Using the word quote in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “quote” in a sentence. How to connect “quote” with other words to make correct English sentences.

quote (v,n): to repeat the words that someone else has said or written; to repeat the words that someone else has said or written

Use “quote” in a sentence

Can you quote me an example?
He often quotes the Bible.
It’s a quote from the Bible.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


I want to quote it practically whole, because such life stories of

It all comes down to one question: how did you treat the least of these my brethren? I quote this from Matthew 25 where Jesus expresses how He will judge the nations

He was well known for his ability to quote chapter and verse, with a comprehensive range of interpretations, on any of the hot political potatoes of the day

They made sure that he could cross-reference the relevant sections with his own briefing notes and that he could quote verbatim from all of the sections and paragraphs that would support the arguments he was to make in his speech

‘He said, and I quote ‘no decent journalist should be without one

He was well known for his ability to quote chapter and

own briefing notes and that he could quote verbatim from all of the

I’ve always liked this quote by Lewis Smedes, “ To

He mustered the ‘moral’ minority to form an action group claiming that the presence of, and I quote, ‘all those wanton women’ would have a detrimental effect on the neighbourhood and all the families living round there

She could quote poetry in five languages, two of them Yingolian

And the interviewer said quote no NBI no visa: so I thought they really can’t give me a visa without that NBI and I have to wait for three weeks more before I get my NBI

have been able to quote me word for word – the

«I’ll tell you what I know, this is the word for word quote from Klarrain, ‘Brancettrabble said to read Alan anyway, he didn’t say I’d have to mess with a hit squad

formation allowed later theologians to quote him in the

And, because I mentioned Kant, here is a quote

But if your law requires a direct quote, I’ll never forget the worst of it

She flipped the pages to a passage called, “A Living Poem” on Creating an autonomous poem that had a life of its own, With a quote by the master artist Katsushika Hokusai:

They usually all quote the same four or five verses in defense of

To quote somebody in a dream suggests that you need to listen and heed the message in that quote

The quote may be a message from your subconscious

Now don’t quote me on this but

Last but not least, I would like to close this chapter with a quote from someone who needs no introduction:

readers so I will not quote it here) involves a guy who

The world and its media cheered on the demise of the giant superpower, as it became incorporated into Europe and the quote, “World Community”

‘Surely I don’t need to quote you the Temporal Directive

The authors of the New Testament quote from 31 books in the Old Testament and the writings were circulated so widely that the complete set of both Old and New Testament writings became known as the “New Covenant”

Can you see from this quote that even though bishops

parent were especially mad at me, without eating and knew this quote of “Pi” from the movie Life of

Adem assumed that quote was some sort of formality Tanriel had also informed Jean of through the kigare

She then went on to quote a portion of „The Process of Education» by Dr

Anyone who can quote you parts of that slim tome is either unearthly, or an absolute butcher

Allow me to quote from his magnificent, magniloquent Farewell Address, given to the Union in 1796

He further said, and I quote: „The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism

Fancies himself a philosopher, due to the fact that he can quote Socrates

West would be more accurate if he professed to being able to quote Plato quoting Socrates

Well now, any self-respecting eighth grader should be able to quote Plato quoting Socrates

Just as studying the history of philosophy is not studying philosophy, so the ability to quote philosophy does not make one a philosopher

Then Alf did a little jig throwing his hands up in the air relishing his timing of his favourite Michael Caine quote

Reese did not waver, or argue, or quote Bible passages, or count the odds

He stated in his sermon, and I quote, ―God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve

can quote me on that

In regard to the identification of dead terrorists allow me to quote to your from my book Mean Streets — Life in the Apartheid Police: «There was a rumour, probably true, that Policemen cut the ears off dead terrorists to keep as trophies but I have never seen that myself

Allow me to quote again from my book Mean Streets — Life in the Apartheid Police: «Many times we swore we will kill the criminal next time because the courts did not deal with them in the way we thought it should

They don’t prescribe to General Patton’s quote that «the object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his

The neighbours always said; to quote, ‘We’re afraid it will affect our property values

Such (casual) indifference to this important (historical) event reminded me of a remark made by the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, and I quote, ―Give the people sports‖; (the soccer matches ostensibly intended to provide cover for his considerable misdeeds)

“How could you quote me statistics if you really had no clue?”

There was a quote that teased at the edge of my mind, something that I’d read in high school English class

“Now, the second horse, he says, and I quote,” (titters and sniggering

“The third horse says, and I quote – ‘in my nine-year racing career, I ran eighty percent wins, and made hundreds of thousands for my master

“Then this dog that was laying in the grass gets up, and he says, …and I quote –’”

You can quote me on that

He had at least read a few books including the quote from the Roman jurist Ulpian ‘anyone will tell you what you want to hear eventually as they would rather lie than suffer’

For the rest of the quote the reader will have to consult Shakespeare’s, ‘King Lear

My Father’s favorite quote was from Cicero

He referred to his disguised ship as ‘scrap,’ and offered this as his explanation, and I quote: ‘try to see what it’s worth

’ End of quote

That is a wordy quote but necessary for understanding why Jesus Must

Private Mott of the 5th, was given fifty lashes and almost bled to death for, and I quote: ’Not being vigilant enough in the persecution of vile deeds that promoted sin, incurred the wrath of the Gods or were an affront to the Pantheon and the Ruling Council’

Don’t always quote others, you said,

What will be the result of this awaking? Those who have faith in God will be appalled when their sins are revealed in the light of a new day, as described in the following quote:

“The tower says, and I quote, ‘come on over

“Because twenty days ago, you said, and I quote, ‘it must be the twenty-third or twenty-fourth of March,’ that’s what you said

With his eyes boring into Krill’s with as much fanatical intensity as he could fake, he gave the assembly instead a little quote from Frank Herbert’s ‘Dune

Language like that in the preceding quote seemed to me more like one of those borrowings that I have referred to earlier, whose basis was more akin to mythological folklore

And earlier in chapter 10, I inserted a quote concerning the genealogy of Noah, his son Ham and Ham’s son Cush

Historically the “Door” (of the Philadelphian quote) did not close

Regarding the reference to “Where Satan’s throne is” in the quote from Revelation under the heading “The Compromising Church,” Rome had also been referred to as “The traditional center of Paganism” during the many centuries of its popularity, and then domination

If Saint John of a previous quote is the John of Revelation, then he knew personally what was the state of faith of the Ephesians during his time as bishop, and had used them as an example to warn others within the factions who had already begun to stray

“What is Descartes’ most famous quote?”

Ignorance is bliss! Here’s a quote from a Thai bar girl recorded in a ‘YouTube’ video:

And Berlinski continues the quote, “For those who are studying aspects of the origin of life, the question no longer seems to be whether life could have originated by chemical processes involving non-biological components but, rather, what pathway might have been followed

( Each quote contains a thought that has impressed me and I have kept them separate for the clarity it will bring to the later reference of them

In the first quote Jesus seems to be saying that all children have angelic intercessors, who may stand before God directly in representing or overseeing the interests of children personally and individually

In the second quote Jesus is answering the question that assumes that marriage is a covenant that exists beyond the grave

This is a quote from the popular super-hero series titled Spider-Man

“It’s not the full quote, but it’s the one preferred by ole Wormwood

VERONICA: This quote was actually integral to my discovery of Tris’s voice

It is quite a lengthy passage related to the body, but take head of the first verse we quote, which coincidently is synonym with the verse quoted above

Therefore, when I quote passages from Burger’s book, it will be my own translation into English

A very interesting fact is, whether the doctor is aware of it or not, he does not quote Amos 2:1-2 at all

Then they can quote the following passage from their bible:

Forgive me for not remembering who to give credit to for the following quote, but it is so, so true…

The best way to summarise my situation would be the following quote:

The churches love to quote this verse:

can use the lu xun’s «looking angrily condemned, head bowed as a willing ox» this quote to psychological dredge, rather than anger, it’s much more than their class is high

experience «looking angrily condemned to refer, head bowed as a willing ox» this quote can feel they don’t succumb to the secular gossip, don’t be annihilated by message, and don’t care about

“Yes, and let me quote what was published in the Japanese media

” to quote myself

the Bible well enough to quote it with accuracy when temptations come calling

I would quote Man

“Dr Hancox writes, and I quote, „I am afraid to say that Harry’s condition has worsened and I honestly believe that he is now suffering from a severe form of schizophrenia

This quote, widely attributed to St

about it later, and a quote I had read popped into mind

―‘When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to…‘‖ my mother used to quote

To quote that great theologian (just kidding), Steven Tyler, lead

We are egotists utilizing excuses to define who we are, and then quote the Bible so we can cover up our lack of commitment to truth

Should we just quote the Bible and let it be, or do we actually care?

Over a long period of a few years some share show a consistent growth, some show ups and downs around a mean value, some show a persistent fall in value and quite a few just vanish out of market or are quoted at a value which is not worth the cost of paper on which the share certificate is printed

This enables cheaper average handling charges and getting better market rates than quoted

The reverend quoted passages out of scientific studies about how singing raises the white blood cell count

She quoted with author-

Inspector Ditton is quoted as saying that Liz is in a safe house and appealing for the media to leave her alone

The Buddha is quoted as

Material used for Bad Examples of Leadership are freely quoted from a Sermon Series (Old

The Buddha is quoted as saying something like, “Conjecture about the world is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it

«On the first page of the bible, Gods are quoted not God

While a number of us cannot find happiness without being seen on TV and quoted in the papers, most of us do prefer a calm and peaceful place rather than a public stage

In Isaiah 66:24, at one time a much quoted

This is the most quoted verse in the Bible and also one of the clearest accounts

Uar already knew this as He often quoted:

He seemed to know all the rules, regulations, guidelines and instructions and often quoted them at her, word for word, much to her obvious irritation

— Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Joel, David and Daniel are expressly quoted in the New Testament

What is interesting about this passage is that Jesus quoted a passage from Isaiah 61, but stopped halfway through the passage when he closed the book and declared that the prophecy was fulfilled in their ears on that day

In the passage from Colossians, as quoted above, we see that the Bible states that through God all things consist

Wallace Pratt, quoted by W

Undoubtedly one of Western Civilization»s most important philosophers (especially in his „Dialogues, in which he quoted time and again the same Socrates who left us nothing in writing)

To this I would only add that one of Obama»s nominees to the Supreme Court, and since confirmed, has been quoted as saying that it would be a service to the country to castrate white males

Not wasting any time, we went through the various projects in progress and ones that still needed to be quoted on

The study often quoted by the gun industry claims guns are used over 2 million times a year to stop crime

«That’s the thing about pigs,» I quoted in a bad imitation of his voice

“One time he told me, ‘a short, fat, pudgy-faced, baldy-headed, four-eyed, buck-toothed son of a bitch like you should have more confidence,’” quoted O’Keefe with a pained smile

«He wants to know whether you quoted a hundred and twenty, or a hundred and forty pounds to hire the back field for the village fete

A number of those prominently quoted by critics of the program in fact were not part of Phoenix and have been exposed as frauds

“He’s quoted in the news; saying that I called for a motion at county council, and, ‘she knew what she was doing,’ according to him

Now the service ceiling is quoted at twenty thousand

“By all means lead from in front, but lead from the top, as well,” he quoted

” He then quoted a price slightly higher than Enrique’s

They had the testimony of George Dearling’s wife who reported that Brian Walston had shown up at her door, demanding that she give up her husband because, as she quoted: “he was going to kill the prick

Colling smiled and quoted a Polish verse, “‘Eyes blue as the sky above the steppes, hair like the golden grain that reaches to touch it

Did you notice whom Jude quoted? This coming judgment was first

At the beginning of this REASON 4 we quoted the assessments of Daniel

The above verses, and many others not quoted, create an unshakable

Considering the flight was only booked for fifteen minutes, Blair had looked after them very well, and charged the original price quoted without the additional one hundred and twenty dollars for the permit

And as to the promise as also quoted above, “To him who overcomes…I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it

I wish to take no position on the subject as quoted above, the Marian question, except to note that the contestants seemed to have gotten further into religiosity than the far simpler path that their crucified leader had tried to direct them toward

Our Rabbi had spoken, as if he had just quoted from a greater source

“This is widely seen,” as I have already quoted Berlinski in his critique, “as offering dramatic confirmation of Darwinian evolution

” Then he continues, taking pains to reveal that he does not agree with that previously quoted perspective, “The view is common; it is also incoherent…If this were so…it would represent a connection that we don’t understand and cannot grasp

At first I missed the point that the author was making in this second quoted line and I wondered, Is the author using this opinion as an expert source or as a foil for his own purposes?

From there I was led into the following synopsis, because of Robert Sussman and his article, part of which is quoted below

Two examples of his teachings as has already been quoted earlier should be sufficient to understand angelic purpose and nature

John Peel famously quoted, “I’ve always found it easier to tell the truth because that way you don’t have to remember what you’ve said

mitted a teaching from history as quoted by Professor Joseph Olson,

Wikipedia quoted the satellite data as showing a rise of 0

We are familiar with the good old 1 Corinthians 13 which is often quoted at weddings

It is quite a lengthy passage related to the body, but take head of the first verse we quote, which coincidently is synonym with the verse quoted above

In the Afrikaans version of my book, I also quoted the Afrikaans version of Burger’s book

In this regard, please do not take my translation of the text in quotations marks as literally accurate, word for word and letter for letter, but rather concentrate on the message the quotations portray, as every effort has been made to accurately reflect the core message of every quoted passage, from his book, in Afrikaans: “5 Minute voor en na die dood”

Before we adopt the churches methodology of “soothing the ears” of the majority, lets also read a few verses before and after the verse we quoted above to understand the full context of what is being described here…

One is to demonise cremation by using some of the verses linking God’s judgements to “fire”, (which we have quoted in this book), to attach a negative, possibly sinful connotation to cremation and of course the second would be, in order to save the planet and the climate, liquefying the dead as opposed to cremation would be endorsed as the Christians high moral ground

If you still don’t believe that cremation is evil, then do yourself a favour and look up the verses we quoted in this book an tear those pages from you bible – this way you can truly declare there is nothing in YOUR bible against cremation

She even quoted the Bible, something about “Whoa to the man who’s alone…no one being there to catch him if he falls”, etc

» David was quoted in the book of Acts

“But we’re going to be talking about stuff I can’t be quoted on

He was quoted by two sources as telling them the recruit would probably forget about a grounding wire and that when Carson made the same mistake and tried moving it, be sure to stand clear

In verse 13, the Lord’s attitude to evil is given, and this verse is often quoted, or

partly quoted, although I somewhat doubt that many who use it this way know the

1 Corinthians 10: 13 is often quoted as if it is the only

In the Bible, Jesus is quoted as saying He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light

“The prophecy I quoted you was written before even the scroll,” he said

quoted as if it is the only teaching on this subject, so I suggest you read the

In the Bible, Jesus is quoted as saying He is the Way, the Truth, and the

texts are quoted in Romans, rather then the order they appear in the modern Bible

Two texts are quoted here, but they both express similar thoughts:- Isaiah 52: 7; Nahum

Verse 3, Psalm 69: 9 and John 2: 17 are quoted to support this theses

The supporting scriptures quoted, in the order given, are: 2 Samuel 22: 50 and 51; Deuterono-

he quoted to Jesus is in black and white in Psalms

prophets! Parts of the Book of Jasher can be seen copied straight into the Pentateuch even other writings are seen quoted there

Justice Breyer was quoted as saying that regardless of complaints against the practice, judges would look increasingly to foreign sources for legal precedent when considering American constitutional cases

The publication Nursing Science is quoted as advocating a new feminist approach that is “open-ended, ambiguous, dynamically constructed, incessantly questioned, endlessly self-revising, never set, but floating and moving with the river of life

” Arkes points out that views such as those expressed in the quoted editorial, arguing against science being constrained by “moral and ethical definitions,” are themselves “a moral judgment in behalf of a research unconstrained by moral judgments

But how did he know? Van Cliburn‘s parents were quoted in the Times as saying, ―We thought he was just an ordinary little boy

I shook my head “That’s from your necklace, it keeps you safe” I quoted her grandma

Indeed, much of his casework is widely quoted by many authors on the subject of

Tarazi found a century-old reference, again only in Spanish, which quoted yet other obscure

Roger quoted the Cuban leader as saying in October of 1960 when he established the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution

from producing or servicing the quoted business

This is often quoted as evidence of a successful worldwide campaign for nuclear power phase-out

” The paper quoted one irate Democratic activist when one

“I told him we shouldn’t raise it—even quoted chapter and verse on what Shaftner said

In any case, her mother lived in a sizeable town, not the miles from anywhere David had quoted

The essay from which I just quoted can be found online

Some of the sons quoted in the article said that the dissension frequently spills into social occasions, which the father cannot divorce from the place of work, and that the mothers are upset, wives are ready for a divorce, and children are neglected

He was quoted as saying that his son would not inherit control of Park Communications, a publicly traded corporation headed by Park Sr

” The newspaper quoted my father saying, “Park Newspapers will remain, we hope, but you can’t run anything from the grave

As part of his introduction to the ceremony, Dean Robert Swieringa quoted an ancient Chinese proverb before honoring me with a kind tribute: If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain

So now their work is so secret they can not be identified just as the scribes of the Pentateuch can no longer be identified even by the Jews so they ascribe it to Moses as it was secretly taken by the scribes from the ‘real books’ and words of the prophets! Parts of the Book of Jasher can be seen copied straight into the Pentateuch even other writings are seen quoted there

The subsequent story quoted the Hanoi Nhan Dan newspaper as saying that Major Bender was now a criminal being held in Hanoi

Quoted by Binod Nepal, “Population Mobility and Spread of HIV Across

problem in Nepal, the most widely quoted sources estimate that 5,000 to 15,000

He was quoted

From most of these writers I have already quoted at some length, but space must yet be found for the last three, the surviving members of the brilliant quartette who produced `New Numbers’

I quoted this passage because I don’t want anyone to have any illusions

This was admitted by the authors of the above quoted

I quoted a paper that found only 10

22 Karl Pribram, quoted in The 3-Pound Universe, Judith Hooper and Dick Teresi

Sits there all day and quotes away the

This is why when Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:5, He misquotes it

And isn’t it interesting that Peter quotes Joel? We find that in Joel, it is at this moment that God pours out His Spirit that the judgment comes! Yet we don’t stop there

get the best quotes and the best pictures, and in the middle of this

Though now his heart wasn’t in it, so numbly, he recited quotes from Adros

Sherlock Holmes quotes in this very story

Quotes from principals, parents, and

Jesus quotes these words (Isaiah 66:24) in one of His own

Jesus, when speaking of Gehennah (hell) quotes this

He describes it as a frame of mind “in which nothing definite is thought, planned, striven for, desired, or expected, which aims in no particular direction and yet knows itself capable alike of the possible and the impossible, so unswerving is its power…” [183] The author quotes his teacher as saying, “The right art is purposeless, aimless! The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede

Then, repeat the same search in quotes for an exact match result

Look for at least one full page of ads when you search without quotes, and some ads when you search with quotes

check inventories, list prices, and trade-in quotes for their ZIP code or anyplace else

Of all the scurrilous quotes attributed to Lyndon Johnson, this is my favorite

His essays, and quotes, were crudely prosaic, sometimes even shockingly strange, yet he could

At the beginning of this chapter are two quotes, the second of which is an account of a flood story quite similar to that of Noah’s

Do any of these quotes sound anything like the Islamic experience? Mohammad’s Desert Raiders were horsemen, they “went conquering and to conquer” for well over sixty years in their initial conquests (632–690)

And then there are those who just become confused by complexity too great for them to grasp, as in the quotes from the Physicist Steven Weinberg, that Berlinski uses, “The more comprehensible the universe becomes, the more it also seems pointless

and quotes that Christians love to spout about faith, belief, and trust

These excerpts that follow, seem to me to give evidence of a kind of support for the earlier quotes as well as the suspicion already stated

Now you can say: “If my preacher states I only have to believe in Christ in order to receive everlasting life” and your preacher quotes the following scripture:

He then quotes in brackets the following verses:

He then quotes two sections from scripture in brackets)

What I am saying is the doctor does not prove his statement with the verses he quotes i

characters can’t be represented in single quotes

“The trouble with quotes about death is that 99

Paul makes clear in verse 17, where he quotes from the final part of Habakkuk 2: 4

to state “We are all one in Christ Jesus!” Which he then quotes in his another

Verse 4 quotes 1 Kings 19: 18; where it states that seven hundred Jews still remained in

Paul quotes; Deuteronomy 32: 35 in support of this assertion

Verse 20, Here Paul quotes one of the statements that Jesus made during the Sermon on the

Stanton Evans quotes founder and fourth President James Madison that “there is not a shadow of right in the general government to meddle with religion

Quin Hillyer, who writes for Washington Times and The American Spectator, quotes Ned Ryun of the Tea Party Patriots on the need for active participation at all levels

Guru quotes too high, in terms of time and effort, they go to

Quotes from John Dickinson in July of 1768 and repeated by Patrick Henry in March, 1779, stated the words: “United we stand, divided we fall

He quotes Isaiah and St

This includes joining in conversations, starting conversations, posting inspiring and interesting content such as images, quotes, facts, jokes, etc

The order won’t matter, and you can also include a phrase by placing quotes around it

But it will only accept one phrase, and you won’t need to put quotes around it

I will cite quotes from him and comment about them as I did with Mr

Of the games quotes

Turner discovered that sometimes Streator made up quotes in order to present blacks in a more positive light: “Once he admitted to me he’d invented some quotes for A

In reading these quotes, I am not sure that I understand the issues of 1931

images with uplifting quotes to yourself and to friends and loved ones

Approvingly, he quotes Hamlin Garland again:

In commending Richard and lamenting the loss of his leadership, I shared with him one of my father’s favorite quotes, the words of the late Peter Kiewit, entrepreneur and former owner of the Omaha World-Herald (now the largest employee-employerowned newspaper in the United States), because they so perfectly fit Dean Cole: I do not choose to be a common man

“If all these quotes were glowing in a book from famous academic, publishing and political giants, true captains of industry, what weight would anybody give a couple of complaining serfs? They’d say those guys have problems

”32 I never heard those quotes and knew that my father had absolutely no intention that someday he would turn the management of the company over to me, or that someday any part of it would be mine

” Her note said, “One of his goals was that his offspring would live lives to help others—to make this world a better place because they had lived,” and attached were several quotes he had pasted to the back of a framed picture on his desk

He quotes a passage from Saint Paul, «When I am weak, then I am strong

Captain Larzelere quotes General Howell M

Here is the last of the helpful quotes provided by Thomas Constable…

Take media quotes about the industry

You can use all sorts of quotes around your products and services that aren’t directly related to it

Ø After having been told by 2 or 3 other «professionals» that my car needed a new engine and high priced quotes, YOU diagnosed and fixed my car without having to replace the engine at all AND at a reasonable price! — Toni B

It is important to read quotes from other sources because misinformation about India is deeply entrenched in the history books and minds of most Western educated people

gathering my notes for this chapter I’d come across a countless number of quotes from

Schools preferred these shortened versions as long as we included all the quotes and soliloquies their students had to learn

» After having read these romantic love quotes, didn’t you start thinking that what a wonderful


A good way of doing this is to get free quotes from different insurance providers

She just has to get those rush quotes on the boss’ desk first thing in the morning

You can use the quotes for a tighter search or not for a broad search

In one of my classic ‘wish I’d never said that’ quotes I told Helen “these house prices are artificially inflated; I’m not paying $21,000 for a house, we should wait until the prices drop

Paul quotes the Old Testament in verse 15 concerning a conversation

erty, without quotes, then he’s not thinking very clearly and

about intellectual property, without quotes, then he’s not think-

And, like Ozymandius, their quotes will live after them, carved in the memories of their old associates; though as what? A testament to their apposite intellects? Treasured words of wisdom to be passed down to the next generation? No! An epitaph to their cantankerousness, so that the people who remember them may say “That was Fishmael, he was a man of certainty, as is Death

But isn’t that why the phrase usually is in quotes?

Other material sent were quotes by athletes, actors and politicians, things that children wrote, courtroom behavior and signs

Many interpretations of these quotes could be analyzed in vari-

Perhaps one of the most famous quotes from this revelation is the betrayal of Christ from the apostle Peter, for Jesus said that even Peter who was said to have loved him greatly would deny knowing

As far as some of the quotes, I had a few doubts because one quote was attributed to Al Gore – I saw it in some book, which itself could have been in error – and another book listed those words flowing from the mouth of George W

Edit and add ;C:Python23 (without the quotes) to the end of what is already there

‘ PATH=%PATH%;C:Python23’ (without the quotes) and restart the system

You will notice that I have used quotes to specify ‘print’ so that Python can understand that I want

You can specify strings using single quotes such as ‘Quote me on this’

freely within the triple quotes

called conversion or reverse quotes) do the same thing

He quotes Graham as saying that experiments “show conclusively” that a substance in cigarette smoke could produce cancer

I don’t believe the author is related to Peter Griffin, but Eggelletion relies on this book for numerous quotes and insight

This great American uttered quite a few good words of advice, and I’ll have another of his quotes later

Above are a few of the many quotes from active and former

name without single quotes

above, I chose the keyword “trout fishing” without the quotes in the search

reader misled by any of these quotes so it is necessary to reprint

have pulled quotes from real research papers out

Still not convinced? Here are 100% genuine quotes from people who’ve read the book on Literotica

quotes from Sheriff Banks about the investigation had been hurriedly

There were several quotes from Paul Blaisdel, the likely

Congratulations on completing the “177 Motivational Success Quotes to Live the Championship Life!” Now it’s time to implement what you’ve learned into your everyday life

One of my favorite quotes by Dennis Waitley is

One of his quotes has entered our national

He just wished the quotes would stay in context

(MPD) in the DSM-III, and so quotes from some materials will refer

He thinks this over and quotes me a price three times his normal rate

Limit the number of quotes

Though most of the quotes in this essay are from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, I was careful to compare them with the texts of the other three canonical gospels

“Thank you, Reverend, and thank you for your very distinct Bible quotes

’ Angie finished, obviously quoting from memory

The only two references in the New Testament to the day of the Lord are both quoting Jesus when He spoke of His return in the clouds

’ He said grinning at me – and sounding as though he is quoting from an instruction manual of some sort

«I didn’t say I was quoting it, there’s a name for their plant but I –” He twisted his napkin around his fingers

I thought she was quoting the bible

I am quoting Céline Dion as an example, not because she is a pop star but because she represents the keenest of evidence that fairy tales are sometimes made true

First of all, we need to realize that Jesus is quoting verbatim Isaiah 66:24 in this

If Jesus is quoting Isaiah,

As I say in Chapter 4, quoting Swami Satchidananda, depending on how you perceive your situation, “the same world can be a heaven or a hell

The Pharisees required him to silence his disciples when they were quoting scriptures from the Old Testament that pointed to the Messiah who would come in the name of the Lord

West would be more accurate if he professed to being able to quote Plato quoting Socrates

Well now, any self-respecting eighth grader should be able to quote Plato quoting Socrates

Monique started quoting a further series of numbers for about ten seconds

Thus you find the most wonderful phrases and words flowing in an elegant way quoting legal sections and other parts of previous letters to create as much pages as possible

Quoting Fräulein Maria from “The Sound of Music”, let’s start at the very beginning

Such reports as did reach us were weeks out of date, and were not intelligently used…” he was quoting me to me

In the next car, it was a bull session, and this time it was some guy quoting Cyrano De Bergerac!

Always well dressed, he could be observed quoting Shakespeare one minute; and then idly picking his nose in the airport waiting hall the next

“The book’s title refers to the idea that our emotional states are themselves examples of what Minsky dubs ‘ways to think,’” Shapiro offers, as he continues quoting Minsky: “‘…general methods of problem-solving that our brains use to tackle the tasks of everyday life…Rather than being impediments to reasoning,’ Minsky argues, ‘emotions can actually help us to focus our attention in ways that are relevant to our immediate goals…They do this by changing the “resources,” or processes, that our brains use at any given moment

journal on that first night in the trailer park, but here I am quoting

Prove, from scriptures by quoting the appropriate passages that a child of God, must have his or her funeral conducted by a church

Prove, from scriptures by quoting the appropriate passages that a minister, priest, preacher, reverend, pastor or any other type of clergymen must conduct the funeral of a child of God

The question arises: Is a person bound to reap all that he or she has sown, in just proportion? Quoting the Buddha, Ven Mahasi Sayadaw gives the following answer:[107]

probably knew the Psalm by heart, and was quoting from memory, as the Jews of

Jeremiah probably knew the Psalm by heart, and was quoting from

uses the first part of the verse, without also quoting the last part of this verse, that the two contrasting

In verse 16 to 18 Paul continues his support to the above doctrine by quoting further

Verse 6 to 8 continues in the same way, quoting Deuteronomy 30: 11 to 14

Lago affirms, without quoting any study, that “the victims of a new war would be infinitely more numerous than the dead in the Twin Towers and more than 80% will be

He was quoting the Bible

you the true effect on your company of winning the business? Your quoting model should

” Her hand rises, two fingers quoting obnoxious

He based his defense by quoting at length from Rousseau and Mably

Prior to quoting him regarding his own experiences, it is vital to note the role Jewish collaborators played by helping the Nazis

“Park insists on local autonomy,” the article reported, quoting Babcock as saying, “That’s more than just a slogan with us

Quoting my father, the newspaper said: “‘Hopefully we’ll have enough good key people [to buy] that they’ll be able to carry on

Women! he growled quoting the old axiom: Ya can»t live with „em and ya can»t live without „em” Well, his plate was overflowing with troubles and didn»t need any more

” Assemblyman Davis was quoting what they all had been told by a disgruntled former worker at the time lab

I used to teach those manuals that your quoting in the Temple long ago, so don’t lecture me on their contents

A market maker—the bank making or quoting a price — expects the bank that is calling to reciprocate with respect to making a price when called upon

―For the entire race,‖ Bristol said with a touch of haughty composure, as if quoting

As soon as I mentioned Murray Corso he was quoting Deuteronomy, Leviticus and St Paul

quoting all the excuses why he should not have

Let me try to illustrate what I mean by quoting one or two instances which

By quoting my post in his post, and agreeing with me, he has made me just a

Again quoting Napoleon Hil : «What the mind can conceive and believe,

» Jesus commented at great length on the relation of prayer to careless and offending speech, quoting: «Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips

He began this special instruction by quoting from the Prophet Isaiah:

5 Except when quoting the Hebrew scriptures, Jesus referred to Deity by only two names: God and Father

Jed implies, via extensive quoting, that ‗U

After being cleansed and forgiven, Isaiah heard the question that white missions leaders have been quoting to white students for years: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” (Isaiah 6:1-8)

a bit of cold calling again, I got up to the stage of quoting for part of a product design job for a large factory

Worse, no one out of the other companies they also had quoting for the jobs were

were quoting were simply being used as free consultants and to keep the purchasing officers

They want us to answer and talk to them in a language of mind, science, logic and actual fact, not in that of traditions and quoting from so and so

’ And he began by quoting from the Teacher’s obituary in The Times:

� She was quoting a passage of the Torah about forgiveness

Hell, Garcia was always quoting someone else, so he could hardly complain

quoting it in full to show the extent to which it affected the

numbers by quoting values that are too aggressive, the manufacturer’s

Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, and I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality

and I expect you to have a good grounding in the biological sciences, and you won’t get the solid base you need from quoting examples from literature

“You’re quoting Confuscious,” Sarek said

“Luck is not a factor,” Tammas told him, quoting another obscure movie that no

principles of translation is that when the author is quoting Scripture, the

up sis, plenty more where that came from”, quoting Gandma’s favourite saying

When the Congress challenged his ‘idea of India’, Modi countered by unveiling his indradhanush (rainbow) of ideas by quoting from the Upanishads and the Rig Veda

She often recalled Abbot Francis quoting an age-old Eastern proverb as they spoke together once in his sunlit office: “Confusion precedes enlightenment

Within ten minutes, the conversation had tired Sensei because he started to break all their seducing reasons down to ashes with precise arguments, quoting dates, figures, and events which, apparently, were unknown even to the minister

‘teach’ Sensei with his admonitions, quoting different chapters from the Bible

The potential supplier gives his answers to the questions included in this questionnaire and these answers might have critical significance for rating by the XYZ company of potential suppliers quoting similar prices and capabilities

“And what symbolizes virtue in man is made amply clear in the masterpiece,” he continued quoting from the Gita

imp that figures in the story are worth quoting:

Pulling back, the woman says, “Don’t go quoting me statistics about lightning strikes and how unlikely this is ever to happen to you again

Two passages from the article[132] are worth quoting

580) and this is in a chapter where he is otherwise presenting a critique of the Quran and Hadiths, though many Muslims would consider his criticisms as not being appropriate, owing to his quoting verses out of context in their opinion, which he concedes

for acronyms and other all caps abbreviated forms, or when quoting text that includes all caps

” Wall was quoting the Dali Dali in his presentation of UNNU, the nuly created Zenerated

” still quoting Urit’s chosen, but misinterpreted, philosophy of Eartheart

” One Urit said to another, quoting the philosophy they had forgotten in the formulation of this act of contrition before the act to be repented of

” #9 was surprised to find themselves quoting their supposed hostess

Meanwhile, they consider the Qur’an to be merely the words of our master Mohammed (cpth), and support their view by quoting the noble verse: “This is verily the word of a noble envoy

‘If you had said shining morning face you’d have been quoting Shakespeare,’ said I

As for me, I was represented as going about quoting Tolstoi in season and out of season to the gardeners—a thing I protest I never did

‘The public is not allowed to enter the princely apartments unless it has previously drawn these slippers over its boots,’ said the guide as though he were quoting

‘He is only quoting official regulations

multiple quoting for a reason, it is suggested to use the button rather than jacking one’s post

Quoting the entire message when only part of it is needed is a form of clutter for the forum

They passed Weimar; and she was of an intemperate zeal on the subject of Goethe, putting down the window and craning out to look and quoting _Kennst Du das Land wo die Citrone blüht_—quoting to him, who loathed quotations even in cool weather

“Improbable, not impossible,” she said, quoting Laurel

face, quoting stupid principles to excuse bad manners

Plato quoting the ancient legends of the Egyptian priests of

In proof of it we will commence with quoting

Po was fascinated, quoting and re-quoting figures, and at

cover story quoting Callas’s mother as saying that when she asked her daughter

Claire and everyone burst out laughing since the best part was that Tiffany had dressed as Marilyn Monroe earlier and now Monica was quoting her

Synonym: cite, echo, illustrate, refer to, repeat. Similar words: note, voter, vote in, devote, remote, notebook, protest, protein. Meaning: [kwəʊt]  n. 1. a punctuation mark used to attribute the enclosed text to someone else 2. a passage or expression that is quoted or cited. v. 1. repeat a passage from 2. name the price of 3. refer to for illustration or proof 4. put quote marks around. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The quote of the week comes from Mae West.

2. She says they’re, quote ‘just good friends’ unquote.

3. I got a number of suppliers to quote me their best prices.

4. I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude.

5. Can I quote you on that?

6. We’ll send you a quote without delay.

7. Always get a written quote before proceeding with work.

8. Quote this reference number in all correspondence.

9. He drowned in a boating quote «accident» unquote.

10. Please quote your reference number when making an enquiry.

11. Always get a written quote for any repairs needed.

12. Please quote our reference when replying.

13. This is the best price I can quote you.

14. The actor, striking an attitude, began to quote Shakespeare.

15. Always get a quote before proceeding with repair work.

16. Researchers try to quote primary sources wherever possible.

17. Offhand I can’t quote you an exact price.

18. Does that quote come from Shakespeare?

19. Can you quote an example of what you mean?

20. It was quote, ‘the hardest decision of my life’, unquote[], and one that he lived to regret.

21. She worked, to quote her daughter,( «as if there was no tomorrow».

22. In all future letters on this subject, please use/quote our reference JW/155/C/1991.

23. Don’t quote me on this, but I think the company is in serious difficulties.

24. Please quote keen prices.

25. This quote startlingly original novel unquote is both boring and badly written.

26. Don’t quote me on this , but I think he is going to resign.

27. She said, and I quote, ‘Life is meaningless without love.’

28. Don’t quote me on this but I think the figure is in excess of £2 billion.

29. The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.

30. The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it.

More similar words: note, voter, vote in, devote, remote, notebook, protest, protein, promote, take note of, potentially, protective, protection, come to terms with, environmental protection. 

Quotation mark use is specific to both direct and indirect forms of support to help prove ideas and arguments. We also use them in dialog to help make stories more interesting. 

However, using them requires knowing some very specific rules, especially concerning punctuation. Take a look at the particular ways you can use them to bring further understanding to your writing and ensure they are grammatically correct. 

What Are Quotation Marks?

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Quotation marks are punctuation marks used to begin and end quotations. They are either a double quotation mark (“and”) and used to enclose a full quotation, or a single quotation mark (‘and’) and are used to enclose a quote within a quote (also called closing quotation marks). In British English, the reverse is true, but this article is focused specifically on the American English method. 

Quotation Mark Rules with Examples

Quotations help provide interest and signify dialog and support to an argument by using somebody else’s words in your writing. It is essential to understand the different quotes you can use and which one requires quotation marks. 

Direct Quotations

A direct quotation requires double-quote marks representing a person’s exact words, speech, or thoughts. These can be presented as an uninterrupted sentence or as a phrase within another complete sentence. 

For Example:

  • “The past is but the beginning of a beginning.” – H. G. Wells
  • The famous author, H. G. Wells, offered philosophical musings in his writing, such as his statement of “the past [being] but the beginning of a beginning.” 

You can also use introductory, conclusion, or interrupting expressions with quotations. 

For Example:

  • H. G. Wells wrote, “the past is but the beginning of a beginning.” 
  • “The past is but the beginning of a beginning” was written by H. G. Wells. 

If you are using a quote between quotation marks, use the single-quote mark to avoid confusion. This single mark within quotation marks use infers the subject’s exact words. 

For Example:

  • The professor wanted to ensure her readers were aware of the studies surrounding H.G. Wells and “his invested interest in ‘social issues and political proceedings’ of the time in which he wrote his books”. 

Indirect Quotations

Indirect quotes do not require quotation marks as they report only the general meaning of what a person said or thought through paraphrasing. An indirect quote rephrases somebody else’s words but is not the exact words being quoted. 

For Example:

  • H. G. Wells philosophized that a new beginning was born of past events.  

Quotation Marks and Titles

If you are mentioning a title within a sentence, you must indicate it is a title through the use of either quotation marks or italics. The decision to use these is dependent upon the types of titles you are using.

If you are using a short work, you must include quotation marks. Longer works require italicization. For example, you would place a song title within quotations but italicize the album name. 

You can do the same thing with the titles of books. Be sure to check which style guide you may be following, however (i.e. MLA vs. APA). Guides often provide specific use of quotations or italics pertaining to titles. 

Quotation Marks and Rules of Punctuation

When you insert quotes and dialog into text, you need to punctuate it correctly. What to capitalize and when, as well as where punctuation marks belong, can become confusing. Pay attention to the following rules to correctly use quotations.

Rule #1

The first word of a quote is capitalized only when it falls at the beginning of a sentence (or is a proper noun). 

For Example:

  • In writing about social issues, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. called high school as being “closer to the core of the American experience than anything else.”
  • “High school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of” wrote Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. when asked about current social issues. 

Rule #2

Use a comma or colon after using introductory expressions. 

For Example:

  • Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. wrote, “high school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of.”

If you use the he-said/she-said expression to show who is speaking the quote, or if a formal tone is taken, use a colon instead of a comma before the quotation.

For Example: 

  • The professor addressed the class: “Today, we will discuss Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.’s Slaughterhouse-Five.”

Rule #3

Use a comma, question mark, or exclamation mark after a quoted sentence when followed by a concluding expression. 

For Example:

  • “High school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of,” wrote Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 

Rule #4

Use a comma after part of a quoted sentence when followed by an interrupting expression. Then, use a comma after the expression. 

For Example:

  • “High school is closer to the core of the American experience,” wrote Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.,  “than anything else I can think of.”

Rule #5

Use a comma, question mark, or exclamation mark after quotations that come before an interrupting expression. Then, use a period after the expression. 

For Example: 

  • “What does writing teach?” Ray Bradbury asked. “First and foremost, it reminds us that we are alive.”

Commonly Asked Questions Concerning Quotation Mark Use

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To help further clarify the rules above, commonly asked questions concerning quote use are addressed below. 

Why Use Quotation Marks Around a Single Word?

When quotations are used around a single word, this often either emphasizes a specific term used by another person or ‌distances the author from the word and highlights an ironic use. It implies the author may disagree with the use of the word. 

Does a Period Belong Inside or Outside Quotes?

In American English, the period always goes inside the quotation marks. It is proper to place it outside the quotation marks in British English. 

Does a Comma Belong Inside or Outside Quotes?

In American English, commas always go inside the quotation marks. It is proper to place it outside the quotation marks in British English. 

How Do You Use Block Quotations?

Block quotes are defined as those that are longer than four lines of prose or three lines of poetry. It is used when quoting dialog and serves as a freestanding quote that does not include quotation marks.  

For Example:

  • In Wuthering Heights, Nelly actively dehumanizes Heathcliff, and views him as inferior:

They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room, and I had no more sense, so, I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it would be gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw’s door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house.

How to Use Quotes in a Sentence?

See the following examples to help you address the rules explained above:

  • Proclaiming the friendship “wonderful,” Sarah was confident it would continue.
  • During the Winter Carnival, Finny stands up on the table to dance with the “wildest demonstration of himself” to show the others “his choreography of peace.” 
  • Mrs. Wilmot “always felt the center of heart go hard” when her children were present, but to the rest of the world, she appears to be a loving mother.
  • The war was not immediate to the boys. “Bombs in Central Europe,” said Gene, “were completely unreal to us here…because our place here was too fair for us to accept something like that.”
  • “It was,” asserted Robert, “a night made for hard thoughts.”

Unnecessary Quotation Mark Use

The unnecessary use of quotation marks is a sign of amateurish writing. In business writing and poorly written web articles, some writers use quotation marks to give emphasis.

For Example:

  • Most people already know full well that proper diet and exercise is the way to lose weight, and yet so many find themselves helpless to do what they know they “should” be doing. 

Some writers put unnecessary quotation marks around expressions or common phrases.

For Example:

  • Be patient and “roll with the punches.” 

When change comes it is best if we “get with the program” [iSnare]

And some writers use quotation marks for phrasal adjectives that should be hyphenated.

For Example:

This “back to the basics” [back-to-the-basics] approach resonated with fans and critics alike. [Pop Matters]

Fans of the “everything and kitchen sink” [everything-and-kitchen-sink] approach will love this offering from Panasonic. [Hub Pages]

Let’s Review

Using quotation marks is necessary whenever you directly use somebody else’s words in your writing. It helps provide the reader context and ownership of the thoughts and support for your own written musings and arguments. 

Be sure to attend to proper punctuation and capitalization use for grammatical purposes and reader understanding. Using the simple rules and examples above can help you integrate your quotes correctly into sentences. 

Confucius once said, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” Gandhi once said, “Coercion cannot but result in chaos in the end.” Terry Pratchett once said, “In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” Wise words. Wise words, indeed.

When we repeat someone else’s words, it is important to give them their due using quotation marks. Using quotation marks properly can be pretty tough, though, so it’s a good idea to learn the rules of quotation marks before spreading words around.

What are quotation marks?

Quotation marks are punctuation marks with several different uses. As their name suggests, quotation marks are often used to begin and end direct quotations. Typically, the opening quotation mark resembles a pair of upside-down apostrophes and the closing mark resembles a pair of apostrophes. Often, both the opening and closing quotation marks appear to be identical when handwritten or when using certain computer programs.

In American English, double quotation marks (“ and ”) are typically used to enclose a quotation while single marks (‘ and ’) are typically used to enclose a quote within a quote. In British English, the reverse is true. Going forward, we will only be focusing on the American English method.

✏️Examples of quotation marks in a sentence

The following sentences show the different ways that we can use quotation marks.

  • Joshua said, The party is on Saturday.” 
  • The only thing that can stop us now, Lancelot said, is a dragon.
  • The annoying mascot character was afan favorite that appeared in every episode.
  • Bishop Queen’s GambitKnight was a legendary chess player.
  • The word Mississippi is a common source of misspellings.

When do you use quotation marks?

Unsurprisingly, quotation marks are used to begin and end quotations. A quotation, or quote, is an exact repeat of another source’s spoken or written words. Quotation marks separate a quotation from the rest of a writer’s text so that a reader knows which words are not the writer’s own (or are from a different work by the same writer). Despite the name, though, quotation marks do have several other uses not related to quotations.


A quotation is separated out by a pair of double quotation marks. Typically, a quotation is introduced with a comma or other punctuation mark when beginning in the middle of a sentence:

  • The wizard said, Magic is a gift for the wise and a curse for the foolhardy.” 

If written or spoken words are quoted exactly, we refer to it as a direct quotation. Direct quotes typically use quotation marks. If a writer paraphrases or alludes to text/speech, we refer to this as an indirect quotation. Typically, indirect quotations don’t use quotation marks because the writer is not quoting someone else’s exact words. For example,

  • Direct quote: Uncle Ben said, With great power comes great responsibility.
  • Indirect quote: Uncle Ben said powerful people have a lot of responsibility.

In American English, if a quote is inside another quote, we typically contain the quote-in-a-quote within single quotation marks. For example,

  • Felicity said, The DJ yelled, I’m sorry before playing a Nickelback song.

The rules of punctuation when using quotations can get tricky. We will look at how quotation marks interact with other punctuation marks momentarily.

Other uses

Let’s look at the other ways we might use quotation marks that don’t involve quotations.


Typically, nicknames are set apart from a person’s actual name using quotation marks:

  • Dwayne The Rock Johnson is a very popular actor.
  • She has a baseball autographed by Shoeless Joe Jackson.

Learn more about proper nouns here.

Scare quotes

Scare quotes are a pair of quotation marks put around a word or phrase to indicate that a writer believes a term is inappropriate, wants to use a term ironically, or wants to call attention to a word/phrase for a certain reason.

  • The ferocious guard dog happily played with the children. (The writer is using the word ferocious ironically.)
  • The pirate captain’smercyinvolved throwing prisoners overboard. (The writer thinks the word mercy doesn’t fit with what is being described.)

Discussing words and letters

When a writer is talking about a specific word or letter, the word/letter may be separated out using quotation marks. You may also see a writer alternatively use italics for this same reason.

  • I need a word stronger than nauseating to describe how bad this smells.
  • The head coach said that the team’s success wasn’t just about X’s and O’s.


Sometimes, titles of creative works such as songs, poems, movies, video games, books, articles, and works of art are placed in quotation marks. However, the rules of specifically which works do or do not use quotation marks often vary depending on style guide or grammar resource. Before you use quotation marks with a title, consult whichever style guide you use. The following example shows how two different major style guides refer to the title of a book:

  • AP Style: The Great Gatsby was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • Chicago Style: The Great Gatsby was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.


Informally, a single instance of a double quotation mark is used to indicate inches when measuring height. An apostrophe is used to indicate feet. For example,

  • Shaquille O’ Neal is 71 (7 feet and 1 inch) and is a dominant force in basketball games.

How to use quotation marks

When using quotation marks, it is important to know the rules of proper grammar.

In fiction writing, quotation marks are also used to present spoken dialogue. In practice, this usage is identical to using them to present quotes, so all of the same rules of grammar will apply.

Quotation marks always come in pairs

In formal writing, it is considered a grammatical error to not enclose a quote (or anything else) within a pair of quotation marks. Make sure to always begin and end a quote between two quotation marks:

Incorrect: My sister says, “Hi.
Correct: My sister says, “Hi.”

Quotation marks and other punctuation

Quotation marks often appear next to other punctuation marks, and these interactions can often lead to grammatical mistakes. Let’s explore the general rules of how quotation marks are used with other punctuation marks. 


Unless it is used to end a sentence, a quotation typically ends with a comma and not a period. In this case, the comma goes inside the quotation marks. For example,

  • Go to your room,” said the angry dad.

When a quotation is used somewhere besides the beginning of a sentence, it might be introduced with a transitional phrase that ends with a comma. In this case, the comma comes before and outside of the quotation marks:

  • The grouchy girl said, “I hate snow.” 

If a quote is interrupted, commas are typically used to end the initial part of the quote and to introduce the final part of the quote. Additionally, both parts of the quote are contained within quotation marks. The placement of the commas is the same as before. For example,

  • The only thing we have to fear,” said President Kennedy, is fear itself.”

If a quote is very short or flows naturally in a sentence, a writer may choose not to use a comma to introduce or end that quote. For example,

  • The judge said the prosecutor was alarmingly unprofessional.”
  • Money can’t buy happiness is a statement that not everybody agrees with.


If a quote is used to end a sentence, it uses a period. The period is placed within the quotation marks:

  • The sign says, No parking.”

If a sentence ends with a quote-within-a-quote, the period is typically placed inside all of the quotation marks:

  • Jessica said, Bill announced No dogs allowed.’”

Question mark and exclamation point

If a quotation that is a question or exclamation is used in the middle of a sentence, it does not also need a comma. For example,

  • Yay!” shouted the crowd.

If a quotation that is a question or exclamation is used in a sentence that is itself a question or an exclamation, the question mark or exclamation point is typically placed inside the quotation marks.

  • Question: Who asked Why?”
  • Exclamation: We shouted Hooray!” 

If a quotation is not a question or exclamation, but the larger sentence is, the question mark or exclamation point is typically placed outside the quotation marks:

  • Question: How many times are you going to say Yes”?
  • Exclamation: The pale woman smiled evilly and calmly whispered I am a ghost”!

Colon and semicolon

Colons and semicolons are typically placed outside of quotation marks, regardless of whether they come before or after a quotation. You would only put a semicolon or colon inside quotation marks if the original quote used them.

  • Colon: If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times: “Don’t pet skunks.
  • Semicolon: The teacher said, Don’t panic”; we panicked anyway.

Are you ready to quiz yourself on how to use quotation marks now?

Punctuate perfectly with Grammar Coach™

Confused about punctuation and its proper use? The Grammar Coach™ platform makes writing papers, essays, emails, and a whole lot more a whole lot easier. This writing tool uses machine-learning technology uniquely designed to catch grammar as well as spelling errors. Its Synonym Swap will find the best nouns, adjectives, and more to help say what you really mean, guiding you toward clearer, stronger, writing.

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