Вырезание, перемещение, копирование и вставка ячеек (диапазонов) в VBA Excel. Методы Cut, Copy и PasteSpecial объекта Range, метод Paste объекта Worksheet.
Метод Range.Cut
Range.Cut – это метод, который вырезает объект Range (диапазон ячеек) в буфер обмена или перемещает его в указанное место на рабочем листе.
Параметры | Описание |
Destination | Необязательный параметр. Диапазон ячеек рабочего листа, в который будет вставлен (перемещен) вырезанный объект Range (достаточно указать верхнюю левую ячейку диапазона). Если этот параметр опущен, объект вырезается в буфер обмена. |
Для вставки на рабочий лист диапазона ячеек, вырезанного в буфер обмена методом Range.Cut, следует использовать метод Worksheet.Paste.
Метод Range.Copy
Range.Copy – это метод, который копирует объект Range (диапазон ячеек) в буфер обмена или в указанное место на рабочем листе.
Параметры | Описание |
Destination | Необязательный параметр. Диапазон ячеек рабочего листа, в который будет вставлен скопированный объект Range (достаточно указать верхнюю левую ячейку диапазона). Если этот параметр опущен, объект копируется в буфер обмена. |
Метод Worksheet.Paste
Worksheet.Paste – это метод, который вставляет содержимое буфера обмена на рабочий лист.
Worksheet.Paste (Destination, Link) |
Метод Worksheet.Paste работает как с диапазонами ячеек, вырезанными в буфер обмена методом Range.Cut, так и скопированными в буфер обмена методом Range.Copy.
Параметры | Описание |
Destination | Необязательный параметр. Диапазон (ячейка), указывающий место вставки содержимого буфера обмена. Если этот параметр не указан, используется текущий выделенный объект. |
Link | Необязательный параметр. Булево значение, которое указывает, устанавливать ли ссылку на источник вставленных данных: True – устанавливать, False – не устанавливать (значение по умолчанию). |
В выражении с методом Worksheet.Paste можно указать только один из параметров: или Destination, или Link.
Для вставки из буфера обмена отдельных компонентов скопированных ячеек (значения, форматы, примечания и т.д.), а также для проведения транспонирования и вычислений, используйте метод Range.PasteSpecial (специальная вставка).
Вырезание и вставка диапазона одной строкой (перемещение):
Range(«A1:C3»).Cut Range(«E1») |
Вырезание ячеек в буфер обмена и вставка методом ActiveSheet.Paste:
Range(«A1:C3»).Cut ActiveSheet.Paste Range(«E1») |
Копирование и вставка диапазона одной строкой:
Range(«A18:C20»).Copy Range(«E18») |
Копирование ячеек в буфер обмена и вставка методом ActiveSheet.Paste:
Range(«A18:C20»).Copy ActiveSheet.Paste Range(«E18») |
Копирование одной ячейки и вставка ее данных во все ячейки заданного диапазона:
Range(«A1»).Copy Range(«B1:D10») |
Home / VBA / VBA Copy Range to Another Sheet + Workbook
To copy a cell or a range of cells to another worksheet you need to use the VBA’s “Copy” method. In this method, you need to define the range or the cell using the range object that you wish to copy and then define another worksheet along with the range where you want to paste it.
Copy a Cell or Range to Another Worksheet
Range("A1").Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
- First, define the range or the cell that you want to copy.
- Next, type a dot (.) and select the copy method from the list of properties and methods.
- Here you’ll get an intellisense to define the destination of the cell copied.
- From here, you need to define the worksheet and then the destination range.
Now when you run this code, it will copy cell A1 from the active sheet to the “Sheet2”. There’s one thing that you need to take care that when you copy a cell and paste it to a destination it also pastes the formatting there.
But if you simply want to copy the value from a cell and paste it into the different worksheets, consider the following code.
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1") = Range("A1").Value
This method doesn’t use the copy method but simply adds value to the destination worksheet using an equal sign and using the value property with the source cell.
Copy Cell from a Different Worksheet
Now let’s say you want to copy a cell from a worksheet that is not active at the time. In this case, you need to define the worksheet with the source cell. Just like the following code.
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A1").Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
Copy a Range of Cells
Range("A1:A10").Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:A10")
Range("A1:A10").Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
Copy a Cell to a Worksheet in Another Workbook
When workbooks are open but not saved yet.
Workbooks("Book1").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Copy _
When workbooks are open and saved.
Workbooks("Book1.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Copy _
Copy a Cell to a Worksheet in Another Workbook which is Closed
'to open the workbook that is saved in a folder on your system _
change the path according to the location you have in your _
Workbooks.Open "C:UsersDellDesktopmyFile.xlsx"
'copies cell from the book1 workbook and copy and paste _
it to the workbook myFile
Workbooks("Book1").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Copy _
'close the workbook and after saving
Workbooks("myFile").Close SaveChanges:=True
Related: How to Open a Workbook using VBA in Excel
More Tutorials
- Count Rows using VBA in Excel
- Excel VBA Font (Color, Size, Type, and Bold)
- Excel VBA Hide and Unhide a Column or a Row
- Excel VBA Range – Working with Range and Cells in VBA
- Apply Borders on a Cell using VBA in Excel
- Find Last Row, Column, and Cell using VBA in Excel
- Insert a Row using VBA in Excel
- Merge Cells in Excel using a VBA Code
- Select a Range/Cell using VBA in Excel
- SELECT ALL the Cells in a Worksheet using a VBA Code
- ActiveCell in VBA in Excel
- Special Cells Method in VBA in Excel
- UsedRange Property in VBA in Excel
- VBA AutoFit (Rows, Column, or the Entire Worksheet)
- VBA ClearContents (from a Cell, Range, or Entire Worksheet)
- VBA Enter Value in a Cell (Set, Get and Change)
- VBA Insert Column (Single and Multiple)
- VBA Named Range | (Static + from Selection + Dynamic)
- VBA Range Offset
- VBA Sort Range | (Descending, Multiple Columns, Sort Orientation
- VBA Wrap Text (Cell, Range, and Entire Worksheet)
- VBA Check IF a Cell is Empty + Multiple Cells
⇠ Back to What is VBA in Excel
Helpful Links – Developer Tab – Visual Basic Editor – Run a Macro – Personal Macro Workbook – Excel Macro Recorder – VBA Interview Questions – VBA Codes
This article covers everything you need to know about Excel VBA Copy methods.
By “Excel VBA Copy Methods”, I mean the different methods you can use to copy data from one range or worksheet to another.
In this article, I’m going to show you the fastest and most efficient way to copy and filter data no matter what your task is.
I say “Copy and Filter” because in most cases you will want to filter the data before you copy it. If you just want to copy data from one place to another then I cover that too.
The article is broken down as follows:
- Which Excel VBA Copy and Filter method is the fastest(section 6) – What the professionals know and how you can use it to your advantage.
- How to pick the best Excel VBA copy method for each task(section 7) – miss this and you’re wasting countless hours of your time.
- How to ensure your application runs at its optimal speed(section
– It’s not hard to do once you know the secret.
- The Copy and Filter methods explained with full code examples(sections 9 and 10) – Learn these methods and watch your macros run like magic.
Useful Links
The following are some related articles with more information about certain topics:
Ranges and Cells
For Loop
For Each Loop
The Workbook object
The Worksheet object
Range.Value2 – returns the underlying value in the call. Value is similar but slower and may not return the correct value if there is currency or data formatting. See this article for more information.
ADO – stands for ActiveX Database Objects. It is a library that allows us to run queries on databases. We can also use it with Excel spreadsheets.
The Webinar
Members of the Webinar Archives can access the webinar for this article by clicking on the image below.
(Note: Website members have access to the full webinar archive.)
Download the Source Code and Data
In this article I will be using the following dataset:
Unless specified, most examples will use the 2 worksheets:
- Transactions – contains the above data.
- Report – the data will be copied to this worksheet.
How to use this article
In the next section you can see how the different VBA Copy Methods compare in terms of speed. This is vital when you are determining which one to use.
You can use section 4 to help you determine which method you should use based on your requirements.
Section 5 shows you the basic ground work you should have in your application.
The rest of the article provides a description and code example of each method.
Which Excel VBA Copy Method is the Fastest?
In this section you will see how the different methods compare in terms of speed.
Using the fastest method is vital when dealing with large amounts of data. As you can see from the results, some of the methods are incredibly slow.
I have run speed tests on the different methods to see which methods are the fastest for different types of tasks.
I ran the tests on 20000 , 100000 and 200000 records. You can see the average results for each method in milliseconds in the tables below:
Copying Data By Rows
Average time taken by each method in milliseconds
In this test, I filtered by rows that contain a given first name in the first column. About 1% of the records will match the criteria and will be copied. So for 20000 records, there will be 200 records copied.
You can see that using Autofilter and Advanced filter are the fastest methods for copying and filtering rows.
At the other end you can see that a For Loop with Range.Copy takes almost 215 times longer than using AutoFilter. I didn’t even run the 200,000 test for this as I expected it would take 15 minutes plus!
Copying Data By Individual Cells
Average time taken by each method in milliseconds
In this tests we want to copy some of the cells but not the entire row. In most cases we need to copy the cells individually so this makes it more complicated than copying an entire row. This may seem counter intuitive at first that copying serveral cells requires more work than the copying the entire row.
Using the Advanced Filter is the clear winner here. Autofilter doesn’t have it’s own copy method so after filtering we have to copy the data using some other method.
Advanced Filter automatically copies the data and we can specify the columns we want to be copied. Advanced filter then takes care of the rest.
I have created two different methods of copying using AutoFilter for individual rows. The methods may be faster or slower depending on the number of columns:
- The Copy Columns method would be slower with more columns to copy.
- The Delete Columns method would be slower with more columns to delete.
Copying Data and Summing Totals
Average time taken by each method in milliseconds
In these tests we are summing data for a particular item. Summing means to get the total amount of a given column for a particular item. For example, getting the total volume for “Laptop Model A”.
There are 3 VBA copy methods that we can use to do this. These are:
- Pivot Tables
- For Loop with a Dictionary
- ADO(ActiveX Database Objects)
Using a Pivot Table is the fastest method for summing data. There is not much difference between the other two methods.
The downside of the Pivot Table is that the code may be slightly complex for a new user. ADO is very flexible but it does require knowledge of SQL(Structured Query Language).
Copying and Transposing Data
Average time taken by each method in milliseconds
Both methods here are pretty fast. If you are doing a large volume of transpose copies then Application.Transpose tends to be quicker than PasteSpecial Transpose.
Which Excel VBA Copy Method Should I Use?
With so many different methods, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Don’t worry, in this section I will provide a complete guide to selecting the correct Excel VBA copy method to use.
Note that you can download the source code for this post from the start or end of this post. This is an invaluable with of practicing the method shown here.
Straight Copy with no Filter
To copy without any filter use the copy by assignment method like this:
shWrite.Range("F1:G4").Value2 = shRead.Range("A1:B4").Value2
Filter columns(AND Logic) and Copy Rows
Advanced Filter is the fastest and easiest method to use if you want to filter by column values using AND logic:
e.g Item is “Laptop Model A” And Volume is greater than 20
Filter columns(OR Logic) and Copy Rows
Advanced Filter is the fastest method to do an OR filter. It’s not possible to do this with AutoFilter.
e.g Item is “Laptop Model A” Or Volume > 20″
Filter and Copy Individual Columns
Sometimes you will not want to copy the entire row. Instead you may want to copy individual columns. Advanced Filter is fastest VBA Copy method for doing this.
e.g. return the columns Item, Volume and Sales where Item is “Laptop Model A” And Volume > 20″
Sum totals for individual items
If you want to get the total amount for each item then using a Pivot Table is faster than the other two methods. ADO(ActiveX Database Objects) is slightly faster than using the For Loop with the Dictionary.
Using a Pivot Table is very flexible. Once you create the table it pretty easy to display the data in many different ways. The downside is that the code may be a bit complex for a VBA beginner.
ADO is much more flexible but requires some knowledge of SQL(a database query language). It also requires using an external library which may be a bit advanced for a VBA beginner.
Using the For Loop and a Dictionary requires more code and is less flexible. But it is still pretty fast for up to 200,000 records and doesn’t require any SQL or external libraries.
Transposing means to copy data so that the rows become columns and the columns become rows
There are two methods of transposing data:
- Range.Copy and Transpose using PasteSpecial.
- Assignment and Transpose using Application.Transpose.
There is not much difference between these in terms of speed. However, if your application is doing multiple transpose operations then Range.Copy tends to be much slower.
Before You Start Copying and Filtering
No matter which Excel VBA Copy method we use there are some tasks we must perform first.
These include getting the range of data, turning off certain Excel functionality etc.
We will look at these tasks in this section.
The first thing we will look at is the mistake that most VBA beginners make – using Select.
Never Use Select
When copying data in Excel VBA, don’t use Select – ever!
A big mistake that new VBA users make is thinking that they need to select the cell or range before they copy it.
For example
shRead.Activate shRead.Range("A1").Select shWrite.Activate Selection.Copy ActiveSheet.Range("H1")
Keep these two important things in mind before you use VBA to copy data:
- You don’t need to select the cell or range of cells.
- You don’t need to select or activate the worksheet.
You will see Select used in many places online. But you don’t need to use it for copying cells – ever!
Speed Up Your Code
If you want your code to run fast then it is important to turn off certain VBA functionality at the start of our code. We then turn it back on, at the end of our code.
We can use the following subs to do this:
' Procedure : TurnOffFunctionality ' Source : www.ExcelMacroMastery.com ' Author : Paul Kelly ' Purpose : Turn off automatic calculations, events and screen updating ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Public Sub TurnOffFunctionality() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.DisplayStatusBar = False Application.EnableEvents = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False End Sub ' Procedure : TurnOnFunctionality ' Source : www.ExcelMacroMastery.com ' Author : Paul Kelly ' Purpose : turn on automatic calculations, events and screen updating ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Public Sub TurnOnFunctionality() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.EnableEvents = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
We can use them like this
Sub Main() ' Turn off at the start TurnOffFunctionality ' Your code here ' Turn back on at the end TurnOnFunctionality End Sub
Sometimes when you run your code, it won’t reach the TurnOnFunctionality code.
This could because of an error or because you stop the code at a certain point and don’t restart.
If this happens you can turn everything on again by clicking in the TurnOnFunctionality sub and pressing F5.
Get the correct worksheet
When copying data, we need to specify the range which we will copy from. When using VBA we need to select the worksheet before we can select the range. There are many ways of selecting the worksheet which can be confusing.
I have broken it down into three scenarios:
- The worksheet is in the same workbook as the code.
- The worksheet is in a different workbook but we only want to read from it.
- The worksheet is in a different workbook but we want to write to it.
You can see the code for each of these scenarios in the next subsections:
The worksheet is in the current workbook
The worksheet is in the current workbook so we can use either:
- The code name of the worksheet.
- The worksheet name: ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(“worksheet name”).
In the screenshot below we have changed the codename and worksheet name:
We would use the following code to reference the sheet
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub WorksheetCodeName() Dim shRead As Worksheet ' Use the code name Set shRead = CodeName ' OR ' Use the worksheet name Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SheetName") End Sub
The worksheet is in a different workbook – reading only
If the worksheet is in a different workbook than the code, then we need to open the workbook. In this case we will only be reading from the worksheet so we can simply make it read-only.
Then it doesn’t matter if it’s already open. Making it read-only also prevents us from accidentally changing the data in the workbook.
' WorksheetRead() ' ' HOW TO RUN: ' 1. Place this code in a new workbook and save it as a .xlsm file. ' 2. Create a workbook called Writedata.xlsx and place it in the same ' folder as the workbook you just created. ' 3. Place any value in cell A1 on sheet1 from Writedata.xlsx. ' 4. Run the code(Press F5). ' ' RESULT: The value in cell A1 on sheet1 from Writedata.xlsx ' will be displayed in a message box. ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub WorksheetRead() ' Get the full filename and path of "WriteData.xlsx" Dim sFilename As String sFilename = _ ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "WriteData.xlsx" ' Open workbook as read-only and store in variable wk Dim wk As Workbook Set wk = Workbooks.Open(sFilename, ReadOnly:=True) ' Store the worksheet Sheet1 in the variable shRead Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = wk.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Print the value from the worksheet cell A1 If IsEmpty(shRead.Range("A1").Value2) Then MsgBox "No value was found in cell Sheet1:A1 of WriteData.xlsx." Else MsgBox "The value found in Sheet1:A1 is of WriteData.xlsx is: " _ & shRead.Range("A1").Value2 End If wk.Close SaveChanges:=False End Sub
The worksheet is in a different workbook – reading and writing
Just like the last example, the worksheet is in a different workbook than the code. In this case we want to write to the worksheet in the workbook.
We first check if the workbook is already open, and if so we display a message informing the user to close it before running the code again:
' WorksheetWrite() ' ' HOW TO RUN: ' 1. Place this code in a new workbook and save it as a .xlsm file. ' 2. Create a workbook called Writedata.xlsx and place it in the same ' folder as the workbook you just created. ' 3. Click in the WorksheetWrite sub and press F5 to run the code. ' 4. Open the Writedata.xlsx and check if the value was correctly ' written to cell A1 in sheet1. ' ' RESULT: If the file is already open then and error message will be ' displayed to the user asking them to close the file. ' If the file is not already open then the value 99 will be ' written to cell A1 on sheet1 of Writedata.xlsx. ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub WorksheetWrite() Dim sFilename As String sFilename = _ ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "WriteData.xlsx" ' Ensure that the workbook is not already open If IsWorkBookOpen("WriteData.xlsx") Then MsgBox "Please close workbook " & sFilename & " and try again." Exit Sub End If ' Open workbook and store in variable wk Dim wk As Workbook Set wk = Workbooks.Open(sFilename, ReadOnly:=False) ' Store the worksheet Sheet1 in the variable shRead Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = wk.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Write a value to the worksheet cell A1 shRead.Range("A1").Value2 = Now ' Close the file when finished with it wk.Close saveChanges:=True End Sub ' Helper function to check if workbook is already open Function IsWorkBookOpen(strBookName As String) As Boolean Dim oBk As Workbook On Error Resume Next Set oBk = Workbooks(strBookName) On Error GoTo 0 If Not oBk Is Nothing Then IsWorkBookOpen = True End If End Function
Now that we can get any worksheet we require, we can focus on how to copy the data.
Get the Data Range
In many online Excel VBA Copy examples, you will see a fixed range like Range(“A1:D6”).
When dealing with real-world applications it is rare that the data will be of a fixed size.
For example, imagine you stored student marks for each class in a worksheet. Obviously, each class will have a different number of students. Each time you read a worksheet you cannot be sure in advance what the range will be.
Your code should be able to figure out the full range of data, even if the size changes each time it runs.
There are two types of data:
- Rectangular data where the data is in a list of rows with no blank rows or columns.
- Fragmented data where the data may contain blank rows or columns.
Using CurrentRegion
The CurrentRegion property of Range is very useful for returning the entire range of data. CurrentRegion returns all the adjacent data from a given range.
You can see the CurrentRegion in Excel by selecting a cell and pressing Ctrl + Shift + *.
In the screenshot below you can see two groups of adjacent data. By selecting any cell with data and pressing Ctrl + Shift + *, Excel will select all the data in that group. This is the current region.
We can also use the CurrentRegion in VBA:
The Current region will work as long as there are no blank rows or columns between the data.
' CurrentRegion() ' ' HOW TO RUN: ' 1. Create a worksheet called "CurrentRegion". ' 2. Add data to all cells in the range B3:D14. ' 3. Run this sub(F5). ' ' RESULT: The current region for B3, C9 and D14 will ' be displayed in the Immediate Window(Ctrl + G). ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub CurrentRegion() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("CurrentRegion") Dim rg1 As Range, rg2 As Range, rg3 As Range ' Get the current region ' All the below examples with return B3:D14 Set rg1 = shRead.Range("B3").CurrentRegion Set rg2 = shRead.Range("C9").CurrentRegion Set rg3 = shRead.Range("D14").CurrentRegion ' Display the addresses to the Immediate Window(Ctrl + G) Debug.Print "B3 CurrentRegion is: " & rg1.Address Debug.Print "C9 CurrentRegion is: " & rg2.Address Debug.Print "D14 CurrentRegion is: " & rg3.Address End Sub
Using End with xlUp and xlToLeft
If there are blank rows and/or blank columns then CurrentRegion will not return all the data.
For example, in the data shown here there are blank rows and a blank column:
We need to get the last row with data and/or the last column with data. We can then use these cells to build our Range.
' UseLastRowCol() ' ' HOW TO RUN: ' 1. Create a worksheet called "Fragmented". ' 2. Add any data to the cells A1:E13 but make sure you ' have the same blank cells as in the above screenshot. ' 3. Run this sub(F5) ' ' RESULT: The range A1:E13 will be displayed in the ' Immediate Window(Ctrl + G). ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub UseLastRowCol() ' Get the worksheet Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Fragmented") Dim lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long ' Get the last cell with data in column A lastRow = shRead.Cells(shRead.Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row ' Get the last cell with data in row 1 lastCol = shRead.Cells(1, shRead.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).column Dim rg As Range With shRead ' Get the full range of data from A1 to last row and column Set rg = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(lastRow, lastCol)) End With ' Print the rg address(i.e. A1:E13) to the Immediate Window(Ctrl + G) Debug.Print "The range of data is: " & rg.Address End Sub
Excel VBA Copy Methods
In this section we are going to look at the copying methods.
There are three ways of copying data in VBA:
- The Range.Copy function
- The assignment operator(i.e. equals sign)
- The Range.CopyFromRecordset function(ADO only)
In the following sub sections we will look at these in turn. We will be using these Excel VBA copy methods with the different filter methods.
We can use the Copy method of the Range to copy data.
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub SimpleCopy() ' Get the worksheet Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") ' Copy the data from A1:D1 to H1:K1 shRead.Range("A1:D1").Copy Destination:=shRead.Range("H1") ' Using Destination is optional shRead.Range("A1:D1").Copy shRead.Range("H1") End Sub
We can copy between worksheets using this Excel VBA method. The only thing that will change in the code is the worksheets that we use.
' UsingRangeCopy() ' ' HOW TO RUN: ' 1. Create a workbook called Data.xlsx and place it in the same ' folder as the workbook with the code. ' 2. Rename sheet1 to "CustomerData". ' 3. Add data to the range A1:D19. ' 4. Save the file. ' 5. Have a worksheet called "Report" in the current workbook ' 6. Click in this sub and press F5 to run ' ' RESULT: The data in the range A1:D19 from the CustomerData ' worksheet in Data.xlsx will have been copied to ' the Report worksheet in the current workbook. ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub UsingRangeCopy() Dim sFilename As String sFilename = _ ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "Data.xlsx" ' Open a workbook called Data.xlsx from the current folder Dim wk As Workbook Set wk = Workbooks.Open(sFilename, ReadOnly:=True) ' shRead stores the worksheet CustomerData ' shWrite store the Report sheet Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = wk.Worksheets("CustomerData") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Clear the data from the report worksheet shWrite.Cells.Clear ' Copy from CustomerData to Report shRead.Range("A1:D19").Copy shWrite.Range("A1") ' Activate the report worksheet shWrite.Activate ' Close the "Data.xlsx" workbook wk.Close End Sub
This Range.Copy method copies everything. In other words it will copy values, formulas, formats etc.
If we only want to copy the data we can use the PasteSpecial property of Range.
Using PasteSpecial
We can use PasteSpecial with Range.Copy to paste the values only
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub UsingPasteSpecial() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Clear any existing data from report shWrite.Cells.Clear ' This will copy the values only shRead.Range("A1:E13").Copy shWrite.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues End Sub
You can also copy formats, formulas and comments using PasteSpecial. You can read more about it here.
Range.Copy and Transpose
Transposing data means that the rows become columns and the columns become rows:
We can use the Range.PasteSpecial function to transpose data:
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub RangeCopy_Transpose() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transpose") ' Clear any existing data shRead.Range("F1:I2").Clear ' This will copy from A1:B4 to F1:I2 shRead.Range("A1:B4").Copy shRead.Range("F1").PasteSpecial Transpose:=True End Sub
Copying by Assignment
We can assign values using the equals sign in VBA.
We can copy values from one range to another using assignment.
The value to the right of the equals is placed in cell to the left of the equals as you can see in these examples:
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub AssignExamples()" ' Copy a value to a cell Range("A1").Value2 = 56 Range("A2").Value2 = "Mary" ' Copy cell to cell Range("G1").Value2 = Range("F1").Value2 Range("G2").Value2 = Range("F2").Value2 ' Copy multiple cells - the source and destination range ' must be the same size Range("A1:C5").Value2 = Range("D1:F5").Value2 End Sub
The code below shows an example of copying the data from the data shown in the screenshot at the start of this section.
We will copy the range A1:D11 on the worksheet Transactions to the range A1:D11 on worksheet Report.
' UsingAssignment() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' RESULT: The data will be copied from the Transaction worksheet ' to the report worksheet ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub UsingAssignment() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" .Columns(4).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(5).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Copy the data shWrite.Range("A1:D11").Value2 = shRead.Range("A1:D11").Value2 End Sub
The key thing to remember about assigning values is that the destination must be the same size as the source.
If it is smaller than the source range then not all the data will be written.
If it is bigger than the source then there will be #N/A errors in the extra cells.
Assignment with Transpose
We can use the WorksheetFunction.Transpose function to transpose using the assignment operator(i.e. equals sign) to copy:
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub TransposeAssign() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transpose") ' Clear any existing data shRead.Range("F1:I2").Clear shRead.Range("F1:I2").Value2 = _ WorksheetFunction.Transpose(shRead.Range("A1:B4").Value2) End Sub
Using Range.CopyFromRecordset
A Recordset is the collection of data we get when we run a database query.
We can run database queries on worksheet data using ADO (ActiveX Data Objects).
We will look at this Excel VBA Copy method in more detail in the ADO section below.
Excel VBA Filter Methods
Whenever you are copying data in VBA you will almost always apply some type of filter. This could be selection rows based on certain criteria or it could be summing data.
In this section, we are going to look at the various ways of filtering data. If you want working examples using the Filter methods then you can download the source code at the top or bottom of this post.
Filtering using For and If
The most common way of filtering data in VBA is using a For Loop and If Statement.
This is the least flexible and most long-winded method of filtering data in VBA. By long-winded, I mean that it requires lots of code compared to the other methods.
Using For and IF is the method you will see used the most in examples or in legacy VBA code.
We use the For Loop to read through data one row at a time. For each row, we will use the If Statement to check for certain criteria.
Here is a simple outline:
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub ForIf_Basic() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Dim i As Long For i = 1 To 13 If shRead.Range("A" & i).Value2 = "Laptop Model A" Then ' Code for copying here End If Next i End Sub
We can use both And and Or operators in the if statement.
Here are some examples:
If Item = "Laptop Model A" And Volume > 20 Then If Item = "Laptop Model A" Or Volume > 20 Then If Item = "Laptop Model A" Or Item = "Laptop Model B" Then
How to Copy Rows
The following code reads through the data. It checks each line to see if the first cell contains “Laptop Model A” .
If the row with these criteria is found, the row will be copied to the output worksheet.
The first version of the code below will use Range.Copy and the second will use the assign copy method:
' For_RangeCopy() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub For_RangeCopy() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Dim shWrite As Worksheet Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" .Columns(4).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(5).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Read through the data Dim i As Long, row As Long row = 1 For i = 1 To rg.Rows.count If rg.Cells(i, 1).Value2 = "Laptop Model A" Or i = 1 Then ' Copy using Range.Copy rg.Rows(i).Copy shWrite.Range("A" & row).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues ' move to the next output row row = row + 1 End If Next i End Sub
' For_Assign() ' ' Requirements: ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub For_Assign() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Dim shWrite As Worksheet Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" .Columns(4).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(5).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Read through the data Dim i As Long, row As Long row = 1 For i = 1 To rg.Rows.count If rg.Cells(i, 1).Value2 = "Laptop Model A" Or i = 1 Then ' Get the destination range Dim rgDest As Range Set rgDest = _ shWrite.Range("A" & row).Resize(1, rg.Columns.count) ' Copy using Assignment rgDest.Value2 = rg.Rows(i).Value2 ' move to the next output row row = row + 1 End If Next i End Sub
In the above code, we use Range.Resize when copying by assignment. You can read more about this here.
Using an Array to Read Faster
If you are reading through a lot of data then reading directly from the worksheet range is very slow.
It is much quicker to copy the data to an array and then read through that array. Then when we are finished, we write the array back to the worksheet
We cannot use Range.Copy because it obviously can only be used on an actual range.
Let’s update our last example so it will use an array:
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub ForUsingArray_Assign() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Dim shWrite As Worksheet Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Copy the range to an array Dim arr As Variant arr = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value2 With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" .Columns(4).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(5).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Read through the data Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim row As Long, Columns As Long row = 1 For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) ' If "Laptop Model A" or header row then copy If arr(i, 1) = "Laptop Model A" Or i = 1 Then ' Copy each column For j = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2) shWrite.Cells(row, j).Value2 = arr(i, j) Next j ' move to the next output row row = row + 1 End If Next i End Sub
We could also use the Worksheet Function Index to copy. However, it is incredibly slow. In the speed tests it was over 4000 times slower than using the AutoFilter.
' Copy using Index Columns = UBound(arr, 2) shRepAssign.Range("A" & row).Resize(1, Columns).Value2 = _ Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(arr, i, 0)
Copying Individual Fields
Copying individual items in a row is actually very straightforward.
We simply copy each cell individually:
' For_Assign_Individual() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' https://excelmacromastery.com Sub For_Assign_Individual() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Dim shWrite As Worksheet Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Read through the data Dim i As Long, rgWrite As Range, row As Long row = 1 For i = 1 To rg.Rows.count ' If "Laptop Model A" or the header row If rg.Cells(i, 1).Value2 = "Laptop Model A" Or i = 1 Then ' Copy from column A to column A shWrite.Cells(row, 1).Value2 = rg.Cells(i, 1).Value2 ' Copy from column E to column B shWrite.Cells(row, 2).Value2 = rg.Cells(i, 5).Value2 ' Move to the next row for writing row = row + 1 End If Next i End Sub
The method below using Range.Copy – it is very slow so it is best to avoid using it.
' WARNING: DON'T USED THIS METHOD - IT IS INCREDIBLY SLOW ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub For_RangeCopy_Individual() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Dim shWrite As Worksheet Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' Read through the data Dim i As Long, rgWrite As Range, row As Long row = 1 For i = 1 To rg.Rows.count ' If "Laptop Model A" or the header row If rg.Cells(i, 1).Value2 = "Laptop Model A" Or i = 1 Then ' Copy using Range.Copy rg.Cells(i, 1).Copy shWrite.Range("A" & row).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues rg.Cells(i, 5).Copy shWrite.Range("B" & row).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues ' Move to the next row for writing row = row + 1 End If Next i
In this example we use an array with the For loop to copy. It is the fastest way to copy individual columns using the For loop but it is still way slower than using the AutoFilter.
' ForUsingArray_Assign_Individual() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub ForUsingArray_Assign_Individual() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Dim shWrite As Worksheet Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Get the range Dim arr As Variant arr = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value2 ' Read through the data Dim i As Long, rgWrite As Range, row As Long row = 1 For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) ' If "Laptop Model A" or the header row If arr(i, 1) = "Laptop Model A" Or i = 1 Then ' Copy from column A to column A on the report worksheet shWrite.Cells(row, 1).Value2 = arr(i, 1) ' Copy from column E to column B on the report worksheet shWrite.Cells(row, 2).Value2 = arr(i, 5) ' Move to the next row for writing row = row + 1 End If Next i End Sub
If the original data has a lot of columns and you only require a few of them, then this method may be as fast as AutoFilter but you will need to test both methods.
Summing Totals
In the data shown below we want to get the total sales for each item:
Our result should look like this:
Summing data like this is much trickier than simply filtering data.
For each item, we need to store a running total somewhere. Each time we read an item we need to either create a new entry or add the current sales amount to the existing entry.
The easiest way to do this is to use a Dictionary.
You can see the code to do this below. You will notice that it is split into two parts:
- In part one we read the values from the worksheet to the dictionary.
- In part two we write the values from the dictionary to the worksheet.
' ForDictionary_Assign_Sum() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' IMPORTANT: Add the Dictionary reference to use the dictionary ' Tools->Reference and check "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub ForDictionary_Assign_Sum() ' PART 1 - Read the data ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' Create the dictionary Dim dict As New Dictionary ' Read through the data Dim i As Long, Item As String, Sales As Long For i = 2 To rg.Rows.count ' Store the values in a variable Item = rg.Cells(i, 1).Value2 Sales = rg.Cells(i, 5).Value2 ' The item will be automatically added if it doesn't exist dict(Item) = dict(Item) + Sales Next i ' PART 2 - Write the data Dim shWrite As Worksheet Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" ' Write header .Cells(1, 1).Value2 = "Item" .Cells(1, 2).Value2 = "Sales" End With Dim key As Variant, row As Long row = 2 ' Read through each item in the Dictionary For Each key In dict.Keys shWrite.Cells(row, 1) = key shWrite.Cells(row, 2) = dict(key) row = row + 1 Next key End Sub
Summing Multiple Totals
In the previous example we were summing one item. This time we are going to sum the volume and the price fields.
The Dictionary stores a key and a value. If we want to store more than one value then we use a class module.
In the next example, I have split up the code into procedures to make it easier to read and to be more flexible:
' Class Module: clsSales Public Items As String Public Volume As Long Public Sales As Long
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub CreateReport() ' Declare a Dictionary variable Dim dict As Dictionary ' Read the data to the Dictionary Set dict = ReadData ' Write the Data from the Dictionary to the Worksheet WriteData dict End Sub ' Read the data from the worksheet into a Dictionary ' ' IMPORTANT: Add the Dictionary reference to use the dictionary ' Tools->Reference and check "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Private Function ReadData() As Dictionary ' Create the dictionary Dim dict As New Dictionary ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' Read through the data Dim i As Long, Item As String, Volume As Long, Sales As Long Dim oSales As clsSales, oSalesCurrent As clsSales For i = 2 To rg.Rows.count Item = rg.Cells(i, 1).Value2 Volume = rg.Cells(i, 4).Value2 Sales = rg.Cells(i, 5).Value2 ' Check if the Item has already been added If dict.Exists(Item) = False Then ' Add Item and new class module object Set oSales = New clsSales dict.Add Item, oSales End If ' Get the current item Set oSalesCurrent = dict(Item) ' Update the data With oSalesCurrent .Volume = .Volume + Volume .Sales = .Sales + Sales End With Next i Set ReadData = dict End Function ' Write the summed data to the worksheet ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub WriteData(dict As Dictionary) Dim shWrite As Worksheet Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" ' Write header .Cells(1, 1).Value2 = "Item" .Cells(1, 2).Value2 = "Volume" .Cells(1, 3).Value2 = "Sales" End With Dim key As Variant, oData As clsSales, row As Long row = 2 ' Read through each item in the Dictionary For Each key In dict.Keys Set oData = dict(key) shWrite.Cells(row, 1) = key shWrite.Cells(row, 2) = oData.Volume shWrite.Cells(row, 3) = oData.Sales row = row + 1 Next key End Sub
Using AutoFilter
The methods that we have looked at so far require a lot of code.
There is actually a much simpler way of reading and filtering data. We can use the AutoFilter. This is the filter we use in Excel to filter data. Once the data is filtered we can easily copy and paste it.
VBA AutoFilter Excel
In terms of speed, AutoFilter came out on top in the speed tests that I performed. It is the best one to use for selecting or copying either rows or individual columns.
These are some examples of using AutoFilter in VBA:
' Field 1 = "Ipsum Corporation" and field 3 >=50 rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Ipsum Corporation" _ , Operator:=xlAnd, Field:=3, Criteria1:=">=50" ' Field 1 starts with "I" rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="I*" ' Field 1 ends with "Ltd" rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="*Ltd" ' Field 1 contains "Su" rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="*Su*" ' Field 1 does not contain "Su" rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>*Su*" ' Get the top 10 items based on the value in Field 3 rg.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="10", Operator:=xlTop10Items ' Field 3 is in the value list of 100,17 and 2 rg.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=Array("100", "17", "2") _ , Operator:=xlFilterValues
Now that we understand the basics, let’s look at some practical examples of using AutoFilter.
How to Copy Rows
Using AutoFilter is the fastest way to copy filtered rows of data.
Let’s use AutoFilter to copy all the rows that contain “Laptop Model A”.
The following code shows how to do this:
' AutoFilter_RangeCopy_Row() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub AutoFilter_RangeCopy_Row() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" .Columns(4).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(5).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' Remove any existing filters rg.AutoFilter ' Apply the Autofilter rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Laptop Model A" ' Copy the data using Range Copy shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy shWrite.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues ' Remove any existing filters rg.AutoFilter ' Active the output sheet so it is visible shWrite.Activate End Sub
We can also use assign to copy the data. It is almost as fast but requires slightly more complex code.
It is actually not necessary to use this code but I am including it for completeness:
' AutoFilter_Assign_Row() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub AutoFilter_Assign_Row() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" .Columns(4).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(5).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' Remove any existing filters rg.AutoFilter ' Apply the Autofilter rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Laptop Model A" ' Get the read range Dim rgRead As Range Set rgRead = _ shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) Dim rgRow As Range, row As Long row = 1 ' Read through each row For Each rgRow In rgRead.Rows ' Copy the row shWrite.Cells(row, 1).Resize(1, rgRead.Columns.count).Value2 _ = rgRow.Value2 ' move to the next output row row = row + 1 Next rgRow ' Remove any existing filters rg.AutoFilter End Sub
Using AutoFilter code is much easier to write because we don’t need a For Loop and an If Statement. We can filter the data in just one line.
Copying Individual Fields
Copy individual cells is more long winded than copying the row.
It may seem counter intuitive at first but we have to specify the cells we are copying. With a row, we can just copy the entire thing.
There are 2 main ways we can do this:
- Copy the individual columns from the filtered data.
- Copy filtered data and delete the columns that are not required.
Copy the Columns
The first method is the most basic way to do this. We simple copy each column that we require
' AutoFilter_CopyColumns() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' Details: Use AutoFilter with Range.Copy to filter and copy individual ' column data. ' The resulting data should contain the columns Items and Sales. ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub AutoFilter_CopyColumns() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' Remove any existing filters rg.AutoFilter ' Apply the Autofilter rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Laptop Model A" Dim arr As Variant arr = Array(1, 5) ' Remove unnecessary columns Dim i As Long, column As Long column = 1 For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) rg.Cells(1, arr(i)).EntireColumn.Copy shWrite.Cells(1, column).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues column = column + 1 Next i ' Remove any existing filters rg.AutoFilter End Sub
Copy and Delete Unwanted Columns
The second method is the fastest for data with a reasonable number of columns. We simply copy all the data and delete the columns we don’t need:
' AutoFilter_DeleteColumns() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' Details: Use AutoFilter with Range.Copy to filter and copy individual ' column data. ' Copy the entire data and then delete the unnecessary columns. ' The result should be Item and Sales columns only. ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub AutoFilter_DeleteColumns() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' Remove any existing filters rg.AutoFilter ' Apply the Autofilter rg.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Laptop Model A" ' Copy the filtered data to the output worksheet rg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy shWrite.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues ' Remove unnecessary columns Dim rgOut As Range, i As Long Set rgOut = shWrite.Range("A1").CurrentRegion For i = rgOut.Columns.count To 1 Step -1 Select Case i Case 1, 5 Case Else rgOut.Columns(i).EntireColumn.Delete End Select Next i ' Remove any existing filters rg.AutoFilter End Sub
Summing Totals
We cannot use the Filters to sum data. We need to use either a For Loop with a Dictionary or ADO.
Using Advanced Filter
See the main article on Advanced Filter here
Advanced Filter has 4 major advantages over AutoFilter:
- It has more advanced filtering.
- It can automatically copy the results to another range.
- When copying the results it automatically copies the format.
- You can select specific columns and the order of columns.
The AutoFilter has a drawback when filtering data. We cannot use the logic:
If Value1 is in Column1 OR Value2 is in Column2
For example, we cannot say we want all the records where the Item is “Laptop Model A” or Volume > 6.
We can use the AdvancedFilter to get around this. AdvancedFilter is very similar to AutoFilter. The major difference is that the criteria must be a range on the worksheet.
The screenshot below shows how to use AND. It means item is “Laptop Model A” and Volume > 16. The Criteria Range for this must be G1:K2.
The result of using these criteria is:
The screenshot below shows how to use OR. It means item is “Laptop Model A” OR Volume > 16. The Criteria Range for this must be G1:K3.
The result of using these criteria is
The code below shows how we create an advanced filter for the above and criteria.
Range("A1:D12").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace _ , CriteriaRange:=Range("G1:K2")
For OR it would be
Range("A1:D12").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace _ , CriteriaRange:=Range("G1:K3")
Important: You will notice here that the Criteria range is different for the two examples. Make sure that you don’t have a blank line in the criteria (e.g. G1:K4 instead of G1:K3). This will result in all records being returned i.e. no filter being applied.
How to Copy Rows
Advanced filter will not only automatically copy the results for us. It is also the fastest VBA method for copying and filter in most scenarios.
We simple set the Action parameter to xlFilterCopy and set the CopyToRange parameter to the output range:
' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure Name: AdvancedFilterExample ' Purpose: An example of using the Advanced Filter to copy rows ' ' Result: The result depends on the values set in the criteria range ' G to K columns on the "Transaction Filter" worksheet. ' Website: https://excelmacromastery.com/ ' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub AdvancedFilterExample() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions Filter") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Clear any existing data shWrite.Cells.Clear ' Remove the any existing filters If shRead.FilterMode = True Then shRead.ShowAllData End If ' Get the source data range Dim rgData As Range, rgCriteria As Range Set rgData = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' IMPORTANT: Do not have any blank rows in the criteria range Set rgCriteria = shRead.Range("G1:K2") ' Apply the filter rgData.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=rgCriteria _ , CopyToRange:=shWrite.Range("A1") End Sub
Copying Individual Fields
To copy specific columns is pretty simple. We place the columns in our output range and Advanced Filter will only write data to this columns.
For example, If we only want the Item and Sales columns then we need to make two changes to Advanced filter example above:
- Set the Headers before we run advanced filter.
- Set the CopyToRange parameter to include the Range of headers.
We can see the updated code here:
' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure Name: AdvancedFilter_Columns ' Purpose: Uses Advanced Filter to copy individual columns ' ' Result: The result will be the Item and Sales column in the Report ' worksheet. ' Website: https://excelmacromastery.com/ ' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub AdvancedFilter_Columns() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions Filter") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Clear any existing data shWrite.Cells.Clear ' Specify the output columns shWrite.Range("A1").Value2 = "Item" shWrite.Range("B1").Value2 = "Sales" ' Remove the filter If shRead.FilterMode = True Then shRead.ShowAllData End If ' Get the source data range Dim rgData As Range, rgCriteria As Range Set rgData = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' IMPORTANT: Do not have any blank rows in the criteria range Set rgCriteria = shRead.Range("G1:K2") ' Apply the filter rgData.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=rgCriteria _ , CopyToRange:=shWrite.Range("A1:B1") End Sub
Using ADO and SQL
ADO is an external Library that allows us to perform queries on databases. It stands for ActiveX Database Objects.
ADO can also perform queries on data in worksheets. This means we can do very powerful queries that run very fast.
Just like using AutoFilter and Advanced filter, we can use most of the same VBA code each time. The main difference will be the query line. The disadvantage is that it requires some basic knowledge of SQL.
If you want to see working examples using ADO and SQL then you can download the source code at the top or bottom of this post.
The following code returns all the records where the item is “Laptop Model A”:
' ReadFromWorksheetADO() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' Details: Returns all the records for item "Laptop Model A". ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub ReadFromWorksheetADO() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" .Columns(4).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(5).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' To add ADO reference select Tools->Reference and ' check "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Objects 6.1 Library" Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _ "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;"";" ' Store the query in a string Dim query As String query = "Select * from [" & shRead.name _ & "$] Where Item='Laptop Model A' " ' Run the query and store in a recordset Dim rs As New Recordset rs.Open query, conn ' Write header Dim i As Long For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count - 1 shWrite.Cells(1, i + 1).Value2 = rs.Fields(i).name Next i ' Write data shWrite.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs ' Close the connection conn.Close End Sub
Here are some examples of ADO queries
' Item is "Laptop Model A" AND the volume is greater than or equal 20 query = "Select Item,Day,Price,Volume,Sales from [Transactions$] " _ & " Where Item = 'Laptop Model A' and Volume>=20" ' Item is "Laptop Model A" OR the volume is greater than or equal 20 query = "Select Item,Day,Price,Volume,Sales from [Transactions$] " _ & " Where Item = 'Laptop Model A' or Volume>=20" ' Item starts with "Laptop" query = "Select Item,Day,Price,Volume,Sales from [Transactions$] " _ & " Where Item like 'Laptop%' " ' Item Ends with "Model A" query = "Select Item,Day,Price,Volume,Sales from [Transactions$] " _ & " Where Item like '%Model A' " ' Item contains "top" query = "Select Item,Day,Price,Volume,Sales from [Transactions$] " _ & " Where Item like '%top%' " ' Item does not contain "top" query = "Select Item,Day,Price,Volume,Sales from [Transactions$] " _ & " Where Item Not like '%top%' " ' Return the total volume for each monitor type query = "Select Item, Sum(Volume) As [Total Vol] from [Transactions$] " _ & " Where Item like 'Monitor%' " _ & " Group by Item"
It is important to note that for multiple queries you don’t need to connect to the workbook each time.
One connection to the workbook is enough. Then you can run all your queries. When your queries are finished you can close the connection.
The following outline shows what I mean:
' Open the connection Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _ "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;"";" ' Run all queries ... ... ' When finished close the connection conn.Close
How to Copy Rows Using ADO
Copying a row is pretty straightforward using ADO.
There is a function Range.CopyFromRecordset which writes out the entire data from the query.
This is very convenient but it doesn’t copy the header and it is slower than many other methods.
In the code below we write out all the items that are “Laptop Model A”:
' ADO_CopyRow() ' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' Details: Returns the records for item "Laptop Model A". ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub ADO_CopyRow() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions Filter") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" .Columns(4).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(5).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' To add ADO reference select Tools->Reference and ' check "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Objects 6.1 Library" Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _ "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;"";" ' Store the query in a string Dim query As String query = "Select Item,Day,Price,Volume,Sales from [" & shRead.name _ & "$] Where Item='Laptop Model A' " Dim rs As New Recordset rs.Open query, conn ' Write header Dim i As Long For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count - 1 shWrite.Cells(1, i + 1).Value2 = rs.Fields(i).name Next i ' Write data shWrite.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs conn.Close End Sub
Copying Individual Fields
Copying individual fields using ADO couldn’t be simpler.
We specify the fields we want in the Select statement:
' Select all the fields sQuery = "Select Item,Day,Price,Volume,Sales from [Transactions$]" ' Select Item and Sales sQuery = "Select Item,Sales from [Transactions$]" ' Select Volume sQuery = "Select Volume from [Transactions$]" ' Select Price, Item - changes order of fields sQuery = "Select Item,Price from [Transactions$]"
Summing Totals
Summing totals is also simple. It only requires adding a Group By statement to the query
Let’s get the total volume and sales for each item:
' ADO_SumColums()' ' Requirements: ' 1. A worksheet "Transactions" containing data from this ' section: "The Dataset for this Article". ' 2. A worksheet for output called "Report". ' ' Details: Returns the total sales amount for each item. ' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub ADO_SumColums() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions Filter") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") With shWrite ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Set the cell formats .Columns(2).NumberFormat = "0" .Columns(3).NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0" End With ' To add ADO reference select Tools->Reference and ' check "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Objects 6.1 Library" Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _ "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;"";" ' Store the query in a string Dim query As String query = "Select Item,Sum(Volume) As [Total Volume] " _ & ",Sum(Sales) As [Total Sales] " _ & "from [" & shRead.name & "$] Group By Item " Dim rs As New Recordset rs.Open query, conn ' Write header Dim i As Long For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count - 1 shWrite.Cells(1, i + 1).Value2 = rs.Fields(i).name Next i ' Write data shWrite.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs conn.Close End Sub
Pivot Table
Using a Pivot Table is a very powerful way to sum data. It is faster than using the other summing methods.
It is more flexible than using For with a Dictionary but easier to use than ADO as no knowledge of SQL is necessary.
We don’t actually need a copy method with the Pivot Table. We just need to specify range where the Pivot table will be created.
Summing Data
The Pivot Table automatically sums values.
We have rows and value fields in a Pivot Table. We can use these to sum data.
- The Row field is the thing that we plan to get the total of e.g. Items.
- The Value field is the value that we wish to sum e.g. Volume, Sales.
We can set these fields like this:
' Set the Row fields .PivotFields("Item").Orientation = xlRowField ' Set the Value fields .PivotFields("Volume").Orientation = xlDataField .PivotFields("Sales").Orientation = xlDataField
The full PivotTable code looks like this:
' https://excelmacromastery.com/ Sub PivotTable_Sum() ' Get the worksheets Dim shRead As Worksheet, shWrite As Worksheet Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transactions") Set shWrite = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Report") ' Get the range Dim rg As Range Set rg = shRead.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' Clear any existing pivot tables Dim piv As PivotTable For Each piv In shWrite.PivotTables piv.TableRange2.Clear Next piv ' Clear the data in output worksheet .Cells.ClearContents ' Create the cache Dim ptCache As PivotCache Set ptCache = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create( _ SourceType:=xlDatabase _ , SourceData:=rg _ , Version:=xlPivotTableVersion15) ' Create the table Dim ptTable As PivotTable Set ptTable = shWrite.PivotTables.Add( _ PivotCache:=ptCache _ , TableDestination:=shWrite.Range("A1")) ' Set the name and style ptTable.name = "pvItems" ptTable.TableStyle2 = "PivotStyleDark14" ' Set the fields Dim ptField As PivotField With ptTable ' Set the rows fields .PivotFields("Item").Orientation = xlRowField ' Set the data(value) fields .PivotFields("Volume").Orientation = xlDataField .PivotFields("Sales").Orientation = xlDataField End With End Sub
If we want to filter with the PivotTable then it is a bit long winded as we have to set each item individually.
To add a filter we can use the code below. Add this code before the “End With” line in the above code.
' Filter items Dim pvItem As PivotItem For Each pvItem In .PivotFields("Item").PivotItems If pvItem.Caption = "Laptop Model A" Then pvItem.Visible = True Else pvItem.Visible = False End If Next pvItem
That concludes this article on copying and filtering data using the different Excel VBA Copy methods.
If you think something is missing or you have any questions or queries then please leave a comment below.
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(NOTE: Planning to build or manage a VBA Application? Learn how to build 10 Excel VBA applications from scratch.)
Copy and paste are 2 of the most common Excel operations. Copying and pasting a cell range (usually containing data) is an essential skill you’ll need when working with Excel VBA.
You’ve probably copied and pasted many cell ranges manually. The process itself is quite easy.
You can also copy and paste cells and ranges of cells when working with Visual Basic for Applications. As you learn in this Excel VBA Tutorial, you can easily copy and paste cell ranges using VBA.
However, for purposes of copying and pasting ranges with Visual Basic for Applications, you have a variety of methods to choose from.
My main objective with this Excel tutorial is to introduce to you the most important VBA methods and properties that you can use for purposes of carrying out these copy and paste activities with Visual Basic for Applications in Excel. In addition to explaining everything you need to know in order to start using these different methods and properties to copy and paste cell ranges, I show you 8 different examples of VBA code that you can easily adjust and use immediately for these purposes.
The following table of contents lists the main topics (and VBA methods) that I cover in this blog post. Use the table of contents to navigate to the topic that interests you at the moment, but make sure to read all sections 😉 .
Let’s start by taking a look at some information that will help you to easily modify the source and destination ranges of the sample macros I provide in the sections below (if you need to).
Scope Of Macro Examples In This Tutorial And How To Modify The Source Or Destination Cells
As you’ve seen in the table of contents above, this Excel tutorial covers several different ways of copying and pasting cells ranges using VBA. Each of these different methods is accompanied by, at least, 1 example of VBA code that you can adjust and use immediately.
All of these macro examples assume that the sample workbook is active and the whole operation takes place on the active workbook. Furthermore, they are designed to copy from a particular source worksheet to another destination worksheet within that sample workbook.
You can easily modify these behaviors by adjusting the way in which the object references are built. You can, for example, copy a cell range to a different worksheet or workbook by qualifying the object reference specifying the destination cell range.
Similar comments apply for purposes of modifying the source and destination cell ranges. More precisely, to (i) copy a different range or (ii) copy to a different destination range, simply modify the range references.
For example, in the VBA code examples that I include throughout this Excel tutorial, the cell range where the source data is located is referred to as follows:
Worksheets("Sample Data").Range("B5:M107")
This reference isn’t a fully qualified object reference. More precisely, it assumes that the copying and pasting operations take place in the active workbook.
The following reference is the equivalent of the above, but is fully qualified:
Workbooks("Book1.xlsm").Worksheets("Sample Data").Range("B5:M107")
This fully qualified reference doesn’t assume that Book1.xlsm is the active workbook. Therefore, the reference works appropriately regardless of which Excel workbook is active.
I explain how to work with object references in detail in The Essential Guide To Excel’s VBA Object Model And Object References. Similarly, I explain how to work with cell ranges in Excel’s VBA Range Object And Range Object References: The Tutorial for Beginners. I suggest you refer to these posts if you feel you need to refresh your knowledge about these topics, or if you’re not familiar with them. They will probably help you to better understand this Excel tutorial and how to modify the sample macros I include here.
You’ll also notice that within the VBA code examples that I include in this Excel tutorial, I always qualify the references up to the level of the worksheet. Strictly speaking, this isn’t always necessary. In fact, when implementing similar code in your VBA macros, you may want to modify the references by, for example:
- Using variables.
- Further simplifying the object references (not qualifying them up to the level of the worksheet).
- Using the With… End With statement.
The reason I’ve decided to keep references qualified up to the level of the worksheet is because the focus of this Excel tutorial is on how to copy and paste using VBA. Not on simplifying references or using variables, which are topics I cover in separate blog posts, such as those I link to above (and which I suggest you take a look at).
The Copy Command In Excel’s Ribbon
Before we go into how to copy a range using Visual Basic for Applications, let’s take a quick look at Excel’s ribbon:
Perhaps one of the most common used buttons in the Ribbon is “Copy”, within the Home tab.
When you think about copying ranges in Excel, you’re probably referring to the action carried out by Excel when you press this button: copying the current active cell or range of cells to the Clipboard.
You may have noticed, however, that the Copy button isn’t just a simple button. It’s actually a split button:
I explain how you can automate the functions of both of these commands in this Excel tutorial. More precisely:
- If you want to work with the regular Copy command, you’ll want to read more about the Range.Copy method, which I explain in the following section.
- If you want to use the Copy as Picture command, you’ll be interested in the Range.CopyPicture method, which I cover below.
Let’s start by taking a look at…
Excel VBA Copy Paste With The Range.Copy Method
The main purpose of the Range.Copy VBA method is to copy a particular range.
When you copy a range of cells manually by, for example, using the “Ctrl + C” keyboard shortcut, the range of cells is copied to the Clipboard. You can use the Range.Copy method to achieve the same thing.
However, the Copy method provides an additional option:
Copying the selected range to another range. You can achieve this by appropriately using the Destination parameter, which I explain in the following section.
In other words, you can use Range.Copy for copying a range to either of the following:
- The Clipboard.
- A certain range.
The Range.Copy VBA Method: Syntax And Parameters
The basic syntax of the Range.Copy method is as follows:
“expression” is the placeholder for the variable representing the Range object that you want to copy.
The only parameter of the Copy VBA method is Destination. This parameter is optional, and allows you to specify the range to which you want to copy the copied range. If you omit the Destination parameter, the copied range is simply copied to the Clipboard.
This means that the appropriate syntax you should use for the Copy method (depending on your purpose) is as follows:
- To copy a Range object to the Clipboard, omit the Destination parameter. In such a case, use the following syntax:
- To copy the Range object to another (the destination) range, use the Destination parameter to specify the destination range. This means that you should use the following syntax:
Let’s take a look at how you can use the Range.Copy method to copy and paste a range of cells in Excel:
Macro Examples #1 And #2: The VBA Range.Copy Method
This Excel VBA Copy Paste Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the data and macros I use. You can get immediate free access to this workbook by clicking the button below.
For this particular example, I’ve created the following table. This table displays the sales of certain items (A, B, C, D and E) made by 100 different sales managers in terms of units and total Dollar value. The first row (above the main table), displays the unit price for each item. The last column displays the total value of the sales made by each manager.
Macro Example #1: Copy A Cell Range To The Clipboard
First, let’s take a look at how you can copy all of the items within the sample worksheet (table and unit prices) to the Clipboard. The following simple macro (called “Copy_to_Clipboard”) achieves this:
This particular Sub procedure is made out of the following single statement:
Worksheets("Sample Data").Range("B5:M107").Copy
This statement is made up by the following 2 items:
Let’s take a look at this macro in action. Notice how, once I execute the Copy_to_Clipboard macro, the copied range of cells is surrounded by the usual dashed border that indicates that the range is available for pasting.
After executing the macro, I go to another worksheet and paste all manually. As a last step, I autofit the column width to ensure that all the data is visible.
Even though the sample Copy_to_Clipboard macro does what it’s supposed to do and is a good introduction to the Range.Copy method, it isn’t very powerful. It, literally, simply copies the relevant range to the Clipboard. You don’t really need a macro to do only that.
Fortunately, as explained above, the Range.Copy method has a parameter that allows you to specify the destination of the copied range. Let’s use this to improve the power of the sample macro:
Macro Example #2: Copy A Cell Range To A Destination Range
The following sample Sub procedure (named “Copy_to_Range”) takes the basic Copy_to_Clipboard macro used as example #1 above and adds the Destination parameter.
Even though it isn’t the topic of this Excel tutorial, I include an additional statement that uses the Range.AutoFit method.
Let’s take a closer look at each of the lines of code within this sample macro:
Line #1: Worksheets(“Sample Data”).Range(“B5:M107”).Copy
This is, substantially, the sample “Copy_to_Clipboard” macro which I explain in the section above.
More precisely, this particular line uses the Range.Copy method for purposes of copying the range of cells cells B5 and M107 of the worksheet called “Sample Data”.
However, at this point of the tutorial, our focus isn’t in the Copy method itself but rather in the Destination parameter which appears in…
Line #2: Destination:=Worksheets(“Example 2 – Destination”).Range(“B5:M107”)
You use the Destination parameter of the Range.Copy method for purposes of specifying the destination range in which to which the copied range of cells should be copied. In this particular case, the destination range is cells B5 to M107 of the worksheet named “Example 2 – Destination”, as shown in the image below:
As I explain above, you can easily modify this statement for purposes of specifying a different destination. For example, for purposes of specifying a destination range in a different Excel workbook, you just need to qualify the object reference.
Line #3: Worksheets(“Example 2 – Destination”).Columns(“B:M”).AutoFit
As anticipated above, this statement isn’t absolutely necessary for the sample macro to achieve its main purpose of copying the copied range in the destination range. Its purpose is solely to autofit the column width of the destination range.
For these purposes, I use the Range.Autofit method. The syntax of this method is as follows:
In this particular case, “expression” represents a Range object, and must be either (i) a range of 1 or more rows, or (ii) a range of 1 or more columns. In the Copy_to_Range macro example, the Range object is columns B through M of the worksheet titled “Example 2 – Destination”. The following image shows how this range is specified within the VBA code.
The following image shows the results obtained when executing the Copy_to_Range macro. Notice how this worksheet looks substantially the same as the source worksheet displayed above.
If you were to compare the results obtained when copying a range to the Clipboard (example #1) with the results obtained when copying the range to a destination range (example #2), you may conclude that the general rule is that one should always use the Destination parameter of the Copy method.
To a certain extent, this is generally true and some Excel authorities generally discourage using the Clipboard. However, the choice between copying to the Clipboard or copying to a destination range isn’t always so straightforward. Let’s take a look at why this is the case:
The Range.Copy VBA Method: When To Copy To The Clipboard And When To Use The Destination Parameter
In my opinion, if you can achieve your purposes without copying to the Clipboard, you should simply use the Destination parameter of the Range.Copy method.
Using the Destination parameter is, generally, more efficient that copying to the Clipboard and then using the Range.PasteSpecial method or the Worksheet.Paste method (both of which I explain below). Copying to the Clipboard and pasting (with the Range.PasteSpecial or Worksheet.Paste methods) involves 2 steps:
- Copying.
- Pasting.
This 2-step process (usually):
- Increases the procedure’s memory requirements.
- Results in (slightly) less efficient procedures.
I explain this argument further in example #4 below, which introduces the Worksheet.Paste method. The Worksheet.Paste method is one of the VBA methods you’d use for purposes of pasting the data that you’ve copied to the Clipboard with the Range.Copy method.
Avoiding the Clipboard whenever possible may be a good idea to reduce the risks of data loss or leaks of information whenever another application is using the Clipboard at the same time. Some users report unpredictable Clipboard behavior in certain cases.
Considering this arguments, you probably understand why I say that, if you can avoid the Clipboard, you probably should.
However, using the Range.Copy method with the Destination parameter may not be the most appropriate solution always. For purposes of determining when the Destination parameter allows you to achieve the purpose you want, it’s very important that you’re aware of how the Range.Copy method works, particularly what it can (and can’t do). Let’s see an example of what I mean:
If you go back to the screenshots showing the results of executing the sample macros #1 (Copy_to_Clipboard) and #2 (Copy_to_Range), you’ll notice that the end result is that the destination worksheet looks pretty much the same as the source worksheet.
In other words, Excel copies and pastes all (for ex., values, formulas, formats).
In some cases, this is precisely what you want. However:
In other cases, this is precisely what you don’t want. Take a look, for example, at the following Sub procedure:
At first glance, this is the Copy_to_Range macro that I introduce and explain in the section above. Notice, however, that I’ve changed the Destination parameter. More precisely, in this version of the Copy_to_Range macro, the top-left cell of the destination range is cell B1 (instead of B5, as it was originally) of the “Example 2 – Destination” worksheet.
The following GIF shows what happens when I execute this macro. The worksheet shown is the destination “Example 2 – Destination” worksheet, and I’ve enabled iterative calculations (I explain to you below why I did this).
As you can see immediately, there’s something wrong. The total sales for all items are, clearly, inaccurate.
The reason for this is that, in the original table, I used mixed references in order to refer to the unit prices of the items. Notice, for example, the formula used to calculate the total sales of Item A made by Sarah Butler (the first Sales Manager in the table):
These formulas aren’t a problem as long as the destination cells are exactly the same as the source cells. This is the case in both examples #1 and #2 above where, despite the worksheet changing, the destination continues to be cells B5 to M107. That guarantees that the mixed references continue to point to the right cell.
However, once the destination range changes (as in the example above), the original mixed references wreak havoc on the worksheet. Take a look, for example, at the formula used to calculate the total sales of Item B by Sales Manager Walter Perry (second in the table):
The formula doesn’t use the unit price of Item B (which appears in cell F1) to calculate the sales. Instead, it uses cell F5 as a consequence of the mixed references copied from the source worksheet. This results in (i) the wrong result and (ii) a circular reference.
By the way, if you’re downloading the sample workbook that accompanies this Excel tutorial, it will have circular references.
In such (and other similar) cases, you may not want to rely solely on the Range.Copy method with the Destination parameter. In other words: There are cases where you don’t want to copy and paste all the contents of the source cell range. There are, for example, cases where you may want to:
- Copy a cell range containing formulas; and
- Paste values in the destination cell range.
This is precisely what happens in the case of the example above. In such a situation, you may want to paste only the values (no formulas).
For purposes of controlling what is copied in a particular destination range when working with VBA, you must understand the Range.PasteSpecial method. Let’s take a look at it:
Excel VBA Copy Paste With The Range.PasteSpecial Method
Usually, whenever you want to control what Excel copies in a particular destination range, you rely on the Paste Special options. You can access these options, for example, through the Paste Special dialog box.
When working with Visual Basic for Applications, you usually rely on the Range.PasteSpecial method for purposes of controlling what is copied in the destination range.
Generally speaking, the Range.PasteSpecial method allows you to paste a particular Range object from the Clipboard into the relevant destination range. This, by itself, isn’t particularly exciting.
The power of the Range.PasteSpecial method comes from its parameters, and the ways in which they allow you to further determine the way in which Excel carries out the pasting. Therefore, let’s take a look at…
The Range.PasteSpecial VBA Method: Syntax And Parameters
The basic syntax of the Range.PasteSpecial method is as follows:
expression.PasteSpecial(Paste, Operation, SkipBlanks, Transpose)
“expression” represents a Range object. The PasteSpecial method has 4 optional parameters:
- Parameter #1: Paste.
- Parameter #2: Operation.
- Parameter #3: SkipBlanks.
- Parameter #4: Transpose.
Notice how each of these parameters roughly mimics most of the different sections and options of the Paste Special dialog box shown above. The main exception to this general rule is the Paste Link button.
I explain how you can paste a link below.
For the moment, let’s take a closer look at each of these parameters:
Parameter #1: Paste
The Paste parameter of the PasteSpecial method allows you to specify what is actually pasted. This parameter is the one that, for example, allows you specify that only the values (or the formulas) should be pasted in the destination range.
This is, roughly, the equivalent of the Paste section in the Paste Special dialog box shown below:
The Paste parameter can take any of 12 values that are specified in the XlPasteType enumeration:
Parameter #2: Operation
The Operation parameter of the Range.PasteSpecial method allows you to specify whether a mathematical operation is carried out with the destination cells. This parameter is roughly the equivalent of the Operation section of the Paste Special dialog box.
The Operation parameter can take any of the following values from the XlPasteSpecialOperation enumeration:
Parameter #3: SkipBlanks
You can use the SkipBlanks parameter of the Range.PasteSpecial method to specify whether the blank cells in the copied range should be (or not) pasted in the destination range.
SkipBlanks can be set to True or False, as follows:
- If SkipBlanks is True, the blank cells within the copied range aren’t pasted in the destination range.
- If SkipBlanks is False, those blank cells are pasted.
False is the default value of the SkipBlanks parameter. If you omit SkipBlanks, the blank cells are pasted in the destination range.
Parameter #4: Transpose
The Transpose parameter of the Range.PasteSpecial VBA method allows you to specify whether the rows and columns of the copied range should be transposed (their places exchanged) when pasting.
You can set Transpose to either True or False. The consequences are as follows:
- If Transpose is True, rows and columns are transposed when pasting.
- If Transpose is False, Excel doesn’t transpose anything.
The default value of the Transpose parameter is False. Therefore, if you omit it, Excel doesn’t transpose the rows and columns of the copied range.
Macro Example #3: Copy And Paste Special
Let’s go back once more to the sample macros and see how we can use the Range.PasteSpecial method to copy and paste the sample data.
The following sample Sub procedure, called “Copy_PasteSpecial” shows 1 of the many ways in which you can do this:
When using the Range.Copy method to copy to the Clipboard (as in the case above) you can end the macro with the statement “Application.CutCopyMode = False”, which I explain in more detail towards the end of this blog post. This particular statement cancels Cut or Copy mode and removes the moving border.
Let’s take a look at each of the lines of code to understand how this macro achieves its purpose:
Line #1: Worksheets(“Sample Data”).Range(“B5:M107”).Copy
This statement appears in both of the previous examples.
As explained in those previous sections, its purpose is to copy the range between cells B5 and M107 of the worksheet named “Sample Data” to the Clipboard.
Lines #2 Through #6 Worksheets(“Example 3 – PasteSpecial”).Range(“B5”).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
These lines of code make reference to the Range.PasteSpecial method that I explain in the previous section. In order to take a closer look at it, let’s break down this statement into the following 6 items:
And let’s take a look at each of the items separately:
- Item #1: “Worksheets(“Example 3 – PasteSpecial”).Range(“B5″)”.
- This is a Range object. Within the basic syntax of the PasteSpecial method that I introduce above, this item is the “expression”.
- This range is the destination range, where the contents of the Clipboard are pasted. In this particular case, the range is identified by its worksheet (“Example 3 – PasteSpecial” of the active workbook) and the upper-left cell of the cell range (B5).
- To paste the items that you have in the Clipboard in a different workbook, simply qualify this reference as required and explained above.
- Item #2: “PasteSpecial”.
- This item simply makes reference to the Range.PasteSpecial method.
- Item #3: “Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats”.
- This is the Paste parameter of the PasteSpecial method. In this particular case, the argument is set to equal xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats. The consequence of this, as explained above, is that only values and number formats are pasted. Other items, such as formulas and borders, aren’t pasted in the destination range.
- Item #4: “Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone”.
- The line sets the Operation parameter of the Range.PasteSpecial method to be equal to xlPasteSpecialOperationNone. As I mention above, this means that Excel carries out no calculation when pasting the contents of the Clipboard.
- Item #5: “SkipBlanks:=False”.
- This line confirms that the value of the SkipBlanks parameter is False (which is its default value anyway). Therefore, if there were blank cells in the range held by the Clipboard, they would be pasted in the destination.
- Item #6: “Transpose:=True”.
- The final parameter of the Range.PasteSpecial method (Transpose) is set to True by this line. As a consequence of this, rows and columns are transposed upon being pasted.
The purpose of this code example is just to show you some of the possibilities that you have when working with the Range.PasteSpecial VBA method. It doesn’t mean it’s how I would arrange the data it in real life. For example, if I were implementing a similar macro for copying similarly organized data, I wouldn’t transpose the rows and columns (you can see how the transposing looks like in this case further below).
In any case, since the code includes all of the parameters of the Range.PasteSpecial method, and I explain all of those parameters above, you shouldn’t have much problem making any adjustments.
Line #7: Worksheets(“Example 3 – PasteSpecial”).Columns(“B:CZ”).AutoFit
This line is substantially the same as the last line of code within example #2 above (Copy_to_Range). Its purpose is exactly the same:
This line uses the Range.AutoFit method for purposes of autofitting the column width.
The only difference between this statement and that in example #2 above is the column range to which it is applied. In example #2 (Copy_to_Range) above, the autofitted columns are B to M (Range(“B5:M107”)). In this example #3 (Copy_PasteSpecial), the relevant columns are B to CZ (Columns(“B:CZ”)).
The reason why I make this adjustment is the layout of the data and, more precisely, the fact that the Copy_PasteSpecial macro transposes the rows and columns. This results in the table extending further horizontally.
The following screenshot shows the results of executing the Copy_PasteSpecial macro. Notice, among others, how (i) no borders have been pasted (a consequence of setting the Paste parameter to xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats), and (ii) the rows and columns are transposed (a consequence of setting Transpose to equal True).
If you only need to copy values (the equivalent of setting the Paste parameter to xlPasteValues) or formulas (the equivalent of setting the Paste parameter to xlPasteFormulas), you may prefer to set the values or the formulas of the destination cells to be equal to that of the source cells instead of using the Range.Copy and Range.PasteSpecial methods. I explain how you can do this (alongside an example) below.
As you can see, you can use the PasteSpecial method to replicate all of the options that appear in the Paste Special dialog box, except for the Paste Link button that appears on the lower left corner of the dialog.
Let’s take a look at a VBA method you can use for these purposes:
Excel VBA Copy Paste With The Worksheet.Paste Method
The Worksheet.Paste VBA method (Excel VBA has no Range.Paste method) is, to a certain extent, very similar to the Range.PasteSpecial method that I explain in the previous section. The main purpose of the Paste method is to paste the contents contained by the Clipboard on the relevant worksheet.
However, as the following section makes clear, there are some important differences between both methods, both in terms of syntax and functionality. Let’s take a look at this:
Worksheet.Paste VBA Method: Syntax And Parameters
The basic syntax of the Worksheet.Paste method is:
expression.Paste(Destination, Link)
The first difference between this method and the others that I explain in previous sections is that, in this particular case, “expression” stands for a Worksheet object. In other cases we’ve seen in this Excel tutorial (such as the Range.PasteSpecial method), “expression” is a variable representing a Range object.
The Paste method has the following 2 optional parameters. They have some slightly particular conditions which differ from what we’ve seen previously in this same blog post.
- Destination: Destination is a Range object where the contents of the Clipboard are to be pasted.
- Since the Destination parameter is optional, you can omit it. If you omit Destination, Excel pastes the contents of the Clipboard in the current selection. Therefore, if you omit the argument, you must select the destination range before using the Worksheet.Paste method.
- You can only use the Destination argument if 2 conditions are met: (i) the contents of the Clipboard can be pasted into a range, and (ii) you’re not using the Link parameter.
- Link: You use the Link parameter for purposes of establishing a link to the source of the pasted data. To do this, you set the value to True. The default value of the parameter is False, meaning that no link to the source data is established.
- If you’re using the Destination parameter when working with the Worksheet.Paste method, you can’t use the Link parameter. Macro example #5 below shows how one way in which you can specify the destination for pasting links.
Let’s take a look at 2 examples that show the Worksheet.Paste method working in practice:
Macro Example #4: Copy And Paste
The following sample macro (named “Copy_Paste”) works with exactly the same data as the previous examples. It shows how you can use the Worksheet.Paste method for purposes of copying and pasting data.
Just as with the previous example macro #3, since this particular macro uses the Clipboard, you can add the statement “Application.CutCopyMode = False” at the end of the macro for purposes of cancelling the Cut or Copy mode. I explain this statement in more detail below.
Let’s take a look at each of the lines of code to understand how this sample macro proceeds:
Line #1: Worksheets(“Sample Data”).Range(“B5:M107”).Copy
This statement is the same as the first statement of all the other sample macros that I’ve introduced in this blog post. I explain its different items the first time is used.
Its purpose is to copy the contents within cells B5 to M107 of the “Sample Data” worksheet to the Clipboard.
Lines #2 And #3: Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Paste Destination:=Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Range(“B5:M107”)
This statement uses the Worksheet.Paste method for purposes of pasting the contents of the Clipboard (determined by line #1 above) in the destination range of cells.
To be more precise, let’s break down the statement into the following 3 items:
- Item #1: “Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”)”.
- This item represents the worksheet named “Example 4 – Paste”. Within the basic syntax of the Worksheet.Paste method that I explain above, this is the expression variable representing a Worksheet object.
- You can easily modify this object reference by, for example, qualifying it as I introduce above. This allows you to, for example, paste the items that are in the Clipboard in a different workbook.
- Item #2: “Paste”.
- This is the Paste method.
- Item #3: “Destination:=Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Range(“B5:M107″)”.
- The last item within the statement we’re looking at is the Destination parameter of the Worksheet.Paste method. In this particular case, the destination is the range of cells B5 to M107 within the worksheet named “Example 4 – Paste”.
Line #4: Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Columns(“B:M”).AutoFit
This is an additional line that I’ve added to most of the sample macros within this Excel tutorial for presentation purposes. Its purpose is to autofit the width of the columns within the destination range.
I explain this statement it in more detail above.
The end result of executing the sample macro above (Copy_Paste) is as follows:
These results are substantially the same as those obtained when executing the macro in example #2 above (Copy_to_Range), which only used the Range.Copy method with a Destination parameter. Therefore, you may not find this particular application of the Worksheet.Paste method particularly interesting.
In fact, in such cases, you’re probably better off by using the Range.Copy method with a Destination parameter instead of using the Worksheet.Paste method (as in this example). The main reason for this is that the Range.Copy method is more efficient and faster.
The Worksheet.Paste method pastes the Clipboard contents to a worksheet. You must (therefore) carry out a 2-step process (to copy and paste a cell range):
- Copy a cell range’s contents to the Clipboard.
- Paste the Clipboard’s contents to a worksheet.
If you use the macro recorder for purposes of creating a macro that copies and pastes a range of cells, the recorded code generally uses the Worksheet.Paste method. Recorded code (usually) follows a 3-step process:
- Copy a cell range’s contents to the Clipboard.
- Select the destination cell range.
- Paste the Clipboard’s contents to the selected (destination) cell range.
You can (usually) achieve the same result in a single step by working with the Range.Copy method and its Destination parameter. As a general rule, directly copying to the destination cell range (by using the Range.Copy method with a Destination parameter) is more efficient than both of the following:
- Copying to the Clipboard and pasting from the Clipboard.
- Copying to the Clipboard, selecting the destination cell range, and pasting from the Clipboard.
I provide further reasons why, when possible, you should try to avoid copying to the Clipboard near the beginning of this blog post when answering the question of whether, when working with the Range.Copy method, you should copy to the Clipboard or a Destination. Overall, there seems to be little controversy around the suggestion that (when possible) you should avoid the multi-step process of copying and pasting.
The next example uses the Worksheet.Paste method again, but for purposes of setting up links to the source data.
Macro Example #5: Copy And Paste Links
The following sample macro (Copy_Paste_Link) uses, once more, the Worksheet.Paste method that appears in the previous example. The purpose of using this method is, however, different.
More precisely, this sample macro #5 uses the Worksheet.Paste method for purposes of pasting links to the source data.
As with the other macro examples within this tutorial that use the Clipboard, you may want to use the Application.CutCopyMode property for purposes of cancelling Cut or Copy mode. To do this, add the statement “Application.CutCopyMode = False” at the end of the Sub procedure. I explain this particular topic below.
Let’s take a closer look at each of the lines of code to understand the structure of this macro, which differs from others we’ve previously seen in this Excel tutorial.
Line #1: Worksheets(“Sample Data”).Range(“B5:M107”).Copy
This statement, used in all of the previous sample macros and explained above, copies the range of cells B5 to M107 within the “Sample Data” worksheet to the Clipboard.
Line #2: Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Activate
This statement uses the Worksheet.Activate method. The main purpose of the Worksheet.Activate VBA method is to activate the relevant worksheet. As explained in the Microsoft Dev Center, it’s “the equivalent to clicking the sheet’s tab”.
The basic syntax of the Worksheet.Activate method is:
“expression” is a variable representing a Worksheet object. In this particular macro example, “expression” is “Worksheets(“Example 5 – Paste Link”)”.
You can also activate a worksheet in a different workbook by qualifying the object reference, as I introduce above.
Line #3: ActiveSheet.Range(“B5”).Select
This particular statement uses the Range.Select VBA method. The purpose of this method is to select the relevant range.
The syntax of the Range.Select method is:
In this particular case, “expression” is a variable representing a Range object. In the example we’re looking at, this expression is “ActiveSheet.Range(“B5″)”.
The first item within this expression (“ActiveSheet”) is the Application.ActiveSheet property. This property returns the active sheet in the active workbook. The second item (“Range (“B5″)”) makes reference to cell B5.
As a consequence of the above, this statement selects cell B5 of the “Example 5 – Paste Link” worksheet. This worksheet was activated by the previous line of code.
Lines #4 And #5: ActiveSheet.Paste Link:=True
The use of the Worksheet.Activate method in line #2 and the Range.Select method in line #3 is an important difference between this macro sample #5 and the previous sample macros we’ve seen in this tutorial.
The reason why this particular Sub procedure (Copy_Paste_Link) uses the Worksheet.Activate and Range.Select method is that you can’t use the Destination parameter of the Paste method when using the Link parameter. In the absence of the Destination parameter, the Worksheet.Paste method pastes the contents of the Clipboard on the current selection. That current selection is (in this case) determined by the Worksheet.Activate and Range.Select methods as shown above.
In other words, since cell B5 of the “Example 5 – Paste Link” worksheet is the current selection, this is where the items within the Clipboard are pasted.
This particular statement uses the Worksheet.Paste method alongside with its Link parameter for purposes of only pasting links to the data sources. This is done by setting the Link parameter to True.
Line #5: Worksheets(“Example 5 – Paste Link”).Columns(“B:M”).AutoFit
This line isn’t absolutely necessary for purposes of copying and pasting links. I include it, mainly, for purposes of improving the readability of the destination worksheet (Example 5 – Paste Link).
Since this line repeats itself in other sample macros within this blog post, I explain it in more detail above. For purposes of this section, is enough to know that its purpose is to autofit the width of the destination columns (B through M) of the worksheet where the links are pasted (Example 5 – Paste Link).
The following image shows the results of executing the sample Copy_Paste_Link macro. Notice the effects this has in comparison with other methods used by previous sample macros. In particular, notice how (i) no borders or number formatting has been pasted, and (ii) cells that are blank in the source range result in a 0 being displayed when the link is established.
Excel VBA Copy Paste With The Range.CopyPicture Method
As anticipated above, the Range.CopyPicture VBA method allows you to copy a Range object as a picture.
The object is always copied to the Clipboard. In other words, there’s no Destination parameter that allows you to specify the destination of the copied range.
Range.CopyPicture Method: Syntax And Parameters
The basic syntax of the Range.CopyPicture method is the following:
expression.CopyPicture(Appearance, Format)
“expression” stands for the Range object you want to copy.
The CopyPicture method has 2 optional parameters: Appearance and Format. Notice that these 2 parameters are exactly the same as those that Excel displays in the Copy Picture dialog box.
This Copy Picture dialog box is displayed when you manually execute the Copy as Picture command.
The purpose and values that each of the parameters (Appearance and Format) can take within Visual Basic for Applications reflect the Copy Picture dialog box. Let’s take a look at what this means more precisely:
The Appearance parameter specifies how the copied range is actually copied as a picture. Within VBA, you specify this by using the appropriate value from the XlPictureAppearance enumeration. More precisely:
- xlScreen (or 1) means that the appearance should resemble that displayed on screen as close as possible.
- xlPrinter (or 2) means that the picture is copied as it is shown when printed.
The Format parameter allows you to specify the format of the picture. The enumeration you use to specify the formats is the XlCopyPictureFormat enumeration, which is as follows:
- xlBitmap (or 2) stands for bitmap (.bmp, .jpg or .gif formats).
- xlPicture (or -4147) represents drawn picture (.png, .wmf or .mix) formats.
Let’s take a look at an example which uses the Range.CopyPicture VBA method in practice:
Macro Example #6: Copy As Picture
The following Sub procedure (Copy_Picture) works with the same source data as all of the previous examples. However, in this particular case, the data is copied as a picture thanks to the Range.CopyPicture method.
Let’s go through each of the lines of code separately to understand how the macro works:
Lines #1 To #3: Worksheets(“Sample Data”).Range(“B5:M107”).CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
Lines #1 through #3 use the Range.CopyPicture VBA method for purposes of copying the relevant range of cells as a picture.
Notice how, this line of code is very similar to, but not the same as, the opening statements in all of the previous sample macros. The reason for this is that, this particular macro example #6 uses the Range.CopyPicture method instead of the Range.Copy method used by the previous macro samples.
Let’s break this statement in the following 4 items in order to understand better how it works and how it differs from the previous macro examples:
- Item #1: “Worksheets(“Sample Data”).Range(“B5:M107″)”.
- This item uses the Worksheet.Range property for purposes of returning the range object that is copied as a picture. More precisely, this Range object that is copied as a picture is made up of cells B5 to 107 within the “Sample Data” worksheet.
- Item #2: “CopyPicture”.
- This makes reference to the Range.CopyPicture method that we’re analyzing.
- Item #3: “Appearance:=xlScreen”.
- This item is the Appearance property of the Range.CopyPicture method. You can use this for purposes of specifying how the copied range is copied as a picture. In this particular case, Excel copies the range in such a way that it resembles how it’s displayed on the screen (as much as possible).
- Item #4: “Format:=xlPicture”.
- This is the Format property of the CopyPicture method. You can use this property to determine the format of the copied picture. In this particular example, the value of xlPicture represents drawn picture (.png, .wmf or .mix) formats.
Lines #5 And #6: Worksheets(“Example 6 – Copy Picture”).Paste Destination:=Worksheets(“Example 6 – Copy Picture”).Range(“B5”)
This statement uses the Worksheets.Paste method that I explain above for purposes of pasting the picture copied using the Range.CopyPicture method above. Notice how this statement is very similar to that which I use in macro example #4 above.
In order to understand in more detail how the statement works, let’s break it into the following 3 items:
- Item #1: “Worksheets(“Example 6 – Copy Picture”)”.
- This item uses the Applications.Worksheets VBA property for purposes of returning the worksheet where the picture that’s been copied previously is pasted. In this particular case, that worksheet is “Example 6 – Copy Picture”.
- If you want to paste the picture in a different workbook, you just need to appropriately qualify the object reference as I explain at the beginning of this Excel tutorial.
- Item #2: “Paste”.
- This makes reference to the Worksheet.Paste method.
- Item #3: “Destination:=Worksheets(“Example 6 – Copy Picture”).Range(“B5″)”.
- This is item sets the Destination parameter of the Worksheet.Paste method. This is the destination where the picture within the Clipboard is pasted. In this particular case, this is set by using the Worksheet.Range property to specify cell B5 of the worksheet “Example 6 – Copy Picture”.
The following screenshot shows the results obtained when executing the sample macro #6 (Copy_Picture). Notice how source data is indeed (now) a picture. Check out, for example, the handles that allow you to rotate and resize the image.
Excel VBA Copy Paste With The Range.Value And Range.Formula Properties
These methods don’t, strictly speaking, copy and paste the contents of a cell range. However, you may find them helpful if all you want to do is copy and paste the (i) values or (ii) the formulas of particular source range in another destination range.
In fact, if you’re only copying and pasting values or formulas, you probably should be using this way of carrying out the task with Visual Basic for Applications instead of relying on the Range.PasteSpecial method I introduce above. The main reason for this is performance and speed: This strategy tends to result in faster VBA code (than working with the Range.Copy method).
In order to achieve your purposes of copying and pasting values or formulas using this faster method, you’ll be using the Range.Value VBA property or the Range.Formula property (depending on the case).
- The Range.Value property returns or sets the value of a particular range.
- The Range.Formula property returns or sets the formula in A1-style notation.
The basic syntax of both properties is similar. In the case of the Range.Value property, this is:
For the Range.Formula property, the syntax is as follows:
In both cases, “expression” is a variable representing a Range object.
The only optional parameter of the Range.Value property us RangeValueDataType, which specifies the range value data type by using the values within the xlRangeValueDataType enumeration. However, you can understand how to implement the method I describe here for purposes of copying and pasting values from one range to another without focusing too much on this parameter.
Let’s take a look at how you can use these 2 properties for purposes of copying and pasting values and formulas by checking out some practical examples:
Macro Example #7: Set Value Property Of Destination Range
The following macro (Change_Values) sets the values of cells B5 to M107 of the worksheet “Example 7 – Values” to be equal to the values of cells B5 to M107 of the worksheet “Sample Data”.
For this way of copying and pasting values to work, the size of the source and destination ranges must be the same. The macro example above complies with this condition. Alternatively, you may want to check out the adjustment at thespreadsheetguru.com (by following the link above), which helps you guarantee that the 2 ranges are the same size.
Let’s take a closer at the VBA code row-by-row look:
Line #1: Worksheets(“Example 7 – Values”).Range(“B5:M107”).Value = Worksheets(“Sample Data”).Range(“B5:M107”).Value
This statement sets the Value property of a certain range (cells B5 to M107 of the “Example 7 – Values” worksheet) to be equal to the Value property of another range (cells B5 to M107 of the “Sample Data” worksheet).
I explain how you can set and read object properties in detail in this Excel tutorial. In this particular case, this is done as follows:
Line #2: Worksheets(“Example 7 – Values”).Columns(“B:M”).AutoFit
This statement is used several times in previous macro examples. I explain it in more detail above.
Its main purpose is to autofit the width of the columns where the cells whose values are set by the macro (the destination cells) are located. In this particular example, those are columns B to M of the “Example 7 – Values” worksheet.
The following screenshot shows the results I get when executing the Change_Values macro.
The following example, which sets the Formula property of the destination range, is analogous to this one. Let’s take a look at it:
Macro Example #8: Set Formula Property Of Destination Range
As anticipated, the following macro (Change_Formulas) works in a very similar way to the previous example #7. The main difference is that, in this particular case, the purpose of the Sub procedure is to set formulas, instead of values. More precisely, the macro sets the formulas of cells B5 to M107 of the “Example 8 – Formulas” worksheet to be the same as those of cells B5 to M107 of the “Sample Data” worksheet.
The basic structure of this macro is virtually identical to that of the Change_Values Sub procedure that appears in macro example #7 above. Just as in that case, the source and destination ranges must be of the same size.
Let’s take, anyway, a quick look at each of the lines of code to ensure that we understand every detail:
Line #1: Worksheets(“Example 8 – Formulas”).Range(“B5:M107”).Formula = Worksheets(“Sample Data”).Range(“B5:M107”).Formula
This statement sets the Formula property of cells B5 to M107 of the “Example 8 – Formulas” worksheet to be equal to the Formula property of cells B5 to M107 of the “Sample Data” worksheet.
The basic structure of the statement is exactly the same to that in the previous macro example #7, with the difference that (now) we’re using the Range.Formula property instead of the Range.Value property. More precisely:
Line #2: Worksheets(“Example 8 – Formulas”).Columns(“B:M”).AutoFit
The purpose of this statement is to autofit the width of the columns where the cells whose formulas have changed are located.
The following screenshot shows the results obtained when executing this macro:
Notice the following interesting aspects of how the Range.Formula property works:
- When the cell contains a constant, the Formula property returns a constant. This applies, for example, for (i) the columns that hold the number of units sold, and (ii) the unit prices of Items A, B, C, D and E.
- If a cell is empty, Range.Formula returns an empty string. In the example we’re looking at, this explains the result in the blank cells between the row specifying unit prices and the main table.
- Finally, if a cell contains a formula, the Range.Formula property returns the formula as a string, and includes the equal sign (=) at the beginning. In the sample worksheet, this explains the results obtained in the cells containing total sales (per item and the grand total).
How To Cancel Cut or Copy Mode and Remove the Moving Border
Several of the VBA methods and macro examples included in this Excel tutorial use the Clipboard.
If you must (or choose to) use the Clipboard when copying and pasting cells or cell ranges with Visual Basic for Applications, you may want to cancel Cut or Copy mode prior to the end of your macros. This removes the moving border around the copied cell range.
The following screenshot shows how this moving border looks like in the case of the “Sample Data” worksheet that includes the source cell range that I’ve used in all of the macro examples within this blog post. Notice the dotted moving outline around the copied cell range:
The VBA statement you need to cancel Cut or Copy mode and remove the moving outline (that appears above) is as follows:
Application.CutCopyMode = False
This statement simply sets the Application.CutCopyMode VBA property to False. Including this statement at the end of a macro has the following 2 consequences:
- Effect #1: The Cut or Copy mode is cancelled.
- Effect #2: The moving border is removed.
The following image shows the VBA code of macro example #4 above, with this additional final statement for purposes of cancelling Cut or Copy mode.
If I execute this new version of the Copy_Paste sample macro, Excel automatically removes the moving border around the copied cell range in the “Sample Data” worksheet. Notice how, in the following screenshot, the relevant range isn’t surrounded by the moving border:
Excel VBA Copy Paste: Other VBA Methods You May Want To Explore
The focus of this Excel tutorial is in copying and pasting data in ranges of cells.
You may, however, be interested in learning or exploring about other VBA methods that you can use for pasting other objects or achieve different objectives. If that is the case, perhaps one or more of the methods that I list below may be helpful:
- The Chart.CopyPicture method, which pastes the selected chart object as a picture.
- The Chart.Copy method and the Charts.Copy method, whose purpose is to copy chart sheets to another location.
- The Chart.Paste method, which pastes data into a particular chart.
- The ChartArea.Copy VBA method, whose purpose is to copy the chart area of a chart to the Clipboard.
- The ChartObject.Copy method and the ChartObjects.Copy method, which copy embedded charts to the Clipboard.
- The ChartObject.CopyPicture method and the ChartObjects.CopyPicture VBA method, which you can use to copy embedded charts to the Clipboard as a picture.
- The Floor.Paste VBA method, which pastes a picture that is within the Clipboard on the floor of a particular chart.
- The Point.Copy method, which (when a point in a series in a chart has a picture fill), copies the relevant picture to the Clipboard.
- The Point.Paste method, whose purpose is to paste a picture from the Clipboard as the marker of a particular point in a series in a chart.
- The Range.CopyFromRecordset method, which copies the contents of a Data Access Object (DAO) or an ActiveX Data Object (ADO) Recordset object to a worksheet.
- The Series.Copy method, whose purpose is to copy the picture fill of the marker on a series in a chart (if the series has a picture fill).
- The Series.Paste method, which pastes a picture from the Clipboard as the marker on a particular series in a chart.
- The SeriesCollection.Paste VBA method, whose purpose is to paste the data on the Clipboard into a chart series collection.
- The Shape.CopyPicture method, which copies an object to the Clipboard as a picture.
- The Sheets.Copy method, which copies a sheet to another location.
- The Slicer.Copy VBA method, whose purpose is to copy a slicer to the Clipboard.
- The Walls.Paste method, which pastes a picture from the Clipboard on the walls of a chart.
- The Worksheet.Copy method, which you can use to copy a sheet to another location.
- The Worksheet.PasteSpecial VBA method, which pastes the contents that are within the Clipboard on the worksheet using a specified format. This particular method is commonly used for purposes of pasting (i) data from other applications, or (ii) pasting data in a particular format.
This list doesn’t include absolutely all the VBA methods that copy and paste objects. It covers (mostly) the methods that apply to some of the main objects you’re likely to work with on a consistent basis, such as charts and worksheets.
By completing this Excel tutorial, you’ve covered the most important VBA methods that you can use for purposes of copying and pasting cells and cell ranges in Excel. More precisely, you’ve read about:
- The Range.Copy method.
- The Range.PasteSpecial method.
- The Worksheet.Paste method.
- The Range.CopyPicture method.
- The Range.Value and Range.Formula properties, and how you can use them for purposes of copying values and formulas between cells and cell ranges.
You’ve also seen how to use the Application.CutCopyMode property for purposes of cancelling the Cut or Copy mode, if you decide to use it in your copy-pasting macros.
In addition to covering the basics of each method and property, you’ve seen 8 different examples of VBA code that can be easily adjusted to cover other situations you may encounter.
This Excel VBA Copy Paste Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the data and macros I use in the examples above. You can get immediate free access to this workbook by clicking the button below.
Also, remember that you can easily adjust the source and destination cells in any of those macros by adequately qualifying the object references or modifying the range references.
The knowledge and examples you’ve acquired enables you to immediately start creating your own macros for purposes of copying and pasting cells and cell ranges in Excel.
I’m aware that, in some situations, you’ll want to copy and paste other objects (not cell ranges) with VBA. For those purposes, you can refer to the list of similar VBA methods that I’ve not covered in this Excel VBA tutorial.
Bottom line: Learn 3 different ways to copy and paste cells or ranges in Excel with VBA Macros. This is a 3-part video series and you can also download the file that contains the code.
Skill level: Beginner
Copy & Paste: The Most Common Excel Action
Copy and paste is probably one of the most common actions you take in Excel. It’s also one of the most common tasks we automate when writing macros.
There are a few different ways to accomplish this task, and the macro recorder doesn’t always give you the most efficient VBA code.
In the following three videos I explain:
- The most efficient method for a simple copy and paste in VBA.
- The easiest way to paste values.
- How to use the PasteSpecial method for other paste types.
You can download the file I use in these videos below. The code is also available at the bottom of the page.
Video #1: The Simple Copy Paste Method
You can watch the playlist that includes all 3 videos at the top of this page.
Video #2: An Easy Way to Paste Values
Video #3: The PasteSpecial Method Explained
VBA Code for the Copy & Paste Methods
Download the workbook that contains the code.
'3 Methods to Copy & Paste with VBA
'Source: https://www.excelcampus.com/vba/copy-paste-cells-vba-macros/
'Author: Jon Acampora
Sub Range_Copy_Examples()
'Use the Range.Copy method for a simple copy/paste
'The Range.Copy Method - Copy & Paste with 1 line
Range("A1").Copy Range("C1")
Range("A1:A3").Copy Range("D1:D3")
Range("A1:A3").Copy Range("D1")
'Range.Copy to other worksheets
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
'Range.Copy to other workbooks
Workbooks("Book1.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Copy _
End Sub
Sub Paste_Values_Examples()
'Set the cells' values equal to another to paste values
'Set a cell's value equal to another cell's value
Range("C1").Value = Range("A1").Value
Range("D1:D3").Value = Range("A1:A3").Value
'Set values between worksheets
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
'Set values between workbooks
Workbooks("Book2.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = _
End Sub
Sub PasteSpecial_Examples()
'Use the Range.PasteSpecial method for other paste types
'Copy and PasteSpecial a Range
Range("A3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
'Copy and PasteSpecial a between worksheets
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas
'Copy and PasteSpecial between workbooks
Workbooks("Book2.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
'Disable marching ants around copied range
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Paste Data Below the Last Used Row
One of the most common questions I get about copying and pasting with VBA is, how do I paste to the bottom of a range that is constantly changing? I first want to find the last row of data, then copy & paste below it.
To answer this question, I created a free training video on how to paste data below the last used row in a sheet with VBA. Can I send you the video? Please click the image below to get the video.
Free Training on Macros & VBA
The 3 videos above are from my VBA Pro Course. If you want to learn more about macros and VBA then checkout my free 3-part video training series.
I will also send you info on the VBA Pro Course, that will take you from beginner to expert. Click the link below to get instant access.
Free Training on Macros & VBA
Please leave a comment below with any questions. Thanks!
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Итог: Изучите 3 различных способа копирования и вставки ячеек или диапазонов в Excel с помощью макросов VBA. Это серия из трех частей, также вы сможете скачать файл, содержащий код.
Уровень мастерства: Начинающий
Копировать и вставить: наиболее распространенное действие Excel
Копирование и вставка, вероятно, является одним из самых
распространенных действий в Excel. Это также одна из самых распространенных
задач, которые мы автоматизируем при написании макросов.
Есть несколько различных способов выполнить эту задачу, и устройство записи макросов не всегда дает вам наиболее эффективный код VBA.
В следующих трех видео я объясняю:
- Самый эффективный метод для простого копирования
и вставки в VBA. - Самый простой способ вставить значения.
- Как использовать метод PasteSpecial для других
типов вставок.
Видео № 1: Простой метод «Копировать-вставить»
Видео лучше всего просматривать в полноэкранном HD.
Sub Примеры_копирования_диапазона() 'Используйте метод Range.Copy для простого копирования / вставки 'Метод Range.Copy - копирование и вставка с 1 строкой Range("A1").Copy Range("C1") Range("A1:A3").Copy Range("D1:D3") Range("A1:A3").Copy Range("D1") 'Range.Copy с одного листа на другой Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A1").Copy Worksheets("Лист2").Range("A1") 'Range.Copy с одного файла (на другой Workbooks("План.xlsx").Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A1").Copy _ Workbooks("Факт.xlsx").Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A1") End Sub
Видео № 2: Простой способ вставить значения
Sub Копируем_только_значения() 'Установите значения ячеек равными другим, чтобы вставить значения 'Устанавливает равенство одного диапазона другому Range("C1").Value = Range("A1").Value Range("D1:D3").Value = Range("A1:A3").Value 'Равенство значений между листами Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A1").Value = Worksheets("Лист2").Range("A1").Value 'Равенство значений между книгами Workbooks("Факт.xlsx").Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A1").Value = _ Workbooks("План.xlsx").Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A1").Value End Sub
Видео № 3: Метод PasteSpecial
Sub Копируем_с_помощью_специальной_вставки() 'Используйте метод Range.PasteSpecial для выбора типа вставки 'Копируем и вставляем через СпецВставку Range("A1").Copy Range("A5").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats 'Используем спецвставку между листами Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A2").Copy Worksheets("Лист2").Range("A2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas 'Используем спецвставку между файлами Workbooks("План.xlsx").Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A3").Copy Workbooks("Факт.xlsx").Worksheets("Лист1").Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats 'Убираем "бегающих муравьёв" после копирования (очищаем буфер обмена) Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub
Вставить данные ниже последней заполненной строки
Один из самых распространенных вопросов, которые я получаю о копировании и вставке с помощью VBA: «Как мне вставить данные в конец таблицы? «
Сначала нужно найти последнюю заполненную строку данных, а затем скопировать и вставить ниже неё.
Переходите по ссылке, чтобы научиться 3 способам поиска последней заполненной ячейки
I am coding an Excel Macro in VBA using the Excel Visual Basic Editor. I cannot figure out how to copy/clone a Range Object as opposed to creating a second reference to the same Object.
The MemberwiseClone() function does not seem to be available. I thought it would be implemented for a built-in type. Do I need to implement it myself?
In trying to figure this out, I might have gotten somewhat lost in the distinctions between VBA, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic .Net.
asked Nov 26, 2015 at 6:34
While not necessarily the same thing, you can cover most use cases by creating a Variant
object from the values of the range. This results in a variant array, which you can manipulate in memory to your heart’s content.
Dim originalRange As Range, rangeCopy As Variant
' ...
rangeCopy = originalRange.Value
There are a few things to consider for this to work:
- The object has to be declared as a
— Do not declare a Variant array, or it will fail. - You will obviously only get the values from the original range.
- The resulting Variant array is always 2-dimensional — even if only copying a single row or column (If range is only a single cell, the Variant is not an array). Address your values as
rangeCopy(row, column)
. - When writing the array back into a Worksheet, be sure to do so into a Range that is the same size as the Variant array. Potentially, you need to adjust the cell number format as well.
Complete example:
Sub RangeCopyTest()
Dim originalRange As Range, rangeCopy As Variant
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).ListObjects(1)
' Range object
Set originalRange = .ListRows(1).Range
' Make a copy (into an array) - values only
rangeCopy = originalRange.Value
' Manipulate array
' Note: resulting array is ALWAYS 2-dimensional (row, column)
rangeCopy(1, 1) = 2
rangeCopy(1, 2) = "copy"
rangeCopy(1, 3) = rangeCopy(1, 3) - 1
rangeCopy(1, 4) = rangeCopy(1, 4) / 2
' Insert the copy back in
.ListRows(2).Range.Value = rangeCopy
End With
End Sub
answered May 5, 2020 at 17:36
Copy Data from One Range to Another in Excel VBA
Copying Data from One Range to Another range is most commonly performed task in Excel VBA programming. We can copy the data, Formats, Formulas or only data from particular range in Excel Workbook to another range or Sheet or Workbook.
This example to show you how to copy data from one Range to another using Excel VBA. This is one of the frequently used codes in the VBA, we often do this activity, copying the data from one range to another range in a worksheet.r
Copy Data from One Range to Another in Excel VBA- Solution(s):
You can use Copy method of a range to copy the data from one range to another range.
Copy Data from One Range to Another in Excel VBA – An Example
The following example will show you copying the data from one range to another range in a worksheet using Excel VBA.
'In this example I am Copying the Data from Range ("A1:B10") to Range(E1") Sub sbCopyRange() 'Method 1 Range("A1:B10").Copy Destination:=Range("E1") 'Here the first part is source range, 'and the second part is target range or destination. 'Target can be either one cell or same size of the source range. 'Method 2 Range("A1:B10").Copy Range("E1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste 'In the second method, first we copy the source data range 'Then we select the destination range 'Target can be either one cell or same size of the source range. 'Then we paste in the active sheet, so that it will paste from active range Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub
- Open an excel workbook
- Enter some data in Sheet1 at A1:B10
- Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Editor
- Insert a Module for Insert Menu
- Copy the above code and Paste in the code window
- Save the file as macro enabled workbook
- Press F5 to run it
Now you should see the required data (from Range A1 to B10 ) is copied to the target range (Range E1 to F10).
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- Copy Data from One Range to Another in Excel VBA- Solution(s):
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How to copy excel cell to excel another cell
April 1, 2014 at 9:46 AM — ReplyHi,
You can use Cells(1,1).Copy Destination:=Cells(1,2) to copy the data from one cell to another cell, it is same as copying a range from to another range.Thanks-PNRao!
Amit Shah
October 30, 2014 at 7:07 AM — ReplyHi, please help me on my data. Cell A1 has a roll number and cell C1 has the name. But my data is not continues. There are blanks and some miscellaneous data also. I want is, if A1 has roll number then copy the name from C1 and paste in F1 cell. Please help me with the coding.
Amit -
November 20, 2014 at 3:36 AM — ReplyHello, please your help.
How do I copy a range of cells from workshhet1 to worksheet2 based on the name of a column in worksheet1?
For example I have in WS1 a column named “Items”. I want the macro in WS2 to look for the column “Items” in WS1 and copy such column´s data in WS2.
January 5, 2015 at 1:38 PM — ReplyIts working perfect , but my cells contain formula in it and this methods not working to move data from cells have formula in it . please help me in this .
January 6, 2015 at 8:04 PM — ReplyHi Amol,
When you have the formulas in the Cell, you can do the paste special as values: Here the Simple example to copy the data (cells or range) with formulas:
Range(“J5”).PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)Thanks-PNRao!
Hi Valli or Anyone,
Please help, On sheet-1 I have an data entry field. I want my macro to copy any data I place on the cell on sheet-1 and paste it to the cells in sheet-2. I works on the first line however, I want the next data to copied and pasted on the next Row in sheet-2
Sheet 1 Row1 Column 1 Data Field: JUN
Sheet 2 Row1 Column 1: JUN
Sheet 1 Row1 Column 1 Data Field: RAJAUDAIYAR
Sheet 2 Row2 Column 1: RAJAUDAIYAR
Sheet 1 Row1 Column 1 Data Field: PNRAO
Sheet 2 Row2 Column 1: PNRAO
Sheet 1 Row1 Column 1 Data Field: AMIT SHAH
Sheet 2 Row3 Column 1: AMITH SHAH -
January 19, 2015 at 6:42 PM — ReplyHi Jun,
It seems like you want to synchronize the Worksheet2 with Worksheet1.
Place the below code in the Sheet1 Code module:Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Sheets("Sheet2").Range(Target.Address) = Range(Target.Address) End Sub
Please feel free to ask me if you are looking for something else.
Hi PNRao,
I tried using the script you gave but I encountered errors.
Here is what I wanted to do actually.
In sheet1 cell A1 I am using it as a entry field. Let say I type in your name PNRao then I will have a click button that will paste it to Sheet2 cell A1. Then I will type in my name on shee1 cell A1 Jun and click on the button. I will then paste my name on Sheet2 cell A2.
My statement may be confusing, sorry.
January 23, 2015 at 10:43 AM — ReplyHi Jun,
Assign this macro to your button click:
Sub btnClikToEnter() 'Find last used row in sheet 2 lastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row lRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row Do While Application.CountA(ActiveSheet.Rows(lRow)) = 0 And lRow <> 1 lRow = lRow - 1 Loop lastRow = lRow If Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1") = " And lastRow = 1 Then Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1") = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") Else Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & lastRow + 1) = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") End If End Sub
March 10, 2015 at 1:04 PM — Replyhi,
i m working in solar industry, i have a problem related to data.i have two excel file i st have the particular data with data and second one containing all year data.so i have to merge means particular dates data from excel 2 to excel 1 ..how do i do thisin easy manner -
March 13, 2015 at 9:09 AM — Replyplease check the last row in the following code, it contains error but I cant find
Sub copyDataFromMultipleWorkbooksIntoMaster()
Dim FolderPath As String, Filepath As String, Filename As String
FolderPath = “C:workexcel_tutorialsuppliers”
Filepath = FolderPath & “*.xls*”
Filename = Dir(Filepath)
Dim lastrow As Long, lastcolumn As Long
Do While Filename “”
Workbooks.Open (FolderPath & Filename)
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcolumn = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(lastrow, lastcolumn)).Copy
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.Closeerow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
‘If we wanted to paste data of more than 4 columns we would define a last column here also
‘lastcolumn = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
‘ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets(“Sheet1″).Range(Cells(erow, 1),
Cells(erow, lastcolumn))
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets(“Sheet1″).Range(Cells(erow, 1),
Cells(erow, 4))Filename = Dir
End Sub
March 15, 2015 at 10:36 PM — ReplyHi,
I want to copy data from multiple cells of one sheet into a single cell in another sheet,
For example is cells A1- apple
B1 – orange
C1 – grape.
I want cell A1 in sheet 2 to have apple,orange,grapeHow to write macor for this please
March 16, 2015 at 2:54 PM — ReplyHi,
I used the above method to insert the columns from another sheet. It worked perfectly well.I used the button click to copy columns from another sheet. Now I want to insert checkboxes against those copied columns on the option click.
Also I want the checkbox to be checked in one case and unchecked if in another case.
Please help me with that!!! -
March 21, 2015 at 2:45 PM — ReplyYou can use below syntax to copy and paste:
Range(“YourSourceRange”).Copy Destination:=Range(“YourDestionationRange”)
Range(“A1:D5”).Copy Destination:=Range(“E5”)Method 2:
Activesheet.PasteHope this helps! Thanks-PNRao!
March 21, 2015 at 2:51 PM — ReplyHi Jen,
You can use the below code:Sub sbConcatenateCells() Sheet2.Range("A1") = Sheet1.Range("A1") & "," & Sheet1.Range("B1") & "," & Sheet1.Range("C1") End Sub
April 7, 2015 at 1:18 PM — ReplyHi All,
Can anyone help me in printing data from one filed to another field using a button in the same worksheet
April 12, 2015 at 10:12 AM — ReplyI make find code to select multiple cells i wanna copy the selected cells to another rows in the same column
i mean if searching catch C1 , M1 , R1 it copies automatically in ( C5, M5, R5) and fill until (C9, M9 , R9)
April 29, 2015 at 2:30 PM — ReplyI would like to add a function to my Excel workbook something like as follows:
set(destination,source) {destination.value=source.value; current_cell.value=source.value}The current cell would be the cell that contains the usage of the “set” function along with the needed arguments. It’s output result isn’t actually necessary though, what is important is the ability to transfer values to another cell range.
khine su win
May 13, 2015 at 1:32 PM — ReplyHow to copy excel file data only by avoiding formula?
I want to copy only data to another file.
Please let me know the way.
Thank you.Khine Su Win
May 13, 2015 at 8:46 PM — ReplyHi Khine su win,
Here is the code to copy the range A1 to C10 and paste at D1:
Paste:=xlPasteValues option allow you to copy only the values and paste.Sub CopyTheDataAndPasteOnlyValues() ' Range("A1:C10").Copy Range("D1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False End Sub
rajni kumar
May 14, 2015 at 7:30 PM — ReplyHi PNRao,
I have a requirement to move the data from columns into rows, and also I need parameterized the starting point of the columns that are to be converted into rows. Find below my exampleraw data
FName LName Num1 Num2 Num3
rajni kumar 10 11 23
David Betts 5 3 8to covert like this
FName LName Values
rajni kumar 10
rajni kumar 11
rajni kumar 23
David betts 5
David betts 3
David betts 8Please can you help or give in some guidance I can try few options.
khine su win
May 15, 2015 at 7:39 AM — ReplyHi PNRao!
Thank for your answer.
Please may i ask another question.
I want to copy entire excel file but i need only data.
I mean that wnat to copy data by avoiding formula.
And then, i also don’t want to open excel file when do copy data.
Please let me know the way.
Thank you.Khine Su Win
May 15, 2015 at 2:45 PM — Replyhow to copy the values column wise present in the sheet1 and paste each column values in the different sheets in the workbook.
May 27, 2015 at 3:52 AM — ReplyHello..
I have 4 columns in sheet 1. I want to match a value in column A, and match a value in column B. Once both values match at a row X, I want to copy column C, rowX to rowX+1 and copy column D, row X to rowX+1 and paste them into a certain cells in Sheet 2.
Please advice. Thank you,
June 22, 2015 at 9:00 PM — ReplyHi,
I wanted little assistance in the issue I’m facing currently.
I have 2 sheets, (A) Master Data Sheet (B) Detailed Activities.
Master Data sheet will have all the process name and there corresponding activities along with some other details in other column. (Basicallythe Database)
I have 4 columms in Master Data Sheet namely Process name, Activity, Activity Owner and Hours.
In the Detailed Activities sheet there are multiple coloumns including the columns present in the Master Data Sheet. (i.e. Process name,Activity, Activity Owner and Hours.)
When I enter a process name in the Detailed Activities Sheet in “Process Name”, I want to autopopulate the corresponding Activity, Activity
Owner and Hours column in the Scheduler Sheet.
Then when a enter another process name below the previos process name entered the corresponding columns should get auto populated.(Asper the details mentioned in the Master Data Sheet).
I made this code but I have given specific range. The following code is only for 1 process name. (Thats why i gave specific range)
I want to code for atleast 40 processes and I should be able to enter one range below the other.For Detailed Activity Sheet
Column C = Process name
Column L = Activity
Column M = Activity Owner
Column N = HoursFor Master Data Sheet
Column A = Process name
Column B = Activity
Column C = Acivity Owner
Column D = HoursPrivate Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Select Case Range(“C2”).ValueCase “Transfer”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“L2:L12”).Value = Sheets(“Master Data Sheet”).Range(“B2:B12”).Value
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“M2:M12”).Value = Sheets(“Master Data Sheet”).Range(“C2:C12”).Value
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“N2:N12”).Value = Sheets(“Master Data Sheet”).Range(“D2:D12”).Value
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“D2:D12”).Value = “-”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“E2:E12”).Value = “-”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“I2:I12”).Value = “-”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“J2:J12”).Value = “-”Case ” ”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“L2:L12″).Value = ” ”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“M2:M12″).Value = ” ”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“N2:N12″).Value = ” ”Case ”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“L2:L12″).Value = ” ”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“M2:M12″).Value = ” ”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“N2:N12″).Value = ” ”Case Else
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“L2:L12”).Value = “Please enter a valid Process Name to update the Activities”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“M2:M12”).Value = “Please enter a valid Process Name to update the Activity Owner”
Sheets(“Detailed Activities”).Range(“N2:N12”).Value = “Please enter a valid Process Name to calculate estimated HRS”End Select
Application.EnableEvents = True
End SubFor transfer process, there are 10 rows of Acitvity, Activity owner and hours.
So when i enter ” Transfer” in the process column in the Detailed activities sheet, the code should search the keyword “transfer” in themaster data shet and then copy the corresponding number of rows of Activity, activity owner and hrs from master data sheet to detailed
activities sheet.
Then when I enter another process name the same function should be carried out again.Please advise.
Kind Regards,
Nits. -
July 1, 2015 at 9:46 AM — ReplySub abcd()
‘ Get customer workbook…
Dim customerBook As Workbook
Dim filter As String
Dim caption As String
Dim customerFilename As String
Dim customerWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook‘ make weak assumption that active workbook is the target
Set targetWorkbook = Application.ActiveWorkbook‘ get the customer workbook
filter = “Text files (*.xlsx),*.xlsx”
caption = “Please Select an input file ”
customerFilename = Application.GetOpenFilename(filter, , caption)Set customerWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Open(customerFilename)
‘ assume range is A1 – C10 in sheet1
‘ copy data from customer to target workbook
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = targetWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
Set sourceSheet = customerWorkbook.Worksheets(1)targetSheet.Range(“A1”, “C10”).Value = sourceSheet.Range(“A1”, “C10”).Value
targetSheet.UsedRange.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array(“A123”, “A234”, “A128”, “A129”), Operator:=xlFilterValues, VisibleDropDown:=False
‘ Close customer workbook
End Sub -
August 10, 2015 at 5:54 PM — ReplyI am struggling with copying data from master file to rest of tabs based on filter. Assuming i have master sheet with column name application and my tabs are arranged with column names, i wanted to copy data from master sheet to corresponding tabs of each application, with keeping master data as well. Also if something is present in master tab but not in application tab, that row must be moved to separate tab i created. This tab is common to all application tab. Reason being, this master sheet is going to get updated everyday and i want my tabs to have current data but keeping the old one in misc tab. I will really appreciate the help. Thanks.
September 2, 2015 at 12:19 PM — ReplyHi Sir,
With below mention code i able to copy data from _Update Sheet To Master Sheet but In _Update Sheet My Data have formula so i not getting the desire result because formula is getting copied in Master Sheet so please help me
Sub CopyRangeFromSheet1toSheet2()
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = Sheets(“Master Sheet”).Range(“A100000”).End(xlUp).Row + 1 ‘ then next free row in sheet2
Sheets(“_Update”).Range(“A3:F3”).Copy Destination:=Sheets(“Master Sheet”).Range(“C” & lastRow)
End SubBest Regards
Ajay -
September 2, 2015 at 11:14 PM — Reply -
June 24, 2016 at 2:59 PM — ReplyHello,
I just started doing macros and I need to do a task which includes changing the values automatically if there is a change in 1 cell. For example if I change a value from 1 to 0 in cell A1 then which ever cell I want to put that 1 from cell A1 automatically goes to the different cell and the value there increases.
Priya K
August 5, 2016 at 12:51 PM — Replyhi
I used the code provided by you as i have similar query. But what it does is it only copies into rows and then whatever entered gets overwritten in row 2 of sheet2.
November 17, 2016 at 10:11 AM — ReplyHi, I need to paste different cells in a one sheet to another sheet with same formatting and add the next set of results one below another in sheet 2
March 8, 2017 at 1:27 PM — ReplyThanks for your great answers
The code works very well and I am in a need to use the same way to copy data from a closed csv file to an active worksheet.Would you help?
March 21, 2017 at 11:51 AM — ReplyI have the VBA Code below,
which ask the use to select the folder from the system, then the code runs and ckecks the excel file, if the folder have the excel file then it will copy and paste the same in the macro file “Copy and paste.xlsx”.
Now there can be 1 excel file or more than 1.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim myPath As String
Dim myFile As String
Dim myExtension As String
Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Set FldrPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With FldrPicker
.Title = “Select A Target Folder”
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show -1 Then GoTo NextCode
myPath = .SelectedItems(1) & ”
End WithNextCode:
myPath = myPath
If myPath = ” Then GoTo ResetSettings
myExtension = “*.xlsx”
myFile = Dir(myPath & myExtension)
Do While myFile ”
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=myPath & myFile)With Workbooks(myFile)
With .Range(“a2:BZ” & .Range(“B” & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
End With
End Withwb.Close SaveChanges:=False
myFile = Dir
MsgBox “Task Complete!”
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub
April 14, 2017 at 7:44 PM — ReplyHi there:
I need to copy an entire column to another one but just part of the data in each cell. is it possible to do that?
For Example:
Column 1 contains last name, name and I just want to copy last name (which is before the coma) to another range. -
April 15, 2017 at 11:59 AM — ReplyHi, Can do this by looping through the each row and split the data, and get the first part.
But this will slow down the process when you have data in more Rows.
Here is my suggested approach to Copy the Data (First part of the String in a Column) to another Column.
I am adding a temporary sheet and copy the required column to the temporary sheet. And splitting the Column by Comma. Then Copying the First Column to required sheet and Column.
Sub sbCopyOnlyFirstPartOfTheColumn() 'Add a Temporary Sheet Set tempSht = Worksheets.Add 'Copy the required Column to Temporary Sheet Sheets("Sheet1").Columns("A:A").Copy Destination:=tempSht.Range("A1") 'Split the Column Data with Comma Delimeter tempSht.Columns("A:A").TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _ TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _ Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _ :=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True 'Now Copy the First Column (first Part) into reqired Sheet and Column 'This will copy to Sheet2 and Paste at F Column tempSht.Columns("A:A").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("F1") 'Delete the Temporary Sheet Application.DisplayAlerts = False tempSht.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub
May 5, 2017 at 5:44 PM — ReplyHi Sir, i have data in sheet 1 and using VBA Codes to copy paste the data to sheet 2 but the problem is Copy paste is not taking place as per the invoice description. For example : Sheet one contains the following information Invoie Number, Date ,Amount and description and when i click on the command button it copy paste the date in sheet2 to respectively. but if the description is more than 2 lines that is where data is getting miss placed. Please suggest and thank you in advance.
May 5, 2017 at 5:47 PM — ReplyBelow is the codes currently iam using..
‘Activate the destination worksheet
‘Select the target range
Worksheets(“Data”).Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
‘PasteSpecial in the target destination -
May 19, 2017 at 3:42 PM — ReplyDear Sir,
How do I copy all the data from one sheet and create chart/pivot from the copies data and display the results in the second sheet.
Thank you in advance for helping,
May 19, 2017 at 3:43 PM — ReplyIn continuation to my above query, I want to copy cells without mentioning the column/row numbers, e.g., if I have to work on different set of master data on a weekly basis with a same macro.
ahmad nuri
May 27, 2017 at 9:33 AM — Replyhow to set condition so that macro will work when meet the condition
June 7, 2017 at 10:16 AM — ReplyHi sir,
How do i copy only particular data from a cell having common attributes?
Check the below SLA job has been completed.
motored -j 711_hari
motored -j 711_ramnath
motored -j 711_raviprasad -
June 24, 2017 at 3:28 PM — ReplyDear Friend
Am new in VB
Request for code for copy from Sheet1 (Range A2:I2) Fixed row with change value by every 2 seconds (Its a pull data from one site used for stock exchange. These dynamic data need to paste to Sheet2 of same workbook as Value or in CSV format that to every time paste in next available row. Would you please guide for he same .
With regards
Baldev -
July 6, 2017 at 6:30 AM — ReplyHi!
I’m having trouble with codes. I badly need your help.
I wanted to copy paste only the Columns E to H from Sheet1 to Sheet2 Cell A2 IF in Column M of Sheet1 contains “Singapore” text and IF Column M contains “USA” text in Sheet3 Cell A2.
I’ve already went through countless websites and still can’t find the codes.
Thank you in advance!
July 17, 2017 at 2:32 PM — ReplyYou can Copy the Cells based on the conditions. Your question is quite confusing.
I am assumining that you want to:
Copy the Data from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2 (Columns E:H)
Condition 1: Column M data in Sheet 1 should match the Value ‘Singapore’
Condition 2: When Range A2 value in Sheet3 is ‘USA’Sub sbCopyData() lRow = 200 'Last Row with Data in sheet 1 'Starts form Row 2 kCntr = 2 'Start row to paste in Sheet1 For iCntr = 2 To lRow 'Here 2 is Start Row of Sheet1 If Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(iCntr, 13) = "Singapore" And Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A2") = "USA" Then 'Here 13=M Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E" & iCntr & ":" & "H" & iCntr).Copy _ Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & kCntr) kCntr = kCntr + 1 End If Next End Sub
Hope this helps!
October 24, 2017 at 11:55 PM — ReplyThis is what I currently have:
Sub Match()
Range(“F4:F” & Cells(Rows.Count, “F”).End(xlUp).Row).Copy Destination:=Range(“G4”)
End SubI want to copy and paste what is in F only if the cell in G is blank. Am currently stuck!
May 31, 2018 at 11:03 PM — ReplyHi
How to data transfer one excel sheet to another excel sheet with formulas using VBA Code.code
i tried below code data will transfer but formulas not .
sub text()
End sub -
elizabeth cendana
June 23, 2018 at 4:11 PM — ReplyHi,
Can you give me a code
For a shape/ button that when clicked would autmtcally enter a letter at the desired cell.Example
Button 1(anytime)
When clicked will automatically paste at range D5
Then another code for
When the button whose range d4-d5 clicked
Will autmcally be pasted on E5-E6Thank you
June 27, 2018 at 1:16 PM — ReplyYou can create button and assign the below macro to copy and paste:
Sub sbButton1Clcik() 'Copy the Data Range("C1").Copy ' Source Data to Copy Range("D5").Select 'Target Cell to Paste Activesheet.Paste End Sub
You can create another button and assign the below macro to copy and paste:
Sub sbButton2Clcik() 'Copy the Data Range("C2").Copy ' Source Data to Copy Range("E5").Select 'Target Cell to Paste Activesheet.Paste End Sub
Hope this helps!
July 26, 2018 at 3:09 PM — ReplyHi Rao
I have source excel sheet with tab named sheet1 . I need to search for the particular job names “JHL1999E” and “JLF1CRTW1”.then i need to start copying its corresponding data which starts from next to its immediate column.To make it clear in the JHL1999E is the position (3,2) ,i need the date to be copied from (3,3) till (3,7) .Like that i need to copy till the end of the row,There will be blank in the next row which denotes the end. Please help me in the coding.
August 14, 2018 at 12:59 PM — Replyhi , i need data transfer from combobox and textbox as like journal entry for accounting system
2 SELINA 50000
3 ALEX 60000BANK 100000
CASH 25000
December 16, 2018 at 5:12 PM — ReplyI want to copy Cell A5 and Cell F8 and paste into J17 and C16 .source and destination workbooks are different.
March 16, 2019 at 5:16 PM — ReplySir I want to copy data from one work book to another daily
1.from one workbook say name book1 (column Range is daily changing B,C,D,E so i need to prompt which column data to be select)
2.copy data to be paste to another work book say book2(here also need to ask prompt at which range say D,E,F to be paste)plase provide script
September 12, 2019 at 4:59 PM — ReplyDear
I want my macro to ask the user of the excel to type the date (month and year) because it’s changing evrery time we run the macro.BR,,,
prabhat anand
January 22, 2020 at 9:07 PM — ReplyDear,
I want a macro which can copy & paste from user defined Source Row/Column and paste in user defined destination like
Range(“Ai : Xi)” where i is user defined.Row().entire function hangs when l run code for large data (rows more than 1000) .
Please help -
Rahul Agrawal
April 1, 2020 at 10:11 AM — ReplyCopy from sheet1 and paste in sheet2 and repeate … also copy from sheet2 to sheet1
I wish to copy the specific cells values from sheet1 to sheet2 and calculations will happen and copy again data from Sheet2 to sheet1this process i wish to repeate for multiple line items in excel.
PLease help with VBA
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