Verb of the word danger

What is verb form of danger?

Dangerous is the verb form of danger.

Is dangerous a noun or verb?

Full of danger.

Is the word danger a verb?

(transitive) To put (someone or something) in danger; to risk causing harm to.

Is danger a verb or adjective?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishdan‧ger /ˈdeɪndʒə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun 1 [uncountable] the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed Danger!

Is admired a verb?

verb (used with object), ad·mired, ad·mir·ing. to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval. to regard with wonder or surprise (usually used ironically or sarcastically): I admire your audacity.

What is the verb form of strong?

(transitive) To make strong or stronger; to add strength to; to increase the strength of; to fortify; to reinforce. (transitive) To animate; to give moral strength to; to encourage; to fix in resolution; to hearten. (transitive) To augment; to improve; to intensify.

What is the verb form of beautiful?

14 English Words with 4 Forms

beauty beautify beautifully
benefit beneficiary benefit beneficially
creation creator create creatively
decision decide decisively

What is the verb of mad?

madden. To make angry. To make insane; to inflame with passion. (obsolete) To become furious.

Is strong a verb or noun?

strong (adjective) strong–arm (adjective) strong–arm (verb) strong–willed (adjective) strong room (noun)

Is Feminist a verb or noun?

feminist noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at

Is Strongfully a word?

adjective. Full of strength; powerful.

Can Strong be used as a noun?

The quality or degree of being strong. The intensity of a force or power; potency. The strongest part of something; that on which confidence or reliance is based.

What is a noun form of strong?

Answer: Strength is the noun form of strong.

What type of noun is strong?

Abstract nouns are concepts that are not tangible, such as bravery, compassion, and curiosity. The word ”strong” has a corresponding abstract noun.

Which noun is poor?

Answer. The word ‘poor’ is a noun, a plural, uncountable noun; a word for people of little means in general. Example use: The government has many programs to help the poor . The noun form of the adjective ‘poor’ is ‘poorness’.

What is the abstract noun of succeed?


What is the verb of sad?

sadden. (transitive) To make sad or unhappy. (intransitive, rare) To become sad or unhappy.

What’s a fancy word for SAD?

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy.

What is noun of sad?

sadness. (uncountable) The state or emotion of being sad. (countable) An event in one’s life that causes sadness.

What’s a word for deep sadness?

What is another word for deep sadness?

pathos poignancy
unhappiness grief
despair anguish
heartache agony
upset heartbreak

What is the adverb for SAD?

Many adverbs are made by adding -ly to an adjective. Thus, the adverb form of the word sad will be ending in -ly. Adding -ly will make the sad turn into sadly, which is one of the options provided to us.

What is a sad story called?

What is another word for sad story?

sentimental story tragedy
tearjerker sob story
cryfest sorry tale
heartbreaker schmaltzy story
sobfest hardship tale

Are sad and unhappy the same?

The difference between Sad and Unhappy. When used as adjectives, sad means feeling sorrow, whereas unhappy means not happy. Unhappy is also noun with the meaning: an individual who is not happy. Feeling sorrow; sorrowful, mournful.

adjective. full of danger or risk; causing danger; perilous; risky; hazardous; unsafe. able or likely to cause physical injury: a dangerous criminal.

Is endanger the verb form of danger?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishen‧dan‧ger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒə $ -ər/ ●○○ verb [transitive] to put someone or something in danger of being hurt, damaged, or destroyed Smoking during pregnancy endangers your baby’s life.

What is the verb of Able?

able. (transitive, obsolete) To make ready. [Attested from around (1150 to 1350) until the late 16th century.] (transitive, obsolete) To make capable; to enable.

What is the verb form of decision?

decision. verb. decisioned; decisioning; decisions.

Is Redecision a word?

noun. A new decision; the act or process of deciding again.

What is the verb form of birth?

The Forms of Birth

Infinitive to birth
Present Tense birth / births
Past Tense birthed
Present Participle birthing
Past Participle birthed

What is the verb of qualification?

verb (used with object), qual·i·fied, qual·i·fy·ing. to provide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge, credentials, etc.; make competent: to qualify oneself for a job. to modify or limit in some way; make less strong or positive: to qualify an endorsement.

Is requalified a word?

verbrequalifies, requalifying, requalified. Qualify or become eligible for something again.

What is the verb form of company?

company. verb. companied; companying. Definition of company (Entry 2 of 2)

Can Ka form 2nd?

The past form of the verb “can” is “could”, this is just used for the past simple of the verb.

What is the 2nd and 3rd form of send?

Conjugation of verb ‘Send’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Send
Past Simple: Sent
Past Participle: Sent
3rd Person Singular: Sends
Present Participle/Gerund: Sending

What is the past tense of welcome?


What does welcomed mean?

adj. 1. Received with pleasure and hospitality into one’s company or home: a welcome guest. 2. Giving pleasure or satisfaction; agreeable or gratifying: a welcome respite from hard work.

Is lay past tense?

Here’s why: The past tense form of lie is lay, so it’s indistinguishable from lay in the present tense except in usage. The principal parts (most-common verb forms) of lie are: lie (present,) lay (past) and lain (past participle).

Are welcomed in a sentence?

We were welcomed into the home by all three kids and the family dog. We welcomed the rain but not the mud it left behind. I would welcome your advice on this matter.

What is verb form of danger?

Alex Heath


What is verb form of danger?

Dangerous is the verb form of danger.

Is the word danger a verb?

(transitive) To put (someone or something) in danger; to risk causing harm to.

Is danger a verb or adjective?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishdan‧ger /ˈdeɪndʒə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun 1 [uncountable] the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed Danger!

Is admired a verb?

verb (used with object), ad·mired, ad·mir·ing. to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval. to regard with wonder or surprise (usually used ironically or sarcastically): I admire your audacity.

Is Feminist a verb or noun?

feminist noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at

Can Strong be used as a noun?

The quality or degree of being strong. The intensity of a force or power; potency. The strongest part of something; that on which confidence or reliance is based.

What is a noun form of strong?

Answer: Strength is the noun form of strong.

What type of noun is strong?

Abstract nouns are concepts that are not tangible, such as bravery, compassion, and curiosity. The word ”strong” has a corresponding abstract noun.

Which noun is poor?

Answer. The word ‘poor’ is a noun, a plural, uncountable noun; a word for people of little means in general. Example use: The government has many programs to help the poor . The noun form of the adjective ‘poor’ is ‘poorness’.

What is noun of sad?

sadness. (uncountable) The state or emotion of being sad. (countable) An event in one’s life that causes sadness.

What’s a word for deep sadness?

What is another word for deep sadness?

pathos poignancy
unhappiness grief
despair anguish
heartache agony
upset heartbreak

What is the adverb for SAD?

Many adverbs are made by adding -ly to an adjective. Thus, the adverb form of the word sad will be ending in -ly. Adding -ly will make the sad turn into sadly, which is one of the options provided to us.

What is a sad story called?

What is another word for sad story?

sentimental story tragedy
tearjerker sob story
cryfest sorry tale
heartbreaker schmaltzy story
sobfest hardship tale

Carefully planned, as were Froebel‘s own «gifts,« the new apparatus presents a series of exercises in sense discrimination, satisfying no doubt while unfamiliar, but suffering from the defect of the «too finished and complex plaything,« in which Froebel saw a danger «which slumbers like a viper under the roses.«

The youth, who had formerly experienced kindness at the hands of Ortiz, begged him to avoid the danger.

Then, at least, I should have known my danger, and been able to meet it; but to wait like this, through a whole night, picturing all kinds of unknown devilment, was to jeopardize one‘s sanity.

After the toilworn adventurers had escaped a thousand dangers and had crawled thousands of miles across the plains the snowy Sierra at last loomed in sight, the eastern wall of the land of gold.

« «I am ready for your sake to face any danger the telling of my secret may hold for me,« he responded firmly.

My hand was next examined; but little was said of me, except that I had been a great traveller, and should be so again; that I should encounter many dangers and difficulties; that I possessed more intelligence than sensibility, and more prudence than generosity.

He saw at once that if he were only to make the thread longer, which was the first mode that suggested itself, he would increase the constant danger there was of its getting fouled, not to mention the awkwardness of using such a quantity of it.

Perhaps, in view of this latest development, you may have knowledge to go upon of some one from whom your brother might have apprehended danger?« Henshaw‘s set face gave indication of nothing but a studied reserve.

By prudent and conciliatory negotiations, during which he had exercised the most wonderful selfabnegation and patience, he had succeeded in averting the serious danger caused by the formidable revolt of Roldan.

I believe that, by leaving through the hornworks, you can make your way to the rear of the British encampment without incurring any very grave danger, and if it is the desire of you lads to go with the sergeant you have my permission.

If anything happens, it will be at night, and while the newspaper office may some time go flying skyward the girls will run no personal danger whatever.

It is a fact to be thankful for that everywhere throughout the land, beneath the rough jackets of our artisans and labourers, beat hearts as true and fearless as those which have stormed the fort or braved the dangers of the battlefield.

Then each Swiss fought as though victory depended on his single arm; for Switzerland and Swiss glory, each flew joyously to meet danger and death, and counted not the number of the enemy.

General Merritt had witnessed the duel, and realizing the danger I was in, ordered Colonel Mason with Company K to hurry to my rescue.

This is a venture in which we share the dangers equally, an it‘s no more than right you should hear all which may pass between the general

The bullets were whistling around him, and one of his staff ventured to point out to him the terrible danger he was running.

I would not endure an existence under a sovereignty or a tyranny, since under such forms of government I can not enjoy the rights of free citizenship nor speak my mind safely nor die in a way that is of service to you; and again, if opportunity is afforded to obey any of duty‘s calls, I would not shrink from action, though it involved danger.

But I cannot disguise from myself that it would remove a greater danger.

We certainly were in grave peril, for I foresaw the danger of falling into the hands of Baron Oberg, the Strangler of Finland.

And with that he threw a naming dart at his breast: but Christian had a shield in his hand, with which he caught it, and so prevented the danger of that.

Mother watched him anxiously, and fearing some danger to her puppies, ran and jumped in the middle of us, and looked pleadingly up at him.

« The fellows had not finished mess, but I felt the danger of further delay, and talked to them as they sat on deck, explaining briefly the entire situation, and the causes leading up to the mutiny.

but the afternoon was so lovely that I soon forgot the danger and enjoyed the drive.

In taking this decision they did not perceive the danger of death, into which they were going more than ever.

Do you mean to tell me you don’t understand the danger, that you try to throw our two lives away in this fashion! To this, she replied nothing; only trembled, violently, gasping and sobbing, as though in the last extremity of fear.

Table of Contents

  1. What is verb form of danger?
  2. Is dangerous a noun or verb?
  3. Is the word danger a verb?
  4. Is admired a verb?
  5. What is the verb form of strong?
  6. What is the verb form of beautiful?
  7. What is the verb of mad?
  8. Is strong a verb or noun?
  9. Is Feminist a verb or noun?
  10. Is Strongfully a word?
  11. Can Strong be used as a noun?
  12. What is a noun form of strong?
  13. What type of noun is strong?
  14. Which noun is poor?
  15. What is the abstract noun of succeed?
  16. What is the verb of sad?
  17. What’s a fancy word for SAD?
  18. What is noun of sad?
  19. What’s a word for deep sadness?
  20. What is the adverb for SAD?
  21. What is a sad story called?
  22. Are sad and unhappy the same?
  23. Is endanger the verb form of danger?
  24. What is the verb of Able?
  25. What is the verb form of decision?
  26. Is Redecision a word?
  27. What is the verb form of birth?
  28. What is the verb of qualification?
  29. Is requalified a word?
  30. What is the verb form of company?
  31. Can Ka form 2nd?
  32. What is the 2nd and 3rd form of send?
  33. What is the past tense of welcome?
  34. What does welcomed mean?
  35. Is lay past tense?
  36. Are welcomed in a sentence?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishdan‧ger /ˈdeɪndʒə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun 1 [uncountable] the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed Danger!

What is verb form of danger?

Dangerous is the verb form of danger.

Is dangerous a noun or verb?

Full of danger.

Is the word danger a verb?

(transitive) To put (someone or something) in danger; to risk causing harm to.

Is admired a verb?

verb (used with object), ad·mired, ad·mir·ing. to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval. to regard with wonder or surprise (usually used ironically or sarcastically): I admire your audacity.

What is the verb form of strong?

(transitive) To make strong or stronger; to add strength to; to increase the strength of; to fortify; to reinforce. (transitive) To animate; to give moral strength to; to encourage; to fix in resolution; to hearten. (transitive) To augment; to improve; to intensify.

What is the verb form of beautiful?

14 English Words with 4 Forms

beauty beautify beautifully
benefit beneficiary benefit beneficially
creation creator create creatively
decision decide decisively

What is the verb of mad?

madden. To make angry. To make insane; to inflame with passion. (obsolete) To become furious.

Is strong a verb or noun?

strong (adjective) strong–arm (adjective) strong–arm (verb) strong–willed (adjective) strong room (noun)

Is Feminist a verb or noun?

feminist noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at

Is Strongfully a word?

adjective. Full of strength; powerful.

Can Strong be used as a noun?

The quality or degree of being strong. The intensity of a force or power; potency. The strongest part of something; that on which confidence or reliance is based.

What is a noun form of strong?

Answer: Strength is the noun form of strong.

What type of noun is strong?

Abstract nouns are concepts that are not tangible, such as bravery, compassion, and curiosity. The word ”strong” has a corresponding abstract noun.

Which noun is poor?

Answer. The word ‘poor’ is a noun, a plural, uncountable noun; a word for people of little means in general. Example use: The government has many programs to help the poor . The noun form of the adjective ‘poor’ is ‘poorness’.

What is the abstract noun of succeed?


What is the verb of sad?

sadden. (transitive) To make sad or unhappy. (intransitive, rare) To become sad or unhappy.

What’s a fancy word for SAD?

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy.

What is noun of sad?

sadness. (uncountable) The state or emotion of being sad. (countable) An event in one’s life that causes sadness.

What’s a word for deep sadness?

What is another word for deep sadness?

pathos poignancy
unhappiness grief
despair anguish
heartache agony
upset heartbreak

What is the adverb for SAD?

Many adverbs are made by adding -ly to an adjective. Thus, the adverb form of the word sad will be ending in -ly. Adding -ly will make the sad turn into sadly, which is one of the options provided to us.

What is a sad story called?

What is another word for sad story?

sentimental story tragedy
tearjerker sob story
cryfest sorry tale
heartbreaker schmaltzy story
sobfest hardship tale

Are sad and unhappy the same?

The difference between Sad and Unhappy. When used as adjectives, sad means feeling sorrow, whereas unhappy means not happy. Unhappy is also noun with the meaning: an individual who is not happy. Feeling sorrow; sorrowful, mournful.

adjective. full of danger or risk; causing danger; perilous; risky; hazardous; unsafe. able or likely to cause physical injury: a dangerous criminal.

Is endanger the verb form of danger?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishen‧dan‧ger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒə $ -ər/ ●○○ verb [transitive] to put someone or something in danger of being hurt, damaged, or destroyed Smoking during pregnancy endangers your baby’s life.

What is the verb of Able?

able. (transitive, obsolete) To make ready. [Attested from around (1150 to 1350) until the late 16th century.] (transitive, obsolete) To make capable; to enable.

What is the verb form of decision?

decision. verb. decisioned; decisioning; decisions.

Is Redecision a word?

noun. A new decision; the act or process of deciding again.

What is the verb form of birth?

The Forms of Birth

Infinitive to birth
Present Tense birth / births
Past Tense birthed
Present Participle birthing
Past Participle birthed

What is the verb of qualification?

verb (used with object), qual·i·fied, qual·i·fy·ing. to provide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge, credentials, etc.; make competent: to qualify oneself for a job. to modify or limit in some way; make less strong or positive: to qualify an endorsement.

Is requalified a word?

verbrequalifies, requalifying, requalified. Qualify or become eligible for something again.

What is the verb form of company?

company. verb. companied; companying. Definition of company (Entry 2 of 2)

Can Ka form 2nd?

The past form of the verb “can” is “could”, this is just used for the past simple of the verb.

What is the 2nd and 3rd form of send?

Conjugation of verb ‘Send’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Send
Past Simple: Sent
Past Participle: Sent
3rd Person Singular: Sends
Present Participle/Gerund: Sending

What is the past tense of welcome?


What does welcomed mean?

adj. 1. Received with pleasure and hospitality into one’s company or home: a welcome guest. 2. Giving pleasure or satisfaction; agreeable or gratifying: a welcome respite from hard work.

Is lay past tense?

Here’s why: The past tense form of lie is lay, so it’s indistinguishable from lay in the present tense except in usage. The principal parts (most-common verb forms) of lie are: lie (present,) lay (past) and lain (past participle).

Are welcomed in a sentence?

We were welcomed into the home by all three kids and the family dog. We welcomed the rain but not the mud it left behind. I would welcome your advice on this matter.

Because when the press gets word That we knew one of our officers was in danger He’s in no danger. I can’t explain it right now, but we’re in danger! I can’t put you guys in any more danger. The code for danger averted is Mao Mao. Because when the press gets word That we knew one of our officers was in danger He’s in no danger. I can’t explain it right now, but we’re in danger! I can’t put you guys in any more danger. The code for danger averted is Mao Mao. And if you will be allowed to overcome happily «the sorrows and the dangers of the path ahead of you… Because of potential dangers, biohazard experts sealed and secured the facility Certain dangers meet to be faced only by the decent and decorous»… or idiocy of that fuckin’ ilk… is what must have captured his thinking, this fuckin’ jerk. Facing all dangers. I return to the judge. « He craved the wide horizons, the dangers of the world’s unexplored territories. And if you will be allowed to overcome happily «the sorrows and the dangers of the path ahead of you… Because of potential dangers, biohazard experts sealed and secured the facility Certain dangers meet to be faced only by the decent and decorous»… or idiocy of that fuckin’ ilk… is what must have captured his thinking, this fuckin’ jerk. Facing all dangers. I return to the judge. « He craved the wide horizons, the dangers of the world’s unexplored territories. You have no legal duty to disclose as long as you are not dangering your patient’s health or safety. You have no legal duty to disclose as long as you are not dangering your patient’s health or safety.

Enter an infinitive verb or a conjugated form to have its conjugation table



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  • I danger
  • you danger
  • he/she/it dangers
  • we danger
  • you danger
  • they danger


  • I dangered
  • you dangered
  • he/she/it dangered
  • we dangered
  • you dangered
  • they dangered

Present continuous

  • I am dangering
  • you are dangering
  • he/she/it is dangering
  • we are dangering
  • you are dangering
  • they are dangering

Present perfect

  • I have dangered
  • you have dangered
  • he/she/it has dangered
  • we have dangered
  • you have dangered
  • they have dangered


  • I will danger
  • you will danger
  • he/she/it will danger
  • we will danger
  • you will danger
  • they will danger

Future perfect

  • I will have dangered
  • you will have dangered
  • he/she/it will have dangered
  • we will have dangered
  • you will have dangered
  • they will have dangered

Past continous

  • I was dangering
  • you were dangering
  • he/she/it was dangering
  • we were dangering
  • you were dangering
  • they were dangering

Past perfect

  • I had dangered
  • you had dangered
  • he/she/it had dangered
  • we had dangered
  • you had dangered
  • they had dangered

Future continuous

  • I will be dangering
  • you will be dangering
  • he/she/it will be dangering
  • we will be dangering
  • you will be dangering
  • they will be dangering

Present perfect continuous

  • I have been dangering
  • you have been dangering
  • he/she/it has been dangering
  • we have been dangering
  • you have been dangering
  • they have been dangering

Past perfect continuous

  • I had been dangering
  • you had been dangering
  • he/she/it had been dangering
  • we had been dangering
  • you had been dangering
  • they had been dangering

Future perfect continuous

  • I will have been dangering
  • you will have been dangering
  • he/she/it will have been dangering
  • we will have been dangering
  • you will have been dangering
  • they will have been dangering



  • danger
  • let’s danger
  • danger

Perfect participle

  • having dangered

danger verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons.
Search the definition and the translation in context for “danger”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication.
Similar English verbs: destroy, blend, represent


  • 1 English
    • 1.1 Noun
    • 1.2 Verb
    • 1.3 Adjectives for Danger
    • 1.4 Verbs for Danger
    • 1.5 Synonyms for Danger
    • 1.6 Antonyms for Danger
    • 1.7 Derived terms
    • 1.8 Thesaurus
    • 1.9 Etymology
    • 1.10 Pronunciation
  • 2 Translations
    • 2.1 Noun
    • 2.2 Anagrams
  • 3 French
    • 3.1 Pronunciation
      • 3.1.1 Noun
    • 3.2 Derived terms
    • 3.3 Anagrams



Danger (plural Dangers)

  1. Exposure to liable harm.
  2. An instance or cause of liable harm.


Danger (third-person singular simple present Dangers, present participle Dangering, simple past and past participle Dangered)

  1. (obsolete) To claim liability
  2. (obsolete) To imperil; to endanger; to run the risk.

Adjectives for Danger

ever-impending; imminent; looming; hidden; gathering; unseen; unknown; fancied; mythical; inevitable; unceasing; vile; imaginary; indefinite; miserable; acute; extreme; august; constant; remote; significant; undiluted; discernible; obvious; immediate; overwhelming; inherent; grave; pretended; apparent; approaching; potential; future; unavoidable; recurring; spicy; unexampled; real; countless (plural).

Verbs for Danger

admit—; avert—; avoid—; beset by-blind to—; brave—; confront with—; court—; create—; demonstrate—; duck—; eliminate—; emphasize—; entail—; exaggerate—; exempt from—; expose to—; face— flee—; foresee—; foretell—; free from— guard against—; harbor—; ignore—; increase—; incur—; indicate—; induce— involve—; laugh at—; lessen—; lie in— minimize—; overcome—; pluck from—; ponder—; realize—; recognize—; remain in—; risk—; scoff at—; scorn—; sense— shield from—; state—; stem—; taste— underestimate—; visualize—; weigh— wink at—; woo—; —attends; —impends; —looms; —lurks; —subsides.

Synonyms for Danger

peril, jeopardy, risk, hazard, venture, exposure, chance,
precariousness, defenselessness, insecurity, menace.

Antonyms for Danger

safety, preservation, certainty, sureness, carefulness, confidence, care, security.

Derived terms

kicking in danger


dungeon, domain, dame, emergency, exigency, hazard, in danger of, infirmity, insecurity, insolidity, instability, insubstantiality, jeopardy, menace, pass, peril, perilousness, precariousness, precipice, risk, riskiness, shakiness, shiftiness, shiftingness, slipperiness, speculativeness, thin ice, threat, ticklishness, treacherousness, treachery, unauthenticity, unauthoritativeness, undependability, unfaithworthiness, unreliability, unsolidity, unsoundness, unsteadfastness, unsteadiness, unsubstantiality, unsureness, untrustworthiness


Middle English daunger «power, dominion, peril» from Anglo-Norman dangier from Old French dangier, alteration of Old French dongier (influenced by Old French dam «damage») from Vulgar Latin * domniārium «authority, power» from Latin dominus «lord, master». Displaced native Middle English pliht, plight «danger» (from Old English pliht «danger, peril, risk», compare Old English plēon «to risk»), Middle English frese «danger, fear» (from or akin to Old Saxon frēsa «peril, fear»), Middle English wathe «peril, hurt» (from Old Norse vāði «peril, hurt»).


  • (UK) IPA: /deɪn.dʒə(ɹ)/, SAMPA: /[email protected](r)/
  • (US) IPA: /ˈdeɪndʒɚ/, SAMPA: /»[email protected]`/



exposure to liable harm

  • Arabic: خَطَر (ar) (khaTar) m.
  • Armenian: վտանգ (hy) (vtang)
  • Bulgarian: опасност (bg) f.
  • Catalan: perill
  • Croatian: opasnost (hr) f.
  • Czech: nebezpečí (cs) n.
  • Danish: fare (da) c.
  • Dutch: gevaar (nl) n.
  • Esperanto: danĝero (eo)
  • Finnish: vaara (fi), uhka (fi)
  • French: danger (fr) m.
  • German: Gefahr (de) f., Risiko (de) n.
  • Greek: κίνδυνος (el) (kíndinos) m.
  • Haitian Creole: danje
  • Hebrew: סכנה (he) (sakaná) f.
  • Hungarian: veszély (hu)
  • Indonesian: bahaya (id)
  • Irish: contúirt (ga) f., dainséar (ga) m.
  • Italian: pericolo (it) m.
  • Polish: niebezpieczeństwo (pl) n.
  • Portuguese: perigo (pt) m.
  • Romanian: pericol (ro), primejdie (ro) f.
  • Russian: опасность (ru) (opásnost’) f.
  • Slovak: nebezpečie n.
  • Spanish: peligro (es) m.
  • Swahili: hatari (sw)
  • Swedish: fara (sv) c.
  • Vietnamese: nguy hiểm (vi)
  • Welsh: perygl (cy) m.
  • Persian: خطر (khatar)

instance or cause of liable harm

  • Arabic: خَطَر (ar) (khaTar) m.
  • Armenian: վտանգ (hy) (vtang), սպառնալիք (hy) (spaṙnalik’)
  • Bulgarian: заплаха (bg) f.
  • Croatian: opasnost (hr) f.
  • Czech: nebezpečí (cs) n.
  • Danish: fare (da) c.
  • Dutch: gevaar (nl) n., bedreiging (nl) f.
  • Finnish: uhka (fi), vaara (fi)
  • French: danger (fr) m.
  • German: Gefahr (de) f., Bedrohung (de) f.
  • Greek: κίνδυνος (el) (kíndinos) m.
  • Haitian Creole: danje
  • Hebrew: סכנה (sakana) f.
  • Indonesian: bahaya (id)
  • Irish: contúirt (ga) f., dainséar (ga) m.
  • Italian: pericolo (it) m.
  • Kurdish: په‌رێشان
  • Polish: zagrożenie (pl) n.
  • Russian: опасность (ru) (opásnost’) f., угроза (ru) (ugróza) f.
  • Swahili: hatari (sw)
  • Swedish: fara (sv) c.


  • Croatian: opasnost
  • French: danger m. (3)
  • Hebrew: לסכן (lesaken) (2)
  • Hindi: खत्रा (khatrā)
  • Icelandic: hætta
  • Ido: danjero
  • Japanese: 危ない (abunai)
  • Korean: 위험 (wi-hum)
  • Kurdish: xeter f. (3), talûke f. (3), bive f. (3), gef f. (3), rîsk f. (3)
  • Lithuanian: pavojus m. (3)
  • Mandarin: 危险 (wēi-xiǎn)
  • Norwegian: fare
  • Old English: fǣr m.
  • Portuguese: perigo m. (3)
  • Spanish: peligro m. (3)


  • gander
  • garden
  • grande
  • ranged




Danger m. (plural Dangers)

  1. danger
  2. jeopardy (danger of loss, harm, or failure)

Derived terms

  • dangereux


  • de rang, grande

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