Verbs for the word family

The Brahmans thereupon knowing how great was the spiritual power of Buddha, forthwith left their families, and became monks.

Yes, she remembered, but now she had all she could do to support her family.

I don’t bring my family matters down here to air ’em over with you girls.

Where may lonely wanderer find a more interesting family of mountaindwellers, earthborn companions and fellowmortals?

She comes with her daughter under a safeguard from General Johnston, who knew the family when he was at West Point.

The Brahmin and myself remained together two days, and partedhe to explore the Andes, to obtain additional light on the subject of his hypothesis, and I, on the wings of impatience, to visit once more my longdeserted family and friends.

Our ancestor Kaoute emerged from a private station, and raised his family by extinguishing the dynasty of Tsin, and slaughtering their race.

I think that ever since the day she had entered the Stewart family, my aunt had thought me a spectre across her path, for she was an ambitious woman and wished the whole estate for her son,in which I do not greatly blame her.

This vehicle contained the entire Hardwick family, with Lydia Sessions turning long to look her incredulous amazement back at them from her seat beside her brotherinlaw.

He sees first a happy family, a charming, clinging little simpleton of a wife, with half a dozen or so infants clinging to her skirts and bosom, and her round eyes lifted in adorable helplessness to the face of that great, strong lord and master, her husband.

Always she told the family about Christ and His power to save.

Besides this, Byron maintained the family till they left Genoa for Florence in 1823, and defrayed up to that date all their expenses.

I met my family there, and having bought some property in that city, with the intention of making the place my home, I asked Bill not to cut up any of his capers, for I wanted the performance to go off smoothly, as I expected a large audience that evening.

The House of Burgesses was in session, and Mr. Stewart, as the custom was, took his whole family with him to the capital.

These are the features of this beautiful sheet of water, which none see but to admire, none visit but to praise; and it lies here all alone, surrounded by the old hills and forests, bold bluffs, and rocky shores, all as God made them, with no mark of the hand of man about it, save in a single spot on a secluded bay, where lives a solitary family in a log house, surrounded by an acre or two, from which the forest has been cleared away.

He was sensible, that so long as the monks were indulged in marriage, and were permitted to rear families, they never could be subjected to strict discipline, or reduced to that slavery under their superiors, which was requisite to procure to the mandates issued from Rome, a ready and zealous obedience.

« He got up and leaned against the chimneypiece; I can still see him there, standing thoughtfully; and he continued: «I do not feel myself strong enough to begin exile all over again, but I feel the wish to save my family and my country.

Had Braddock heeded the advice of the man whom he asked to join his family, the event might have been different.

So father took an antipathy to the poor creature, and because she has served our family for so long sent her to care for the house at East Orange.

Public opinion keeps many a family in the same house years after it really knows it is separated widely as the poles.

The king of the country, revering and honoring the bone, and anxious lest it should be stolen away, has selected eight individuals, representing the great families in the kingdom, and committed to each a seal, with which he should seal its shrine and guard the relic.

«What!« gasps the horrified Mac, «Father Brachet has got a family?« «Famly?« inquired Nicholas.

Mrs. Corbett hastily baked biscuits and «buttermilk bread« to feed her large family, who, according to the state of the weather and the subsequent state of the roads, might be with her for several days, and while her hands were busy, her brain was busier still, and being a praying woman, Maggie Corbett was looking for help in the direction from which help comes.

It is the least return she can make for having disgraced the family, to be of some use in it now.

«I should send the whole family to America, with a little money in their pockets.

Изучать фразовые глаголы вдвойне легче и интереснее, если они разбиты по тематическим категориям. В этой статье мы познакомим вас с фразовыми глаголами по теме «Семья», которые наверняка вам пригодятся!

To grow up – взрослеть, становиться старше, расти.

Этот фразовый глагол может использоваться только в активном залоге (в отличие от bring up, например), потому что взрослеем мы самостоятельно.

My sister’s children grow up so quickly. – Дети моей сестры растут так быстро.
When will you grow up? You behave like a child! – Когда ты повзрослеешь? Ты ведешь себя, как ребенок!

To look up to someone – уважать кого-либо, восхищаться, ценить, быть высокого мнения о ком-либо.

Children should look up to their parents. – Дети должны восхищаться своими родителями.
His son looks up to him and never misbehaves. – Его сын уважает его и всегда слушается.

To bring someone up – растить детей, воспитывать, ставить на ноги ребенка. Bring up может употребляться в пассивном залоге: be brought up.

От этого фразового глагола происходит существительное upbringing — воспитание.

I was brought up in a big family. – Я воспитывался в большой семье.
I know how to bring up my own children. – Я знаю, как воспитывать моих собственных детей.
They received a very strict upbringing. – Они получили очень строгое воспитание.

To take after someone – унаследовать (черты характера, внешность, поведение). Если вы хотите уточнить, что именно вы унаследовали, используйте предлог in.

She takes after her mother in character. They both are very kind and warmhearted. – Она характером в свою мать. Они обе очень добрые и сердечные.
You are so impatient and impolite! You take after your father in behaviour. – Ты такой нетерпеливый и невежливый! Ты унаследовал от своего отца такое поведение.

To get on with someone – ладить, быть в хороших отношениях с кем-либо. Можно дополнить фразовый глагол словом well: get on well with someone. Существует идиома: get on like a house on fire, которая имеет значение: ладить, жить душа в душу.

I get on well with all my relatives. – Я в хороших отношениях со всеми моими родственниками.
The two brothers can’t get on with each other, they fight all the time. – Два брата не могут поладить друг с другом, они все время дерутся.

To tell someone off – отчитывать, ругать, читать морали.

Yesterday my mother told me off for coming home late. – Вчера моя мама отчитала меня, за то, что я пришла поздно домой.
The Japanese never tell their children off. They let them do what they wish. – Японцы никогда не ругают своих детей. Они позволяют им делать все, что те пожелают.

To fall out with someone – ссориться, ругаться, не соглашаться с кем-либо.

She doesn’t get on well with her in-laws. They fall out all the time about the household. – Она не очень ладит с родственниками мужа. Они все время ссорятся по поводу домашнего хозяйства.
I fall out with my father very often because he is always trying to control everything that I do. – Я часто ругаюсь с отцом, потому что он постоянно пытается контролировать все, что я делаю.

To look after someone – заботиться, ухаживать за кем-либо, присматривать.

We must look after our elderly relatives. – Мы должны ухаживать за своими старенькими родственниками.
I will ask my sister to look after the children while I will be at work. – Я попрошу мою сестру присмотреть за детьми, пока я буду на работе.

To get together – собираться всем вместе.

When I was a child my family used to get together by the fireplace. This is the warmest memory of my childhood. – Когда я был маленький, моя семья собиралась у камина. Это самое теплое воспоминание моего детства.
The members of my family get together only on rare occasions. – Члены моей семьи собираются вместе в редких случаях.

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List of Useful Phrasal Verbs Related to Family in English with Meaning and Examples.

Phrasal verbs are being used all across the board starting from chatting with your friends during a lunch break and ending with family meetings.

Commonly Used Phrasal Verbs Related to FAMILY

1. Be named after

Meaning: Be given the name of another person
Example: Albert was named after his grandfather

2. Bring sb up

Meaning: Look after a child until he or she becomes an adult
Example: She brought up three sons on her own

3. Fall out with sb

Meaning: Argue with sb and you are no longer friendly with them
Example: I’d fallen out with my parents

4. Get along/on with

Meaning: Have a good, friendly relationship with sb
Example: I get along well with most of my colleagues

5. Get together

Meaning: Spend time together
Example: The whole family usually gets together at Christmas

6. Go by

Meaning: Prefer to be called by a particular name
Example: When I knew her, she used to go by the name of Ricki

7. Grow apart

Meaning: Stop having a close relationship with somebody over a period of time
Example: As we got older we just grew apart

8. Grow up

Meaning: Develop into an adult
Example: Their children have all grown up and left home now

9. Look after

Meaning: Take care of someone
Example: It’s hard work looking after three children all day

10. Look up to

Meaning: Respect and admire someone
Example: He’s a role model for other players to look up to

11. Take after

Meaning: Look or behave like an older relative
Example: In looks she takes after her father

12. Tell off

Meaning: Criticize someone angrily for doing something wrong
Example: Our parents told us off for making so much noise

13. Settle down

Meaning: Begin to live a quieter life by getting married
Example: When are you going to get married and settle down?

14. Split up

Meaning: End a marriage relationship
Example: Her parents split up a few months ago

15. Make up

Meaning: Become friendly with someone again after an argument
Example: Why don’t you two forget your differences and make up?

Phrasal Verbs Related to FAMILY

Phrasal Verbs Related to FAMILY

Other Phrasal Verbs Used in Daily Life

Other Phrasal Verbs Used in Daily Life

Other Phrasal Verbs Used in Daily Life

Other Phrasal Verbs Used in Daily Life

Family Vocabulary! List of family phrasal verbs with their meaning and examples in English. Learn family vocabulary with ESL picture to improve your everyday English.

Learn more with list of family idioms in English with examples. 

List of Family Phrasal Verbs in English

  • Be named after
  • Bring sb up
  • Fall out with sb
  • Get along/on with
  • Get together
  • Go by
  • Grow apart
  • Grow up
  • Look after
  • Look up to
  • Take after
  • Tell off
  • Settle down
  • Split up
  • Make up
  • Break up
  • Put up with
  • Pass away

Family Phrasal Verbs with Meaning and Examples

List of phrasal verbs about the family with example sentences.

Be named after

  • Meaning: Be given the name of another person
  • Example: Albert was named after his grandfather.

Bring sb up

  • Meaning: Look after a child until he or she becomes an adult
  • Example: She brought up three sons on her own.

Fall out with sb

  • Meaning: Argue with sb and you are no longer friendly with them
  • Example: I’d fallen out with my parents.

Get along/on with

  • Meaning: Have a good, friendly relationship with sb
  • Example: I get along well with my brother and sister.

Get together

  • Meaning: Spend time together
  • Example: The whole family usually gets together at Christmas.

Go by

  • Meaning: Prefer to be called by a particular name
  • Example: When I knew her, she used to go by the name of Judy.

Grow apart

  • Meaning: Stop having a close relationship with somebody over a period of time
  • Example: As we got older we just grew apart.

Grow up

  • Meaning: Develop into an adult
  • Example: Their children have all grown up and left home now.

Look after

  • Meaning: Take care of someone
  • Example: It’s hard work looking after three children all day.

Look up to

  • Meaning: Respect and admire someone
  • Example: He’s a role model for other players to look up to.

Take after

  • Meaning: Look or behave like an older relative
  • Example: In looks she takes after her father.

Tell off

  • Meaning: Criticize someone angrily for doing something wrong
  • Example: Our parents told us off for making so much noise.

Settle down

  • Meaning: Begin to live a quieter life by getting married
  • Example: When are you going to get married and settle down?

Split up

  • Meaning: End a marriage relationship
  • Example: Her parents split up a few months ago.

Make up

  • Meaning: Become friendly with someone again after an argument
  • Example: Why don’t you two forget your differences and make up?

Break up

  • Meaning: End a relationship
  • Example: Our marriage has broken up.

Put up with

  • Meaning: Tolerate; accept an unpleasant situation without complaining
  • Example: Sarah put up with John’s violent temper.

Pass away

  • Meaning: To die (to avoid saying ‘die’ when you think this might upset someone)
  • Example: My grandmother passed away 8 years ago.

Useful FAMILY Phrasal Verbs | Picture

Most Commonly Used FAMILY Phrasal Verbs in EnglishPin

Family Vocabulary: FAMILY Phrasal Verbs | Video

Last Updated on July 16, 2022

We use phrasal verbs a lot when we speak English and in informal situations.

All these family phrasal verbs are used to talk about family relationships – such as the relationship between parents and children; family relationships; and behaviour and discipline.

Parents And Children

bring up = how you educate your children
“They were brought up to be polite.”

grow up = go from being a child to an adult
“Your children are growing up fast!”

take after = be similar to a parent or older relative
“I think he takes after his father.”

look after = take care of someone
“Who looks after your children in the summer holidays?”

care for = take care of someone (especially when they’re old)
“We’re looking for someone to care for my mother.”

look up to = admire
“Is there anyone you look up to in your family?”

live up to = do what is expected of you
“Both his parents studied at Oxford University and have important careers. It’s hard for him to live up to his parents’ expectations.”

sleep over = when friends of a child sleep at the child’s house
“Her daughter is having friends to sleep over this weekend.” (Also “a sleep-over”)

pass away / pass on = die
“His father passed away suddenly from a heart attack.”

Behaviour And Discipline

act up = when a child behaves badly
“When my kids are tired, they begin to act up.”

come down on = punish or criticise
“They came down on him hard when they found out he’d been missing school.”

tell off = reprimand, criticise
“Her parents are always telling her off for watching too much TV.”

run away = leave home when you are a child because you are angry or scared
“He’s run away from home three times already.”

Verbs To Describe Family Relationships

get along = have a good relationship
“All the brothers and sisters get along.”

live with = live in the same house
“Her grandmother lives with them.”

run around after = spend your time doing everything for someone else
“I’m fed up with running around after you. You can do your own cleaning and ironing from now on.”

farm out = send your children to live with other relatives (temporarily)
“My parents used to farm us out so they could have a break.”

descend on / upon = come to visit in large numbers
“We all used to descend on our grandparents for Christmas.”

stand up for = protect someone (often a younger brother or sister)
“He’s always standing up for his brother at school.”

stick together = stay in a close group
“We learned to stick together as children.”

run to = go to someone when you need help (often because you aren’t strong or mature enough to solve a problem yourself)
“She’s always running to her parents when things go wrong.”

turn to = ask someone for help
“He turned to his brother when he lost his job.”

cut off = when your parents refuse to give you money / disinherit you
“They were so angry with her that they cut her off without a penny.”

split up = when a couple end their relationship
“His parents split up when he was a child.”

settle down = when two people make a home together
“She’s finally settled down with Jack.”

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