Verb word that starts with i

Are you looking for verbs that start with i (i verbs)? Then, the following list of over over 700 verbs is for you. All these verbs starting with i are validated using recognized English dictionaries.

Verbs are the most important word class in the English language therefore, a verb is considered as the kings in the English language.

Verbs are used to describe what a subject does or is

. Verbs can be categorized as transitive, intransitive, regular, irregular etc. Wordmom has rich word lists for many of those verb types. We hope that with this list of verbs that start with i, you will do amazing things :). is popular among all kinds of English language users including College & University students, Teachers, Writers and Word game players. We are happy to know your story of how this list of verbs from helped you as a comment at the bottom of this page and also if you know any other ‘verbs that start with letter I’ other than mentioned in the below list, please let us know.

verbs that start with

verbs that end with


The utilization of verbs to perform actions in our lives is endless, especially of verbs that start with I. There are hundreds of verbs starting with I that you might be completely unaware of, and this article is a great place to start if you want to read about those verbs. For your convenience, a list of verbs that start with I is given in this article.

I, or i, is the ninth letter and the third vowel letter of the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet. An interesting fact about letter I is that it started as a picture sign of a hand, as in Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and in a very early Semitic writing used about 1500 BCE on the Sinai Peninsula.

In this article, we are going to analyze verbs beginning with I that people use the most in their everyday lives and the ones that are rarely used by them. Apart from that there are many verbs that start with G to describe a person, place, or animate and inanimate objects. A strong orator has a majority of words up his sleeves that help him move the masses. For you as a reader, the first place to start is to get to know about verbs because they are the agents of action. Without any further ado, let’s get straight to the verbs that start with I and will help you develop a distinctive aura and personality in your day-to-day conversations and writings.

Verbs That Start with I You Always Use

There is a variety of verbs that you use in your day-to-day life, whether it is in writing or speaking. These are some of the verbs that start with I that you use regularly.

1. Imagine    

  • Definition: to form a mental image or concept
  • Synonyms: visualize, envisage, picture
  • Example: She imagined him at his desk, her head in his hands.

2. Ignore

  • Definition: to disregard intentionally
  • Synonyms: disregard, snub, shun
  • Example: Why is he ignoring you?

3. Introduce

  • Definition: to make someone known by name to another in person
  • Synonyms: harbinger, familiarize, acquaint
  • Example: I must introduce you to my wife.

4. Inform

  • Definition: to give someone facts or information
  • Synonyms: apprise, tell, notify
  • Example: He wrote to her, informing her of the situation.

5. Increase

  • Definition: to make something become larger in amount or size
  • Synonyms: expand, extend, boost
  • Example: Incidents of armed robbery have increased over the last few years.

6. Insult                 

  • Definition: to say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive
  • Synonyms: offend, abuse, affront
  • Example: He insulted all my friends.

7. Include

  • Definition: to contain something as a part of something else
  • Synonyms: add, insert, enter
  • Example: The bill includes tax and service.

8. Invite

  • Definition: to ask or request someone to go to an event
  • Synonyms: ask, bid, summon
  • Example: We’re invited to Lola’s party.

9. Involve

  • Definition: to include someone in something, or to make them take part in or feel part of it
  • Synonyms: include, comprise, contain
  • Example: She’s been involved with animal rights for many years.

10. Irritate

  • Definition: to make someone angry or annoyed
  • Synonyms: annoy, vex, anger
  • Example: After a while her behavior really began to irritate me.

Verbs That Start with I You Usually Use

Verbs are an indispensable part of our daily lives. We can’t imagine communicating, writing, or reading without these verbs. So here are some verbs starting with I that we usually make use of.

1. Isolate   

  • Definition: to set or place apart
  • Synonyms: separate, segregate, detach
  • Example: He was isolated from all the other prisoners.

2. Inquire

  • Definition: to ask for information
  • Synonyms: ask, probe, look
  • Example: Shall I inquire about the price of tickets?

3. Invent

  • Definition: to create a reason, excuse, or story
  • Synonyms: create, devise, formulate
  • Example: But I didn’t invent the story – everything I told you is true.

4. Interrupt

  • Definition: to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do
  • Synonyms: heckle, disturb discontinue
  • Example: I wish you’d stop interrupting me.

5. Interact

  • Definition: to communicate with or react to
  • Synonyms: interrelate, interchange, interconnect
  • Example: It’s interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.

6. Interfere            

  • Definition: to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful
  • Synonyms: hamper, hinder, impede
  • Example: It’s their problem and I’m not going to interfere.

7. Imitate

  • Definition: to copy someone’s speech or behavior, or to copy something as a model
  • Synonyms: assume, duplicate, emulate, mimic
  • Example: He imitated her accent perfectly.

8. Infect

  • Definition: to pass a disease to a person, animal, or plant
  • Synonyms: contaminate, taint, pollute
  • Example: All the tomato plants are infected with a virus.

9. Intend

  • Definition: to have as a plan or purpose
  • Synonyms: plan, aim, purpose
  • Example: We intend to go to Australia next year.

10. Investigate

  • Definition: to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc., especially to carefully discover the truth
  • Synonyms: probe, scrutinize, look
  • Example: Police are investigating allegations of corruption senior executives.

Verbs That Start with I You Often Use

Despite the fact that there are multiple verbs starting with I, there are some that we use more often compared to others. These are some of those verbs that you might often use.

1. Ice   

  • Definition: to cover a cake with icing
  • Synonyms: freeze, frost
  • Example: I’ve made her a chocolate cake – now I just need to ice it.

2. Iron

  • Definition: to make clothes flat and smooth using an iron
  • Synonyms: press, smoothing
  • Example: It takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly.

3. Interpret

  • Definition: to decide what the intended meaning of something is
  • Synonyms: explain, elucidate
  • Example: A jury should not interpret the silence of a defendant as a sign of guilt.

4. Irrigate

  • Definition: to supply land with water so that crops will grow
  • Synonyms: water, spray, soak
  • Example: He also wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.

5. Issue

  • Definition: to supply or distribute something for use or sale
  • Synonyms: supply, provide, equip
  • Example: Licenses were issued indiscriminately to any company.

6. Interview           

  • Definition: to ask questions of someone who is interested in getting a job or other position
  • Synonyms: conversation, dialogue, conference
  • Example: We interviewed dozens of applicants, and have narrowed the job search down to two.

7. Internalize

  • Definition: to accept or absorb an idea, opinion, belief, etc. so that it becomes part of your character
  • Synonyms: embody, incarnate, attribute
  • Example: He had not expected the people so readily to internalize the values of democracy.

8. Identify

  • Definition: to recognize someone or something
  • Synonyms: recognize, spot, pinpoint
  • Example: Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice.

9. Initiate

  • Definition: to cause something to begin
  • Synonyms: begin, start, commence
  • Example: Who initiated the violence?

10. Indicate

  • Definition: to show, point, or make clear in another way
  • Synonyms: specify, point out, show
  • Example: Please indicate which free gift you would like to receive.

Verbs That Start with I You Sometimes Use

Some verbs are used more often in spoken and written conversation than others. The following is a list of verbs beginning with I that are less frequently used in our everyday lives.

1. Impersonate

  • Definition: to assume the character or appearance of
  • Synonyms: imitate, mimic, parody
  • Example: He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.

2. Invoke

  • Definition: to call for with earnest desire
  • Synonyms: beg, beseech, request
  • Example: Their sacred dance is performed to invoke ancient gods.

3. Invade

  • Definition: to intrude upon
  • Synonyms: storm, attack, overwhelm
  • Example: Famous people often find their privacy is invaded by the press.

4. Intoxicate

  • Definition: to make someone drunk
  • Synonyms: befuddle, galvanize, animate
  • Example: The drug has the power to heal or intoxicate.

5. Intersect

  • Definition: to cross one another
  • Synonyms: cross, bisect, traverse
  • Example: The roads intersect near the bridge.

6. Interface           

  • Definition: to communicate with someone
  • Synonyms: collaborate, interact, connect
  • Example: We use email to interface with our customers.

7. Improvise

  • Definition: to compose and deliver without previous preparation
  • Synonyms: extemporize, brainstorm, concoct
  • Example: I hadn’t prepared a speech so I suddenly had to improvise.

8. Inflict

  • Definition: to force someone to experience something very unpleasant
  • Synonyms: exact, impose, wreak
  • Example: These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries.

9. Impart

  • Definition: to communicate information to someone
  • Synonyms: convey, transmit, relay
  • Example: I didn’t feel I had much wisdom to impart on the subject.

10. Inject

  • Definition: to introduce something new that is necessary or helpful to a situation or process
  • Synonyms: administer, introduce, shoot
  • Example: I tried to inject a little humor into the meeting.

Verbs That Start with I You Occasionally Use

Some verbs are more complex or simply less frequent than others. The following is a list of verb words that start with I and are used occasionally in our writings and conversations.

1. Impeach

  • Definition: to accuse a public official before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct
  • Synonyms: indict, charge, accuse
  • Example: The governor was impeached for wrongful use of state money.

2. Impede

  • Definition: to slow something down or prevent an activity from making progress at its previous rate
  • Synonyms: hinder, obstruct, hamper
  • Example: Shortages of medicine were impeding the effort to control diseases.

3. Intermingle

  • Definition: to become mixed together
  • Synonyms: mix, blend, merge
  • Example: Fact is intermingled with fiction throughout the book.

4. Iterate

  • Definition: to say or do something repeatedly
  • Synonyms: rehearse, reiterate, repeat
  • Example: No matter how fast you iterate, it takes time to get the product right

5. Incline

  • Definition: to be favorably disposed towards or willing to do something
  • Synonyms: willing, ready, likely
  • Example: The prime minister is believed to be inclining towards an April election.

6. Intercept      

  • Definition: to stop and catch something or someone before that thing or person is able to reach a particular place
  • Synonyms: stop, impede, obstruct
  • Example: Barry intercepted Naylor’s pass and scored the third goal.

7. Immunize

  • Definition: to protect a person or animal against a disease by putting a substance into the body to make it produce antibodies
  • Synonyms: vaccinate, inject
  • Example: Children are routinely immunized against polio.

8. Intertwine

  • Definition: to twist or be twisted together
  • Synonyms: interweave, interlace
  • Example: The town’s prosperity is intertwined with the fortunes of the factory.

9. Institutionalize

  • Definition: establish something as a convention or norm in an organization or culture
  • Synonyms: authorize, commend, charge
  • Example: He institutionalized the practice of collaborative research on a grand scale.

10. Instill

  • Definition: to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings
  • Synonyms: implant, ingrain, infuse
  • Example: It is part of a teacher’s job to instill confidence into his or her students.

Verbs That Start with I You Seldom Use

While verbs beginning with I are fairly typical, there are a few variations that are seldom encountered. Following is a list of verbs that start with the letter I and are used very seldom.

1. Invigorate    

  • Definition: to make someone feel fresher, healthier, and more energetic
  • Synonyms: revitalize, energize
  • Example: We were invigorated by our walk.

2. Insulate

  • Definition: to protect someone or something from harmful experiences or influences
  • Synonyms: separate, cover, enclose
  • Example: Children should be insulated from the horrors of war.

3. Insinuate

  • Definition: to suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true
  • Synonyms: imply, suggest, hint
  • Example: Are you insinuating that I’m losing my nerve?

4. Impregnate

  • Definition: to cause a substance to absorb a liquid substance
  • Synonyms: soak, saturate, drench
  • Example: This cloth is impregnated with a cleaning solution.

5. Incubate

  • Definition: to keep something warm, causing it to develop, especially to keep eggs warm until the young are born
  • Synonyms: brood, hatch
  • Example: Condors incubate only one egg and raise one chick at a time.

6. Impel          

  • Definition: to make someone feel that they must do something
  • Synonyms: force, compel, demand
  • Example: I wonder what it is that impels him to exercise all the time.

7. Impale

  • Definition: to push a sharp object through something
  • Synonyms: spike, pin, pierce
  • Example: The dead deer was impaled on a spear.

8. Impinge

  • Definition: to have an effect, especially a negative one
  • Synonyms: affect, touch, influence
  • Example: Several factors impinge on market efficiency.

9. Incarcerate

  • Definition: to put or keep someone in prison
  • Synonyms: imprison, jail
  • Example: The governor announced his plan to incarcerate repeat offenders.

10. Intercede

  • Definition: to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition
  • Synonyms: mediate, negotiate
  • Example: Several religious leaders have interceded with the authorities on behalf of the condemned prisoner.

Verbs That Start with I You Rarely Use

Some I-verbs are rarely used or even heard of in our daily lives. When a reader learns them, he is astounded to know that that such a verb even exists. Below are some of those verbs that start with I.

1. Imbue    

  • Definition: to fill something or someone with a quality or feeling
  • Synonyms: instill, ingrain, inspire
  • Example: Her poetry was imbued with a love of the outdoors.

2. Imbibe

  • Definition: to drink, especially alcohol
  • Synonyms: drink, consume, swallow
  • Example: He imbibed great quantities of iced tea.

3. Interpolate

  • Definition: to add something in the middle of a text, piece of music, etc.
  • Synonyms: add, integrate, enter
  • Example: Coleridge-Taylor was keen on interpolating African-American spirituals into the classical music tradition.

4. Inundate

  • Definition: to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with it all
  • Synonyms: overburden, overwhelm, swamp
  • Example: We have been inundated with requests for help.

5. Irradiate

  • Definition: to treat with light or other types of radiation
  • Synonyms: emblaze, lighten, illuminate,
  • Example: The cells are irradiated so that they cannot reproduce.

6. Indemnify          

  • Definition: to compensate for damage or loss sustained
  • Synonyms: reimburse, compensate, repay
  • Example: Each of the parties shall indemnify me for all reasonable costs of defending such actions and proceedings.

7. Immure

  • Definition: to enclose or confine someone against their will
  • Synonyms: confine incarcerate imprison jail
  • Example: Her brother was immured in a lunatic asylum.

8. Importune

  • Definition: to beg for something urgently or persistently
  • Synonyms: beg, pester, implore
  • Example: As a tourist, you are importuned for money the moment you step outside your hotel.

9. Impugn

  • Definition: to cause people to doubt someone’s character, qualities, or reputation by criticizing them
  • Synonyms: challenge, question, disputes
  • Example: Are you impugning my competence as a professional designer?

10. Incinerate

  • Definition: to burn something completely
  • Synonyms: cremate, burn, carbonize
  • Example: Waste packaging is to be incinerated rather than buried in landfills.

Positive Verbs That Start with I

Some verbs have a positive connotation while others do not. Following is a list of positive verbs that start with I and carry a positive connotation that you must know.

1. Inspire   

  • Definition: to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it
  • Synonyms: stimulate, motivate, encourage
  • Example: His confident leadership inspired his followers.

2. Impress

  • Definition: to cause someone to admire or respect you
  • Synonyms: influence, affect, rouse, dazzle
  • Example: He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine.

3. Improve

  • Definition: to get better, or to make something better
  • Synonyms: better, ameliorate, upgrade
  • Example: Her grades have improved greatly this semester.

4. Invest

  • Definition: to devote (time, talent, etc.) to achieve something
  • Synonyms: fund, back, finance
  • Example: He invested a lot of time in cleaning up the neighborhood after the flood.

5. Immortalize

  • Definition: to cause someone to be remembered for a very long time
  • Synonyms: preserve, commemorate, memorialize
  • Example: He will be forever immortalized in the history books.

6. Illuminate          

  • Definition: to light something and make it brighter
  • Synonyms: light, brighten, irradiate
  • Example: The streets were illuminated with strings of colored lights.

7. Innovate

  • Definition: to introduce something new; to make changes in anything established
  • Synonyms: introduce, unveil, invent
  • Example: The fashion industry is always desperate to innovate.

8. Instruct

  • Definition: to teach someone how to do something
  • Synonyms: enlighten, teach, coach
  • Example: His job is to instruct people in the use of the gym equipment.

9. Influence

  • Definition: to cause something to be changed
  • Synonyms: affect, govern, shape
  • Example: That speech influenced the course of American history.

10. Incorporate

  • Definition: to include something within something else
  • Synonyms: embody, comprise, subsume
  • Example: This aircraft incorporates several new safety features.

Verbs That Start with I – Full List (285 words)

  • Ice
  • Idealize
  • Ideate
  • Identify
  • Idle
  • Idolize
  • Ignite
  • Ignore
  • Illegalize
  • Illtreat
  • Illume
  • Illuminate
  • Illumine
  • Illustrate
  • Image
  • Imagine
  • Imbed
  • Imbibe
  • Imbricate
  • Imbrue
  • Imbue
  • Imitate
  • Immaterialize
  • Immerge
  • Immerse
  • Immigrate
  • Immingle
  • Immix
  • Immobilize
  • Immolate
  • Immortalize
  • Immunize
  • Immure
  • Impact
  • Impair
  • Impale
  • Impanel
  • Impart
  • Impeach
  • Impede
  • Impel
  • Impend
  • Imperil
  • Impersonate
  • Impinge
  • Implant
  • Implement
  • Implicate
  • Implode
  • Implore
  • Imply
  • Import
  • Importune
  • Impose
  • Impound
  • Impoverish
  • Imprecate
  • Impregnate
  • Impress
  • Imprint
  • Imprison
  • Improve
  • Improvise
  • Impugn
  • Impute
  • Inactivate
  • Inaugurate
  • Incandesce
  • Incapacitate
  • Incarcerate
  • Incarnadine
  • Incarnate
  • Incase
  • Incense
  • Inch
  • Incinerate
  • Incise
  • Incite
  • Incline
  • Inclose
  • Include
  • Incommode
  • Inconvenience
  • Incorporate
  • Increase
  • Incriminate
  • Incrust
  • Incubate
  • Inculcate
  • Inculpate
  • Incur
  • Incurvate
  • Indemnify
  • Indent
  • Indenture
  • Index
  • Indicate
  • Indict
  • Indispose
  • Indite
  • Individualize
  • Individuate
  • Indoctrinate
  • Indorse
  • Induce
  • Induct
  • Indue
  • Indulge
  • Indurate
  • Industrialize
  • Indwell
  • Inebriate
  • Infatuate
  • Infect
  • Infer
  • Infest
  • Infiltrate
  • Infix
  • Inflame
  • Inflate
  • Inflect
  • Inflict
  • Influence
  • Inform
  • Infract
  • Infringe
  • Infuriate
  • Infuscate
  • Infuse
  • Ingest
  • Ingraft
  • Ingrain
  • Ingratiate
  • Ingurgitate
  • Inhabit
  • Inhale
  • Inhere
  • Inherit
  • Inhibit
  • Inhume
  • Initial
  • Initialize
  • Initiate
  • Inject
  • Injure
  • Ink
  • Inlay
  • Innervate
  • Innovate
  • Inoculate
  • Inosculate
  • Input
  • Inquire
  • Inscribe
  • Inseminate
  • Insert
  • Inset
  • Insinuate
  • Insist
  • Insolate
  • Inspan
  • Inspect
  • Inspire
  • Inspirit
  • Inspissate
  • Instal
  • Install
  • Instance
  • Instantiate
  • Instigate
  • Instil
  • Instill
  • Institute
  • Institutionalize
  • Instruct
  • Instrument
  • Insufflate
  • Insulate
  • Insult
  • Insure
  • Integrate
  • Intellectualize
  • Intend
  • Intensify
  • Inter
  • Interact
  • Interbreed
  • Intercalate
  • Intercede
  • Intercept
  • Interchange
  • Intercommunicate
  • Interconnect
  • Interdepend
  • Interdict
  • Interest
  • Interfere
  • Interiorize
  • Interject
  • Interlace
  • Interlard
  • Interleave
  • Interlink
  • Interlock
  • Interlope
  • Interlude
  • Intermarry
  • Intermediate
  • Intermingle
  • Intermit
  • Intermix
  • Intern
  • Internalize
  • Internationalize
  • Interpellate
  • Interpenetrate
  • Interpolate
  • Interpose
  • Interpret
  • Interrelate
  • Interrogate
  • Interrupt
  • Intersect
  • Intersperse
  • Interstratify
  • Intertwine
  • Intervene
  • Interview
  • Interweave
  • Intimate
  • Intimidate
  • Intonate
  • Intone
  • Intoxicate
  • Intrench
  • Intrigue
  • Introduce
  • Introject
  • Intromit
  • Introspect
  • Introvert
  • Intrude
  • Intrust
  • Intubate
  • Intuit
  • Intumesce
  • Inundate
  • Inure
  • Invade
  • Invaginate
  • Invalid
  • Invalidate
  • Inveigh
  • Inveigle
  • Invent
  • Inventory
  • Invert
  • Invest
  • Investigate
  • Invigilate
  • Invigorate
  • Invite
  • Invoice
  • Invoke
  • Involve
  • Inweave
  • Iodinate
  • Iodize
  • Ionize
  • Irk
  • Iron
  • Irradiate
  • Irrigate
  • Irritate
  • Irrupt
  • Isolate
  • Isomerize
  • Issue
  • Italianize
  • Italicize
  • Itch
  • Itemise
  • Itemize
  • Iterate
  • Itinerate

Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with I

Thank you for going through this article and it is hoped that it would have proved fruitful to you. You might begin to ask a lot of questions from yourself about the concept presented in this article. For example, how many of these verbs beginning with I are you familiar with? How many of these verbs starting with I do you use on a regular basis? Are there any verbs on this list that you recognize but don’t know how to use in phrases or sentences? All these questions mean that you have completely grasped the concept. Now the next step is the practical application of these verbs that start with I. Practically applying these verbs in your daily life routine will not just enhance your skill level but will also groom your expressive language.

Ps. See also positive words that start with I, adjectives that start with I and nouns that start with I.


In this article, we are going to talk about verbs that start with I. Verbs are a very important part of speech because without them a sentence cannot exist. All of the verbs that start with I given below are necessary for transmitting your desired messages in totality.

Think of your sentence as a machine, and the verb as the engine that makes the machine work. Like machines, sentences can function either efficiently or inefficiently. Verbs are one of the most important elements that helps them function effectively.

From the list of verbs that begin with I given below, take out some verbs and insert them into your own sentences. Try reconstructing those sentences without those verbs. They do not make sense, do they? Hence, it can be deduced that verbs are an indispensable part of our daily lives. We can’t imagine communicating, reading, or writing without them, especially verbs that start with I.

Let us now introduce you to the list of action words starting with I that has been specifically designed for you. Try and memorize all of these given verbs.

Verbs That Start with I You Always Use

There are a number of verbs that all of us utilize in our daily lives to carry out different actions. Following is a list of verbs that start with I that we always make use of.

1. Ignore

  • Definition: to disregard intentionally
  • Synonyms: snub, shun
  • Example: You have been ignoring me for quite some time now.

2. Introduce

  • Definition: make someone known by name to another in person, especially formally
  • Synonyms: familiarize, acquaint
  • Example: Let me introduce you to my father.

3. Inform

  • Definition: to give someone facts or information
  • Synonyms: tell, notify
  • Example: He wrote to her, informing her of the situation.

4. Increase

  • Definition: to make something become larger in amount or size
  • Synonyms: expand, extend, boost
  • Example: The percentage of girls in engineering has increased substantially.

5. Insult           

  • Definition: to say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive
  • Synonyms: offend, abuse
  • Example: He insulted all my friends.

6. Include

  • Definition: to contain something as a part of something else
  • Synonyms: contain, add, insert
  • Example: The bill includes tax and service.

7. Invite

  • Definition: to ask or request someone to go to an event
  • Synonyms: ask, bid, summon
  • Example: I’d like to invite you to a show.

8. Invade

  • Definition: to intrude upon
  • Synonyms: storm, attack, overwhelm
  • Example: I don’t want to invade your private life unnecessarily.

9. Infect

  • Definition: to pass a disease to a person, animal, or plant
  • Synonyms: contaminate, taint, pollute
  • Example: Go away, I don’t want to infect you with my cold.

10. Intend

  • Definition: to have as a plan or purpose
  • Synonyms: plan, aim, purpose
  • Example: We intend to go to Thailand next year.

Verbs That Start with I You Usually Use

An important thing to remember about verbs is that the choice of verb determines the grammatical form in a sentence. Let us now go through some of the verbs starting with I that we usually use in our daily lives.

1. Isolate   

  • Definition: to set or place apart
  • Synonyms: separate, segregate, detach
  • Example: He was isolated from all the other prisoners.

2. Inquire

  • Definition: to ask for information
  • Synonyms: ask, probe
  • Example: I did not inquire the reason for his lateness.

3. Invent

  • Definition: to create a reason, excuse, or story
  • Synonyms: create, devise, formulate
  • Example: I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse.

4. Interrupt

  • Definition: to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do
  • Synonyms: heckle, disturb
  • Example: Children must learn not to interrupt.

5. Interfere            

  • Definition: to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful
  • Synonyms: hamper, hinder, impede
  • Example: It’s their problem and I’m not going to interfere.

6. Imitate

  • Definition: to copy someone’s speech or behavior, or to copy something as a model
  • Synonyms: assume, mimic
  • Example: He imitated her accent perfectly.

7.   Investigate

  • Definition: to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc., especially to carefully discover the truth
  • Synonyms: probe, scrutinize
  • Example: The Government set up a commission to investigate allegations of police violence.

8. Ice   

  • Definition: to cover a cake with icing
  • Synonyms: freeze, frost
  • Example: I’ve made her a cake – now I just need to ice it.

9. Iron

  • Definition: to make clothes flat and smooth using an iron
  • Synonyms: press, smoothing
  • Example: It takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly.

10. Interpret

  • Definition: to decide what the intended meaning of something is
  • Synonyms: explain, elucidate
  • Example: Different people might interpret events differently.

Verbs That Start with I You Often Use

If you want to get familiarized with verbs that people often use in their day-to-day lives, going through a list of verbs beginning with I given below will be the perfect place to start.

1. Issue

  • Definition: to supply or distribute something for use or sale
  • Synonyms: supply, provide
  • Example: My driving license was issued to me yesterday.

2. Interview           

  • Definition: to ask questions of someone who is interested in getting a job or other position
  • Synonyms: conversation, dialogue, conference
  • Example: They are going to interview 1000 applicants for this job.

3. Intersect

  • Definition: to cross one another
  • Synonyms: cross, bisect, traverse
  • Example: The roads intersect near the bridge.

4. Internalize

  • Definition: to accept or absorb an idea, opinion, belief, etc. so that it becomes part of your character
  • Synonyms: embody, incarnate, attribute
  • Example: Minority groups tend to internalize the values of the dominant society.

5. Identify

  • Definition: to recognize someone or something
  • Synonyms: recognize, spot, pinpoint
  • Example: Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice.

6. Initiate

  • Definition: to cause something to begin
  • Synonyms: begin, start, commence
  • Example: They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.

7. Indicate

  • Definition: to show, point, or make clear in another way
  • Synonyms: specify, point out
  • Example: Please indicate which free gift you would like to receive.

8. Influence

  • Definition: to cause something to be changed
  • Synonyms: affect, govern, shape
  • Example: She was influenced by the common-sense views of her grandparents.

9. Incline

  • Definition: to be favorably disposed towards or willing to do something
  • Synonyms: willing, ready, likely
  • Example: I incline to the view that he is right.

10. Inject

  • Definition: to introduce something new that is necessary or helpful to a situation or process
  • Synonyms: administer, introduce, shoot
  • Example: He tried to inject a little humor into the meeting.

Verbs That Start with I You Sometimes Use

Some verbs are used more often in spoken and written conversations than others. The following is a list of verbs starting with letter I that are less frequently used in our everyday lives.

1. Interface           

  • Definition: to communicate with someone
  • Synonyms: collaborate, interact, connect
  • Example: We use email to interface with our customers.

2. Improvise

  • Definition: to compose and deliver without previous preparation
  • Synonyms: extemporize, concoct
  • Example: I hadn’t prepared a speech so I suddenly had to improvise.

3. Inflict

  • Definition: to force someone to experience something very unpleasant
  • Synonyms: exact, impose, wreak
  • Example: It is unlawful for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment on pupils.

4. Impart

  • Definition: to communicate information to someone
  • Synonyms: convey, transmit
  • Example: I didn’t feel I had much wisdom to impart on the subject.

5. Intermingle

  • Definition: to become mixed together
  • Synonyms: mix, blend
  • Example: This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities.

6. Iterate

  • Definition: to say or do something repeatedly
  • Synonyms: rehearse, repeat
  • Example: The process is iterated until a convincing agreement is reached on assumptions, estimates and plans for future action.

7. Intoxicate

  • Definition: to make someone drunk
  • Synonyms: befuddle, galvanize
  • Example: The driver was clearly intoxicated.

8. Intercept

  • Definition: to stop and catch something or someone before that thing or person is able to reach a particular place
  • Synonyms: stop, impede, obstruct
  • Example: It is illegal to intercept radio messages.

9. Immunize

  • Definition: to protect a person or animal against a disease by putting a substance into the body to make it produce antibodies
  • Synonyms: vaccinate, inject
  • Example: Children have been routinely immunized against polio since 1958.

10. Institutionalize

  • Definition: establish something as a convention or norm in an organization or culture
  • Synonyms: authorize, commend, charge
  • Example: The goal is to institutionalize family planning into community life.

Verbs That Start with I You Occasionally Use

There are some verbs that are occasionally used in our daily lives. While going through the list given below, confirm it for yourself how many of these verb words that start with I have you heard of before?

1. Insulate

  • Definition: to protect someone or something from harmful experiences or influences
  • Synonyms: separate, cover
  • Example: They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation.

2. Insinuate

  • Definition: to suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true
  • Synonyms: imply, suggest
  • Example: Are you insinuating that I’m losing my nerve?

3. Impregnate

  • Definition: to cause a substance to absorb a liquid substance
  • Synonyms: soak, saturate, drench
  • Example: This cloth is impregnated with a cleaning solution.

4. Impale

  • Definition: to push a sharp object through something
  • Synonyms: spike, pin, pierce
  • Example: The cruel king used to impale his prisoners on sharp sticks.

5. Impinge

  • Definition: to have an effect, especially a negative one
  • Synonyms: affect, touch, influence
  • Example: The preparations for war were beginning to impinge.

6. Impeach

  • Definition: to accuse a public official before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct
  • Synonyms: indict, charge, accuse
  • Example: The governor was impeached for wrongful use of state money.

7. Impede

  • Definition: to slow something down or prevent an activity from making progress at its previous rate
  • Synonyms: hinder, obstruct, hamper
  • Example: Shortages of medicine were impeding the effort to control diseases.

8. Intertwine

  • Definition: to twist or be twisted together
  • Synonyms: interweave, interlace
  • Example: The town’s prosperity is intertwined with the fortunes of the factory.

9. Incarcerate

  • Definition: to put or keep someone in prison
  • Synonyms: imprison, jail
  • Example: He spent nearly half his life incarcerated in prison.

10. Intercede

  • Definition: to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition
  • Synonyms: mediate, negotiate
  • Example: They asked my father to intercede with the king on their behalf.

Verbs That Start with I You Seldom Use

While most of the action verbs starting with I are fairly typical, there are a few variations that are seldom encountered. Following is a list of some of those verbs.

1. Imbue    

  • Definition: to fill something or someone with a quality or feeling
  • Synonyms: instill, ingrain, inspire
  • Example: Wordsworth’s poetry is imbued with a love of the outdoors.

2. Imbibe

  • Definition: to drink, especially alcohol
  • Synonyms: drink, consume, swallow
  • Example: He imbibed great quantities of iced tea last night.

3. Interpolate

  • Definition: to add something in the middle of a text, piece of music, etc.
  • Synonyms: add, integrate
  • Example: This passage was interpolated into the report.

4. Inundate

  • Definition: to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with it all
  • Synonyms: overburden, overwhelm, swamp
  • Example: We have been inundated with requests for help.

5. Irradiate

  • Definition: to treat with light or other types of radiation
  • Synonyms: emblaze, lighten, illuminate
  • Example: The cells are irradiated so that they cannot reproduce.

6. Indemnify          

  • Definition: to compensate for damage or loss sustained
  • Synonyms: reimburse, compensate, repay
  • Example: They agreed to indemnify the taxpayers against any loss.

7. Immure

  • Definition: to enclose or confine someone against their will
  • Synonyms: confine, incarcerate, enclose
  • Example: He immured himself in a small room to work undisturbed.

8. Importune

  • Definition: to beg for something urgently or persistently
  • Synonyms: beg, pester, implore
  • Example: The girl is charged with loitering in a public place with intent to importune another person.

9. Incinerate

  • Definition: to burn something completely
  • Synonyms: cremate, burn, carbonize
  • Example: All the infected clothing was incinerated.

10. Incubate

  • Definition: to keep something warm, causing it to develop, especially to keep eggs warm until the young are born
  • Synonyms: brood, hatch
  • Example: The time needed for the eggs to incubate is nine or ten days.

Positive Verbs That Start with I

Some verbs embody certain positive message that we as speakers realize as soon as we see or use them. These are some of those positive verbs that start with I.

1. Impress

  • Definition: to cause someone to admire or respect you
  • Synonyms: influence, dazzle
  • Example: I am really impressed by his performance.

2. Improve

  • Definition: to get better, or to make something better
  • Synonyms: better, ameliorate, upgrade
  • Example: Her grades have improved greatly this semester.

3. Invest

  • Definition: to devote (time, talent, etc.) to achieve something
  • Synonyms: fund, back, finance
  • Example: The state has planned to invest two million dollars in the dam.

4. Illuminate          

  • Definition: to light something and make it brighter
  • Synonyms: light, brighten, irradiate
  • Example: The streets were illuminated with strings of colored lights.

5. Innovate

  • Definition: to introduce something new; to make changes in anything established
  • Synonyms: introduce, unveil, invent
  • Example: We must innovate in order to make progress.

6. Instruct

  • Definition: to teach someone how to do something
  • Synonyms: enlighten, teach, coach
  • Example: The College will need an additional teacher to instruct the boys in cooking.

7. Involve

  • Definition: to include someone in something, or to make them take part in or feel part of it
  • Synonyms: include, comprise, contain
  • Example: She’s been involved with animal rights for many years.

8. Incorporate

  • Definition: to include something within something else
  • Synonyms: embody, comprise, subsume
  • Example: We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas in our future plan.

9. Irrigate

  • Definition: to supply land with water so that crops will grow
  • Synonyms: water, spray, soak
  • Example: They have built canals to irrigate the desert.

10. Instill

  • Definition: to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings
  • Synonyms: implant, ingrain, infuse
  • Example: It is part of a teacher’s job to instill confidence into his students.

Verbs That Start with I to Describe a Person

Following is a list of verbs that start with I to describe a person and his state of being. Try and use these I verbs to describe people in your vicinity.

1. Imagine 

  • Definition: to form a mental image or concept
  • Synonyms: visualize, envisage, picture
  • Example: She imagined him at his desk, her head in his hands.

2.   Irritate

  • Definition: to make someone angry or annoyed
  • Synonyms: annoy, vex, anger
  • Example: The salesman’s obsequious manner was beginning to irritate me.

3. Interact

  • Definition: to communicate with or react to
  • Synonyms: interrelate, interconnect
  • Example: It’s interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.

4. Impersonate

  • Definition: to assume the character or appearance of
  • Synonyms: imitate, mimic, parody
  • Example: He is an outstanding imitator and can impersonate all the well-known politicians.

5. Invigorate    

  • Definition: to make someone feel fresher, healthier, and more energetic
  • Synonyms: revitalize, energize
  • Example: We were invigorated by our walk.

7. Impel          

  • Definition: to make someone feel that they must do something
  • Synonyms: force, compel, demand
  • Example: I wonder what it is that impels him to exercise all the time.

8. Impugn

  • Definition: to cause people to doubt someone’s character, qualities, or reputation by criticizing them
  • Synonyms: challenge, question, dispute
  • Example: Are you impugning my competence as a professional designer?

9. Inspire   

  • Definition: to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it
  • Synonyms: stimulate, motivate, encourage
  • Example: We need someone who can inspire the team.

10. Immortalize

  • Definition: to cause someone to be remembered for a very long time
  • Synonyms: preserve, commemorate, memorialize
  • Example: He will be forever immortalized in the history books.
  • Inform
  • Insinuate
  • Iodize
  • Inhume
  • Infuscate
  • Illegalize
  • Incapacitate
  • Inconvenience
  • Implant
  • Increase
  • Imprison
  • Intercommunicate
  • Immigrate
  • Inflate
  • Introduce
  • Interact
  • Indoctrinate
  • Instil
  • Indwell
  • Immingle
  • Illumine
  • Infuriate
  • Inhibit
  • Incite
  • Image
  • Incline
  • Intermarry
  • Inveigh
  • Interlope
  • Indent
  • Ingraft
  • Issue
  • Intrench
  • Install
  • Interfere
  • Impale
  • Isomerize
  • Insufflate
  • Invaginate
  • Impose
  • Inebriate
  • Inclose
  • Interlock
  • Incinerate
  • Interbreed
  • Interlink
  • Include
  • Inherit
  • Ignore
  • Immunize
  • Illuminate
  • Individualize
  • Implicate
  • Intumesce
  • Idealize
  • Itinerate
  • Invigorate
  • Imprecate
  • Invoke
  • Imbricate
  • Interpenetrate
  • Imagine
  • Interject
  • Interiorize
  • Inflect
  • Inundate
  • Imperil
  • Inactivate
  • Iterate
  • Interconnect
  • Incise
  • Instance
  • Immobilize
  • Implode
  • Impart
  • Intersperse
  • Irrupt
  • Irk
  • Inaugurate
  • Impanel
  • Invest
  • Instill
  • Incandesce
  • Incurvate
  • Insist
  • Irradiate
  • Imprint
  • Invoice
  • Intubate
  • Implore
  • Instal
  • Intersect
  • Import
  • Involve
  • Impact
  • Intensify
  • Intrust
  • Infer
  • Integrate
  • Incorporate
  • Induct
  • Incarnate
  • Inspan
  • Indue
  • Inosculate
  • Intermingle
  • Interrelate
  • Idle
  • Immix
  • Immortalize
  • Indenture
  • Impede
  • Ionize
  • Interweave
  • Interlace
  • Incrust
  • Illume
  • Incarnadine
  • Inure
  • Italicize
  • Introvert
  • Intromit
  • Indorse
  • Interpret
  • Incur
  • Intimate
  • Instrument
  • Impinge
  • Inculcate
  • Ingrain
  • Italianize
  • Indurate
  • Indispose
  • Impress
  • Itch
  • Innovate
  • Intermix
  • Insure
  • Instruct
  • Impend
  • Intercede
  • Interpolate
  • Invalidate
  • Itemise
  • Idolize
  • Invalid
  • Inspissate
  • Imbed
  • Ignite
  • Interdepend
  • Internalize
  • Inventory
  • Inject
  • Internationalize
  • Intrude
  • Invigilate
  • Inch
  • Incriminate
  • Implement
  • Inculpate
  • Ingurgitate
  • Interlude
  • Interview
  • Impound
  • Intone
  • Input
  • Introject
  • Inspire
  • Interlard
  • Immerge
  • Indict
  • Incense
  • Introspect
  • Inflame
  • Inscribe
  • Immure
  • Immaterialize
  • Imbue
  • Inquire
  • Impair
  • Impoverish
  • Insulate
  • Insult
  • Intoxicate
  • Infect
  • Immerse
  • Iodinate
  • Iron
  • Identify
  • Isolate
  • Inspirit
  • Illustrate
  • Initialize
  • Inspect
  • Irrigate
  • Injure
  • Infuse
  • Induce
  • Intertwine
  • Infract
  • Interest
  • Interstratify
  • Ice
  • Inflict
  • Incubate
  • Imitate
  • Improve
  • Intellectualize
  • Imply
  • Impersonate
  • Ideate
  • Institutionalize
  • Impregnate
  • Infringe
  • Ink
  • Intonate
  • Intimidate
  • Individuate
  • Interchange
  • Inlay
  • Imbrue
  • Infix
  • Intermediate
  • Imbibe
  • Invite
  • Index
  • Inveigle
  • Impel
  • Immolate
  • Irritate
  • Inoculate
  • Intermit
  • Intercept
  • Infiltrate
  • Intervene
  • Impeach
  • Interrogate
  • Indicate
  • Initial
  • Intern
  • Incommode
  • Impute
  • Interleave
  • Instigate
  • Influence
  • Inhere
  • Inhabit
  • Inweave
  • Invert
  • Innervate
  • Interdict
  • Indite
  • Initiate
  • Inset
  • Ingratiate
  • Inter
  • Intrigue
  • Invade
  • Inseminate
  • Indulge
  • Insolate
  • Invent
  • Industrialize
  • Importune
  • Impugn
  • Incarcerate
  • Inhale
  • Interpose
  • Investigate
  • Indemnify
  • Intuit
  • Infest
  • Intercalate
  • Improvise
  • Institute
  • Interrupt
  • Instantiate
  • Interpellate
  • Illtreat
  • Incase
  • Intend
  • Infatuate
  • Ingest
  • Itemize
  • Insert

Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with I

Thank you for going through this article on verbs that start with I. Hopefully you would have learned a number of interesting verbs starting with I.

There are a number of actions that you witness in your everyday life but you don’t have words to specify them. English language has a separate part of speech allocated for us which describes such actions. That special category of words is called verbs. You have been acquainted with a number of such verbs that begin with I in this article.

After you are done memorizing these verbs that start with I, the next step comprises their practical application. Practically applying these verbs in your daily life routine will not just enhance your skill level but also groom your expressive language.

People also search for positive words that start with I, adjectives that start with I and nouns that start with I.

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Verbs are a crucial part of the writing process and an essential part of speech. However, they can be downright confusing for some people. But with practice, you’ll be able to use them effectively. Verbs that start with an I are a great place to start.


  • Adjectives that start with I
  • Nouns that start with I

Photo showing some common verbs that start with an I

There are a lot of common verbs that start with an I. They include the following:

  • Itch: An unpleasant feeling that makes you want to scratch an area of your body. In a metaphorical setting, it can describe a burning desire that resembles a tingling sensation on the skin.
  • Insert: Put a thing or things somewhere, often deliberately and carefully. It can involve using a tool like a hammer or a screwdriver.
  • Imprint: Leave an impression on something. The word is typically used when a writer, musician, or other artist produces a piece of work that leaves a lasting impression.
  • Inlay: This refers to joining different materials together to form a functional structure or for decoration purposes.
  • Interrupt: Interrupt means to make something stop, typically by using force or energy. This can include the interruption of a conversation and an event.

Action Verbs That Begin With an I

There are a lot of action verbs that begin with an I. They include the following:

  • Inventory: It conveys the idea of counting and documenting items or goods in stock for organizational purposes.
  • Input: This means feeding raw data or instructions into a system, application, or device to process it and use it to perform a task.
  • Insult: Insult means to criticize or verbally offend someone. It mainly refers to being unkind and impolite to someone in an aggressive manner, but it can also indicate being overly critical of a person’s work.
  • Invoice: To invoice is to present formal billing statements for goods or services you have sold or provided. You can include information about the amount, the price, and applicable charges, such as freight and insurance.
  • Imbibe: To attach yourself to something, usually meaning you have become bound or addicted to that thing. You can also use this word to refer to obtaining information from others and attaching it to your thoughts and ideas. When used in reference to alcohol, it simply means drinking or consuming.
  • Imitate: Copying someone else’s actions, behavior, mannerisms, or speech with the intention of paying a tribute as a form of flattery. It can also mean copying the appearance or style of something.

Positive Verbs That Start With an I

As a student, you will need to create sentences that convey actions or emotions that are beneficial and inspiring. That’s where the positive verbs come in. The following are some common positive verbs that start with an I:

  • Inhale: To draw in air through your nose or mouth and into your lungs. This is an important action as you need oxygen to survive.
  • Incline: To incline is to tilt or lean in a particular direction. It can also mean a disposition towards a particular opinion or belief.
  • Idealize: It means envisioning something as perfect or conceptualizing an ideal version of something.
  • Implement: It means putting something into practice or pursuing a plan to achieve a goal or result.
  • Immune: Being resistant to an allergen, disease, or condition. It is the opposite of being susceptible to something.
  • Intimate: Intimate means to communicate indirectly. It can also mean conveying intimacy, which you secretly share with another person.
  • Inspire: To inspire is to fill a person with the confidence or motivation needed to take action and pursue a goal.
  • Invite: This means extending an offer to someone so they can attend an event or participate in something exciting.

Complete List of Verbs that Start with an I 

  • Itch 
  • Insert
  • Imprint
  • Indent 
  • Inlay 
  • Interrupt 
  • Inventory 
  • Input
  • Insult
  • Invoice 
  • Imbibe 
  • Intrigue
  • Imitate 
  • Inhale 
  • Incline 
  • Ideal 
  • Implement 
  • Immune
  • Intimate 
  • Implant 
  • Inspiration 
  • Invite
  • Id 
  • Imbar 
  • Ill-treat 
  • Imbox
  • Imbrute
  • Illegitimate 
  • Imbrown 
  • Intern
  • Inarch 
  • Incircle 
  • Inoculation
  • Imitate
  • Immerse
  • Immobilize
  • Immortalize
  • Impact
  • Impart
  • Impassion
  • Impeach
  • Impede
  • Impel
  • Impend
  • Imperil
  • Impersonate
  • Impinge
  • Implacate
  • Implement
  • Implicate
  • Implore
  • Imply
  • Import
  • Impose
  • Impound
  • Impregnate
  • Impress
  • Imprint
  • Imprison
  • Improve
  • Improvise
  • Inaugurate
  • Incapacitate
  • Incarnate
  • Incense
  • Incentivize
  • Inch
  • Incinerate
  • Incise
  • Incite
  • Include
  • Incommode
  • Inconvenience
  • Incorporate
  • Increase
  • Inculcate
  • Indemnify
  • Indent
  • Index
  • Indianize
  • Indicate
  • Indict
  • Indigenize
  • Induce
  • Induct
  • Indulge
  • Industrialize
  • Inebriate
  • Infiltrate
  • Inflict
  • Influence
  • Inform
  • Infringe
  • Infuriate
  • Infuse
  • Ingest
  • Ingratiate
  • Inhabit
  • Inhale
  • Inherit
  • Inhibit
  • Initiate
  • Inject
  • Injure
  • Ink
  • Inlay
  • Innervate
  • Initiate
  • Inoculate
  • Inquire
  • Inscribe
  • Inseminate
  • Insert
  • Insinuate
  • Insist
  • Inspect
  • Inspire
  • Install
  • Instigate
  • Institute
  • Instruct
  • Insulate
  • Insult
  • Insure
  • Integrate
  • Intend
  • Intensify
  • Inter
  • Intercept
  • Interconnect
  • Interfere
  • Interface
  • Interject
  • Interlace
  • Interlock
  • Interlope
  • Interlude
  • Intermingle
  • Intern
  • Internalize
  • Internationalize
  • Interpolate
  • Interpose
  • Interpret
  • Interrogate
  • Interrupt
  • Intersect
  • Intersperse
  • Intertwine
  • Intervene
  • Interview
  • Intimidate
  • Intoxicate
  • Introduce
  • Intrude
  • Intuit
  • Inundate
  • Invade
  • Invalidate
  • Invent
  • Inventory
  • Invert
  • Invest
  • Investigate
  • Invite
  • Invoke
  • Involve
  • Ionize
  • Irradiate
  • Irrigate
  • Isolate
  • Italicize
  • Iterate
  • Itinerate

A photo showing a list of I verbs.

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What are common verbs that start with I? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with I.

As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with I you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more I verbs you’ll learn.

Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter I verbs vocabulary.

Verbs That Start With I are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the I verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!

Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!

Here are four letter verbs starting with I, five letter verbs starting with I, six letter verbs starting with I, seven letter verbs starting with I, and eight letter verbs starting with I in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the I verbs.

5 Letter I verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter I verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.

Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets

Here are verbs that start with I in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.

It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with I; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.

The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with I is for you. All these I verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.

igg iambize intertwine
imp idolise intertwist
ink idolize interunite
IRC illapse intervisit
ire ill-use intervolve
irk imagine interweave
ish imbargo inthronize
idle imbathe intimidate
iggy imblaze intoxicate
imp. imbosom intreasure
inch imbound introgress
ind. imbowel introspect
init imbower invaginate
iris imbrace invalidate
iron imbrown inveterate
itch imbrute invigilate
ithe imitate invigorate
image immerse iodinating
imbar immould Iranianise
imbay impaint Iranianize
imbed impalsy irradicate
imbow impanel irregulate
imbox impaste Islamicize
imbue impasto island-hop
immew impeach isotropize
immit impearl Italianate
immix imperil Italianise
impel impinge Italianize
impen implant immanentise
imply implode immanentize
inawe implore immiserated
inbox impound immortalise
incur impower immortalize
indef impowre immunolabel
indew impress immunoprobe
index imprest impatronize
indow imprint imperialise
ineye improve imperialize
infer impulse impersonate
infix inaugur impignorate
ingle inbelch importunate
ingot inbland impoverisht
inkle inblind impropriate
inlaw inboard improvisate
inlay inbound impulse buy
inlet inbreak inbreathing
innew inbreed incarcerate
inorb inbring incardinate
input inbuild incarnadine
inset incense incentivise
insue inchant incentivize
inter inchase incommodate
inure incline incorporate
inurn inclose incriminate
is go incloud individuate
isn’t include infantilise
issue incurve infantilize
ixnay indef’d informalize
ice up indorse informatise
ideate indread informatize
ignify indulge infranchise
ignite indwell infrigidate
ignore inearth infulminate
illude inexist ingathering
illume infeoff ingerminate
illure infield ingravidate
imagin infight ingurgitate
imbalm inflame inquisition
imband inflate inside edge
imbank inflect insonicated
imbark inflesh inspiriting
imbarn inflict inspissated
imbase inforce instance in
imbibe ingorge instanciate
imbody ingraff instantiate
imboil ingraft instimulate
imbosk ingrain instimulate
imboss ingrave insufflated
immask ingress intemperate
immune ingross intentioned
immure ingulph inter-being
immute inhabit intercalate
impact inhance interchange
impair inheart intercommon
impale inherit intercouple
impalm inherse intercourse
impark inhibit interdepend
imparl initial interdevour
impart injoint interfinger
impave injunct interfolded
impawn inkling interfusing
impede inlarge interiorise
impest inlight interloping
imping innerve intermating
imploy inquere intermeddle
impone inquiet intermingle
impoor inquire internalise
import insculp internalize
import inserve interpledge
impose inshell interpolate
impugn inshure interrelate
impure inslave interrogate
impute insnare interscribe
inable insnarl intersperse
inarch inspect intersplice
inbear inspire interstitch
inbeat install intertangle
inbend instamp intravasate
inbind instate inturbidate
inblow insteep inventorize
in-box instill investigate
inburn instore inveterated
incage instrew invigourate
incarn intered invisiblize
incase interne irreconcile
incask intitle isochronize
incave intreat isomerizing
incend intrude isotropized
incent intrunk illiberalise
incept intrust illiberalize
incest intwine imbastardize
incide intwist imbecilitate
incise inurned immunopurify
incite invalid impassionate
incoop inveigh imposthumate
inculk invenom improve upon
incuse inverse incapacitate
incute invigor incastellate
incyst invoice incastellate
indart involve incestualize
indear inweave indoctrinate
indebt inwheel infenestrate
indent inwrite insolubilise
indict iodised insolubilize
indraw iotized instrengthen
induce Iranify interanimate
induct isolate interbedding
indure isotope intercommune
infall itemise intercompare
infame itemize interconnect
infang iterate interconvert
infant ice fish interdiffuse
infect ice over interfolding
infest ice-jack interfoliate
infile idealise interinvolve
infill idealize interlarding
infilm identify intermediate
infirm idiotize intermention
inflex ignorize internetting
inflow illtreat internetwork
infold illumine interoperate
inform illustre interpellate
infuse imbezzle interplaying
ingage imbitter intertwingle
ingest imblazon interwreathe
ingrow imbolden introgressed
ingulf imborder intussuscept
inhære immanate iridectomise
inhale immantle iridectomize
inhere immingle irreconciled
inhive immolate irregularize
inhold immunify immaterialise
inhoop immunise immaterialize
inhume immunize immunoblotted
inject impallid immunocapture
injoin impanate immunoexpress
injure impannel immunoinhibit
injury impeople immunoisolate
inknit impester immunolabeled
inknot impierce immunoprotect
inlace impledge impersonalise
inlard implunge impersonalize
inlead impocket improvisatize
inline impoison inconvenience
inlist impolder individualise
inlive imprison individualize
inlock improper industrialise
inpour impurify industrialize
inrage impurple inquire after
inrail inaurate interdiffused
inroad inborrow interdigitate
inroll incastle interlaminate
inrush inchaunt intermeddling
inseam inchoate interosculate
insert incircle interpermeate
insist incomber intertwisting
insoul incorpse irrationalise
instal increase irrationalize
instar increate immunolabeling
instil incubate immunolocalise
instop incumber immunolocalize
insuck indagate immunomodulate
insult indamage immunotolerize
insume indanger impassionating
insure indeavor impermeabilize
intail indebted include me out
intake indeffed independentize
intend indevour Indian wrestle
intern indicate ineffectualize
intern indrench informationize
intice indurate instinctualize
intomb inescate intercalibrate
intone infallen intercorrelate
intort infamise interinfluence
intrap infamize interlaminated
intuit infeeble interlinearize
intune infilter interpenetrate
inturn infringe interpret away
invade infumate interracialize
invect ingather iodoalkoxylate
inveil ingender itch the ditch
invent ingendre immunolabelling
invert ingroove instant message
invest inhaunce intellectualise
invite inhearse intellectualize
invoke inhumate intercessionate
inwall initiate interconverting
inwomb inleague interilluminate
inwone inlining intertextualize
inwood inlumine immunocompromise
inwork innerup’ immunomodulating
inwrap innodate impulse purchase
iodate innovate institutionalise
iodine inodiate institutionalize
iodise insconce intentional walk
iodize inscribe intercommunicate
ionise inscroll interculturalize
ionize insearch internationalise
iotize insheath internationalize
irrupt inshrine immunoprecipitate
irrupt insolate improve the occasion
island insonate

Also Check: Definite and indefinite articles Worksheet and Active and Passive Voice Worksheets!

Verbs That Start With I Info Graphics

Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with I infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.

ESLBlock offers flashcards, free kindergarten worksheets, free preschool worksheets, and Online Quizzes.


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Also Read: Sentence Structures Worksheets

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Recap of what we just learned

  • Verbs Start With I
  • Verbs Start With I List
  • Verbs Start With I Info Graphics

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