Vba and excel and count rows

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To count rows using VBA, you need to define the range from which you want to count the rows and then use the count and rows property to get the count of the row from that range. You can also use a loop to count rows where you have data only.

Use VBA to Count Rows

  1. First, you need to define the range for which you want to count the rows.
  2. After that, use a dot (.) to open the list of properties and methods.
  3. Next, type or select the “Rows” property.
  4. In the end, use the “Count” property.

Now when you run this code, it will return the count of the rows, and to get the count you can use a message box or directly enter that value into a cell as well.

Sub vba_count_rows()
End Sub

Count Rows for the Used Range

Sub vba_count_rows2()
   MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Sub

Count Rows with Data using VBA

You can also count rows where you have data by ignoring the blank rows.


The following code will take the used range as the range to loop up at and loop through each row one by one and check if there’s a non-empty cell there, and if it is there it will consider it as a row with data, and in the end, show a message box with the total count of rows.

Sub vba_count_rows_with_data()

Dim counter As Long
Dim iRange As Range

With ActiveSheet.UsedRange

    'loop through each row from the used range
    For Each iRange In .Rows

        'check if the row contains a cell with a value
        If Application.CountA(iRange) > 0 Then

            'counts the number of rows non-empty Cells
            counter = counter + 1

        End If


End With

MsgBox "Number of used rows is " & counter
End Sub

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    • UsedRange Property in VBA in Excel
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    Excel VBA Row Count

    In VBA programming, referring to rows is most important as well, and counting them is one thing you must be aware of when it comes to VBA coding. We can get a lot of value if we understand the importance of counting rows with data in the worksheet. This article will show you how to count rows using VBA coding.

    VBA Row Count

    You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc, Please provide us with an attribution linkArticle Link to be Hyperlinked
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    Source: VBA Row Count (wallstreetmojo.com)

    Table of contents
    • Excel VBA Row Count
      • How to Count Rows in VBA?
        • Example #1
        • Example #2
        • Example #3 – Find Last Used Row
      • Things to Remember
      • Recommended Articles

    How to Count Rows in VBA?

    You can download this VBA Row Count Excel Template here – VBA Row Count Excel Template

    Example #1

    To count rowsThere are numerous ways to count rows in Excel using the appropriate formula, whether they are data rows, empty rows, or rows containing numerical/text values. Depending on the circumstance, you can use the COUNTA, COUNT, COUNTBLANK, or COUNTIF functions.read more, we need to use the RANGE object. In this object, we need to use the ROWS object. In this, we need to use the COUNT property.

    Look at the below data in Excel.

    VBA Row Count Example 1

    From the above data, we need to identify how many rows are there from the range A1 to A8. So first, define the variable as an Integer to store the number of rows.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example1()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    End Sub

    VBA Row Count Example 1-1

    We will assign row numbers for this variable, so enter the variable name and the equal sign.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example1()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows =
    End Sub

    VBA Row Count Example 1-2

    We need to provide a range of cells, so open the RANGE objectRange is a property in VBA that helps specify a particular cell, a range of cells, a row, a column, or a three-dimensional range. In the context of the Excel worksheet, the VBA range object includes a single cell or multiple cells spread across various rows and columns.read more and supply the range as “A1:A8”. 


    Sub Count_Rows_Example1()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Range("A1:A8")
    End Sub

    VBA Row Count Example 1-3

    Once we supply the range, we need to count the number of rows, so choose the ROWS property of the RANGE object.

    VBA Row Count Example 1-4

    We are counting several rows in the RANGE object’s ROWS property, so choose the “COUNT” property now.

    VBA Row Count Example 1-7

    Now in the message box, show the value of the variable.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example1()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Range("A1:A8").Rows.Count
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    VBA Row Count Example 1-5

    Now, run the code and see the count of rows of the supplied range of cells.

    VBA Row Count Example 1-6

    There are 8 rows supplied for the range, so the row count is 8 in the message box.

    Example #2

    We have other ways of counting rows as well. For the above method, we need to supply a range of cells, showing the number of rows selected.

    But imagine the scenario where we need to find the last use of any column. For example, take the same data as seen above.

    VBA Row Count Example 1

    To move to the last used cell from cell A1, we press the shortcut excel keyAn Excel shortcut is a technique of performing a manual task in a quicker way.read more “Ctrl + Down Arrow,” so it will take you to the last cell before the empty cell.

    First, supply the cell as A1 using the RANGE object.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example2()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Range("A1")
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    VBA Row Count Example 2

    From this cell, we need to move down. We use Ctrl + Down Arrow in the worksheet, but in VBA, we use the END propertyEnd is a VBA statement that can be used in a variety of ways in VBA applications. Anywhere in the code, a simple End statement can be used to instantly end the execution of the code. In procedures, the end statement is used to end a subprocedure or any loop function, such as ‘End if’.read more. Choose this property and open the bracket to see options.

    Example 2-1

    Look there with the END key. We can see all the arrow keys like “xlDown, xlToLeft, xlToRight, and xlUp” since we need to move down and use the “xlDown” option.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example2()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Range("A1").End(xlDown)
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    Example 2-2

    It will take you to the last cell before any break. We need the row number in the active cellThe active cell is the currently selected cell in a worksheet. Active cell in VBA can be used as a reference to move to another cell or change the properties of the same active cell or the cell’s reference provided from the active cell.read more so use the ROW property.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example2()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    Example 2-3

    Now, this will show the last row numberThe End(XLDown) method is the most commonly used method in VBA to find the last row, but there are other methods, such as finding the last value in VBA using the find function (XLDown).read more, which will be the count of the number of rows.

    VBA Row Count Example 2-4

    So in rows, we have data.

    Example #3 – Find Last Used Row

    Finding the last used row is important to decide how many times the loop has to run. Also, in the above method, the last row stops to select if there is any breakpoint cell. So in this method, we can find the last used row without any problems.

    Open CELL propertyCells are cells of the worksheet, and in VBA, when we refer to cells as a range property, we refer to the same cells. In VBA concepts, cells are also the same, no different from normal excel cells.read more.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example3()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Cells(
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    VBA Row Count Example 3

    Now, we need to mention the row number to start with. The problem here is we are not sure how many rows of data we have so that we can go straight to the last row of the worksheet, for this mention, ROWS.COUNT property.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example3()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Cells(Rows.Count,
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    Example 3-1

    Next, we need to mention in which column we are finding the last used row, so in this case, we are finding it in the first column, so mention 1.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example3()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Cells(Rows.Count, 1)
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    Example 3-2

    At this moment, it will take you to the last cell of the first column. We need to move upwards to the last used cell from there onwards, so use the End(xlUp) property.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example3()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    Example 3-3

    So, this will take you to the last used cell of column 1, and in this cell, we need the row number, so use the ROW property to get the row number.


    Sub Count_Rows_Example3()
    Dim No_Of_Rows As Integer
    No_Of_Rows = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    MsgBox No_Of_Rows
    End Sub

    VBA Row Count Example 3-4

    Things to Remember

    • The COUNT will give several rows in the worksheet.
    • If you have a range, then it will give several rows selected in the range.
    • The ROW property will return the active cell row number.

    Recommended Articles

    This article has been a guide to VBA Row Count. Here, we discuss how to count used rows in Excel using VBA coding, practical examples, and a downloadable Excel template. You may learn more about Excel from the following articles: –

    • VBA Insert Row
    • VBA Delete Row
    • VBA StatusBar
    • VBA Variable Range

    I am developing a dashboard in excel. And I am looking for calculating row count. (How many records are present) ..

    Since there are some blank cells I thought to go from bottom to up. I use the following


    After this execution the active cell is at A113 which means the row count is 113.

    My question is how to get this number 113 from the active cell?

    Community's user avatar

    asked Feb 4, 2014 at 13:37

    Alwyn Miranda's user avatar

    You can use this:

    Dim lastrow as Long
    lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).Row

    lastrow will contain number of last empty row in column A, in your case 113

    answered Feb 4, 2014 at 13:38

    Dmitry Pavliv's user avatar

    Dmitry PavlivDmitry Pavliv

    35.2k13 gold badges79 silver badges80 bronze badges


    Here is what I usually use for that:

    lastrow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns("A:A"))

    This will return the number of non-empty cells in Column «A» which is what I think you’re after. Hope this helps.

    answered Feb 4, 2014 at 13:49

    Jim Simson's user avatar

    Jim SimsonJim Simson

    2,7663 gold badges21 silver badges30 bronze badges


    The best way to get the count of rows/records (in most cases) is to use .UsedRange.Rows.Count. You can assign the return value to a variable like this:

    lastRow = Sheets(1).UsedRange.Rows.Count

    If you use a function that includes a column (such as column A) as shown in other examples, that will only get you the count of rows in that column, which may or may not be what you’re going for. One caveat: if you have formatted rows below your last row with a value then it will return that row number.

    answered Mar 3, 2021 at 0:28

    SendETHToThisAddress's user avatar

    If there is a slight chance that the last row of the worksheet is not empty, you should add an IsEmpty() check to @simoco ‘s solution. Therefore; following is a function that returns the last used row and check if the last row of the worksheet is empty:

    Function lastRow(WS As Worksheet, iColumn As String) As Long
        If Not IsEmpty(WS.Range(iColumn & WS.Rows.Count)) Then
            lastRow = WS.Rows.Count
            lastRow = WS.Range(iColumn & WS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        End If
    End Function

    answered Feb 4, 2014 at 14:22

    simpLE MAn's user avatar

    simpLE MAnsimpLE MAn

    1,56213 silver badges22 bronze badges

    This tutorial shows how to count the total number of rows from a selected range through the use of an Excel formula or VBA

    Example: Count number of rows in a range

    Count number of rows in a range

    METHOD 1. Count number of rows in a range


    This formula uses the Excel ROWS function to return the number of rows in the selected range. In this example we have selected range (E5:E15) inside the ROWS function, which returns a total of 11 rows.

    METHOD 1. Count number of rows in a range using VBA


    Sub Count_number_of_rows_in_range()

    ‘declare a variable
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = Worksheets(«Analysis»)

    ‘count the total number of rows in a specific range
    ws.Range(«B5») = ws.Range(«E5:E15»).Rows.Count

    End Sub

    Output Range: Select the output range by changing the cell reference («B5») in the VBA code.
    Range: Select the range from which you want to count the number of rows by changing the range reference («E5:E15») in the VBA code.
    Worksheet Selection: Select the worksheet in which you want to count the number of rows from a selected range by changing the Analysis worksheet name in the VBA code. You can also change the name of this object variable, by changing the name ‘ws’ in the VBA code.

    Explanation about the formula used to count number of rows in a range



    This tutorial shows how to count the total number of rows from a selected range through the use of an Excel formula or VBA.

    Both the Excel formula and VBA approach make use of the ROWS function to count the number of rows in a selected range.

    Using the VBA method you will also need to combine the Rows function with the Count function to return the total number of rows in a selected range.


    array: An array or reference to a range of cells.

    Related Topic Description Related Topic and Description
    Count number of columns in a range How to count the total number of columns in a range using Excel and VBA methods
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    Count number of characters in a cell How to count the total number of characters, including spaces, in a cell using Excel and VBA methods
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    Count number of characters in a range How to ccount the total number of characters in a range, including spaces, using Excel and VBA methods
    Related Functions Description Related Functions and Description
    ROWS Function The Excel ROWS function returns the number of rows in a specified array


    1. VBA Row Count
    2. Excel VBA Row Count
    3. How to Count Rows in VBA?
    4. Example #1
    5. Example #2
    6. Example #3 – Find Last Used Row
    7. Things to Remember
    8. Recommended Articles
    9. Count Rows using VBA in Excel
    10. Use VBA to Count Rows
    11. Count Rows for the Used Range
    12. Count Rows with Data using VBA
    13. Свойство Application.Rows (Excel)
    14. Синтаксис
    15. Примечания
    16. Пример
    17. Поддержка и обратная связь
    18. Range.Rows property (Excel)
    19. Syntax
    20. Remarks
    21. Example
    22. Support and feedback
    23. VBA – Count the rows in a Selection
    24. Count Rows in a Selection
    25. Count Columns in a Selection
    26. VBA Coding Made Easy
    27. VBA Code Examples Add-in
    28. VBA Code Generator
    29. AutoMacro: VBA Add-in with Hundreds of Ready-To-Use VBA Code Examples & much more!
    30. What is AutoMacro?

    VBA Row Count

    Excel VBA Row Count

    In VBA programming, referring to rows is most important as well, and counting them is one thing you must be aware of when it comes to VBA coding. We can get a lot of value if we understand the importance of counting rows with data in the worksheet. This article will show you how to count rows using VBA coding.

    You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc., Please provide us with an attribution link How to Provide Attribution? Article Link to be Hyperlinked
    For eg:
    Source: VBA Row Count (wallstreetmojo.com)

    Table of contents

    How to Count Rows in VBA?

    Example #1

    Look at the below data in Excel.

    From the above data, we need to identify how many rows are there from the range A1 to A8. So first, define the variable as an Integer to store the number of rows.


    We will assign row numbers for this variable, so enter the variable name and the equal sign.



    Once we supply the range, we need to count the number of rows, so choose the ROWS property of the RANGE object.

    We are counting several rows in the RANGE object’s ROWS property, so choose the “COUNT” property now.

    Now in the message box, show the value of the variable.


    Now, run the code and see the count of rows of the supplied range of cells.

    There are 8 rows supplied for the range, so the row count is 8 in the message box.

    Example #2

    We have other ways of counting rows as well. For the above method, we need to supply a range of cells, showing the number of rows selected.

    But imagine the scenario where we need to find the last use of any column. For example, take the same data as seen above.

    To move to the last used cell from cell A1, we press the shortcut excel key Shortcut Excel Key An Excel shortcut is a technique of performing a manual task in a quicker way. read more “Ctrl + Down Arrow,” so it will take you to the last cell before the empty cell.

    First, supply the cell as A1 using the RANGE object.


    Look there with the END key. We can see all the arrow keys like “xlDown, xlToLeft, xlToRight, and xlUp” since we need to move down and use the “xlDown” option.



    So in rows, we have data.

    Example #3 – Find Last Used Row

    Finding the last used row is important to decide how many times the loop has to run. Also, in the above method, the last row stops to select if there is any breakpoint cell. So in this method, we can find the last used row without any problems.


    Now, we need to mention the row number to start with. The problem here is we are not sure how many rows of data we have so that we can go straight to the last row of the worksheet, for this mention, ROWS.COUNT property.


    Next, we need to mention in which column we are finding the last used row, so in this case, we are finding it in the first column, so mention 1.


    At this moment, it will take you to the last cell of the first column. We need to move upwards to the last used cell from there onwards, so use the End(xlUp) property.


    So, this will take you to the last used cell of column 1, and in this cell, we need the row number, so use the ROW property to get the row number.


    Things to Remember

    • The COUNT will give several rows in the worksheet.
    • If you have a range, then it will give several rows selected in the range.
    • The ROW property will return the active cell row number.

    Recommended Articles

    This article has been a guide to VBA Row Count. Here, we discuss how to count used rows in Excel using VBA coding, practical examples, and a downloadable Excel template. You may learn more about Excel from the following articles: –


    Count Rows using VBA in Excel

    To count rows using VBA, you need to define the range from which you want to count the rows and then use the count and rows property to get the count of the row from that range. You can also use a loop to count rows where you have data only.

    Use VBA to Count Rows

    1. First, you need to define the range for which you want to count the rows.
    2. After that, use a dot (.) to open the list of properties and methods.
    3. Next, type or select the “Rows” property.
    4. In the end, use the “Count” property.

    Now when you run this code, it will return the count of the rows, and to get the count you can use a message box or directly enter that value into a cell as well.

    Count Rows for the Used Range

    Count Rows with Data using VBA

    You can also count rows where you have data by ignoring the blank rows.

    The following code will take the used range as the range to loop up at and loop through each row one by one and check if there’s a non-empty cell there, and if it is there it will consider it as a row with data, and in the end, show a message box with the total count of rows.


    Свойство Application.Rows (Excel)

    Возвращает объект Range , представляющий все строки на активном листе. Если активный документ не является листом, свойство Rows завершается ошибкой . Объект Range предназначен только для чтения.


    expression. Строк

    выражение: переменная, представляющая объект Application.


    Использование этого свойства без квалификатора объекта эквивалентно использованию ActiveSheet.Rows.

    При применении к объекту Range , который является множественным выделением, это свойство возвращает строки только из первой области диапазона. Например, если объект Range имеет две области — A1:B2 и C3:D4, selection.Rows.Count возвращает 2, а не 4.

    Чтобы использовать это свойство в диапазоне, который может содержать несколько выделенных элементов, проверьте Areas.Count, чтобы определить, является ли диапазон множественным выбором. Если это так, выполните цикл по каждой области диапазона, как показано в третьем примере.


    В этом примере удаляется третья строка на листе Sheet1.

    В этом примере удаляются строки в текущем регионе на листе, где значение одной ячейки в строке совпадает со значением в ячейке в предыдущей строке.

    В этом примере отображается количество строк в выделенном фрагменте на листе Sheet1. Если выбрано несколько областей, в примере выполняется цикл по каждой области.

    Поддержка и обратная связь

    Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


    Range.Rows property (Excel)

    Returns a Range object that represents the rows in the specified range.



    expression A variable that represents a Range object.

    To return a single row, use the Item property or equivalently include an index in parentheses. For example, both Selection.Rows(1) and Selection.Rows.Item(1) return the first row of the selection.

    When applied to a Range object that is a multiple selection, this property returns rows from only the first area of the range. For example, if the Range object someRange has two areas—A1:B2 and C3:D4—, someRange.Rows.Count returns 2, not 4. To use this property on a range that may contain a multiple selection, test Areas.Count to determine whether the range is a multiple selection. If it is, loop over each area in the range, as shown in the third example.

    The returned range might be outside the specified range. For example, Range(«A1:B2»).Rows(5) returns cells A5:B5. For more information, see the Item property.

    Using the Rows property without an object qualifier is equivalent to using ActiveSheet.Rows. For more information, see the Worksheet.Rows property.


    This example deletes the range B5:Z5 on Sheet1 of the active workbook.

    This example deletes rows in the current region on worksheet one of the active workbook where the value of cell one in the row is the same as the value of cell one in the previous row.

    This example displays the number of rows in the selection on Sheet1. If more than one area is selected, the example loops through each area.

    Support and feedback

    Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.


    VBA – Count the rows in a Selection

    In this Article

    If you ever need to count the number of rows that were selected, use Selection.Rows.Count

    Count Rows in a Selection

    If you ever need to count the number of Columns that were selected, use Selection.Columns.Count

    Count Columns in a Selection

    VBA Coding Made Easy

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