Vba excel close excel file

Home / VBA / VBA Close Workbook (Excel File)

To close an Excel file, you need to use the “Close” method. With this method you can, specify if you want to save the changes or not. And, if you want to save and close a file that is not saved yet you can specify the path where you want to save it before closing.

The following is the syntax for the close method.

Workbook.Close (SaveChanges, FileName, RouteWorkbook)

Steps to Close a Workbook

  1. Specify the workbook that you want to close.
  2. Use the close method with that workbook.
  3. In the code method, specify if you want to save the file or not.
  4. In the end, mention the location path where you want to save the file before closing.

In this tutorial, we will look at different ways that you can use to close a workbook in Excel using VBA.

Helpful Links: Run a Macro – Macro Recorder – Visual Basic Editor – Personal Macro Workbook

Close a Workbook without Saving

If you want to save the active workbook without saving you need to use code like the following.

ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

In this code, I have specified the “False” for the “SaveChanges” argument. So VBA will ignore if there are any changes in the workbook which are not saved. And if you want to close a specific workbook you can use the name of that workbook. Just like the following code.

Workbooks("book1").Close SaveChanges:=False

If you have data in the workbook and you skip the “SaveChanges” argument, then Excel will show a dialog box to confirm if you want to save the workbook or not. The point is: It is better to specify the “SaveChanges” argument even if it’s optional.

Close a Workbook after Saving

As you have seen, there’s an argument in the CLOSE method to specify the path location. Let’s say if you wish to save the “Book6” to the folder on the desktop. Here’s the code that you need to use.

Workbooks("Book6").Close _
SaveChanges:=True, _

This code is going to save the workbook “Book6” into the folder that is saved on my desktop with the name “myFIle.xlsx”. But here’s one thing that you need to take care of: IF you already have a workbook with the same name then it will replace that file with the new one.

Don’t worry, there’s a solution that you can use. The following code checks if there’s any file exists with the name that you want to use

Sub vba_close_workbook()
Dim wbCheck As String
wbCheck = Dir("C:UsersDellDesktopmyFoldermyFile.xlsx")
If wbCheck = "" Then
    Workbooks("Book6").Close _
    SaveChanges:=True, _
    MsgBox "Error! Name already used."
End If
End Sub

More on VBA Workbooks

VBA Save Workbook | VBA Delete Workbook | VBA ThisWorkbook | VBA Rename Workbook | VBA Activate Workbook | VBA Combine Workbook | VBA Protect Workbook (Unprotect) | VBA Check IF a Workbook is Open | VBA Open Workbook | VBA Check IF an Excel Workbook Exists in a Folder| VBA Create New Workbook (Excel File)

  • VBA Workbook

When working with an Excel workbook, there are a few basic operations that any user needs to know how to carry out. The following are 2 of the most important ones:

  1. Opening a workbook.
  2. Closing a workbook.

Excel VBA Tutorial about how to close a workbookThese 2 actions are just as important if you’re working with Visual Basic for Applications.

In this tutorial, I focus on topic #2: How you can easily close an Excel workbook with VBA.

For these purposes, in the first few sections of this tutorial, I introduce some VBA constructs that help you create macros that close workbooks. My focus is, mainly, in the Workbook.Close method. However, I also introduce the Workbooks.Close method, which allows you to quickly close all open workbooks. At the end of that first section, I discuss the topic of closing Excel workbooks without prompts and introduce some of the most common ways of achieving this.

In the second section of this post, I go through 8 macro code examples. These VBA code samples use the constructs introduced in the first section for purposes of closing Excel workbooks in different situations. All of the macros are accompanied by an explanation. You can easily adjust the code samples in order to fit your own needs.

This Excel VBA Close Workbook Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the macros I use in the examples below. You can get immediate free access to this example workbook by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

Please use the following table of contents to quickly navigate to the section that interests you the most. For best results, you may want to read the whole blog post.

Let’s start by taking a look at the…

Workbook.Close Method

You can use the Workbook.Close method for purposes of closing the applicable workbook object.

The basic syntax of Workbook.Close is as follows:

expression.Close(SaveChanges, Filename, RouteWorkbook)

The following are the applicable definitions for purposes of the statement above:

  • expression: Workbook object.
  • SaveChanges: Optional argument. You use SaveChanges for purposes of specifying whether to save changes (True) or not (False).
  • Filename: Optional argument. Filename allows you to specify the filename used by Excel when saving.
  • RouteWorkbook: Optional argument. Makes reference to workbook routing. In that context, it allows you to determine whether the workbook is sent to the next recipient (True) or not (False).

Since expression represents a Workbook object, I simplify the syntax above to the following:

Workbook.Close(SaveChanges, Filename, RouteWorkbook)

Let’s start by taking a closer look at the 3 parameters (SaveChanges, Filename and RouteWorkbook) above. After covering these arguments, I provide a few additional comments about the Workbook.Close method.

SaveChanges Parameter

You use the SaveChanges parameter to specify whether Visual Basic for Applications saves changes to the workbook (or not) when the workbook:

  1. Has unsaved changes.
  2. Doesn’t appear in any other open windows.

Both of these conditions must be met in order for VBA to consider SaveChanges. In other words, VBA ignores SaveChanges in the following situations:

  • When there aren’t any unsaved changes to the workbook.
  • Where there are changes to the workbook, but the workbook appears within other open windows.

SaveChanges is an optional argument. You generally use the following values when working with it:

  • True: Close workbook and save changes.
  • False: Close workbook without saving changes.

If you omit the SaveChanges parameter and the relevant workbook contains unsaved changes, Excel displays a dialog box. This dialog asks the user whether the changes should be saved or not.

Want to save your changes to workbook

Filename Parameter

Filename allows you to specify the filename under which Excel saves the changes to the closed workbook.

Filename is an optional parameter. Additionally, Filename is only relevant if you set SaveChanges to True. Whenever you set the SaveChanges parameter to False, the changes aren’t saved at all.

If you omit Filename and the workbook has no previous filename, Excel displays the Save As dialog box and asks the user to provide the filename.

Save As dialog launched when no Filename for Workbook.Close

Despite the above, if you want to ensure that a particular workbook is saved under a certain name and close it, you can generally proceed as follows:

  1. Use the Workbook.SaveAs method to save the workbook; and
  2. Close the workbook by using the Workbook.Close method.

This way of proceeding is suggested by authorities such as author Richard Mansfield (in Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016). Some of the advantages of using the SaveAs method (vs. the Filename parameter) for these purposes are the following:

  1. Ensures that the workbook is always saved under the filename you specify.
  2. Allows you to take advantage of the 10 parameters of the SaveAs method. By using these parameters, you can specify items such as (i) file format, and (ii) protection password.

RouteWorkbook Parameter

The RouteWorkbook parameter is associated to workbook routing. You can use RouteWorkbook to specify whether the workbook is routed to the next recipient or not.

RouteWorkbook is optional.

The main rules that Visual Basic for Applications uses to determine how to deal with RouteWorkbook are as follows:

  1. If there’s no need to send the workbook to the next recipient, VBA ignores RouteWorkbook.

    For example, the workbook doesn’t need to be routed if (i) there’s no routing slip attached, or (ii) the routing has already occurred.

  2. If the workbook needs to be routed, VBA applies the value you specify for RouteWorkbook. You can use the following 2 values:
    1. True: VBA routes the workbook to the next recipient.
    2. False: The workbook isn’t sent.
  3. If you omit RouteWorkbook and the workbook need to be send, Excel asks the user whether the workbook is routed or not.

Workbook.Close Method And Auto_Close Macros

Auto_Close macros aren’t executed when you close the workbook from VBA. This is relevant if your workbook uses Auto_Close macros (vs. the BeforeClose event) for purposes of automatically running a macro before a workbook closes. The Workbook.Close method does trigger the BeforeClose event.

If you need to deal with Auto_Close macros and want the macro to be executed when you use the Workbook.Close method, use the Workbook.RunAutoMacros method.

Workbook.Close Method And Add-Ins

Usually, you install and uninstall add-ins through the Add-Ins dialog.

You can also open and close add-ins. In other words, you can theoretically apply the Workbook.Close method to an add-in.

As a consequence of the above, if you’ve accessed an add-in as a workbook (vs. using the Add-Ins dialog box), you can close it with the Close method. However, as a general rule, this isn’t the most appropriate way to deal with add-ins.

The reason for this is explained by Excel authorities Dick Kusleika and Mike Alexander in Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA, as follows:

Using the Close method on an installed add-in removes the add-in from memory but does not set its Installed property to False. Therefore, the Add-Ins dialog box still lists the add-in as installed, which can be confusing.

Therefore, as a general rule, use the AddIn.Installed property for purposes of installing and removing add-ins.

Workbooks.Close Method

You can also apply the Close method to the collection of all open Excel workbooks. In other words, you can use the Workbooks.Close method to close all Excel workbooks at once.

The basic syntax of Workbooks.Close is as follows:


“expression” represents the Workbooks collection. Therefore, I simplify the above as follows:


The Workbooks.Close method is, to a certain extent, similar to the Workbook.Close method I explain above. For example, Auto_Close macros aren’t executed when you close a workbook with either of these methods. Therefore, my comments above regarding Auto_Close macros and Workbook.Close are also generally applicable to Workbooks.Close.

There’s, however, a very important difference between Workbook.Close and Workbooks.Close:

Workbooks.Close takes no parameters. As I explain above, Workbook.Close has 3 parameters (SaveChanges, Filename and RouteWorkbook).

As a consequence of the above, if you want to use any (or all) of the parameters I describe above while closing all open workbooks, you generally have to rely on loops.

Further below, I provide macro code examples that you can use to close all open workbooks using either of these 2 methods:

  1. Workbooks.Close.
  2. Workbook.Close (+ loops).

Excel VBA To Close Workbook Without Prompts

In certain cases, you want to ensure that Excel closes a particular workbook without showing any prompts.

When working with the Close VBA method, the prompts that you usually have to deal with ask one of the following questions:

  1. Should Excel save the changes?

    Dialog: Want to save changes to Book?

  2. What filename should Excel use?

    Excel Save As dialog box

There are a few different ways in which you can handle this using Visual Basic for Applications. The most common ways of tackling this issue are the following 4:

  1. Saving the workbook prior to using the Close method.
  2. Appropriately using the SaveChanges and Filename parameters of the Workbook.Close method.
  3. Using the Application.DisplayAlerts property.
  4. Setting the Workbook.Saved property to True.

I cover the topic of how to save a workbook using VBA (#1 above) in a separate blog post that you can find in the Archives. I cover both the SaveChanges and Filename arguments (#2 above) in this tutorial.

Therefore, in the following sections, I introduce the remaining VBA constructs #3 (Application.DisplayAlerts) and #4 (Workbook.Saved). Using either of these 2 properties results in Excel closing the workbook without prompts. In both cases, Excel closes the file without saving the changes.

Application.DisplayAlerts Property

The Application.DisplayAlerts property allows you to specify whether or not Excel displays certain prompts and alerts. For these purposes, you can set Application.DisplayAlerts to either of the following values:

  1. True: The default value. Excel displays alerts and messages.
  2. False: The alerts and messages aren’t displayed. If a particular alert or message requires a user response, Excel uses the default.

The basic syntax of Application.DisplayAlerts is as follows:


“expression” is the Excel Application object. Therefore, I simplify the above as follows:


Macro example #7 below uses the Application.DisplayAlerts property for purposes of closing a workbook without prompts. There are, however, other (better) ways of using VBA to close an Excel workbook without displaying prompts. I provide further explanation of this matter in the relevant section (for macro sample #7) further below.

Workbook.Saved Property

From a general perspective, the Workbook.Saved property indicates whether changes have been made to a particular Excel workbook since the last time it was saved. In other words, Workbook.Saved indicates whether the workbook has unsaved changes.

The basic syntax of Workbook.Saved is as follows:


“expression” is a Workbook object. Therefore, I simplify the above as follows:


The Saved property is, however, read/write. Therefore, you can set Workbook.Saved to either of the following values:

  1. True: No changes have been made since the last time the workbook was saved.
  2. False: Changes have been made.

By setting Saved to True prior to closing a workbook, you can close a workbook without Excel displaying a prompt. In such case, the changes to the workbook aren’t saved.

I provide a practical code example showing how you can easily do this further below (macro example #8).

In the following sections, I provide 8 macro code examples that allow you to close an Excel workbook using VBA. These 8 macro samples cover several of the most common situations you’re likely to encounter.

The Sub procedure examples I provide work with the active workbook. For these purposes, I use the Application.ActiveWorkbook property (ActiveWorkbook). By replacing the object reference, you can easily adjust these macros in order to work with other workbooks.

Macro Code Example #1: Excel VBA Close Workbook

At the most basic level, you can use a statement with the following structure to close an Excel workbook:


The following sample macro (Close_Workbook) closes the active workbook:


The macro example has a single statement that follows the structure I describe above:


This statement is built by using the following items:

  1. ActiveWorkbook: The Application.ActiveWorkbook property returns the active workbook.
  2. Close: The Close method closes the active workbook returned by item #1.

Macro Code Example #2: Excel VBA Close Workbook Without Saving Changes

If you want to close a workbook without saving changes, you can use a statement that uses the following syntax:

Workbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

The following macro example (Close_Workbook_Without_Saving_Changes) closes the active workbook without saving changes:

ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

The following are the items within the macro’s single statement:

  1. ActiveWorkbook: The active workbook.
  2. Close: The Close method.
  3. SaveChanges:=False: The SaveChanges parameter of the Workbook.Close method is set to False. Therefore, Excel doesn’t save changes prior to closing the workbook.

This macro is substantially the same as the previous example #1. The only new item is the SaveChanges argument (#3).

Macro Code Example #3: Excel VBA Close Workbook And Save Changes

You can use the following statement structure to close a workbook and save the changes:

Workbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

The following sample Sub procedure (Close_Workbook_Save_Changes) closes the active workbook and saves changes:

ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

The only statement within the macro has the following 3 components:

  1. ActiveWorkbook: Reference to the active workbook.
  2. Close: The Close method.
  3. SaveChanges:=True: Sets the SaveChanges parameter of Workbook.Close to True. As a consequence of this, Excel saves the changes when closing the workbook.

This procedure is almost identical to macro sample #2 above. The only difference is the value to which the SaveChanges parameter (#3 above) is set (True vs. False).

Macro Code Example #4: Excel VBA Close Workbook And Save Changes With Filename

The VBA statement structure that I show below allows you to do the following:

  1. Save the workbook before closing.
  2. Set the filename that Excel uses if the workbook has no previously associated filename.

The following VBA statement structure allows you to do the above:

Workbook.Close SaveChanges:=True, Filename:=”fileNameString”

For these purposes, “fileNameString” is the file name you want Excel to use.

As I mention further above (section about the Filename parameter), using the statement I provide in this section doesn’t always result in the workbook being saved with the filename you want. In order to ensure that the workbook is saved always under the desired filename, you can generally use the Workbook.SaveAs method prior to calling the Workbook.Close method.

The following macro example (Close_Workbook_Save_Changes_Filename) closes the active workbook and saves changes under the specified filename. The filename under which the workbook is saved (if applicable) is “Excel VBA Close Workbook”.

ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True, Filename:="Excel VBA Close Workbook Test"

The statement within the macro above has the following components:

  1. ActiveWorkbook: Application.ActiveWorkbook property.
  2. Close: Workbook.Close method.
  3. SaveChanges:=True: Sets the SaveChanges parameter of Workbook.Close to True.
  4. Filename:=”Excel VBA Close Workbook”: The Filename argument of the Close method. Specifies that the filename that Excel uses is “Excel VBA Close Workbook”.

This sample macro is very similar to the previous example #3. The only new item is the Filename parameter (#4).

Macro Code Examples #5 And #6: Excel VBA Close All Workbooks

In this section, I provide 2 macro examples that you can use to close all Excel workbooks at once.

As I mention above, you can use the Workbooks.Close method in order to close all the members of the Workbooks collection (i.e. all open workbooks). Therefore, you can use the following statement for purposes of closing all open Excel workbooks:


The following macro code sample (Close_All_Workbooks) closes all workbooks with the Workbooks.Close method. The single statement within this macro is the one I explain above.


However, as I explain above, Workbooks.Close takes no parameters.

The Workbook.Close method does take parameters. The Workbook.Close method works with only one workbook at a time. In order to close all open workbooks at once, you can use a For Each… Next loop. The resulting structure of the relevant VBA loop is as follows:

For Each Workbook In Workbooks


Next Workbook

The following procedure example (Close_All_Workbooks_Loop) uses the Workbook.Close method and a For Each… Next loop to close all workbooks:

For Each... Next Loop and myWorkbook.Close

The process followed by this macro to close all open workbooks is as follows:

  1. Close the first open workbook.
  2. Check whether there are elements left within the collection of open workbooks.
  3. If there are open workbooks left:
    1. Close the next workbook.
    2. Repeat step #2 above.
  4. If there are no open workbooks left (step #2), exit the For Each… Next loop and end the macro.

The following diagram illustrates this procedure:

Loop diagram: Close first workbook and More workbooks and Close next workbook

Let’s take a closer look at each of the lines of code within this sample macro:

Line #1: Dim myWorkbook As Workbook

The Dim statement declares the myWorkbook object variable.

Line #2: For Each myWorkbook In Workbooks

Opening statement of a For Each… Next loop. This repeats the execution of the statement within the loop (line #3 below) for each workbook within the Workbooks collection.

The 2 relevant items within this line of code are the following:

  1. myWorkbook: myWorkbook variable. Used to iterate through all the elements within the Workbooks collection (item #2).
  2. Workbooks: The Application.Workbooks property returns the collection of all open workbooks.

Line #3: myWorkbook.Close

This statement is exactly the same as that in macro sample #1 above. You can easily modify this statement to use the SaveChanges and/or Filename properties. Examples #2 through #4 are examples of how you can do this.

When within the For Each… Next loop, this line #3 results in Excel closing the applicable workbook. The closed workbook, therefore, is dependent on the current iteration of the loop.

Line #4: Next myWorkbook

Closing statement of the For Each… Next loop.

Macro Code Examples #7 And #8: Excel VBA Close Workbook Without Prompt

This section provides 2 macro code examples that allow you to close a workbook without prompts.

The first macro sample (#7) uses the following basic structure:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False


This results in Excel closing the workbook without prompts. Additionally, the workbook isn’t saved.

As I mention above when introducing the Application.DisplayAlerts property, you’re generally better off avoiding this particular VBA code structure. The other options I discuss in this tutorial (saving the workbook prior to calling Close, or using the SaveChanges and Filename parameters of Close) are more appropriate in most situations.

The following macro example (Close_Workbook_Without_Prompt_1) turns off Excel’s prompts and alerts prior to closing the workbook. Therefore, Excel closes the active workbook without prompts.

Application.DisplayAlerts = False. ActiveWorkbook.Close

This sample macro is composed of the following 2 statements:

  1. Application.DisplayAlerts = False: Sets the Application.DisplayAlerts property to False. As a consequence, Excel turns off prompts.
  2. ActiveWorkbook.Close: The Application.ActiveWorkbook property and the Workbook.Close method are used to close the active workbook.

The second macro within this section uses the following syntax:

With Workbook

.Saved = True


End With

By setting the Workbook.Saved property to True, you indicate that no changes have been made since the last time the workbook was saved. In other words, you’re telling Excel that the workbook you’re closing doesn’t need to be saved.

The following macro code sample (Close_Workbook_Without_Prompt_2) sets the Saved property to True prior to calling the Workbook.Close method. As a consequence of this, the active workbook is closed without displaying prompts.

ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True. ActiveWorkbook.Close

Let’s take a closer look at each of the lines of code within this sample Sub procedure:

Line #1: With ActiveWorkbook

Opening line for a With… End With block. As a consequence of this, the statements within the block (lines #2 and #3) work with the object specified in this line #1. That object is the active workbook (ActiveWorkbook).

Line #2: .Saved = True

Sets the Workbook.Saved property to True. Indicates that no changes have been made to the active workbook (in line #1 above) since last time the workbook was saved.

Line #3: .Close

Calls the Workbook.Close method. Closes the active workbook (in line #1 above).

Line #4: End With

Closing line of the End… End With statement.


After reading this Excel VBA tutorial, you have the knowledge you need to start crafting macros that quickly close Excel workbooks in several different scenarios.

In the first section of this tutorial, you read about the 2 VBA methods you can use to close Excel workbooks:

  1. Workbook.Close.
  2. Workbooks.Close.

In addition to reading about how you can easily use each of these methods, you’ve seen why most VBA Sub procedures rely on the Workbook.Close method. You’ve also read about how, by appropriately using the parameters of Workbook.Close or combining this method with other VBA constructs, you can specify how Excel acts when closing a workbook.

Finally, you’ve seen 8 examples of macro code that put the above VBA constructs and information in practice.

Overall, the information and examples within this tutorial allow you to easily and quickly create Excel macros that achieve a variety of objects. The following are some examples of what you can now do with Visual Basic for Applications:

  1. Close a particular Excel workbook.
  2. Close a workbook without saving changes.
  3. Close a workbook and save the changes. This includes the possibility of setting the filename Excel uses when saving.
  4. Close all open workbooks at once.
  5. Close an Excel workbook without any prompts.

This Excel VBA Close Workbook Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the macros I use in the examples above. You can get immediate free access to this example workbook by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

Books Referenced In This Excel Tutorial

  • Alexander, Michael and Kusleika, Dick (2016). Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Mansfield, Richard (2016). Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

I have used the following without success. The active workbook closes, indeed, but the excel window remains open.

Application.ActiveWindow.Close SaveChanges:=False
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

Which is the command that terminates the application?


To say a little more: In the workbook Open event I run a macro. I want to terminate the application when that macro finishes. I also tried this without success.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

Where should I put this Application.Quit command?

asked Sep 2, 2010 at 14:45

Brani's user avatar


6,57415 gold badges46 silver badges49 bronze badges

I think your problem is that it’s closing the document that calls the macro before sending the command to quit the application.

Your solution in that case is to not send a command to close the workbook. Instead, you could set the «Saved» state of the workbook to true, which would circumvent any messages about closing an unsaved book. Note: this does not save the workbook; it just makes it look like it’s saved.

ThisWorkbook.Saved = True

and then, right after


answered Sep 2, 2010 at 16:00

variant's user avatar


1,3442 gold badges11 silver badges18 bronze badges

To avoid the Save prompt message, you have to insert those lines

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

After saving your work, you need to use this line to quit the Excel application


Don’t just simply put those line in Private Sub Workbook_Open() unless you got do a correct condition checking, else you may spoil your excel file.

For safety purpose, please create a module to run it. The following are the codes that i put:

Sub testSave()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Hope it help you solve the problem.

answered Apr 29, 2013 at 8:14

Leng Keong's user avatar

Leng KeongLeng Keong

1431 silver badge3 bronze badges


Sub TestSave()
ThisWorkBook.Close SaveChanges = False
End Sub

This seems to work for me, Even though looks like am quitting app before saving, but it saves…

answered Jan 6, 2015 at 8:33

kc kalama's user avatar

kc kalamakc kalama

711 silver badge1 bronze badge



Should do the trick.

answered Sep 2, 2010 at 14:47

Michael's user avatar


1,6362 gold badges16 silver badges21 bronze badges


I tried a certain sequence that seems to work as you can see below:

ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
Application.ActiveWindow.Close SaveChanges:=False
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

ForceMagic's user avatar


6,15212 gold badges68 silver badges88 bronze badges

answered Jul 17, 2013 at 19:55

Dan's user avatar

You can try out

ThisWorkbook.Saved = True

answered Mar 27, 2019 at 5:19

K10's user avatar

In my case, I needed to close just one excel window and not the entire application, so, I needed to tell which exact window to close, without saving it.

The following lines work just fine:

Sub test_t()
  ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

answered Jun 7, 2018 at 13:55

Panagiotis Chatzikonstantis's user avatar

Sub button2_click()
' Button2_Click Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Q
    ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 2").Select
    Selection.Characters.Text = "Logout"
    ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 2").Select
    Selection.OnAction = "Button2_Click"
    ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub

LuigiEdlCarno's user avatar

answered Jul 26, 2013 at 7:07

Menon's user avatar

In this Article

  • Open a Workbook in VBA
    • Open Workbook From Path
    • Open Workbook – ActiveWorkbook
    • Open Workbook and Assign to a Variable
    • Workbook Open File Dialog
    • Open New Workbook
    • Open New Workbook To Variable
  • Open Workbook Syntax
    • Open Workbook Read-Only
    • Open Password Protected Workbook
    • Open Workbook Syntax Notes
  • Close a Workbook in VBA
    • Close Specific Workbook
    • Close Active Workbook
    • Close All Open Workbooks
    • Close First Opened Workbook
    • Close Without Saving
    • Save and Close Without Prompt
  • Other Workbook Open Examples
    • Open Multiple New Workbooks
    • Open All Excel Workbooks in a Folder
    • Check if a Workbook is Open
    • Workbook_Open Event
  • Open Other Types of Files in VBA
    • Open a Text file and Read its Contents
    • Open a Text File and Append to it
    • Opening a Word File and Writing to it

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use VBA to open and close Excel Workbooks and other types of Files in several ways.

VBA allows you to open or close files using the standard methods .Open and .Close.

If you want to learn how to check if a file exists before attempting to open the file, you can click on this link: VBA File Exists

Open a Workbook in VBA

Open Workbook From Path

If you know which file you want to open, you can specify its full path name in the function. Here is the code:

Workbooks.Open "C:VBA FolderSample file 1.xlsx"

This line of the code opens “Sample file 1” file from the “VBA Folder”.

Open Workbook – ActiveWorkbook

When you open a workbook, it automatically becomes the ActiveWorkbook.  You can reference the newly opened workbook like so:


When you reference a sheet or range and omit the workbook name, VBA will assume you are referring to the ActiveWorkbook:

Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "Input"

Open Workbook and Assign to a Variable

You can also open a workbook and assign it directly to an object variable. This procedure will open a workbook to the wb variable and then save the workbook.

Sub OpenWorkbookToVariable()
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:VBA FolderSample file 1.xlsx")

End Sub

Assigning workbooks to variables when they open is the best way to keep track of your workbooks

Workbook Open File Dialog

You can also trigger the workbook Open File Dialog box. This allows the user to navigate to a file and open it:

Sub OpenWorkbook ()

    Dim strFile As String

    strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename()
    Workbooks.Open (strFile)

End Sub

vba open close file

As you can see in Image 1, with this approach users can choose which file to open. The Open File Dialog Box can be heavily customized. You can default to a certain folder, choose which types of files are visible (ex. .xlsx only), and more. Read our tutorial on the Open File Dialog Box for detailed examples.

Open New Workbook

This line of code will open a new workbook:


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Open New Workbook To Variable

This procedure will open a new workbook, assigning it to variable wb:

Sub OpenNewWorkbook()
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = Workbooks.Add
End Sub

Open Workbook Syntax

When you use Workbooks.Open you might notice that there are many options available when opening the workbook:

vba open workbook syntax

The Filename is required. All other arguments are optional – and you probably won’t need to know most of the other arguments.  Here are the two most common:

Open Workbook Read-Only

When workbook is opened read-only, you can’t save over the original file. This prevents the file from being edited by the user.

Workbooks.Open "C:VBA FolderSample file 1.xlsx", , True

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Open Password Protected Workbook

A workbook might be password-protected. Use this code to open the password-protected workbook:

Workbooks.Open "C:VBA FolderSample file 1.xlsx", , , "password"

Open Workbook Syntax Notes

Notice that in the image above, we included a parenthesis “(” to show the syntax.  If you use parenthesis when working with Workbooks.Open, you must assign the workbook to a variable:

Sub OpenWB()
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:VBA FolderSample file 1.xlsx", True, True)
End Sub

Close a Workbook in VBA

Close Specific Workbook

Similarly to opening a workbook, there are several ways to close a file. If you know which file you want to close, you can use the following code:

Workbooks.Close ("C:VBA FolderSample file 1.xlsx")

This line of code closes the file “Sample file 1” if it’s opened. If not, it will return an error, so you should take care of error handling.

Close Active Workbook

If you want to close the Workbook which is currently active, this line of code will enable you to do that:


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Close All Open Workbooks

To close all open Workbooks, you can simply use this code:


Close First Opened Workbook

This will close the first opened/created workbook:


Replace 1 with 2 to close the second opened / created workbook and so on.

Close Without Saving

This will close a Workbook without saving and without showing the save prompt:

ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False

Save and Close Without Prompt

Similarly this will save and close a Workbook without showing the save prompt:

ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=True

Note: There are several other ways to indicate whether to save or not save a Workbook and also whether to show prompts or not. This is discussed in more detail here.

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Other Workbook Open Examples

Open Multiple New Workbooks

This procedure will open multiple new workbooks, assigning the new workbooks to an array:

Sub OpenMultipleNewWorkbooks()
    Dim arrWb(3) As Workbook
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To 3
        Set arrWb(i) = Workbooks.Add
    Next i
End Sub

Open All Excel Workbooks in a Folder

This procedure will open all Excel Workbooks in a folder, using the Open File Dialog picker.

Sub OpenMultipleWorkbooksInFolder()
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim dlgFD As FileDialog
    Dim strFolder As String
    Dim strFileName As String
    Set dlgFD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If dlgFD.Show = -1 Then
        strFolder = dlgFD.SelectedItems(1) & Application.PathSeparator
        strFileName = Dir(strFolder & "*.xls*")
        Do While strFileName <> ""
            Set wb = Workbooks.Open(strFolder & strFileName)
            strFileName = Dir
    End If
End Sub

Check if a Workbook is Open

This procedure will test if a workbook is open:

Sub TestByWorkbookName()
Dim wb As Workbook
    For Each wb In Workbooks
        If wb.Name = "New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xls" Then
            MsgBox "Found it"
            Exit Sub 'call code here, we'll just exit for now
        End If
End Sub

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Workbook_Open Event

VBA Events are “triggers” that tell VBA to run certain code. You can set up workbook events for open, close, before save, after save and more.

Read our Workbook_Open Event tutorial to learn more about automatically running macros when a workbook is opened.

Open Other Types of Files in VBA

You can use the VBA to open other types of files with VBA – such as txt or Word files.

Open a Text file and Read its Contents

The VBA open method allows you to read or write to the file once you have opened it. To read the contents of a file, we  can open the file for INPUT.

Sub OpenTextFile()
   Dim strFile As String
   Dim strBody As String
   Dim intFile As Integer

   strFile = "C:datatest.txt"
   intFile = FreeFile
   Open strFile For Input As intFile
   strBody = Input(LOF(intFile), intFile)
   'loop here through your text body and extract what you need
   ''some vba code here
   Debug.Print strBody
   Close intFile
End Sub

The code above will open the text file “test.txt” and then it will read the entire contents of the file to the strBody variable.  Once you have extracted the file data into the strBody variable, you can use it for what you require. Using the Debug.Print command above enables us to see the contents of the strBody variable in the Immediate window in the VBE.

Open a Text File and Append to it

We can also open a text file in VBA, and then append to the bottom of the file using the Append method.

Sub AppendToTextFile()
Dim strFile As String
Dim strBody As String
Dim intFile As Integer

   strFile = "C:datatest.txt"
   intFile = FreeFile
   Open strFile For Append As intFile
'add two lines to the bottom
   Print #intFile, "This is an extra line of text at the bottom"
   Print #intFile, "and this is another one"
'close the file
   Close intFile
End Sub

The above code will open the text file and then append 2 lines of text to the bottom of the file using the #intFile variable (the # sign is the key!).  The code then closes the file.

Opening a Word File and Writing to it

We can also use VBA in Excel to open a Word file.

Sub OpenWordFile()
   Dim wApp As Object
   Dim wDoc As Object
   Set wApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
   Set wd = wApp.documents.Open("c:datatest.docx")
   wApp.Visible = True
End Sub

This code will open a copy of Word, and then open the document test.docx.

Открытие книги Excel из кода VBA. Проверка существования книги. Создание новой книги, обращение к открытой книге и ее закрытие. Методы Open, Add и Close.

Открытие существующей книги

Существующая книга открывается из кода VBA Excel с помощью метода Open:

Workbooks.Open Filename:=«D:test1.xls»


Workbooks.Open («D:test1.xls»)

В кавычках указывается полный путь к открываемому файлу Excel. Если такой файл не существует, произойдет ошибка.

Проверка существования файла

Проверить существование файла можно с помощью функции Dir. Проверка существования книги Excel:

If Dir(«D:test1.xls») = «» Then

    MsgBox «Файл не существует»


    MsgBox «Файл существует»

End If

Или, если файл (книга Excel) существует, можно сразу его открыть:

If Dir(«D:test1.xls») = «» Then

    MsgBox «Файл не существует»


    Workbooks.Open Filename:=«D:test1.xls»

End If

Создание новой книги

Новая рабочая книга Excel создается в VBA с помощью метода Add:

Созданную книгу, если она не будет использоваться как временная, лучше сразу сохранить:


ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=«D:test2.xls»

В кавычках указывается полный путь сохраняемого файла Excel, включая присваиваемое имя, в примере — это «test2.xls».

Обращение к открытой книге

Обращение к активной книге:

Обращение к книге с выполняемым кодом:

Обращение к книге по имени:



Обратиться по имени можно только к уже открытой книге, а чтобы из кода VBA Excel книгу открыть, необходимо указать полный путь к файлу.

Открытая рабочая книга закрывается из кода VBA Excel с помощью метода Close:


Если закрываемая книга редактировалась, а внесенные изменения не были сохранены, тогда при ее закрытии Excel отобразит диалоговое окно с вопросом: Вы хотите сохранить изменения в файле test1.xlsx? Чтобы файл был закрыт без сохранения изменений и вывода диалогового окна, можно воспользоваться параметром метода Close — SaveChanges:

Workbooks(«test1.xlsx»).Close  SaveChanges:=False


Workbooks(«test1.xlsx»).Close  (False)

Закрыть книгу Excel из кода VBA с сохранением внесенных изменений можно также с помощью параметра SaveChanges:

Workbooks(«test1.xlsx»).Close  SaveChanges:=True


Workbooks(«test1.xlsx»).Close (True)

Фразы для контекстного поиска: открыть книгу, открытие книги, создать книгу, создание книги, закрыть книгу, закрытие книги, открыть файл Excel, открытие файла Excel, существование книги, обратиться к открытой книге.

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VBA Close Excel File – Workbook Example Code

Home » VBA » VBA Close Excel File – Workbook Example Code

  • Close Excel File

VBA code to close the excel file example will help us to close the excel file. We can use Close method of Workbook to close the file. In this example we will see how to close the Active Excel Workbook using VBA. VBA code for closing Active Workbook macro should work for all the version of Microsoft Excel 2003, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, and Excel 2013.

Close Excel File

VBA code to close the excel file

Here is the Example VBA syntax and Example VBA Macro code to close the Excel File. This will help you to how to close active Excel workbook using VBA.

VBA Close Excel File: Syntax

Following is the VBA Syntax and sample VBA code to close the Excel File using VBA. We are using the Close method of the Excel Workbook object.


Here workbook can be ActiveWorkbook, ThisWorkbook or a workbook assigned to an object.
ActiveWorkbook.Close will Close the currently active Excel Workbook. And ThisWorkbook.Close will close the workbook which we have written our VBA code. And we can set the workbook to any object and we can close it using WorkbookObject.Close method as shown below:

Dim wb as Workbook
Set wb=Thisworkbook

Here is explained VBA code:
‘Declaring the wb object as Workbook, in the next statement we will assign the workbook to this object.
Dim wb As Workbook

‘Assigning Thisworkbook to workbook object i.e.; wb.
Set wb = ThisWorkbook

‘And closing the workbook using workbook object which we have created above and Close method of the workbook.

Like this we can assign any workbook to an object. And then we can close the Excel Workbook using Object in VBA.

Close Excel File using VBA : Examples

The following VBA code is to Close the Excel File. This code will close the Workbook which we have this VBA procedure.

Sub sbVBS_To_CloseExcelFile()
End Sub

Instructions to run the VBA code to close the excel file

Please follow the below steps to execute the VBA code to close the excel file.
Step 1: Open any existing Excel workbook
Step 2: Press Alt+F11 – This will open the VBA Editor
Step 3: Insert a code module from then insert menu
Step 4: Copy the above code and paste in the code module which have inserted in the above step
Step 5: Do some changes and save the file
Step 6: Now press F5 to execute the code

Now you can observe that your Excel workbook is closed with the changes.

Explained VBA Code to Close the Excel File :

Starting procedure to write VBA code to Close Excel File using VBA.
Sub sbVBS_To_CloseExcelFile_C()

‘To close ThisWorkbook, i.e the workbook with the code module and this procedure. We are using Close method of the workbook to close the excel file.

‘Ending sub procedure to close the Excel workbook
End Sub

Here ThisWorkbook object represent the workbook with this code module. And Close is the Workbook method to Close the Excel File. We will see the other examples to close the Workbook in different situations in the following examples.

VBA to Close Active Excel Workbook: Examples

The following VBA code is to Close the Active Excel Workbook. This code will close the Workbook which is currently active.

Sub sbVBS_To_CloseActiveExcelWorkbook()
End Sub

VBA to Close any Workbook: Examples

The following VBA code is to Close any Excel Workbook. This code will close the Workbook usin object..

Sub sbVBS_To_CloseExcelWorkbook()
 Dim wb as Workbook
Set wb=ThisWorkbook ‘here you can set any workbook
End Sub

VBA to Save and Close Excel Workbook: Examples

The following VBA code is to Save and Close any Excel Workbook. This code will close the Workbook usin object.

Sub sbVBS_To_SaveCloseExcelWorkbook()
 Dim wb as nWorkbook
Set wb=ThisWorkbook ‘here you can set any workbook
End Sub
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    • Close Excel File using VBA : Examples
      • Instructions to run the VBA code to close the excel file
      • Explained VBA Code to Close the Excel File :
    • VBA to Close Active Excel Workbook: Examples
    • VBA to Close any Workbook: Examples
    • VBA to Save and Close Excel Workbook: Examples

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  1. Vignesh
    September 17, 2015 at 3:32 PM — Reply

    Hi All,

    I need to protect the VBA Coding except using the Excel VBA Protection method, because there are many tools in online to unlock the VBA Project.

    Please help.

    Thanks in Advance,
    Vignesh Raja

  2. PNRao
    September 19, 2015 at 1:16 AM — Reply

    Hi Vignesh,
    Yes! as you said, there are many tools to unprotect the VBA Project. As per my understanding, no tools can protect the VBA code. We recommend you to go for COM based Add-ins.


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The need to close Excel after running a macro arises all the time especially in large-scale Excel reporting automations where you may be collating data from multiple Excel files.  To learn how to close Excel from within VBA then read on…

Excel has various options within VBA that can be used to close Excel down.  It is important to know exactly what you want to achieve as they all have slightly different results.

For example closing a workbook generally means that the workbook is closed but the Excel application remains open, closing Excel the application will close Excel down and by default that means the workbook will be closed with it.

Sometimes you may need to close down a certain workbook so again that is something to consider in your code.  For example maybe you have a data file that you copy data from and then you just want to close this down and leave the main report open.

Below are the most common scripts for achieving all of these options:

Close everything down, all workbooks and Excel


This shuts the lot down, all open workbooks and all open Excel programs.   You will need to have saved any changes that you want before this code is completed, Excel will prompt you to save or not unless you have switched alerts off.

Close a certain workbook down

Workbooks(“Name of Workbook”).Close

This will close down a particular workbook.  You do not need to specify the file path as this will generate an error known as run-time error ‘9’, subscript out of range.  Excel will know which of the open workbooks you mean just by the workbook name.

If you have alerts turned off then Excel will just close the file without saving changes but if you want to be more professional with your VBA then add the save settings to the end of the code like so:

Workbooks(“Name of Workbook”).Close SaveChanges:=True


Workbooks(“Name of Workbook”).Close SaveChanges:=False

Close all workbooks but leave Excel open


This will close all the workbooks you have open.  As with the above you will be prompted to save changes, if any have occurred, unless you either have alerts switched off or you have previously saved the file.


To recap the first thing to do is decide on what you are trying to achieve with closing Excel, do you want everything closed down, just the workbook closed down or just a specific workbook closed down and Excel to remain open.

Always consider your saving options.

Sometimes you may not want to save so you can get around the Excel prompt message asking you to save the workbook by switching alerts off, a more professional approach will set the save criteria in the VBA script and this also helps prevent unwanted results that can occur when you do switch alerts off.

Keep Excelling,


  1. Метод Workbook.Close (Excel)
  2. Синтаксис
  3. Параметры
  4. Замечания
  5. Пример
  6. Поддержка и обратная связь
  7. VBA Open / Close Workbook
  8. Open a Workbook in VBA
  9. Open Workbook From Path
  10. Open Workbook – ActiveWorkbook
  11. Open Workbook and Assign to a Variable
  12. Workbook Open File Dialog
  13. Open New Workbook
  14. VBA Coding Made Easy
  15. Open New Workbook To Variable
  16. Open Workbook Syntax
  17. Open Workbook Read-Only
  18. Open Password Protected Workbook
  19. Open Workbook Syntax Notes
  20. Close a Workbook in VBA
  21. Close Specific Workbook
  22. Close Active Workbook
  23. Close All Open Workbooks
  24. Close First Opened Workbook
  25. Close Without Saving
  26. Save and Close Without Prompt
  27. Other Workbook Open Examples
  28. Open Multiple New Workbooks
  29. Open All Excel Workbooks in a Folder
  30. Check if a Workbook is Open
  31. Workbook_Open Event
  32. Open Other Types of Files in VBA
  33. Open a Text file and Read its Contents
  34. Open a Text File and Append to it
  35. Opening a Word File and Writing to it
  36. VBA Code Examples Add-in
  37. Workbook.Close method (Excel)
  38. Syntax
  39. Parameters
  40. Remarks
  41. Example
  42. Support and feedback
  43. Excel VBA Close Workbook: 8 Ready-To-Use Macro Code Examples To Close Workbooks
  44. Workbook.Close Method
  45. SaveChanges Parameter
  46. Filename Parameter
  47. RouteWorkbook Parameter
  48. Workbook.Close Method And Auto_Close Macros
  49. Workbook.Close Method And Add-Ins
  50. Workbooks.Close Method
  51. Excel VBA To Close Workbook Without Prompts
  52. Application.DisplayAlerts Property
  53. Workbook.Saved Property
  54. Macro Code Examples To Close Workbook With Excel VBA
  55. Macro Code Example #1: Excel VBA Close Workbook
  56. Macro Code Example #2: Excel VBA Close Workbook Without Saving Changes
  57. Macro Code Example #3: Excel VBA Close Workbook And Save Changes
  58. Macro Code Example #4: Excel VBA Close Workbook And Save Changes With Filename
  59. Macro Code Examples #5 And #6: Excel VBA Close All Workbooks
  60. Line #1: Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
  61. Line #2: For Each myWorkbook In Workbooks
  62. Line #3: myWorkbook.Close
  63. Line #4: Next myWorkbook
  64. Macro Code Examples #7 And #8: Excel VBA Close Workbook Without Prompt
  65. Line #1: With ActiveWorkbook
  66. Line #2: .Saved = True
  67. Line #3: .Close
  68. Line #4: End With
  69. Conclusion

Метод Workbook.Close (Excel)


expression. Close (SaveChanges, FileName, RouteWorkbook)

Выражение Переменная, представляющая объект Workbook .


Имя Обязательный или необязательный Тип данных Описание
Savechanges Необязательный Variant Если в книге нет изменений, этот аргумент игнорируется. Если в книге есть изменения, а книга отображается в других открытых окнах, этот аргумент игнорируется. Если в книге есть изменения, но книга не отображается в других открытых окнах, этот аргумент указывает, следует ли сохранять изменения. Если задано значение True, изменения сохраняются в книге.

Если имя файла еще не связано с книгой, используется имя файла . Если параметр FileName опущен, пользователю будет предложено указать имя файла. FileName Необязательный Variant Сохраняет изменения под этим именем файла. RouteWorkbook Необязательный Variant Если книга не требуется маршрутизировать к следующему получателю (если она не имеет скольжения маршрутизации или уже была перенаправлена), этот аргумент игнорируется. В противном случае Microsoft Excel направляет книгу в соответствии со значением этого параметра.

Если задано значение True, книга отправляется следующему получателю. Если задано значение False, книга не отправляется. Если этот параметр опущен, пользователю будет предложено отправить книгу.


При закрытии книги из Visual Basic в ней не выполняются макросы Auto_Close. Используйте метод RunAutoMacros для запуска макросов Auto_Close.


Этот пример закрывает Book1.xls и удаляет все внесенные в него изменения.

Поддержка и обратная связь

Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


VBA Open / Close Workbook

In this Article

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use VBA to open and close Excel Workbooks and other types of Files in several ways.

VBA allows you to open or close files using the standard methods .Open and .Close.

If you want to learn how to check if a file exists before attempting to open the file, you can click on this link: VBA File Exists

Open a Workbook in VBA

Open Workbook From Path

If you know which file you want to open, you can specify its full path name in the function. Here is the code:

This line of the code opens “Sample file 1” file from the “VBA Folder”.

Open Workbook – ActiveWorkbook

When you open a workbook, it automatically becomes the ActiveWorkbook. You can reference the newly opened workbook like so:

When you reference a sheet or range and omit the workbook name, VBA will assume you are referring to the ActiveWorkbook:

Open Workbook and Assign to a Variable

You can also open a workbook and assign it directly to an object variable. This procedure will open a workbook to the wb variable and then save the workbook.

Assigning workbooks to variables when they open is the best way to keep track of your workbooks

Workbook Open File Dialog

You can also trigger the workbook Open File Dialog box. This allows the user to navigate to a file and open it:

As you can see in Image 1, with this approach users can choose which file to open. The Open File Dialog Box can be heavily customized. You can default to a certain folder, choose which types of files are visible (ex. .xlsx only), and more. Read our tutorial on the Open File Dialog Box for detailed examples.

Open New Workbook

This line of code will open a new workbook:

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Open New Workbook To Variable

This procedure will open a new workbook, assigning it to variable wb:

Open Workbook Syntax

When you use Workbooks.Open you might notice that there are many options available when opening the workbook:

The Filename is required. All other arguments are optional – and you probably won’t need to know most of the other arguments. Here are the two most common:

Open Workbook Read-Only

When workbook is opened read-only, you can’t save over the original file. This prevents the file from being edited by the user.

Open Password Protected Workbook

A workbook might be password-protected. Use this code to open the password-protected workbook:

Open Workbook Syntax Notes

Notice that in the image above, we included a parenthesis “(” to show the syntax. If you use parenthesis when working with Workbooks.Open, you must assign the workbook to a variable:

Close a Workbook in VBA

Close Specific Workbook

Similarly to opening a workbook, there are several ways to close a file. If you know which file you want to close, you can use the following code:

This line of code closes the file “Sample file 1” if it’s opened. If not, it will return an error, so you should take care of error handling.

Close Active Workbook

If you want to close the Workbook which is currently active, this line of code will enable you to do that:

Close All Open Workbooks

To close all open Workbooks, you can simply use this code:

Close First Opened Workbook

This will close the first opened/created workbook:

Replace 1 with 2 to close the second opened / created workbook and so on.

Close Without Saving

This will close a Workbook without saving and without showing the save prompt:

Save and Close Without Prompt

Similarly this will save and close a Workbook without showing the save prompt:

Note: There are several other ways to indicate whether to save or not save a Workbook and also whether to show prompts or not. This is discussed in more detail here.

Other Workbook Open Examples

Open Multiple New Workbooks

This procedure will open multiple new workbooks, assigning the new workbooks to an array:

Open All Excel Workbooks in a Folder

This procedure will open all Excel Workbooks in a folder, using the Open File Dialog picker.

Check if a Workbook is Open

Workbook_Open Event

VBA Events are “triggers” that tell VBA to run certain code. You can set up workbook events for open, close, before save, after save and more.

Read our Workbook_Open Event tutorial to learn more about automatically running macros when a workbook is opened.

Open Other Types of Files in VBA

You can use the VBA to open other types of files with VBA – such as txt or Word files.

Open a Text file and Read its Contents

The VBA open method allows you to read or write to the file once you have opened it. To read the contents of a file, we can open the file for INPUT.

The code above will open the text file “test.txt” and then it will read the entire contents of the file to the strBody variable. Once you have extracted the file data into the strBody variable, you can use it for what you require. Using the Debug.Print command above enables us to see the contents of the strBody variable in the Immediate window in the VBE.

Open a Text File and Append to it

We can also open a text file in VBA, and then append to the bottom of the file using the Append method.

The above code will open the text file and then append 2 lines of text to the bottom of the file using the #intFile variable (the # sign is the key!). The code then closes the file.

Opening a Word File and Writing to it

We can also use VBA in Excel to open a Word file.

This code will open a copy of Word, and then open the document test.docx.

VBA Code Examples Add-in

Easily access all of the code examples found on our site.

Simply navigate to the menu, click, and the code will be inserted directly into your module. .xlam add-in.


Workbook.Close method (Excel)

Closes the object.


expression.Close (SaveChanges, FileName, RouteWorkbook)

expression A variable that represents a Workbook object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
SaveChanges Optional Variant If there are no changes to the workbook, this argument is ignored. If there are changes to the workbook and the workbook appears in other open windows, this argument is ignored. If there are changes to the workbook but the workbook doesn’t appear in any other open windows, this argument specifies whether changes should be saved. If set to True, changes are saved to the workbook.

If there is not yet a file name associated with the workbook, FileName is used. If FileName is omitted, the user is asked to supply a file name. FileName Optional Variant Saves changes under this file name. RouteWorkbook Optional Variant If the workbook doesn’t need to be routed to the next recipient (if it has no routing slip or has already been routed), this argument is ignored. Otherwise, Microsoft Excel routes the workbook according to the value of this parameter.

If set to True, the workbook is sent to the next recipient. If set to False, the workbook is not sent. If omitted, the user is asked whether the workbook should be sent.

Closing a workbook from Visual Basic doesn’t run any Auto_Close macros in the workbook. Use the RunAutoMacros method to run the Auto_Close macros.


This example closes Book1.xls and discards any changes that have been made to it.

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Excel VBA Close Workbook: 8 Ready-To-Use Macro Code Examples To Close Workbooks

When working with an Excel workbook, there are a few basic operations that any user needs to know how to carry out. The following are 2 of the most important ones:

These 2 actions are just as important if you’re working with Visual Basic for Applications.

In this tutorial, I focus on topic #2: How you can easily close an Excel workbook with VBA.

For these purposes, in the first few sections of this tutorial, I introduce some VBA constructs that help you create macros that close workbooks. My focus is, mainly, in the Workbook.Close method. However, I also introduce the Workbooks.Close method, which allows you to quickly close all open workbooks. At the end of that first section, I discuss the topic of closing Excel workbooks without prompts and introduce some of the most common ways of achieving this.

In the second section of this post, I go through 8 macro code examples. These VBA code samples use the constructs introduced in the first section for purposes of closing Excel workbooks in different situations. All of the macros are accompanied by an explanation. You can easily adjust the code samples in order to fit your own needs.

This Excel VBA Close Workbook Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the macros I use in the examples below. You can get immediate free access to this example workbook by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

Please use the following table of contents to quickly navigate to the section that interests you the most. For best results, you may want to read the whole blog post.

Table of Contents

Let’s start by taking a look at the…

Workbook.Close Method

You can use the Workbook.Close method for purposes of closing the applicable workbook object.

The basic syntax of Workbook.Close is as follows:

expression.Close(SaveChanges, Filename, RouteWorkbook)

The following are the applicable definitions for purposes of the statement above:

    expression: Workbook object.

SaveChanges: Optional argument. You use SaveChanges for purposes of specifying whether to save changes (True) or not (False).

Filename: Optional argument. Filename allows you to specify the filename used by Excel when saving.

  • RouteWorkbook: Optional argument. Makes reference to workbook routing. In that context, it allows you to determine whether the workbook is sent to the next recipient (True) or not (False).
  • Since expression represents a Workbook object, I simplify the syntax above to the following:

    Workbook.Close(SaveChanges, Filename, RouteWorkbook)

    Let’s start by taking a closer look at the 3 parameters (SaveChanges, Filename and RouteWorkbook) above. After covering these arguments, I provide a few additional comments about the Workbook.Close method.

    SaveChanges Parameter

    You use the SaveChanges parameter to specify whether Visual Basic for Applications saves changes to the workbook (or not) when the workbook:

      Has unsaved changes.
  • Doesn’t appear in any other open windows.
  • Both of these conditions must be met in order for VBA to consider SaveChanges. In other words, VBA ignores SaveChanges in the following situations:

      When there aren’t any unsaved changes to the workbook.
  • Where there are changes to the workbook, but the workbook appears within other open windows.
  • SaveChanges is an optional argument. You generally use the following values when working with it:

      True: Close workbook and save changes.
  • False: Close workbook without saving changes.
  • If you omit the SaveChanges parameter and the relevant workbook contains unsaved changes, Excel displays a dialog box. This dialog asks the user whether the changes should be saved or not.

    Filename Parameter

    Filename allows you to specify the filename under which Excel saves the changes to the closed workbook.

    Filename is an optional parameter. Additionally, Filename is only relevant if you set SaveChanges to True. Whenever you set the SaveChanges parameter to False, the changes aren’t saved at all.

    If you omit Filename and the workbook has no previous filename, Excel displays the Save As dialog box and asks the user to provide the filename.

    Despite the above, if you want to ensure that a particular workbook is saved under a certain name and close it, you can generally proceed as follows:

  • Close the workbook by using the Workbook.Close method.
  • This way of proceeding is suggested by authorities such as author Richard Mansfield (in Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016). Some of the advantages of using the SaveAs method (vs. the Filename parameter) for these purposes are the following:

      Ensures that the workbook is always saved under the filename you specify.
  • Allows you to take advantage of the 10 parameters of the SaveAs method. By using these parameters, you can specify items such as (i) file format, and (ii) protection password.
  • RouteWorkbook Parameter

    The RouteWorkbook parameter is associated to workbook routing. You can use RouteWorkbook to specify whether the workbook is routed to the next recipient or not.

    RouteWorkbook is optional.

    The main rules that Visual Basic for Applications uses to determine how to deal with RouteWorkbook are as follows:

      If there’s no need to send the workbook to the next recipient, VBA ignores RouteWorkbook.

    For example, the workbook doesn’t need to be routed if (i) there’s no routing slip attached, or (ii) the routing has already occurred.

    If the workbook needs to be routed, VBA applies the value you specify for RouteWorkbook. You can use the following 2 values:

      True: VBA routes the workbook to the next recipient.

    False: The workbook isn’t sent.

  • If you omit RouteWorkbook and the workbook need to be send, Excel asks the user whether the workbook is routed or not.
  • Workbook.Close Method And Auto_Close Macros

    Auto_Close macros aren’t executed when you close the workbook from VBA. This is relevant if your workbook uses Auto_Close macros (vs. the BeforeClose event) for purposes of automatically running a macro before a workbook closes. The Workbook.Close method does trigger the BeforeClose event.

    If you need to deal with Auto_Close macros and want the macro to be executed when you use the Workbook.Close method, use the Workbook.RunAutoMacros method.

    Workbook.Close Method And Add-Ins

    Usually, you install and uninstall add-ins through the Add-Ins dialog.

    You can also open and close add-ins. In other words, you can theoretically apply the Workbook.Close method to an add-in.

    As a consequence of the above, if you’ve accessed an add-in as a workbook (vs. using the Add-Ins dialog box), you can close it with the Close method. However, as a general rule, this isn’t the most appropriate way to deal with add-ins.

    The reason for this is explained by Excel authorities Dick Kusleika and Mike Alexander in Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA, as follows:

    Using the Close method on an installed add-in removes the add-in from memory but does not set its Installed property to False. Therefore, the Add-Ins dialog box still lists the add-in as installed, which can be confusing.

    Therefore, as a general rule, use the AddIn.Installed property for purposes of installing and removing add-ins.

    Workbooks.Close Method

    You can also apply the Close method to the collection of all open Excel workbooks. In other words, you can use the Workbooks.Close method to close all Excel workbooks at once.

    The basic syntax of Workbooks.Close is as follows:

    “expression” represents the Workbooks collection. Therefore, I simplify the above as follows:

    The Workbooks.Close method is, to a certain extent, similar to the Workbook.Close method I explain above. For example, Auto_Close macros aren’t executed when you close a workbook with either of these methods. Therefore, my comments above regarding Auto_Close macros and Workbook.Close are also generally applicable to Workbooks.Close.

    There’s, however, a very important difference between Workbook.Close and Workbooks.Close:

    Workbooks.Close takes no parameters. As I explain above, Workbook.Close has 3 parameters (SaveChanges, Filename and RouteWorkbook).

    As a consequence of the above, if you want to use any (or all) of the parameters I describe above while closing all open workbooks, you generally have to rely on loops.

    Further below, I provide macro code examples that you can use to close all open workbooks using either of these 2 methods:

    Excel VBA To Close Workbook Without Prompts

    In certain cases, you want to ensure that Excel closes a particular workbook without showing any prompts.

    When working with the Close VBA method, the prompts that you usually have to deal with ask one of the following questions:

      Should Excel save the changes?

    What filename should Excel use?

    There are a few different ways in which you can handle this using Visual Basic for Applications. The most common ways of tackling this issue are the following 4:

      Saving the workbook prior to using the Close method.

    Appropriately using the SaveChanges and Filename parameters of the Workbook.Close method.

    Using the Application.DisplayAlerts property.

  • Setting the Workbook.Saved property to True.
  • I cover the topic of how to save a workbook using VBA (#1 above) in a separate blog post that you can find in the Archives. I cover both the SaveChanges and Filename arguments (#2 above) in this tutorial.

    Therefore, in the following sections, I introduce the remaining VBA constructs #3 (Application.DisplayAlerts) and #4 (Workbook.Saved). Using either of these 2 properties results in Excel closing the workbook without prompts. In both cases, Excel closes the file without saving the changes.

    Application.DisplayAlerts Property

    The Application.DisplayAlerts property allows you to specify whether or not Excel displays certain prompts and alerts. For these purposes, you can set Application.DisplayAlerts to either of the following values:

      True: The default value. Excel displays alerts and messages.
  • False: The alerts and messages aren’t displayed. If a particular alert or message requires a user response, Excel uses the default.
  • The basic syntax of Application.DisplayAlerts is as follows:

    “expression” is the Excel Application object. Therefore, I simplify the above as follows:

    Macro example #7 below uses the Application.DisplayAlerts property for purposes of closing a workbook without prompts. There are, however, other (better) ways of using VBA to close an Excel workbook without displaying prompts. I provide further explanation of this matter in the relevant section (for macro sample #7) further below.

    Workbook.Saved Property

    From a general perspective, the Workbook.Saved property indicates whether changes have been made to a particular Excel workbook since the last time it was saved. In other words, Workbook.Saved indicates whether the workbook has unsaved changes.

    The basic syntax of Workbook.Saved is as follows:

    “expression” is a Workbook object. Therefore, I simplify the above as follows:

    The Saved property is, however, read/write. Therefore, you can set Workbook.Saved to either of the following values:

      True: No changes have been made since the last time the workbook was saved.
  • False: Changes have been made.
  • By setting Saved to True prior to closing a workbook, you can close a workbook without Excel displaying a prompt. In such case, the changes to the workbook aren’t saved.

    I provide a practical code example showing how you can easily do this further below (macro example #8).

    Macro Code Examples To Close Workbook With Excel VBA

    In the following sections, I provide 8 macro code examples that allow you to close an Excel workbook using VBA. These 8 macro samples cover several of the most common situations you’re likely to encounter.

    The Sub procedure examples I provide work with the active workbook. For these purposes, I use the Application.ActiveWorkbook property (ActiveWorkbook). By replacing the object reference, you can easily adjust these macros in order to work with other workbooks.

    Macro Code Example #1: Excel VBA Close Workbook

    At the most basic level, you can use a statement with the following structure to close an Excel workbook:

    The following sample macro (Close_Workbook) closes the active workbook:

    The macro example has a single statement that follows the structure I describe above:

    This statement is built by using the following items:

      ActiveWorkbook: The Application.ActiveWorkbook property returns the active workbook.
  • Close: The Close method closes the active workbook returned by item #1.
  • Macro Code Example #2: Excel VBA Close Workbook Without Saving Changes

    If you want to close a workbook without saving changes, you can use a statement that uses the following syntax:

    The following macro example (Close_Workbook_Without_Saving_Changes) closes the active workbook without saving changes:

    The following are the items within the macro’s single statement:

      ActiveWorkbook: The active workbook.

    Close: The Close method.

  • SaveChanges:=False: The SaveChanges parameter of the Workbook.Close method is set to False. Therefore, Excel doesn’t save changes prior to closing the workbook.
  • This macro is substantially the same as the previous example #1. The only new item is the SaveChanges argument (#3).

    Macro Code Example #3: Excel VBA Close Workbook And Save Changes

    You can use the following statement structure to close a workbook and save the changes:

    The following sample Sub procedure (Close_Workbook_Save_Changes) closes the active workbook and saves changes:

    The only statement within the macro has the following 3 components:

      ActiveWorkbook: Reference to the active workbook.

    Close: The Close method.

  • SaveChanges:=True: Sets the SaveChanges parameter of Workbook.Close to True. As a consequence of this, Excel saves the changes when closing the workbook.
  • This procedure is almost identical to macro sample #2 above. The only difference is the value to which the SaveChanges parameter (#3 above) is set (True vs. False).

    Macro Code Example #4: Excel VBA Close Workbook And Save Changes With Filename

    The VBA statement structure that I show below allows you to do the following:

      Save the workbook before closing.
  • Set the filename that Excel uses if the workbook has no previously associated filename.
  • The following VBA statement structure allows you to do the above:

    Workbook.Close SaveChanges:= True , Filename:=”fileNameString”

    For these purposes, “fileNameString” is the file name you want Excel to use.

    As I mention further above (section about the Filename parameter), using the statement I provide in this section doesn’t always result in the workbook being saved with the filename you want. In order to ensure that the workbook is saved always under the desired filename, you can generally use the Workbook.SaveAs method prior to calling the Workbook.Close method.

    The following macro example (Close_Workbook_Save_Changes_Filename) closes the active workbook and saves changes under the specified filename. The filename under which the workbook is saved (if applicable) is “Excel VBA Close Workbook”.

    The statement within the macro above has the following components:

      ActiveWorkbook: Application.ActiveWorkbook property.

    Close: Workbook.Close method.

    SaveChanges:=True: Sets the SaveChanges parameter of Workbook.Close to True.

  • Filename:=”Excel VBA Close Workbook”: The Filename argument of the Close method. Specifies that the filename that Excel uses is “Excel VBA Close Workbook”.
  • This sample macro is very similar to the previous example #3. The only new item is the Filename parameter (#4).

    Macro Code Examples #5 And #6: Excel VBA Close All Workbooks

    In this section, I provide 2 macro examples that you can use to close all Excel workbooks at once.

    As I mention above, you can use the Workbooks.Close method in order to close all the members of the Workbooks collection (i.e. all open workbooks). Therefore, you can use the following statement for purposes of closing all open Excel workbooks:

    The following macro code sample (Close_All_Workbooks) closes all workbooks with the Workbooks.Close method. The single statement within this macro is the one I explain above.

    However, as I explain above, Workbooks.Close takes no parameters.

    The Workbook.Close method does take parameters. The Workbook.Close method works with only one workbook at a time. In order to close all open workbooks at once, you can use a For Each… Next loop. The resulting structure of the relevant VBA loop is as follows:

    For Each Workbook In Workbooks

    The following procedure example (Close_All_Workbooks_Loop) uses the Workbook.Close method and a For Each… Next loop to close all workbooks:

    The process followed by this macro to close all open workbooks is as follows:

      Close the first open workbook.

    Check whether there are elements left within the collection of open workbooks.

    If there are open workbooks left:

      Close the next workbook.

    Repeat step #2 above.

  • If there are no open workbooks left (step #2), exit the For Each… Next loop and end the macro.
  • The following diagram illustrates this procedure:

    Let’s take a closer look at each of the lines of code within this sample macro:

    Line #1: Dim myWorkbook As Workbook

    The Dim statement declares the myWorkbook object variable.

    Line #2: For Each myWorkbook In Workbooks

    Opening statement of a For Each… Next loop. This repeats the execution of the statement within the loop (line #3 below) for each workbook within the Workbooks collection.

    The 2 relevant items within this line of code are the following:

      myWorkbook: myWorkbook variable. Used to iterate through all the elements within the Workbooks collection (item #2).
  • Workbooks: The Application.Workbooks property returns the collection of all open workbooks.
  • Line #3: myWorkbook.Close

    This statement is exactly the same as that in macro sample #1 above. You can easily modify this statement to use the SaveChanges and/or Filename properties. Examples #2 through #4 are examples of how you can do this.

    When within the For Each… Next loop, this line #3 results in Excel closing the applicable workbook. The closed workbook, therefore, is dependent on the current iteration of the loop.

    Line #4: Next myWorkbook

    Closing statement of the For Each… Next loop.

    Macro Code Examples #7 And #8: Excel VBA Close Workbook Without Prompt

    This section provides 2 macro code examples that allow you to close a workbook without prompts.

    The first macro sample (#7) uses the following basic structure:

    This results in Excel closing the workbook without prompts. Additionally, the workbook isn’t saved.

    As I mention above when introducing the Application.DisplayAlerts property, you’re generally better off avoiding this particular VBA code structure. The other options I discuss in this tutorial (saving the workbook prior to calling Close, or using the SaveChanges and Filename parameters of Close) are more appropriate in most situations.

    The following macro example (Close_Workbook_Without_Prompt_1) turns off Excel’s prompts and alerts prior to closing the workbook. Therefore, Excel closes the active workbook without prompts.

    This sample macro is composed of the following 2 statements:

      Application.DisplayAlerts = False: Sets the Application.DisplayAlerts property to False. As a consequence, Excel turns off prompts.
  • ActiveWorkbook.Close: The Application.ActiveWorkbook property and the Workbook.Close method are used to close the active workbook.
  • The second macro within this section uses the following syntax:

    By setting the Workbook.Saved property to True, you indicate that no changes have been made since the last time the workbook was saved. In other words, you’re telling Excel that the workbook you’re closing doesn’t need to be saved.

    The following macro code sample (Close_Workbook_Without_Prompt_2) sets the Saved property to True prior to calling the Workbook.Close method. As a consequence of this, the active workbook is closed without displaying prompts.

    Let’s take a closer look at each of the lines of code within this sample Sub procedure:

    Line #1: With ActiveWorkbook

    Opening line for a With… End With block. As a consequence of this, the statements within the block (lines #2 and #3) work with the object specified in this line #1. That object is the active workbook (ActiveWorkbook).

    Line #2: .Saved = True

    Sets the Workbook.Saved property to True. Indicates that no changes have been made to the active workbook (in line #1 above) since last time the workbook was saved.

    Line #3: .Close

    Calls the Workbook.Close method. Closes the active workbook (in line #1 above).

    Line #4: End With

    Closing line of the End… End With statement.


    After reading this Excel VBA tutorial, you have the knowledge you need to start crafting macros that quickly close Excel workbooks in several different scenarios.

    In the first section of this tutorial, you read about the 2 VBA methods you can use to close Excel workbooks:

    In addition to reading about how you can easily use each of these methods, you’ve seen why most VBA Sub procedures rely on the Workbook.Close method. You’ve also read about how, by appropriately using the parameters of Workbook.Close or combining this method with other VBA constructs, you can specify how Excel acts when closing a workbook.

    Finally, you’ve seen 8 examples of macro code that put the above VBA constructs and information in practice.

    Overall, the information and examples within this tutorial allow you to easily and quickly create Excel macros that achieve a variety of objects. The following are some examples of what you can now do with Visual Basic for Applications:

      Close a particular Excel workbook.

    Close a workbook without saving changes.

    Close a workbook and save the changes. This includes the possibility of setting the filename Excel uses when saving.

    Close all open workbooks at once.

  • Close an Excel workbook without any prompts.
  • This Excel VBA Close Workbook Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the macros I use in the examples above. You can get immediate free access to this example workbook by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.


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