardian]

According to conventional definition of vice versa, this technically says that good ones can make us all feel better and we can all make good ones feel better, which is obviously not what the writer means.

Still, it’s usually safe to use vice versa wherever there can be no doubting what you mean. And while these last two examples are technically questionable, most readers would have no problem with them.

  • 1
    vice versa

    vice versa [ˏvaɪsɪˊvɜ:sə]


    наоборо́т; обра́тно;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > vice versa

  • 2
    vice versa

    Персональный Сократ > vice versa

  • 3
    vice versa


    наоборот, обратно

    I dislike him and vice versa — я его не люблю, и он отвечает мне тем же

    НБАРС > vice versa

  • 4
    vice versa


    наоборот (vice versa, on the contrary, conversely, backwards, round, contrariwise)

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > vice versa

  • 5
    vice versa

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > vice versa

  • 6
    vice versa


    наоборот; обратно, противоположно

    I like her and vice versa. — Она мне нравится, и это взаимно.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > vice versa

  • 7
    vice versa

    лат. наоборот, обратно

    Синонимический ряд:

    again (other) again; contra; contrariwise; contrary; contrawise; conversely; on the contrary; on the other hand; oppositely

    English-Russian base dictionary > vice versa

  • 8
    vice versa

    1. наоборот

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > vice versa

  • 9

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > vice-versa

  • 10

    (лат) наоборот, обратно

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > vice-versa

  • 11
    vice versa

    Англо-русский технический словарь > vice versa

  • 12
    vice versa


    3) Религия: наоборот

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > vice versa

  • 13

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > vice-versa

  • 14
    Vice versa

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Vice versa

  • 15
    vice versa


    наоборот; обратно, противоположно

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > vice versa

  • 16


    наоборот; обратно, противоположно

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > vice-versa

  • 17
    vice versa

    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > vice versa

  • 18
    vice versa

    Англо-русский словарь дорожника > vice versa

  • 19

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > vice-versa

  • 20
    vice versa

    [vi·ce ver·sa || ‚vaɪs‚vɜrsə /-vɜːs-]
    наоборот, обратно

    Новый англо-русский словарь > vice versa


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • vice versa — ● vice versa locution adverbiale (latin vice versa, la place étant tournée) Réciproquement, inversement : Il aime les enfants et vice versa. ● vice versa (difficultés) locution adverbiale (latin vice versa, la place étant tournée) Orthographe et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • vice-versa — ou vice versa [ visevɛrsa; visvɛrsa ] loc. adv. • 1418; loc. lat., proprt « à tour (vice) renversé (versa) » ♦ Réciproquement, inversement. « passer du blanc au tricolore, et vice versa » (Hugo). ⇒VICE( )VERSA, (VICE VERSA, VICE VERSA), loc. adv …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Vice versa — (лат. вице вэрса), латинское выражение, буквально «противоположным образом», также «наоборот», «обратно».[1] Может означать: Vice Versa (журнал)  старейший журнал США на лесбийскую тематику Vice Versa (альбом)  альбом немецкой… …   Википедия

  • vice versa — ou vice versa [ visevɛrsa; visvɛrsa ] loc. adv. • 1418; loc. lat., proprt « à tour (vice) renversé (versa) » ♦ Réciproquement, inversement. « passer du blanc au tricolore, et vice versa » (Hugo) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • vice versa — (izg. vȉce vȅrsa) čest. pril. DEFINICIJA recipročno, obrnuto [3 puta 2 je 6 i vice versa 2 puta 3 je opet 6] ETIMOLOGIJA lat …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Vice Versa — (Париж,Франция) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: 213 rue de la Croix Nivert, 15 …   Каталог отелей

  • vice versa — index contra, contrary Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 vice versa …   Law dictionary

  • vice versa — c.1600, Latin, from vice, ablative of vicis a turn, change (see VICARIOUS (Cf. vicarious)) + versa, feminine ablative singular of versus, pp. of vertere to turn, turn about (see VERSUS (Cf. versus)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • vice versa — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}[wym. wice wersa] {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}przysł. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} na odwrót : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Kiedy pracuję, ty chcesz się bawić i vice versa. <łac.> {{/stl 10}} …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • vice versa — vice ver|sa [ˌvaıs ˈvə:sə, ˌvaısi US ə:r ] adv [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: position turned ] used to say that the opposite of a situation you have just described is also true ▪ The boys may refuse to play with the girls, and vice versa …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Vice versa — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Rock Gründung 2006 Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

Click below to listen to a recording of this passage about “vice versa.”

Like many English phrases, “vice versa” is borrowed from another language. Other examples of this in English include, “wanderlust”, originally a German word, and “karaoke”, borrowed from the Japanese language. 

Despite being a pretty common term, it is often misused, mispronounced, and misunderstood in English. This is partly due to the fact that “versa” on its own is generally not considered an English word. 

As a result, many English speakers confuse its meaning and usage. 

So, what does ‘vice versa’ mean? What are the origins of the phrase? And finally, how are you supposed to use it in English? We will answer all of these questions and more, but first, let’s look at how the phrase is supposed to sound:

(Prefer to watch this lesson on video? Here’s our full length tutorial on how to use the phrase ‘Vice Versa: its meaning & how to use it):

‘Vice Versa: its meaning & how to use it’:

Vice Versa Pronunciation

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The correct pronunciation of vice versa is a common point of contention (argument or issue), even among native English speakers. There are two common ways that people say the term, but only one of them is correct:

  • CORRECT: Vice verse-uh
  • INCORRECT: Vice-uh verse-uh

You’ll find some sources that claim both options are legitimate ways to say the phrase, but the official pronunciation makes more sense anyway. “Vice” is an existing word in English meaning “sin” or “immoral behavior” (though this meaning does not apply when it is combined with “versa”). It is pronounced the same no matter how it is used; vice simply sounds like “ice” with the letter “V” at the beginning.

Ironically, versa is not an official English word, yet most people pronounce it correctly anyway. Much like the first two syllables in “versatile,” versa sounds like verse + uh. In both cases, the first syllable is stressed.

Alternatively, many people choose to use another pronunciation. As you can see in the INCORRECT pronunciation above, versa does not change, while vice gets an additional syllable. 

Where did the phrase originate?

It’s possible that the alternative pronunciation came about because some people wanted to bring the phrase closer to the Latin phrase from which it was derived. In Latin, the phrase did feature a two-syllable “vice.” However, the original pronunciation was closer to vice-ee verse-uh. 

Moreover, most Latin words with a non-silent “e” on the end are adapted to match English pronunciation rules. For example, the original Latin word rationale has a non-silent “e” on the end, but in English, it is spelled and pronounced “rational” (rash-uhn-uhl). In English, you drop the “ee” sound from the original Latin word entirely.

In short, you can use both pronunciations for vice versa and it won’t make a difference to most people. However, if you want to use the most correct and formal version of the term, it should be vice (one syllable) followed by versa (two syllables). 

Illustration of two women with hands folded and backs turned against each other, angrily looking back at each other. A speech bubble next to the woman on the right says "She doesn't like me and vice versa!"

What does vice versa mean?

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From its original Latin definition, vice versa means “the other way around.” As a result, it typically goes at the end of a statement and refers back to the statement. When this happens, the term indicates a rearrangement of the main elements in the preceding statement so that they are in the opposite or reverse position. In essence, the term allows you to save time, rather than restating many of the same words in a different order. 

This may sound a little confusing, so let’s look at a few examples to better understand the meaning:

  • I would be there for any of my family members, and vice versa.
    • I would be there for any of my family members and any of my family members would be there for me.
  • My daughter doesn’t like her teacher, and vice versa.
    • My daughter doesn’t like her teacher and her teacher doesn’t like my daughter.
  • There are times when I’m happy even when work isn’t going well and vice versa.
    • There are times when I’m happy even when work isn’t going well and there are times when I’m sad even when work is going well.

As you can see, vice versa requires a preceding statement that allows for two elements to be switched or turned into their opposite form. In writing, you can use a comma after the statement, though it is not a requirement. People often put a slight pause before saying “and vice versa,” so the comma allows you to indicate this pause in writing.

Synonyms for Vice Versa

Since the term is taken from Latin, you might be wondering if modern English has any synonyms for vice versa. Fortunately, it does! In fact, there are a few different ways to express the term in English:

  • The other way around
    • Usually, I cook and my husband handles the cleanup, but sometimes it’s the other way around.
  • Conversely
    • He changed a flat tire for me once. Conversely, I changed a flat tire for him once.
  • Inversely
    • When unemployment goes up, inflation goes down. Inversely, when unemployment goes down, inflation goes up.
  • The opposite is also true
    • My sister helps me pick out clothes; the opposite is also true.
  • The feeling is mutual
    • My boss doesn’t like me and the feeling is mutual.

None of these words or phrases work as well as vice versa. Though they all have similar meanings, they are not as easy to use. Both “conversely” and “inversely” are not very common in everyday conversation and they usually require two independent clauses. 

“The other way around” and “the opposite is also true” are cumbersome to say and don’t always convey the exact meaning of vice versa accurately. Finally, the feeling is mutual is one of the best vice versa synonyms, but it only applies when discussing emotions or feelings between two or more people. This is why it is such a popular phrase!

When to Use Vice Versa

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Now that we’ve covered the pronunciation, origin, meaning, and even synonyms, it’s time to look at when you should use the phrase. While this is not a complete list, it will provide you with some common situations in which the term could be useful:

  • Parallel emotions or feelings between two or more people
    • I like him and vice versa. (He likes me)
    • They don’t get along with us and vice versa. (We don’t get along with them)
    • Her mother will always love her and vice versa. (She will always love her mother)
  • Parallel actions taken by two people, things, or groups
    • The government works with our business to combat fraud and vice versa. (our business works with the government to combat fraud)
    • Different countries send aid to the United Nations, and vice versa. (the United Nations sends aid to different countries)
    • My dog bit my neighbor’s cat and vice versa. (my neighbor’s cat bit my dog)
  • Parallel capabilities
    • The software allows you to transfer files from your computer to the cloud, and vice versa. (the software allows you to transfer files from the cloud to your computer)
    • The car can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 3 seconds, and vice versa. (the car goes from 60 to 0 miles per hour in 3 seconds.
    • The robot is capable of interacting with animals, and vice versa. (animals are capable of interacting with the robot)


Vice versa is a very useful phrase in English. It might be borrowed from Latin, but it is one of the easiest ways to express the feelings, actions, or ideas of a statement in the reverse order. Additionally, the term is always used in the same way (grammatically), so once you learn how to use it, you’re all set!

We hope you found this guide on how to use vice versa useful! As always, for all things English conversation, grammar, or job-related, visit Magoosh Speaking today!


Alternative forms[edit]

  • vice-versa, v.v. (abbreviation), vicey versey, vice versâ (with marked ablative)


From Latin ablative absolute vice versā (the position having been reversed), from feminine third declension noun vicis (arrangement, order, position, etc.) + feminine ablative singular of perfect passive participle versus, from vertō (I turn, I reverse).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /ˈvaɪsɪ ˈvɜːsə/, /ˈvaɪsə-/, /vaɪs-/
  • (US) IPA(key): /ˈvaɪsi ˈvɝsə/, /ˈvaɪsə-/, /vaɪs-/, enPR: vīʹsē vûrʹsə, vīʹsə-, vīs-

pronunciation notes

Some speakers regard the pronunciations where «vice» has one syllable as less correct than the others, whereas other speakers regard the pronunciations with two syllables as less correct.


vice versa (not comparable)

  1. (generally after or) The same but with the two items mentioned reversed.

    Since there are two contestants left in the race, either Bob will come first place and Alice second place, or vice versa.

Usage notes[edit]

  • The adverb is the last element in the clause specifying the two elements whose roles can be switched, and is preceded by the conjunction and or or. Rarely, in English writing, and is replaced by the Latin conjunction et, similar to “et cetera”:
    • 1842, A. Taylor, “On the Curative Influence of the Climate of Pau, and the Mineral Waters of the Pyrénées, on Disease, &c.”, in The Lancet[1], volume II, page 885:

      [] we are convinced, from considerable experience and observation, that the class of diseases described by Sir James as unsuited to the climate of Pau, et vice versâ []

    • 1881, E. Abbe, Hon, “On the Conditions of Orthoscopic and Pseudoscopic Effects in the Binocular Microscope”, in Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society[2], volume I, page 208:

      Therefore, any projection which affords right-eye perspective in regard to the solid image of the Microscope, will always afford right-eye perspective in regard to the object likewise, et vice versâ.

    • 1894, James Alwis, Terms of Address and modes of Salutation in use amongst the Singhalese[3], volume III, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, page 222:

      [] terms of regard or attachment used frequently amongst the lower classes  : the first by husbands towards their wives et vice versa, and by ordained priests towards their Samanera pupils []


  • vicey versey, conversely, the other way round; See also Thesaurus:vice versa


the other way round

  • Arabic: الْعَكْس بِالْعَكْس(al-ʕaks bi-l-ʕaks), الْعَكْس صَحِيح(al-ʕaks ṣaḥīḥ)
  • Bashkir: киреһенсә (kirehensä)
  • Belarusian: наадваро́т (naadvarót)
  • Bulgarian: обра́тно (bg) (obrátno)
  • Catalan: viceversa
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 反之亦然 (zh) (fǎnzhīyìrán)
  • Czech: naopak (cs)
  • Danish: vice versa, omvendt
  • Dutch: vice versa (nl), omgekeerd (nl)
  • Esperanto: la ordo kontraŭa
  • Estonian: vastupidi, ümberpöördult
  • Finnish: päinvastoin (fi), toisinpäin (fi), toistepäin
  • French: vice versa (fr)
  • Galician: viceversa (gl)
  • Georgian: პირიქით (ṗirikit)
  • German: umgekehrt (de), andersherum (de), andersrum (de), und umgekehrt, und umgedreht, vice versa (de)
  • Hungarian: fordítva (hu)
  • Ido: permutite
  • Indonesian: juga sebaliknya
  • Interlingua: vice versa
  • Italian: viceversa (it)
  • Japanese: 逆に (ja) (ぎゃくに, gyaku ni), 反対に (ja) (はんたいに, hantai ni)
  • Latin: vice versa
  • Macedonian: обратно (obratno)
  • Old English: þweorlīce
  • Persian: برعکس (fa) (bar’aks), بالعکس (fa) (bel’aks), برخلاف (fa) (barxalâf)
  • Polish: odwrotnie (pl), na odwrót, vice versa (pl)
  • Portuguese: vice versa, vice-versa (pt)
  • Romanian: vice versa
  • Russian: наоборо́т (ru) (naoborót)
  • Slovak: naopak
  • Spanish: viceversa (es), contrariamente
  • Swedish: vice versa (sv)
  • Tamil: முற்றிலும் எதிர்த்திசையில் (muṟṟilum etirtticaiyil)
  • Turkish: tam tersi
  • Ukrainian: навпаки́ (uk) (navpaký)
  • Vietnamese: ngược lại (vi)



From Latin vice versā (the position having been reversed).


vice versa

  1. vice versa
    Synonym: omvendt



From Latin vice versā.


  • IPA(key): /ˈvisə ˈvɛrsɑ/


vice versa

  1. vice versa

    Als je het raam open doet, moet je de verwarming uit doen, en vice versa.

    If you open the window, you should turn off the heating, and vice versa.
    Synonyms: omgekeerd, andersom



From Latin vice versā.


vice versa

  1. vice versa



Unadapted borrowing from Latin vice versā.


  • IPA(key): /ˈvi.t͡sɛ ˈvɛ
  • Rhymes: -ɛrsa


vice versa (not comparable)

  1. vice versa

Further reading[edit]

  • vice versa in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • vice versa in Polish dictionaries at PWN



vice versa (not comparable)

  1. Alternative spelling of vice-versa



From Latin vice versā.


vice versa (not comparable)

  1. vice versa
    Synonym: omvänt

: with the order changed : with the relations reversed : conversely

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

One thing those who leave Cal for Stanford or vice versa know: Teammates, friends and fans from their alma mater will get in their share of ribbing.

Steve Kroner, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 Apr. 2023

The fill power, or GSM count, refers to the weight of a comforter—so, the lower the GSM, the cooler the comforter, and vice versa.

Zoë Hecht,, 4 Apr. 2023

But in spite of some clashes between the two groups, Jewish political movements such as Zionism were also influenced by Black nationalist thinking and vice versa.

Harmeet Kaur, CNN, 4 Apr. 2023

So every movie that Marvel has is sort of an advertising for comic-book films, and vice versa.

Brian Hiatt, Rolling Stone, 3 Apr. 2023

There’s no shortage of stories of players putting up abysmal numbers in spring training and starting the season red-hot and vice versa.

Paul Sullivan, Chicago Tribune, 24 Mar. 2023

Hnath, able to refashion any dramatic form in his own image, never fails to find unexpected storytelling angles to make the familiar unfamiliar and vice versa.

Charles Mcnulty, Los Angeles Times, 23 Mar. 2023

Whataburger withdrawals Moving from Texas to California, or vice versa, can be a pretty challenging task.

Sportsday Staff, Dallas News, 22 Mar. 2023

For instance, Repo Man is a vivid travelogue through the underbelly of Los Angeles, in which the locations—liquor stores, strip malls, the almost-barren Los Angeles river—accentuate the characters, and vice versa.

Chris Vognar, Chron, 17 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘vice versa.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1601, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of vice versa was
in 1601

Dictionary Entries Near vice versa

Cite this Entry

“Vice versa.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

vice versa — перевод на русский

/vaɪs ˈvɜːsə/

They’re the wrong things that seem right at the time, but even though the right things may seem wrong sometimes, sometimes the wrong things may be right at the wrong time, or vice versa.

И хотя хорошие вещи кажутся иногда не совсем хорошими, или нехорошие вещи могут быть хорошими в нехороший момент. Или наоборот.

I should say vice versa.


Which says, what belongs to the wife belongs to the husband and vice versa.

Всё, принадлежащее жене, принадлежит и мужу, и наоборот.

I hate your insides, and vice versa.

Я ненавижу, то, что у вас внутри, и наоборот.

Tomorrow they may be our enemies. Or vice versa.

Завтра они могут быть нашими врагами, или наоборот.

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And vice versa.

И это взаимно.

— And vice versa!


I used to like to talk to you. Tell you everything, vice versa.

Нравилось говорить с тобой, рассказывать все, взаимно.

Well, vice versa, Miss Vasquez.

Взаимно, мисс Васкез.

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Vice vs. Versa

Definition of Vice Versa

Vice versa is a Latin phrase, which is used as an adverbial phrase in English to indicate that what has just been stated is also true when the subject and object are reversed.

Vice Versa Usage

Consider this sentence:

  • John does not like Amy, and Amy does not like John.

Instead of repeating the information about Amy not liking John, we can replace the second part of the sentence with vice versa.

  • John does not like Amy, and vice versa.

The use of vice versa in the sentence above gives us the same information as the first sentence and saves us from rewriting a subject, object and verb.

Here’s another example:

  • Germany bombed Britain during the Second World War and vice versa; although, the Germans did a lot more damage.

In the above example, the use of vice versa informs the reader that Britain bombed Germany during the Second World War without needing to rewrite a subject, object and verb.

More Definitions for Vice Versa

Vice versa is effectively another way of saying the other way around, but its definition can cover a broad range of phrases with similar meanings.

Look at this example:

  • You can fly from New York to Mexico City on this type of visa, and the other way around.

So, we can replace the other way around with vice versa, giving the sentence the same meaning.

  • You can fly from New York to Mexico City on this type of visa, and vice versa.

But the following clauses could also be replaced by vice versa:

  • You can fly from New York to Mexico City on this type of visa, and the reverse is also true.
  • You can fly from New York to Mexico City on this type of visa, and the opposite is also true.
  • You can fly from New York to Mexico City on this type of visa, and the other way around.
  • We start the morning with breakfast before going for a short walk, or sometimes the other way around; then we take care of business.
  • We start the morning with breakfast before going for a short walk, or the reverse, then we take care of business.
  • We start the morning with breakfast before going for a short walk, or we do it the opposite way around, then we take care of business.

All of the above phrases in bold can be replaced by vice versa, showing that the term has many (similar) definitions. Often, vice versa is viewed as a more succinct way to replace these types of phrases.

How to Use Vice Versa?

As we have seen, vice versa is used to indicate that what has previously been said is also true if the subject and object were reversed. But how do you use vice versa correctly? There are a couple of rules to using vice versa in a sentence:

  • The phrase being replaced or referred to must have a subject, object and verb.
  • Vice versa is nearly always preceded by the conjunctions andor/nor, and some conjunctive phrases like rather than.
  • You can use vice versa with not, if you are trying to convey that something is not true when the subject and object are reversed.

Because vice versa comes from Latin, it is something mistakenly italicized by writers (as is often done with foreign words in English sentences). Almost every major style guide will advise you not to put vice versa in italics. We have italicized vice versa throughout this exercise simply because it is the topic of the post. In addition, a common mistake with vice versa is to hyphenate the two words; there is no need to do this.

A note on the pronunciation: There is some disagreement over how to pronounce vice versa. The first word, vice, is usually pronounced as it looks (rhyming with rice), yet some people pronounce it as vice-ah, giving it a second syllable. The second word, versa, is pronounced verse-ah. Because of the disagreement over how to pronounce vice, vice versa is sometimes erroneously spelled as visa versa. Don’t make this mistake: there is no such phrase as visa versa.

Vice Versa in a Sentence

Vice versa is a formal way of saying the other way around. While it is perhaps more commonly found in formal writing, it is a widely understood phrase and will also be used in less formal correspondence and speech. In modern journalism, you often see vice versa put in parentheses in a sentence.

Vice versa often appears at the end of a sentence, but it can also be used after the subject has acted on an object. For example:

  • I became angry with him – and vice versa – after he told me what happened.
  • I became angry with him after he told me what happened, and vice versa.

Here are examples of vice versa in a sentence:

  • The teacher claims the boy is lying, and, of course, vice versa.
  • You can start on the left then move over to the right, or vice versa.
  • The Yankees increased their pressure on the Red Sox, and vice versa, but the Sox were victorious in the end.
  • Before there is any chance of the bill passing, you must get the consent of lawmakers and then go to the courts (or vice versa).
  • Start with red and then move on to blue (or vice versa), then make your way down the other colors of the chart.
  • Do you think the benefits of after-school tutoring outweigh the disadvantages, or vice versa, for kids in kindergarten?

More Examples of Vice Versa

  • You can transfer CDs to MP3 files, but not vice versa.
  • Acids work to neutralize alkalis and vice versa.
  • We will use their offices while in Paris, and vice versa when they are here, as a cost cutting measure.
  • The girls were wearing the boys’ clothes the last day of camp, rather than vice versa.
  • They begin with prayer and then singing, though sometimes vice versa, before attending to matters in the monastery.

History of Vice Versa

Vice versa first appeared in English around the early 17th century. The phrase combines the Latin words, vice, coming from vicis, meaning change place, alternate order etc., and versa, coming from vertere, meaning to turn around or turnabout.

Usage grew in the 18th and 19th centuries, when the phrase was often preceded by the Latin word et (like et cetera). According to the Collins English Dictionary, visa versa has increased in usage throughout each decade of the 20th century. Collins records vice versa as one of the 10,000 most used words in modern English.

While Latin phrases are sometimes regarded as academic and, indeed, stuffy, vice versa has been widely accepted in common parlance. Vice versa’s meaning in widely understood by English speakers, although as we have seen above, there can sometimes be errors with its usage.

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