Verb for the word went

to go [ɡoʊ] — неправильный английский глагол, 3 формы которого имеют различное написание и произношение: go, went, gone (irregular verb). Глагол to go является одним из самых распространенных и имеет множество значений:

идти, следовать, ходить, ехать, ездить, проходить, курсировать, отходить, двигаться, быть в движении, работать, функционировать, жить, доходить, путешествовать

3 формы глагола go

Base Form

Past Simple
(Вторая форма)

Past Participle
(Третья форма)
go went gone

Таблица английских времен

  Past Present Future
Simple went go(es) will
Continuous was/were
will be
Perfect had
will have
had been
will have


  • John, get yourself packed and ready to go — Джон давай собирайся и будь готов выйти.
  • I went to Henry to tell him face-to-face — я пошел к Генри, чтобы сказать ему все лицом к лицу.
  • The house she once knew is gone — дома, который она когда-то знала, больше нет.


  • going — идущий, работающий, процветающий, ходьба, отъезд
  • goer — ходок, зритель, отъезжающий

Статьи по теме:

  • Формы глагола form
  • Формы глагола dream
  • Формы глагола present
  • Формы глагола word

Таблица неправильных глаголов

В английском языке глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные. Неправильные глаголы — это такие глаголы, у которых форма прошедшего времени ( Past tense form ), а также форма причастия прошедшего времени ( Past participle ) образуется не так, как у правильных глаголов. Правильные глаголы образуют эти формы путём прибавления –ed к первой форме. Подробнее про глаголы.

Нет общего правила для неправильных глаголов. Их нужно просто выучить.

Base form Past simple Past participle Перевод
arise arose arisen возникать, появляться
awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken будить, проснуться
backslide backslid backslidden / backslid отказываться от прежних убеждений
be was, were been быть
bear bore born / borne родить
beat beat beaten / beat бить
become became become становиться, делаться
begin began begun начинать
bend bent bent сгибать, гнуть
bet bet / betted bet / betted держать пари
bind bound bound связать
bite bit bitten кусать
bleed bled bled кровоточить
blow blew blown дуть
break broke broken ломать
breed bred bred выращивать
bring brought brought приносить
broadcast broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted распространять, разбрасывать
browbeat browbeat browbeaten / browbeat запугивать
build built built строить
burn burned / burnt burned / burnt гореть, жечь
burst burst burst взрываться, прорываться
bust busted / bust busted / bust разжаловать
buy bought bought покупать
can could could мочь, уметь
cast cast cast бросить, кинуть, вышвырнуть
catch caught caught ловить, хватать, успеть
choose chose chosen выбирать
cling clung clung цепляться, льнуть
clothe clothed / clad clothed / clad одевать (кого-либо)
come came come приходить
cost cost cost стоить, обходиться (в какую-либо сумму)
creep crept crept ползать
cut cut cut резать, разрезать
deal dealt dealt иметь дело
dig dug dug копать
dive dove / dived dived нырять, погружаться
do did done делать, выполнять
draw drew drawn рисовать, чертить
dream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt грезить, мечтать
drink drank drunk пить
drive drove driven управлять (авто)
dwell dwelt / dwelled dwelt / dwelled обитать, находиться
eat ate eaten есть, кушать
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать
fight fought fought драться, сражаться, бороться
find found found находить
fit fit fit подходить по размеру
flee fled fled убегать, спасаться
fling flung flung бросаться, ринуться
fly flew flown летать
forbid forbade forbidden запрещать
forecast forecast forecast предсказывать, предвосхищать
foresee foresaw foreseen предвидеть
foretell foretold foretold предсказывать, прогнозировать
forget forgot forgotten забывать
forgive forgave forgiven прощать
forsake forsook forsaken покидать
freeze froze frozen замерзать
get got gotten / got получать, достигать
give gave given давать
go went gone идти, ехать
grind ground ground молоть, толочь
grow grew grown расти
hang hung / hanged hung / hanged вешать, развешивать
have, has had had иметь
hear heard heard слышать
hew hewed hewn / hewed рубить
hide hid hidden прятаться, скрываться
hit hit hit ударять, поражать
hold held held держать, удерживать, фиксировать
hurt hurt hurt ранить, причинить боль
inlay inlaid inlaid вкладывать, вставлять, выстилать
input input / inputted input / inputted входить
interweave interwove interwoven воткать
keep kept kept держать, хранить
kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled становиться на колени
knit knitted / knit knitted / knit вязать
know knew known знать, иметь представление (о чем-либо)
lay laid laid класть, положить
lead led led вести, руководить, управлять
lean leaned / leant leaned / leant опираться, прислоняться
leap leaped / leapt leaped / leapt прыгать, скакать
learn learnt / learned learnt / learned учить
leave left left покидать, оставлять
lend lent lent одалживать, давать взаймы
let let let позволять, предполагать
lie lay lain лежать
light lit / lighted lit / lighted освещать
lose lost lost терять
make made made делать, производить, создавать
may might might мочь, иметь возможность
mean meant meant значить, иметь ввиду
meet met met встречать
miscast miscast miscast неправильно распределять роли
misdeal misdealt misdealt поступать неправильно
misdo misdid misdone делать что-либо неправильно или небрежно
misgive misgave misgiven внушать недоверия, опасения
mishear misheard misheard ослышаться
mishit mishit mishit промахнуться
mislay mislaid mislaid класть не на место
mislead misled misled ввести в заблуждение
misread misread misread неправильно истолковывать
misspell misspelled / misspelt misspelled / misspelt писать с ошибками
misspend misspent misspent неразумно, зря тратить
mistake mistook mistaken ошибаться
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood неправильно понимать
mow mowed mowed / mown косить
offset offset offset возмещать, вознаграждать, компенсировать
outbid outbid outbid перебивать цену
outdo outdid outdone превосходить
outfight outfought outfought побеждать в бою
outgrow outgrew outgrown вырастать из
output output / outputted output / outputted выходить
outrun outran outrun перегонять, опережать
outsell outsold outsold продавать лучше или дороже
outshine outshone outshone затмевать
overbid overbid overbid повелевать
overcome overcame overcome компенсировать
overdo overdid overdone пережари(ва)ть
overdraw overdrew overdrawn превышать
overeat overate overeaten объедаться
overfly overflew overflown перелетать
overhang overhung overhung нависать
overhear overheard overheard подслуш(ив)ать
overlay overlaid overlaid покры(ва)ть
overpay overpaid overpaid переплачивать
override overrode overridden отменять, аннулировать
overrun overran overrun переливаться через край
oversee oversaw overseen надзирать за
overshoot overshot overshot расстрелять
oversleep overslept overslept проспать, заспаться
overtake overtook overtaken догонять
overthrow overthrew overthrown свергать
partake partook partaken принимать участие
pay paid paid платить
plead pleaded / pled pleaded / pled обращаться к суду
prepay prepaid prepaid платить вперед
prove proved proven / proved доказывать
put put put класть, ставить, размещать
quit quit / quitted quit / quitted выходить, покидать, оставлять
read read read читать
rebind rebound rebound перевязывать
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt перестроить
recast recast recast изменять, перестраивать
redo redid redone делать вновь, переделывать
rehear reheard reheard слушать вторично
remake remade remade переделывать
rend rent rent раздирать
repay repaid repaid отдавать долг
rerun reran rerun выполнять повторно
resell resold resold перепродавать
reset reset reset возвращать
resit resat resat пересиживать
retake retook retaken забирать
retell retold retold пересказывать
rewrite rewrote rewritten перезаписать
rid rid rid избавлять
ride rode ridden ездить верхом
ring rang rung звонить
rise rose risen подняться
run ran run бегать
saw sawed sawed / sawn пилить
say said said сказать, заявить
see saw seen видеть
seek sought sought искать
sell sold sold продавать
send sent sent посылать
set set set ставить, устанавливать
sew sewed sewn / sewed шить
shake shook shaken трясти
shave shaved shaved / shaven бриться
shear sheared sheared / shorn стричь
shed shed shed проливать
shine shined / shone shined / shone светить, сиять, озарять
shoot shot shot стрелять, давать побеги
show showed shown / showed показывать
shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk сокращаться, сжиматься
shut shut shut закрывать, запирать, затворять
sing sang sung петь
sink sank / sunk sunk тонуть, погружаться (под воду)
sit sat sat сидеть
slay slew / slayed slain / slayed убивать
sleep slept slept спать
slide slid slid скользить
sling slung slung бросать, швырять
slink slunk slunk красться, идти крадучись
slit slit slit разрезать, рвать в длину
smell smelled / smelt smelled / smelt пахнуть, нюхать
sow sowed sown / sowed сеять
speak spoke spoken говорить
speed sped / speeded sped / speeded ускорять, спешить
spell spelled / spelt spelled / spelt писать или читать по буквам
spend spent spent тратить, расходовать
spill spilled / spilt spilled / spilt проливать, разливать
spin spun spun прясть
spit spit / spat spit / spat плевать
split split split расщеплять
spoil spoiled / spoilt spoiled / spoilt портить
spread spread spread распространиться
spring sprang / sprung sprung вскочить, возникнуть
stand stood stood стоять
steal stole stolen воровать, красть
stick stuck stuck уколоть, приклеить
sting stung stung жалить
stink stunk / stank stunk вонять
strew strewed strewn / strewed усеять, устлать
stride strode stridden шагать, наносить удар
strike struck struck ударить, бить, бастовать
string strung strung нанизать, натянуть
strive strove / strived striven / strived стараться
sublet sublet sublet передавать в субаренду
swear swore sworn клясться, присягать
sweep swept swept мести, подметать, сметать
swell swelled swollen / swelled разбухать
swim swam swum плавать, плыть
swing swung swung качать, раскачивать, вертеть
take took taken брать, взять
teach taught taught учить, обучать
tear tore torn рвать
tell told told рассказать
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown бросить
thrust thrust thrust колоть, пронзать
tread trod trodden / trod ступать
unbend unbent unbent выпрямляться, разгибаться
underbid underbid underbid снижать цену
undercut undercut undercut сбивать цены
undergo underwent undergone испытывать, переносить
underlie underlay underlain лежать в основе
underpay underpaid underpaid оплачивать слишком низко
undersell undersold undersold продавать дешевле
understand understood understood понимать, постигать
undertake undertook undertaken предпринять
underwrite underwrote underwritten подписываться
undo undid undone уничтожать сделанное
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen размораживать
unsay unsaid unsaid брать назад свои слова
unwind unwound unwound развертывать
uphold upheld upheld поддерживать
upset upset upset опрокинуться
wake woke / waked woken / waked просыпаться
waylay waylaid waylaid подстерегать
wear wore worn носить (одежду)
weave wove / weaved woven / weaved ткать
wed wed / wedded wed / wedded жениться, выдавать замуж
weep wept wept плакать, рыдать
wet wet / wetted wet / wetted мочить, увлажнять
win won won победить, выиграть
wind wound wound заводить (механизм)
withdraw withdrew withdrawn взять назад, отозвать
withhold withheld withheld воздерживаться, отказывать
withstand withstood withstood противостоять
wring wrung wrung скрутить, сжимать
write wrote written писать



Originally the simple past and past participle of wend, but now the past of go due to suppletion.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /wɛnt/
  • (US) IPA(key): /wɛnt/, [wɛnʔ(t̚)]
  • (General Australian, New Zealand) IPA(key): /went/
  • Rhymes: -ɛnt



  1. simple past tense of go
  2. (nonstandard) past participle of go
    • 1671, Elisha Coles, chapter 7, in ΧΡΙΣΤΟΛΟΓΙΑ: Or, a Metrical Paraphraſe on the Hiſtory of Our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt : Dedicated to His Univerſal Church[1], page 22:

      When they arrived whither they were bent, / He made as if he farther would have went. / But they conſtrain’d him, ſaying, Night is near; / Abide with us; and ſo he tarry’d there.

    • 1851, Douglas Nix, Report of the Great Conspiracy Case [] [2], Advertiser and Free Press, page 145:

      I went from Filley’s to Fitch’s house, to talk of oxen; no one went with me; might have went to the mill; don,t remember whether I rode back to Laycock’s or not to dinner.

    • 2010 June 14, Douglas Nix, Al-Qaeda Hunter[3], Xlibris, →ISBN, page 22:

      I just sat around and watched, then decided to go see Safid; we planned to study that day, but first we had a good ride around town. We must have went fifteen miles, and Safid was ready to sit and study; we went to a little park and started working.

  3. (archaic) simple past tense and past participle of wend

Derived terms[edit]

  • wentest, wenteth (both archaic)


went (plural wents)

  1. (obsolete) A course; a way, a path; a journey.


  • (simple past): gaed, eode, yead, yede, yode
  • (past participle): gone
  • (wend): wended


  • newt, twen




  1. Soft mutation of gwent.



  • Rhymes: -ɛnt



  1. second- and third-person singular present indicative of wennen
  2. (archaic) plural imperative of wennen




  1. simple past tense of gan

Неправильные английские глаголы. Таблица неправильных глаголов английского языка.

В отличие от большинства глаголов английского языка, неправильные английские глаголы образуют формы прошедшего неопределенного времени и причастия прошедшего времени особым образом. Выделяют несколько основных способов их образования, которые, тем не менее, не описывают все возможные случаи. Изучить все неправильные глаголы английского языка возможно путем их непосредственного запоминания.

Таблица неправильных глаголов английского языка

В приведенной ниже таблице в алфавитном порядке собраны 100 наиболее употребляемых неправильных глаголов английского языка.

Версия для печати

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
be was, were been быть, являться
beat beat beaten бить, колотить
become became become становиться
begin began begun начинать
bend bent bent гнуть
bet bet bet держать пари
bite bit bitten кусать
blow blew blown дуть, выдыхать
break broke broken ломать, разбивать, разрушать
bring brought brought приносить, привозить, доставлять
build built built строить, сооружать
buy bought bought покупать, приобретать
catch caught caught ловить, поймать, схватить
choose chose chosen выбирать, избирать
come came come приходить, подходить
cost cost cost стоить, обходиться
cut cut cut резать, разрезать
deal dealt dealt иметь дело, распределять
dig dug dug копать, рыть
do did done делать, выполнять
draw drew drawn рисовать, чертить
drink drank drunk пить
drive drove driven ездить, подвозить
eat ate eaten есть, поглощать, поедать
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать, ощущать
fight fought fought драться, сражаться, воевать
find found found находить, обнаруживать
fly flew flown летать
forget forgot forgotten забывать о (чём-либо)
forgive forgave forgiven прощать
freeze froze frozen замерзать, замирать
get got got получать, добираться
give gave given дать, подать, дарить
go went gone идти, двигаться
grow grew grown расти, вырастать
hang hung hung вешать, развешивать, висеть
have had had иметь, обладать
hear heard heard слышать, услышать
hide hid hidden прятать, скрывать
hit hit hit ударять, поражать
hold held held держать, удерживать, задерживать
hurt hurt hurt ранить, причинять боль, ушибить
keep kept kept хранить, сохранять, поддерживать
know knew known знать, иметь представление
lay laid laid класть, положить, покрывать
lead led led вести за собой, сопровождать, руководить
leave left left покидать, уходить, уезжать, оставлять
lend lent lent одалживать, давать взаймы (в долг)
let let let позволять, разрешать
lie lay lain лежать
light lit lit зажигать, светиться, освещать
lose lost lost терять, лишаться, утрачивать
make made made делать, создавать, изготавливать
mean meant meant значить, иметь в виду, подразумевать
meet met met встречать, знакомиться
pay paid paid платить, оплачивать, рассчитываться
put put put ставить, помещать, класть
read read read читать, прочитать
ride rode ridden ехать верхом, кататься
ring rang rung звенеть, звонить
rise rose risen восходить, вставать, подниматься
run ran run бежать, бегать
say said said говорить, сказать, произносить
see saw seen видеть
seek sought sought искать, разыскивать
sell sold sold продавать, торговать
send sent sent посылать, отправлять, отсылать
set set set устанавливать, задавать, назначать
shake shook shaken трясти, встряхивать
shine shone shone светить, сиять, озарять
shoot shot shot стрелять
show showed shown, showed показывать
shut shut shut закрывать, запирать, затворять
sing sang sung петь, напевать
sink sank sunk тонуть, погружаться
sit sat sat сидеть, садиться
sleep slept slept спать
speak spoke spoken говорить, разговаривать, высказываться
spend spent spent тратить, расходовать, проводить (время)
stand stood stood стоять
steal stole stolen воровать, красть
stick stuck stuck втыкать, приклеивать
strike struck struck, stricken ударять, бить, поражать
swear swore sworn клясться, присягать
sweep swept swept мести, подметать, смахивать
swim swam swum плавать, плыть
swing swung swung качаться, вертеться
take took taken брать, хватать, взять
teach taught taught учить, обучать
tear tore torn рвать, отрывать
tell told told рассказывать
think thought thought думать, мыслить, размышлять
throw threw thrown бросать, кидать, метать
understand understood understood понимать, постигать
wake woke woken просыпаться, будить
wear wore worn носить (одежду)
win won won победить, выиграть
write wrote written писать, записывать

Версия для печати

Для лучшего запоминания неправильных глаголов английского языка вы также можете просмотреть видео-ролик:

Смотрите также список наиболее употребляемых глаголов английского языка.


  • Лицо и число английского глагола
  • Переходные и непереходные английские глаголы
  • Глагол to be в английском языке

    • See Also:
      • wend
      • Wendell
      • wendigo
      • Wendish
      • Wendy
      • Wendy house
      • wenny
      • Wenonah
      • Wensleydale
      • wensleydale
      • went
      • wentletrap
      • Wentworth
      • Wenzel
      • Wenzhou
      • wept
      • were
      • weren’t
      • werewolf
      • Werfel
      • Wergeland
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From the verb go: (⇒ conjugate)
went is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
v past

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

went /wɛnt/USA pronunciation  

  1. pt. of go1.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(went),USA pronunciation v. 

  1. pt. of go. 
  2. [Nonstandard.]a pp. of go 1.
  3. [Archaic.]a pt. and pp. of wend. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

went /wɛnt/ vb

  1. the past tense of go

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

go1 /goʊ/USA pronunciation  
v., went/wɛnt/USA pronunciation  gone/gɔn, gɑn/USA pronunciation  go•ing, n., pl. goes, adj. 

  1. to move or proceed, esp. to or from something, or to do some activity or for some purpose: [no object]to go home.[+ object]Are you going my way?[+ verb-ing]They went shopping.[+ to + verb]We went to see her last week.
  2. to leave a place;
    depart:[no object]Please go now; I’m getting tired.
  3. to keep or be in motion;
    function or operate;
    work:[no object]I hear the engine going.
  4. to become (the condition as stated):[+ adjective]He went mad.
  5. to continue in a certain state or condition: [+ adjective]to go barefoot.[+ adverb phrase]We went in shorts and tee shirts even in December.
  6. to act as specified:[no object]go full speed ahead.
  7. to act so as to come into a certain state or condition:[+ to/into]Let’s go to sleep.
  8. to be known:[+ by/under + object]She went by a false name.
  9. to reach or give access to:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]This road goes to the beach.
  10. to pass or elapse;
    pass by;
    slip away:[no object]The time went fast.
  11. to be applied or allotted to or used for a particular recipient or purpose:[no object]My money goes for food and rent.
  12. to be sold:[no object]The house went for very little.
  13. to be considered generally or usually:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]He’s tall, as jockeys go.
  14. to tend:[+ to + verb]This only goes to prove the point.
  15. to belong;
    have a place:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]This book goes here.
  16. to harmonize;
    be compatible:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]Your shirt and tie go well together.
  17. to fit or extend:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]This belt won’t go around my waist.
  18. to be or become consumed or used up:[no object]The cake went fast.
  19. to be or become discarded, thrown away, dismissed, etc.:[no object]That awful jacket has got to go.
  20. to result or end;
    turn out:[no object]How did the game go?
  21. to develop or proceed:[no object]How is your new job going?
  22. to move or proceed with remarkable speed or energy:[no object]Look at that airplane go!
  23. to make a certain sound:[no object]The gun goes bang.
  24. to be phrased, written, or composed: [no object]How does that song go?[+ clause]That saying went: «We have nothing to fear but fear itself.»
  25. to fail or give way:[no object]His eyesight is beginning to go.
  26. to die:[no object]She went peacefully in her sleep last night.
  27. to come into action;
    begin:[no object]Go when you hear the bell.
  28. Mathematics to be or be able to be divided:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]Three goes into fifteen five times.
  29. The phrase be + going + to plus the root form of a verb is used to mean nearly the same things as the word will, that is «to do in the future;
    to have as one’s goal in the future»:We’re going to leave soon (= We will leave soon). Their daughter is going to be a doctor (= Their daughter’s goal is to be a doctor).
  30. to be allowable:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]Around here, anything goes.
  31. to be the final word:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]Whatever I say goes!
  32. to put oneself through:[no object]Don’t go to any trouble.
  33. The root form of go followed directly by the root form of another verb in informal contexts is used to mean «proceed to,» with the meaning of greater feeling or emotion about the statement:He had to go ask for a loan (= He had to proceed to ask for a loan).
  34. Informal Terms[no object]to urinate or defecate.
  35. Informal Termsto risk, pay, afford, bet, or bid:[+ object]I’ll go you one better.
  36. go about:
    • [+ object] to occupy oneself with;
      perform:went about her work with a smile.

  37. go after, [+ object] to attempt to obtain;
    try to accomplish;
    strive for:He went after first prize in the contest.
  38. go against, [+ object] to be in conflict with or opposed to:Lateness goes against company policy.
  39. go ahead, [no object] to proceed without hesitation or delay:Go ahead and use my car.
  40. go along, [no object]
    • to agree;
      cooperate:She’ll go along with your decision.
    • to make progress;
      move along:The project is going along quite well.

  41. go around, [no object]
    • to be often in company:went around with a bad crowd.
    • to pass or circulate:A rumor is going around.
    • [not: be + ~-ing] to be sufficient for all:There is enough to go around.
    • [+ verb-ing] to do or perform (the action of the verb following) often:likes to go around hurting people.

  42. go at, [+ object]
    • to assault;
      attack:went at him with renewed strength.
    • to begin or proceed vigorously:went at his new job with enthusiasm.
    • go at it, to fight;
      argue:They’re going at it again.

  43. go by:
    • [no object] to pass:Don’t let this chance go by. Several months went by.
    • [+ object] to be guided by:He always goes by the book (= He is always guided by the rules).

  44. go down, [no object]
    • to decrease:The inflation rate went down a little.
    • to sink:The ship went down.
    • to suffer defeat:Our team went down for the third time in a row.
    • to be accepted or believed:His comment didn’t go down well.
    • to be remembered in history or by posterity:He wants to go down as a great leader.
    • [Slang.]to happen;
      occur:What’s been going down since I’ve been away?
    • Education[Brit.]to leave a university, permanently or at the end of a term.
    • to stop functioning:The computer went down.

  45. go for, [+ object]
    • to make an attempt at;
      try for:to go for a win.
    • to assault:He went for the man with the gun.
    • to favor;
      like:went for him in a big way.

  46. go in for, [+ object] to occupy oneself with:He goes in for chess.
  47. go into, [+ object]
    • to discuss, examine, or investigate:I don’t want to go into your private life.
    • to begin or enter as one’s field of study or work:She went into physics quite by accident.

  48. go off, [no object]
    • to explode:The bomb went off.
    • to make a loud noise:What time will the alarm go off?
    • (of what has been expected or planned) to happen:The party went off exactly as we hoped.
    • to leave, esp. suddenly:He went off with the money.

  49. go on:
    • [no object] to happen or take place:What’s going on at the office?
    • [+ verb-ing] to continue:Go on working.
    • to progress;
      go forward: [no object]The show must go on.[+ to + object]Those trainees will go on to flying school.[+ to + verb]She went on to achieve great success on the stage.
    • [no object] to behave;
      act:If you go on like that, they’ll fire you.
    • [no object] to talk without stopping;
    • The phrase go on is used to express disbelief:Go on, you’re kidding me.
    • Show Business[no object] to appear onstage in a theatrical performance:He went on as Othello.

  50. go out, [no object]
    • to cease or fail to function:The lights went out.
    • to participate in social activities:We like to go out on weekends.
    • to take part in a strike:The drivers’ union went out (on strike) last week.

  51. go over:
    • [+ object] to repeat;
      examine:Let’s go over the examples one more time.
    • [no object] to be effective or successful;
      to be accepted or believed:The proposal just didn’t go over.

  52. go through:
    • [+ object] to bear;
      experience:didn’t want to go through a divorce.
    • [+ object] to examine;
      search:They went through our records very carefully.
    • [no object] to be accepted or approved (by):I hear your promotion just went through.
    • [+ object] to use up;
      spend:We went through all this month’s money.

  53. go through with, [+ object] to stay with (something) to the end:She went through with the divorce.
  54. go under, [no object]
    • to be overwhelmed or ruined;
      fail:Yet another business went under.
    • Naval Terms(of a ship) to sink.

  55. go up, [no object]
    • to be in the process of construction, as a building:Another high-rise building is going up.
    • to increase in cost, value, etc.:Prices went up again last year.
    • Education[Brit.]to go to a university at the beginning of a term.

  56. go with, [+ object]
    [not: be + ~-ing] to harmonize or match:That hat goes with your dress.See go (def. 16).
    to have a relationship with:She’s going with yet another movie star this month.See go out with below.


  1. energy or spirit:[uncountable]She’s got a lot of go.
  2. a try at something;
    attempt:[countable]to have a go at the puzzle.
  3. a successful accomplishment;
    success:[countable* usually singular]They made a go of it.
  4. [Informal.]approval or permission, as to undertake something:[countable* usually singular]The astronauts were told it was a go.

adj. [be + ~]

  1. Aerospace(esp. in aerospace) functioning properly;
    ready:All systems are go.


  1. Idioms from the word go, from the very start:She was trouble from the word go.
  2. Idioms go all out, [no object] to give the greatest possible effort:went all out to succeed.
  3. Idioms go and, [not: be + ~-ing* ~ + verb]
    • to be so thoughtless or unfortunate as to (do the action of the next verb):went and lost her gloves.
    • to move or proceed to or from somewhere, and then do (the action of the next verb):I’ll go and see her tomorrow.

  4. Idioms go it alone, to act or proceed without help or independently.
  5. go (out) with, [+ object] to have a relationship with;
    to date:went out with her a few times.
  6. Idioms go to it, to begin vigorously and at once:Let’s go to it so we can finish on time.
  7. Idioms let go:
    • [+ of + object] to free;
      release:Let go of my hand.
    • to cease to employ;
      dismiss: [+ object]The company let go a hundred workers.[let + object + ~]They let a hundred of them go.
    • [~ (+ oneself) + go] to leave behind one’s doubts or inhibitions:Sometimes you just have to let (yourself) go.

  8. Idioms no go, [Informal.]futile;
    useless:It was no go; we couldn’t convince them.
  9. Idioms on the go, [be + ~]
    • very busy;
      active:on the go from morning to night.
    • while traveling:luggage for the traveler (who is) on the go.

  10. Idioms to go, for eating away from the place where sold:pizza to go.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(gō),USA pronunciation v., went, gone, go•ing, n., pl. goes, interj., adj. 

  1. to move or proceed, esp. to or from something:They’re going by bus.
  2. to leave a place;
    depart:People were coming and going all the time.
  3. to keep or be in motion;
    function or perform as required:Can’t you go any faster in your work?
  4. to become as specified:to go mad.
  5. to continue in a certain state or condition;
    be habitually:to go barefoot.
  6. to act as specified:Go warily if he wants to discuss terms.
  7. to act so as to come into a certain state or condition:to go into debt; to go to sleep.
  8. to be known:to go by a false name.
  9. to reach, extend, or give access to:Where does this door go?
  10. to pass or elapse:The time went fast.
  11. to be applied, allotted, awarded, transferred, etc., to a particular recipient or purpose:My money goes for food and rent.
  12. to be sold:I have a bid of two dollars. Going! Going! Gone!
  13. to be considered generally or usually:He’s short, as basketball players go.
  14. to conduce or tend:This only goes to prove the point.
  15. to result or end;
    turn out:How did the game go?
  16. to belong;
    have a place:This book goes on the top shelf.
  17. (of colors, styles, etc.) to harmonize;
    be compatible;
    be suited:Your tweed jacket would go well with these pants.
  18. to fit around or into;
    be able to be extended, contained, inserted, etc.:This belt won’t go around my waist.
  19. to be or become consumed, spent, finished, etc.:The cake went fast.
  20. to be or become discarded, dismissed, put aside, forgotten, etc.:Those practical jokes of yours have got to go!
  21. to develop, progress, or proceed, esp. with reference to success or satisfaction:How is your new job going?
  22. to move or proceed with remarkable speed or energy:Look at that airplane go!
  23. to make a certain sound:The gun goes bang.
  24. to be phrased, written, or composed:How does that song go?
  25. to seek or have recourse for a decision, verdict, corroboration, defense, etc.;
    resort:to go to court.
  26. to become worn-out, weakened, ineffective, etc.:His eyesight is beginning to go.
  27. to die:The old man went peacefully at 3 a.m.
  28. to fail, break, or give way:The dike might go any minute.
  29. to come into action;
    begin:Go when you hear the bell.
  30. to make up a quantity or content;
    be requisite:Sixteen ounces go to the pound.
  31. Mathematicsto be able to be divided;
    be contained as a mathematical element:Three goes into fifteen five times.
  32. to contribute to an end result:the items that go to make up the total.
  33. to have as one’s goal;
    intend (usually used in the present tense, fol. by an infinitive):Their daughter is going to be a doctor.
  34. to be permitted, approved, or the like:Around here, anything goes.
  35. to be authoritative;
    be the final word:This is my house, and what I say goes!
  36. to subject oneself:Don’t go to any trouble.
  37. (used in the infinitive as an intensifier to indicate the idea of proceeding, esp. with the expectation of serious consequences):He finally had to go ask for a loan.
  38. Informal Termsto urinate or defecate.


  1. Informal Termsto endure or tolerate:I can’t go his preaching.
  2. Informal Termsto risk, pay, afford, bet, or bid:I’ll go fifty dollars for a ticket, but no more.
  3. to move or proceed with or according to;
    follow:Going my way?
  4. to share or participate in to the extent of (often fol. by a complementary substantive):to go halves.
  5. to yield, produce, weigh as a usable amount, or grow to:This field will go two bales of cotton.
  6. to assume the obligation, responsibility, or function of:His father went bail for him.
  7. Informal Termsto enjoy, appreciate, desire, or want:I could go a big steak dinner right now.
  8. Informal Termsto say;
    declare (usually used in speech):I asked the clerk for my receipt, and he goes, «You don’t need it.»
  9. go about:
    • to occupy oneself with;
      perform:The shoemaker goes about his work with a smile.
    • [Naut.]to change course by tacking or wearing.

  10. go after, to attempt to obtain;
    strive for:You’ll never get what you want if you don’t go after it energetically.
  11. go against, to be in conflict with or opposed to:It goes against the company’s policy.
  12. go ahead, to proceed without hesitation or delay:If you want to use my car, go ahead.
  13. go along:
    • to move or proceed.
    • to accompany in travel.
    • to agree;
      concur:I can’t go along with you on that idea.

  14. Idioms go and, to be so thoughtless, unfortunate, or silly as to:It was going to be a surprise but he went and told her.
  15. Idioms go ape over or for. See ape (def. 6).
  16. go around:
    • to be often in company (often fol. by with):to go around with a bad crowd.
    • to be sufficient for all:Is there enough food to go around?
    • to pass or circulate, as in transmission or communication:The rumor is going around that he was forced to resign.

  17. go at:
    • to assault;
    • to begin or proceed vigorously:to go at one’s work with a will.

  18. go back on. See back 2 (def. 9).
  19. Idioms go bananas. See bananas (def. 2).
  20. go by:
    • to be disregarded or not taken advantage of:Don’t let this chance go by.
    • to be guided by or to rely upon:Don’t go by what she says.

  21. go down:
    • to decrease or subside, as in amount or size:Prices went down. The swelling is going down.
    • to descend or sink:When does the sun go down?
    • to suffer defeat:to go down fighting.
    • to be accepted or believed:This nonsense goes down as truth with many persons.
    • to admit of being consumed:This food goes down easily.
    • to be remembered in history or by posterity.
    • [Slang.]to happen;
      occur:What’s been going down since I’ve been away?
    • British Termsto leave a university, permanently or at the end of a term.
    • Games[Bridge.]to fall short of making one’s contract.
    • Slang (vulgar). to perform fellatio or cunnilingus.

  22. go down on, Slang (vulgar). to perform fellatio or cunnilingus on.
  23. go for:
    • to make an attempt at;
      try for:He is going for the championship.
    • to assault.
    • to favor;
      like:It simply isn’t the kind of life you would go for.
    • to be used for the purpose of or be a substitute for:material that goes for silk.

  24. Idioms go for broke. See broke (def. 7).
  25. go for it, [Informal.]to pursue a goal with determination.
  26. go in for:
    • to adopt as one’s particular interest;
      approve of;
    • to occupy oneself with;
      engage in:Europeans in increasing numbers are going in for camping.

  27. go into:
    • to discuss or investigate:Let’s not go into the question of whose fault it was.
    • to undertake as one’s study or work:to go into medicine.

  28. go in with, to join in a partnership or union;
    combine with:He asked me to go in with him on the purchase of a boat.
  29. Idioms go it alone, to act or proceed independently, without assistance, companionship, or the like:If you don’t want to form a partnership, I’ll go it alone.
  30. go native. See native (def. 18).
  31. go off:
    • to explode, fire, or perform or begin to function abruptly:A gun went off in the distance.
    • (of what has been expected or planned) to happen:The interview went off very badly.
    • to leave, esp. suddenly:She went off without saying goodbye.
    • to die.
    • to deteriorate.
    • [Slang.]to experience orgasm.

  32. go on:
    • to happen or take place:What’s going on here?
    • to continue:Go on working.
    • to behave;
      act:Don’t go on like that!
    • to talk effusively;
    • (used to express disbelief ):Go on, you’re kidding me.
    • to appear onstage in a theatrical performance:I go on in the middle of the second act.

  33. go out:
    • to come to an end, esp. to fade in popularity:Silent movies went out as soon as the talkies were perfected.
    • to cease or fail to function:The lights went out.
    • to participate in social activities, on dates, etc.
    • to take part in a strike:The printers went out yesterday in a contract dispute.
    • Games[Rummy.]to dispose of the last card in one’s hand by melding it on the table.
    • Games[Cards.]to achieve a point score equal to or above the score necessary to win the game.

  34. go over:
    • to repeat;
    • to be effective or successful:The proposal went over very well with the trustees.
    • to examine:The mechanic went over the car but found nothing wrong.
    • to read;

  35. Idioms go the whole hog, to do something thoroughly or consistently:If you’re getting a new amplifier, why don’t you go the whole hog and get new speakers and a turntable, too?
  36. go through:
    • to bear;
    • to examine or search carefully:He went through all of his things but couldn’t find the letter.
    • to be successful;
      be accepted or approved:The proposed appropriation will never go through.
    • to use up;
      spend completely:He went through his allowance in one day.

  37. go through with, to persevere with to the end;
    bring to completion:It was perhaps the biggest challenge of her life, and she resolved to go through with it.
  38. go to!, [Archaic.]
    • you don’t say! I don’t believe you!
    • let’s do it! come on!

  39. Idioms go together:
    • to be appropriate or harmonious:The rug and curtains don’t go together.
    • [Informal.]to keep company;
      court:They have gone together for two years.

  40. go to it, [Informal.]to begin vigorously and at once.
  41. go under:
    • to be overwhelmed or ruined;
    • (of a ship) to founder.

  42. go up:
    • to be in the process of construction, as a building.
    • to increase in cost, value, etc.
    • to forget one’s lines during a theatrical performance.
    • British Termsto go to a university at the beginning of a term.

  43. go with, [Informal.]to keep company with;
    date:He went with her for two semesters.Also, go out with. 
  44. Idioms let go:
    • to release one’s grasp or hold:Please let go of my arm.
    • to free;
    • to cease to employ;
      dismiss:Business was slack and many employees were let go.
    • to become unrestrained;
      abandon inhibitions:She’d be good fun if she would just let go and enjoy herself.
    • to dismiss;
      discard:Once he has an idea, he never lets go of it.

  45. Idioms let go with, to express or utter with abandon:He let go with a sudden yell.
  46. Idioms let oneself go, to free oneself of inhibitions or restraint:Let yourself go and get mad once in a while.
  47. to go, [Informal.](of food) for consumption off the premises where sold:coffee to go.


  1. the act of going:the come and go of the seasons.
  2. energy, spirit, or animation:a man with a lot of go.
  3. a try at something;
    attempt:to have a go at winning the prize.
  4. a successful accomplishment;
    success:to make a go of a new business.
  5. [Informal.]a business agreement;
    bargain:Thirty dollars? It’s a go.
  6. [Informal.]approval or permission, as to undertake or begin something:The boss gave us the go on the new project.
  7. Sport[Boxing.]a bout:the main go.
  8. Idioms from the word «go,» from the very start;
    since the beginning.
  9. no go, [Informal.]
    • futile;
      useless:We tried to get there by noon, but it was no go.
    • not authorized or approved to proceed;
      canceled or aborted:Tomorrow’s satellite launching is no go.

  10. Idioms on the go:
    • very busy;
      active:She’s always on the go.
    • while going from place to place;
      while traveling.


  1. (in calling the start of a race) start the race;
    leave the starting line:On your mark! Get set! Go!


  1. ready.
  2. functioning properly:two minutes before the satellite is to be launched and all systems are go.
  • bef. 900; Middle English gon, Old English gān; cognate with Old High German gēn, German gehen

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged walk, run, travel, advance.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stay.

(gō),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Gamesa Japanese game for two persons, played on a board having 361 intersections on which black and white stones or counters are alternately placed, the object being to block off and capture the opponent’s stones and control the larger part of the board. Also called I-go. 
  • Middle Chinese, equivalent. to Chinese name for various board games
  • Japanese
  • 1885–90


    1. general office.
    2. general order.

    Also, g.o. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

go /ɡəʊ/ vb (goes, going, went, gone)(mainly intr)

  1. to move or proceed, esp to or from a point or in a certain direction: to go to London, to go home
  2. (tr; takes an infinitive, often with to omitted or replaced by and) to proceed towards a particular person or place with some specified intention or purpose: I must go and get that book
  3. to depart: we’ll have to go at eleven
  4. to start, as in a race: often used in commands
  5. to make regular journeys: this train service goes to the east coast
  6. to operate or function effectively: the radio won’t go
  7. (copula) to become: his face went red with embarrassment
  8. to make a noise as specified: the gun went bang
  9. to enter into a specified state or condition: to go into hysterics, to go into action
  10. to be or continue to be in a specified state or condition: to go in rags, to go in poverty
  11. to lead, extend, or afford access: this route goes to the north
  12. to proceed towards an activity: to go to supper, to go to sleep
  13. (tr; takes an infinitive) to serve or contribute: this letter goes to prove my point
  14. to follow a course as specified; fare: the lecture went badly
  15. to be applied or allotted to a particular purpose or recipient: her wealth went to her son, his money went on drink
  16. to be sold or otherwise transferred to a recipient: the necklace went for three thousand pounds
  17. to be ranked; compare: this meal is good as my meals go
  18. to blend or harmonize: these chairs won’t go with the rest of your furniture
  19. followed by by or under: to be known (by a name or disguise)
  20. to have a usual or proper place: those books go on this shelf
  21. (of music, poetry, etc) to be sounded; expressed, etc: how does that song go?
  22. to fail or give way: my eyesight is going
  23. to break down or collapse abruptly: the ladder went at the critical moment
  24. to die: the old man went at 2 am
  25. (often followed by by) (of time) to elapse: the hours go by so slowly at the office
  26. to travel past: the train goes by her house at four
  27. to be guided (by)
  28. to occur: happiness does not always go with riches
  29. to be eliminated, abolished, or given up: this entry must go to save space
  30. to be spent or finished: all his money has gone
  31. to attend: go to school, go to church
  32. to join a stated profession: go to the bar, go on the stage
  33. (followed by to) to have recourse (to); turn: to go to arbitration
  34. (followed by to) to subject or put oneself (to): she goes to great pains to please him
  35. to proceed, esp up to or beyond certain limits: you will go too far one day and then you will be punished
  36. to be acceptable or tolerated: anything goes in this place
  37. to carry the weight of final authority: what the boss says goes
  38. (followed by into) to be contained in: four goes into twelve three times
  39. (often followed by for) to endure or last out: we can’t go for much longer without water in this heat
  40. (transitive) to bet or bid: I go two hearts
  41. (transitive) not standard to say: widely used, esp in the historic present, in reporting dialogue: Then she goes, «Give it to me!» and she just snatched it
  42. go andinformal to be so foolish or unlucky as to: then she had to go and lose her hat
  43. be goingto intend or be about to start (to do or be doing something): often used as an alternative future construction: what’s going to happen to us?
  44. go itslang to do something or move energetically
  45. go it aloneinformal to act or proceed without allies or help
  46. go one betterinformal to surpass or outdo (someone)
  47. let goto relax one’s hold (on); release
  48. to discuss or consider no further
  49. let oneself goto act in an uninhibited manner
  50. to lose interest in one’s appearance, manners, etc
  51. to goremaining
  52. US Canadian informal (of food served by a restaurant) for taking away

n ( pl goes)

  1. the act of going
  2. informal an attempt or try: he had a go at the stamp business
  3. an attempt at stopping a person suspected of a crime: the police are not always in favour of the public having a go
  4. an attack, esp verbal: she had a real go at them
  5. a turn: it’s my go next
  6. informal the quality of being active and energetic: she has much more go than I
  7. informal hard or energetic work: it’s all go
  8. informal a successful venture or achievement: he made a go of it
  9. informal a bargain or agreement
  10. from the word goinformal from the very beginning
  11. no goinformal impossible; abortive or futile: it’s no go, I’m afraid
  12. on the goinformal active and energetic


  1. (postpositive) informal functioning properly and ready for action: esp used in astronautics: all systems are go

See also go about, go againstEtymology: Old English gān; related to Old High German gēn, Greek kikhanein to reach, Sanskrit jahāti he forsakes

went‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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- Simple past tense of go.
- (nonstandard) Past participle of go
- (archaic) Simple past tense and past participle of wend.


- 1596, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, IV.5:

But here my wearie teeme, nigh over spent, / Shall breathe it selfe awhile after so long a went.

Extra examples

The baby went behind his mother to play a hiding game.

My brother quickly passing him, went ahead, and won the match easily.

You’ve missed the bus, it just went by.

The car went into a tree and was severely damaged.

There was no answer to my knock, so I went away.

When I was young, we went to church every Sunday.

The game went so strangely that I couldn’t possibly tell.

The election went against him.

The platform went.

About half past three the foremast went in three places.

Whatever money he got it all went on paying his debt.

Your money went towards a new computer for the school.

The cake went fast.

Clatter, clatter, went the horses’ hoofs.

Crack went the mast.

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«He went to the store.» He ventured, wandered, meandered,

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A 1 abide [əˈbʌɪd] abode [əˈbʌɪdɪd]
abided [əˈbəʊd] abode [əˈbʌɪdɪd]
abided [əˈbəʊd] обитать, пребывать 2 arise [əˈraɪz] arose [əˈroʊz] arisen [əˈrɪzn] подняться; возникнуть 3 awake [əˈwaɪk] awoke [əˈwoʊk] awaked [əˈwoʊkn] будить; проснуться B 4 backbite [ˈbækbaɪt] backbitten [ˈbækbɪtən] backbitten [ˈbækbɪtən] клеветать 5 backslide [ˈbækslaɪd] backslid [bækˈslɪd] backslid [bækˈslɪd] отпадать 6 be [bi:] was [wɒz]
were [wɜ:] been [bi:n] быть, находиться 7 bear [bɛə] bore [bɔ:] born [bɔ:n]
borne носить, выносить 8 beat [bi:t] beat [bi:t] beaten [bi:tn] бить 9 become [bɪˈkʌm] became [bɪˈkeɪm] become [bɪˈkʌm] становиться 10 befall [bɪˈfɔːl] befell [bɪˈfel] befallen [bɪˈfɔːlən] случиться 11 beget [bɪˈɡet] begot [bɪˈɡɒt]
begat [bɪˈɡæt] begotten [bɪˈɡɒtən] порождать 12 begin [bɪˈgɪn] began [bɪˈgæn] begun [bɪˈgʌn] начинать(ся) 13 begird [bɪˈɡɜːd] begirt [bɪˈɡɜːt] begirt [bɪˈɡɜːt] опоясывать 14 behold [bɪˈhəʊld] beheld [bɪˈhɛld] beheld [bɪˈhɛld] видеть, замечать 15 bend [bɛnd] bent [bɛnt] bent [bɛnt]
bended гнуть(ся) 16 bereave [bɪˈriːv] bereft [bɪˈrɛft]
bereaved [bɪˈriːvd] bereft [bɪˈrɛft]
bereaved [bɪˈriːvd] лишать 17 beseech [bɪˈsiːtʃ] besought [bɪˈsɔːt]
beseeched [bɪˈsiːtʃt] besought [bɪˈsɔːt]
beseeched [bɪˈsiːtʃt] умолять; упрашивать 18 beset [bɪˈsɛt] beset [bɪˈsɛt] beset [bɪˈsɛt] осаждать 19 bespeak [bɪˈspiːk] bespoke [bɪˈspəʊk] bespoke [bɪˈspəʊk]
bespoken [bɪˈspəʊkən] заказывать 20 bespit [bɪˈspɪt] bespat [bɪˈspæt] bespat [bɪˈspæt] заплевывать 21 bestride [bɪˈstraɪd] bestrode [bɪˈstrəʊd] bestridden [bɪˈstrɪdən] садиться; сидеть верхом 22 bet [bɛt] bet [bɛt]
betted bet [bɛt]
betted держать пари 23 betake [bɪˈteɪk] betook [bɪˈtʊk] betaken [bɪˈteɪkən] приниматься; отправляться 24 bid [bɪd] bad [bɪd]
bade [beɪd]
bid [bɪd] bid [bɪd]
bidden [bɪdn] велеть; просить 25 bind [baɪnd] bound [baʊnd] bound [baʊnd] связать 26 bite [bʌɪt] bit [bɪt] bit [bɪtn]
bitten кусать 27 bleed [bli:d] bled [blɛd] bled [blɛd] кровоточить 28 bless [bles] blessed [blest] blessed [blest]
blest [blest] благословлять 29 blow [bloʊ] blew [blu:] blown [blu:]
blowed дуть 30 break [breɪk] broke [broʊk] broken [broʊkən] (с)ломать 31 breed [bri:d] bred [brɛd] bred [brɛd] выращивать 32 bring [brɪŋ] brought [brɔ:t] brought [brɔ:t] принести 33 broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] распространять; разбрасывать 34 browbeat [ˈbraʊbiːt] browbeat [ˈbraʊbiːt] browbeaten [ˈbraʊbiːtən] запугивать 35 build [bɪld] built [bɪlt] built [bɪlt] строить 36 burn [bɜ:n] burnt [bɜ:nd]
burned [bɜ:nt] burnt [bɜ:nd]
burned [bɜ:nt] жечь; гореть 37 burst [bɜ:st] burst [bɜ:st] burst [bɜ:st] разразиться; взорваться 38 bust [bʌst] bust [bʌstɪd]
busted [bʌst] bust [bʌstɪd]
busted [bʌst] разжаловать 39 buy [baɪ] bought [bɔ:t] bought [bɔ:t] купить C 41 can [kæn] could [kʊd] been able [biːn ˈeɪbəl] мочь; уметь 42 cast [kɑ:st] cast [kɑ:st] cast [kɑ:st] бросать, кидать 43 catch [kætʃ] caught [kɔ:t] caught [kɔ:t] ловить; поймать 44 chide [tʃaɪd] chid [tʃɪd]
chided [ˈtʃaɪdɪd] chid [tʃɪd]
chided [ˈtʃaɪdɪd]
chidden [ˈtʃɪdən] бранить 45 choose [tʃu:z] chose [tʃoʊz] chosen [tʃoʊzn] выбирать 46 cleave [kli:v] clove [klɛft]
cleaved cloven [klɛft]
cleaved рассечь 47 cling [klɪŋ] clung [klʌŋ] clung [klʌŋ] цеплять(ся) 48 come [kʌm] came [keɪm] come [keɪm] приходить 49 cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] стоить 50 countersink [ˈkaʊntəsɪŋk] countersank [ˈkaʊntəsæŋk] countersunk [ˈkaʊntəsʌŋk] зенковать 51 creep [kri:p] crept [krɛpt] crept [krɛpt] ползать 52 crow [krəʊ] crowed [krəʊd]
crew [kruː] crowed [krəʊd] петь (о петухе) 53 cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] резать D 54 dare [deə] durst [dɜːst] deəd]
dared dared [deəd] сметь 55 deal [di:l] dealt [dɛlt] dealt [dɛlt] иметь дело 56 dig [dɪg] dug [dʌg] dug [dʌg] копать 57 dive [daɪv] dove [doʊv]
dived [daɪvd] dived [daɪvd] нырять; погружаться 58 do [du:] did [dɪd] done [dʌn] делать 59 draw [drɔ:] drew [dru:] drawn [drɔ:n] рисовать, тащить 60 dream [dri:m] dreamt [dri:md]
dreamed [drɛmt] dreamt [dri:md]
dreamed [drɛmt] видеть сны, мечтать 61 drink [drɪnk] drank [drænk] drunk [drʌnk] пить 62 drive [draɪv] drove [droʊv] driven [drɪvn] водить, гнать 63 dwell [dwel] dwelt [dwɛlt] dwelt [dwɛlt]
dwelled [dwɛld] обитать E 64 eat [i:t] ate [ɛt] eaten [i:tn] кушать; есть F 65 fall [fɔ:l] fell [fɛl] fallen [fɔ:lən] падать 66 feed [fi:d] fed [fɛd] fed [fɛd] кормить 67 feel [fi:l] felt [fɛlt] felt [fɛlt] чувствовать 68 fight [faɪt] fought [fɔ:t] fought [fɔ:t] сражаться 69 find [faɪnd] found [faʊnd] found [faʊnd] находить 70 flee [fli:] fled [flɛd] fled [flɛd] бежать; спасаться 71 fling [flɪŋ] flung [flʌŋ] flung [flʌŋ] швырять 72 floodlight [ˈflʌdlaɪt] floodlighted [ˈflʌdlaɪtɪd]
floodlit [ˈflʌdlɪt] floodlighted [ˈflʌdlaɪtɪd]
floodlit [ˈflʌdlɪt] освещать прожектором 73 fly [flaɪ] flew [flu:] flown [floʊn] летать 74 forbear [fɔːˈbeə] forbore [fɔːˈbɔː] forborne [fɔːˈbɔːn] воздерживаться 75 forbid [fəˈbɪd] forbad [fəˈbeɪd]
forbade forbidden [fəbɪdn] запрещать 76 forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst] forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst]
forecasted [ˈfɔːkɑːstɪd] forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst]
forecasted [ˈfɔːkɑːstɪd] предсказывать 77 foresee [fɔːˈsiː] foresaw [fɔːˈsɔː] foreseen [fɔːˈsiːn] предвидеть 78 foretell [fɔːˈtɛl] foretold [fɔːˈtəʊld] foretold [fɔːˈtəʊld] предсказывать 79 forget [fəˈget] forgot [fəˈgɒt] forgotten [fəˈgɒtn] забыть 80 forgive [fəˈgɪv] forgave [fəˈgeɪv] forgiven [fəgɪvn] простить 81 forsake [fəˈseɪk] forsook [fəˈsʊk] forsaken [fəˈseɪkn] покидать 82 forswear [fɔːˈsweə] forswore [fɔːˈswɔː] forsworn [fɔːˈswɔːn] отрекаться 83 freeze [fri:z] froze [froʊz] frozen [froʊzn] замерзнуть; замораживать G 84 gainsay [ˌɡeɪnˈseɪ] gainsaid [ˌɡeɪnˈsed] gainsaid [ˌɡeɪnˈsed] отрицать; противоречить 85 get [get] got [gɒt] gotten [gɒtn]
got [gɒt] получить 86 gild [gɪld] gilt [gɪlt] gilt [gɪlt] позолотить 87 gird [ɡɜːd] girded [ˈɡɜːdɪd]
girt [ɡɜːt] girded [ˈɡɜːdɪd]
girt [ɡɜːt] опоясывать 88 give [gɪv] gave [geɪv] given [gɪvn] дать 89 go [goʊ] went [wɛnt] gone [ɡɒn] идти; уходить 90 grave [ɡreɪv] graved [ɡreɪvd] graved [ɡreɪvd]
graven [ˈɡreɪvən] гравировать 91 grind [graɪnd] ground [graʊnd] ground [graʊnd] точить; молоть 92 grow [groʊ] grew [gru:] grown [groʊn] расти H 93 hamstring hamstringed
hamstrung hamstringed
hamstrung подрезать поджилки 94 hang [hæŋ] hung [hʌŋ]
hanged hung [hʌŋ]
hanged висеть; повесить 95 have [hæv] had [hæd] had [hæd] иметь 96 hear [hɪə] heard [hɜ:d] heard [hɜ:d] слушать 97 heave [hi:v] heaved [hiːvd]
hove [həʊv] heaved [hiːvd]
hove [həʊv] подымать(ся) 98 hew [hju:] hewed [hju:d] hewed [hju:n]
hewn [hju:d] рубить, тесать 99 hide [haɪd] hid [hɪd] hidden [hɪdn] прятать(ся) 100 hit [hɪt] hit [hɪt] hit [hɪt] ударить 101 hold [hoʊld] held [hɛld] held [hɛld] держать, проводить 102 hurt [hɜ:t] hurt [hɜ:t] hurt [hɜ:t] ранить, обижать I 104 inlay [ɪnˈleɪ] inlaid [ɪnˈleɪd] inlaid [ɪnˈleɪd] вкладывать, инкрустировать 105 input [ˈɪnpʊt] input [ˈɪnpʊt]
inputted input [ˈɪnpʊt]
inputted вводить (данные) 106 inset [ˌɪnˈset] inset [ˌɪnˈset] inset [ˌɪnˈset] вставлять; вкладывать 107 interweave [ɪntəˈwiːv] interwove [ɪntəˈwəʊv] interwoven [ɪntəˈwəʊv(ə)n] воткать K 108 keep [ki:p] kept [kɛpt] kept [kɛpt] хранить 109 ken [ken] kenned [kend]
kent [kent] kenned [kend] знать; узнавать по виду 110 kneel [ni:l] knelt [nɛlt]
kneeled knelt [nɛlt]
kneeled становиться на колени 111 knit [nɪt] knit [nɪt]
knitted knit [nɪt]
knitted вязать 112 know [noʊ] knew [nju:] known [noʊn] знать L 113 lade [leɪd] laded [ˈleɪdɪd] laded [ˈleɪdɪd]
laden [ˈleɪdən] грузить 114 lay [leɪ] laid [leɪd] laid [leɪd] класть 115 lead [li:d] led [lɛd] led [lɛd] вести 116 lean [li:n] leant [lɛnt] leant [lɛnt] опираться 117 leap [li:p] leapt [lɛpt] leapt [lɛpt] прыгать 118 learn [lɜ:n] learnt [lɜ:nd]
learned [lɜ:nt] learnt [lɜ:nt] учить(ся) 119 leave [li:v] left [lɛft] left [lɛft] оставлять, уезжать 120 lend [lɛnd] lent [lɛnt] lent [lɛnt] давать взаймы 121 let [lɛt] let [lɛt] let [lɛt] позволять 122 lie [laɪ] lay [leɪ] lain [leɪn] лежать 123 light [laɪt] lit [lɪt]
lighted [laɪtɪd] lit [lɪt]
lighted [laɪtɪd] осветить 124 lose [lu:z] lost [lɒst] lost [lɒst] терять M 125 make [meɪk] made [meɪd] made [meɪd] делать 126 may [meɪ] might [maɪt] might [maɪt] мочь; иметь возможность 127 mean [mi:n] meant [mɛnt] meant [mɛnt] подразумевать 128 meet [mi:t] met [mɛt] met [mɛt] встретить 129 miscast [ˌmɪsˈkɑːst] miscast [ˌmɪsˈkɑːst] miscast [ˌmɪsˈkɑːst] неправильно распределять роли 130 misdeal [ˌmɪsˈdiːl] misdealt [ˌmɪsˈdelt] misdealt [ˌmɪsˈdelt] поступать неправильно 131 misgive [ˌmɪsˈɡɪv] misgave [ˌmɪsˈɡeɪv] misgiven [ˌmɪsˈɡɪvən] внушать опасения 132 mishear [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] misheard [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] misheard [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] ослышаться 133 mishit [ˈmɪshɪt] mishit [ˈmɪshɪt] mishit [ˈmɪshɪt] промахнуться 134 mislay [ˌmɪsˈleɪ] mislaid [ˌmɪsˈleɪd] mislaid [ˌmɪsˈleɪd] класть не на место 135 mislead [ˌmɪsˈliːd] misled [ˌmɪsˈled] misled [ˌmɪsˈled] ввести в заблуждение 136 misread [ˌmɪsˈriːd] misread [ˌmɪsˈriːd] misread [ˌmɪsˈriːd] неправильно истолковывать 137 misspell [ˌmɪsˈspel] misspelt [ˌmɪsˈspelt]
misspeled [ˌmɪsˈspeld] misspelt [ˌmɪsˈspelt]
misspeled [ˌmɪsˈspeld] писать с ошибками 138 misspend [ˌmɪsˈspend] misspent [ˌmɪsˈspent] misspent [ˌmɪsˈspent] экономить 139 mistake [mɪisˈteɪk] mistook [mɪˈstʊk] mistaken [mɪˈsteɪk(ə)n] неправильно понимать 140 misunderstand [ˌmɪsˌʌndəˈstænd] misunderstood [ˌmɪsˌʌndəˈstʊd] misunderstood [ˌmɪsˌʌndəˈstʊd] неправильно понимать 141 mow [moʊ] mowed [moʊd] mown [moʊn]
mowed косить O 142 outbid [aʊtˈbɪd] outbid [aʊtˈbɪd] outbid [aʊtˈbɪd] перебивать цену 143 outdo [aʊtˈduː] outdid [aʊtˈdɪd] outdone [aʊtˈdʌn] превосходить 144 outfight [ˌaʊtˈfaɪt] outfought [ˌaʊtˈfɔːt] outfought [ˌaʊtˈfɔːt] побеждать (в бою) 145 outgrow [ˌaʊtˈɡrəʊ] outgrew [ˌaʊtˈɡruː] outgrown [ˌaʊtˈɡrəʊn] вырастать из 146 output [ˈaʊtpʊt] output [ˈaʊtpʊt]
outputted output [ˈaʊtpʊt]
outputted выходить 147 outrun [ˌaʊtˈrʌn] outran [ˌaʊtˈræn] outrun [ˌaʊtˈrʌn] перегонять; опережать 148 outsell [ˌaʊtˈsel] outsold [ˌaʊtˈsəʊld] outsold [ˌaʊtˈsəʊld] продавать лучше или дороже 149 outshine [ˌaʊtˈʃaɪn] outshone [ˌaʊtˈʃɒn] outshone [ˌaʊtˈʃɒn] затмевать 150 overbid [ˌəʊvəˈbɪd] overbid [ˌəʊvəˈbeɪd] overbid [ˌəʊvəˈbɪdən] повелевать 151 overcome [əʊvəˈkʌm] overcame [əʊvəˈkeɪm] overcome [əʊvəˈkʌm] компенсировать 152 overdo [ˌəʊvəˈduː] overdid [ˌəʊvəˈdɪd] overdone [ˌəʊvəˈdʌn] пережари(ва)ть 153 overdraw [ˌəʊvəˈdrɔː] overdrew [ˌəʊvəˈdruː] overdrawn [ˌəʊvəˈdrɔːn] превышать 154 overeat [ˌəʊvəˈriːt] overate [ˌəʊvəˈreɪt] overeaten [ˌəʊvəˈriːtən] объедаться 155 overfly [ˌəʊvəˈflaɪ] overflew [ˌəʊvəˈfluː] overflown [ˌəʊvəˈfləʊn] перелетать 156 overhang [ˌəʊvəˈhæŋ] overhung [ˌəʊvəˈhʌŋ] overhung [ˌəʊvəˈhʌŋ] нависать 157 overhear [ˌəʊvəˈhɪə] overheard [ˌəʊvəˈhɜːd] overheard [ˌəʊvəˈhɜːd] подслуш(ив)ать 158 overlay [ˌəʊvəˈleɪ] overlaid [ˌəʊvəˈleɪd] overlaid [ˌəʊvəˈleɪd] покры(ва)ть 159 overpay [ˌəʊvəˈpeɪ] overpaid [ˌəʊvəˈpeɪd] overpaid [ˌəʊvəˈpeɪd] переплачивать 160 override [ˌəʊvəˈraɪd] overrode [ˌəʊvəˈrəʊd] overridden [ˌəʊvəˈrɪdən] отвергать; отклонять 161 overrun [ˌəʊvəˈrʌn] overran [ˌəʊvəˈræn] overrun [ˌəʊvəˈrʌn] переливаться через край 162 oversee [ˌəʊvəˈsiː] oversaw [ˌəʊvəˈsɔː] overseen [ˌəʊvəˈsiːn] надзирать за 163 overshoot [ˌəʊvəˈʃuːt] overshot [ˌəʊvəˈʃɒt] overshot [ˌəʊvəˈʃɒt] расстрелять 164 oversleep [ˌəʊvəˈsliːp] overslept [ˌəʊvəˈslept] overslept [ˌəʊvəˈslept] прос(ы)пать 165 overtake [ˌəʊvəˈteɪk] overtook [ˌəʊvəˈtʊk] overtaken [ˌəʊvəˈteɪkən] догонять 166 overthrow [ˌəʊvəˈθrəʊ] overthrew [ˌəʊvəˈθruː] overthrown [ˌəʊvəˈθrəʊn] свергать P 167 partake [pɑːˈteɪk] partook [pɑːˈtʊk] partaken [pɑːˈteɪkən] принимать участие 168 pay [peɪ] paid [peɪd] paid [peɪd] платить 169 plead [pli:d] pleaded [pli:dɪd]
pled [plɛd] pleaded [pli:dɪd]
pled [plɛd] обращаться к суду 170 prepay [ˌpriːˈpeɪ] prepaid [ˌpriːˈpeɪd] prepaid [ˌpriːˈpeɪd] платить вперед 171 prove [pru:v] proved [pru:vd] proved [pru:vən]
proven [pru:vd] доказывать; оказаться 172 put [pʊt] put [pʊt] put [pʊt] класть Q 173 quit [kwɪt] quit [kwɪt]
quitted [ˈkwɪtɪd] quit [kwɪt]
quitted [ˈkwɪtɪd] покидать; оставлять R 174 read [ri:d] read [rɛd]
red read [rɛd]
red читать 175 rebind [ˌriːˈbaɪnd] rebound [rɪˈbaʊnd] rebound [rɪˈbaʊnd] перевязывать 176 rebuild [ˌriːˈbɪld] rebuilt [ˌriːˈbɪlt] rebuilt [ˌriːˈbɪlt] перестроить 177 recast [ˌriːˈkɑːst] recast [ˌriːˈkɑːst] recast [ˌriːˈkɑːst] видоизменять; преобразовывать 178 redo [ˌriːˈduː] redid [ˌriːˈdɪd] redone [ˌriːˈdʌn] повторять сделанное 179 rehear [ˌriːˈhɪə] reheard [ˌriːˈhɜːd] reheard [ˌriːˈhɜːd] слушать вторично 180 remake [ˌriːˈmeɪk] remade [ˌriːˈmeɪd] remade [ˌriːˈmeɪd] переделывать 181 rend [rend] rent [rent] rent [rent] раздирать 182 repay [rɪˈpeɪ] repaid [rɪˈpeɪd] repaid [rɪˈpeɪd] отдавать долг 183 rerun [ˈriːrʌn] reran [ˈriːræn] rerun [ˈriːrʌn] выполнять повторно 184 resell [riːˈsel] resold [riːˈsəʊld] resold [riːˈsəʊld] перепродавать 185 reset [ˌriːˈset] reset [ˌriːˈset] reset [ˌriːˈset] возвращать 186 resit [ˊri:sɪt] resat [ˏriː`sæt] resat [ˏriː`sæt] пересиживать 187 retake [ˌriːˈteɪk] retook [ˌriːˈtʊk] retaken [ˌriːˈteɪkən] забирать 188 retell [ˌriːˈtel] retold [ˌriːˈtəʊld] retold [ˌriːˈtəʊld] пересказывать 189 rewrite [ˌriːˈraɪt] rewrote [ˌriːˈrəʊt] rewritten [ˌriːˈrɪtən] пере(за)писать 190 rid [rɪd] rid [rɪd]
ridded rid [rɪd]
ridded избавлять 191 ride [raɪd] rode [roʊd] ridden [rɪdn] ездить верхом 192 ring [rɪŋ] rang [ræŋ] rung [rʌŋ] звонить 193 rise [raɪz] rose [roʊz] risen [rɪzn] подняться 194 rive [raɪv] rived [raɪvd] riven [ˈrɪvən] расщеплять 195 run [rʌn] ran [ræn] run [rʌn] бежать; течь S 196 saw [sɔ:] sawed [sɔ:d] sawn [sɔ:d]
sawed [sɔ:n] пилить 197 say [sɛɪ] said [sɛd] said [sɛd] говорить; сказать 198 see [si:] saw [sɔ:] seen [si:n] видеть 199 seek [si:k] sought [sɔ:t] sought [sɔ:t] искать 200 sell [sel] sold [soʊld] sold [soʊld] продавать 201 send [sɛnd] sent [sɛnt] sent [sɛnt] послать 202 set [sɛt] set [sɛt] set [sɛt] устанавливать 203 sew [səʊ] sewed [səʊd] sewed [səʊn]
sewn шить 204 shake [ʃeɪk] shook [ʃʊk] shaken [ʃeɪkən] трясти 205 shave [ʃeɪv] shaved [ʃeɪvd] shaved [ʃeɪvd]
shaven [ʃeɪvən] брить(ся) 206 shear [ʃɪə] sheared [ʃɪəd] shorn [ʃɪəd]
sheared [ʃɔ:n] стричь 207 shed [ʃed] shed [ʃɛd] shed [ʃɛd] проливать 208 shine [ʃaɪn] shone [ʃoʊn]
shined shone [ʃoʊn]
shined светить; сиять 209 shoe [ʃu:] shod [ʃɒd] shod [ʃɒd] обувать; подковывать 210 shoot [ʃu:t] shot [ʃɒt] shot [ʃɒt] стрелять; давать побеги 211 show [ʃoʊ] showed [ʃoʊd] shown [ʃoʊn] показывать 212 shred [ʃred] shred [ʃred]
shredded [ˈʃredɪd] shred [ʃred]
shredded [ˈʃredɪd] кромсать; расползаться 213 shrink [ʃrɪŋk] shrank [ʃræŋk]
shrunk shrunk [ʃrʌŋk] сокращаться; сжиматься; отпрянуть 214 shrive [ʃraɪv] shrove [ʃrəʊv]
shrived [ʃraɪvd] shriven [ˈʃrɪvən]
shrived [ʃraɪvd] исповедовать 215 shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] закрывать 216 sing [sɪŋ] sang [sæŋ] sung [sʌŋ] петь 217 sink [sɪŋk] sank [sæŋk] sunk [sʌŋk] опускаться; погружаться; тонуть 218 sit [sɪt] sat [sæt] sat [sæt] сидеть 219 slay [sleɪ] slew [slu:] slain [sleɪn] убивать 220 sleep [sli:p] slept [slɛpt] slept [slɛpt] спать 221 slide [slaɪd] slid [slɪd] slid [slɪd] скользить 222 sling [slɪŋ] slung [slʌŋ] slung [slʌŋ] швырять; подвешивать 223 slink [slɪŋk] slunk [slɪŋkt] slunk [slɪŋkt] идти крадучись 224 slit [slɪt] slit [slɪt] slit [slɪt] раздирать(ся); разрезать (вдоль) 225 smell [smel] smelt [smɛlt] smelt [smɛlt] пахнуть; нюхать 226 smite [smʌɪt] smote [sməʊt] smitten [ˈsmɪtn] ударять; разбивать 227 sow [soʊ] sowed [soʊd] sown [soʊn] (по)сеять 228 speak [spi:k] spoke [spoʊk] spoken [spoʊkən] говорить 229 speed [spi:d] sped [spɛd] sped [spɛd] ускорять; спешить 230 spell [spel] spelt [spɛlt] spelt [spɛlt] писать или читать по буквам 231 spend [spend] spent [spɛnt] spent [spɛnt] тратить 232 spill [spɪl] spilt [spɪlt] spilt [spɪlt] пролить 233 spin [spɪn] spun [spʌn] spun [spʌn] прясть 234 spit [spɪt] spat [spɪt]
spit [spæt] spat [spɪt]
spit [spæt] плевать 235 split [splɪt] split [splɪt] split [splɪt] расщепить(ся) 236 spoil [spoɪl] spoilt [spoɪld]
spoiled [spoɪlt] spoilt [spoɪld]
spoiled [spoɪlt] портить 237 spotlight [ˈspɒtlaɪt] spotlit [ˈspɒtlaɪt]
spotlighted [ˈspɒtlaɪtɪd] spotlit [ˈspɒtlaɪt]
spotlighted [ˈspɒtlaɪtɪd] осветить 238 spread [spred] spread [sprɛd] spread [sprɛd] распространиться 239 spring [sprɪŋ] sprang [spræŋ] sprung [sprʌŋ] вскочить; возникнуть 240 stand [stænd] stood [stʊd] stood [stʊd] стоять 241 stave [steɪv] staved [steɪvd]
stove [stəʊv] staved [steɪvd]
stove [stəʊv] проламывать; разби(ва)ть 242 steal [sti:l] stole [stoʊl] stolen [stoʊlən] украсть 243 stick [stɪk] stuck [stʌk] stuck [stʌk] уколоть; приклеить 244 sting [stɪŋ] stung [stʌŋ] stung [stʌŋ] ужалить 245 stink [stɪŋk] stank [stræŋk]
stunk stunk [stʌŋk] вонять 246 strew [struː] strewed [struːd] strewn [struːn]
strewed усеять; устлать 247 stride [straɪd] strode [stroʊd] stridden [strɪdn] шагать 248 strike [straɪk] struck [strʌk] struck [strʌk] ударить; бить; бастовать 249 string [strɪŋ] strung [srtʌŋ] strung [strʌŋ] нанизать; натянуть 250 strive [straɪv] strove [stroʊv] striven [strɪvən] стараться 251 sublet [ˌsʌbˈlet] sublet [ˌsʌbˈlet] sublet [ˌsʌbˈlet] передавать в субаренду 252 swear [swɛə] swore [swɔ:] sworn [swɔ:n] (по)клясться; присягнуть 253 sweep [swi:p] swept [swɛpt] swept [swɛpt] мести; промчаться 254 swell [swel] swelled [swɛld] swollen [swoʊlən]
swelled [swɛld] вздуться 255 swim [swɪm] swam [swæm] swum [swʌm] плыть 256 swing [swɪŋ] swung [swʌŋ] swung [swʌŋ] качаться T 257 take [teɪk] took [tʊk] taken [‘teɪkən] взять; брать 258 teach [ti:tʃ] taught [tɔ:t] taught [tɔ:t] учить 259 tear [tɛə] tore [tɔ:] torn [tɔ:n] рвать 260 tell [tel] told [toʊld] told [toʊld] рассказывать; сказать 261 think [θɪŋk] thought [θɔ:t] thought [θɔ:t] думать 262 thrive [θraɪv] throve [ˈθrəʊv]
trived [θraɪvd] thriven [ˈθrɪvən]
trived [θraɪvd] процветать 263 throw [θroʊ] threw [θru:] thrown [θroʊn] бросить 264 thrust [θrʌst] thrust [θrʌst] thrust [θrʌst] толкнуть; сунуть 265 tread [tred] trod [trɒd] trod [trɒdn]
trodden ступать U 266 unbend [ˌʌnˈbend] unbent [ˌʌnˈbent] unbent [ˌʌnˈbent] разогнуть(ся) 267 underbid [ˌʌndəˈbɪd] underbid [ˌʌndəˈbɪd] underbid [ˌʌndəˈbɪd] снижать цену 268 undercut [ˌʌndəˈkʌt] undercut [ˌʌndəˈkʌt] undercut [ˌʌndəˈkʌt] сбивать цены 269 undergo [ʌndəˈɡəʊ] underwent [ʌndə’wɛnt] undergone [ʌndə’ɡɒn] проходить; подвергаться 270 underlie [ˌʌndəˈlaɪ] underlay [ˌʌndəˈleɪ] underlain [ˌʌndəˈleɪn] лежать в основе 271 underpay [ˌʌndəˈpeɪ] underpaid [ˌʌndəˈpeɪd] underpaid [ˌʌndəˈpeɪd] оплачивать слишком низко 272 undersell [ˌʌndəˈsel] undersold [ˌʌndəˈsəʊld] undersold [ˌʌndəˈsəʊld] продавать дешевле 273 understand [ʌndəˈstænd] understood [ʌndəˈstʊd] understood [ʌndəˈstʊd] понимать 274 undertake [ʌndəˈteɪk] undertook ʌndəˈtʊk] undertaken [ʌndəˈteɪk(ə)n] предпринять 275 underwrite [ˌʌndəˈraɪt] underwrote [ˌʌndəˈrəʊt] underwritten [ˌʌndəˈrɪtən] подписыва(ть)ся 276 undo [‘ʌn’du:] undid [‘ʌn’dɪd] undone [‘ʌn’dʌn] уничтожать сделанное 277 unfreeze [ˌʌnˈfriːz] unfroze [ˌʌnˈfrəʊz] unfrozen [ˌʌnˈfrəʊzən] размораживать 278 unsay [ˌʌnˈseɪ] unsaid [ˌʌnˈsed] unsaid [ˌʌnˈsed] брать назад свои слова 279 unwind [ˌʌnˈwaɪnd] unwound [ˌʌnˈwaʊnd] unwound [ˌʌnˈwaʊnd] развертывать 280 uphold [ˌʌpˈhəʊld] upheld [ˌʌpˈheld] upheld [ˌʌpˈheld] поддерживать 281 upset [ʌp’set] upset [ʌp’set] upset [ʌp’set] опрокинуть(ся) W 282 wake [weɪk] woke [woʊk]
waked [weɪkt] woken [woʊkən]
waked [weɪkt] просыпаться; будить 283 waylay [ˌweɪˈleɪ] waylaid [ˌweɪˈleɪd] waylaid [ˌweɪˈleɪd] подстерегать 284 wear [wɛə] wore [wɔ:] worn [wɔ:n] носить(одежду) 285 weave [wi:v] wove [woʊv]
weaved [wi:vd] woven [woʊvən]
weaved [wi:vd] ткать 286 wed [wed] wed [wɛd]
wedded [’wɛdɪd] wed [wɛd]
wedded [’wɛdɪd] выдавать замуж 287 weep [wi:p] wept [wɛpt] wept [wɛpt] плакать 288 wet [wɛt] wet [wɛt]
wetted wet [wɛt]
wetted мочить; увлажнять 289 win [wɪn] won [wʌn] won [wʌn] выиграть 290 wind [waɪnd] wound [waʊnd] wound [waʊnd] заводить (механизм) 291 withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː] withdrew [wɪð’druː] withdrawn [wɪð’drɔːn] взять назад; отозвать 292 withhold [wɪðˈhəʊld] withheld [wɪðˈhɛld] withheld [wɪðˈhɛld] удерживать 293 withstand [wɪðˈstand] withstood [wɪðˈstʊd] withstood [wɪðˈstʊd] противиться 294 work [ˈwɜːk] worked [wɜːkt]
wrought [ˈrɔːt] worked [wɜːkt]
wrought [ˈrɔːt] работать 295 wring [rɪŋ] wrung [rʌŋ] wrung [rʌŋ] скрутить; сжать 296 write [raɪt] wrote [roʊt] written [rɪtn] писать

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