Vba sql запрос к листу excel

Just wanted to add here that you can just make your range a named range and use it in your query (or an entire sheet if you have a single table per sheet).

So you can use:

SELECT * FROM MyNamedRange


SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]

A lot of these answers seem to go to the effort of parsing out addresses when what I’ve done historically is just setup all my tables as named ranges and refer to them directly in the query (makes it a lot cleaner too).

In one of my more complicated queries below, all of the ranges I refer to are named ranges:

SELECT Unit_Type AS [Unit Type], COUNT(*) AS [Number of Units], SQFT, Deposit AS [Deposit{$}], Rent AS [Base Rent{$}], SUM(RENT) AS [Base Rent Total{$}], SUM(MR) AS [Market Rent Total{$}] FROM
    SELECT f1.Unit_Code, Unit_Type, SQFT, Rent, Deposit, SWITCH(MR IS NULL,Rent,MR IS NOT NULL,MR) AS MR FROM
        SELECT t2.Unit_Code, t2.Unit_Type, SQFT, Rent, Deposit FROM
            SELECT DISTINCT Unit_Code, Unit_Type
            FROM CommUnits
            WHERE Unit_Code NOT LIKE "%WAIT%" AND Exclude=0
        ) t2
        LEFT JOIN
            SELECT UnitType_Code, SQFT, Rent, Deposit
            FROM ResUnitTypes
        ) t1 ON (t1.UnitType_Code = t2.Unit_Type)
    ) f1
        SELECT Unit_Code, SUM(Current_Charge) AS MR
        FROM ResUnitAmenities
        WHERE Unit_Code NOT LIKE "%WAIT%"
        GROUP BY Unit_Code
    ) f2 on (f1.Unit_Code = f2.Unit_Code)
GROUP BY Unit_Type, SQFT, Deposit, Rent

КОД найден на просторах инета.    
впоследствие найдены следы применения здест на сайте — Author: KL  

  Данный код использует листы в текущей книге, как таблицы с данными, которые можно обрабатывать при помощи SQL запроса.  

  Работает быстро, и не слишком сложный.  

  Если много запросов, то я переделывал в параметр сам SQL запрос.  
Надо будет поменять название    
Private Sub GenerateReportSQL(strSQL)  

  закомментировать 2 строки    
Dim strSQL As String  

Private Sub GenerateReportSQL()  
Dim ws As Worksheet  
Dim qry As QueryTable  
Dim strPath As String  
Dim strName As String  
Dim strCon As String  
Dim strSQL As String  
Dim strPosition As String  
Dim strRng As String  
Dim tm As Double  

     With ThisWorkbook  
       On Error Resume Next  
       Set ws = .Worksheets(«Отчет»)  
       On Error GoTo 0  
       If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = .Worksheets.Add(after:=.Worksheets(.Worksheets.Count))          
       strName = .FullName  
       strPath = .Path  
       strRng = «A2:U»  
       strCon = «ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;» & _  
                «DBQ=» & strName & «;» & _  
                «DefaultDir=» & strPath & «;» & _  
                «DriverId=1046;» & _  
                «MaxBufferSize=2048;» & _  
                «Page Timeout=5;»  
       With ws  
           If Val(Application.Version) > 11 Then DeleteConnections_12  
           .Name = «Отчет»  
           Set qry = .QueryTables.Add(strCon, .Range(«A1»), strSQL)  
           With qry  
               .BackgroundQuery = False  
           End With  
       End With  
   End With  
End Sub  

  Private Sub DeleteConnections_12()  
‘ This line won’t work and wouldn’t be necessary  
‘ in the versions older than 2007  
On Error Resume Next: ThisWorkbook.Connections(1).Delete: On Error GoTo 0  
End Sub  

  Теперь попробую описать нюансы.  

  Листы служат табличными источниками данным. Писать в запросе надо обязательно с $    
Т.е. для объявления Листа с данными под названием «OLD» в SQL запросе надо писать [OLD$]

  Первая строка в листе служит названием полей. Для объявления поля необходиомо писать имя столбца.  
Например, поле называется «Название» на листе «OLD». в SQL пишем так [OLD$].Название

  Еще ньюанс. Если вы хотите отбирать часть текста, то вместо * надо писать %  
Например, необходимо чтобы в Название содержалось слово «оскв», в SQL надо писать like `%оскв%`  

  Да и еще, в SQL запросе под VBA, при выборе всякий условий, не пишут знак кавычки, пишите (апостраф вроде) `  
Например WHERE [OLD$].Название = `Москва`

Learn how to easily run a plain SQL query with Visual Basic for Applications on your Excel Spreadsheet.

In the last days, I received an unusual request from a friend that is working on something curious because of an assignment of the University. For this assignment, it’s necessary to find the answer or data as response of a query. Instead of a database, we are going to query plain data from an excel spreadsheet (yeah, just as it sounds). For example, for this article, we are going to use the following Sheet in Excel Plus 2016:

Excel Spreadsheet Run SQL Query

The goal of this task is to write raw SQL Queries against the available data in the spreadsheet to find the answer of the following questions:

  • Which users live in Boston.
  • Which users are boys and live in Boston.
  • Which users were born in 2012.
  • Which users were born in 2010 and were ranked in place #1.

Of course, finding such information as a regular user is quite easy and simple using filters and so, however the assignment requires to do the queries using SQL and Visual Basic for the job. In this article, I will explain you from scratch how to use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications to develop your own macros and run some SQL queries against plain data in your excel spreadsheets.

1. Launch Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications

In order to launch the window of Visual Basic to run some code on your spreadsheets, you will need to enable the Developer tab on the excel Ribbon. You can do this easily opening the Excel options (File > Options) and searching for the Customize Ribbon tab, in this Tab you need to check the Developer checkbox to enable it in your regular interface:

Excel Ribbon Developer Tab

Click on Ok and now you should be able to find the Developer tab on your excel ribbon. In this tab, launch the Visual Basic window:

Visual Basic Ribbon Developer Excel

In this new interface you will be able to run your VB code.

2. Building connection

In the Visual Basic window, open the code window of your sheet and let’s type some code! According to your needs you may create a custom macro and assign them to the action of buttons or other kind of stuff. In this example, we are going to work with plain code and will run them independently to test them. You need to understand how to connect to the workbook data source that will be handled with the following code:

Dim connection As Object
'--- Connect to the current datasource of the Excel file
Set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With connection
    .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
    .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ";" & _
    "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO"";"
End With

The connection properties are described as follows:

  • Provider: we will use the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 (Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0)
  • ConnectionString: we will use the current excel file as the database.
  • HDR=Yes;: indicates that the first row contains the column names, not data. HDR=No; indicates the opposite.

You will use this connection to run the SQL.

3. Printing whole table data

The following example, will use the mentioned logic to connect to the current spreadsheet and will query the range A1:E6 (selecting the whole table in the example excel) and will print every row in the immediate window:

Sub MyMethod()
    '--- Declare Variables to store the connection, the result and the SQL query
    Dim connection As Object, result As Object, sql As String, recordCount As Integer
    '--- Connect to the current datasource of the Excel file
    Set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    With connection
        .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
        .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ";" & _
        "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
    End With
    '--- Write the SQL Query. In this case, we are going to select manually the data range
    '--- To print the whole information of the table
    sql = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A1:E6]"
    '--- Run the SQL query
    Set result = connection.Execute(sql)
    '--- Fetch information
        ' Print the information of every column of the result
        Debug.Print result(0); ";" & result(1) & ";" & result(2) & ";" & result(3) & ";" & result(4)
        recordCount = recordCount + 1
    Loop Until result.EOF
    '--- Print the amount of results
    Debug.Print vbNewLine & recordCount & " results found."
End Sub

Note that we are using HDR so the query will use the first row of data as the column headers, so the result will be the following one:

Excel Spreadsheet Result Query

4. Query by columns

Now that you are able to connect to the worksheet, you may now customize the SQL to fit your needs. It is necessary to explain you the most basic thing you need to know about querying some data in your excel file. The range needs to specify the Sheet Name and the regular excel range (e.g. A1:Z1) and the whole data should be selected, not individual columns. You may filter by individual columns using regular SQL statements as WHERE, AND, OR, etc.

Depending if  you use HDR (first row contains the column names), the query syntax will change:


If you have HDR enabled (in the extended properties of the connection), you may query through the column name, considering that you selected the appropriate range:

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A1:E6] WHERE [city] = 'Boston'


If you don’t use HDR, the nomenclature of the columns will follow the F1, F2, F3, …, FN pattern:

Query Columns Excel VBA

The following query would work perfectly if you don’t have HDR enabled (note that the range changes):

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F5] = 'Boston'

In both cases, the output will be the same in the immediate window:


3 results found.

5. Answering questions

The SQL that should solve the initial questions will be the following ones (with HDR disabled):

Which users live in Boston.

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F5] = 'Boston'

Which users are boys and live in Boston.

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F5] = 'Boston' and [F3] = 'boy'

Which users were born in 2012.

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F4] = 2012

Which users were born in 2010 and were ranked in place #1.

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F2] = 1 AND [F4] = 2010

Happy coding ❤️!


Many times I was irritated of the lack of some Excel functionality (or just I don’t know there is) to easily transform data w/o using pivot tables. SQL in VBA was the only thing that was missing for me.

Distinct, grouping rows of Excel data, running multiple selects etc.
Some time agon when I had a moment of time to spare I did my homework on the topic only to discover that running SQL queries from Excel VBA is possible and easy…

Want to create SQL Queries directly from Excel instead? See my Excel SQL AddIn
Want to learn how to create a MS Query manually? See my MS Query Tutorial

Using SQL in VBA example

sql in excelLet see how to run a simple SELECT SQL Query in Excel VBA on an example Excel Worksheet. On the right see my Excel Worksheet and the Message Box with the similar output from my VBA Macro. The VBA Code is below:

    Dim cn As Object, rs As Object, output As String, sql as String
    '---Connecting to the Data Source---
    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    With cn
        .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
        .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ";" & "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
    End With
    '---Run the SQL SELECT Query---
    sql = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"
    Set rs = cn.Execute(sql)
       output = output & rs(0) & ";" & rs(1) & ";" & rs(2) & vbNewLine
       Debug.Print rs(0); ";" & rs(1) & ";" & rs(2)
    Loop Until rs.EOF
    MsgBox output
    '---Clean up---
    Set cn = Nothing
    Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

Explaining the Code

So what is happening in the macro above? Let us break it down:

Connecting to the Data Source

First we need to connect via the ADODB Driver to our Excel Worksheet. This is the same Driver which runs SQL Queries on MS Access Databases:

'---Connect to the Workbook---
    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    With cn
        .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
        .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ";" & _
        "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
    End With

The Provider is the Drive which is responsible for running the query.

The ConnectionStrings defines the Connection properties, like the path to the Queries File (example above is for ThisWorkbook) or if the first row contains a header (HDR).

The Open command executes the connection.

You can find more information on the ADODB.Connection Object on MSDN.

Running the SQL Select Query

Having connected to our Data Source Excel Worksheet we can now run a SQL SELECT Query:

'---Running the SQL Select Query---
Sql = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"
Set rs = cn.Execute(Sql)
   output = output & rs(0) & ";" & rs(1) & ";" & rs(2) & vbNewLine
   Debug.Print rs(0); ";" & rs(1) & ";" & rs(2)
Loop Until rs.EOF
MsgBox output

So what happens here? First we run the Execute command with our SELECT query:

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]

What does it do? It indicates that our records are in Sheet1. We can obviously extend this query just to filter people above the age of 30:

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE Age > 30

This would be the result:
sql in excel - above 30

The Execute command returns a ADODB RecordSet. We need to loop through the recordset to get each record:

   'Loop through records - rs(0) - first column, rs(1) - second column etc.
   rs.Movenext 'Move to next record
Loop Until rs.EOF 'Have we reached End of RecordSet

Clean up

Lastly we need to Clean up our Objects to free memory. This is actually quite an important step as if you VBA code is runs a lot of queries or computations you might see a slow-down soon enough!

Set cn = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing

What Else Can I Do?

You can do tons of great things with ADODB / MS Queries / SQL in Excel. Here are some additional ideas:

  • Run Queries Across Worksheets – you can run JOIN queries on multiple Excel Worksheets. E.g.
    SELECT [Sheet1$].[First Last], [Age], [Salary] FROM [Sheet1$] INNER JOIN [Sheet2$] ON [Sheet1$].[First Last]=[Sheet2$].[First Last]

    On the below tables:
    sql in excel example

  • Extracting Data from External Data Sources – use different connection strings to connect to Access Databases, CSV files or text files
  • Do more efficient LOOKUPs – read my post on VLOOKUP vs SQL to learn more

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Пытаюсь решить задачу сравнения данных на двух листах эксель(на каждом порядка 150 000 записей).
Вцелом задача: найти только записи листа1 которых нет на листе2. Нет на листе2 значит, что нет совпадений 11 из 20 полей записи.
Использую sql запрос к листам книги, вот такой примерно(очень его упростил уже пытаясь разобраться, но самостоятельно не вышло)

Visual Basic
sSql = "select * " & _
                "from [" & s1.Name & "$] t1, [" & s2.Name & "$] t2," & _
                "t1 left join t2 on (t1.Фамилия=t2.Фамилия and t1.Имя=t2.Имя and cdbl(t1.Номер)=cdbl(t2.Номер)) " & _
                "where t2.Фамилия is null"

а выполняется он вот так:

Кликните здесь для просмотра всего текста

Visual Basic
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Select Case CLng(Split(Application.Version, ".")(0))
        Case Is < 12
            sCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & FPath _
            & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=" & FieldName & ";IMEX=1"";"
        Case Else
            sCon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & FPath _
            & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=" & FieldName & ";IMEX=1"";"
    End Select
    cn.Open sCon
    If Not cn.State = 1 Then Exit Sub
    Set rs = cn.Execute(sSql)
    If OutPutFieldsName Then
        For i = 0 To rs.fields.Count - 1
            OutPutRange.Offset(0, i) = rs.fields(i).Name
        Set OutPutRange = OutPutRange.Offset(1, 0)
    End If
    OutPutRange.CopyFromRecordset rs
    rs.Close: cn.Close
    Set cn = Nothing: Set rs = Nothing

ядро используется ms.jet
и все хорошо выполняется, все как мне нужно
Однако в результате получаем таблицу с огромной кучей колонок, которые вообщем-то не нужны
Однако если я пишу запрос определяя поля для вывода

Visual Basic
sSql = "select t1.Серия,t1.Фамилия,t2.Фамилия,t1.номер,t2.номер " & _
                "from [" & s1.Name & "$] t1, [" & s2.Name & "$] t2," & _
                "t1 left join t2 on (t1.Фамилия=t2.Фамилия and t1.Имя=t2.Имя and cdbl(t1.Номер)=cdbl(t2.Номер)) " & _
                "where t2.Фамилия is null"

то получаю пустой результат.
По работе left join он должен заполнять поля, которые не нашел значениями null, как он это делает если запрашивать все (select * …), но тут убрав условие вообще я вижу, что в итоговую таблицу просто не вошли те строки, совпадения по которым не найдено, то есть выводится меньше строк чем в начальной таблице…

честно, я не понимаю, что за хрень, помогите пожалуйста разобраться….

еще странные вещи вот в чем: select * выдает мои несколько строчек разницы, а select count(*) считает, что результатов запроса 0

Возможно это надо в ветку про sql однако чутье мне подсказывает, что есть какая-то особенность именно в экселе, с sql запросами к которому я относительно недавно познакомился

Так же, если есть идеи по альтернативному решению задачи, буду рад!

UPDATE 21.10.15 Добавил «обратный» макрос — VBA в SQL и макрос для доступа к строке запроса SQL

Некоторое время назад я прошел несколько курсов по SQL. И мне было очень интересно — какую часть из мощного инструмента под названием T-SQL можно применять без использования SQL-Server (не дают мне сервачек под мои нужды, хнык-хнык).

Итак… Начнем с простого — подключение через Query Table в VBA. Можно записать через макрорекордер — для этого нужно создать подключение через Microsoft Query.

Microsoft Query

Выбираем Excel Files, указываем путь к файлу (пытаясь при этом не ругать разработчиков за интерфейс из 90х годов), фильтруем как-угодно поля. Нам сейчас это не важно — главное получить код, который дальше можно будет корректировать.

Должно получится что-то вроде этого:

Sub Макрос1()
    With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:=Array(Array( _
        "ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=D:DropboxExcelтест excel_SQL-2015.xlsx;DefaultDir=D:DropboxExcel;DriverId=1046;MaxBufferSize=2048;Page" _
        ), Array("Timeout=5;")), Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable
        .CommandType = 0
        .CommandText = Array( _
        "SELECT Продажи.F2, Продажи.F3" & Chr(13) & "FROM `D:DropboxExcelтест excel_SQL-2015.xlsx`.Продажи Продажи" _
        .RowNumbers = False
        .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
        .PreserveFormatting = True
        .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
        .BackgroundQuery = True
        .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
        .SavePassword = False
        .SaveData = True
        .AdjustColumnWidth = True
        .RefreshPeriod = 0
        .PreserveColumnInfo = True
        .ListObject.DisplayName = "Таблица_Запрос_из_Excel_Files"
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With
End Sub

Строчка .CommandText = «SELECT…» — отвечает за SQL запрос. Если хотя бы немного почитать поисковую выдачу google по запросу QueryTable можно упростить код до следующего:

Sub CopyFromRecordset_To_Range()
  DBPath = "C:InputData.xlsx"
  sconnect = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=" & DBPath & ";HDR=Yes';"
  Conn.Open sconnect
  sSQLSting = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"

  rs.Open sSQLSting, Conn
  Set QT1 = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(rs, Range("A1"))


End Sub

Теперь начинаем копаться глубже — какого уровня запросы можно строить из VBA. Самые-самые базовые, основные конструкции — все работает, все ок.

Заполнение нового столбца одинаковым значением

SELECT  'YTikhonov', * 
FROM    [Sheet1$]

Переименование столбцов

SELECT  [Advertiser] AS 'Рекламодатель', [Quantity] AS 'Количество'
FROM    [Sheet1$]

Фильтрация записей

FROM    [Sheet1$]
WHERE   [Year] = 2014


FROM     [Sheet1$]
ORDER BY [Advertiser] DESC

Агрегация записей

SELECT   [Advertiser], Sum([Cost]) 
FROM     [Sheet1$]
GROUP BY [Advertiser]

Работа с датой

Дату можно впрямую через конструкцию

[SomeDateField] = {ts '2015-01-01 00:00:00'}

Но я люблю отталкиваться от текущей даты. За пару текущая дата-время отвечает функция SYSDATETIME() и она может вернуть в том числе текущий день. Для этого нужна еще одна функция  — CONVERT(type,value)


С функцией DATEFROMPARTS строка запроса в Excel почему-то не дружит, поэтому придется использовать костыли функцию DATEADD:

DATEADD(minute, 59, DATEADD(hour, 23, DATEADD(month, MONTH(SYSDATETIME())+1, DATEADD(year, YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) - 1900, 0))))-1

Эта строчка в любой день октября 2015 вернет значение — 30.11.15 23:59

А теперь — немного best practice!

Объединение + Агрегация + Join + Подзапросы. И самое интересное — подключение к нескольким источникам:

SELECT [Year], O.Numbers, SCost, SVolume, SQuantity FROM
  SELECT [Year], Month, SUM([Cost RUB]) AS SCost, SUM(Volume) AS SVolume, SUM(Quantity) AS SQuantity FROM
     SELECT Advertiser, 2013 as [Year], Month, [Cost RUB], Quantity, Volume
     FROM [N:GKRadioМаркетингСлужебный2013.xlsb].[Мониторинг$]
     SELECT Advertiser, 2014 as [Year], Month, [Cost RUB], Quantity, Volume
     FROM [N:GKRadioМаркетингСлужебный2014.xlsb].[Мониторинг$]
     SELECT Advertiser, 2015 as [Year], Month, [Cost RUB], Quantity, Volume
     FROM [N:GKRadioМаркетингСлужебный2015.xlsb].[Мониторинг$]
   WHERE [Advertiser] = 'METRO GROUP'
   GROUP BY [Year], Month
 ) as T INNER JOIN [C:testMonth.xlsb].[Test$] AS O
ON T.[Month] = O.[Month]

Одна проблема — если осуществлять такого вида запрос для соединения нескольких Excel-файлов, он будет выполняться достаточно медленно. У меня вышло порядка 2 минут. Но не стоит думать что это бесполезно — если подобные запросы выполнять при подключении к SQL-серверу, то время обработки будет 1-2 секунды (само собой, все зависит от сложности запроса, базы, и прочие прочие факторы).


Формировать более-менее сложный запрос SQL вручную в VBA мягко говоря неудобно.  Поэтому я написал мини-макрос, который берет информацию из буфера обмена, и возвращает туда строчки для вставки в VBE.

'работа с буфером обмена http://excelvba.ru/code/clipboard
Private Function ClipboardText() ' чтение из буфера обмена
    With GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
        ClipboardText = .GetText
    End With
End Function
Private Sub SetClipboardText(ByVal txt$) ' запись в буфер обмена
    With GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
        .SetText txt$
    End With
End Sub

Public Sub SQL_String_To_VBA()
    Dim sInput As String, sOut As String
    Dim ArrInput, i As Integer
    Dim cIdent As Integer: cIdent = 1 'Count of tabs
    Dim sVar As String: sVar = "strSQL" 'Name of variable
    sInput = ClipboardText()
    ArrInput = Split(sInput, Chr(13))
    For i = LBound(ArrInput) To UBound(ArrInput)
        sOut = sOut & sVar & " = " & sVar & " & " & Chr(34)
        sOut = sOut & String(cIdent, Chr(9))
        sOut = sOut & Replace(ArrInput(i), Chr(10), "")
        sOut = sOut & Chr(34) & "& chr(10)" & Chr(10)
    Next i
    SetClipboardText (sOut)

End Sub

Public Sub VBA_String_To_SQL()
    Dim sInput As String, sOut As String
    Dim ArrInput, i As Integer, sTemp
    sInput = ClipboardText()
    ArrInput = Split(sInput, Chr(10))
    For i = LBound(ArrInput) To UBound(ArrInput)
      sTemp = Replace(ArrInput(i), "& chr(10)", "")
      If Right(sTemp, 1) = " " Then sTemp = Left(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - 1)
      If Right(sTemp, 1) = Chr(34) Then sTemp = Left(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - 1)
      If Len(sTemp) > 0 Then
        sTemp = Right(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - InStr(1, sTemp, Chr(34)))
        sOut = sOut & Chr(10) & sTemp
      End If
    Next i
    SetClipboardText (sOut)

End Sub

Сами запросы просто и удобно создавать, например, используя Notepad++. Создали многострочный запрос SQL, копируете его в буфер обмена, запускаете макрос и вуаля — в буфере обмена строчки кода, готовые для вставки в ваши макросы. При желании вы можете настроить название переменной и количество табуляций.

И еще один небольшой бонус. Если у вас есть отчет по менеджерам/руководителям, построенный на запросах, то вам наверняка потребуется получать доступ к строке запроса через VBA. Сделать это можно через замечательную команду .CommandText — работает на чтение и запись. Мне для формирования отчета на 25 человек очень пригодился.

Public Sub ReplaceCommandText()
Dim con As WorkbookConnection
Dim sTemp As String
  For Each con In ActiveWorkbook.Connections
    sTemp = con.ODBCConnection.CommandText
    con.ODBCConnection.CommandText = sTemp
  Next con
End Sub

PS Ссылка с ответом на вопрос — как вставить данные из Excel в SQL

Приятного использования!


  1. Эффективная работа в MS Office
  2. Экономия 5 минут в час за счет более продуктивной работы дает за год экономию в 4 рабочие недели
  3. Excel VBA. SQL-запросы в подключениях
  4. How to run a SQL Query with VBA on Excel Spreadsheets Data
  5. 1. Launch Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications
  6. 2. Building connection
  7. 3. Printing whole table data
  8. 4. Query by columns
  9. HDR=YES
  10. HDR=NO
  11. 5. Answering questions
  12. Analyst Cave
  13. Using SQL in VBA on Excel. Run SELECT Queries from VBA
  14. Using SQL in VBA example
  15. Explaining the Code
  16. Connecting to the Data Source
  17. Running the SQL Select Query
  18. Clean up
  19. What Else Can I Do?

Эффективная работа в MS Office

Экономия 5 минут в час за счет более продуктивной работы дает за год экономию в 4 рабочие недели

Excel VBA. SQL-запросы в подключениях

UPDATE 21.10.15 Добавил «обратный» макрос — VBA в SQL и макрос для доступа к строке запроса SQL

Некоторое время назад я прошел несколько курсов по SQL. И мне было очень интересно — какую часть из мощного инструмента под названием T-SQL можно применять без использования SQL-Server (не дают мне сервачек под мои нужды, хнык-хнык).

Итак… Начнем с простого — подключение через Query Table в VBA. Можно записать через макрорекордер — для этого нужно создать подключение через Microsoft Query.

Выбираем Excel Files, указываем путь к файлу (пытаясь при этом не ругать разработчиков за интерфейс из 90х годов), фильтруем как-угодно поля. Нам сейчас это не важно — главное получить код, который дальше можно будет корректировать.

Должно получится что-то вроде этого:

Строчка .CommandText = «SELECT…» — отвечает за SQL запрос. Если хотя бы немного почитать поисковую выдачу google по запросу QueryTable можно упростить код до следующего:

Теперь начинаем копаться глубже — какого уровня запросы можно строить из VBA. Самые-самые базовые, основные конструкции — все работает, все ок.

Заполнение нового столбца одинаковым значением

Переименование столбцов

Фильтрация записей


Агрегация записей

Дату можно впрямую через конструкцию

Но я люблю отталкиваться от текущей даты. За пару текущая дата-время отвечает функция SYSDATETIME() и она может вернуть в том числе текущий день. Для этого нужна еще одна функция — CONVERT(type,value)

С функцией DATEFROMPARTS строка запроса в Excel почему-то не дружит, поэтому придется использовать костыли функцию DATEADD:

Эта строчка в любой день октября 2015 вернет значение — 30.11.15 23:59

А теперь — немного best practice!

Объединение + Агрегация + Join + Подзапросы. И самое интересное — подключение к нескольким источникам:

Одна проблема — если осуществлять такого вида запрос для соединения нескольких Excel-файлов, он будет выполняться достаточно медленно. У меня вышло порядка 2 минут. Но не стоит думать что это бесполезно — если подобные запросы выполнять при подключении к SQL-серверу, то время обработки будет 1-2 секунды (само собой, все зависит от сложности запроса, базы, и прочие прочие факторы).


Формировать более-менее сложный запрос SQL вручную в VBA мягко говоря неудобно. Поэтому я написал мини-макрос, который берет информацию из буфера обмена, и возвращает туда строчки для вставки в VBE.

Сами запросы просто и удобно создавать, например, используя Notepad++. Создали многострочный запрос SQL, копируете его в буфер обмена, запускаете макрос и вуаля — в буфере обмена строчки кода, готовые для вставки в ваши макросы. При желании вы можете настроить название переменной и количество табуляций.

И еще один небольшой бонус. Если у вас есть отчет по менеджерам/руководителям, построенный на запросах, то вам наверняка потребуется получать доступ к строке запроса через VBA. Сделать это можно через замечательную команду .CommandText — работает на чтение и запись. Мне для формирования отчета на 25 человек очень пригодился.


How to run a SQL Query with VBA on Excel Spreadsheets Data

Carlos Delgado

Learn how to easily run a plain SQL query with Visual Basic for Applications on your Excel Spreadsheet.

In the last days, I received an unusual request from a friend that is working on something curious because of an assignment of the University. For this assignment, it’s necessary to find the answer or data as response of a query. Instead of a database, we are going to query plain data from an excel spreadsheet (yeah, just as it sounds). For example, for this article, we are going to use the following Sheet in Excel Plus 2016:

The goal of this task is to write raw SQL Queries against the available data in the spreadsheet to find the answer of the following questions:

  • Which users live in Boston.
  • Which users are boys and live in Boston.
  • Which users were born in 2012.
  • Which users were born in 2010 and were ranked in place #1.

Of course, finding such information as a regular user is quite easy and simple using filters and so, however the assignment requires to do the queries using SQL and Visual Basic for the job. In this article, I will explain you from scratch how to use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications to develop your own macros and run some SQL queries against plain data in your excel spreadsheets.

1. Launch Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications

In order to launch the window of Visual Basic to run some code on your spreadsheets, you will need to enable the Developer tab on the excel Ribbon. You can do this easily opening the Excel options (File > Options) and searching for the Customize Ribbon tab, in this Tab you need to check the Developer checkbox to enable it in your regular interface:

Click on Ok and now you should be able to find the Developer tab on your excel ribbon. In this tab, launch the Visual Basic window:

In this new interface you will be able to run your VB code.

2. Building connection

In the Visual Basic window, open the code window of your sheet and let’s type some code! According to your needs you may create a custom macro and assign them to the action of buttons or other kind of stuff. In this example, we are going to work with plain code and will run them independently to test them. You need to understand how to connect to the workbook data source that will be handled with the following code:

The connection properties are described as follows:

  • Provider: we will use the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 (Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0)
  • ConnectionString: we will use the current excel file as the database.
  • HDR=Yes; : indicates that the first row contains the column names, not data. HDR=No; indicates the opposite.

You will use this connection to run the SQL.

3. Printing whole table data

The following example, will use the mentioned logic to connect to the current spreadsheet and will query the range A1:E6 (selecting the whole table in the example excel) and will print every row in the immediate window:

Note that we are using HDR so the query will use the first row of data as the column headers, so the result will be the following one:

4. Query by columns

Now that you are able to connect to the worksheet, you may now customize the SQL to fit your needs. It is necessary to explain you the most basic thing you need to know about querying some data in your excel file. The range needs to specify the Sheet Name and the regular excel range (e.g. A1:Z1) and the whole data should be selected, not individual columns. You may filter by individual columns using regular SQL statements as WHERE, AND, OR, etc.

Depending if you use HDR (first row contains the column names), the query syntax will change:


If you have HDR enabled (in the extended properties of the connection), you may query through the column name, considering that you selected the appropriate range:


If you don’t use HDR, the nomenclature of the columns will follow the F1, F2, F3, . FN pattern:

The following query would work perfectly if you don’t have HDR enabled (note that the range changes):

In both cases, the output will be the same in the immediate window:

5. Answering questions

The SQL that should solve the initial questions will be the following ones (with HDR disabled):


Analyst Cave

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Home » Using SQL in VBA on Excel. Run SELECT Queries from VBA

Using SQL in VBA on Excel. Run SELECT Queries from VBA

Many times I was irritated of the lack of some Excel functionality (or just I don’t know there is) to easily transform data w/o using pivot tables. SQL in VBA was the only thing that was missing for me.

Distinct, grouping rows of Excel data, running multiple selects etc.
Some time agon when I had a moment of time to spare I did my homework on the topic only to discover that running SQL queries from Excel VBA is possible and easy…

Using SQL in VBA example

Let see how to run a simple SELECT SQL Query in Excel VBA on an example Excel Worksheet. On the right see my Excel Worksheet and the Message Box with the similar output from my VBA Macro. The VBA Code is below:

Explaining the Code

So what is happening in the macro above? Let us break it down:

Connecting to the Data Source

First we need to connect via the ADODB Driver to our Excel Worksheet. This is the same Driver which runs SQL Queries on MS Access Databases:

The Provider is the Drive which is responsible for running the query.

The ConnectionStrings defines the Connection properties, like the path to the Queries File (example above is for ThisWorkbook) or if the first row contains a header (HDR).

The Open command executes the connection.

You can find more information on the ADODB.Connection Object on MSDN.

Running the SQL Select Query

Having connected to our Data Source Excel Worksheet we can now run a SQL SELECT Query:

So what happens here? First we run the Execute command with our SELECT query:

What does it do? It indicates that our records are in Sheet1. We can obviously extend this query just to filter people above the age of 30:

This would be the result:

The Execute command returns a ADODB RecordSet . We need to loop through the recordset to get each record:

Clean up

Lastly we need to Clean up our Objects to free memory. This is actually quite an important step as if you VBA code is runs a lot of queries or computations you might see a slow-down soon enough!

What Else Can I Do?

You can do tons of great things with ADODB / MS Queries / SQL in Excel. Here are some additional ideas:

    Run Queries Across Worksheets – you can run JOIN queries on multiple Excel Worksheets. E.g.

On the below tables:

  • Extracting Data from External Data Sources – use different connection strings to connect to Access Databases, CSV files or text files
  • Do more efficient LOOKUPs – read my post on VLOOKUP vs SQL to learn more
  • Источник

    07 Aug 3 Ways to Perform an Excel SQL Query

    Posted at 12:08h
    in Excel VBA

    Howdee! Excel is a great tool for performing data analysis. However, sometimes getting the data we need into Excel can be cumbersome and take a lot of time when going through other systems. You’re also at the mercy of how a disparate system exports data, and may need an additional step between exporting and getting the data into the format you need. If you have access to the database where the data is housed, you can circumvent these steps and create your own custom Excel SQL query.

    To follow along with my below demos, you’ll need to have an instance of SQL server installed on your desktop. If you don’t, you can download the trial version, developer version, or free express version here. I’ll be working with the free developer version in this article. I’m also using a sample database that you can download here. The easiest way to install this is using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). That download is available here. Once you open SSMS, it should automatically detect your local server instance. You must ensure your SQL Server User is running as the “Local Client” and then you can create a blank database, and restore that database from the backup file. If you have issues accomplishing this, let me know in the comments and I’ll elaborate on how this is done.

    If you are familiar enough with SQL and have access to your own data, you can skip these steps and use your data. Otherwise, I recommend downloading these tools before getting started. If you’re new to SQL, I highly recommend the SQL Essential Training courses on Lynda.com. Now, on to why you’re all here…

    Excel SQL Query Using Get Data

    This option is the most straight forward approach to creating an Excel SQL query. However, it is important to note that this approach is only available in Excel 2013 and later and will not currently work on Mac OSX. To get started, select “Get Data” à “From Database” à “From SQL Server Database” as shown in the screen grab. At this point it will pop-up a prompt to enter your server name and the target database you’re wanting to query (you can get this information from SSMS). You can enter this information and then select “OK”. This will allow you to browse available tables from that database to import. You can remove columns and filter tables before importing. If you do not know how to write SQL queries yet, this is one approach you can take.

    However, if you select the “Advanced” dropdown arrow, you can create your own custom Excel SQL query. I usually create my query in SSMS or Visual Studio and then just paste the final query in this window. That is because there is no intellisense in this window and it can be difficult to spot errors in your query. Once you select OK, it will ask you to confirm credentials and you may get an error about encryption. This is common when connecting to databases in this manner and nothing to worry about. The next screen will provide an example of your data and you can select “Load” to import it.

    Excel SQL Query

    This will create a table on a new tab and you’ll also notice a new pane on the right titled “Connections & Queries”. It will display the name of your query (defaults to “Query1”, “Query2”, etc.) and you can rename the query by right-clicking and selecting “Rename”. You can also edit the query from this location as well. It will open up an interface with a sample of your data and you can add/remove columns, filter your data, or edit your source query from here.

    Excel SQL Query

    Now that you’ve set up this Excel SQL query, you can simply refresh the data set with fresh data anytime by clicking “Refresh All” on the “Data” ribbon. A quick side note here. If you pivot this data, “Refresh All” will refresh pivot tables first and then the query. To update your pivot table, you’ll need to refresh all twice or update your pivot table manually. To me, one of the downsides of this approach is the results are always returned in a table. I personally do not like working with tables in Excel. That’s where using VBA for your SQL query can come in handy.

    Excel SQL Query Using VBA

    Using VBA to create your Excel SQL query is not as straight forward as the previous approach, but can still be an extremely useful method depending on your situation. I particularly like that the data is not returned to a table unless you designate it to be so. This technique will work on older versions of Microsoft Excel but will not work on Mac OSX versions of Excel since it uses and ADO connection.

    To get started, open up the VBA editor by pressing alt+F11. Before beginning to write your code, you’ll need to ensure that the “Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library” is referenced from the VBA Project. To do this, click on “Tools” in the ribbon menu at the top of the VBA editor. In the popup, ensure the library is checked as shown below. This allows the project to use the ADO connectors to create the connection to your database. Next, let’s dimension a few variables.

    Excel SQL Query

    Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim recset As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sqlQry As String, sConnect As String

    The Conn variable is will be used to represent the connection between our VBA project and the SQL database. The receset variable will represent a new record set through which we will give the command to perform our Excel SQL query using the connection we’ve established. Finally, the sqlQry variable will represent a string variable that is our SQL query command, and the sConnect variable will be a string representing the connection string the database requires. Let’s look at how to use these variables to perform a SQL query.

    sqlQry = "select top 1000 si.InvoiceID, si.InvoiceDate, sc.CustomerName from Sales.Invoices si" & _
                 " left join sales.Customers sc on sc.CustomerID = si.CustomerID"
    sConnect = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=[Your Server Name Here]; Database=[Your Database Here];Trusted_Connection=yes;"
    Conn.Open sConnect
    Set recset = New ADODB.Recordset
        recset.Open sqlQry, Conn
        Sheet2.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset recset
    Set recset = Nothing

    While this may look complex, each step is relatively simple. Firstly, we set our sqlQry variable equal to a string that represents the syntax of our SQL query. We then create a connection string we can use in our next command to connect to the database. So, “Conn.Open” is the command to open the connection and “sConnect” is the string it uses to do so. “Trusted_Connection=yes” means that the connection will attempt to be established using your Microsoft credentials for the account you’re logged in as.

    Now that the connection is open, we can open a new record set and pass it the sql command using the sqlQry variable, and tell it which connection to use by passing it the Conn variable. We can then use the VBA command “CopyFromRecordset” to paste the recordset anywhere in our workbook. It’s important to close both the record set and connection at this point. You also want to set your recset variable equal to nothing so it does not eat up valuable resources.

    One of the downsides to using this method is that you must explicitly tell Excel some things that the previous approach did automatically. For example, this SQL query will not return any column headers. Therefore, you must explicitly tell Excel what to label your columns. Secondly, the data is not automatically cleared and the new query imported. You must also explicitly tell Excel to do this as well. Here is the final code with those commands added.

    Sub SQL_Example()
    Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim recset As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sqlQry As String, sConnect As String
    sqlQry = "select top 1000 si.InvoiceID, si.InvoiceDate, sc.CustomerName from Sales.Invoices si" & _
                " left join sales.Customers sc on sc.CustomerID = si.CustomerID"
    sConnect = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=[Your Server Name Here]; Database=[Your Database Name Here];Trusted_Connection=yes;"
    Conn.Open sConnect
    Set recset = New ADODB.Recordset
        recset.Open sqlQry, Conn
        Sheet2.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset recset
    Set recset = Nothing
    Sheet2.Cells(1, 1) = "Invoice ID"
    Sheet2.Cells(1, 2) = "Invoice Date"
    Sheet2.Cells(1, 3) = "Customer Name"
    End Sub

    My preference for using this approach is when I want the user to be able to pass parameters to my Excel SQL query. For example, I might have a dropdown of customer names the user could select. By using this tactic, I can easily add a dropdown of customer names the user can select, and pass that value to my SQL query in a where clause.

    As you can see, both the built in Excel SQL query and the VBA method have pros and cons. I employ both in my everyday work depending on what situation I find myself in.

    Excel SQL Query Using Microsoft Query

    This option is likely the most complex option, but it has the added advantage of being compatible with some versions of Mac OSX. I won’t pretend to be an expert at creating Mac OSX compatible tools for Excel, but I have successfully used this implementation to create an embedded Excel SQL query for Macs in the past.

    I also like this method because you can create popup style parameters. For example, you can prompt the user to input date range parameters at the time the SQL query is ran. Like the first example, running this query is as easy as clicking “Refresh All” on the Data ribbon. Let’s dive in to the details.

    To get started here, click “Get Data” on the Data ribbon. In the menu that dropdowns select “From Other Sources” and, finally “From Microsoft Query”.

    Excel SQL Query

    This will open a wizard for you to choose your data source. Double click “<New Data Source>” and you’ll be prompted to enter some information about your data source. Option 1 can be anything you wish that describes your data source. Option 2 should be “SQL Server”. Click “Connect” and it will pop up a third window where you can enter information about the server and login information. Be sure you select the “Options>>” dropdown so you can select the database you’re wanting to connect to.

    Excel SQL Query

    You’ll now have a new data source in the original window. Double click the data source to bring up a table import wizard. If you want to import an entire table, you can do so here and even filter and sort the data using the import wizard. However, if you want to use your own custom query as we have been, just select any field and go through the wizard and import the data. When you come to screen that asks you if you want to return the data to Excel or edit in a query, return the data to Excel. It will then prompt you to select where you want the data returned in your workbook.

    The query will return the data in a table format. To change it to your own custom SQL query, let’s follow these steps:

    • Click anywhere in the data table.
    • On the Excel Data Ribbon, in the “Queries & Connections” group, properties will no longer be grayed out like it normally is. Click this.
    • In the popup – you’ll see another properties icon. Click this.
    • In this popup, select the “Definition” tab and paste your SQL query in the “Command Text” input box.

    Excel SQL Query

    Now you’ve built an Excel SQL Query that can be refreshed anytime the workbook is refreshed. In my screengrab, the “Parameters” button is greyed out. If you want to add parameters to your query, you do so by adding “?” in your command text. That looks like this.

    This creates a parameter the end user can interact with. You can have the user be prompted to enter an input when the workbook is refreshed, select a default value, or have it linked to a cell in the workbook. Even though this option is cumbersome to set up, I really enjoy using it. It allows me a lot of flexibility to have the user interact with the data. As I touched on in the beginning, I’ve had success using this option on Microsoft Office for Mac OSX. I don’t want to say this will work 100% of the time on a Mac because I’ve also had it fail. If anyone has any input on this, I’d love to hear from you.

    Let me know your thoughts on these approaches in the comments! What other ways do you creatively get data into Excel from SQL data sources?



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