Using the word play in a sentence

Asked by: Reinhold Skiles

Score: 4.5/5
(20 votes)

  1. [S] [T] Tom played his part very well. ( …
  2. [S] [T] Tom was good at playing chess. ( …
  3. [S] [T] Tom watched the children play. ( …
  4. [S] [T] We play soccer every Saturday. ( …
  5. [S] [T] We play soccer every Saturday. ( …
  6. [S] [T] We watched them play baseball. ( …
  7. [S] [T] We went to the play yesterday. (

When to use play or plays in a sentence?

Plays is used for singular subjects (ex. She plays in the park, he plays at the beach). Play is used for plural subjects, I, and you (ex. I play, they play, we play, you guys play).

What is a sentence for played?

He has played for Manchester United. But he has played only four games. «He has played two good games. He has played 110 games for Atlético.

How do you use the word play as a noun?

  1. They are performing a play by Pinter.
  2. The theatre was refused permission to stage the play.
  3. Kate’s class decided to put on a play for the school.
  4. a play about teenage runaways.
  5. The play is reviewed in most of today’s papers.
  6. Her script was adapted and turned into a stage play.

What type of verb is play?

[transitive, intransitive] play (something) (in card games) to put a card face upward on the table, showing its value to play your ace/a trump He played out of turn! [transitive, intransitive] to perform on a musical instrument; to perform music play (something) to play the piano/violin/flute, etc.

15 related questions found

What kind of word is play?

As detailed above, ‘play’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: No wonder the fanbelt is slipping: there’s too much play in it. Noun usage: Too much play in a steering wheel may be dangerous. Verb usage: They played long and hard.

How can I use make in a sentence?

Make sentence example

  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
  • That does make sense. …
  • You make a difference. …
  • Did you make any real progress? …
  • They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
  • It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted.

How do you use read in a sentence?

Read sentence example

  1. Read books that are true. 793. 340.
  2. He lifted the paper and started to read again. 471. …
  3. I read about it. 416. …
  4. Does your Mom know you read her letter? 297. …
  5. Don’t you ever read the Bible? 267. …
  6. Do not read bad books, they will make you bad. 119. …
  7. I read in my books every day. …
  8. I read the whole account online.

How do you use doing in a sentence?

Doing sentence example

  1. «What are you doing ,» he finally asked. …
  2. They should be doing an ultrasound in a couple of weeks. …
  3. God, he’s probably never heard anyone doing that! …
  4. What are you doing up at this hour? …
  5. You’re doing a great job. …
  6. Maybe she thinks I’m the only thing keeping you from doing that.

Can he play or plays?

Re: Can Play or Can Plays

She can play the piano. She can plays the piano. We do not use forms like plays after verbs like can/must/will/would, etc.

When to use are or is?

When deciding whether to use is or are, look at whether the noun is plural or singular. If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are. The cat is eating all of his food.

Will play in the sentence?

I will play great. I will play these numbers, 411″. He said, simply, «I will play». I will play my part.

What are you doing related sentence?

«Jonny, what are you doing here?» she demanded, pulling away from the man behind her. Now what are you doing ? Well, mon cher, what are you doing personally?

What are the doing words?

Words which show what people and things are doing are called Verbs. They are also called Action Words.

Can I start a sentence with by doing so?

Many people have been taught that it’s wrong to start a sentence with a conjunction, but nearly all the major style guides say it’s fine. … Although many people were taught to avoid starting a sentence with a conjunction, all major style guides say that doing so is fine.

What word is read?

As detailed above, ‘read’ can be a noun, an adverb or a verb. Verb usage: Have you read this book? Verb usage: He doesn’t like to read. Verb usage: He read us a passage from his new book.

Are make sentence in English?

Are sentence example. You are my hero. What time are we going to leave tomorrow? These are my other two daughters, Dulce and Alondra.

How can I write a good sentence in English?

6 Tips for Writing Good Sentences

  1. Keep it simple. Long sentences or overly complex sentences don’t necessarily make sophisticated sentence writing. …
  2. Use concrete rhetoric. …
  3. Employ parallelism. …
  4. Mind your grammar. …
  5. Properly punctuate. …
  6. Practice writing.

What is a make sentence?

A sentence is a grammatically complete idea. All sentences have a noun or pronoun component called the subject, and a verb part called the predicate. David and Paige explore this division across several different example sentences.

What do we mean by play?

Play is something you can do alone or with someone, something that involves being active, something that totally captures your attention and gives you enjoyment.

What is your definition of play?

Play is the work of children. It consists of those activities performed for self-amusement that have behavioral, social, and psychomotor rewards. It is child-directed, and the rewards come from within the individual child; it is enjoyable and spontaneous.

What are the examples of verb?

Action verb examples:

  • Run.
  • Dance.
  • Slide.
  • Jump.
  • Think.
  • Do.
  • Go.
  • Stand.

What to say instead of how are you?

  • How are you doing?
  • How have you been?
  • How’s everything?
  • How’s it going?
  • How are things going?
  • What’s going on?
  • What’s new?
  • What’s up?

Antonym: work. Similar words: playoff, player, display, fair play, play with, on display, lay out, clay. Meaning: [pleɪ]  n. 1. a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage 2. a theatrical performance of a drama 3. a preset plan of action in team sports 4. a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill 5. a state in which action is feasible 6. utilization or exercise 7. an attempt to get something 8. activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules 9. (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds 10. the removal of constraints 11. a weak and tremulous light 12. verbal wit or mockery (often at another’s expense but not to be taken seriously) 13. movement or space for movement 14. gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement 15. (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession 16. the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize) 17. the act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully. v. 1. participate in games or sport 2. act or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome 3. play on an instrument 4. play a role or part 5. be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children 6. replay (as a melody) 7. perform music on (a musical instrument) 8. pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind 9. move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly 10. bet or wager (money) 11. engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion 12. pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity 13. emit recorded sound 14. perform on a certain location 15. put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game 16. engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously 17. behave in a certain way 18. cause to emit recorded sounds 19. manipulate manually or in one’s mind or imagination 20. use to one’s advantage 21. consider not very seriously 22. be received or accepted or interpreted in a specific way 23. behave carelessly or indifferently 24. cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space 25. perform on a stage or theater 26. be performed 27. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence 28. discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream 29. make bets 30. stake on the outcome of an issue 31. shoot or hit in a particular manner 32. use or move 33. employ in a game or in a specific position 34. contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle 35. exhaust by allowing to pull on the line. 

Random good picture Not show

1. When the cat’s away, the mice will play

2. Fair words will not make the pot play

3. He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion. 

4. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. 

5. If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. 

6. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 

7. It is better to play with the ears than the tongue. 

8. He would rather play than work.

9. The play received rave reviews from the critics.

10. The play was a very great success.

10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

11. I play tennis twice a week.

12. He loves to play table tennis.

13. The play makes a strong political statement.

14. Who would you like to play with?

15. The play bubbled with songs and dances.

16. No big deal. I’ll ask John to play.

17. The team will definitely lose if he doesn’t play.

18. Children will play wherever they happen to be.

19. The boys wanted to play football.

20. You can go boating or play tennis.

21. He can play in the outfield.

22. They auditioned him for a part in the play.

23. Would you like to play golf with me?

24. The play is a murder mystery.

25. He was on stage for most of the play.

26. In today’s match England play their old enemy, Scotland.

27. The play can be read as allegory.

28. I haven’t got anybody to play with!

29. He challenged me to play another tennis game.

30. How would u like to play golf tomorrow?

More similar words: playoff, player, display, fair play, play with, on display, lay out, clay, lay up, delay, layer, lay off, lay down, lay over, lay aside, plan, plant, place, plate, planet, explain, replace, plastic, in place, platform, planner, complaint, airplane, planning, in place of. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with nouns:

«I play the violin.«
(violin, piano, flute, clarinet, horn) *many additional nouns

«We play chess every Friday night.«
(chess, poker, cards)

«I want to play an instrument.«
(instrument, game, sport)

«We play baseball.«
(baseball, golf, basketball) *many additional nouns

«The band played a song.«
(song, encore, melody, tune, concert)

«He plays the lottery every week.«

«He played the video.«
(music, video, CD, tape)

«The band played well.«
(band, orchestra)

«The actor played an interesting character.«
(character, role, part)

«I played a chord on the piano.«
(chord, note)

«She played a trick on me.«
(trick, prank, joke)

«They played a game.«
(game, tournament, match)

«Our team played yesterday.«

«He plays defense on the football team.«
(defense, offense, center, forward)

Used with adverbs:

«The children play together.«
(together, nicely)

«She played badly today.«
( badly, poorly, well)

«He plays alone.«

«The band played live.«

Used with prepositions:

«I want to play with my friends.«

«He played a song on the piano.«
(on, with)

«We played at the park.«
(at, in)

«Our team played against them.«

«He is playing in the sand.«

«He plays for our team.«
(for, on)

Word play or wordplay (also: play-on-words) is a literary technique and a form of wit in which words used become the main subject of the work, primarily for the purpose of intended effect or amusement. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Wentworth’s work is far from illustrative, as it thrives on the multi-layering of meanings, word plays and associations.


With delightfully hammy turns from Ralph Fiennes and Helena Bonham Carter, not to mention an endless array of genre nods, word play and slapstick, this is that rare thing: a perfect family film.


It is also a pleasing word play, recalling the name of the 80s British New Wave band Soft Cell.


So either WKNR is dishing out fake news or Haslam is lying… or like Wrath said, Haslam could be doing some word play


Her sense of humor comes through in titles which tend toward a kind of Freudian word play — Blank Tape refers to a measuring tape missing its lines rather than a cassette.


Titled «Elusive Signs: Bruce Nauman Works with Light», the exhibition includes 16 of Nauman’s word play and identity signs, fluorescent light environments, and figurative neons, from the 1960s through the mid-1980s.


As a Literature major, I approve of the word play in this Achievement’s name.


What: Basquiat: The Unknown Notebooks Where: The Brooklyn Museum, New York, NY When: April 3, 2015 to August 23, 2015 Why: We can’t help but want to sneak a glimpse into the 160 pages of Basquiat’s personal notebooks on view in this show, including poetry fragments, word play, sketches, and personal observations.


I love the sweeping drama of the coat in partnership with her neck-to-toe word play.


The laughs are split between deft sight gags and set-pieces, and goofy word play.


Indeed, there are moments in the film when it seems the entire purpose of positioning Arthur as some sort of benign underworld Don was merely to provide some witty banter, word play and the quick cut dialogue exchanges between multiple characters that often marks Ritchie’s work.


** affiliates present ** I know, I know… you are amazed at my word play as usual.


Do you enjoy sight gags, slapstick or word plays?


The works I am most familiar with, the black and white language paintings, leave me cold as conceptual word play even as I acknowledge that all his paintings are impeccably elegant in terms of postmodern formalist «im-politisse.»


If you know the staged version, you are already familiar with the beautiful music and insanely creative word play in the lyrics.


Students who consider a law-trained audience are more likely to code-switch to address that reader appropriately; they are more likely to use creative word play appropriately and effectively; and they are more likely to create a professional document, even if it is an email.


Here it also suggests a word play that refers to the gravitational downward pull of the painting’s imagery.


His visual vocabulary of repeating motifs, combined with word play — running internal monologues, spiked with puns, double entendre and malapropism — is an open-ended investigation into the moral issues of the global citizen in the early 21st century.


WTM’s use of bespoke sign writing and positive word play evoke a sense of positivity, contemplative figures, cartoon references and loose studies of London architecture create a nostalgic warmth to the works.


Alliteration, word play, and rhyme tune your child’s understanding of subtle differences between words and build vocabulary.


«Advocates against environmental legislation and regulation, including their lobbyists, are also activists… the authors are engaging in cheap political word play


Through the use of mirrors, drones, fire, bubble gum, word play and many other materials and techniques these artists explore mysterious compositions, use unexpected materials, present challenging situations and show vexing perspectives.


One of the more famous experiments is a word play game which slips words about aging into the process.


Teachers lead several short activities focused on phonological awareness, phonics, shared writing, math, and word play.


Although Knowles’s practice encompasses a range of media, the conversation will focus on his works that incorporate language, word play, and verbal performance and will consider his artistic strategies alongside those of other artists who create text-based works, such as Lawrence Weiner, Christopher Wool, Glenn Ligon, and Ed Ruscha.


Our first stop was at the vermouth bar, La Vermuneta — a word play on «vermouth» and «camioneta» (truck in Spanish)— for an aperitif.


The Lord Wenger title came when he got the Order of Légion d’Honneur and was appreciated by a few people as a little bit of word play.


What follows focuses mostly on the aspersions nonprofit credit counseling agencies (CCA’s) lob at the other side while they actively, yet quietly, attempt to carve out a niche for themselves that would enable them to offer «Less Than Full Balance Plans» or «Credit Solution Plans» — which is just word play for their offering debt settlement (can’t use a term they have vilified for years).


Includes lullabies, nursery rhymes, water and word play, indoor and outdoor games, art activities, supplies and more.


[You miss the point — I don’t mind word play, I just dislike it when it is effectively an attack on the person who’s argument you are disagreeing with (in this case Dave, hence the Bowman «wordplay»), rather than a critique of their argument’s logic]


A lot of the clues depend on subtle word play that might be lost on early readers.


The story is paced such that every nuance of pun and word play is captured and rendered aurally.


Disneyland: Bundle 2 — contain three 12 page — print and go lessons that include: fluency practice, comprehension, word play, informational text study and more.


Humour frequently plays a big part in a lot of my work and I love word play and creating imagery that often has a double meaning.»


To me the word means «the way a mother loves» (word play in Spanish: amamantar = to breastfeed, amar = to love).


This is an illustrated catalog, a counting book, an easy reader, as well as delicious word play.


It’s all in Nixxes Software hands, just like in the TR definitive version, but I clearly see some word play in those quotes, such as «Targeting 1080/30 at a MINIMUM» and anything BEYOND would be a PLUS».


The expression you saw in those two articles was just some colloquialism that has nothing to do with common political discourse — some writer trying a wise-alec wording, based on word play (correct usage of «third party» as in «all parties other than main two» vs incorrect usage «third» party as in «party # 3», which implies that there’s also # 4).


It’s a spoof movie and so your sense of humor really has to be based on word play, sarcasm,


Lacking seriousness or responsibleness; frivolous: indulged in silly word play; silly pet names for each other.


Promoting the development of word consciousness and using word play activities to motivate and engage students in learning new words.


Thanks for hosting this fall — abulous party (hahaha — groan — sorry about the lame word play) XO Bea


Since 2 Timothy was Paul’s last letter, I still don’t think Paul was going to use Hebrew poetic word play in the last piece of advice he would ever give Timothy.


Despite deliberation and opposition to the FSBO and opening up our data, the only thing arising from that was word play after what appears to me to be a well planned political and psychology manoeuvre by CREA and its facilitators to ensure their objective was never out of focus.


The jokes are witty and rely on word play as much as visual gags.


As a 10 year old, I liked the puns the best-the Marx Brothers» word play: «You never sausage a place.


These are all nouns you can datign which you could also be easily identified with Create username for dating site use of word play indicates a creativity and playfulness about you, which he will find irresistible!


I am a proficient writer and I love stringing around with my words to have a good word play!


Her scripts are densely woven with complex multi-lingual word play, literary and artistic allusions, and lascivious puns that burlesque the master narratives and gender politics of war and myth, giving them a grotesquely comic feminist twist.


The sentences and word play, the questions and answers, are glimpses into actions that are never explicated, therefore ever more tantalyzing.



I played with my sister yesterday.

The dogs played in the yard.

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I play my Nintendo DS too much.

I should play outside with my friends instead of playing the

Maybe I should learn to play the guitar instead.

He’s written three plays, so far.

The cat plays well with the puppy.

The dappled light coming through the trees plays on the idyllic

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