Using the word perform in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “perform” in a sentence. How to connect “perform” with other words to make correct English sentences.

perform (v): to do an action or piece of work

Use “perform” in a sentence

He taught the dog to perform some very clever tricks.
The magician performed some amazing tricks.
The singers will perform at the festival.

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Use ‘perform’ in a sentence | ‘perform’ example sentences

1- Before praying one has to perform wudu or ablution .

2- Before conducting salat, a Muslim has to perform a ritual ablution .

3- Only trained and certified individuals may perform lead abatement .

4- perform an act of charity.

5- We all have our tasks to perform.

6- He decided to perform systematic research.

7- They are going to perform Romeo and Juliet next week.

8- Relative pronouns perform as ‘conjunction + pronoun’.

9- It is one thing to promise, and another to perform.

10- glavkosHe could not hide his disgust at the task he was to perform.

11- The position is conditional on how well you are able to perform.

12- Good food provides the body with premium fuel to perform at its peak.

13- He had to perform first aid on his wife when they were in a car accident.

14- One’s ability to perform complex tasks is often disrupted by a lack of sleep.

15- The entire cast came to our school to perform a couple of scenes from the play.

16- This machine can perform all the tasks of our human workforce in half the time.

17- One’s ability to perform complex tasks is generally disrupted by a lack of sleep.

18- Discussion question: Describe the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend for you.

19- performMy robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes, and perform other household tasks.

20- The lead guitarist’s talent as a singer emerged when he began to perform solo in bars around town.

21- Musicians from various bands got together to perform a tribute to the great career of Duke Ellington.

22- Robots are very versatile, and can be programmed to perform different tasks in the manufacturing process.

23- The lead guitarist became known as an excellent singer after he began to perform solo in bars around town.

24- Omar Bradley once remarked that bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.

25- There is a Moroccan proverb which states that you should perform good deeds because you will not regret them.

26- Psychologists have shown that externally supplied rewards sometimes actually lower a person’s desire to perform a task.

27- A number of legendary rock bands have joined together to perform at a gig to raise money for victims of the earthquake.

28- Figure skater Elvis Stojko has always been known for his ability to perform some of the most difficult maneuvers in the sport.

29- The doctor had to perform operations without the proper surgical instruments because the country was too poor to purchase them.

30- The robots are able to perform a number of different jobs concurrently, with the result that the manufacturing time has been reduced by almost half.

31- Discussion question: Research has shown that Asian students perform better on mathematics exams than North American children.

32- Why do you think this is so?Elephants perform greeting ceremonies when a member of the group returns after a long time away, the welcoming animals spin around, flap their ears, and trumpet.

33- Many different cultures, from ancient Egyptians to 20th-century Balkan, perform special ceremonial dances intended to invoke rain and bring about an abundant harvest.

34- The governor has called upon the police to perform their duties and exercise their power in a judicious manner in order to ensure they continue to have the trust of the citizens.

35- It has been said that women constitute half the world’s population, perform nearly two-thirds of its work hours, receive one-tenth of the world’s income, and own less than one-hundredth of the world’s property.

36- Runner Michael Johnson once remarked, “Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter, long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best.

37- ““We’ve shown where we could perform,” James said about the district.

38- After the unveiling, the Green Mountain Bluegrass Band will perform.

39- Slovenian rock band Laibach perform in Pyongyang on August 19, 2015.

40- They perform at Maidstone’s Hazlitt Theatre on Friday, May 15 at 8pm.

41- Goal: perform at least one unassisted, full range-of-motion, chin up.

42- “That was good to see the both of them perform like that,” Sibcy said.

43- He welcomed Madonna onstage as a special guest to perform a few songs.

44- Aloe Blacc, Brandon Flowers and Train’s Pat Monahan will also perform.

45- Built-in sensors allow the robopet to perform various cat-like actions.

46- And to a certain degree, we count on others to perform the labor for us.

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Related Words:
perfidy – perforate – perforated – perforating – perforation – perforations – perforce – perform – performance – performances – performed – performer – performers – performing – performs –

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Used with verbs:

«She is unable to perform in the show tonight.«
(be + unable to, be + expected to, be + able to)

Used with nouns:

«The priest will perform the ceremony.«
(ceremony, wedding, service)

«Scientists performed an experiment.«

«The doctor will perform the surgery.«
(surgery, procedure, operation, exam, examination)

«He performs magic during his shows.«

«She performed the song on stage.«
(song, dance)

«This machine performs an important function.«
(function, roll, job)

«The economy has performed badly lately.«
(economy, athlete, band, actor, actress)

Used with adverbs:

«The band performed well last night.«
(well, poorly, live, publicly, in public, together)

«He performs inspections annually.«
(annually, monthly, regularly, routinely, automatically, manually)

«The doctor performed his first surgery successfully.«
(successfully, correctly)

«He performs his duties faithfully.«

«Perform» and «preform» are so similar in spelling that they often get mistaken for each other. However, these words are quite different and understanding this is important.

The meaning of the word «perform» is to carry out, accomplish, or fulfill an action, task, or function. «Preform» however is used in reference to a shape that something has before it’s been transformed into another form. It can also be used when referring to the mold design for something beforehand.

Why Understanding the Difference Between «Perform» and «Preform» Matters

It’s easy to get the words «preform» and «perform» confused. Unfortunately when you do get these two words confused this isn’t something that most word processing software programs will catch. This is because spell-checking is created to look for words that aren’t found in its dictionary. It isn’t programmed to look for words that resemble each other and are used incorrectly one in place of the other. These tools focus only on what you may have spelled wrong.

Automated spell-checking isn’t perfect. It’s not meant to guess what word you wanted to use or what word you meant to use. It’s only there to judge the words that you’ve written on the page. This means that if you use words that are spelled correctly, it’ll pass right over them even though you haven’t used them correctly.

Something similar happens when you use your word processing software’s autocorrect feature. It’s there to suggest words that start with the same letters.By making these suggestions it tries to help you save time. Unfortunately, though there are a lot of times when the suggestions it makes are actually quite off base. When this happens autocorrect isn’t going to help you at all. In fact, it may make it so that you get laughed at and obviously this isn’t helpful.

These are the two main reasons why it’s so important to understand the difference between the words «perform» and «preform.»

perform in the dictionary

When and How to Properly Use the Word «Perform»

Perform is a verb. This means that it is a word that conveys an action, occurrence, or state of being. The word «perform» means to showcase yours or someone else’s talents on stage. This can be in the form of acting, singing, dancing, or dramatic reading. The word «perform» can also mean to execute the numbered steps that belong to a procedure as in a list of tasks.

There’s also the word «performing» that’s the gerund form of the verb «perform.» This word indicates that you or someone else is doing the action or task. When you use the past tense of the word (performed) you’re indicating that something has already been presented, done, or enacted.

Etymology of the Word «Perform»

The word «perform» dates back to around 1300 when it was defined as carrying into effect, fulfilling, discharging, or carrying out something that was either demanded or required. From this word the Anglo-French derived the words «performer,» «parfonir,» and «performer.» These words meant to do, carry out, finish, or accomplish. This is because the word par means completely while the word «formir» means to provide. As such Church Latin combined the words into the compound «performo» – a word that meant «to form,» especially when something was completely formed.

The word «perform» is also used in a theatrical or musical sense. This sense of the word dates back to around 1600 when it was defined as to act or represent on a stage or to sing or render on a musical instrument. Unfortunately this word wasn’t commonly used like this until well into the Middle Ages. At that time it became much more popular than it is even now. Middle English also used the word «perform» to describe dreams that were coming true. In fact, there was even a saying that became popular during this time. It was, «performen muche time,» which loosely defined meant that one wishes another person «to live long.»

Throughout years other forms of the word «perform» have also come into being. These include «performed,» «performing,» and the lesser-known and used word «performable.»

definition sign on broken white paper

How to Properly Use «Perform» in a Sentence

Now that you have a better understanding of what the word «perform» means, it’s important to make sure you know how to properly use it in a sentence. With this in mind, here are some examples of sentences you could write using the word perform:

  • She enjoys performing a lot of different types of music so she isn’t pigeonholed into one set style.
  • Although the team was well trained, when it came time they simply weren’t able to perform.
  • When the band performs live, they take on a whole new persona.
  • When you’re creating characters for a new story, you shouldn’t be afraid to perform exaggerated gestures.
  • When an airplane reaches high airspeeds it will have sufficient aileron authority to be able to perform some really fast rolls.
  • In order to determine if a tumor is malignant or benign your doctor must perform a biopsy.
  • The way you dress for work will depend upon your personal preferences and the type of work you’ve been hired to perform.
  • The Blue Angels were able to perform a great aerial show even though it was cloudy outside.
  • The unique missions the Air Force is able to perform are thanks to the additional capabilities it’s been afforded.
  • The witches perform a mad dance before Lennox comes onto the scene to tell Macbeth that Macduff has finally fled to England.

When and How to Properly Use the Word «Preform»

The word «preform» is also a verb. However, it means something entirely different. This word has to do with an object that is being molded or shaped before it can be used or incorporated into something entirely different which is its final form.

You’ll find the word «preform» is most commonly used when you’re discussing construction. In this context raw materials are being «preformed» before they’re transformed into their final shape. Since this is more of a niche word, it isn’t as commonly used as the word «perform,» which is a word that’s often used in our common, everyday English language.

Etymology of the Word «Preform»

The word «preformed» means to have been «formed in advance» so that it can either be further prepared for something or so that it can be used in this new form. This word dates back to 1600 when the Latin word praeformare was used to mean pre+formed. You’ll rarely hear these words being used in English anymore unless you’re talking about plastic or synthetic products. The use of the word «preform» in this fashion dates back to 1918 when there was a need to find a word that meant «formed beforehand.»

This doesn’t mean that the term is no longer used today. It’s actually a very common term when you’re discussing construction. For instance, a simple search for preformed plastic will turn up a lot of results for preformed plastic ponds. Essentially these are liners that are inserted in the ground then filled with water to create a pond – hence they are preformed. This isn’t the only preformed fabric that is used in the construction industry though. Other preformed materials include foam materials and joint fixtures. So while this word isn’t commonly used in the English language anymore it is quite commonly used when referring to things in the construction niche.

How to Properly Use «Preform» in a Sentence

Knowing that the word «preform» isn’t commonly used in modern English unless you’re referencing construction materials makes it challenging to use this word in a sentence. Nonetheless, here are some examples of how you can do this:

  • One of the most popular methods by which this is accomplished incorporates casting a forging preform that’s created from a liquid metal.
  • One of the most expensive raw materials that’s used in the production of optical fibre is preform.
  • In order to be able to create the composite material you must apply a resin to the 3D preform.
  • Another one of the really common uses for the preforms is to create containers that are used in outdoor activities like geocaching.
  • Stone preforms are sometimes used here.
  • The plastic preform is commonly used in compression molding when it doesn’t contain any reinforcing fibres.
  • This procedure allows for kilometers of fiber to be produced from just one preform.
  • Sometimes preforms are used in creating diodes, components packaging, rectifiers, and optoelectronic devices.
  • You should know that it isn’t any easier to handle tufted preforms than it is to handle the unreinforced ones.

different shapes preforms of digital figures


Now that you understand that the words «perform» and «preform» have completely different meanings hopefully you won’t make the mistake of misusing them in the future. Seeing their different meanings and the way they are used in different types of sentences should help you with this. All that’s left is to watch your spell-checker on your word processing machine so that it doesn’t accidentally mix these words up on you too.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Synonym: accomplish, achieve, act, carry out, do, execute, transact. Antonym: neglect. Similar words: performer, answer for, butterfly, interfere, differ from, interfere in, form, norm. Meaning: [pər’fɔrm /pə’fɔːm]  v. 1. carry out or perform an action 2. perform a function 3. give a performance (of something) 4. get (something) done. 

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1. Be slow to promise and quick to perform

2. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. 

3. To say little and perform much is the characteristic of great minds. 

4. A host of musicians will perform at the festival.

5. Wizards usually use magic wands to perform spells.

6. The children always perform a nativity play every Christmas.

7. A computer can perform many tasks at once.

8. Computers can perform a variety of tasks.

9. The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.

10. In your new job you will perform a variety of functions.

11. Norton Disk Doctor can perform miracles on a dodgy hard disk.

12. You will be asked to perform some standard manoeuvres during your driving test.

13. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.

13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

14. We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.

15. He promises, but does not always perform.

16. Plans are in hand to perform ‘Oz’ next semester.

17. Some animals perform elaborate mating rituals before they copulate.

18. The police perform a vital role in our society.

19. They will perform a short mime later.

20. The trained horses sashayed to perform.

21. I have a duty to perform.

22. Only the priest can perform these actions.

23. She strove to perform all her wifely functions perfectly.

24. These tyres perform badly/poorly in hot weather.

25. I’m looking forward to seeing you perform.

26. Singers took turns to perform songs they had written.

27. Fraser did not perform until after inter-mission.

28. The children perform two plays each school year.

29. What functions can this program perform?

30. Those who are quick to promise are generally slow to perform

More similar words: performer, answer for, butterfly, interfere, differ from, interfere in, form, norm, interfere with, format, reform, former, formal, inform, formula, uniform, hormone, normally, enormous, platform, informal, formerly, transform, formation, information, transformation. 

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