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Find.HitHighlight method (Word)








Find.HitHighlight method (Word)

Highlights all found matches and returns a Boolean that represents whether matches were found.


expression.HitHighlight (FindText, HighlightColor, TextColor, MatchCase, MatchWholeWord, MatchPrefix, MatchSuffix, MatchPhrase, MatchWildcards, MatchSoundsLike, MatchAllWordForms, MatchByte, MatchFuzzy, MatchKashida, MatchDiacritics, MatchAlefHamza, MatchControl, IgnoreSpace, IgnorePunct, HanjaPhoneticHangul)

expression An expression that returns a Find object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
FindText Required Variant Specifies the text to find. Use an empty string («») to search for formatting only. You can search for special characters by specifying appropriate character codes. For example, "^p" corresponds to a paragraph mark and "^t" corresponds to a tab character.
HighlightColor Optional Variant Specifies the highlight color for the text. Can be any RGB color or one of the WdColor constants.
TextColor Optional Variant Specifies the color of the text. Can be any RGB color or one of the WdColor constants.
MatchCase Optional Variant True to specify that the find text be case-sensitive. Corresponds to the Match case check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
MatchWholeWord Optional Variant True to have the find operation locate only entire words, not text that is part of a larger word. Corresponds to the Find whole words only check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
MatchPrefix Optional Variant True to match words beginning with the search string. Corresponds to the Match prefix check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
MatchSuffix Optional Variant True to match words ending with the search string. Corresponds to the Match suffix check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
MatchPhrase Optional Variant True ignores all white space and control characters between words.
MatchWildcards Optional Variant True to have the find text be a special search operator. Corresponds to the Use wildcards check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
MatchSoundsLike Optional Variant True to have the find operation locate words that sound similar to the find text. Corresponds to the Sounds like check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
MatchAllWordForms Optional Variant True to have the find operation locate all forms of the find text (for example, «sit» locates «sitting» and «sat»). Corresponds to the Find all word forms check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
MatchByte Optional Variant True to distinguish between full-width and half-width letters or characters during a search.
MatchFuzzy Optional Variant True to use the nonspecific search options for Japanese text during a search. Read/write.
MatchKashida Optional Variant True if find operations match text with matching kashidas in an Arabic-language document. This argument may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you have selected or installed.
MatchDiacritics Optional Variant True if find operations match text with matching diacritics in a right-to-left language document. This argument may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you have selected or installed.
MatchAlefHamza Optional Variant True if find operations match text with matching alef hamzas in an Arabic-language document. This argument may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you have selected or installed.
MatchControl Optional Variant True if find operations match text with matching bidirectional control characters in a right-to-left language document. This argument may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you have selected or installed.
IgnoreSpace Optional Variant True ignores all white space between words. Corresponds to the Ignore white-space characters check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
IgnorePunct Optional Variant True ignores all punctuation characters between words. Corresponds to the Ignore punctuation check box in the Find and Replace dialog box.
HanjaPhoneticHangul Optional Variant True ignores phonetic hangul and hanja characters. Available only if you have support for Korean languages.

Return value



The HitHighlight method applies primarily to search highlighting in Office Outlook when Word is specified as the email editor. However, you can use this method on documents inside Word if you want to highlight found text. Otherwise, use the Execute method.

See also

  • Find Object

[!includeSupport and feedback]

i have the codes below that is already working but still needs to be fine tuned. Its a function that finds matches for a wildcard search string and highlights the occurences. But i believe that it can still be done in a single line using replace all. I have tried almost everything that i could possibly think of and i think its time to ask the experts about this. Please show me how this can be done in a yet shorter way. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Sub findfunction()
If (findHL(activedocument.Range, "[aeiou]")) = True Then MsgBox "Highlight vowels Done", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Vowels Highlight Result"
End Sub

Function findHL(r As Range, s As String) As Boolean
Dim rdup As Range
Set rdup = r.Duplicate
rdup.Find.Wrap = wdFindStop

Do While rdup.Find.Execute(findtext:=s, MatchWildcards:=True) = True
   If (Not rdup.InRange(r)) Then Exit Do
   rdup.HighlightColorIndex = wdBlue
   rdup.Collapse wdCollapseEnd

findHL = True
End Function

Deduplicator's user avatar


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asked Mar 16, 2011 at 6:27

decrementor's user avatar

Hidden very deep inside google:

Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdYellow

Selection.find.HitHighlight( string ) 

LittleBobbyTables - Au Revoir's user avatar

answered Feb 22, 2012 at 10:18

Stan Bienaives's user avatar

I managed to find my own solution doing a few trials. Here is my solution just for reference to others who might be looking for the same solution to my previous problem:

Sub findfunction()
If (findHL(activedocument.Content, "[aeiou]")) = True Then MsgBox "Highlight vowels Done", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Vowels Highlight Result"
End Sub

Function findHL(r As Range, s As String) As Boolean
Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdBlue
r.Find.Replacement.highlight = True
r.Find.Execute FindText:=s, MatchWildcards:=True, Wrap:=wdFindContinue, Format:=True,  replacewith:="", replace:=wdReplaceAll
findHL = True
End Function

Simple yet it stripped down my previous code to a few lines.

KatieK's user avatar


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answered Mar 16, 2011 at 8:26

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10-29-2012, 07:49 AM

mpdsal is offline

Help with VBA code to find and highlight text Windows XP Help with VBA code to find and highlight text Office 2007


Help with VBA code to find and highlight text


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Help with VBA code to find and highlight text

I did a search before posing this but did not find a solution for my particular request.

I have the following code which is working beautifully however I want not only the found words to be highlighted but all the text in that row, which may include spaces and text. For example, after I find Procedure Step: I want it to highlight all the information following it.

Procedure Step: Inbound Staging
Procedure Step: FIFO

Here is the code I have so far:


Sub Highlight_Word()
Dim sFindText As String
'Start from the top of the document
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
sFindText = "Procedure Step:"
Selection.Find.Execute sFindText
Do Until Selection.Find.Found = False
  Selection.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
End Sub


Last edited by macropod; 10-29-2012 at 02:40 PM.

Reason: Added code tags & formatting

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10-29-2012, 02:38 PM


By «all the text in that row» do you mean an entire paragraph, all the text in a table row (including in other cells on that row), or a single line within a paragraph?

PS: When posting code, please use code tags.

Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP — Word]

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10-30-2012, 08:42 AM

mpdsal is offline

Help with VBA code to find and highlight text Windows XP Help with VBA code to find and highlight text Office 2007


Help with VBA code to find and highlight text


Join Date: Nov 2011

Posts: 19

mpdsal is on a distinguished road


It would be a sentence in this case. I can select the text I want hightlighted manually by moving the cursor to that row and pressing shift End. That selects the entire text string I would like to highlight. Problem is when I record that and insert the code in my macro when it loops through the logic again the new serach string includes all the text which is selected instead of just «Procedure Step:» as it should. Hope this helps.


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10-30-2012, 10:15 AM

mpdsal is offline

Help with VBA code to find and highlight text Windows XP Help with VBA code to find and highlight text Office 2007


Help with VBA code to find and highlight text


Join Date: Nov 2011

Posts: 19

mpdsal is on a distinguished road


I think I got it. It may be crude but it works. I think within a week or two I can be an MPV.


Sub Highlight_WordN()
Dim sFindText As String
'Start from the top of the document
 Selection.HomeKey wdStory
sFindText = "Procedure Step:"
Selection.Find.Execute sFindText
Do Until Selection.Find.Found = False
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
        Selection.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
End Sub

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10-30-2012, 01:48 PM


I think you’ll find the following does what you want far more efficiently:


Sub Highlight_Words()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
  .Text = "Procedure Step:[!^13]{1,}"
  With .Replacement
    .Text = "^&"
    .Highlight = True
  End With
  .Forward = True
  .Wrap = wdFindContinue
  .Format = True
  .MatchWildcards = True
  .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP — Word]

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10-31-2012, 08:38 AM

mpdsal is offline

Help with VBA code to find and highlight text Windows XP Help with VBA code to find and highlight text Office 2007


Help with VBA code to find and highlight text


Join Date: Nov 2011

Posts: 19

mpdsal is on a distinguished road


OK, you win. That was brilliant. My code was crude in comparison. Not quite MVP yet it turns out.

Can you explain what this is doing? I’ve never seen this logic before. What is happening with the carat «^» and brackets?


Text = "Procedure Step:[!^13]{1,}"




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10-31-2012, 02:03 PM


The ‘[!^13]{1,}’ is a wildcard expression (you’ll see that I have ‘.MatchWildcards = True’). The [] tells Word to find any of the enclosed character(s). In this case, the ‘!’ says it’s a character other than what follows. The ‘^13’ represents a paragraph break. The {1,} says there is at least one, such character, but we don’t necessarily know what the upper limit is. So Word is being told to find ‘Procedure Step:’ followed by any number of chracters other than a paragraph break.

Wildcard expressions greatly enhance Word’s Find/Replace capacity. See: http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/General/UsingWildcards.htm

FWIW, you don’t even need the macro in this case — it’s doing nothing more than you can do through the Find/Replace dialogue.

Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP — Word]

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09-11-2014, 06:29 AM


Could you expand if one was to use find and replace and have all the replaced characters/ words highlighted.

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09-11-2014, 03:55 PM


I don’t understand your question — the macro already highlights the found text.

Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP — Word]

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This is a simpler version of a previous blog post—it doesn’t require you to set up and store a separate file of the words you want to highlight.

I wanted to create a list of vague words (such as some, most, often, frequently, sometimes—words that aren’t explicit or specific enough in technical writing and editing) that a simple Microsoft Word macro could find and highlight for me. I found some macros online that each partly solved the problem, and adapted one from Macropod (Paul Edstein) to suit my purposes as it was the closest to what I wanted. Full thanks to Macropod for this one.

There are several ways you can adapt this macro—I’ve commented some of my ideas in the code. I think the words are case sensitive, so if you want one with a capital (e.g. Some), you should add it as another entry.

NOTE: Copy all the code below to the clipboard—it goes off the page, so don’t type it out as you’ll miss some of it or could make a typo—then paste it into your VBA window.

Sub VagueWords()

' Source: Paul Edstein (Macropod), 8 Aug 2015: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/how-to-search-and-replace-multiple-wordsletters-in/af4753a0-7afd-433b-910d-a148da66f2bf
' Original macro name: MultiReplace
' Adapted by Rhonda Bracey, Cybertext Consulting, 22 Feb 2020
' You could duplicate this macro with a different name (e.g. LegalWords [for must, shall, etc.]) using a different list of words in the StrFind and StrRepl lists

Dim StrFind As String
Dim StrRepl As String
Dim i As Long

' In StrFind and StrRepl, add words between the quote marks, separate with a comma, NO spaces
' To only highlight the found words (i.e. not replace with other words), either use StrRepl = StrFind OR use the SAME words in the same order in the StrRepl list as for the StrFind list; comment/uncomment to reflect the one you're using
' To replace a word with another and highlight it, put the new word in the StrRepl list in the SAME position as the word in the StrFind list you want to replace; comment/uncomment to reflect the one you're using

StrFind = "very,just,rarely,often,frequently,majority,most,minority,some,perhaps,maybe,regularly,sometimes,occasionally,best,worst,worse,better,seldom,few,many"
StrRepl = StrFind
' StrRepl = "very,just,rarely,often,frequently,majority,most,minority,some,perhaps,maybe,regularly,sometimes,occasionally,best,worst,worse,better,seldom,few,many"
Set RngTxt = Selection.Range

' Set highlight color - options are listed here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/word.wdcolorindex
' main ones are wdYellow, wdTurquoise, wdBrightGreen, wdPink
Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdTurquoise

Selection.HomeKey wdStory

' Clear existing formatting and settings in Find and Replace fields

With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
  .Format = True
  .MatchWholeWord = True
  .MatchAllWordForms = False
  .MatchWildcards = False
  .Wrap = wdFindContinue
  .Forward = True
  For i = 0 To UBound(Split(StrFind, ","))
    .Text = Split(StrFind, ",")(i)
    .Replacement.Highlight = True
    .Replacement.Text = Split(StrRepl, ",")(i)
    .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
  Next i
End With
End Sub

For another way to do this, but instead changing the colour of a selected set of words, see https://wordribbon.tips.net/T013773_Changing_the_Color_of_a_List_of_Words.html

Update Oct 2020: A professor has made a YouTube video for his students/colleagues of this in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIg95ETFxMQ

[Links last checked June 2020]

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  • Question

  • I am trying to highlight and then extract certain words from a MS Word document. I am able to select the Word file I want to open, but now the code will not search and highlight. I have attached my current code below.

    Sub Highlight_SP_Tower()
    'Open an existing Word Document from Excel
        Dim FileToOpen
        Dim appwd As Object
        ChDrive "C:"
        FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename _
            (Title:="Please choose a file to import", _
            FileFilter:="Word Files *.docx (*.docx),")
        If FileToOpen = False Then
            MsgBox "No file specified.", vbExclamation, "Error"
            Exit Sub
            Set appwd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
            appwd.Visible = True
            appwd.Documents.Open Filename:=FileToOpen
        End If
    'This code will highlight the word(s) inside the " "
        With appwd
         Dim sFindText As String
        Selection.HomeKey wdStory
        sFindText = "IBM"
        Selection.Find.Execute sFindText
        Do Until Selection.Find.Found = False
        Selection.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
    'The following code will now extract highlighted words into a specified excel worksheet, populating A1,A2,A3...etc.
        Selection.HomeKey wdStory, wdMove
    'set searching for highlighted words
        Selection.Find.Highlight = True
    'open workbook within new Excel application
        Dim EXL As Object
        Set EXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
        Dim xlsWB As Object
        Dim xlsPath As String
    'put path to file here
        xlsPath = "C:UsersDooleyJDesktopVBA TestBook1"
        Set xlsWB = EXL.Workbooks.Open(xlsPath)
        Dim xlsRow As Long
        Do Until Selection.Find.Found = False
    'we will write found words to first sheet in your Workbook, consecutive rows in column A
        xlsRow = xlsRow + 1
        xlsWB.Sheets(1).Cells(xlsRow, "B") = Selection.Text
    'show excel application
        EXL.Visible = True
    End With
    End Sub

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