Vba excel and sap

This was my first main automation in Excel VBA. I was working a lot on SAP data and modifying it in Excel on the daily basis. Almost every day tons of same routine for get the data. One day I thought to myself about automation. I knew that I can record my activity in Excel, but did not know at all how to connect to SAP using Excel VBA?

Connect to SAP via Excel VBA

Open SAP application

Firstly, if we don’t want to open SAP manually, we need to provide its directory.

'Change for your file directory
Shell "C:Program Files (x86)SAPFrontEndSAPguisaplogon.exe", 4
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Then just wait for the activation of application, because sometimes it can lasts longer than usually.

Do Until WshShell.AppActivate("SAP Logon ")
    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")

Set SAP app as object

After that we should set some objects to handle SAP.

Set SapGui = GetObject("SAPGUI")
Set Appl = SapGui.GetScriptingEngine
Set Connection = Appl.Openconnection("paste name of module", True)
Set session = Connection.Children(0)

In Connection object put the name of the module you want to connect (from the SAP Logon Module screen below). It is important to put proper name, in other case You won’t connect.

Connect to SAP via Excel VBA

Log in with the data

In my case there was no need to login and write password, but if it is neccessary in your case I am also prepared for that.

SAP Login Password
SAP Login interface
'if You need to pass username and password
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-MANDT").Text = "100"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-BNAME").Text = "user"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/pwdRSYST-BCODE").Text = "password"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-LANGU").Text = "EN"

In first row there is unit number, in second put your user login, in third your password and in the last row choose language.

Check if it’s already opened

I also implemented to my SAP code check if it is already opened.

If session.Children.Count > 1 Then

    answer = MsgBox("You've got opened SAP already," & _
"please leave and try again", vbOKOnly, "Opened SAP")


    Exit Sub

End If

In the end of connection, code is approving all the things from above and You are ready to do anything SAP.

session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0

After that You can put your code, which is operating in SAP system. You can do this for example by script recording in Options.

Full code:

Sub SapConn()

Dim Appl As Object
Dim Connection As Object
Dim session As Object
Dim WshShell As Object
Dim SapGui As Object

'Of course change for your file directory
Shell "C:Program Files (x86)SAPFrontEndSAPguisaplogon.exe", 4
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Do Until WshShell.AppActivate("SAP Logon ")
    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")

Set WshShell = Nothing

Set SapGui = GetObject("SAPGUI")
Set Appl = SapGui.GetScriptingEngine
Set Connection = Appl.Openconnection("paste name of module", _
Set session = Connection.Children(0)

'if You need to pass username and password
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-MANDT").Text = "900"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-BNAME").Text = "user"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/pwdRSYST-BCODE").Text = "password"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-LANGU").Text = "EN"

If session.Children.Count > 1 Then

    answer = MsgBox("You've got opened SAP already," & _
"please leave and try again", vbOKOnly, "Opened SAP")


    Exit Sub

End If

session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0 'ENTER

'and there goes your code in SAP

End Sub


It took me couple of hours to find information in web how to connect to SAP via Excel VBA and finally set this up as code. After that I was only doing copy paste that to my next macros.

I just wanted to save your time, because I know how long and painful was that for me.

This code already helped one guy from StackOverflow – I hope it will help You too.

I also invite you to the next article in this series!
SAP session.findbyid – 10 code lines you can identify

I’m very advanced in VBA, Excel, also easily linking VBA with other Office applications (e.g. PowerPoint) and external applications (e.g. SAP). I take part also in RPA processes (WebQuery, DataCache, IBM Access Client Solutions) where I can also use my SQL basic skillset. I’m trying now to widen my knowledge into TypeScript/JavaScript direction.
View all posts by Tomasz Płociński

Accessing SAP Functions from Excel using Visual Basic Applications.

SAP has provided BAPIs which can be used to access SAP functions from Non SAP applications like Excel, VB, Java and C++.

Overview………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

Call Standard SAP Function…………………………………………………………………………… 1

Whole Code………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Create Custom BAPIs………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Catching Function Module Exception from VB……………………………………………………. 6

Creating table……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Create BAPI ZEMP_BAPI_INS_SMPL……………………………………………………………….. 7

Import Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Exception…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Function Module Code………………………………………………………………………………. 8

VB Code………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Catching Exception in VB…………………………………………………………………………… 9

Passing Table Parameters as Input………………………………………………………………….. 9

Create Structure…………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Pass Table Parameter………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Function Module Code…………………………………………………………………………….. 10

VB Code…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10


In this Blog, we will see how to call standard RFC enabled SAP function modules and custom Function Modules using VBA.

To access SAP from Excel, SAP GUI client must be installed on the pc.

Also only RFC (Remote Function Call) enabled functions can be called by External Applications.

The list of RFC enabled Function Modules in SAP can be obtained from the table TFDIR and set condition FMODE = ‘R’.

In this blog I have assumed the user is comfortable with Visual Basic and creating VBA macros in Excel.

Call Standard SAP Function

Example to get UserDetails.

In this example the BAPI BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL is executed.

This BAPI can be executed on almost all SAP systems.

The parameters to this BAPI may change depending on the release number and type of system.

For ease the following constants are declared in VBA.

Public Const CNT_STR_USR As String = “MyId”

Public Const CNT_STR_PWD As String = “MYPWD” ‘It is better to make password in CAPITAL and less than 8 characters, because in some systems the password is case sensitive and password is send in CAPITAL to SAP system.

Public Const CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR As String = “ides47”

Public Const CNT_STR_SYSTEM As String = “IDS”

Public Const CNT_STR_SYS_NUM As String = “00”

Public Const CNT_STR_CLIENT As String = “800”

Public Const CNT_STR_LOGON_LANG As String = “EN”

Public Const CNT_STR_LOG_FILE As String = “C:sap_vb.txt”

Public Const CNT_INT_LOG_LEVEL As Integer = 9


Create a macro in Excel called GetSAPUserDetails

Declaring the SAP Function control.

This ActiveX control is used to connect to SAP and call the Function Modules.

Either you can call this object at Runtime or at Design Time.

For calling this object at Design time, add a reference to the ActiveX Control “c:program filessapfrontendsapguiwdtfuncs.ocx”.

For getting the exact path of this ActiveX control, search in Windows registry for “SAP.Functions”

i.e. Dim obSAPFnCntrl as Object or

Dim obSAPFnCntrl as SAPFunctions

The advantage of calling object with Reference at runtime is that it is easy to change the code if you want to use it for VBScript.

Set obSAPFnCntrl = CreateObject (“SAP.Functions”)

Create a Connection Object to connect to SAP

Dim obSAPConn as Object

Set obSAPConn = obSAPFnCntrl.Connection

‘Set the Logfile and LogLevel Details


obSAPFnCntrl.LogFileName = CNT_STR_LOG_FILE

Set the properties for the connection control

With obSapConn

.ApplicationServer = CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR

.SystemNumber = CNT_STR_SYS_NUM


.Password = CNT_STR_PWD



End With

Logging to SAP System

If obSapConn.Logon(0, True) = False Then

    MsgBox “R/3 connection failed”

    Exit Sub

End If

The Second Parameter True for the Logon method tells that it is a silent logon. If this parameter is set to False, then the LogonControl will be shown.

Create a BAPI Function Object.

Dim obSAPFnUserDetail as Object

‘Use the Add method of Function Control to attach Function.

Set obSAPFnUserDetail = obSapFnCntrl.Add(CNT_STR_BAPI_USER_DETAILS)

Declare the Export Parameter.

This is similar to Export Parameter while calling Function Modules.

The import parameter of Function Module is set as Export Parameter while calling the Function Module.

Here the only Export parameter is UserId

Call the Exports property of the function being called.

Dim obSAPExpUserName as Object

Set obSAPExpUserName = obSAPFnUserDetail.Exports(“USERNAME”)

Assign value for the Export Parameter

obSAPExpUserName.Value = CNT_STR_USR

Declare the Import Parameters

The import parameters can be set either before calling function or after calling Function

The import parameters to function are BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL.

Here all Import Parameters are of type Structure








Structure with Logon Data




Structure with User Defaults




Address Data




Company for Company Address




Secure Network Communication Data




User Name of the Reference User




User Name Alias

Here we will use only the first 2 parameters logonData and Defaults

Declare objects for each parameter

Dim obSAPImpLogonData as Object ,obSAPImpDefaults as Object

Set  obSAPImpLogonData    = obSAPFnUserDetail.Imports(“LOGONDATA”)

Set obSAPImpDefaults   = obSAPFnUserDetail.Imports(“DEFAULTS”)

The parameters can be of normal datatype like char or integer or structure.

The Set statement assigns the parameter type to the objects.

RETURN parameter.

The Return parameter can be of structure BAPIRET1 or BAPIRET2.

Declare the Table Parameters

Dim obSAPTblParameter as Object  ,obSAPTblProfiles as Object  , obSAPTblReturn as Object 

‘Now Set the objects

Set obSAPTblParameter = obSAPFnUserDetail.Tables(“PARAMETER”)

Set obSAPTblProfiles = obSAPFnUserDetail.Tables(“PROFILES”)

Set obSAPTblReturn = obSAPFnUserDetail.Tables(“RETURN”)

Now Call the function.

If obSapFnUserDetail.Call = False Then

Msgbox “Function Call Error”

‘If there is any exception declared in code, it can be called as obSapFnUserDetail.Exception


Now populate the structure details, 1 by 1.

At end remember to call the LogOff method of Connection object.

Whole Code

Public Sub GetUserDetails()

Dim obSAPFnCntrl As Object ‘Object for establishing Connection and Calling BAPI

Dim obSAPConn As Object ‘ SAP Connection Object

Dim obSAPFnUserDetail As Object ‘ Object used for calling BAPI function

Dim obSAPExpUserName As Object ‘ Export Parameter to hold the user Value

‘Import Parameters

Dim obSAPImpLogonData As Object, obSAPImpDefaults As Object, obSAPImpAddress As Object

Dim iColCnt As Integer, iIndex As Integer, iRowCount As Integer, iRowIndex As Integer, iColNameIndex As Integer

Dim obSAPTblActivitygroups As Object, obSAPTblAddtel As Object, obSAPTblAddfax As Object, obSAPTblAddttx As Object

Dim oColumn As Object

‘Table Parameters

Dim obSAPTblParameter As Object, obSAPTblProfiles As Object, obSAPTblReturn As Object

Set obSAPFnCntrl = CreateObject(“SAP.Functions”)

Set obSAPConn = obSAPFnCntrl.Connection


obSAPFnCntrl.LogFileName = CNT_STR_LOG_FILE

‘Set the properties for the connection control

With obSAPConn

.ApplicationServer = CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR

.SystemNumber = CNT_STR_SYS_NUM


.Password = CNT_STR_PWD



End With

‘Logon to SAP in silent mode

If obSAPConn.Logon(0, True) = False Then

    MsgBox “R/3 connection failed”

    Exit Sub

End If

‘Use the Add method of Function Control to attach Function.


Set obSAPExpUserName = obSAPFnUserDetail.Exports(“USERNAME”)

obSAPExpUserName.Value = “BASIS” ‘Get Details of user BASIS

Set obSAPImpLogonData = obSAPFnUserDetail.Imports(“LOGONDATA”)

Set obSAPImpDefaults = obSAPFnUserDetail.Imports(“DEFAULTS”)

‘ Now Set the objects

Set obSAPTblParameter = obSAPFnUserDetail.Tables(“PARAMETER”)

Set obSAPTblProfiles = obSAPFnUserDetail.Tables(“PROFILES”)

Set obSAPTblReturn = obSAPFnUserDetail.Tables(“RETURN”)

‘Now Call the function.

If obSAPFnUserDetail.Call = False Then

MsgBox “Function Call Error”


    ‘Function Call is Successfull

    ‘Now get the Imported Structure Details

    ‘Here we are calling the ColumnCount property of Structure object

    ‘This is because for this BAPI, all import parameters are Structures

    iColCnt = obSAPImpLogonData.ColumnCount

    For iIndex = 1 To iColCnt

        ‘Populate Contents into Excel Sheet

        Sheet1.Cells(2, iIndex) = obSAPImpLogonData.ColumnName(iIndex)

        Sheet1.Cells(3, iIndex).FormulaR1C1 = “‘” & obSAPImpLogonData.Value(iIndex)


    iColCnt = obSAPTblParameter.ColumnCount

    iRowCount = obSAPTblParameter.RowCount

     ‘Now Get The Table Properties for Parameter

    iColNameIndex = 1

    iIndex = 0

    For Each oColumn In obSAPTblParameter.Columns

        iIndex = iIndex + 1

        Sheet2.Cells(iColNameIndex, iIndex) = oColumn.Name

    Next oColumn

    For iRowIndex = 1 To iRowCount

        For iIndex = 1 To iColCnt

            Sheet2.Cells(iRowIndex + iColNameIndex, iIndex).FormulaR1C1 = obSAPTblParameter.Value(iRowIndex, iIndex)



‘If there is any exception decalred in code, it can be called as obSapFnUserDetail.Exception

End If

‘Get the whole tables Data

Dim oTables As Object ‘Use the Tables collection

Set oTables = obSAPFnUserDetail.Tables

Call GetColumnDetails(oTables)

Set oTables = Nothing

‘Get the Structure Details

Dim obImports As Object

Set obImports = obSAPFnUserDetail.Imports

Call GetImportDetails(obImports)

Set obImports = Nothing



Set obSAPImpAddress = Nothing

Set obSAPImpLogonData = Nothing

Set obSAPImpDefaults = Nothing

Set obSAPTblParameter = Nothing

Set obSAPTblProfiles = Nothing

Set obSAPExpUserName = Nothing

Set obSAPTblReturn = Nothing

Set obSAPFnUserDetail = Nothing

Set obSAPConn = Nothing

Set obSAPFnCntrl = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub GetColumnDetails(ByVal obTables As Object)

Dim iLoop As Integer, iColIndx As Integer, iColValuePos As Integer

Dim iTblCnt As Integer, iColCnt As Integer, iRowCnt As Integer, iRowIndx As Integer

Dim oTable As Object, oColumn As Object, iValuePosn As Integer

iTblCnt = obTables.Count

iValuePosn = 1

For iLoop = 1 To iTblCnt

    Set oTable = obTables.Item(iLoop)

    iColCnt = oTable.ColumnCount

    iRowCnt = oTable.RowCount

    iColValuePos = 1

‘Write the Table Name

    Sheet3.Cells(iValuePosn, 1) = “The columns in table : ” & oTable.Name

    ‘Get ColumnNames

    iValuePosn = iValuePosn + 1

    For Each oColumn In oTable.Columns

        Sheet3.Cells(iValuePosn, iColValuePos) = oColumn.Name

        iColValuePos = iColValuePos + 1

    Next oColumn

    ‘Enter the column Values

    For iRowIndx = 1 To iRowCnt

        iValuePosn = iValuePosn + 1

        For iColIndx = 1 To iColCnt

            Sheet3.Cells(iValuePosn, iColIndx) = oTable.Value(iRowIndx, iColIndx)



    iValuePosn = iValuePosn + 2

    Set oTable = Nothing


End Sub

Private Sub GetImportDetails(ByVal obImpParameter As Object)

Dim iImpCnt As Integer, iLoop As Integer, iRowPosn As Integer

Dim iStrCols As Integer, iStrIndx As Integer

Dim obImpStructure As Object

iRowPosn = 1

iImpCnt = obImpParameter.Count

For iLoop = 1 To iImpCnt

    ‘Sheet3.Cells(iRowPosn, 1) = obImpParameter.Item(iLoop).Name

    Set obImpStructure = obImpParameter.Item(iLoop)

    If obImpStructure.IsStructure = True Then

        Sheet4.Cells(iRowPosn, 1) = obImpStructure.Name & ” is a Structure”

        iStrCols = obImpStructure.ColumnCount

        ‘Get Structure Names and Values

        For iStrIndx = 1 To iStrCols

        Sheet4.Cells(iRowPosn + 1, iStrIndx) = obImpStructure.ColumnName(iStrIndx)

        Sheet4.Cells(iRowPosn + 2, iStrIndx) = obImpStructure.Value(iStrIndx)


        ‘Now Get Columns of Structure

        iRowPosn = iRowPosn + 4

    End If

    Set obImpStructure = Nothing


End Sub

Create Custom BAPIs

Catching Function Module Exception from VB

For creating custom BAPIs, we will create a custom table ZEMP_DTLS with 4 columns.

Creating table


While creating BAPI ensure that in Attributes tab, the Remote Enabled Module is checked.

Import Parameters

In Import Parameter insure that the Passby Value is ticked.


Function Module Code



wa_emp type ZEMP_DTLS. “Declare Work area for the table

wa_emp-empid = EMPID. “Populate the Work Area

wa_emp-doj = DOJ.

if doj<‘19010101’.



insert into ZEMP_DTLS values wa_emp.


VB Code

Public Sub InsertBapiEmp()

Dim obSAPFnCntrl As Object ‘Object for establishing Connection and Calling BAPI

Dim obSAPConn As Object ‘ SAP Connection Object

Dim obSAPFnEmpIns As Object ‘ Object used for calling BAPI function

Dim obSAPExpEmpId As Object ‘ Export Parameter to hold the user Value

Dim obSAPExpDOJ As Object

Set obSAPFnCntrl = CreateObject(“SAP.Functions”)

Set obSAPConn = obSAPFnCntrl.Connection


obSAPFnCntrl.LogFileName = CNT_STR_LOG_FILE

‘Set the properties for the connection control

With obSAPConn

.ApplicationServer = CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR

.SystemNumber = CNT_STR_SYS_NUM


.Password = CNT_STR_PWD



End With

‘Logon to SAP in silent mode

If obSAPConn.Logon(0, True) = False Then

    MsgBox “R/3 connection failed”

    Exit Sub

End If

‘Use the Add method of Function Control to attach Function.

Set obSAPFnEmpIns = obSAPFnCntrl.Add(CNT_STR_BAPI_EMP_INS)

Set obSAPExpEmpId = obSAPFnEmpIns.Exports(“EMPID”)

obSAPExpEmpId.Value = “K10021”

Set obSAPExpDOJ = obSAPFnEmpIns.Exports(“DOJ”)

obSAPExpDOJ.Value = “18980506”

If obSAPFnEmpIns.Call = False Then

    MsgBox “Function Call Error, Exception is ” & obSAPFnEmpIns.Exception

End If


Set obSAPExpDOJ = Nothing

Set obSAPExpEmpId = Nothing

Set obSAPFnEmpIns = Nothing


Set obSAPConn = Nothing

Set obSAPFnCntrl = Nothing

End Sub

Catching Exception in VB

The Macro will throw exception from SAP side

Now in the Macro, change value of DOJ parameter to “20070202”.

Single record will be inserted to Database Tables.

Passing Table Parameters as Input

Now we will pass a Table as an Input Parameter.

TO pass tables, it is required to create a structure first.

Create Structure

Using T-code SE11, create a structure ZEMP_STR

Now create a function ZEMP_BAPI_INS_TBL using T-code se37.

While creating function ensure that the Remote Function enabled radio button is clicked.

Pass Table Parameter

In Tables parameter add a parameter as shown below.

Function Module Code

The source code for function is below

FUNCTION zemp_bapi_ins_tbl.


    wa_emp TYPE zemp_dtls.

*Insert data

clear wa_emp.

  LOOP AT zemp_tbl INTO wa_emp.

  wa_emp-mandt = sy-mandt.

    INSERT INTO zemp_dtls VALUES wa_emp.

    CLEAR wa_emp.



Now in Excel create a Macro BapiInsertWithTable for calling this Function.

VB Code

Public Sub BapiInsertWithTable()

Dim obSapFn As Object

Dim obSapCon As Object

Dim obEmpFn As Object, obTblEmp As Object

Dim iSLoop As Long, iSRows As Long ‘Variables for looping through Excel Sheet

Set obSapFn = CreateObject(“SAP.Functions”)

obSapFn.LogLevel = CNT_INT_LOG_LEVEL

obSapFn.LogFileName = CNT_STR_LOG_FILE

Set obSapCon = obSapFn.Connection

With obSapCon

    .ApplicationServer = CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR

    .System = CNT_STR_SYSTEM

    .SystemNumber = CNT_STR_SYS_NUM

    .User = CNT_STR_USR

    .Password = CNT_STR_PWD

    .Language = CNT_STR_LOGON_LANG

    .Client = CNT_STR_CLIENT

‘    .AbapDebug = True

    .Tracelevel = True

‘    .RfcWithDialog = True

    .HostName = CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR

    .LowSpeedConnection = False

    .MessageServer = CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR

End With

‘Check For Connection

If obSapCon.Logon(0, True) = False Then

    MsgBox “R/3 connection failed”

    Exit Sub

End If

Set obEmpFn = obSapFn.Add(“ZEMP_BAPI_INS_TBL”)

Set obTblEmp = obEmpFn.Tables(“ZEMP_TBL”) ‘This creates the Table Type Object


iSRows = 8 ‘ Number of rows to be looped

‘Assign values for each column of the table.

For iSLoop = 2 To iSRows

    obTblEmp.Rows.Add ‘Use the Rows.Add method to add row to table

    ‘obTblEmp.Value(obTblEmp.RowCount, “MANDT”) = CNT_STR_CLIENT

    obTblEmp.Value(obTblEmp.RowCount, “EMPID”) = Sheet1.Cells(iSLoop, 1)

    obTblEmp.Value(obTblEmp.RowCount, “DOJ”) = CDate(Sheet1.Cells(iSLoop, 2))

    obTblEmp.Value(obTblEmp.RowCount, “LOCN”) = Sheet1.Cells(iSLoop, 3)


If obEmpFn.Call = False Then

    MsgBox “Error in calling Sap Fn “

End If

obTblEmp.FreeTable ‘After calling function free the internal table object

obSapFn.RemoveAll ‘ Remove function from the object

Set obTblEmp = Nothing

Set obEmpFn = Nothing


Set obSapCon = Nothing

Set obSapFn = Nothing

End Sub

The Excel data is shown below.

After executing the Macro, 8 records will be inserted into the table ZEMP_DTLS.



I am trying to log on to SAP. The Excel VBA code gives me a popup window confirming my information however when I submit the form it does not take me to a new SAP window.

Additionally is there a way to automate all the popup boxes asking for confirmation on my information? I want this code eventually to run at certain times of the day, and I might not be available to input any data.

Sub login1()
Dim sap As Object
Dim conn As Object

Set sap = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
Set conn = sap.Connection
conn.System = "System Test Environment"
conn.client = "100"
conn.user = "user"
conn.Password = "password"
conn.Language = "EN"

If conn.logon(0, False) <> True Then
    MsgBox "Logon to the SAP system is not possible", vbOKOnly, "Comment"

End If
End Sub

Community's user avatar

asked Nov 6, 2017 at 18:58

thePattiestOfKakes's user avatar


This Macro will never open a SAP Window — it will create an SAP-Object within VBA where you can work with SAP-RFC-Functions. (Reading Data from SAP, Writing Data into SAP)

In your version the SAP connection will be unaccessible after «End Sub». You have to declair the Object outside the sub.

This works silent (without dialog) for me:

Dim sap As Object

Public Function login1() As Boolean

  Set sap = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")

  sap.Connection.System = "System Test Environment"
  sap.Connection.client = "100"
  sap.Connection.user = "user"
  sap.Connection.Password = "password"
  sap.Connection.Language = "EN"

  If sap.Connection.logon(0, False) <> True Then
    MsgBox "Logon to the SAP system is not possible", vbOKOnly, "Comment"
    login1 = true
  End If

End Function

Public Function SAPLogoff()
    On Error Resume Next

    LoggedOn = False
    Set sap = Nothing
    'Set conn = Nothing
End Function

answered Nov 11, 2017 at 22:34

Friedrich Kölbel's user avatar


Since you want to «open a new SAP Window» you have to make a different approach!

At First try to open the new instance of SAP from the DOS Commandline with «sapshcut»:

C:Program Files (x86)SAPFrontEndSAPguisapshcut.exe -system="System Test Environment" -client="100" -user="user" -password="password" -language="EN"

If your SystemName has no Spaces (and I belive so!) then you can write it also like:

C:Program Files (x86)SAPFrontEndSAPguisapshcut.exe -system=SystemTestEnvironment -client=100 -user=user -password=password -language=EN

When this call works with your credentials, then you can transfer it to Excel like this:

Sub login1()

  Call Shell("C:Program Files (x86)SAPFrontEndSAPguisapshcut.exe -system=SystemTestEnvironment -client=100 -user=user -password=password -language=EN",vbNormalFocus)

End Sub

You could also add a transaction by adding «-command=your_tcode» to the String.

If your have spaces in the parameters and you could only start it with -system=»System Test Environment» from the Commanline, you will have to escape this in Excel with -system=»»»System Test Environment»»» (!)

answered Nov 14, 2017 at 22:41

Friedrich Kölbel's user avatar


  1. Interactive and dynamic Excel VBA template – SAP GUI Scripting –
  2. Best Practices for VBA in SAP BI Analysis for MS Excel
  3. How to access SAP using Excel VBA?
  4. 2 Answers 2
  5. SAP Intelligent RPA: Reading Data from Excel using VBA Excel reference properties
  6. What will you learn in this blog:
  7. Brief on Excel VBA reference that would be used to get all the Values without any Loops:
  8. Steps to follow:
  9. Prerequisites:
  10. Instructions:
  11. 1. Create a project
  12. 2. Create a new workflow
  13. 3.Import Excel Library Scripts
  14. 4. Designing Workflow with Custom Scripts
  15. 5. Display Range address and Random Cell Value
  16. Conclusion

Interactive and dynamic Excel VBA template – SAP GUI Scripting –

SAP GUI Scripting can be used for many small and intermediate batches for mass maintenance tasks (P-/Q- and D-Systems) and quality testing (Q-Systems) in SAP.

To reduce development workload or modify a lot of code for different SAP GUI recordings I saw a need for having an Excel VBA template which can cover a lot of requirements.

  • Easy to use (One-Button-Solution).
  • Excel functions and options can be used for data preparation and consolidation in front of starting update procedure.
  • During initialization all existing and non-busy SAP sessions got displayed (UI-Listbox). So we are able to select a specific session for Excel VBA adoption.
  • Data from SAP can easily imported into Excel worksheet (Data from ALV-list, fields, result list, status messages, error messages,… and so on).
  • Only SAP GUI Scripting recording code need to integrate into VBA module ‘SAP_1_PROCESS’.
  • More columns as data source or destination for field data can be added. Last two columns are reserved for procedure usage. This is achieved by using a data-array which got ‘Redim’ during process according to used rows and columns.
  • Log-function is integrated (for SAP messages like statusbar Messages or free-text).

Prepare Excel VBA template:

  1. Step: Create folder on your desktop (or somewhere else) => folder name is up to you.
  2. Step: Store below text-files into this folder: Please be aware that text-file ‘Modules_All.txt’ need to split into four text-files named ‘SAP_1_Process’, ‘SAP_2_Functions’. SAP_3_Public_Subs’ and ‘Module1’! Start and end of module specific coding is marked and must removed before saving of single text-file. First line in this files must be Attribute VB_Name = “SAP_1_Process”, Attribute VB_Name = “SAP_2_Functions” and Attribute VB_Name = “SAP_3_Public_Subs”. As I can´t upload more than three files you Need to split Modules_All.txt on your own and save files in folder.
    1. SAP_1_Process.txt
    2. SAP_2_Functions.txt
    3. SAP_3_Public_Subs.txt
    4. Userform1_frm.txt
    5. Userform1_frx.txt
    6. Module1.txt
  3. Step: Create a new Excel workbook and store this in same folder as text-files. You can choice every name you want. My suggestion is ‘Prepare_WB.xlsx’.
  4. Step: Now go into VBE of Excel ( ALT + F11) => insert Module => open text-file ‘Module1.txt’ => Select all and copy => paste into new module from Excel workbook.
  5. Step: Execute macro ‘prepare_worksheet’ (Reference to sapfewse.oxs will done utomatically. This require Folder-structure ENVIRON(“PROGRAMFILES”) & “SAPFRONTENDSAPguisapfewse.oxs”). If you have an different Destination please add manual.
  6. Step: Remove ‘Module1’ from macro-enabled workbook and save.
  7. Done

Usage of Excel VBA template (MM03_VBA_SAP_SCRIPTING_V1.xlsm):

This Excel template have for demonstration purposes SAP GUI Scripting integrated for getting MM03 data from ‘stor. loc. stck’-tab => ‘Qty. Unrestricted’ + “UoM’ + ‘Material description’ data.

  1. Step: Fillin ‘Materialnumber’ + ‘Company Code’ + ‘Storage location’ combination used in your system. As error handling is integrated for ‘Company Code’ + ‘Storage location’ combination you can test this as well.
  2. Step: Press button ‘Run macro ‘SAP_PROCESS’’
  3. Step: All open and Scripting-enabled SAP sessions got displayed in a Userform-Listbox
  4. Step: Select one session and press ‘Enter’ or Commandbutton
  5. Done: Script got executed and you will get data into Excel according to your input data combination (Materialnumber/CoCode/Storage location).

Important data structure information:

All data from Excel worksheet ‘SAP_PROCESS’ got stored into data-array ‘ arr_SAP_Data’ . This Array is defined with same number range as our used worksheet range. Starting from row ‘2’ up to last used row and all used columns (remember that last two columns are reserved for procedure process).

=> lngCounter is current executed row in worksheet. (lng_col +0) define column ‘1’

=> (lng_col +1) is second column

When you add or delete columns please save workbook immediately.

Feel free to use this template for your requirements by modify coding in ‘SAP_1_Process’-module. But be aware that I am not responsible for any issues, inconsistencies or other incidents which can cause by using this template. Feel free to ask if you Need any additional information. But do not expect any support for your purposes and requirements. Hope this will give you some lights how SAP GUI Scripting can make your daily tasks much smoother.


Best Practices for VBA in SAP BI Analysis for MS Excel

over the last year, I created some small applications in Analysis and thought it’s time to collect a few best practice ideas, which I experienced during development and test.

This document does not go too much into detail, since my idea is that also beginners of VBA in Analysis should be able to utilize some tips.

FYI: I worked only in 1.4.x versions so far. It might be that Analysis behaviour already changed in 2.x versions.

1) Always refresh, first!

The most important thing when doing anything in VBA related to Analysis is to refresh your datasource (DS) first … otherwise, nothing will work!

To prevent a refresh every time, you can check if the DS is already active

Dim lResult As Long

lResult = Application.Run(“SAPGetProperty”, “IsDataSourceActive“, “DS_1”)

If lResult = False Then

lResult = Application.Run(“SAPExecuteCommand”, “Refresh“, “DS_1”)

‘ Example: You can also skip the else

lResult = Application.Run(“SAPExecuteCommand”, “ShowPrompts“, “DS_1”)

2) Formulas and own columns upfront!

If you have the task to include your own Excel formula columns in your sheet, then always try to aviod putting it at the end of the Data source! Instead, put it at the beginning:

In that way you don’t have to take care about removing the columns when any drill-downs are happening and replacing them afterwards at the new end of the report. Of course you might need to adjust the formulas if they rely on certain key figure columns, but for “VLookups” it quite often saves work.

3) Find out the crosstab size

To find out the last column and row of your crosstab, you can use:

Dim lCols, lRows as Long

For this, also 1) applies! If your Datasource is not refreshed, you will not get the correct result. So if you need reliable variable contents you should store the previous “dimensions” of the crosstab in any cells on the sheet.

Especially if you “Remove Data Before Saving”. Then the crosstab is not existing and will cause you trouble if you execute a macro during Workbook initialization.

Therefore I try to avoid the checkbox “Remove Data Before Saving”.

4) Freeze the screen while macro runtime

To prevent a user is bothered with jumping through several thousand lines or several sheets, you always should freeze the screen before VBA execution and activate the screen update afterwards again. I prefer using:

‘At the very beginning

‘all the code in between…

‘At the very end

5) Fill the missing table headers for “Key and text” characteristics

Nothing more is annoying – when you want to create a PIVOT table on top of your datasource’s results – than the missing feature from the very first release: No headers on characteristics with “Key and text” display

For preventing problems 3) you should execute the macro only after 1):

Dim DS1_C, DS1_R, lResult As Long

Dim DS1 as String

DS1 = “your sheet name”

lResult = Application.Run(“SAPGetProperty”, “IsDataSourceActive”, “DS_1”)

If lResult = True Then

For i = 1 To DS1_C – 1

If Worksheets(DS1).Range(“A5”).Offset(0, i + 1) = “” Then

Worksheets(DS1).Range(“A5”).Offset(0, i + 1) = Worksheets(DS1).Range(“A5”).Offset(0, i) & “2”

In that way every blank header cell receives the text of the previous one including an attached “2”.

6) Actions after the Refresh of a Datasource: Register Callback

When you want a macro to execute everytime your datasource has been refreshed, e.g. by drill-down, execution of Variable prompt, etc. you can register a callback:

Step 1: Include this into “ThisWorkbook”

Public Sub Workbook_SAP_Initialize()

Call Application.Run(“SAPExecuteCommand”, “RegisterCallback”, “AfterRedisplay”, “Callback_AfterRedisplay”)

Step 2: In your VBA module you put all your coding between these lines:

Public Sub Callback_AfterRedisplay()

Attention: This coding is executed almost every time – even if you don’t really do anything, but just click “save”.

For that reason, you could read this note – there is a hint about improvements in your coding:

(I did not test it, yet. So I cannot give you any advice here)

7) Clear variable contents

Maybe you have the requirement to handover a long list of input characteristics to a query variable (like you would do it via the “copy from clipboard”-button), and refresh it. Unfortunately I did not found a “clear” method to remove the variable contents again.

For that reason I helped myself by setting one “default” value as key, which exists in the master data, and afterwards the user is able to simply remove it in the variable input screen:

Dim lResult As Long

lResult = Application.Run(“SAPExecuteCommand”, “Refresh”, “DS_1”)

lResult = Application.Run(“SAPExecuteCommand”, “ShowPrompts”, “DS_1”)

8) SAPGetVariable is missing

One more function is missing in my opinion… There is no SAPGetVariable() available.

That means if a user filled some variables in the prompt screen, you have to define an area in your workbook where you can get the list of all the variables, by using the formula:

Afterwards, you have to read the value of the respective cell with the right variable content:

Dim Input as Variant

Input = Sheets(“Your sheet”).Cells( , 2).Value

Finally you can use this Input to fill another variable in the second datasource, for example.

I think there are many ideas more, but for the moment it should be sufficient.

For the VBA-advanced readers, two more helpful links here:


How to access SAP using Excel VBA?

I am trying to log on to SAP. The Excel VBA code gives me a popup window confirming my information however when I submit the form it does not take me to a new SAP window.

Additionally is there a way to automate all the popup boxes asking for confirmation on my information? I want this code eventually to run at certain times of the day, and I might not be available to input any data.

2 Answers 2

This Macro will never open a SAP Window — it will create an SAP-Object within VBA where you can work with SAP-RFC-Functions. (Reading Data from SAP, Writing Data into SAP)

In your version the SAP connection will be unaccessible after «End Sub». You have to declair the Object outside the sub.

This works silent (without dialog) for me:

Since you want to «open a new SAP Window» you have to make a different approach!

At First try to open the new instance of SAP from the DOS Commandline with «sapshcut»:

If your SystemName has no Spaces (and I belive so!) then you can write it also like:

When this call works with your credentials, then you can transfer it to Excel like this:

You could also add a transaction by adding «-command=your_tcode» to the String.

If your have spaces in the parameters and you could only start it with -system=»System Test Environment» from the Commanline, you will have to escape this in Excel with -system=»»»System Test Environment»»» (!)


SAP Intelligent RPA: Reading Data from Excel using VBA Excel reference properties

This is to ease the reading of excel files which could have unknown number of rows to be read.

In this post I will show you how to read an Excel file with unknown number of rows using VBA Excel reference properties and custom scripts

What will you learn in this blog:

  • Basics of excel reading
  • Reading excel file using custom scripts
  • VBA Excel reference properties that can make Excel reading simple
  • Reading unknown number of rows without loops in workflow

Brief on Excel VBA reference that would be used to get all the Values without any Loops:

  • Excel VBA Object model has Application object which refers to the entire Microsoft Excel application
    • Application object has property ActiveSheet that returns the active Worksheet in the active excel
  • WorkSheet object , in Excel VBA objects, which represents the Worksheet of the excel
    • WorkSheet object has property UsedRange that returns the Range on the Worksheet that has been used or filled
  • Range object represents one cell or block of cells
    • Address property of Range, provides the representation of range as string

Steps to follow:

  1. Create a project;
  2. Create a new Workflow;
  3. Import Excel Library Scripts;
  4. Designing Workflow with Custom Scripts
  5. Display range address and random cell value


  • Desktop Studio
  • Microsoft office


1. Create a project

Open Desktop Studio and create a new project from File menu. Give it a name

2. Create a new workflow

Go to Workflow perspective , right click on Global and add new workflow give it a name.

3.Import Excel Library Scripts

Whenever you create a project, its framework includes most of the Libraries that would be useful for creating the workflows. Though you can drag and drop or use the Excel Lib function in your workflows, until you include the Excel Library workflow would run into errors during compilation and execution.

To include excel library,

go to edit project in the file menu, navigate to Libraries and select Excel integration

Or go to Scripts, right click on Global, click Include Library Script and select Excel Integration

4. Designing Workflow with Custom Scripts

  • Add Activity of Initialize Excel which initializes the Excel library and mode parameters
    • Mark the Initialization as start node with a right click and selecting Set as Start Node

  • Next activity is to open the excel file, we add open existing Excel file ,from the activity list functions of Excel Lib. Filename must be a string and if path has been provided the separator would be \ between the folders.

  • In case the workbook opened has multiple worksheets, we need to activate the sheet to be read, use Activate worksheet activity. If workbook has only one worksheet, it is optional activity. As the workbook used has multiple sheets, the following activating function has been added.

  • Add Custom activity, to read the data from the sheet activated

  • Once we generate the build for workflow created, we would be able to edit the custom activity to include the custom script. Click on the build to generate the script for the workflow.

  • Go to Scripts -> workflow script -> Custom step to add the code to extract data using VBA properties

  • Go to Scripts and right click to add custom library script

    • Define the function getContents that has been used in Custom Step of the Workflow
      • ctx.excel.application.getObject is available in Excel Library which fetches the Excel object. For more information refer to the documentation of the library.
      • Application.ActiveSheet is Excel VBA property which fetches the active Worksheet
      • UsedRange is the property of worksheet that returns the Range Object
      • Address property of the Range provides the address of the range object as string . Ex: ‘$A$1:$B$3’
      • ctx.excel.sheet.getValuesFromRangeDefinition takes the range definition as string. For more information refer to the documentation of the library

5. Display Range address and Random Cell Value

  • ctx.log has been used to write the property data to the logs for validation
  • Log will be written with the Active sheet Name , Range Address and cell value at (1,1) position

Following file has been used,:

  • File has two sheets with name ‘header’ and ‘item’.
  • Active sheet would be ‘header’
  • Range to be read would be “A1:H5”
  • Cell Value at (1,1) position would be ‘A’

Following is the context log

As Excel VBA objects and properties used in Library of SAP IRPA, there would be warnings but the properties would be available during runtime.


Using Excel VBA Object properties in SAP Intelligent RPA would give the bot less time to read the whole data without using explicit loops. You can reuse the custom library to read the Excel for any dimensions


Автор Сообщение

Заголовок сообщения: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср, мар 17 2010, 16:12 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Пт, фев 29 2008, 12:42
Сообщения: 489
Пол: Мужской

С обновлением SAP GUI с 6.4 Патч 23 до 7.01 Патч 15 перестал работать макрос загрузки данных из Excel в Z-таблицу SAP.
Переделываем макрос.

Обнаружили, что коннект к БД НЕ проходит для такого макроса


Dim R3 As Object
Set R3 = CreateObject(«SAP.Functions»)
‘ MsgBox R3.Connection.Logon
If R3.Connection.Logon(0, True) <> True Then
   Exit Function
End If

Если раскомментарить MsgBox, то пройдет:


Dim R3 As Object
Set R3 = CreateObject(«SAP.Functions»)
MsgBox R3.Connection.Logon
If R3.Connection.Logon(0, True) <> True Then
   Exit Function
End If

В чем может быть проблема?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср, мар 17 2010, 16:33 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Пт, фев 29 2008, 12:42
Сообщения: 489
Пол: Мужской

Вот так заработало


Dim R3 As Object
Set R3 = CreateObject(«SAP.Functions»)
If R3.Connection.Logon <> True Then
   Exit Function
End If

Команда R3.Connection.Logon(0, True), с которой не работал коннект, взята с одной из тем форума. Есть какая-нибудь информация по ней?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср, мар 17 2010, 16:36 

Чт, ноя 11 2004, 16:25
Сообщения: 3109
Пол: Мужской

а где Вы заполняете
R3.Connection.User = «user»
R3.Connection.Password = «1234»
R3.Connection.client = «000»
R3.Connection.ApplicationServer = «»
R3.Connection.Language = «RU»


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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср, мар 17 2010, 17:15 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Пт, фев 29 2008, 12:42
Сообщения: 489
Пол: Мужской

Besa написал:

а где Вы заполняете
R3.Connection.User = «user»
R3.Connection.Password = «1234»
R3.Connection.client = «000»
R3.Connection.ApplicationServer = «»
R3.Connection.Language = «RU»


Нигде. Насколько это важно? В окошке логона все поля (кроме пароля) почему-то сами по себе заполнены нужными значениями.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт, мар 18 2010, 07:40 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Чт, мар 29 2007, 11:51
Сообщения: 330
Откуда: Yugorsk.RU
Пол: Мужской

в object browser’е в VBA-редаакторе посмотрите проперти к этому объекту — там интуитивно понятный интерфейс ;-)

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт, мар 18 2010, 09:29 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Пт, фев 29 2008, 12:42
Сообщения: 489
Пол: Мужской

pberezin написал:

в object browser’е в VBA-редаакторе посмотрите проперти к этому объекту — там интуитивно понятный интерфейс ;-)

pberezin, можно чуть подробнее? Если это обычный Object browser, вызываемый в VBA-редакторе по клавише «F2», то в нем ничего про объект «SAP.Functions» нету. Тем более, про объект «R3».

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт, мар 18 2010, 10:15 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Чт, мар 29 2007, 11:51
Сообщения: 330
Откуда: Yugorsk.RU
Пол: Мужской

его не видно, потому что вы применяете позднее (динамическое) связывание через createobject.

С саплогоном ставится ActiveX компонент SAP Remote function call control (файло wdtfuncs.ocx). Подключаете его в VBA через ToolsReferences, и вам станет доступен контрол SAPFunctions. Кидаете его на VBA-шную форму (очень удобно — в пропертях контрола Custom можно один раз настроить имена вызываемых из сапа RFC-ФМ, чтобы динамически через VBA их не присваивать). И в object browser’е будет всё видно.

Единственное, с отладкой RFC-вызовов чудеса какието — если ставишь AbapDebug=true, он почемуто в отладку вываливается не прямо в вызываемом ФМ, а в какомто rfc_get_function_interface (видимо диспетчер какойто, х.з.)

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт, мар 18 2010, 11:03 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Пт, фев 29 2008, 12:42
Сообщения: 489
Пол: Мужской

pberezin написал:

С саплогоном ставится ActiveX компонент SAP Remote function call control (файло wdtfuncs.ocx). Подключаете его в VBA через ToolsReferences, и вам станет доступен контрол SAPFunctions.

Спасибо, получилось! :D

pberezin написал:

Кидаете его на VBA-шную форму (очень удобно — в пропертях контрола Custom можно один раз настроить имена вызываемых из сапа RFC-ФМ, чтобы динамически через VBA их не присваивать). И в object browser’е будет всё видно.

В object browser’е информация о составе SAPFunctions появилась, но до его подобъекта Connection. Что дальше — посмотреть не могу. Т.е. свойства SAPFunctions.Connection не вижу. Контекстное меню «Properties» светло-серое и невозможно для выбора. Как ни крутил. Кстати, контекстное меню «Properties» (щелк правой кнопкой мыши) и для SAPFunctions тоже недоступно для нажатия.

Не подскажете, как посмотреть там подробнее об объекте SAPFunctions.Connection.Logon? Нужны ли вообще и какие именно нужны параметры при его вызове?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт, мар 18 2010, 12:45 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Чт, мар 29 2007, 11:51
Сообщения: 330
Откуда: Yugorsk.RU
Пол: Мужской

У вас наверное настойки уровня безопасности макросов запрещают загрузку внешних activex. Потавьте в экселе самый низкий уровень безопасности.
Там даже на низком уровне, при открытии формы с таким контролом вываливается какоето предупреждение «application is about to init unsafe activex». Видимо, с т.з. экселя этот контрол не совсем канонический :)

А по поводу именно объекта Connection — да он почемуто не типизирован, надо объявлять as Object и присваивать проперти динамически. Там можно в режиме VBA-отладчика глянуть все его проперти.

Ну вот так например (здесь форма, с контролом SAPRfc и кнопкой btnGo)

Private Sub btnGo_Click()
Dim OR3connection As Object
Dim fm As Object
Dim expo As SAPFunctionsOCX.Exports
Dim impo As SAPFunctionsOCX.Imports
Dim par1 As SAPFunctionsOCX.Parameter
Dim par2 As SAPFunctionsOCX.Parameter ‘Object
Dim v As Variant
Dim rc As Long
Dim brc As Boolean

With Me.SAPrfc
Set OR3connection = .Connection
OR3connection.User = Me.boxLogin.Text ‘логин берём из поля формы
OR3connection.Password = Me.boxPass.Text ‘пароль тоже
OR3connection.ApplicationServer = «10.46.не.дождётесь» ‘IP сервера r/3
OR3connection.SystemNumber = «00» ‘номер системы
OR3connection.client = «151»
OR3connection.Language = «RU»

OR3connection.RfcWithDialog = 1 ‘помоему без этого флажка gui будет не виден, соответственно abap-отладка тоже
OR3connection.ABAPDebug = Me.chkDebug.Value ‘чекбокс на форме разрешает отладку
.RetrieveDescription = True ‘забыл для чего нужна

brc = OR3connection.Logon(0, True)
If (brc = True) Then
Set fm = .Add(«Z_RFCALL_FROM_MSSQL_TEST») ‘вызываемый ФМ
Set expo = fm.Exports
Set par1 = expo.Insert(1, 1) ‘у ФМа один IMPORTING параметр типа INT4
rc = fm.ReturnCode ‘результат sy-subrc
Me.boxRC.Text = rc ‘вываливаем в поле формы

End If
Call OR3connection.Logoff

End With
End Sub

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт, мар 19 2010, 07:18 

Пн, окт 11 2004, 13:16
Сообщения: 1790

Ещё вариант:


‘ Пример вызова RFC модуля

‘ использует:
‘   SAP Remote Function Call Controll (wdtfuncs.ocx)
‘   SAP Logon Control (wdtlogU.ocx)
‘   SAP Table Factory (wdtaocx.ocx)

Sub rfc_call_sample()

    Dim SAPFunctions As New SAPFunctionsOCX.SAPFunctions
    Dim SAPFunction As SAPFunctionsOCX.Function
    Dim SAPConnection As SAPLogonCtrl.Connection
    Dim PersonalData As SAPTableFactoryCtrl.Table

        Set SAPConnection = SAPFunctions.Connection

    ‘   Параметры соединения по умолчанию:
    SAPConnection.Client = «200»
    SAPConnection.User = «USERNAME»

    ‘   Подключаемся к SAP:
    If SAPConnection.Logon(0, False) <> True Then
        MsgBox «Ошибка входа в систему»
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Set SAPFunction = SAPFunctions.Add(«BAPI_EMPLOYEE_GETDATA»)

    ‘   Заполняем параметры
    SAPFunction.Exports(«LASTNAME_M») = «Пупкин»

    ‘   Собственно вызов:
    If SAPFunction.Call <> True Then
        MsgBox «Ошибка вызова ФМ»
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ‘   Обрабатываем результат:
    Set PersonalData = SAPFunction.Tables(«PERSONAL_DATA»)

        Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To PersonalData.RowCount
        Debug.Print PersonalData(i, 1)
    Next i

End Sub


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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт, мар 19 2010, 09:57 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Чт, мар 29 2007, 11:51
Сообщения: 330
Откуда: Yugorsk.RU
Пол: Мужской

Thanx. Про остальные два контрола я и не знал.

Кстати, там ещё есть контрол SAP Bapi — тоже как вариант для rfc вызовов

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт, мар 19 2010, 13:31 

Старший специалист
Старший специалист

Пт, фев 29 2008, 12:42
Сообщения: 489
Пол: Мужской

Хочу поблагодарить за помощь. Подключив все три файла
и заглянув в браузер, разобрался, почему не выходил Каменный Цветок.
Оказывается, при вызове Logon, второй параметр (boolean) указывает на то, как будет происходит идентификация: видимо или невидимо. Видимо — False, а мы писали True, но при этом не заполняли никаких значений (типа системы, манданта и др.).
Но что означает первый параметр (названный в Object Browser именем hWnd) не понял.

Что интересно. С самого начала на это внимание обратил, но «забил».
После обновления SAP GUI с 6.4 (патч 23) на 7.01 (патч 15) объект SAP Logon Control (в виде кнопки на форме) исчез с формы. Тогда мы не поверили своим глазам. :shock: Переслал файл на компы с GUI 6.4 и еще на один с GUI 7.01 — элемент виден только с GUI 6.4. Специально тогда вытащил кнопочку добавления объекта SAP Logon Control на панель. Пытаюсь добавить — пишет «Нет доверия …». Это проблема 7.01 такая? Не сталкивались? Уровень безопасности (защита от макросов) — везде «Низкий». Обе галочки «доверять VBA-проектам» и еще какая-то рядом — взведены.
На компе с GUI 6.4, как и писал pberezin, действительно пишет «application is about to init unsafe activex», но элемент виден, не исчезает.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт, сен 02 2010, 16:14 


Вт, авг 18 2009, 22:40
Сообщения: 16
Откуда: НЧ-КМ
Пол: Мужской

Добрый день!
пробую по второму примеру вызвать ФМ
соединение устанавливается, но на шаге:


‘ Собственно вызов:
If SAPFunction.Call <> True Then
MsgBox «Ошибка вызова ФМ»
Exit Sub
End If


пробовал с разными ФМ (с параметрами и без) — ошибка при SAPFunction.Call…
куда копать, не подскажете??

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт, сен 03 2010, 08:48 


Вт, авг 18 2009, 22:40
Сообщения: 16
Откуда: НЧ-КМ
Пол: Мужской

всё вопрос снят.
«вид выполнения» у ФМ должен быть «Дистанционный модуль» )

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: доступ к SAP из VBA (Excel)

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн, сен 13 2010, 10:34 

Вт, июн 02 2009, 22:28
Сообщения: 228
Откуда: MOW
Пол: Мужской


Что интересно. С самого начала на это внимание обратил, но «забил».
После обновления SAP GUI с 6.4 (патч 23) на 7.01 (патч 15) объект SAP Logon Control (в виде кнопки на форме) исчез с формы. Тогда мы не поверили своим глазам. Переслал файл на компы с GUI 6.4 и еще на один с GUI 7.01 — элемент виден только с GUI 6.4. Специально тогда вытащил кнопочку добавления объекта SAP Logon Control на панель. Пытаюсь добавить — пишет «Нет доверия …». Это проблема 7.01 такая? Не сталкивались? Уровень безопасности (защита от макросов) — везде «Низкий». Обе галочки «доверять VBA-проектам» и еще какая-то рядом — взведены.
На компе с GUI 6.4, как и писал pberezin, действительно пишет «application is about to init unsafe activex», но элемент виден, не исчезает.

Подозреваю, что лучше все-таки переписать программу на «позднее» связывание. Ранее связывание, конечно, удобно, но при изменении версии ActiveX компонента (видимо вызванном изменением версии SapGUI) действительно могут происходить такие эффекты, VBA теряет связь с контролом, тк привязывается к конкретной версии.
Рекомендую переделать на позднее связывание.

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