Vba excel как очистить listbox

  • #2

What do you mean by clear?

Clear the contents?

Clear the selection(s)?

  • #3

If it’s filled with AddItem:


If it’s filled with RowSource:

ListBox1.RowSource = «»

  • #4

Hmmm. It was actually filled with an array. I tried .clear before I posted and it didn’t work? Now it does? Must have been a typo.

Thanks for the prompt response.

  • #5

If you use the .clear method it leaves empty rows at the end of the list. If i fill it up with a smaller list than it will leave empty entries that i can select at the bottom of the list. Does it function like an array and i need to redim it?

  • #6

Important response on different method to clear based on how it was loaded. I was getting an «unspecified error» when using ListBox1.Clear because it was filled with RowSource. Changed to ListBox1.RowSource = «» and it works great. Thanks

  • #7

Doing what Mustang0710 did in post #6 is what I needed, however, is there a way to retain the header rows in the listbox after the other rows have been cleared?

I’m trying to ‘reset’ a listbox in Excel VBA when a form closes. Currently when I use the userform1.hide function the form disappears but when I open it up again using the .show function it still has the previous selections in it. As someone who is relatively new to this can anyone help?

The code for the listboxes is as follows:

Sub CommandButton1_Click()

'Filter by Country
Dim item As Long, dict As Object
Dim wsData As Worksheet

Set wsData = Sheets("TPID")
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

With ListBox1
    For item = 0 To .ListCount - 1
        If .Selected(item) Then dict(.List(item)) = Empty
    Next item
End With

With wsData.ListObjects("Table_ExternalData_1").Range
    .AutoFilter Field:=1
    If dict.Count Then _
        .AutoFilter Field:=1, criteria1:=dict.keys, Operator:=xlFilterValues
End With
'Filter by Continent
Dim item1 As Long, dict1 As Object
Dim wsData1 As Worksheet

Set wsData1 = Sheets("TPID")
Set dict1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

With ListBox2
    For item1 = 0 To .ListCount - 1
        If .Selected(item1) Then dict1(.List(item1)) = Empty
    Next item1
End With

With wsData1.ListObjects("Table_ExternalData_1").Range
    .AutoFilter Field:=4
    If dict1.Count Then _
        .AutoFilter Field:=4, criteria1:=dict1.keys, Operator:=xlFilterValues
End With

End Sub

Thanks in advance everyone,

asked Sep 6, 2013 at 9:19

user2753700's user avatar

If you want to clear ONLY the selection (as you are using hide, not unload) then use:

me.listbox1.value = ""

If it is a multiselect listbox, you need to use:

Me.listbox1.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectSingle
Me.listbox1.Value = ""
Me.listbox1.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti

this will clear the selection by setting it to single selection only and then clearing the selection, then setting the functionality to multi select again.

If you want to clear the entire list box (the options that you select) use:


answered Jan 10, 2014 at 23:34

LBPLC's user avatar


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try this code to Clear listbox in VBA

Private Sub clearListBox()
    Dim iCount As Integer

    For iCount = 0 To Me!ListBox1.ListCount
        Me!ListBox1.Selected(iCount) = False
    Next iCount
End Sub

answered Feb 20, 2014 at 12:58

user28864's user avatar


3,3571 gold badge25 silver badges19 bronze badges

To reset the apparent item selected in the listbox, try:

ListBox1.ListIndex = -1
ListBox2.ListIndex = -1

There will be no apparent item in the listbox control after that.

answered Sep 15, 2014 at 21:36

InHoaxidable's user avatar

You could use

Private Sub clearListBox()
 'Clears the listbox
    Do Until ListBox1.ListCount = 0
End Sub

answered Jul 13, 2016 at 15:56

BenJr's user avatar


112 bronze badges

Hide and show has no effect. If you want to use «brute force», use unload then load, but it will reset everything (not just the radio buttons) and will be memory consuming (well, if your form doesn’t contain thousands of components and your computer is recent etc etc it will be fine though)

another way to do what you want is simply to run through all radio buttons and uncheck them all

answered Sep 6, 2013 at 9:39

Thomas's user avatar


8,1768 gold badges53 silver badges91 bronze badges

Adapting LBPLC’s clever technique, here’s a single solution that works in all cases:

Sub ListBox1_Reset()
    Dim SaveMultSelectMode As Integer
    With Me.ListBox1
        SaveMultSelectMode = .MultiSelect
        .MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectSingle
        .Value = ""
        .MultiSelect = SaveMultSelectMode
    End With
End Sub

But note that this doesn’t work if called from within the ListBox control’s VBA Change event. Probably, that’s due to Excel’s ListBox change-event code freezing the effective state of the MultiSelect property during processing, in order to prevent unstable conditions for its own processing.

answered Jan 27, 2022 at 19:51

pstraton's user avatar


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09.02.2017 16:41:11

Добрый день!
Перерыл весь интернет, так и не нашел ответа на свой вопрос.
Проблема в следующем.
Есть форма в которой один ListBox и две CommandButton (одна для добавления значений в ListBox, вторая для удаления)
Значения в ListBox берутся из динамической таблицы и в свойствах ListBox в RowSource прописан путь =Лист!Список1[Значение]  («Список1[Значение]» — наименование таблицы)
Так вот, проблем с добавлением значений нет, а вот с удалением не получается (
Нашел лишь только то, что если в свойствах ListBox прописан путь для RowSource, то удаление при помощи кода:

 For i = ListBox.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
    If ListBox.Selected(i) Then
       ListBox.RemoveItem (i)
 End If

не подойдет. А решения проблемы так и не нашел.
Посоветуйте, пожалуйста, как решить данную проблему(





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Заполняйте ListBox с помощью AddItem или List. Думаю, что в интернете можно найти информацию.




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13.02.2017 23:03:43

Logistic написал:
Посмотрите пример.

Добрый вечер!
Вроде разобрался с предложенным Вами кодом, но что то у меня не получается.
Не могли бы Вы посмотреть мой пример. Что я делаю не так ?

Прикрепленные файлы

  • ЛистБокс.xlsm (22.06 КБ)



Юрий М


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Контакты см. в профиле

Файл не смотрел… Но, если используете RowSource, то и удалять значение нужно на листе из этого диапазона.




Сообщений: 14838
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А что такое ListWorkers?

Согласие есть продукт при полном непротивлении сторон.




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13.02.2017 23:14:28

Ну а пока разбираетесь…

Private Sub del_Click()
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
    With Me.NameOrganization
        For i = 1 To .ListCount
            If .Selected(i) = True Then
                .RemoveItem i
                Worksheets("Справочник").Cells(i, 1).Delete
                Exit For
            End If
    End With
End Sub

Изменено: Sanja13.02.2017 23:32:05

Согласие есть продукт при полном непротивлении сторон.


Dima S


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Nickname_82 как вам такой вариант?




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13.02.2017 23:46:45

Private Sub del_Click()
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To Me.NameOrganization.ListCount - 1
        If NameOrganization.Selected(i) = True Then
            NameOrganization.RemoveItem i
            Range("Workers").ListObject.ListRows(i + 1).Delete
            Exit For
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    NameOrganization.List = Range("Workers").Value
End Sub

Изменено: RAN14.02.2017 00:11:14




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Sanja,Ваш код выдает ошибку :»Application-defined or object-defined error»
Я переписал свой код с предыдущего файла  работает и прописал вместо очистки строки -удалить.
Может не по «феншую» ,но работает. Если есть  другие варианты  не откажусь для своей копилки с примерами

Изменено: Logistic13.02.2017 23:57:20
(редактирования текста)


Проблема не в удалении значения из списка. Logistic здорово помог. Удаляется только значение, а не строка целиком. Как и это и есть в примере  
Дело в том, что в ListBox не отображается наименование организаций, а только лишь индекс строки

Изменено: Nickname_8214.02.2017 11:59:30


Dima S


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14.02.2017 16:13:59

Nickname_82 написал:
Дело в том, что в ListBox не отображается наименование организаций, а только лишь индекс строки

в листбокса есть свойство ColumnCount, которое отвечает за количество отображаемых столбцов.
в моем примере как раз это и использовано.

а на счет

Удаляется только значение, а не строка целиком

достаточно изменить строку

  If .ListIndex > -1 Then Sheets("Справочник").Range("Workers").Rows(.ListIndex + 1).Delete


  If .ListIndex > -1 Then Sheets("Справочник").Range("Workers[[Организация ]]").Rows(.ListIndex + 1).ClearContents



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14.02.2017 22:06:24

Dima S

Спасибо Вам большое за Ваше активное участие в написании кода, а также за то, что помогли с отображением значений в ListBox.
Но с точки зрения пользователя


предложил лучше код, т.к. после удаления значения из списка отсутствие пустых строк больше радует глаз.
Еще раз ОГРОМНОЕ человеческое спасибо!
Вопрос закрыт!


excel vba listbox

The Excel VBA ListBox is a list control that allows you to select (or deselect) one or more items at time. This is compared to the VBA ComboBox which only allows you to select a single items from a drop down list. Let us explore how to create, clear and make a VBA ListBox let you select multiple items.

Create a Excel Form ListBox (Form Control)

To create an Excel Form ListBox you need to first make sure you can see the Developer Tab. Next go to Controls and select the ListBox. Place the ListBox on the Worksheet. You can right click on it to set the properties.
excel vba listbox

Using the Form ListBox

To add items to set items in a From ListBox is easiest by providing an Excel Range on your Worksheet that contain values for options.

Select Excel Range as ListBox Items

To add an Excel Range as Items for a ListBox right-click on the object and go to Format Control. Next go to the Control tab.
Configure a VBA ListBox
As you can see we managed to:

  • Set the Input range for the items in the Form ListBox
  • Set the Cell Link range for the selected item

The Excel Form ListBox is an option to use if you need a simple way to limit input options for your users in an spreadsheet.

Using Form ListBox does not make much sense as just as well we have Data Validation allowing you to set a drop down list to any Excel cell. See my post on Excel Cascading Drop-downs if you want to see how powerful this can be.

Beware in below examples I am using the ActiveX ListBox instead!

Create a VBA ListBox (ActiveX)

Now let us explore the adding Items to a Listbox using VBA. For this purpose it is easier and more convenient to use an ActiveX ListBox control (which I call the VBA ListBox) instead of the previously used Form ListBox:
vba listbox
In examples below I will be adding code to the Worksheet module in which I added a ActiveX ListBox control named ListBox1.
vba listbox name

Add Items to ListBox

To add VBA Add Items to the VBA ListBox use the AddItem function.

AddItem ( itemValue, itemOrder )
'itemValue - the value you want to add to your list
'itemOrder - the position in the VBA ListBox at which you want to insert your item (first is 0)

Examples of adding items to a ActiveX ListBox with VBA:

'Add Item Car
ListBox1.AddItem "Car"
'Add Item Bus
ListBox1.AddItem "Bus"
'Add Item Plane as second
ListBox1.AddItem "Plane", 1
'Add Item Plane
ListBox1.AddItem "Tesla"

The resulting VBA ListBox. Notice that Plane is second in the list:
add items to vba listbox
This list will work identically to the Excel Form ListBox.

Clear items in ListBox

To Clear/Empty items in a VBA ListBox simply use the Clear function:

'Add Item Car
ListBox1.AddItem "Car"

'Remove all items in the ListBox

Remove item from ListBox

To remove an item at a specific index or position in a VBA ListBox you need to use the RemoveItem function. Remember that the index of the first element is 0:

ListBox1.AddItem "Car"
ListBox1.AddItem "Plane"
ListBox1.AddItem "Bus"

'Remove the item "Plane"

Count items in ListBox

Counting items in a ListBox can be done using the Count function:

ListBox1.AddItem "Car"
ListBox1.AddItem "Plane"
ListBox1.AddItem "Bus"

'Count items
Debug.Print ListBox1.ListCount 'Result: 3

To enable multiselection on your VBA ListBox (ActiveX) use the MultiSelect property. The property can have one of the following values:

  • fmMultiSelectSingle – default property. You can only select 1 item
  • fmMultiSelectMulti – you can select multiple items. Clicking on an item will select (include it in the existing selected items) or deselect it (remove it from the existing selected items)
  • fmMultiSelectExtended – you can select multiple items. However, when you click on any item it will only select the current item. To select multiple items you need to click and hold and move the mouse up/down to select more items

By setting the MultiSelect option:

ListBox1.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectExtended 

I am able now to select more items on my ListBox.
vba listbox multiselect

Select / Deselect items in ListBox

First we will try to understand how to check if an item on our ListBox is selected or not. For this we will use the Selected property.

ListBox1.AddItem "Car"
ListBox1.AddItem "Plane"
ListBox1.AddItem "Bus"

'...Click on Plane...

'Check which is selected
Debug.Print ListBox1.Selection(0) 'Result: False - Car is not selected
Debug.Print ListBox1.Selection(1) 'Result: True - Car is not selected
Debug.Print ListBox1.Selection(2) 'Result: False - Bus is not selected

To Select or Delect an item simply set the property to True (Selected) or False (Deselected):

ListBox1.AddItem "Car"
ListBox1.AddItem "Plane"
ListBox1.AddItem "Bus"

'Select Car
ListBox1.Selection(0) = True

'Check which is selected
Debug.Print ListBox1.Selection(0) 'Result: True - Car is not selected
Debug.Print ListBox1.Selection(1) 'Result: False - Car is not selected
Debug.Print ListBox1.Selection(2) 'Result: False - Bus is not selected

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How to Clear Items from Listbox

In this How To, I will show how to clear items from a listbox. I will use the form that I created for How to Add Items from File Dialog to Listbox and add a Clear List button.

Step 1. Add Clear List button

  • Under the Design Menu, click a Command button icon then place it below the Add File button
  • Rename a button caption as Clear List
  • Name a button under the Other tab of Property Sheet as cmdClearList

  • Click Event tab of Property Sheet
  • Select [Event Procedure] on On Click event
  • Click three dots() at the end of [Event Procedure] to open the VB application

Step 2. Add VBA to Clear List button

  • Enter VBA code below under the On Click Event Procedure
Private Sub cmdClearList_Click()
Dim i As Integer
For i = lstFileLocation.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
    lstFileLocation.RemoveItem (i)
Next i
Me.txtFile = Null
End Sub

The VBA code above will remove the file path from File textbox and all file paths from the listbox.

Step 3. Add Clear List button

  • Save and close the form design view
  • Open form again
  • Click on Add File button
  • Select file that you want to show on the list box

The selected file from dialog will be displayed in the File textbox and in the listbox. When you add more files, they will be added into the listbox until you clear the listbox.

  • Click Clear List button

The file paths on both File box and on the listbox are removed same time.

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