Vba excel как добавить колонку

Вставка диапазона со сдвигом ячеек вправо или вниз методом Insert объекта Range. Вставка и перемещение строк и столбцов из кода VBA Excel. Примеры.

Range.Insert – это метод, который вставляет диапазон пустых ячеек (в том числе одну ячейку) на рабочий лист Excel в указанное место, сдвигая существующие в этом месте ячейки вправо или вниз. Если в буфере обмена содержится объект Range, то вставлен будет он со своими значениями и форматами.


Expression.Insert(Shift, CopyOrigin)

Expression – выражение (переменная), возвращающее объект Range.


Параметр Описание Значения
Shift Необязательный параметр. Определяет направление сдвига ячеек. Если параметр Shift опущен, направление выбирается в зависимости от формы* диапазона. xlShiftDown (-4121) – ячейки сдвигаются вниз;
xlShiftToRight (-4161) – ячейки сдвигаются вправо.
CopyOrigin Необязательный параметр. Определяет: из каких ячеек копировать формат. По умолчанию формат копируется из ячеек сверху или слева. xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove (0) – формат копируется из ячеек сверху или слева;
xlFormatFromRightOrBelow (1) – формат копируется из ячеек снизу или справа.

* Если диапазон горизонтальный или квадратный (количество строк меньше или равно количеству столбцов), ячейки сдвигаются вниз. Если диапазон вертикальный (количество строк больше количества столбцов), ячейки сдвигаются вправо.


Простая вставка диапазона

Вставка диапазона ячеек в диапазон «F5:K9» со сдвигом исходных ячеек вправо:

Range(«F5:K9»).Insert Shift:=xlShiftToRight

Если бы параметр Shift не был указан, сдвиг ячеек, по умолчанию, произошел бы вниз, так как диапазон горизонтальный.

Вставка вырезанного диапазона

Вставка диапазона, вырезанного в буфер обмена методом Range.Cut, из буфера обмена со сдвигом ячеек по умолчанию:



Обратите внимание, что при использовании метода Range.Cut, точка вставки (в примере: Range("D2")) не может находится внутри вырезанного диапазона, а также в строке или столбце левой верхней ячейки вырезанного диапазона вне вырезанного диапазона (в примере: строка 1 и столбец «A»).

Вставка скопированного диапазона

Вставка диапазона, скопированного в буфер обмена методом Range.Copy, из буфера обмена со сдвигом ячеек по умолчанию:



Обратите внимание, что при использовании метода Range.Copy, точка вставки (в примере: Range("F2")) не может находится внутри скопированного диапазона, но в строке или столбце левой верхней ячейки скопированного диапазона вне скопированного диапазона находится может.

Вставка и перемещение строк

Вставка одной строки на место пятой строки со сдвигом исходной строки вниз:

Вставка четырех строк на место пятой-восьмой строк со сдвигом исходных строк вниз:

Вставка строк с использованием переменных, указывающих над какой строкой осуществить вставку и количество вставляемых строк:























Sub Primer1()

Dim n As Long, k As Long, s As String

‘Номер строки, над которой необходимо вставить строки

n = 8

‘Количесто вставляемых строк

k = 4

‘Указываем адрес диапазона строк

s = n & «:» & (n + k 1)

‘Вставляем строки


End Sub

‘или то же самое с помощью цикла

Sub Primer2()

Dim n As Long, k As Long, i As Long

n = 8

k = 4

    For i = 1 To k



End Sub

Перемещение второй строки на место шестой строки:



Вторая строка окажется на месте пятой строки, так как третья строка заместит вырезанную вторую строку, четвертая встанет на место третьей и т.д.

Перемещение шестой строки на место второй строки:



В этом случае шестая строка окажется на месте второй строки.

Вставка и перемещение столбцов

Вставка одного столбца на место четвертого столбца со сдвигом исходного столбца вправо:

Вставка трех столбцов на место четвертого-шестого столбцов со сдвигом исходных столбцов вправо:

Перемещение третьего столбца на место седьмого столбца:



Третий столбец окажется на месте шестого столбца, так как четвертый столбец заместит вырезанный третий столбец, пятый встанет на место четвертого и т.д.

Перемещение седьмого столбца на место третьего столбца:



В этом случае седьмой столбец окажется на месте третьего столбца.

Home / VBA / VBA Insert Column (Single and Multiple)

In this tutorial, we will look at how to insert a column using a VBA code in Excel. We will also explore what are the different ways to write a macro for this.

To insert a column using a VBA code, you need to use the “Entire Column” property with the “Insert” method. With the entire column property, you can refer to the entire column using a cell and then insert a new column. By default, it will insert a column before the cell that you have mentioned.

  1. First, specify a cell using the range object.
  2. Now, enter a dot (.) to get the list of properties and methods.
  3. After that, select the “Entire Column” property or type it.
  4. In the end, again enter a dot (.) and select the “Insert” method or type it.

Your code is ready here to insert a column. Now when you run this code, it will instantly insert a new column before the column A.

Insert Multiple Columns

There are two ways to insert multiple columns in a worksheet that I have found. The first is the same insert method that we have used in the above example. With this, you need to specify a range of columns whose count is equal to the count of the column you want to insert.

Now let’s say you want to insert 5 columns after column C in the case you can use a code like the following.


To be honest, I haven’t found this method quite useful because you need to change the range if you want to change the code itself. So, here’s the second method.

'variables to use in the code
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iCount As Long
Dim i As Long

'to get the number of columns that you want to insert with an input box
iCount = InputBox(Prompt:="How many column you want to add?")

'to get the column number where you want to insert the new column
iCol = InputBox _
(Prompt:= _
"After which column you want to add new column? (Enter the column number)")

'loop to insert new column(s)
For i = 1 To iCount
Next i

When you run this code, it asks you to enter the number of columns that you want to add and then the column number where you want to add all those new columns. It uses a FOR LOOP (For Next) to enter the number of columns that you have mentioned.

Insert Columns Based on the Cell Values

If you want to insert columns based on a cell value, then you can use the following code.

Dim iCol As Long
Dim iCount As Long
Dim i As Long

iCount = Range("A1").Value
iCol = Range("B1").Value

For i = 1 To iCount
Next i

When you run this macro, it takes count of columns from the cell A1 and the column where you want to add columns from the cell B1.

Insert a Column without Formatting

When you insert a column where the above column has some specific formatting, in that case, the column will also have that formatting automatically. And the simplest way to deal with this thing is to use clear formats. Consider the following code.


When you run the above code, it inserts a new column before the 7th column. Now, what happens, when you insert a column before the 7th column that new column becomes the 7th column, and then the second line of code clear the formats from it.

Insert Copied Column

You can also use the same method to copy a column and then insert it somewhere else. See the following code.

Application.CutCopyMode = False

With Worksheets("Data")
.Columns(9).Insert Shift:=xlShiftDown
End With

Application.CutCopyMode = True

More Tutorials

    • Count Rows using VBA in Excel
    • Excel VBA Font (Color, Size, Type, and Bold)
    • Excel VBA Hide and Unhide a Column or a Row
    • Excel VBA Range – Working with Range and Cells in VBA
    • Apply Borders on a Cell using VBA in Excel
    • Find Last Row, Column, and Cell using VBA in Excel
    • Insert a Row using VBA in Excel
    • Merge Cells in Excel using a VBA Code
    • Select a Range/Cell using VBA in Excel
    • SELECT ALL the Cells in a Worksheet using a VBA Code
    • ActiveCell in VBA in Excel
    • Special Cells Method in VBA in Excel
    • UsedRange Property in VBA in Excel
    • VBA AutoFit (Rows, Column, or the Entire Worksheet)
    • VBA ClearContents (from a Cell, Range, or Entire Worksheet)
    • VBA Copy Range to Another Sheet + Workbook
    • VBA Enter Value in a Cell (Set, Get and Change)
    • VBA Named Range | (Static + from Selection + Dynamic)
    • VBA Range Offset
    • VBA Sort Range | (Descending, Multiple Columns, Sort Orientation
    • VBA Wrap Text (Cell, Range, and Entire Worksheet)
    • VBA Check IF a Cell is Empty + Multiple Cells

    ⇠ Back to What is VBA in Excel

    Helpful Links – Developer Tab – Visual Basic Editor – Run a Macro – Personal Macro Workbook – Excel Macro Recorder – VBA Interview Questions – VBA Codes

    In this Article

    • Insert a Single Row or Column
      • Insert New Row
      • Insert New Column
    • Insert Multiple Rows or Columns
      • Insert Multiple Rows
      • Insert Multiple Columns
    • Insert – Shift & CopyOrigin
    • Other Insert Examples
      • Insert Copied Rows or Columns
      • Insert Rows Based on Cell Value
      • Delete Rows or Columns

    This tutorial will demonstrate how to use VBA to insert rows and columns in Excel.

    To insert rows or columns we will use the Insert Method.

    Insert a Single Row or Column

    Insert New Row

    To insert a single row, you can use the Rows Object:


    Or you can use the Range Object along with EntireRow:


    Insert New Column

    Similar to inserting rows, we can use the Columns Object to insert a column:


    Or the Range Object, along with EntireColumn:


    Insert Multiple Rows or Columns

    Insert Multiple Rows

    When inserting multiple rows with the Rows Object, you must enter the rows in quotations:


    Inserting multiple rows with the Range Object works the same as with a single row:


    Insert Multiple Columns

    When inserting multiple columns with the Columns Object, enter the column letters in quotations:


    Inserting multiple columns with the Range Object works the same as with a single column:


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    Insert – Shift & CopyOrigin

    The Insert Method has two optional arguments:

    • Shift – Which direction to shift the cells
    • CopyOrigin – Which cell formatting to copy (above, below, left, or right)

    The Shift argument is irrelevant when inserting entire rows or columns. It only allows you to indicate to shift down or shift to the right:

    • xlShiftDown – Shift cells down
    • xlShiftToRight – Shift cells to the right

    As you can see, you can’t shift up or to the left.

    The CopyOrigin argument has two potential inputs:

    • xlFormatFromLeftorAbove – (0) Newly-inserted cells take formatting from cells above or to the left
    • xlFormatFromRightorBelow (1) Newly-inserted cells take formatting from cells below or to the right.

    Let’s look at some examples of the CopyOrigin argument. Here’s our initial data:

    vba insert row

    This example will insert a row, taking the formatting from the above row.

    Rows(5).Insert , xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

    vba insert row above

    This example will insert a row, taking the formatting from the below row.

    Rows(5).Insert , xlFormatFromRightOrBelow

    vba insert row below

    Other Insert Examples

    Insert Copied Rows or Columns

    If you’d like to insert a copied row, you would use code like this:


    Here we copy Row 1 and Insert it at Row 5.

    VBA Programming | Code Generator does work for you!

    Insert Rows Based on Cell Value

    This will loop through a range, inserting rows based on cell values:

    Sub InsertRowswithSpecificValue()
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In Range("b2:b20")
        If cell.Value = "insert" Then
        End If
    Next cell
    End Sub

    Delete Rows or Columns

    To delete rows or columns, simply use the Delete method.


    Normally in an Excel worksheet, we have two different methods to add or insert columns: the keyboard shortcut and the right-click and insert method. Still, in VBA, we have to use the insert command and entire column statement to add any column together. The trick is that if we need to insert a single column, we give a single column reference. Still, for the multiple columns, we give multiple column references.

    Table of contents
    • Insert Columns in Excel using VBA
      • How to Insert Columns in Excel Worksheet using VBA?
        • Example #1 – Insert Columns Using Range Object in VBA
        • Example #2 – Insert Multiple Columns
        • Example #4 – Insert Columns Using COLUMNS Property in VBA
        • Example #5 – Insert Alternative Columns
        • Example #6 – Insert Column Based on Cell Value
      • Recommended Articles

    Insert Columns in Excel using VBA

    As part of the VBA codeVBA code refers to a set of instructions written by the user in the Visual Basic Applications programming language on a Visual Basic Editor (VBE) to perform a specific task.read more, we may need to insert a few columns to fit our needs in our datasheet. Inserting a column is the easy shortcut key in the worksheet by pressing Ctrl +,but how about inserting a new column through VBA code? In this article on “VBA Insert Column,” we will show you the process of adding columns in excelAdding a column in excel means inserting a new column to the existing dataset.read more and different scenarios examples.

    VBA Insert Columns

    You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc, Please provide us with an attribution linkArticle Link to be Hyperlinked
    For eg:
    Source: VBA Insert Columns (wallstreetmojo.com)

    How to Insert Columns in Excel Worksheet using VBA?

    We can insert columns in VBA using the COLUMNS propertyVBA Columns property refers to columns in the worksheet. With this property, any column in the specified worksheet can be used to work on it. Similarly, for cells, a Range object or cell property is used.read more and RANGE object. But, first, you must know why we need columns and range objects to insert a new column.

    To insert a new column, we need to identify after which column we need to insert, without telling, after which column we need to insert how VBA can understand the logic.

    For example, if you want to insert the column after column B, you can construct the code like this.


    Note: We have used C to insert a column after because it will shift the selected cell to the right side.

    After the columns are specified, we need to access the “Entire Column” property.


    Then we need to choose the “Insert” method.


    It will insert the column after column C and move the existing column C to D.

    Example #1 – Insert Columns Using Range Object in VBA

    Now, we want to insert the column after the A column. Follow the below steps to construct the code.

    VBA Insert Columns Step 1

    Now I want to VBA insert the column after the A column. Follow the below steps to construct the code.

    Step 1: Start the Sub Procedure.

    Step 2: Open Range object.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()
    End Sub

    VBA Insert Columns Step 2

    Step 3: Now, mention the column in double quotes.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()
      Range ("B:B")
    End Sub

    VBA Insert Columns Step 3

    Step 4: Now, choose the Entire Column property.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()
    End Sub

    VBA Insert Columns Step 4

    Step 5: After selecting the Entire Column property, choose the “Insert” method.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()
    End Sub

    VBA Insert Columns Step 5

    Now, your code looks like this.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()
    End Sub

    Run the code. It will insert the new B column.

    VBA Insert Columns Step 6

    Example #2 – Insert Multiple Columns

    For example, if you want to insert two new columns after column A, then we need to mention two column addresses.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()
    End Sub

    The above code will insert two columns after column A.

    Insert Multiple Columns

    Example #3 – With “Insert” Only Method

    We can insert a new column using “Insert,” the only method without accessing the Entire Column property. For this, let us understand the “Insert” method syntax.

    Expression.Insert([Shift],[Copy Origin])

    [Shift]: When we insert the new column, whether we need the columns to shift to the right side or to shift to the downside in case of rows. Here we can use two options, “xlToRight” and “xlDownTo.”

    [Copy Origin]: This will specify the format for the newly inserted column. Do you need the format from the left side of the column or the above cells? Here we can use two options “xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove” and “xlFormatFromRightOrBelow.”

    Below is the example code for you.

    Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()
      Range("B:B").Insert Shift:=xlToRight, Copyorigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
    End Sub

    Example #4 – Insert Columns Using COLUMNS Property in VBA

    We have seen how to insert columns VBA using the RANGE object. Next, we will show we can insert columns using the “COLUMNS” property.

    Open the COLUMNS property.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example2()
    End Sub

    Using VBA Columns Property 1

    We can specify the column in two ways here. One is using as usual alphabetic references, and another one uses column numbers.

    If you want to insert the column after column A, the code will be COLUMNS(“B”). Likewise, the code will be COLUMNS(2) if you use numerical references.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example2()
    End Sub

    Using VBA Columns Property 1-1

    Now, the problem for you arises because when we use the COLUMNS property, we do not get access to the IntelliSense list.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example2()
    End Sub

    Using VBA Columns Property 1-2

    Here, we need to be sure of what we are doing. So, this is the reason we have shown you the RANGE object first.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example2()
    End Sub

    Example #5 – Insert Alternative Columns

    Assume you have the data like the below image.

    Alternative Columns 1

    Assume you have the data like the below image.

    We need to use VBA loopsA VBA loop in excel is an instruction to run a code or repeat an action multiple times.read more if you want to insert new columns after every alternate row. The below code is tailor-made for you.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example3()
      Dim k As Integer
      For k = 2 To 8
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
      Next k
    End Sub

    It will insert the column like this.

    Alternative Columns 1-1

    Example #6 – Insert Column Based on Cell Value

    We can also insert a column based on cell value as well. For example, look at the below data.

    Based on Cell Value 1

    Here, we want to insert the column if the first-row cell value is “Year.” Our data should be like this after inserting new columns.

    Based on Cell Value 1-1

    Use the below code to perform this task.


    Sub ColumnInsert_Example4()
      Dim k As Integer
      Dim x As Integer
      x = 2
      For k = 2 To 12
        If Cells(1, x).Value = "Year" Then
        Cells(1, x).EntireColumn.Insert
        x = x + 1
        End If
        x = x + 1
      Next k
    End Sub

    You can download this VBA Insert Columns Excel here. VBA Insert Columns Excel Template

    Recommended Articles

    This article has been a guide to VBA Insert Columns. Here, we will show you how to insert single/multiple columns under different scenarios, examples, and a downloadable Excel template. Below are some useful Excel articles related to VBA: –

    • Count in Excel VBA
    • VBA Union
    • VBA ENUM
    • Delete Column using VBA

    I know the thread is old, but I must point out that the most upvoted answer here is risky and can get you in a serious trouble. I don’t know if it depends Excel version — I use Excel’16.

    Let’s consider table containing columns: col A, col B and col C.

    before macro

    We use «The Dudes» one-liner code and want to name our new column «Col B». It already exists but check what happens:

    Sub theDude()
      Dim Table As ListObject
      Set Table = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)
      With Table
        ' adding column on the second place
        ' and trying to force its header to "Col B"
        .ListColumns.Add(2).Name = "Col B"
        'fill "Col B" with value
        .ListColumns("Col B").DataBodyRange = "test"
      End With
    End Sub

    And what we get? In result we have 4 columns:

    • Col A
    • New inserted Column1 or another DEFAULT NAME of Table’s column (1)
    • Col B — the «old» B column filled with «test» string
    • Col C

    after macro

    (1) it depends on yours language version- mine is called Kolumna1 and it’s given by Excel automatically

    The worst thing is our data in Col B is lost after macro run. So I would suggest instead one-liner (methods chaining) use @stenci’s step by step solution, or even better add some error handling e.g.:

    Sub AddingColumn()
      Dim Table As ListObject
      ' ActiveSheet just for test
      Set Table = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)   
      Dim newColName As Variant     ' or string / long
          newColName = "Col B"
      If headerExists(newColName, Table) Then
        Dim tit As String:  tit = "Error"
        Dim txt As String
            txt = "Header " & newColName & " already exists. Macro will be interrupted"
            MsgBox txt, vbOKOnly, tit
            Exit Sub
        ' main code goes here *********************
        With Table
          ' adding column on the second place
          ' and trying to force its header to "Col B"
            .ListColumns.Add(2).Name = newColName
          'fill "Col B" with value
            .ListColumns("Col B").DataBodyRange = "test"
        End With
      End If
    End Sub
    Function headerExists(ByVal findHeader As String, ByVal tbl As ListObject) As Boolean
        Dim pos As Variant     ' position
            pos = Application.Match(findHeader, tbl.HeaderRowRange, 0)
            headerExists = Not IsError(pos)
    End Function

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