Verb of the word poor

бедный, плохой, низкий, неимущий, бедные, бедняки, беднота, неимущие


- бедный, неимущий, малоимущий

poor peasant — крестьянин-бедняк
poor people — бедные /неимущие/ люди

- бедный, несчастный

poor fellow — бедняга, несчастный
poor beggar /creature, soul, thing/ — бедняга, бедняжка; бедняжечка
poor me! — о, господи!, ай-ай-ай!

- диал. покойный, умерший

my poor old mother — моя покойная мать

- часто ирон., шутл. скромный; жалкий, ничтожный

in my poor opinion — по моему скромному мнению
to the best of my poor abilities — по мере моих скромных сил
my poor retirement — моя скромная уединённая жизнь

- незначительный, небольшой, жалкий

poor reception — плохонький /убогий/ приём
a poor ten shillings — жалкие десять шиллингов
a poor chance for recovery — слабая надежда на выздоровление
the village is but poor five miles from here — деревня находится всего на расстоянии каких-нибудь пяти миль отсюда

- недостаточный, скудный; плохой

poor crop — плохой /низкий/ урожай
poor income — скудные /ничтожные/ доходы
poor supply — недостаточное /плохое/ снабжение

- (in) бедный, скудный (в каком-л. отношении)

poor in coal — с небольшими /с ничтожными/ запасами угля
he became poorer in ideas — мысль его оскудела

- плохой, низкого качества; скверный

- плохой, слабый

poor speaker [player] — слабый оратор [игрок]
to be poor at mathematics — быть слабым в математике
that is a poor consolation — это слабое утешение
he’s a poor driver — он плохо водит машину

- неприятный, плохой, не доставляющий удовольствия

we had a poor time — мы плохо провели время

- дурной, низкий, неблагородный

poor form /sort/ of conduct — дурное /неприличное/ поведение

- неплодородный (о почве)
- непитательный (о продуктах)
- слабый, плохой

poor health — слабое здоровье
in poor condition — в плохом состоянии (о здоровье)

- худой, тощий (о скоте)

poor horse — слабая /тощая/ лошадь

- поношенный, износившийся (об одежде)

Poor Richard — Бедный Ричард (псевдоним В. Франклина)
it’s a poor heart that never rejoices — ≅ заслуживает жалости тот, кто никогда не знает радости
poor as a church mouse — беден как церковная мышь /крыса/
poor as Job — беден как Иов
a /the/ poor relation — кто-л. или что-л. неполноценное, заслуживающее жалости; ≅ бедный родственник
to cut a poor figure — производить жалкое впечатление; плохо выглядеть


- собир. бедные, бедняки, беднота; неимущие

the poor and the rich — бедные и богатые

Мои примеры


a poor boy from the north — бедный парень с Севера  
the chasm between rich and poor — пропасть между богатыми и бедными  
a poor excuse for an automobile — не автомобиль, а одно название  
oblations for aid to the poor — пожертвования на помощь бедным  
the wino’s poor befuddled mind — бедный одурманенный разум этого пьянчужки  
his poor broken-down animal — его бедное обессилевшее животное  
as poor as a church mouse — бедный, как церковная мышь  
to deal out alms to the poor — раздавать милостыню бедным  
to dole out bread to the poor — раздавать хлеб бедным  
to enjoy good (poor) health — отличаться хорошим (плохим) здоровьем  
poor fool — дурачок  
sign of poor form — признак дурного тона  

Примеры с переводом

She came from a poor family.

Она родилась в бедной семье.

I am poor at sport.

Спортсмен из меня никакой. / Спорт — это не моё.

I am a poor swimmer.

Я плохо плаваю. / Пловец из меня плохой.

Oh, you poor thing.

Ах ты, бедняжка!

We were too poor to buy new clothes.

Мы были слишком бедны, чтобы покупать новую одежду.

He’s poor at sports.

Он не силён в спорте. / Из него никудышный спортсмен.

My parents are both in rather poor health.

Оба моих родителя довольно слабого здоровья.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…Juliet’s pitiful lament, “alas, poor Romeo, he is already dead!”….

…pursued a rewarding career providing medical care to poor children in rural areas…

…as a result of her kindliness, several poor families have the makings for a Thanksgiving feast…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

poorly  — плохо, неудачно, скудно, худо, жалко, нездоровый, малолюдный
poorness  — бедность

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): poorer
прев. степ. (superlative): poorest

  • Aghwan: 𐕄𐔼𐕎𐕒𐕡𐔸 (ḳinut)
  • Albanian: varfër (sq)
  • Alemannic German: àrm
  • Arabic: فَقِير (ar) (faqīr)
    Egyptian Arabic: فقير(faʾīr)
    Hijazi Arabic: فقير(fagīr)
  • Armenian: աղքատ (hy) (ałkʿat), չքավոր (hy) (čʿkʿavor), քյասիբ (hy) (kʿyasib) (dialectal, colloquial)
  • Aromanian: aruptu, discultsu, caimen, ftoh, ftohu, oarfãn, fucãrã
  • Asturian: probe
  • Azerbaijani: kasıb (az), yoxsul (az), fağır, füqəra (collective), fağır-füqarə (collective), kasıb-kusub (colloquial, collective), imkansız
  • Bashkir: ярлы (yarlı)
  • Basque: behartsu
  • Belarusian: бе́дны (bjédny)
  • Bengali: গরিব (gorib), মিসকিন (bn) (miśokin), বেচারা (bn) (becara)
  • Bikol Central: pobre (bcl), mahidap
  • Breton: paour (br)
  • Bulgarian: бе́ден (bg) (béden)
  • Burmese: ဆင်းရဲ (my) (hcang:rai:)
  • Catalan: pobre (ca)
  • Chamicuro: pople
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (kung4)
    Mandarin: 貧窮贫穷 (zh) (pínqióng), 貧乏贫乏 (zh) (pínfá),  (zh) (qióng)
    Min Dong: (gṳ̀ng)
  • Czech: chudý (cs) m
  • Dalmatian: pauper
  • Danish: fattig (da)
  • Dutch: arm (nl), armoedig (nl), berooid (nl)
  • Elfdalian: fattin
  • Emilian: pôver (Bolognese)
  • Esperanto: malriĉa (eo)
  • Estonian: vaene
  • Faroese: fátækur
  • Finnish: köyhä (fi)
  • French: pauvre (fr)
  • Friulian: puar, pùar
  • Galician: pobre (gl)
  • Georgian: ღარიბი (ka) (ɣaribi)
  • German: arm (de)
    Pennsylvania German: arm, aarem
  • Gothic: 𐌿𐌽𐌻𐌴𐌸𐍃 (unlēþs), 𐌰𐍂𐌼𐍃 (arms)
  • Greek: φτωχός (el) (ftochós)
    Ancient: πένης (pénēs), πτωχός (ptōkhós)
  • Greenlandic: piitsoq
  • Hawaiian: hoʻohune, hoʻoʻilihune
  • Hebrew: עָנִי (he) (ani), דלת העם(dalat ha’am)
  • Hindi: ग़रीब (ġarīb), दीन (hi) (dīn), फ़क़ीर (faqīr), फकीर (hi) (phakīr), मिस्कीन (hi) (miskīn), बेचारा (hi) (becārā), गरीब (hi) (garīb)
  • Hungarian: szegény (hu)
  • Icelandic: fátækur (is)
  • Ido: povra (io)
  • Indonesian: miskin (id)
  • Ingush: къе (qʼe)
  • Interlingua: povre
  • Inuktitut:
    Inuttut: ajutsak, annguvik
  • Irish: bocht, daibhir, dearóil
  • Italian: povero (it) m
  • Japanese: 貧しい (ja) (まずしい, mazushii), 貧乏な (ja) (びんぼうな, binbō na)
  • Javanese: mlarat (jv)
  • Kazakh: кедей (kedei), жарлы (jarly)
  • Khmer: ក្រ (km) (krɑɑ)
  • Korean: 가난하다 (ko) (gananhada), 빈곤하다 (ko) (bin’gonhada)
  • Kumyk: пакъыр (paqır)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: دەست کورت(dest kurt), ھەژار (ckb) (hejar), فەقیر (ckb) (feqîr)
    Northern Kurdish: feqîr (ku), xizan (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: жарды (ky) (jardı), кедей (ky) (kedey)
  • Ladin: puere
  • Ladino:
    Latin: prove
  • Lao: ຈົນ (chon), ທຸກຈົນ (thuk chon)
  • Latin: pauper (la), egens
  • Latvian: nabags (lv)
  • Ligurian: pöveo m (Genovese), poveru m (Monegasque)
  • Limburgish: erm (li) (Maastrichtian)
  • Lithuanian: skurdus, vargingas
  • Livonian: joutõm
  • Lombard: pover (lmo), por
  • Luxembourgish: aarm (lb)
  • Lü: ᦷᦑᧅᦕᦱᧃ (tokṗhaan)
  • Macedonian: сиромашен (siromašen)
  • Malay: miskin (ms)
  • Maltese: fqir
  • Maori: pōhara
  • Maranao: miskin
  • Marathi: गरीब (garīb), दीन (dīn)
  • Mirandese: probe
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: ядуу (mn) (jaduu)
  • Navajo: doo atʼį́į da
  • Norman: pauvre (Jersey), pouôrre (Jersey)
  • Northern Sami: geafi
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: fattig (no), blakk (no) (colloquial)
  • Occitan: paure (oc)
  • Old English: earm
  • Pashto: بېچاره (ps) (bečāra), غريب (ps) (ǧarib), فقير (ps) (faqir)
  • Persian: فقیر (fa) (faqir) , مسکین (fa) (meskin) (dated)
  • Piedmontese: pòver
  • Plautdietsch: oam
  • Polish: biedny (pl), ubogi (pl)
  • Portuguese: pobre (pt), necessitado (pt) m, humilde (pt), empobrecido
  • Quechua: wakcha
  • Romani: ćorro
  • Romanian: sărac (ro), sărman (ro), pauper (ro), mizer (ro), nevoiaș (ro)
  • Romansch: pauper, pover
  • Russian: бе́дный (ru) m (bédnyj), ни́щий (ru) m (níščij)
  • Sanskrit: दीन (sa) (dīna), ध्रिगु (dhrigu)
  • Sardinian: poaru, pobaru, poberu
  • Scottish Gaelic: truagh, bochd
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: сиро̀машан, у̏бог, бе̑дан, бије̑дан
    Roman: siròmašan (sh), ȕbog (sh), bȇdan (sh), bijȇdan (sh)
  • Sicilian: pòviru (scn), pòvuru (scn), povru
  • Slovak: chudobný (sk), biedny (sk)
  • Slovene: reven (sl), ubog
  • Somali: sabool
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: chudy m
    Upper Sorbian: chudy m
  • Southern Altai: бакыр (bakïr), јоксус (ǰoksus), јокту (ǰoktu)
  • Spanish: pobre (es)
  • Swahili: maskini (sw)
  • Swedish: fattig (sv)
  • Tagalog: mahirap, dukha, maralita
  • Tajik: камбағал (kambaġal), бечора (tg) (bečora), фақир (faqir)
  • Tatar: ярлы (yarlı), фәкыйрь (fäkıyr’)
  • Telugu: బీద (te) (bīda), పేద (te) (pēda)
  • Thai: จน (th) (jon), ยากจน (th) (yaak-jon)
  • Tibetan: སྐྱོ་པོ (skyo po)
  • Tocharian B: snaitstse
  • Turkish: fakir (tr), yoksul (tr), züğürt (tr), fukara (tr), kembağal (tr)
  • Turkmen: garyp, biçäre (tk)
  • Udi: касиб (kasib)
  • Udmurt: куанер (kuaňer)
  • Ugaritic: 𐎀𐎁𐎊𐎐 (ảbyn)
  • Ukrainian: бі́дний (uk) (bídnyj)
  • Urdu: غریب (ur) (ġarīb), دین(dīn)
  • Uyghur: كەمبەغەل(kembeghel), پېقىر(pëqir), بىچارە(bichare)
  • Uzbek: kambagʻal (uz), faqir (uz), gʻarib (uz), bechora (uz)
  • Venetian: poro, poaro, povaro, pore
  • Vietnamese: nghèo (vi), khó (vi)
  • Volapük: pöfik (vo)
  • Walloon: pôve (wa), målureus (wa) m
  • Welsh: tlawd (cy), llwm (cy)
  • West Frisian: earm
  • Yiddish: אָרעם(orem), דלותדיק(dálesdik), בדלות(bedales) (predicative)

Words that describe are adjectives, words which name are nouns, and words that show actions are verbs. Let us identify whether the word “poor” is an adjective, noun, or verb.

The word “poor” can be an adjective and a noun. The word “poor” is an adjective when it describes a naming word – singular or plural (noun, pronoun, or even a noun phrase), by giving extra details about them. The word “poor” is a noun when it is utilized for naming a person.

In this article, we shall explore the various facts that will help us know why, when, and how the word “poor” acts as an adjective and a noun and not as a verb.

When is “poor” an adjective?

While used for describing and qualifying the naming words, the word “poor” takes up the role of an adjective. We will get to know what and when the adjective “poor” qualifies. 

The tabular column below records, with suitable examples, the various instances when the word “poor” will act as an adjective.

 Instances When “Poor” Is An Adjective  Examples  Explanations
1. When utilized to qualify a naming word that / who has / have quite a little money and possessions Our house helps are poor and so we gifted them new dresses for Diwali.  In this sentence, the adjective “poor” is utilized to qualify the plural naming word ‘house helps’ (people). The adjective “poor” here tells that the house helps have very little money with them.
2. When used to modify a naming word that is not of a good quality (bad quality) or standard and one that has not met the expectations My mother says that I have poor handwriting.  The adjective “poor” is here stating the bad quality of the speaker’s handwriting. “Poor” in this sentence is modifying the naming word ‘handwriting’.
3. When used to qualify an individual or a person who is not good at a particular activity, skill, or profession. My friend, Varsha is a poor dancer and so she feels shy to dance in front of everybody.  In this sentence, the adjective “poor” is giving us additional details about Varsha as a dancer. “Poor” here modifies the naming word ‘dancer’ (a person) by stating that Varsha is not good at dancing. 
4. When used to modify a noun by expressing pity or sympathy That poor boy lost his family when he was five years old.   “Poor”, the adjective here is modifying the naming word ‘boy’ (a person) by conveying pity and sympathy for the boy who lost his family when he was five years old.
5. When used to describe a naming word that is insufficient or in lack of something The food that you are eating is poor in nutritional value. In this sentence, the word “poor” is an adjective since it is qualifying the naming word ‘food’ (a thing). It is giving us additional information about the insufficient nutritious nature of the food that ‘you’ are eating.  
 Instances When “Poor” Is An Adjective

Is “poor” a descriptive adjective?

A descriptive adjective, as the name suggests, describes the description of a person, thing, place, idea, thought, etc. Here let us check if “poor” is a descriptive adjective.

The adjective “poor” is a descriptive adjective since it describes the nature, behavior, quality, characteristic features, and state of mind of both singular and plural naming words (person, thing, idea, situation, etc).

Example: He became poor as there was a huge loss in his shop last year.

In the above sentence, the word “poor” is an adjective that is qualifying the pronoun ‘he’ (a person). The adjective “poor” in specific can be regarded as a descriptive adjective since the extra information it provides about the naming word ‘he’ is his (impoverished) state without money or any possession. 

When is “poor” a descriptive adjective?

The adjective “poor” is a descriptive adjective when it qualifies or modifies a naming word (a person, a thing, a situation, an idea, etc.) with less or no money, low quality or standard, not skilled, insufficient, or expressing pity and sympathy. 

Going through the examples in the following tabular column will enhance a better understanding of the usage of the word “poor” as a descriptive adjective.

Examples Explanations – Usage Of “Poor” As A Descriptive Adjective
1. We share food with our next-door neighbor who is old and poor. “Poor”, the predicate descriptive adjective in this sentence is utilized to describe the naming word ‘neighbor’ (a person). “Poor” states that the next-door neighbor does not have enough money and so ‘we’ share food with him / her
2. Let us not buy the dress from this shop as the fabric is poor. Here, the predicate descriptive adjective used is “poor” and it is qualifying the naming word ‘fabric’ (a material noun). The usage of “poor” here denotes that the quality of the fabric in this shop is bad.
3. Rahul has many innovative ideas but he fails to convince the audience since he is a poor presenter. The attributive descriptive adjective, “poor” in this sentence is conveying that Rahul does not have good skills in presenting his ideas. The adjective “poor” qualifies the naming word ‘presenter’ (a person) here.
4. The entire colony felt bald for the poor girl whose brother got lost. The attributive descriptive adjective, “poor” here in the given sentence is used to convey a sense of pity and sympathy for the girl whose brother got lost. The adjective “poor” modifies the naming word ‘girl’ (a person) here.
5. The poor soil quality is responsible for the poor vegetation in this area. In the given sentence, the attributive descriptive adjective “poor” is used twice to modify two naming words ‘soil’ and ‘vegetation’.
The usage of the adjective “poor” with the naming word ‘soil’ indicates the bad quality of the soil. The usage of the adjective “poor” with the noun ‘vegetation’ denotes the lack of vegetation in this area.
6. Vaghul is so poor that he could not even afford a new bag. “Poor”, the predicate descriptive adjective here gives extra information about the financial status (impoverished state) of Vaghul who could not even afford a new bag, by qualifying the noun ‘Vaghul’ (a person).
7. Oh! The poor dog was hit by a lorry today afternoon. The usage of “poor”, the attributive descriptive adjective marks the sense of sympathy towards the cat (naming word) that was hit by a car today afternoon.
Usage Of “Poor” As A Descriptive Adjective

Some words take the same forms even when used as different parts of speech. Their functions differ based on how, when, and why they are used. We shall see if “poor” can be a noun

The word “poor” can be or is a noun (naming word) at places where it is used for the purpose of naming somebody. The plural form of “poor” –‘poors’ also performs the role of a noun.

Example: The poor are often exploited for various reasons by various people.

In this sentence, the word “poor” is functioning as a naming word (noun) since it is utilized for the purpose of naming. Here, the noun “poor” is naming people who have no money even to fulfill their basic needs.  

When is “poor” a noun?

The word “poor” (poors – plural of “poor”) is a noun when it names people who have little or no money, wealth, or possession to fulfill their everyday needs.

The usage of the word “poor” as a noun can be better understood when we read through the examples in the following tabular column.

Examples Explanations – Usage Of “Poor” And ‘Poors’ As A Noun      
1. We can help the poor in any small way that we can. In this sentence, the noun “poor” refers to people who are impoverished and to whom we should help in any small way.
2. The poors are struggling to voice out their opinions and views. ‘Poors’, the plural of the noun “poor” here is utilized to name the poverty-stricken people who are struggling to voice out their opinions and views.
3. The rich and the affluent can change the lives of the poor if they care and share. “Poor”, the noun in this sentence is naming the people who do not have enough wealth and money and whose lives could be changed by the caring and sharing of the rich.
4. The government is taking all measures to provide proper housing for the poor. The noun “poor” here is utilized to name individuals or people who are in need of money and financial support and for whom the government is taking measures to provide housing.
5. Sahana always spends half of her pocket money to help the poor. “Poor” is used as a naming word (noun) in this sentence as it is naming the underprivileged people in need of money for whom Sahana spends half of her pocket money.
Usage Of “Poor” And ‘Poors’ As A Noun 

Is “poor” a verb?

Verbs are words that represent a past, present, or future action, activity, occurrence, or state of being. We shall find out if “poor” is a verb; if not, we will understand why.

The word “poor” is not a verb as it does not show or represent any action, occurrence, or activity that had happened, is happening or will happen, or a state of being of the past, present, or future. 

Example: Sanskaar is very poor in science and mathematics. 

In the above sentence, the word “poor” is not an action word (verb) as it is not indicating any action or state of being but instead is describing the naming word ‘Sanskaar’ (a person) by giving us additional information that he is not up to standard or not up to expectations in mathematics and science. 


Hence, through this article, we got a clear understanding of the usage of the word “poor” as a describing word (adjective) and as a naming word (noun).

Table of Contents

  1. Is poverty noun form of poor?
  2. How do you use the word poor as a noun?
  3. Is poor a noun or adjective?
  4. Can poor be a noun?
  5. Is Rich a noun?
  6. What kind of noun is the word rich?
  7. Which noun is poor?
  8. What is the verb of rich?
  9. What is the verb of sure?
  10. What is the verb of reach?
  11. How do you use the verb reach?
  12. What is the verb form of teaching?
  13. Is smiled a noun or a verb?
  14. What is the verb of treat?
  15. Is Treat a noun or verb?
  16. Is threated a word?
  17. What is definition of verb?
  18. What are the 10 nouns?

adjective, poor·er, poor·est. having little or no money, goods, or other means of support: a poor family living on welfare.

Is poverty noun form of poor?

The quality or state of being poor or indigent; want or scarcity of means of subsistence; indigence; need.

How do you use the word poor as a noun?

Is poor a noun or adjective?

poor adjective (BAD)

Can poor be a noun?

Poor exists as a collective noun and has to be preceded by ‘the’. The poor It doesn’t have a plural ‘poors’. Rich The same goes for ‘rich’ The rich ‘Riches’ exist as a plural noun and means wealth, an abundance of money or property. You can use “the rich” and “the poor” to refer to people who are rich or poor.

Is Rich a noun?

noun. (used with a plural verb)Usually the rich .

What kind of noun is the word rich?

rich plural noun (WEALTHY)

Which noun is poor?

Answer. The word ‘poor’ is a noun, a plural, uncountable noun; a word for people of little means in general. Example use: The government has many programs to help the poor . The noun form of the adjective ‘poor’ is ‘poorness’.

What is the verb of rich?

The verb form of rich is ‘to enrich. ‘ To enrich refers to enhance or improve the value or quality of something. Also, it may refer to make someone wealthier.

What is the verb of sure?

ensure. (transitive) To make a pledge to (someone); to promise, guarantee (someone of something); to assure.

What is the verb of reach?

transitive verb. 1a : to stretch out : extend. b : thrust. 2a : to touch or grasp by extending a part of the body (such as a hand) or an object couldn’t reach the apple. b : to pick up and draw toward one : take.

How do you use the verb reach?

[transitive] reach something/somebody to arrive at the place that you have been traveling to They didn’t reach the motel until after dark. The beach can only be reached by boat. I hope this letter reaches you. 2[transitive] reach somebody to come to someone’s attention The rumors eventually reached the president.

What is the verb form of teaching?

Conjugation of verb ‘Teach’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Teach
Past Simple: Taught
Past Participle: Taught
3rd Person Singular: Teaches
Present Participle/Gerund: Teaching

verb (used with object), smiled, smil·ing. to assume or give (a smile, especially of a given kind): She smiled a warm and friendly smile. to express by a smile: to smile approval. to bring, put, drive, etc., by or as by smiling: to smile one’s tears away.

What is the verb of treat?

transitive verb. 1a : to deal with in speech or writing : expound. b : to present or represent artistically. c : to deal with : handle food is plentiful and treated with imagination— Cecil Beaton.

Is Treat a noun or verb?

treat (verb) treat (noun) Dutch treat (noun)

Is threated a word?

n. 1. An expression of an intention to inflict pain, harm, or punishment.

What is definition of verb?

Verbs are words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive. (There is also a kind of noun, called a gerund, that is identical in form to the present participle form of a verb.)

What are the 10 nouns?

10 Types of Nouns, Definition and Examples

  • Compound Noun. Made up of two or more smaller words.
  • Collective Noun. Refer to a group of things as one whole.
  • Singular Noun. Refer to one person, place things, or idea.
  • Plural Noun.
  • Proper Noun.
  • Abstract Noun.
  • Concrete Noun.
  • Countable Noun.

letter - письмо

  1. Главная
  2. Англо-русский словарь
  3. Poor

амер. [pʊr]
брит. [pɔː(r)]


Примеры со словом Poor

As a result of their politics poor people became even poorer.
В результате их политики бедные люди стали ещё беднее.

You made a very poor attempt!
Ты очень плохо постарался!

My poor aunt had to be hospitalised.
Моей бедной тёте пришлось лечь в больницу.

Другие слова для изучения:

English story


Random Word

Tooth — Зуб 

His tooth fell out.
У него выпал зуб.

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