Using the word tonight

Asked by: Wilma Bogisich

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Tonight is used to refer to the evening of today or the night that follows today. I’m at home tonight. Tonight, I think he proved to everybody what a great player he was. There they will stay until 11 o’clock tonight.

When can you say tonight?

‘Tonight’ generally covers the whole evening and night (as a continuation of the evening): ‘Let’s go clubbing tonight and then watch the sunrise’. ‘I hope to sleep well tonight’ is idiomatic, but if you were describing something that explicitly starts after midnight you probably would not say tonight.

What does tonight mean?

: the present night or the night following this present day.

How do you use the word tonight in a sentence?

Tonight sentence example

  1. He is very busy with Tessa tonight , do you think? …
  2. No, not too far, but the party is tonight , so we need to stay close. …
  3. Nothing is going to happen — not tonight or any other night. …
  4. «There is a feast tonight ,» he told her. …
  5. » Tonight ?» …
  6. I will stay with you tonight so you can rest.

Is it tonight or this night?

If somebody use «this night» instead of «tonight» then they are wrong. While «tonight» is normally the correct usage, as it is in all three of the examples above, be careful making blanket statements about what is right and wrong (see Grumpy Old Man’s example).

41 related questions found

What is tonight grammar?

adverb [noun ADVERB] Tonight is used to refer to the evening of today or the night that follows today. I’m at home tonight.

What is another word for tonight?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tonight, like: this night, this-evening, later, this p.m., night, yesterday, , TONIGHT’S, evening, saturday and tomorrow.

Is the word tonight a preposition?

Tonight and its relatives like tomorrow are generally described in dictionaries as either an adverb or a noun, not a pronoun. In the given example, it’s clearly an adverb.

What is the difference between today and tonight?

As nouns the difference between tonight and today

is that tonight is the nighttime of the current day or date; this night while today is a current day or date.

What does later tonight mean?

«Later tonight» or «later on tonight» does mean «at a later point in time during tonight». (There is nothing in the expression to indicate whether it is spoken during the day or night, however, if that’s your question.) «Tonight» can be ambiguous too. It might mean «after sunset, but before midnight».

What is the difference between tonight and tonite?

As nouns the difference between tonight and tonite

is that tonight is the nighttime of the current day or date; this night while tonite is (us|informal|entertainment industry) (tonight) or tonite can be an explosive compound; a preparation of guncotton.

What time is night time?

Afternoon is from 12:01 PM to around 5:00 PM. Evening is from 5:01 PM to 8 PM, or around sunset. Night is from sunset to sunrise, so from 8:01 PM until 5:59 AM.

Is it right to say today evening?

(This morning/evening means the morning/evening of this day. «Today» means «this day,» but «today morning/evening» is incorrect and never used).

What does today night mean?

1. [Rel.] expression used to describe metaphorically a period of ignorance and spiritual crisis that precedes the communion with Divinity ; 2. in a larger meaning, it is used when refering to having a hard time, going through a phase of pessimism, sadness, failure etc. steal someone’s thunder exp.

Is tonight an adjective or adverb?

As detailed above, ‘tonight’ can be a noun or an adverb. Noun usage: Tonight is the night. Noun usage: I have high hopes for tonight. Adverb usage: I want to party tonight!

Is tonight an adverb of time?

Tonight: an adverb of time. … Tomorrow: an adverb of time. Saturday: an adverb of time. Days of the week are always capitalised in English.

What is a synonym for tomorrow?

by-and-by, future, futurity, hereafter, offing.

Is tonight a common noun?

It is a common noun. What about «today»?

What are the prepositions?

A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like «in,» «at,» «on,» «of,» and «to.» Prepositions in English are highly idiomatic.

Which is correct in the evening or at the evening?

I think ‘during the evening‘ or ‘in the evening’ covers ‘at evening’ and ‘at evening’ is more specific than the other expressions, for example, at 9 p.m at night. If ‘in the evening’ or ‘during the evening’ is used in place of ‘at evening’ in the sentence, it won’t change the essential meaning except as concreteness.

Is on today correct grammar?

The phrases «on tomorrow,» «on today,» and «on yesterday» are commonly heard in the southern region of the United States. They are acceptable in casual speech and other informal contexts, but should not be used in formal contexts such as academic writing.

Do we say today morning?

Both are correct, in that «today» and «tomorrow» are both adjectives which describe «morning». … So the answer to your question is that «today morning» is grammatically correct but not the preferred idiom in American and British English.

(«We were wrong,» Bremmer tweeted tonight.
(«Мы ошиблись, — написал Бреммер на своей страничке в твиттере сегодня ночью.

Look, if you’re gonna nix this date tonight, I gotta call Sabrina.
Послушай, если ты не собираешься на это свидание сегодняшним вечером, я должен позвонить Сабрине.

She better haul us because I’m guessing Jason is not making too many more stops tonight.
Она взяла это на себя, потому что мы предполагаем, что Джейсон, не станет делать слишком много остановок, сегодняшним вечером.

Get Fleur out safely tonight.
Сегодня вечером уведи Флер в безопасное место.

Looking forward to your haunted house tonight.
Жду-не дождусь когда попаду в твой дом с привидениями сегодня ночью.

Make sure you block your ears tonight.
Убедись, что хорошо закрыл уши сегодня ночью.

Is it possible to see Venus tonight?
Можно ли сегодня ночью увидеть Венеру?

Griff and I leave for our trip tonight.
Грифф и я сегодня ночью уезжаем в путешествие.

Just call me if anyone else checks in tonight.
Позвоните мне, если ещё кто-нибудь снимет номер сегодня ночью.

Let’s start today with «tonight» from west side story.
Давайте начнем с «Сегодня ночью» из Западной стороны истории.

Tonight, the dream of Neverland will awaken from its slumber.
Сегодня ночью мечта Неверленда пробудится от долгого сна.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
Все примеры собраны из уже переведенных текстов: официальных документов, сайтов, журналов и диалогов из фильмов.
Раздел Контексты поможет в изучении английского, немецкого, испанского, русского и других языков. Здесь вы сможете найти примеры
с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

сегодня вечером, сегодня ночью, сегодняшний вечер, наступающая ночь


- сегодня вечером, реже ночью

it will snow tonight — вечером пойдёт снег
it’s cold tonight — вечер сегодня холодный


- сегодняшний вечер; наступающая ночь

tonight’s radio news — вечерний выпуск радионовостей

Мои примеры


come down to my place tonight — приходи ко мне сегодня вечером  
there will be dancing tonight — сегодня будут танцы  
enjoy your church tonight — Да благословит Бог ваше вечернее собрание  
a new film is going tonight — сегодня вечером идёт новый фильм  
we have got a do on tonight — у нас сегодня вечер  
we propose to leave tonight — мы намереваемся выехать сегодня вечером  
we propose to leaving tonight — мы предполагаем выехать сегодня вечером  
you are not quite yourself tonight — вам сегодня не по себе  
suppose we go to the movies tonight? — а что, если нам вечером пойти в кино?  
target for tonight — любовница  

Примеры с переводом

Tonight I saw the sunset.

Сегодня вечером я наблюдал закат солнца.

Anything on tonight?

Что-нибудь на сегодня запланировано?

You look very twee tonight.

Вы восхитительно выглядите сегодня.

Who’s your date tonight?

С кем у тебя сегодня вечером свидание?

What’s on TV tonight?

Что сегодня вечером по телевизору?

What’s on the tube tonight?

Что сегодня по телеку?

He is staying until tonight.

Он останется до вечера. (Он будет гостить/пребывать где либо до …)

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He’s on picket duty tonight.

The band’s really cooking tonight.

She’s too tired to go out tonight.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

tonight — перевод на русский


If I were you, I’d stay home tonight. What does that mean?

На твоём месте, я бы остался сегодня дома.

I have a dinner appointment with my sis tonight.

Ужинаю я сегодня с сестрой.

Look, there’s been something I want to say to you tonight.

Послушай, я кое-что хотела сказать тебе сегодня.

— What’s up with you tonight?

— Что с тобой сегодня?

I should not have worn sneakers tonight.

Я не должен был приходить в кедах сегодня.

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For the Championship tonight !

Чемпионат сегодня вечером!

«I have a date with Karen tonight.

«У меня встреча с Карэн вечером.

«Tonight I crave apple blossoms!» «Apple blossoms!

«Вечером я жажду яблоневого цвета!»

I’ll meet you tonight under the moon.

Я встречу вас вечером под луной.

Leaving tonight for Arizona.

Сегодня вечером в Аризону.

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Good luck with the competition tonight.

Удачи в конкурсе сегодня вечером.

I managed to learn that the suspects will meet tonight at Gourdan’s home to devise plans against the countess.

Я подслушал, что сегодня вечером у Журдена он встретиться с подозрительными людьми. Они что-то замышляют против г-жи графини.

I would like to go to Greifer tonight.

Я хотела бы пойти сегодня вечером к Грайфер.

«I’m dying of boredom here, I’m going to leave tonight.»

«Умираю здесь со скуки, уеду сегодня вечером.»

Meet me at 9 tonight at the usual place…

Встретимся сегодня вечером в 9 часов на нашем обычном месте —

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The keys are now in my hand and I can secretly take you out through the town gates tonight.»

Все ключи теперь у меня, ночью я смогу вывести тебя за городские ворота…

— They want us to swing over tonight.

Они хотят, чтоб мы приплыли к ним ночью.

You wouldn’t have me go tonight, would you?

Ну, ты наверное вряд ли отпустила бы меня ночью, правда?

Would you let me go tonight? Would you?

Или отпускаешь идти ночью, да?

But you told me you became that monster tonight… not of your own accord.

Но ты сказал мне, что этой ночью ты превратился в это чудовище… без своей воли и согласия на то.

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I’m going out with Cam tonight.

Сегодня ночью я уйду с Кэмом.

Dick, leaving tonight for your ranch. with a brand new wife.

Дик, сегодня ночью отправляюсь на твое ранчо, со своей женой.

But you’ll remember we’re having dinner at the Carews’ tonight.

Но ты не забудь, сегодня ночью мы будем ужинать у Кэрю.

— You looked perfectly lovely tonight.

-Ты выглядела потрясающе сегодня ночью.

I won’t need you any more tonight.

Ты мне больше не понадобишься сегодня ночью.

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Вы не жалуете сегодняшний бал?

A sip of wine, a loaf of bread and a salted herring… which their work earned them yesterday… will sustain their return to sea tonight… to earn tomorrow’s wine, bread and herring.

Вино, хлеб и апельсины… Вчерашняя ночь работы — вот чего стоит сегодняшний обед.

I was sort of saving myself for 21 tonight.

Я очень рассчитывал на сегодняшний ужин.

I mentioned that, obviously, because tonight’s play is about a young man… named Kim Stanger.

Я говорю об этом потому, что сегодняшний фильм рассказывает о молодом человеке… по-имени Ким Стэнгер.

Tonight’s playlet is really a sweet little story.

Сегодняшний эпизод — очень милая маленькая история.

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Tonight’s gotten… Pretty off track.

Сегодняшний вечер пошёл как-то совсем не так…

Reserve a box for me at the Alhambra for tonight.

Забронируй ложе в Альгамбре на сегодняшний вечер.

No, but I did hear the prediction tonight?

Нет, но я слышал её предсказание на сегодняшний вечер.

Tonight’s too precious.

Сегодняшний вечер очень дорог.

That’s for tonight.

Это на сегодняшний вечер.

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«You can’t go any further tonight. The werewolf is roaming the forests!»

«Вам не следует сейчас ехать дальше, оборотень рыщет по лесам.»

He probably feels pretty low tonight, and I thought…

Ему сейчас плохо, и я подумал…

¶ We’ll talk about tonight

Мы вместе, как сейчас

Can we leave right now, tonight?

Поедем прямо сейчас, можно?

How would you like to learn tonight? What?

Хочешь научится прямо сейчас?

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It looks like we stand them up again tonight.

ѕохоже, сегодн€ мы снова их завели.

She’s going great tonight.

ќна сегодн€ в ударе.

You have shown it, brother, by coming up here with me tonight.

¬ы €вили нам веру, брат, подн€вшись ко мне сегодн€.

What happened to you tonight, Brown?

ј с тобой что стр€слось сегодн€, Ѕраун?

I’m not the one that’s gonna bore you with speechmaking tonight.

Ќе € сегодн€ буду докучать вам речами.

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She was terribly sorry she couldn’t be here tonight. She didn’t weather the boat trip well.

Она извинялась, что не придёт — плохо перенесла плавание.

‘Cause he’s coming here tonight, in about 15 minutes.

Он ведь придёт сюда минут через 15.

— I didn’t know she was coming tonight.

— Я не знала, что она придет.

Now, Kay and I came here tonight for only one reason.

Кей и я пришли сюда только по одной причине.

It’s very nice of you to come tonight.

Неужели вы пришли?

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What is the meaning for tonight?

: the present night or the night following this present day.

What is Night in Old English?

late Old English niht (West Saxon neaht, Anglian næht, neht) “the dark part of a day; the night as a unit of time; darkness,” also “absence of spiritual illumination, moral darkness, ignorance,” from Proto-Germanic *nahts (source also of Old Saxon and Old High German naht, Old Frisian and Dutch nacht, German Nacht, Old …

What time does tonight mean?

Tonight is used to refer to the evening of today or the night that follows today. I’m at home tonight. Tonight, I think he proved to everybody what a great player he was. There they will stay until 11 o’clock tonight. Tonight is also a noun.

What type of part of speech is the word tonight?


part of speech: noun
definition: this present or approaching night.
part of speech: adverb
definition: on or during this present or approaching night.

Is tonight a proper word?

“Tonite” is a non-standard, shorter spelling of “tonight.” It has the same meaning and pronunciation as “tonight.” It’s just a different spelling. It is used informally and is not acceptable in any kind of formal writing.

What kind of noun is tonight?

noun. this present or coming night; the night of this present day.

Is tonight an adverb of time?

Tonight: an adverb of time. Tomorrow: an adverb of time. Saturday: an adverb of time. Days of the week are always capitalised in English.

Is tonight an adverb or noun?

tonight. adverb. /təˈnaɪt/ /təˈnaɪt/ ​on or during the evening or night of today.

What type of adverb is now?

Now as an adverb of time. We use now most commonly as an adverb of time. It means ‘at the present time’, ‘at this moment’ or ‘very soon’.

What type of adverb is loudly?

Manner adverbs

accurately beautifully expertly
anxiously carefully greedily
badly cautiously loudly

What type of adverb is mostly?

most ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌ Most is the superlative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as an adverb (before an adjective or another adverb): a most interesting lecturethe question that is asked most often. (with a verb): Love is what these children need most.

Which tense is used with now?

Present Progressive

How do we use as today?

As of today can mean “from the beginning up until now, including today,” as in this example: As of today, only three survivors have been found.

How do you use up to now in a sentence?

  1. The police haven’t got a clear clue up to now.
  2. Up to now,I’ve read as far as the fifth chapter,the second volume of “The War and Peace”.
  3. We’ve kept our meetings secret up to now.
  4. Her life has run smoothly up to now.
  5. Up to now he’s been quiet.
  6. Up to now he’s been very quiet.
  7. Up to now he’s still quiet.

What is the meaning of until now?

Definitions of until now. adverb. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time. synonyms: as yet, heretofore, hitherto, so far, thus far, til now, up to now, yet.

How do you say until now?

Alternate Synonyms for “until now”: so far; thus far; up to now; hitherto; heretofore; as yet; yet; til now.

Is until now formal?

In English the phrase “until now” is used to refer to a change of circumstances where the change happens now. Instead of “until now”, in this sentence the writer should have used the phrases “to date”, “as yet” or “so far”. They all have the same meaning. “To date” is formal; “so far” informal.

Is until now correct?

As for “until now,” yes it’s correct English. There are dozens of examples in the Oxford English Dictionary. The earliest one (using “til” instead of “until”) is from the Wycliffe Bible of 1382, the first English version of the Bible.

What is the difference between up till now and until now?

2 Answers. Till has the same meaning until has; it is just informal, and not used at the beginning of a sentence. “Till now” and “up until now” have the same meaning.

What is the difference between until now and till now?

Till means the same thing as until. Till is not an abbreviation of until—it’s actually older than until—and it should not be written with an apostrophe. ‘Til turns up now and then, but major usage dictionaries and style guides consider it an error, so it’s best to avoid it.

Is it up to now or up until now?

No. By the way, “up until now” is redundant. Use either “up to now” or “until now”.

What is another word for up until?

What is another word for up until?

until till
pending through
’til up till
up to through to
until such time as up to the time

What Does not until mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English not untilused to emphasize that something does not happen before a certain point in time or before something else has happened ‘Can I go out and play now? ‘ ‘Not until you’ve done your homework. ‘ It was not until 1972 that the war finally came to an end.

Is there a comma after until now?

Since “until” is a subordinating conjunction, it does not need a comma so long as it comes after the main clause. In fact, it’s the same with almost all subordinating conjunctions. They don’t take a comma before them if they appear in the sentence after the main clause.

How do you say up to until today?

until now; up to now; so far; till now; hitherto; up to here; yet; thus far; heretofore; til now; as yet; to date.

How do you use date in a sentence?

  1. This technology is bang up to date .
  2. It was the president’s second public appearance to date.
  3. The car is a beauty and quite up to date.
  4. He’s always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.

Is it to date or to date?

Well, as a punctuation drill seargent, “to-date” is the correct word because you are describing the time period in which the funds have been raised as one date, and that is a singular hyphenated word.

What is the difference between date and dated?

As verbs the difference between date and dated is that date is to note the time of writing or executing; to express in an instrument the time of its execution while dated is (date).

Why do some countries use mm-dd-yyyy?

The ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD (2021-06-21) is intended to harmonize these formats and ensure accuracy in all situations. Many countries have adopted it as their sole official date format, though even in these areas writers may adopt abbreviated formats that are no longer recommended.

What is the meaning for tonight?

Alex Heath


What is the meaning for tonight?

: the present night or the night following this present day.

Is tonight a real word?

“Tonight” is the proper spelling. “Tonite” is an abbreviated form usually used for messaging. The traditional spelling of the English word is “tonight”.

What part of speech is the word tonight?


part of speech: noun
definition: this present or approaching night.
part of speech: adverb
definition: on or during this present or approaching night.

How do you use the word tonight?

Tonight is used to refer to the evening of today or the night that follows today. I’m at home tonight. Tonight, I think he proved to everybody what a great player he was. There they will stay until 11 o’clock tonight.

What kind of noun is tonight?

It is a common noun.

Is tonight an adverb of time?

Tonight: an adverb of time. Tomorrow: an adverb of time. Saturday: an adverb of time. Days of the week are always capitalised in English.

What type of adverb is now?

Now as an adverb of time. We use now most commonly as an adverb of time. It means ‘at the present time’, ‘at this moment’ or ‘very soon’.

What part of speech is four?


What is the word four?

Princeton’s WordNet. four, 4, IV, tetrad, quatern, quaternion, quaternary, quaternity, quartet, quadruplet, foursome, Little Joe(noun) the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one. four-spot, four(adj) a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows four pips.

What is the word for 4?

What is another word for four?

quadrigeminal quadripartition
quadruple quadruplet
quadruplets quartet
quartette quaternary
quaternion quaternity

What part of grammar is the word that?

The word “THAT” can be used as a Definite Article, a Conjunction, an Adverb, Pronoun, and Adjective.

What is this and that called in grammar?

This, that, these and those are demonstratives. We use this, that, these and those to point to people and things. This and that are singular. These and those are plural. We use them as determiners and pronouns.

What type of word is were?

Meaning – Were is the past tense of the verb are. Look at this example of were used in a sentence. Since were means the same as the past tense of are in this sentence, it is the correct word to use.

What is the word down in grammar?

The word down can be used in a number of ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun), as in ‘She was walking down the street’, as an adverb, e.g. ‘She lay down and fell asleep’, after the verb ‘to be’, as in ‘Shares were sharply down at the end of trading today’, and as an adjective, as in ‘He’s been feeling a bit down …

What is down in part of speech?

part of speech: adverb. definition 1: from above to a lower position; toward, in, or into a lower position. He fell down and couldn’t get up.

What are the two meanings of down?

1 : toward or in a lower position He jumped up and down. 2 : to a lying or sitting position Please sit down. 3 : toward or to the ground, floor, or bottom She fell down. 4 : below the horizon The sun went down.

Is down a describing word?

adjective. downward; going or directed downward: the down escalator. being at a low position or on the ground, floor, or bottom.

What’s a word for up and down?

What is another word for up and down?

volatile inconstant
wavering changeful
mercurial unpredictable
tempestuous fluctuant
up-and-down full of ups and downs

What does down mean in slang?

As an adjective the word down can mean to be sad and depressed. It can be used in a conversation as I am feeling very down today. Down as a verb can mean to get down or to dance and have fun. I am going to the dance tonight and am going to get down on the dance floor, is a way to define down as a slang term.

What does it mean when a guy says I’m down?

As mentioned earlier, the primary definition of “I’m down” is that you are open to an activity or action. For example, if your friend invites you to go clubbing on the weekend, you can respond by saying “I’m down” to indicate that you are willing to go out.

What does I’m down mean in slang?

“I’m down for it” is slang and mostly used by young people. It means you are okay with doing whatever is being presented. “Do you want to go to a party?” “Yeah, I’m down for it.” “I’m up for it” is not slang and means you are prepared or ready for a certain task or situation.

What does I’m up mean?

As others have said, the expression “I’m up”, if standing on its own without any other context given, generally means “I’m out of bed”, but can also mean “I am standing up” (if the person has been asked to do so, for example).

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