Vba excel set font

Excel VBA Tutorial about setting font characteristics with macrosIn this VBA Tutorial, you learn how to change or set the font characteristics of a cell range.

This VBA Font Tutorial is accompanied by Excel workbooks containing the data and macros I use in the examples below. You can get immediate free access to these example workbooks by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

Use the following Table of Contents to navigate to the section you’re interested in.

Related Excel VBA and Macro Tutorials

The following VBA and Macro Tutorials may help you better understand and implement the contents below:

  • General VBA constructs and structures:
    • Learn the basics of how to work with macros here.
    • Learn about essential VBA terms here.
    • Learn how to enable and disable macros here.
    • Learn how to work with the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) here.
    • Learn how to create object references here.
    • Learn about the R1C1-style system here.
    • Learn how to create Sub procedures here.
    • Learn how to declare and work with variables here.
    • Learn how to work with VBA data types here.
    • Learn how to work with object properties here.
    • Learn how to work with functions in VBA here.
    • Learn how to work with loops here.
  • Practical VBA applications and macro examples:
    • Learn how to refer to worksheets here.
    • Learn how to refer to cell ranges here.
    • Learn how to find the last row in a worksheet here.
    • Learn how to find the last column in a worksheet here.
    • Learn how to specify a column’s width here.
    • Learn how to identify empty cells here.
    • Learn how to clear a cell here.

You can find additional VBA and Macro Tutorials in the Archives.

#1: Change or set font with theme fonts

VBA code to change or set font with theme fonts

To change or set the font by referring to the applicable theme fonts, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontConstant

Process to change or set font with theme fonts

To change or set the font by referring to the applicable theme fonts, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you modify (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.ThemeFont property to an xlThemeFont constant (Font.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontConstant), which specifies the theme font to be used.

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font you modify.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: ThemeFont

The Font.ThemeFont property sets the font by referring to the applicable theme fonts.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (xlThemeFontConstant) to the Font.ThemeFont property.

Item: xlThemeFontConstant

The constants in the xlThemeFont enumeration specify the theme font. Therefore, set the Font.ThemeFont property to one of the following xlThemeFont constants:

xlThemeFont constant Value Description
xlThemeFontMajor 2 Major theme font
xlThemeFontMinor 1 Minor theme font
xlThemeFontNone 0 Don’t use a theme font

Macro example to change or set font with theme fonts

The following macro example sets the font in cell A5 (Range(“A5”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to the major theme font (font.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontMajor).

Sub fontThemeFont()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets the font by referring to applicable theme fonts
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'specify the theme font from the applied font scheme
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A5").font.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontMajor

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to change or set font with theme fonts

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font of cell A5 to the major theme font.

Macro example sets font to theme font

#2: Change or set font name

VBA code to change or set font name

To change or set the font name, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Name = "FontName"

Process to change or set font name

To change or set the font name, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you name you change (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Name property to a string specifying the font you use (Font.Name = “FontName”).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font name you change.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Name

The Font.Name property sets the font’s name.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (“FontName”) to the Font.Name property.

Item: “FontName”

Set the Font.Name property to a string specifying the font you use (FontName).

If you explicitly declare a variable to represent “FontName”, work with the String data type.

Macro example to change or set font name

The following macro example sets the font in cell A6 (Range(“A6”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to Verdana (font.Name = “Verdana”).

Sub fontName()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets the font
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'specify the font name
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A6").font.Name = "Calibri"

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to change or set font name

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font of cell A6 to Verdana.

Macro sets font face

#3: Change or set font size

VBA code to change or set font size

To change or set the font size, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Size = FontSize#

Process to change or set font size

To change or set the font size, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font size you change (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Size property to a number specifying the size (in points) of the font you use (Font.Size = FontSize#).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font size you change.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Size

The Font.Size property sets the font’s size.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (FontSize#) to the Font.Size property.

Item: FontSize#

Set the Font.Size property to a number specifying the size (in points) of the font you use (FontSize#).

Macro example to change or set font size

The following macro example sets the font size of cell A7 (Range(“A7”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to 13 (font.Size = 13).

Sub fontSize()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets the font size
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'specify the font size
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A7").font.Size = 13

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to change or set font size

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font size of cell A7 to 13.

Macro sets font size

#4: Change or set font style

VBA code to change or set font style

To change or set the font style, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.FontStyle = "FontStyle"

Process to change or set font style

To change or set the font style, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you style you change (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Style property to a string specifying the font style you use (Font.FontStyle = “FontStyle”).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font style you change.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: FontStyle

The Font.FontStyle property sets the font style.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (“FontStyle”) to the Font.FontStyle property.

Item: “FontStyle”

Set the Font.FontStyle property to one of the following strings (FontStyle):

  • Regular;
  • Italic;
  • Bold; or
  • Bold Italic.

Macro example to change or set font style

The following macro example sets the font style of cell A8 (Range(“A8”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to bold and italic (font.fontStyle = “Bold Italic”).

Sub fontStyle()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets the font style
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'specify the font style
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A8").font.fontStyle = "Bold Italic"

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to change or set font style

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font style of cell A8 to bold and italic.

Macro sets font style

#5: Set font bold

VBA code to set font bold

To set the font to bold, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Bold = True

Process to set font bold

To set the font to bold, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you set to bold (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Bold property to True (Font.Bold = True).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font you set to bold.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Bold

The Font.Bold property sets the font to bold (or not bold).

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.Bold property.

Item: True

To make the font bold, set the Font.Bold property to True.

To remove the font’s bold formatting, set the Font.Bold property to False.

Macro example to set font bold

The following macro example makes the font of cell A9 (Range(“A9”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) bold (font.Bold = True).

Sub fontBold()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets font to bold
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'make font bold
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A9").font.Bold = True

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to set font bold

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel makes the font of cell A9 bold.

Macro sets font bold

#6: Set font italic

VBA code to set font italic

To set the font to italic, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Italic = True

Process to set font italic

To set the font to italic, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you set to italic (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Italic property to True (Font.Italic = True).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font you set to italic.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Italic

The Font.Italic property sets the font to italic (or not italic).

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.Italic property.

Item: True

To make the font italic, set the Font.Italic property to True.

To remove the font’s italic formatting, set the Font.Bold property to False.

Macro example to set font italic

The following macro example makes the font of cell A10 (Range(“A10”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) italic (font.Italic = True).

Sub fontItalic()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets font style to italic
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'make font italic
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A10").font.Italic = True

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to set font italic

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel makes the font of cell A10 italic.

Macro sets font italic

#7: Set font underline

VBA code to set font underline

To underline the font, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleConstant

Process to set font underline

To underline the font, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you underline (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Underline property to an xlUnderlineStyle constant (Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleConstant), which specifies the type of font underline.

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font you underline.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Underline

The Font.Underline property sets the type of font underline.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (xlUnderlineStyleConstant) to the Font.Underline property.

Item: xlUnderlineStyleConstant

The constants in the xlUnderlineStyle enumeration specify the type of font underline. Therefore, set the Font.Underline property to one of the following xlUnderlineStyle constants:

xlUnderlineStyle constant Value
xlUnderlineStyleDouble -4119
xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting 5
xlUnderlineStyleNone -4142
xlUnderlineStyleSingle 2
xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting 4

Macro example to set font underline

The following macro example underlines with a double line (font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleDouble) the font of cell A11 (Range(“A11”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook).

Sub fontUnderline()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'underlines the font
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'underline the font
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A11").font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleDouble

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to set font underline

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel underlines the font of cell A11 with a double line.

Macro sets font underline

#8: Set font strikethrough

VBA code to set font strikethrough

To strike the font through, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Strikethrough = True

Process to set font strikethrough

To strike the font through, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you strike through (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Strikethrough property to True (Font.Strikethrough = True).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font you strike through.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Strikethrough

The Font.Strikethrough property strikes through (or not) the font with a horizontal line.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.Strikethrough property.

Item: True

To strike through the font with a horizontal line, set the Font.Strikethrough property to True.

To remove a font’s strike through horizontal line, set the Font.Strikethrough property to False.

Macro example to set font strikethrough

The following macro example strikes through (font.Strikethrough = True) the font of cell A12 (Range(“A12”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook).

Sub fontStrikethrough()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'strikes font through
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'strike through font
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A12").font.Strikethrough = True

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to set font strikethrough

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel strikes the font of cell A12 through.

Macro font strikethrough

#9: Change or set font color with RGB color model

VBA code to change or set font color with RGB color model

To change or set the font color with the RGB color model, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Color = RGB(Red, Green, Blue)

Process to change or set font color with RGB color model

To change or set the font color with the RGB color model, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font color you change with the RGB color model (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Specify the red, green and blue components of the color with the RGB function (RGB(Red, Green, Blue)).
  4. Set the Font.Color property to the value returned by the RGB Function (Font.Color = RGB(Red, Green, Blue)).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font color you change with the RGB color model.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Color

The Font.Color property sets the font color using a numeric value.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (returned by the RGB function) to the Font.Color property.

Item: RGB(Red, Green, Blue)

Theoretically, you can set the Font.Color property to a value specifying the font color you use.

In practice, you can use the RGB function to obtain the value specifying the font color. For these purposes, specify the Red, Green and Blue components of the color.

When working with the RGB function, consider the following:

  • Specify each component (Red, Green and Blue) as numbers between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
  • If you use a value exceeding 255, VBA assumes that the value is 255.

Macro example to change or set font color with RGB color model

The following macro example sets the font color of cell A13 (Range(“A13”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to red with the RGB color model (font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)).

Sub fontColorRgb()
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'sets font color using RGB color model
'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

'specify font color with RGB function
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A13").font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with RGB color model

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font color of cell A13 to red with the RGB color model.

Macro sets font color with RGB

#10: Change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

VBA code to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

To change or set the font color with the ColorIndex property, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.ColorIndex = ColorIndex#

Process to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

To change or set the font color with the ColorIndex property, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font color you change with the ColorIndex property (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.ColorIndex property to a value between 0 and 56 or an xlColorIndex constant (Font.ColorIndex = ColorIndex#).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font color you change with the ColorIndex property.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: ColorIndex

The Font.ColorIndex property sets the font color using the current color palette or a constant from the xlColorIndex enumeration.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (ColorIndex#) to the Font.ColorIndex property.

Item: ColorIndex#

Set the Font.ColorIndex to one of the following:

  • A value between 0 and 56, representing a color from the current color palette.
  • One of the following xlColorIndex constants:
    • xlColorIndexAutomatic (-4105), which represents automatic color.
    • xlColorIndexNone (-4142), which represents no color.

Macro example to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

The following macro example sets the font color of cell A14 (Range(“A14”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to blue with the ColorIndex property (font.ColorIndex = 5).

Sub fontColorIndex()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets the font color by referring to the current color palette or a constant
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'specify font color as index value of the current color palette or an XlColorIndex constant
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A14").font.ColorIndex = 5

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font color of cell A14 to blue with the ColorIndex property.

Macro sets font color with ColorIndex

#11: Set font color to Automatic

VBA code to set font color to Automatic

To set the font color to Automatic (within the color palette), use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic

Process to set font color to Automatic

To set the font color to Automatic (within the color palette), follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font color you set to Automatic (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.ColorIndex property to xlColorIndexAutomatic (Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font color you set to Automatic (within the color palette).

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: ColorIndex

The Font.ColorIndex property sets the font color using the current color palette or a constant from the xlColorIndex enumeration.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (xlColorIndexAutomatic) to the Font.ColorIndex property.

Item: xlColorIndexAutomatic

To set the font color to Automatic, set the Font.ColorIndex to:

  • xlColorIndexAutomatic (-4105); or
  • 0.

Macro example to set font color to Automatic

The following macro example sets the font color of cell A15 (Range(“A15”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to Automatic (font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic).

Sub fontColorAutomatic()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets the font color to automatic
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'specify the font color as Automatic
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A15").font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to set font color to Automatic

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font color of cell A15 to Automatic (from blue).

Macro sets font color to Automatic

#12: Change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

VBA code to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

To change or set the font color with the theme color scheme, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorConstant

Process to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

To change or set the font color with the theme color scheme, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font color you change with the theme color scheme (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.ThemeColor property to an xlThemeColor constant (Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorConstant).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font color you change with the theme color scheme.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: ThemeColor

The Font.ThemeColor property sets the font color using the theme color scheme.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (xlThemeColorConstant) to the Font.ThemeColor property.

Item: xlThemeColorConstant

The constants in the xlThemeColor enumeration specify the theme color. Therefore, set the Font.ThemeColor property to one of the following xlThemeColor constants:

xlThemeColor constant Value Description
xlThemeColorAccent1 5 Accent 1.
xlThemeColorAccent2 6 Accent 2.
xlThemeColorAccent3 7 Accent 3.
xlThemeColorAccent4 8 Accent 4.
xlThemeColorAccent5 9 Accent 5.
xlThemeColorAccent6 10 Accent 6.
xlThemeColorDark1 1 Dark 1.
xlThemeColorDark2 3 Dark 2.
xlThemeColorFollowedHyperlink 12 Followed hyperlink.
xlThemeColorHyperlink 11 Hyperlink.
xlThemeColorLight1 2 Light 1.
xlThemeColorLight2 4 Light 2.

Macro example to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

The following macro example sets the font color of cell A16 (Range(“A16”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to the accent 1 of the theme color (font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent1).

Sub fontThemeColor()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'sets font color by referring to applicable theme colors
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'specify the font color from the theme color scheme
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A16").font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent1

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font color of cell A16 to the accent 1 of the theme color.

Macro sets color with theme color

#13: Change or set font tint and shade

VBA code to change or set font tint and shade

To change or set the font tint and shade, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.TintAndShade = TintAndShade#

Process to change or set font tint and shade

To change or set the font tint and shade, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font tint and shade you change (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.TintAndShade property to a value (Font.TintAndShade = TintAndShade#) between -1 (darkest shade) and 1 (lightest shade).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font tint and shade you change.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: TintAndShade

The Font.TintAndShade property lightens or darkens the font color.

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (TintAndShade#) to the Font.TintAndShade property.

Item: TintAndShade#

Set the Font.TintAndShade property to a value between -1 (darkest shade) and 1 (lightest shade). If you attempt to set the Font.TintAndShade property to a value outside this range, a run-time error (5: Invalid procedure call or argument) occurs.

Macro example to change or set font tint and shade

The following macro example lightens the font (font.TintAndShade = 0.5) of cell A17 (Range(“A17”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook).

Sub fontTintAndShade()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'lightens or darkens the font color
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'lighten or darken the font color
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A17").font.TintAndShade = 0.5

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to change or set font tint and shade

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel lightens the font color of cell A17.

Macro sets font tint and shade

#14: Set font subscript

VBA code to set font subscript

To format the font as subscript, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Subscript = True

Process to set font subscript

To format the font as subscript, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you format as subscript (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Subscript property to True (Font.Subscript = True).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font you format as subscript.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Subscript

The Font.Subscript property formats the font as subscript (or not).

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.Subscript property.

Item: True

To format the font as subscript, set the Font.Subscript property to True.

To remove the font’s subscript formatting, set the Font.Subscript property to False.

Macro example to set font subscript

The following macro example formats the font of cell A18 (Range(“A18”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) as subscript (font.Subscript = True).

Sub fontSubscript()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'formats the font as a subscript
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'format the font as subscript
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A18").font.Subscript = True

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to set font subscript

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel formats the font of cell A18 as subscript.

Macro sets font subscript

#15: Set font superscript

VBA code to set font superscript

To format the font as superscript, use a statement with the following structure:

Range.Font.Superscript = True

Process to set font superscript

To format the font as superscript, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you format as superscript (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font.Superscript property to True (Font.Superscript = True).

VBA statement explanation

Item: Range

Range object representing the cell range whose font you format as superscript.

You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

  • Worksheet.Range.
  • Worksheet.Cells.
Item: Font

The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

Item: Superscript

The Font.Superscript property formats the font as superscript (or not).

Item: =

The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.SuperScript property.

Item: True

To format the font as superscript, set the Font.Superscript to True.

To remove the font’s superscript formatting, set the Font.Superscript to False.

Macro example to set font superscript

The following macro example formats the font of cell A19 (Range(“A19”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) as superscript (font.Superscript = True).

Sub fontSuperscript()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'formats the font as a superscript
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-font/

    'format the font as superscript
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("VBA Font").Range("A19").font.Superscript = True

End Sub

Effects of executing macro example to set font superscript

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel formats the font of cell A19 as superscript.

Macro sets font superscript

Learn more about specifying font characteristics with VBA

Workbook examples used in this VBA Font Tutorial

You can get immediate free access to the example workbooks that accompany this VBA Font Tutorial by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

References to constructs used in this VBA Font Tutorial

Use the following links to visit the appropriate webpage in the Microsoft Developer Network:

  • Refer to the workbook containing the cell range you work with:
    • Workbook object.
    • Application.ThisWorkbook property.
  • Refer to the worksheet containing the cell range you work with:
    • Worksheet object.
    • Workbook.Worksheets property.
  • Refer to the cell range you work with:
    • Range object.
    • Worksheet.Range property.
  • Refer to a cell range’s font:
    • Font object.
    • Range.Font property.
  • Set or change a font’s properties:
    • Font.Bold property.
    • Font.Color property.
    • Font.ColorIndex property and xlColorIndex enumeration.
    • Font.FontStyle property.
    • Font.Italic property.
    • Font.Name property.
    • Font.Size property.
    • Font.Strikethrough property.
    • Font.Subscript property.
    • Font.Superscript property.
    • Font.ThemeColor property and xlThemeColor enumeration.
    • Font.ThemeFont property and xlThemeFont enumeration.
    • Font.TintAndShade property.
    • Font.Underline property and xlUnderlineStyle enumeration.
  • Assign a new value to a property:
    • = operator.
  • Obtain a color with the RGB color model:
    • RGB function.
  • Work with variables and data types:
    • Boolean data type.
    • String data type.

Форматирование текста в ячейке при помощи кода VBA Excel. Объект Font и его основные свойства. Примеры изменения начертания строк в заданном диапазоне.

В этой статье рассмотрены свойства шрифта (объекта Font), определяющие внешнее оформление (начертание) видимого значения ячейки. Это касается не только текста (строк), но и визуального начертания отображаемых дат и числовых значений.

Формат отображаемого значения

Когда мы из кода VBA Excel записываем в ячейку текстовое или другое значение, оно отображается в формате, присвоенном данной ячейке. Это может быть формат:

  • рабочего листа по умолчанию;
  • установленный для диапазона пользователем;
  • примененный к диапазону из кода VBA Excel.

Если ячейка содержит текстовое значение, его начертание можно форматировать по отдельным частям (подстрокам). Такое форматирование доступно как в ручном режиме на рабочем листе, так и из кода VBA Excel.

У объекта Range есть свойство Font (шрифт), которое отвечает за форматирование (начертание) визуально отображаемого текста в ячейках рабочего листа. Его применение вызывает объект Font, который в свою очередь обладает собственным набором свойств, отвечающих за конкретный стиль начертания отображаемого значения.

Свойство Описание Значения
Name наименование шрифта «Arial», «Calibri», «Courier New», «Times New Roman» и т.д.
Size размер шрифта от 1 до 409 пунктов
Bold полужирное начертание True, False
Italic курсивное начертание True, False
FontStyle заменяет Bold и Italic «обычный», «полужирный», «курсив», «полужирный курсив»
Superscript надстрочный текст True, False
Subscript подстрочный текст True, False
Underline подчеркнутый текст True, False
Color* цвет текста от 0 до 16777215

*Color — это не единственное свойство, отвечающее за цвет отображаемого текста в ячейке. Оно также может принимать и другие значения, кроме указанных в таблице. Смотрите подробности в статьях Цвет текста (шрифта) в ячейке и Цвет ячейки (заливка, фон).

Примеры форматирования текста

Пример 1
В этом примере ячейкам диапазона «A1:A3» присвоим шрифты разных наименований:

Sub Primer1()

Range(«A1»).Font.Name = «Courier»

Range(«A1») = «Шрифт «Courier»»

Range(«A2»).Font.Name = «Verdana»

Range(«A2») = «Шрифт «Verdana»»

Range(«A3»).Font.Name = «Times New Roman»

Range(«A3») = «Шрифт «Times New Roman»»

End Sub

Пример 2
В этом примере рассмотрим применение одного свойства объекта Font к одной ячейке:

Sub Primer2()

Range(«A5»).Font.Bold = True

Range(«A5») = «Полужирное начертание»

Range(«A6»).Font.FontStyle = «полужирный курсив»

Range(«A6») = «Полужирный курсив»

Range(«A7»).Font.Superscript = True

Range(«A7») = «Надстрочное начертание»

End Sub

Пример 3
Форматирование диапазона из нескольких ячеек:

Sub Primer3()

  With Range(«A9:C11»)

    .Value = «Форматируем диапазон»

    .Font.Underline = True

    .Font.Color = 75962

  End With

End Sub

Пример 4
Пример форматирования шрифта в разных ячейках по одному свойству:























Sub Primer4()

Cells(1, 1) = «Свойство шрифта Bold = True»

Cells(1, 1).Font.Bold = True

Cells(2, 1) = «Свойство шрифта Color = xlGreen»

Cells(2, 1).Font.Color = xlGreen

Cells(3, 1) = «Свойство шрифта ColorIndex = 32»

Cells(3, 1).Font.ColorIndex = 32

Cells(4, 1) = «Свойство шрифта FontStyle = ««Bold Italic»«»

Cells(4, 1).Font.FontStyle = «Bold Italic»

Cells(5, 1) = «Свойство шрифта Italic = True»

Cells(5, 1).Font.Italic = True

Cells(6, 1) = «Свойство шрифта Name = ««Courier New»«»

Cells(6, 1).Font.Name = «Courier New»

Cells(7, 1) = «Свойство шрифта Size = 14»

Cells(7, 1).Font.Size = 14

Cells(8, 1) = «Свойство шрифта Subscript = True»

Cells(8, 1).Font.Subscript = True

Cells(9, 1) = «Свойство шрифта Superscript = True»

Cells(9, 1).Font.Superscript = True

Cells(10, 1) = «Свойство шрифта Underline = True»

Cells(10, 1).Font.Underline = True

End Sub

Return to VBA Code Examples

In this Article

  • VBA Cell Font
  • Change Font Color
    • vbColor
    • Color – RGB
    • ColorIndex
  • Font Size
  • Bold Font
  • Font Name
  • Cell Style

VBA Cell Font

In VBA, you can change font properties using the VBA Font Property of the Range Object. Type the following code into the VBA Editor and you’ll see a list of all the options available:


vba cell font

We will discuss a few of the most common properties below.

Change Font Color

There are a few ways to set font colors.


The easiest way to set colors is with vbColors:

Range("a1").Font.Color = vbRed

However, you’re very limited in terms of colors available. These are the only options available:

vba vbcolor

Color – RGB

You can also set colors based on RGB (Red Green Blue). Here you enter color values between 0-255 for Red, Green, and Blue. Using those three colors you can make any color:

Range("a1").Font.Color = RGB(255,255,0)


VBA / Excel also has a ColorIndex property. This makes pre-built colors available to you. However, they’re stored as Index numbers, which makes it hard to know what color is what:

Range("a1").Font.ColorIndex = …..

We wrote an article about VBA Color codes, including a list of the VBA ColorIndex codes. There you can learn more about colors.

Font Size

This will set the font size to 12:

Range("a1").Font.Size = 12

or to 16:

Range("a1").Font.Size = 16

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Bold Font

It is easy to set a cell font to Bold:

Range("A1").Font.Bold = True

or to clear Bold formatting:

Range("A1").Font.Bold = False

Font Name

To change a font name use the Name property:

Range("A1").Font.Name = "Calibri"
Range("A1").Font.Name = "Arial"
Range("A1").Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

Cell Style

Excel offers the ability to create Cell “Styles”. Styles can be found in the Home Ribbon > Styles:

excel vba font styles

Styles allow you to save your desired Cell Formatting. Then assign that style to a new cell and all of the cell formatting is instantly applied.  Including Font size, cell color, cell protections status, and anything else available from the Cell Formatting Menu:

cell formatting menu excel

Personally, for many of the models that I work on, I usually create an “Input” cell style:

Range("a1").Style = "Input"

By using styles you can also easily identify cell types on your worksheet.  The example below will loop through all the cells in the worksheet and change any cell with Style = “Input” to “InputLocked”:

Dim Cell as Range

For Each Cell in ActiveSheet.Cells
  If Cell.Style = "Input" then
    Cell.Style = "InputLocked"
  End If
Next Cell

Written by Puneet for Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019, Excel for Mac

Key Notes

  • To make changes in a font, you need to use the VBA Font object.
  • There is a total of 18 properties with the font object that you can access and make changes.

VBA Font Object

In VBA, there is a font object which you can use to change properties of the font from a cell, like, font color, font size, font type, and you can also apply bold and italic to the font.



To use it, first, you need to define the cell address, which you can specify in the following ways.

Cells(1, 1).Font

To change the color of the font, you have two different ways:

1. Using Color Constants

Excel has a few color constants that you can use to apply color to the font. For example, if you want to apply the red color to the font in cell A1, the code would be like the below:

Range("A1").Font.Color = vbRed

In the above code, after the font object, color is the property and you have used the vbRed constant that tells VBA to apply the red color to the cell A1. There is a total of eight constants that you can use:

  1. vbBlack: Black
  2. vbRed: Red
  3. vbGreen: Green
  4. vbYellow: Yellow
  5. vbBlue: Blue
  6. vbMagenta: Magenta
  7. vbCyan: Cyan
  8. vbWhite: White

2. Using RGB

You can also use the RGB color code to apply color to the font. RGB is the combination of red, green, and blue colors, where you can create a custom color using the code. Let’s say if you want to apply a combination of green and blue color to cell A1 the code would be:

Range("A1").Font.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)

VBA Font Size

Font object also gives you access to the size property of the font. Let’s say you want to apply the font size of 16 to the font in the cell A1, the code would be:

Range("A1").Font.Size = 16

If you want to apply font size to all cells in a worksheet you can use the following code:

Cells.Font.Size = 16

And if only want to apply font size to cells where you have data, the code would be:

ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Font.Size = 16

Or to the selected cell.

Selection.Font.Size = 16

VBA Font Name

In the same way, you can also change the font name using the name property of the font object. Let’s say you want to apply the “Consolas” font the cell A1. The code would be:

Range("A1").Font.Name = "Consolas"

While using this property, you need to type the correct name of the font that you want to apply, and if somehow the name is incorrect, it won’t show you an error.

VBA Font Bold, Italic, and Underline

There are also properties that you can use to make the font bold, italic, and underline. Below are the codes that you need to write for this.

Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
Range("A1").Font.Italic = True
Range("A1").Font.Underline = True

With these properties, you need to define TRUE or FALSE. So if the font is already bold or italic and you want to remove it, then you need to use FALSE to remove them.

Other Useful Font Properties

Here add a few more properties that can be useful for you (Strikethrough, Subscript, and Superscript).

Range("A1").Font.Strikethrough = True
Range("A1").Font.Subscript = True
Range("A1").Font.Superscript = True

More Tutorials

    • Count Rows using VBA in Excel
    • Excel VBA Hide and Unhide a Column or a Row
    • Excel VBA Range – Working with Range and Cells in VBA
    • Apply Borders on a Cell using VBA in Excel
    • Find Last Row, Column, and Cell using VBA in Excel
    • Insert a Row using VBA in Excel
    • Merge Cells in Excel using a VBA Code
    • Select a Range/Cell using VBA in Excel
    • SELECT ALL the Cells in a Worksheet using a VBA Code
    • ActiveCell in VBA in Excel
    • Special Cells Method in VBA in Excel
    • UsedRange Property in VBA in Excel
    • VBA AutoFit (Rows, Column, or the Entire Worksheet)
    • VBA ClearContents (from a Cell, Range, or Entire Worksheet)
    • VBA Copy Range to Another Sheet + Workbook
    • VBA Enter Value in a Cell (Set, Get and Change)
    • VBA Insert Column (Single and Multiple)
    • VBA Named Range | (Static + from Selection + Dynamic)
    • VBA Range Offset
    • VBA Sort Range | (Descending, Multiple Columns, Sort Orientation
    • VBA Wrap Text (Cell, Range, and Entire Worksheet)
    • VBA Check IF a Cell is Empty + Multiple Cells

    ⇠ Back to What is VBA in Excel

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    I want to create a word document using Excel VBA, and add text with various font styles and sizes. Here is my code:

    Sub CreateNewWordDoc()
        Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
        Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
        Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
        Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add
        Dim charStart As Long
        Dim charEnd As Long
        With wrdDoc
            For i = 1 To 3
                charStart = wrdApp.Selection.Start
                .Content.InsertAfter (" some text")
                charEnd = wrdApp.Selection.End
                If i = 1 Then
                    'set the text range (charStart,charEnd) to e.g. Arial, 8pt
                    If i = 2 Then
                        'set the text range (charStart,charEnd) to e.g. Calibri, 10pt
                        'set the text range (charStart,charEnd) to e.g. Verdana, 12pt
                    End If
                End If
            Next i
            .SaveAs ("testword.docx")
            .Close ' close the document
        End With
        Set wrdDoc = Nothing
        Set wrdApp = Nothing
    End Sub

    How can I define font style and size on-the-fly in the if-else statement above?

    Kazimierz Jawor's user avatar

    asked Feb 23, 2014 at 21:46

    Tu Bui's user avatar

    Would something like this fit the bill?

    Sub CreateNewWordDoc()
      Dim doc As Word.Document
      Dim toAdd As String
      Dim lengthAdded As Long
      Dim selStart As Long
      Set doc = ActiveDocument
      toAdd = "Hello World" ' What to add?
      lengthAdded = Len(toAdd) ' For later!
      selStart = Selection.Start ' Where to add the text?
      doc.Range(selStart).InsertAfter (toAdd)
      With doc.Range(selStart, selStart + lengthAdded)
        ' Here's where the font stuff happens
        .Font.Name = "Arial"
        .Font.Size = 15
      End With
    End Sub

    Note that I’ve got rid of most of the code which isn’t directly pertinent to the question. Hopefully you can extrapolate from my code to yours!

    answered Feb 24, 2014 at 0:20

    LondonRob's user avatar


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    1. VBA Cell Font – Change Color, Size, Style, & More
    2. VBA Cell Font
    3. Change Font Color
    4. vbColor
    5. Color – RGB
    6. ColorIndex
    7. Font Size
    8. VBA Coding Made Easy
    9. Bold Font
    10. Font Name
    11. Cell Style
    12. VBA Code Examples Add-in
    13. VBA Excel. Форматирование текста в ячейке (объект Font)
    14. Формат отображаемого значения
    15. Основные свойства объекта Font
    16. Примеры форматирования текста
    17. 5 комментариев для “VBA Excel. Форматирование текста в ячейке (объект Font)”
    18. Excel VBA Font: Step-by-Step Guide and 15 Examples to Change or Set a Cell Range’s Font Characteristics with Macros
    19. Related Excel VBA and Macro Tutorials
    20. #1: Change or set font with theme fonts
    21. VBA code to change or set font with theme fonts
    22. Process to change or set font with theme fonts
    23. VBA statement explanation
    24. Macro example to change or set font with theme fonts
    25. Effects of executing macro example to change or set font with theme fonts
    26. #2: Change or set font name
    27. VBA code to change or set font name
    28. Process to change or set font name
    29. VBA statement explanation
    30. Macro example to change or set font name
    31. Effects of executing macro example to change or set font name
    32. #3: Change or set font size
    33. VBA code to change or set font size
    34. Process to change or set font size
    35. VBA statement explanation
    36. Macro example to change or set font size
    37. Effects of executing macro example to change or set font size
    38. #4: Change or set font style
    39. VBA code to change or set font style
    40. Process to change or set font style
    41. VBA statement explanation
    42. Macro example to change or set font style
    43. Effects of executing macro example to change or set font style
    44. #5: Set font bold
    45. VBA code to set font bold
    46. Process to set font bold
    47. VBA statement explanation
    48. Macro example to set font bold
    49. Effects of executing macro example to set font bold
    50. #6: Set font italic
    51. VBA code to set font italic
    52. Process to set font italic
    53. VBA statement explanation
    54. Macro example to set font italic
    55. Effects of executing macro example to set font italic
    56. #7: Set font underline
    57. VBA code to set font underline
    58. Process to set font underline
    59. VBA statement explanation
    60. Macro example to set font underline
    61. Effects of executing macro example to set font underline
    62. #8: Set font strikethrough
    63. VBA code to set font strikethrough
    64. Process to set font strikethrough
    65. VBA statement explanation
    66. Macro example to set font strikethrough
    67. Effects of executing macro example to set font strikethrough
    68. #9: Change or set font color with RGB color model
    69. VBA code to change or set font color with RGB color model
    70. Process to change or set font color with RGB color model
    71. VBA statement explanation
    72. Macro example to change or set font color with RGB color model
    73. Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with RGB color model
    74. #10: Change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)
    75. VBA code to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)
    76. Process to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)
    77. VBA statement explanation
    78. Macro example to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)
    79. Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)
    80. #11: Set font color to Automatic
    81. VBA code to set font color to Automatic
    82. Process to set font color to Automatic
    83. VBA statement explanation
    84. Macro example to set font color to Automatic
    85. Effects of executing macro example to set font color to Automatic
    86. #12: Change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)
    87. VBA code to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)
    88. Process to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)
    89. VBA statement explanation
    90. Macro example to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)
    91. Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)
    92. #13: Change or set font tint and shade
    93. VBA code to change or set font tint and shade
    94. Process to change or set font tint and shade
    95. VBA statement explanation
    96. Macro example to change or set font tint and shade
    97. Effects of executing macro example to change or set font tint and shade
    98. #14: Set font subscript
    99. VBA code to set font subscript
    100. Process to set font subscript
    101. VBA statement explanation
    102. Macro example to set font subscript
    103. Effects of executing macro example to set font subscript
    104. #15: Set font superscript
    105. VBA code to set font superscript
    106. Process to set font superscript
    107. VBA statement explanation
    108. Macro example to set font superscript
    109. Effects of executing macro example to set font superscript
    110. Learn more about specifying font characteristics with VBA
    111. Workbook examples used in this VBA Font Tutorial
    112. References to constructs used in this VBA Font Tutorial

    VBA Cell Font – Change Color, Size, Style, & More

    In this Article

    VBA Cell Font

    In VBA, you can change font properties using the VBA Font Property of the Range Object. Type the following code into the VBA Editor and you’ll see a list of all the options available:

    We will discuss a few of the most common properties below.

    Change Font Color

    There are a few ways to set font colors.


    The easiest way to set colors is with vbColors:

    However, you’re very limited in terms of colors available. These are the only options available:

    Color – RGB

    You can also set colors based on RGB (Red Green Blue). Here you enter color values between 0-255 for Red, Green, and Blue. Using those three colors you can make any color:


    VBA / Excel also has a ColorIndex property. This makes pre-built colors available to you. However, they’re stored as Index numbers, which makes it hard to know what color is what:

    We wrote an article about VBA Color codes, including a list of the VBA ColorIndex codes. There you can learn more about colors.

    Font Size

    This will set the font size to 12:

    VBA Coding Made Easy

    Stop searching for VBA code online. Learn more about AutoMacro — A VBA Code Builder that allows beginners to code procedures from scratch with minimal coding knowledge and with many time-saving features for all users!

    Bold Font

    or to clear Bold formatting:

    Font Name

    To change a font name use the Name property:

    Cell Style

    Excel offers the ability to create Cell “Styles”. Styles can be found in the Home Ribbon > Styles:

    Styles allow you to save your desired Cell Formatting. Then assign that style to a new cell and all of the cell formatting is instantly applied. Including Font size, cell color, cell protections status, and anything else available from the Cell Formatting Menu:

    Personally, for many of the models that I work on, I usually create an “Input” cell style:

    By using styles you can also easily identify cell types on your worksheet. The example below will loop through all the cells in the worksheet and change any cell with Style = “Input” to “InputLocked”:

    VBA Code Examples Add-in

    Easily access all of the code examples found on our site.

    Simply navigate to the menu, click, and the code will be inserted directly into your module. .xlam add-in.


    VBA Excel. Форматирование текста в ячейке (объект Font)

    Форматирование текста в ячейке при помощи кода VBA Excel. Объект Font и его основные свойства. Примеры изменения начертания строк в заданном диапазоне.

    В этой статье рассмотрены свойства шрифта (объекта Font), определяющие внешнее оформление (начертание) видимого значения ячейки. Это касается не только текста (строк), но и визуального начертания отображаемых дат и числовых значений.

    Формат отображаемого значения

    Когда мы из кода VBA Excel записываем в ячейку текстовое или другое значение, оно отображается в формате, присвоенном данной ячейке. Это может быть формат:

    • рабочего листа по умолчанию;
    • установленный для диапазона пользователем;
    • примененный к диапазону из кода VBA Excel.

    Если ячейка содержит текстовое значение, его начертание можно форматировать по отдельным частям (подстрокам). Такое форматирование доступно как в ручном режиме на рабочем листе, так и из кода VBA Excel.

    У объекта Range есть свойство Font (шрифт), которое отвечает за форматирование (начертание) визуально отображаемого текста в ячейках рабочего листа. Его применение вызывает объект Font, который в свою очередь обладает собственным набором свойств, отвечающих за конкретный стиль начертания отображаемого значения.

    Основные свойства объекта Font

    Свойство Описание Значения
    Name наименование шрифта «Arial», «Calibri», «Courier New», «Times New Roman» и т.д.
    Size размер шрифта от 1 до 409 пунктов
    Bold полужирное начертание True, False
    Italic курсивное начертание True, False
    FontStyle заменяет Bold и Italic «обычный», «полужирный», «курсив», «полужирный курсив»
    Superscript надстрочный текст True, False
    Subscript подстрочный текст True, False
    Underline подчеркнутый текст True, False
    Color* цвет текста от 0 до 16777215

    *Color — это не единственное свойство, отвечающее за цвет отображаемого текста в ячейке. Оно также может принимать и другие значения, кроме указанных в таблице. Смотрите подробности в статьях Цвет текста (шрифта) в ячейке и Цвет ячейки (заливка, фон).

    Примеры форматирования текста

    Пример 1
    В этом примере ячейкам диапазона «A1:A3» присвоим шрифты разных наименований:

    Пример 2
    В этом примере рассмотрим применение одного свойства объекта Font к одной ячейке:

    Пример 3
    Форматирование диапазона из нескольких ячеек:

    Пример 4
    Пример форматирования шрифта в разных ячейках по одному свойству:

    5 комментариев для “VBA Excel. Форматирование текста в ячейке (объект Font)”

    Пример 2 не к одной ячейке, а к трём. Где пример к одной.

    Добрый день, Алексей Леонидович!
    Во втором примере показано применение одного свойства объекта Font к одной ячейке.
    К ячейке «A5»:
    Range(«A5»).Font.Bold = True
    К ячейке «A6»:
    Range(«A6»).Font.FontStyle = «полужирный курсив»
    К ячейке «A7»:
    Range(«A7»).Font.Superscript = True

    Применение нескольких свойств объекта Font к одной ячейке может выглядеть следующим образом:

    Скажите пожалуйста, а есть ли способ подставлять вместо свойства ячейки (Bold, Underline, Italic) переменную чтобы в цикле последовательно менять свойства ячейки одной командой? Это упрощенный пример, так сказать в принципе, есть ли способ записи типа .Cells(1,1).Font.Переменная=True где Переменная это одно из Bold, Italic, Underline?
    With Worksheets(«Конфигурация»)
    For i = 1 To 3
    Select Case i
    Case 1
    s = «Bold»
    Case 2
    s = «Italic»
    Case 3
    s = «Underline»
    End Select
    .Cells(15, 1).Font.?s? = True
    Next i
    End With

    Здравствуйте, Сергей!
    Если заменить «Underline» на «Bold Italic» или «обычный» , тогда можно так:

    С «Underline» такой фокус не проходит, но возвращает к обычному стилю.

    нет, увы. Спасибо конечно, что мимо не прошли, но я дал лишь упрощенную формулировку задачи. На самом деле я хочу работать с объектами WMI, коих, как известно огромное количество и у каждого куча свойств. Я не хочу писать многокилометровый код и все время добавлять строки. Я хочу вынести на лист excel список объектов и слева от каждого в колонках список свойств. И в цикле пробегать по объектам и по внутреннему циклу по свойствам, подставлять все по очереди и получать значения. И для добавления еще одного мне нужно будет только добавить на лист объект или свойство. В код при этом лазить не нужно будет.
    Но я уперся в это вот, нужно как-то подставлять в объект вместо свойства переменную. Для этого я и сделал этот крошечный пример. Здесь никто конечно не будет перебирать свойства в таком дурацком цикле, тем более, что свойства разные по формату, кому-то нужны цифры, кому-то булево значение. Так что этот пример смысла не имеет, но дает понять задачу.


    Excel VBA Font: Step-by-Step Guide and 15 Examples to Change or Set a Cell Range’s Font Characteristics with Macros

    In this VBA Tutorial, you learn how to change or set the font characteristics of a cell range.

    This VBA Font Tutorial is accompanied by Excel workbooks containing the data and macros I use in the examples below. You can get immediate free access to these example workbooks by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

    Use the following Table of Contents to navigate to the section you’re interested in.

    Table of Contents

    The following VBA and Macro Tutorials may help you better understand and implement the contents below:

    • General VBA constructs and structures:
      • Learn the basics of how to work with macros here.
      • Learn about essential VBA terms here.
      • Learn how to enable and disable macros here.
      • Learn how to work with the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) here.
      • Learn how to create object references here.
      • Learn about the R1C1-style system here.
      • Learn how to create Sub procedures here.
      • Learn how to declare and work with variables here.
      • Learn how to work with VBA data types here.
      • Learn how to work with object properties here.
      • Learn how to work with functions in VBA here.
      • Learn how to work with loops here.
    • Practical VBA applications and macro examples:
      • Learn how to refer to worksheets here.
      • Learn how to refer to cell ranges here.
      • Learn how to find the last row in a worksheet here.
      • Learn how to find the last column in a worksheet here.
      • Learn how to specify a column’s width here.
      • Learn how to identify empty cells here.
      • Learn how to clear a cell here.

    You can find additional VBA and Macro Tutorials in the Archives.

    #1: Change or set font with theme fonts

    VBA code to change or set font with theme fonts

    To change or set the font by referring to the applicable theme fonts, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to change or set font with theme fonts

    To change or set the font by referring to the applicable theme fonts, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you modify (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.ThemeFont property to an xlThemeFont constant (Font.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontConstant), which specifies the theme font to be used.

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font you modify.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: ThemeFont

    The Font.ThemeFont property sets the font by referring to the applicable theme fonts.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (xlThemeFontConstant) to the Font.ThemeFont property.

    Item: xlThemeFontConstant

    The constants in the xlThemeFont enumeration specify the theme font. Therefore, set the Font.ThemeFont property to one of the following xlThemeFont constants:

    xlThemeFont constant Value Description
    xlThemeFontMajor 2 Major theme font
    xlThemeFontMinor 1 Minor theme font
    xlThemeFontNone 0 Don’t use a theme font

    Macro example to change or set font with theme fonts

    The following macro example sets the font in cell A5 (Range(“A5”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to the major theme font (font.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontMajor).

    Effects of executing macro example to change or set font with theme fonts

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font of cell A5 to the major theme font.

    #2: Change or set font name

    VBA code to change or set font name

    To change or set the font name, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to change or set font name

    To change or set the font name, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you name you change (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Name property to a string specifying the font you use (Font.Name = “FontName”).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font name you change.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Name

    The Font.Name property sets the font’s name.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (“FontName”) to the Font.Name property.

    Item: “FontName”

    Set the Font.Name property to a string specifying the font you use (FontName).

    If you explicitly declare a variable to represent “FontName”, work with the String data type.

    Macro example to change or set font name

    The following macro example sets the font in cell A6 (Range(“A6”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to Verdana (font.Name = “Verdana”).

    Effects of executing macro example to change or set font name

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font of cell A6 to Verdana.

    #3: Change or set font size

    VBA code to change or set font size

    To change or set the font size, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to change or set font size

    To change or set the font size, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font size you change (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Size property to a number specifying the size (in points) of the font you use (Font.Size = FontSize#).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font size you change.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Size

    The Font.Size property sets the font’s size.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (FontSize#) to the Font.Size property.

    Item: FontSize#

    Set the Font.Size property to a number specifying the size (in points) of the font you use (FontSize#).

    Macro example to change or set font size

    The following macro example sets the font size of cell A7 (Range(“A7”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to 13 (font.Size = 13).

    Effects of executing macro example to change or set font size

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font size of cell A7 to 13.

    #4: Change or set font style

    VBA code to change or set font style

    To change or set the font style, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to change or set font style

    To change or set the font style, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you style you change (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Style property to a string specifying the font style you use (Font.FontStyle = “FontStyle”).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font style you change.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: FontStyle

    The Font.FontStyle property sets the font style.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (“FontStyle”) to the Font.FontStyle property.

    Item: “FontStyle”

    Set the Font.FontStyle property to one of the following strings (FontStyle):

    Macro example to change or set font style

    The following macro example sets the font style of cell A8 (Range(“A8”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to bold and italic (font.fontStyle = “Bold Italic”).

    Effects of executing macro example to change or set font style

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font style of cell A8 to bold and italic.

    #5: Set font bold

    VBA code to set font bold

    To set the font to bold, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to set font bold

    To set the font to bold, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you set to bold (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Bold property to True (Font.Bold = True).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font you set to bold.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Bold

    The Font.Bold property sets the font to bold (or not bold).

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.Bold property.

    Item: True

    To make the font bold, set the Font.Bold property to True.

    To remove the font’s bold formatting, set the Font.Bold property to False.

    Macro example to set font bold

    The following macro example makes the font of cell A9 (Range(“A9”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) bold (font.Bold = True).

    Effects of executing macro example to set font bold

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel makes the font of cell A9 bold.

    #6: Set font italic

    VBA code to set font italic

    To set the font to italic, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to set font italic

    To set the font to italic, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you set to italic (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Italic property to True (Font.Italic = True).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font you set to italic.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Italic

    The Font.Italic property sets the font to italic (or not italic).

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.Italic property.

    Item: True

    To make the font italic, set the Font.Italic property to True.

    To remove the font’s italic formatting, set the Font.Bold property to False.

    Macro example to set font italic

    The following macro example makes the font of cell A10 (Range(“A10”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) italic (font.Italic = True).

    Effects of executing macro example to set font italic

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel makes the font of cell A10 italic.

    #7: Set font underline

    VBA code to set font underline

    To underline the font, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to set font underline

    To underline the font, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you underline (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Underline property to an xlUnderlineStyle constant (Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleConstant), which specifies the type of font underline.

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font you underline.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Underline

    The Font.Underline property sets the type of font underline.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (xlUnderlineStyleConstant) to the Font.Underline property.

    Item: xlUnderlineStyleConstant

    The constants in the xlUnderlineStyle enumeration specify the type of font underline. Therefore, set the Font.Underline property to one of the following xlUnderlineStyle constants:

    xlUnderlineStyle constant Value
    xlUnderlineStyleDouble -4119
    xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting 5
    xlUnderlineStyleNone -4142
    xlUnderlineStyleSingle 2
    xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting 4

    Macro example to set font underline

    The following macro example underlines with a double line (font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleDouble) the font of cell A11 (Range(“A11”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook).

    Effects of executing macro example to set font underline

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel underlines the font of cell A11 with a double line.

    #8: Set font strikethrough

    VBA code to set font strikethrough

    To strike the font through, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to set font strikethrough

    To strike the font through, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you strike through (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Strikethrough property to True (Font.Strikethrough = True).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font you strike through.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Strikethrough

    The Font.Strikethrough property strikes through (or not) the font with a horizontal line.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.Strikethrough property.

    Item: True

    To strike through the font with a horizontal line, set the Font.Strikethrough property to True.

    To remove a font’s strike through horizontal line, set the Font.Strikethrough property to False.

    Macro example to set font strikethrough

    The following macro example strikes through (font.Strikethrough = True) the font of cell A12 (Range(“A12”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook).

    Effects of executing macro example to set font strikethrough

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel strikes the font of cell A12 through.

    #9: Change or set font color with RGB color model

    VBA code to change or set font color with RGB color model

    To change or set the font color with the RGB color model, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to change or set font color with RGB color model

    To change or set the font color with the RGB color model, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font color you change with the RGB color model (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Specify the red, green and blue components of the color with the RGB function (RGB(Red, Green, Blue)).
    4. Set the Font.Color property to the value returned by the RGB Function (Font.Color = RGB(Red, Green, Blue)).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font color you change with the RGB color model.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Color

    The Font.Color property sets the font color using a numeric value.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (returned by the RGB function) to the Font.Color property.

    Item: RGB(Red, Green, Blue)

    Theoretically, you can set the Font.Color property to a value specifying the font color you use.

    In practice, you can use the RGB function to obtain the value specifying the font color. For these purposes, specify the Red, Green and Blue components of the color.

    When working with the RGB function, consider the following:

    • Specify each component (Red, Green and Blue) as numbers between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
    • If you use a value exceeding 255, VBA assumes that the value is 255.

    Macro example to change or set font color with RGB color model

    The following macro example sets the font color of cell A13 (Range(“A13”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to red with the RGB color model (font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)).

    Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with RGB color model

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font color of cell A13 to red with the RGB color model.

    #10: Change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

    VBA code to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

    To change or set the font color with the ColorIndex property, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

    To change or set the font color with the ColorIndex property, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font color you change with the ColorIndex property (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.ColorIndex property to a value between 0 and 56 or an xlColorIndex constant (Font.ColorIndex = ColorIndex#).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font color you change with the ColorIndex property.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: ColorIndex

    The Font.ColorIndex property sets the font color using the current color palette or a constant from the xlColorIndex enumeration.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (ColorIndex#) to the Font.ColorIndex property.

    Item: ColorIndex#

    Set the Font.ColorIndex to one of the following:

    • A value between 0 and 56, representing a color from the current color palette.
    • One of the following xlColorIndex constants:
      • xlColorIndexAutomatic (-4105), which represents automatic color.
      • xlColorIndexNone (-4142), which represents no color.

    Macro example to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

    The following macro example sets the font color of cell A14 (Range(“A14”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to blue with the ColorIndex property (font.ColorIndex = 5).

    Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex)

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font color of cell A14 to blue with the ColorIndex property.

    #11: Set font color to Automatic

    VBA code to set font color to Automatic

    To set the font color to Automatic (within the color palette), use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to set font color to Automatic

    To set the font color to Automatic (within the color palette), follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font color you set to Automatic (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.ColorIndex property to xlColorIndexAutomatic (Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font color you set to Automatic (within the color palette).

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: ColorIndex

    The Font.ColorIndex property sets the font color using the current color palette or a constant from the xlColorIndex enumeration.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (xlColorIndexAutomatic) to the Font.ColorIndex property.

    Item: xlColorIndexAutomatic

    To set the font color to Automatic, set the Font.ColorIndex to:

    Macro example to set font color to Automatic

    The following macro example sets the font color of cell A15 (Range(“A15”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to Automatic (font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic).

    Effects of executing macro example to set font color to Automatic

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font color of cell A15 to Automatic (from blue).

    #12: Change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

    VBA code to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

    To change or set the font color with the theme color scheme, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

    To change or set the font color with the theme color scheme, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font color you change with the theme color scheme (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.ThemeColor property to an xlThemeColor constant (Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorConstant).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font color you change with the theme color scheme.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: ThemeColor

    The Font.ThemeColor property sets the font color using the theme color scheme.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (xlThemeColorConstant) to the Font.ThemeColor property.

    Item: xlThemeColorConstant

    The constants in the xlThemeColor enumeration specify the theme color. Therefore, set the Font.ThemeColor property to one of the following xlThemeColor constants:

    xlThemeColor constant Value Description
    xlThemeColorAccent1 5 Accent 1.
    xlThemeColorAccent2 6 Accent 2.
    xlThemeColorAccent3 7 Accent 3.
    xlThemeColorAccent4 8 Accent 4.
    xlThemeColorAccent5 9 Accent 5.
    xlThemeColorAccent6 10 Accent 6.
    xlThemeColorDark1 1 Dark 1.
    xlThemeColorDark2 3 Dark 2.
    xlThemeColorFollowedHyperlink 12 Followed hyperlink.
    xlThemeColorHyperlink 11 Hyperlink.
    xlThemeColorLight1 2 Light 1.
    xlThemeColorLight2 4 Light 2.

    Macro example to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

    The following macro example sets the font color of cell A16 (Range(“A16”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) to the accent 1 of the theme color (font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent1).

    Effects of executing macro example to change or set font color with theme color scheme (ThemeColor, xlThemeColorAccent)

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel sets the font color of cell A16 to the accent 1 of the theme color.

    #13: Change or set font tint and shade

    VBA code to change or set font tint and shade

    To change or set the font tint and shade, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to change or set font tint and shade

    To change or set the font tint and shade, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font tint and shade you change (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.TintAndShade property to a value (Font.TintAndShade = TintAndShade#) between -1 (darkest shade) and 1 (lightest shade).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font tint and shade you change.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: TintAndShade

    The Font.TintAndShade property lightens or darkens the font color.

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (TintAndShade#) to the Font.TintAndShade property.

    Item: TintAndShade#

    Set the Font.TintAndShade property to a value between -1 (darkest shade) and 1 (lightest shade). If you attempt to set the Font.TintAndShade property to a value outside this range, a run-time error (5: Invalid procedure call or argument) occurs.

    Macro example to change or set font tint and shade

    The following macro example lightens the font (font.TintAndShade = 0.5) of cell A17 (Range(“A17”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook).

    Effects of executing macro example to change or set font tint and shade

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel lightens the font color of cell A17.

    #14: Set font subscript

    VBA code to set font subscript

    To format the font as subscript, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to set font subscript

    To format the font as subscript, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you format as subscript (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Subscript property to True (Font.Subscript = True).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font you format as subscript.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Subscript

    The Font.Subscript property formats the font as subscript (or not).

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.Subscript property.

    Item: True

    To format the font as subscript, set the Font.Subscript property to True.

    To remove the font’s subscript formatting, set the Font.Subscript property to False.

    Macro example to set font subscript

    The following macro example formats the font of cell A18 (Range(“A18”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) as subscript (font.Subscript = True).

    Effects of executing macro example to set font subscript

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel formats the font of cell A18 as subscript.

    #15: Set font superscript

    VBA code to set font superscript

    To format the font as superscript, use a statement with the following structure:

    Process to set font superscript

    To format the font as superscript, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the cell range whose font you format as superscript (Range).
    2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
    3. Set the Font.Superscript property to True (Font.Superscript = True).

    VBA statement explanation

    Item: Range

    Range object representing the cell range whose font you format as superscript.

    You can usually work with, among others, the following properties to refer to this Range object:

    Item: Font

    The Range.Font property returns a Font object representing Range’s font.

    Item: Superscript

    The Font.Superscript property formats the font as superscript (or not).

    The assignment operator assigns a new value (True) to the Font.SuperScript property.

    Item: True

    To format the font as superscript, set the Font.Superscript to True.

    To remove the font’s superscript formatting, set the Font.Superscript to False.

    Macro example to set font superscript

    The following macro example formats the font of cell A19 (Range(“A19”)) of the “VBA Font” worksheet (Worksheets(“VBA Font”)) in the workbook where the macro is stored (ThisWorkbook) as superscript (font.Superscript = True).

    Effects of executing macro example to set font superscript

    The following GIF illustrates the results of executing the macro example. As expected, Excel formats the font of cell A19 as superscript.

    Learn more about specifying font characteristics with VBA

    Workbook examples used in this VBA Font Tutorial

    You can get immediate free access to the example workbooks that accompany this VBA Font Tutorial by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

    References to constructs used in this VBA Font Tutorial

    Use the following links to visit the appropriate webpage in the Microsoft Developer Network:

    I publish a lot of Tutorials and Training Resources about Microsoft Excel and VBA. Here are some of my most popular Excel Training Resources:


    In this tutorial we’ll learn how to use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to modify text size and style in an Excel cell based on the cell content. This tutorial apply for Excel 365, 2021, 2019 and 2016.


    If you are new to Excel VBA development, I’ll recommend that before going through the tutorial you’ll look into our Excel VBA macro primer.

    Before you start coding, you should enable your developer tab on Excel in the Ribbon, as otherwise you won’t be able to access your Visual Basic Editor.

    Change your Excel cell text properties with VBA

    Define your spreadsheet

    We’ll start by defining an Excel spreadsheet that we will use as an example. Feel free to use it to follow along this tutorial.

    • Open Microsoft Excel and create a new Macro Enabled Excel Workbook (.xlsm) named Excel_Macros.xlsm
    • Save your Spreadsheet in your local drive.
    • In the Sheet1 worksheet, go ahead and add the table below:

    • Now, from the Ribbon, hit Formulas.
    • Then hit Define Name.
    • Define a Named Range on which you’ll apply your VBA code as shown below and hit OK.

    Use Cell.Font VBA property to change font color and style

    • Move to the Developer tab.
    • Next go ahead and hit the Visual Basic button.
    • In the left hand side Project Explorer, highlight the Excel_Macros.xlsm project then hit Insert and pick Module.
    • A new VBA module named Module1 will be created.
    • Go ahead and paste the following code in the newly created module:
    Sub Color_Cell_Text_Condition()
    Dim MyCell As Range
    Dim StatValue As String
    Dim StatusRange As Range
    Set StatusRange = Range("Completion_Status")
    'loop through all cells in the range
    For Each MyCell In StatusRange
    StatValue = MyCell.Value
    'modify the cell text values as needed.
    Select Case StatValue
        Case "Progressing"
        With MyCell.Font
            .Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
            .Size = 14
            .Bold = True
         End With
        Case "Pending Feedback"
        With MyCell.Font
            .Color = RGB(255, 141, 0)
            .Size = 14
            .Bold = True
        End With
        Case "Stuck"
        With MyCell.Font
            .Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            .Size = 14
            .Bold = True
        End With
    End Select
    Next MyCell
    End Sub
    • Hit the Save button in your Visual Basic editor.
    • Now hit Run and then pick Run Sub/UserForm (or simply hit F5).
    • Move to your Sheet1 worksheet and notice the changes. Your table entries were assigned multiple color codes according to their text (using the RGB color function), and we also set the text to be bold and increase its size.

    • If you haven’t saved your code, hit the Save button (or Ctrl+S), then also save your workbook.

    Access your VBA Macro

    • Note that your code is always available for you to run from the Macros command located in the View tab (or alternatively in Developer | Macros)

    Last Updated on January 11, 2023 by

    Formatting cells and fonts in VBA – introduction

    Cells as well as other elements of the Excel spreadsheet can be formatted from the VBA code level. The formatting itself can be done in 2 ways. The first way is to set each format using a separate code block.

    You can also use the With clause to format cells and fonts. You can refer your object and insert any of formats. You can format any parameters, exactly as if you were doing it directly in Excel spreadsheet. If you do not know how to write a block of code to format any cell or its content, the best way to do this is record this formatting with a macro recorder and then analyze the written code.

    In formatting, you can refer to a single cell by referencing Cells () or the range of cells using the Range () object . To carry out this exercise, let’s fill the rang of A1: A20 with any text.

    Formatting cells and fonts in VBA - introduction

    Formatting cells and fonts in VBA – introduction

    Font formatting – How to format fonts in VBA

    The easiest way to format fonts, in example by setting its size, is to select the cell, then refer to the font and its specific property, in this case its size. Example is listed below.

    Sub FontFormatingExample()
     Selection.Font.Size = 20
    End Sub

    If you would like to format more than one font property at the same time, you don’t need to repeat block of code. In this case, you can use the With clause . As in the first example, you will refer to the selected range. Then, change the font size, make it bold, and set the font to Arial.

    Sub FontFormatingExample1()
    With Selection.Font
    .Size = 20
    .Bold = True
    .Name = "Arial"
    End With
    End Sub

    Font formatting - How to format fonts in VBA

    Font formatting – How to format fonts in VBA

    In this way, you can format any font property in Excel sheet. Below are listed the most important properties that you can use.

    Sub FontFormatingExample2()
    With Selection.Font
    .Size = 25 'Font size
    .Bold = True 'Font bold True/False
    .Color = vbBlack 'Font color
    .Italic = True 'italic font True/False
    .Name = "Arial" 'Font type like Arial or Times New Roman
    .Underline = True 'Text underline True/False
    End With
    End Sub

    In VBA, colors can be set in several different ways. You can use both the official VBA naming preceded by the prefix name vb or the range of the RGB colors.

    The name of VBA The name of RGB
    vbBlack RGB (0, 0, 0)
    vbWhite RGB (255, 255, 255)
    vbRed RGB (255, 0, 0)
    vbGreen RGB (0, 255, 0)
    vbBlue RGB (0, 0, 255)
    vbYellow RGB (255, 255, 0)
    vbMagenta RGB (255, 0, 255)
    vbCyan RGB (0, 255, 255)

    Formatting cells – How to format cells in VBA

    In cell interiors, as in the case of fonts, you can refer to a single cell interior property. If you want to change the colors, you can also use the colors described in the previous section.

    Sub InteriorFormatingExample1()
     Selection.Interior.Color = 65535
    End Sub

    Using the With clause, you can change the following cell interior properties:

    Sub InteriorFormatingExample2()
     With Selection.Interior
     .Pattern = xlSolid 'cell pattern
     .PatternColorIndex = 1 'xlAutomatic 'color pattern from 1 to 56
     .Color = RGB(0, 0, 255) ' You can set interior color using vbColor or RGB
     .TintAndShade = 0 'You can type tint and shade
     .PatternTintAndShade = 0 'You can type tint and shade pattern
     End With
    End Sub

    Formatting cells - How to format cells in VBA

    Formatting cells – How to format cells in VBA

    Formatting the selection – How to format the range in VBA

    In addition to the fonts and interiors of cells, we can also format the other parameters related to the cell. We can set eg text wrapping or cell merging. A detailed description of the parameters that we can use can be found below.

    Sub FormatingSelection1()
    With Selection
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft 'Text aligment left or right: x1Left/xlRight
    .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom 'Text aligment top or bottom: xlTop/x1Bottom
    .WrapText = False 'Text wrap True/False
    .Orientation = -1 'Text orientation -1 auto, 0 vertical, 1 horizontal
    .AddIndent = True 'You can add indent: True/False
    .IndentLevel = 10 'You can set indent level by typing number of levels
    .ShrinkToFit = False 'You can fill text size into cell: True/False
    .MergeCells = False 'You can merge cells: True/False
    End With
    End Sub

    Formatting the selection - How to format the range in VBA

    Formatting the selection – How to format the range in VBA

    All examples ypu can find in this file:

    Excercises (You can enter the solution in a comment)

    1. Write a macro that will do the following operations on cells: Fills 5 sheet cells with any text. Then set the font size to 24, use the Arial font. Then bold the font. Change the interior color of the cell to green using RGB colors.

    More examples of Excel VBA basics can be found in the Excel VBA Course section and  Excel VBA How To section. If you have any questions about this chapter, you can post them on the forum without logging in.

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