Verb tenses exercises word

Предлагаю Вам подборку разноуровневых упражнений на отработку темы «Времена глагола» в английском языке. Уровень упражнений варьируется от Pre-Intermediate до Upper – Intermediate. В упражнениях проверяется только активный залог. Все упражнения предлагаются с ответами. English Tenses Exercises are here! 

Вы также можете пройти тест на времена английского глагола.

Упражнения на времена английского глагола. Уровень Pre-Intermediate.

Упражнение 1. Join the two parts of sentences.

1. Fred plays tennis…

2. Fred is playing tennis…

3. Fred has played tennis…

4. Fred played tennis…

5. Fred was playing tennis…

6. Fred will play tennis…

a) every Monday.

b) for several times.

c) at the moment.

d) at that time.

e) next Monday.

f) when he was 15.

Упражнение 2. Copy the sentences and note if they refer to the present, past or future. Write the tense against each sentence.

Example: He cut his finger with a knife. (Simple Past)

  1. He often cuts himself.
  2. What time did John arrive?
  3. I never forget anything.
  4. Are you sitting comfortably?
  5. We drank a lot of Coke at the party.
  6. It was raining all night.
  7. The train will leave in a few minutes.
  8. I put on a clean shirt yesterday.

Упражнение 3. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple Past, Simple Present, Present Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

  1. I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner.
  2. You __________ (buy) this book yesterday?
  3. Last Friday Jill __________ (go) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film.
  4. When your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening?
  5. Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present.
  6. What those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road?
  7. You __________ (read) this book?
  8. While Fred __________ (sleep), Judy __________ (watch) TV.
  9. When I __________ (be) young, I __________ (think) Mary  __________ (be) nice — but now I  __________ (think) she’s fantastic.
  10. Jill __________ (walk) home when she __________ (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema
  11. Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school.
  12. Jack’s father __________ (not work) in London — he __________ (not speak) English.
  13. Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday.
  14. Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts.
  15. While you __________ (sleep), mother __________ (arrive).

Упражнение 4. Исправьте ошибки.

  1. When she was younger, she has played tennis every day.
  2. It’s already 10:00, but Jane hasn’t finished her homework already.
  3. Joe crashed his car three times since Christmas.
  4. Did you done your homework, or have you been watching TV?
  5. Karl has been driving since five years.
  6. This hotel has been already in business for twenty years.

Упражнения на времена английского глагола. Уровень Intermediate.

Упражнение 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous).

  1. Alice … (not to take) the bus to school every day. She usually … (to walk) to school…
  2. (to take) … you the bus to get to school or … (to walk) you?
  3. Who is this man? I … (to think) that I … (to know) him, but I … (to forget) his name.
  4. The children … (to have) a good time in the park yesterday. They … (to give) small pieces of bread to the ducks. Then they … (to take) pictures of themselves.
  5. Where are the children? They … (to watch) TV in the room now. Some minutes ago they … (to play) a game.
  6. Now I am in my class. I… (to sit) at my desk. I always … (to sit) at the same desk.

Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous или поставьте конструкцию to be going + to inf.

  1. When you_____ (know) your examination results?
  2. Kathy_____ (travel) to Caracas next month to attend a conference.
  3. Do you have any plans for lunch today? — I _____ (meet) Shannon at the Sham Cafe in an hour. Do you want to join us?
  4. I ____ (buy) a bicycle for my son for his birthday next month. Do you know anything about bikes for kids? — Sure. What do you want to know?
  5. How do you like your new job? — I don’t start it until tomorrow. I_____ (give) you an answer next week.
  6. I suppose he_____ (talk) about his new invention.
  7. Why are you packing your suitcase? — I_____ (leave) for Los Angeles in a couple of hours.
  8. My regular doctor, Dr. Jordan, _____ (attend) a conference in Las Vegas next week, so I hope I _____ (meet) her partner, Dr. Peterson, when I _____ (go) for my appointment next Friday.
  9. What time class _____ (begin) tomorrow morning? — It_____ (begin) at eight o’clock sharp.
  10. The coffee shop _____ (open) at seven o’clock tomorrow morning. I’ll meet you there at 7:15. — Okay. I’ll be there.

Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в Future Continuous, Present Continuous, Future Simple или поставьте конструкцию to be going + to inf.

  1. At 5 o’clock tomorrow he _______ (work).
  2. He can’t come at noon tomorrow because he _______ (give) a lesson at that time.
  3. She_______ (read) an interesting book the whole evening tomorrow.
  4. At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning he_______ (talk) to his friend.
  5. You will recognize her when you see her. She_______ (wear) a yellow hat.
  6. He_______ (have a party) on Saturday 4th December in London at 10 pm.
  7. In the next days you _______ (visit) famous sights.
  8. Jeanne and Paul_______ (move) to London next month.
  9. Leave the washing up. -I _______ (do) it later.
  10. This time tomorrow I _______ (lie) on the beach.
  11. Look out! You _______ (spill) your tea!

Упражнение 8. Упражнение раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple.

  1. Aren’t you about to finish with the dishes? You _______ (wash) the dishes for thirty minutes or more. How long can it take you to wash the dishes?
  2. We _______ (go) to the Steak House restaurant many times. The food is excellent.
  3. A: What is that sound? B: A car alarm  _______ (ring) somewhere down the street. It  _______ (drive) me crazy —I wish it would stop! It  _______ (ring) for more than twenty minutes.
  1. Can you translate this note from Stockholm? I understood Swedish when I _______ (be) a child, but I _______  (forget) it all.
  2. What’s that dent in the side of the car? You _______ (have) an accident?
  3. I’m sorry, John’s not here; he _______ (go) to the dentist. He _______ (have) trouble with a tooth for some time.
  4. This cassette recorder is broken. You _______ (play) about with it?
  5. Your Italian is very good. You _______ (study) it long?
  6. Do you mind if I clear the table? You _______ (have) enough to eat?
  7. Ann never _______ (go) camping. She _______ (not sleep) in a tent.
  8. Frank, where have you been? We _______ (wait) for you since 1 p.m.
  9. I’m not surprised he _______ (fail) that exam. He _______ (not / work) hard recently.

Упражнение 9. Pаскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple или Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Oh no! The children _______ (cook). Look at the state of this kitchen!
  2. How many times Wendy _______ (be) late for work this week?
  3. I’m going to give that cat some food. It _______ (sit) on the doorstep for hours. I’m sure it’s starving.
  4. I _______ (do) grammar exercises all morning. I deserve a treat for lunch.
  5. You _______ (not / buy) your mother a present? That’s really mean of you.
  6. She _______ (work) in Australia for 2 years. Then she moved.
  7. Now where are my keys? This is the third time I _______ (lose) them today
  8. You _______ (ever/play) chess? You should try it. I’m sure it’s the sort that you’d like.
  9. Oh do be quiet. You _______ (grumble) all day!
  10. Your tennis _______ (really / improve)! You _______ (practice) in secret?

Упражнения на времена английского глагола. Уровень Upper -Intermediate.

Упражнение 10. Подчеркните правильно выбранное время.

  1. I am writing in connection with the advertisement which appeared / has appeared on 12 April.
  2. I originally studied/ have studied chemistry at university. I graduated / have been graduating with a first-class degree.
  3. I now completed / have now completed a postgraduate degree in administration.
  4. I’ve been trying / I’ve tried to find a permanent job for a considerable time.
  5. Indeed, I have already worked /I have already been working for several companies on a temporary basis.
  6. In my first job, I was / have been responsible for marketing,
  7. I’ve been applying / have applied for several posts this year but I did not manage / have not managed to find what I’m looking for.
  8. The last job I applied / have applied for required applicants to speak some Japanese,
  9. I started learning / have been learning Spanish a few months ago I did not obtain / have not obtained a qualification in it yet.
  10. I did not apply / have not applied for a job with your company before.
  11. I hoped / have hoped that you would consider my application favourably.
  12. However, I have been waiting/ have waited for a reply for weeks and I still have not received / did not receive any answer.

Упражнение 11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple или Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Today is Thursday, and John ________ (be) late twice this week; he________ (be) late yesterday and on Monday.
  2. I first________ (meet) George a month ago, and I ________ (meet) him several times since then.
  3. It is October now, and we ________ (do) a lot of work this year; we ________ (do) a lot last year too.
  4. She ________ (buy) a coat last winter, but she________ (not / buy) a new dress since 2008.
  5. It’s only the middle of the month, and he________ (spend) (already) most of his salary; he ________ (spend) $60 yesterday,
  6. I ________ (break) my leg in 1991, but I ________ (break) (never) my arm.
  7. He’s over sixty, and he’s still working. He ________ (work) hard all his life. When he ________ (be) a young man, he sometimes ________ (work) all night.
  8. The postman ________ (come) at eight yesterday, but it’s now half past eight and he ________ (not / come) yet.
  9. Today is May 25th. Ted ________ (not / be) absent this month.
  10. He ________ (feel) extremely ill when he went to hospital, but he ________ (feel) much better since he came out of hospital a month ago.


Упражнение 1.

1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – b, 4 – f,5 – d, 6 – e.

Упражнение 2.

1 Present Simple/indefinite, 2 Past Simple/Indefinite, 3 Present Simple/indefinite, 4 Present Continuous/Progressive, 5 Past Simple/Indefinite, 6 Past Continuous/Progressive, 7 Future Simple / Indefinite, 8 Past Simple/Indefinite

Упражнение 3.

1 was listening / was cooking, 2 did you buy, 3 went / wanted, 4 does your brother usually get, 5  brings, 6 are people doing, 7 have you read, 8 was sleeping / was watching, 9 was /thought /was / think, 10 was walking / saw, 11 are running, 12 doesn’t work / doesn’t speak, 13 bought, 14 goes, 15 were sleeping / arrived.

Упражнение 4.

1 has played ->played, 2 already -> yet, 3 crashed -> has crashed, 4 Did ->have, 5 since -> for, 6 has been already -> has already been

Упражнение 5.

1 doesn’t take /walks, 2 Do you take / Do you walk, 3 think / know /have forgotten, 4 had / gave /took, 5 are watching / were playing, 6 am sitting / sit

Упражнение 6.

1 will you know, 2 is travelling, 3 am meeting, 4 am going to buy, 5 will give, 6 is going to talk, 7 am leaving, 8 is attending / will meet /go, 9 does class begin / begins, 10 opens.

Упражнение 7.

1 will be working, 2 will be giving, 3 will be reading, 4 will be talking, 5 will be wearing, 6 will be having / is having, 7 will visit, 8 are moving, 9 will do, 10 will be lying, 11 will spill

Упражнение 8.

1 have been washing, 2 have gone, 3 is ringing/ is driving /has been ringing, 4 was /have forgotten, 5 have you had, 6 has gone / has had,  7 have you played, 8 have you been studying, 9 have you had, 10 has never gone / has never slept, 11 have been waiting, 12 has failed, hasn’t been working

Упражнение 9.

1 have been cooking, 2 has Wendy been, 3 has been sitting, 4 have been doing, 5 haven’t you bought, 6 worked, 7 have lost, 8 have you ever played, 9 have been grumbling, 10 has really improved, have you practiced

Упражнение 10

1 appeared, 2 studied / graduated, 3 have now completed, 4 I’ve been trying, 5 have already worked, 6 was, 7 have applied / have not managed, 8 applied, 9 started learning/ have not obtained, 10 have not applied, 11 have hoped, 12 have been waiting/ have not received

Упражнение 11.

1 has been / was, 2 met /have met, 3 have done / did, 4 bought / hasn’t bought, 5 has already spent / spent, 6 broke / have never broken, 7 has been working hard / was / worked, 8 came / hasn’t come, 9 hasn’t been, 10 felt / has felt

 На сайте есть упражнения на все времена английского глагола, а также примеры предложений в разных временах. Найти все это можно в рубрике ВРЕМЕНА.

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Improve your English with these exercises on verb tenses, passive and active voice, and conditionals. Good luck!

Exercise Group #1: Simple & Progressive Tenses (Past, Present, Future)

  1. It (rain) now. Let’s stay inside.
  2. Water (boil) at 100 degrees.
  3. Peter (cook) dinner when his phone rang.
  4. I think I (order) pizza tonight.
  5. She (move) to Australia last year.
  6. The new store (open) next month, on February 1st.
  7. My uncle is rich. He (own) a big house.


  1. Use the present progressive with the keyword now.
  2. Present simple — this is a general truth/fact.
  3. Use past progressive when one longer action (cooking) is interrupted by a shorter one (the phone ringing)
  4. Use ‘will’ when a future action is just decided or is a possibility (i.e. it is not something that was planned a long time ago).
  5. Use past simple with ‘last year’ because this is a finished time in the past.
  6. Use ‘is going to open’ or ‘is opening’ to talk about planned events in the future.
  7. Use present simple for the verb own, a state verb that is never used in the progressive tenses.

Exercise Group #2: Perfect Tenses (Present, Past, Future)

(For help, see our pages on the difference between present perfect and past simple, and past perfect vs past simple.)

  1. It (be) very warm recently. I love this weather.
  2. My dad (not/try) sushi until last night. He liked it.
  3. We (study) for four hours. Let’s go home.
  4. By the end of this year, John (work) for 40 years at his company.
  5. I couldn’t buy anything because I  (forget) my wallet at home.
  6. The road is closed because there (be) an accident.


  1. Use present perfect with the keyword recently.
  2. Use past perfect to describe an action or state that continued from one point in the past until another in the past. Here the action is not trying sushi, which continued from your dad’s birth until last night.
  3. Use present perfect progressive to focus on the duration of an action that started in the past and continues until now.
  4. Use future perfect with the phrase «By the» + future time period. E.g. By the time we pass away, the world’s population will have started to decrease.’
  5. Use past perfect to describe actions (forgetting your wallet) that happened before another past section (not buying anything).
  6. Use present perfect to describe actions that have just happened or that have some connection to now. Because the road is closed (present), it’s more natural to use the present perfect (there has been an accident) here because this implies a connection with now. If the sentence was the road was closed, then it would be natural to continue to use the past tense (there was an accident) because the action is finished and in the past.

a person reading a book

She is reading a book. She has read half of it so far.

Exercise Group #3: Verb Tense in Questions

(For help, see our lessons on making WH-Questions and Yes/No Questions).

  1. A: When (you/join) the company? / B: Two years ago.
  2. A: (you/ever/ live) abroad? / B: No, I haven’t.
  3. A: Excuse me. (you/have) a dollar I can borrow? / B: Sorry, I don’t have any money on me.
  4. A: How long (you/had) a cold? / B: Two weeks. I hope I get better soon.
  5. A: How often (you/exercise) nowadays? / B: Three times a week.
  6. A: (be) the movie interesting? / B: No, it was boring.
  7. A: (you/see) my keys? I can’t find them. / B: No. Sorry.
  8. A: (you/ask) your boss for a raise? / B: Yes, I plan to do it on Friday.


  1. Use past simple for finished actions in the past.
  2. Use present perfect to ask about life experiences.
  3. Present simple
  4. Use present perfect for actions that started in the past and continue until now.
  5. Use present simple with the keyword ‘nowadays’.
  6. Present simple + adjective
  7. Your keys are lost now. For actions that started in the past and have a connection with now, use present perfect. Here, have you seen my keys is the same as Have you seen my keys (since I lost them)? 
  8. For a future planned action, use ‘BE + going to’ or present continuous.

Exercise Group #4: All Verb Tenses

  1. Brian is still working. He (not/finish) his assignment yet.
  2. We (play) football when Tina hurt her ankle.
  3. It (rain) all day. I wish it (stop).
  4. Ben (live) in Europe for two years when he was a young adult.
  5. While you (be) out, I cleaned the house.
  6. Mrs. Johnson (take) her car to a mechanic later today because it is making a strange noise.
  7. This is the third time my phone (stop) working. I need a new one.
  8. I didn’t like my job at first, but I (start) to enjoy it now.
  9. The students (work) for four hours, so they decided to take a break.


  1. Use present perfect with the keyword ‘yet’.
  2. Use present progressive when focusing on a longer action (playing football) that was interrupted by a shorter one (hurting an ankle).
  3. Use present perfect continuous to focus on the duration of an act that continued in the past until the present. // Use ‘would + verb’ after wish when talking about an action that you wish someone or something else would do. (Here, you wish the weather would stop; you are talking about an action that something else (the weather) is doing).
  4. Past simple. This is a finished action.
  5. Past simple. This is a finished action.
  6. Use BE + going to or present progressive (‘is taking’) for future plans.
  7. Use present perfect for actions that occur over a period. (Here, the implied period is the period which you’ve had your phone; during this time, it has broken three times.)
  8. Use present progressive with the keyword ‘now’.
  9. Use past perfect progressive to focus on the duration (four hours) of an action that occurred in the past (studying) before another action (taking a break).

Exercise Group #5: Conditional Tenses (Present Real, Unreal,

(For help and more exercises, see our first and second conditional page or review our conditional table.)

  1. If I (be) you, I’d get a hair cut.
  2. If she (pass) the test, she’ll be quite happy.
  3. If it (rain), the streets get wet.
  4. I don’t know what I (do) if I ran out of money.
  5. If the store (raise) prices, customers will shop elsewhere.
  6. Joseph (buy) a new car if he had more money.


  1. Present Unreal (2nd) Conditional = past simple, + would/could/might + verb. (Note: You could use ‘was’ here though most grammar textbooks prefer using ‘were’ with the present unreal conditional.
  2. Present Real (1st) Conditional. This is a real possibility. = present simple, will + verb
  3. Zero Conditional. This is used to describe general truths/facts. = present simple, present simple
  4. Present Unreal Conditional. Fact: You haven’t run out of money. Unreal condition:  if you did, you don’t know what you would do.
  5. Present Real Conditional. This means the sentence presents a real possibility.
  6. Present Unreal Conditional. Fact: He doesn’t have more money. Unreal condition: if he had more money, he would buy a car.

Exercise Group #6: Conditional Tenses (Past Unreal,  Mixed), Wish, and Unless

  1. If Harry (study) harder as a child, he might have a better job now.
  2. If I had known it was a costume party, I (wear) a costume.
  3. I wish I (not/spend) so much money on clothes.
  4. Lily wishes her children (help) more with the chores. She’s tired.
  5. The fans (be) angry if their team had lost. Thankfully, the team won.
  6. People (communicate) much differently today if the Internet hadn’t been invented.
  7. Unless you (have) a question, then let’s continue studying.


  1. This is a mixed conditional. Past condition + present result.
  2. Past Unreal (Third) conditional. Past condition (had + past participle), Past result (would/could/might + base verb).
  3. Use wish + had + past participle to describe a wish about a past action.
  4. Use wish + would + verb because Lily is taking about an action she would like someone else to do.
  5. Past Unreal (Third) conditional. Past result, past condition (the clauses are reversed, but this doesn’t change the meaning)
  6. This is a mixed conditional. Present result, past condition.
  7. Unless is the same as «If …not…». This sentence has the same meaning as «If you do not have a question, then let’s continue studying.»

Exercise Group #7: Verb Tense with Passive and Active Voice

(See our page for help on active and passive voice).

  1. Jose (raise) in a small town.
  2. His mother (raise) him all by herself.
  3. The Bible is the world’s most translated book. It (translated) into over 2000 languages.
  4. The safety rules (not/follow), so an accident happened.
  5. A: I’m hungry! / B: Be patient. Dinner (make) right now.
  6. The company (announce) that it would hire 300 more employees.
  7. Because the medicine  (not/test) properly, it was not approved for public use.
  8. The new president  (interview) on TV right now. Let’s watch.
  9. «If you don’t cooperate, you (ask) to leave


  1. Past simple with passive voice. Passive voice is BE + past participle. Because this sentence is in the past, the verb ‘BE’ is conjugated in the past (was).
  2. Active voice in past simple.  His mother is the subject of the sentence, and she is agent who is doing the verb ‘raise’. She raised him.
  3. Use present perfect to describe an action that started in the past and continuing until now. We are using the passive voice (been + translated) because the subject of the sentence is ‘the bible’, which is the object of the verb translate.
  4. Past simple with passive voice
  5. Use present progressive with the keyword ‘now’. Also, use passive voice because the subject ‘dinner’ is actually the object of the verb ‘prepare’.
  6. Active voice in past simple
  7. Past perfect (had + past participle) + passive voice (BE + past participle) = had not been tested
  8. Use present progressive with the keyword ‘now’. This is the same as #5.
  9. Future tense + passive voice. All possible answers: will be asked/may be asked/might be asked/are going to be asked/could be asked

I hope these verb tense exercises have been useful. If you find a mistake in the worksheet or have a question, please leave a comment below.

— Matthew Barton / Creator of (copyright)

Related Pages:

  • Keywords & Verb Tense Exercises
  • Subject Verb-Agreement Exercises
  • Passive Voice Exercises
  • Verb Tense Review Quiz (Intermediate)

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Групповая сортировка

от Smart16

Spotlight 8, Module 1, 1c, All tenses

Spotlight 8, Module 1, 1c, All tenses
Групповая сортировка

от Englishtutor1

Spotlight 8

Spotlight 8, Module 1, 1c All tenses

Spotlight 8, Module 1, 1c All tenses
Пропущенное слово

от Englishtutor1

Spotlight 8

all tenses chart

all tenses chart
Диаграмма с метками

от Featheryprodigy

TT all tenses review

TT all tenses review
Случайное колесо

от Helendoron

Passive voice all tenses

Passive voice all tenses
Пропущенное слово

от Acrawford2711

All Tenses Year 6

All Tenses Year 6
Случайное колесо

от Gokhfeldoxana

All future tenses - speaking (Pr S., Pr Cont., Future simple, be going to)

All future tenses — speaking (Pr S., Pr Cont., Future simple, be going to)
Случайное колесо

от Nordsway


Pre-Intermediate 23 (dreams + all the tenses learnt so far)

Pre-Intermediate 23 (dreams + all the tenses learnt so far)
Найди пару

от Apple110596

EF U6 All tenses

EF U6 All tenses
Перевернуть плитки

от Hop

All tenses 1

All tenses 1
Пропущенное слово

от Olshigina

All tenses (discussion)

All tenses (discussion)
Случайные карты

от Comfortablynumb

All Tenses + Passive 7

All Tenses + Passive 7
Выиграй или проиграй викторину

от Planetenglish74

Pre-Intermediate 23 (dreams + all the tenses learnt so far)

Pre-Intermediate 23 (dreams + all the tenses learnt so far)

от Apple110596

Pre-Intermediate 23 (dreams + all the tenses learnt so far)

Pre-Intermediate 23 (dreams + all the tenses learnt so far)
Случайные карты

от Apple110596

All-tenses questions 3

All-tenses questions 3
Откройте поле

от Olshigina

All Tenses - ACTIVE

All Tenses — ACTIVE
Откройте поле

от Maryys

All-tenses questions

All-tenses questions
Откройте поле

от Elenakats1978

Football Tenses

Football Tenses

от Marian2014

Present and Past Tenses
Spotlight 7
Spotlight 8

all tenses revision

all tenses revision
Случайное колесо

от 610609q

 Questions all tenses

Questions all tenses
Случайные карты

от Grishacheva

All tenses 2

All tenses 2
Перевернуть плитки

от Olshigina

 All tenses (pre-int)

All tenses (pre-int)
Перевернуть плитки

от Hop

All tenses (discussion) 5

All tenses (discussion) 5
Случайные карты

от Olshigina

All tenses build

All tenses build
Случайные карты

от Irina04pak

All tenses (discussion) - review

All tenses (discussion) — review
Случайные карты

от Hop

be all simple tenses

be all simple tenses
Случайные карты

от Gruzdeva199022

All tenses check

All tenses check

от Savelyevaelizav

All tenses - clothes talk

All tenses — clothes talk
Привести в порядок

от Maryys

passive unjumble all tenses

passive unjumble all tenses
Привести в порядок

от U67858654


All tenses (discussion)

All tenses (discussion)
Случайные карты

от Mspashko

Short answers. All tenses.

Short answers. All tenses.
Случайное колесо

от Galinavitalievnag

all tenses revision

all tenses revision
Случайное колесо

от 610609q

 all tenses ff3

all tenses ff3
Случайные карты

от Annaralovec

Interactive worksheet Present simple - present continuous - past simple

Present simple — present continuous — past simple

Grade/level: Elementary
by Mar_Blancafort

Interactive worksheet Present simple, present continuous, past simple and past continuous

Present simple, present continuous, past simple and past continuous

Grade/level: A2/B1
by rarean

Interactive worksheet Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous

Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous

Grade/level: The beginners
by mashilo27

Interactive worksheet Tense forms revision and Past Simple reading comprehension

Tense forms revision and Past Simple reading comprehension

Grade/level: 9,10,11
by TeacherEve

Interactive worksheet Mixed Tense Practice

Mixed Tense Practice

Grade/level: B1
by kardostundev

Interactive worksheet Past simple, present perfect, present perfect continuous

Past simple, present perfect, present perfect continuous

Grade/level: Pre-Intermediate

Interactive worksheet 4 tenses revision

4 tenses revision

Grade/level: pre-intermediate
by mada_1

Interactive worksheet Future forms will, going to, present continuous

Future forms will, going to, present continuous

Grade/level: pre interm
by silvianeider

Interactive worksheet Mixed tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple

Mixed tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple

Grade/level: elementary
by missmarina_21

Interactive worksheet Tenses


Grade/level: preintermediate
by jecika

Interactive worksheet All tenses (active - passive voice)2

All tenses (active — passive voice)2

Grade/level: Intermediate
by makeover

Interactive worksheet Present simple-progressive, Past simple-progressive

Present simple-progressive, Past simple-progressive

Grade/level: Intermediate
by makeover

Interactive worksheet Cycling with friends in the country

Cycling with friends in the country

Grade/level: Pre-intermediate
by olgavillanua



Grade/level: pre-intermediate
by Poliana

Interactive worksheet Mixed tenses

Mixed tenses

Grade/level: grade 8
by bjan1

Interactive worksheet Verb Tenses Review - Mixed

Verb Tenses Review — Mixed

Grade/level: ESLBO
by mpadfield

Interactive worksheet Past Simple VS Present Simple

Past Simple VS Present Simple

Grade/level: 6th
by juliana_flores

Interactive worksheet Simple present vs present continuous

Simple present vs present continuous

Grade/level: 6
by TeacherAmira_07

Interactive worksheet Going to-will-present continuous

Going to-will-present continuous

Grade/level: Intermediate
by Mergiona

Interactive worksheet Present & Past Tenses

Present & Past Tenses

Grade/level: Intermediate
by makeover

Interactive worksheet Mixed tense

Mixed tense

Grade/level: Pre-intermediate
by htrangtran6585

Interactive worksheet All tenses mix

All tenses mix

Grade/level: ADVANCED
by ysabeltarrillo

Interactive worksheet All tenses (active - passive voice)3

All tenses (active — passive voice)3

Grade/level: Intermediate
by makeover



Grade/level: elementary
by asungilsanz

Interactive worksheet Mixed tenses

Mixed tenses

Grade/level: A2-B1
by 17040371

Interactive worksheet To Be--Past, Present, Future

To Be—Past, Present, Future

Grade/level: 4th
by mj362180

Interactive worksheet Past Simple vs Past Perfect

Past Simple vs Past Perfect

Grade/level: 4
by lizavetta87

Interactive worksheet Tense revision

Tense revision

Grade/level: Bachillerato year 1
by MrMarcos

Interactive worksheet Mixed verb tense gap fill exercises

Mixed verb tense gap fill exercises

Grade/level: B1
by michsky

Interactive worksheet Real stories in the news

Real stories in the news

Grade/level: A1/A2
by diegomdq

Interactive worksheet Present Simple, Present Continuous, will or be going to?

Present Simple, Present Continuous, will or be going to?

Grade/level: int
by life_line

Interactive worksheet Simple Past, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive

Simple Past, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive

Grade/level: 9th
by caroline_kuech

Interactive worksheet TENSES  REVISION 1


Grade/level: 4º ESO
by MissIsabel

Interactive worksheet Mix tense Study-1

Mix tense Study-1

Grade/level: Intermediate
by huseyindemirtas

Interactive worksheet All tenses (active - passive voice)

All tenses (active — passive voice)

Grade/level: Intermediate
by makeover

Interactive worksheet Present (perfect) - Past (perfect)

Present (perfect) — Past (perfect)

Grade/level: Intermediate
by makeover

Interactive worksheet Tenses review - present simple, continuous and past simple

Tenses review — present simple, continuous and past simple

Grade/level: Pre-intermediate
by Perrine_Leclercq

Interactive worksheet All tenses

All tenses

Grade/level: Intermediate
by makeover

Interactive worksheet Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect Simple - 2

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect Simple — 2

Grade/level: Intermediate
by MeritESLResources

Interactive worksheet Present Continuous or Past Continuous

Present Continuous or Past Continuous

Grade/level: 6th
by juliana_flores

Interactive worksheet Czasy - powtórka do E8

Czasy — powtórka do E8

Grade/level: 8
by Natalia_Stepka

Interactive worksheet Present simple, continuous, past simple and future simple

Present simple, continuous, past simple and future simple

Grade/level: Pre intermediate
by YaminaB

Interactive worksheet Enola Holmes - Mixed Tenses

Enola Holmes — Mixed Tenses

Grade/level: Upper-Int to FCE
by Miss_Andrea

Interactive worksheet Mixed tense

Mixed tense

Grade/level: 10
by yennhitrinh

Interactive worksheet Beginners multiple choice test - 1

Beginners multiple choice test — 1

Grade/level: beginner
by AntonioOliver

Interactive worksheet Present and Past Continuous

Present and Past Continuous

Grade/level: Intermediate
by Lara2016

Interactive worksheet Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous

Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous

Grade/level: The beginners
by mashilo27

Interactive worksheet Present perfect and past simple

Present perfect and past simple

Grade/level: B1
by esruca12

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Learn English Vocabulary Through Pictures with 150 Topics

Vocabulary Exercises A1

English Vocabulary Exercises for A1 with Answers.

Vocabulary Exercises A2

English Vocabulary Exercises for A2 with Answers.

Vocabulary Exercises B1

English Vocabulary Exercises for B1 with Answers.

Vocabulary Exercises B2

English Vocabulary Exercises for B2 with Answers.


FULL Grammar Exercises

FULL English Grammar Exercises with Answers

Verbs and Tenses Exercises

English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations


Grammar Exercises A1

English Grammar Exercises for A1 with Answers


Grammar Exercises A2

English Grammar Exercises for A2 with Answers


Grammar Exercises B1

English Grammar Exercises for B1 with Answers


Grammar Exercises B2

English Grammar Exercises for B2 with Answers

Listening Exercises A1

English Listening Exercises for A1 with Answers

Listening Exercises A2

English Listening Exercises for A2 with Answers

Listening Exercises B1

English Listening Exercises for B1 with Answers

Listening Exercises B2

English Listening Exercises for B2 with Answers

Listening Tests A1

Practice Listening Tests for A1 with Answers & Transcripts

Listening Tests A2

Practice Listening Tests for A2 with Answers & Transcripts

Listening Tests B1

Practice Listening Tests for B1 with Answers & Transcripts

Listening Tests B2

Practice Listening Tests for B2 with Answers & Transcripts

Word Skills Exercises A1

English Word Skills Exercises for A1 with Answers

Word Skills Exercises A2

English Word Skills Exercises for A2 with Answers

Word Skills Exercises B1

English Word Skills Exercises for B1 with Answers

Word Skills Exercises B2

English Word Skills Exercises for B2 with Answers

Reading Exercises A1

English Reading Exercises for A1 with Answers

Reading ExercisesC A2

English Reading Exercises for A2 with Answers

Reading Exercises B1

English Reading Exercises for B1 with Answers

Reading Exercises B2

English Reading Exercises for B2 with Answers

Speaking Exercises A1

English Speaking Exercises for A1 with Answers

Speaking Exercises A2

English Speaking Exercises for A2 with Answers

Speaking Exercises B1

English Speaking Exercises for B1 with Answers

Speaking Exercises B2

English Speaking Exercises for B2 with Answers


Writing Exercises A1

English Writing Exercises for A1 with Answers


Writing Exercises A2

English Writing Exercises for A2 with Answers


Writing Exercises B1

English Writing Exercises for B1 with Answers


Writing Exercises B2

English Writing Exercises for B2 with Answers

KET (A2)

Practice KET Listening Tests with Answers & Audioscripts

PET (B1)

Practice PET Listening Tests with Answer & Audioscripts

FCE (B2)

Practice FCE Listening Tests with Answer & Audioscripts

Article Level 1

Improve your ability to speak English

Article Level 2

Improve your ability to speak English

Article Level 3

Improve your ability to speak English

Article Level 4

Improve your ability to speak English


Improve your ability to speak English


Listening Practice Through Dictation with Transcripts

English practice

English Verbs and Tenses Exercises

with Answers and Explanations

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