Using the word per in a sentence

Per is defined as to, for, by or according to. An example of per used as a preposition is in the phrase, “as per standards,” which means by the standards. To, for, or by each; for every. Gasoline once cost 40 cents per gallon.


  • 1 How do you use per correctly?
  • 2 How do you use the word per in a sentence?
  • 3 What does Per say mean in a sentence?
  • 4 Can a sentence start with Per?
  • 5 Why do people use per?
  • 6 Why do we use per?
  • 7 Is it correct to say per say?
  • 8 Can you say per someone?
  • 9 What does it mean to say per?
  • 10 What does Per mean in text?
  • 11 Is per say formal?
  • 12 How do you say per person?
  • 13 Is it wrong to say as per?
  • 14 What’s another word for per?
  • 15 How do you use per request in a sentence?
  • 16 What is the difference between as per And according to?
  • 17 Is it correct to say as per usual?
  • 18 Is it correct to say as per your request?
  • 19 Do you say per say or per se?
  • 20 What can I write instead of as per?

How do you use per correctly?

Both are correct. As per means according to. She was overjoyed to know her rank as per the latest report. As per the rules of Subject-Verb Concord, a Singular Noun takes a Singular Verb.

How do you use the word per in a sentence?

You can use ‘per se’ whenever you are describing something in and of itself. For example, you could say: “Your paragraph on the ethics of the True Crime genre is thought-provoking per se, but not pertinent to your article overall.”

What does Per say mean in a sentence?

Per se is a Latin phrase literally meaning “by itself.” It has the sense of “intrinsically,” or “in and of itself.” In everyday speech, it’s commonly used to distinguish between two related ideas, as in, “He’s not a sports fan per se, but he likes going to basketball games.”

Can a sentence start with Per?

Is it okay to begin a sentence with “As per” as in “As per the director’s order you are fired”? No. “As per” is ungrammatical; “Per” is sufficient.

Why do people use per?

Per (from a Latin word meaning “by,” “by means of,” or “through”) is widely employed in English, but it — or a phrase in which it appears — isn’t necessarily the best option.Per annum: This is an unnecessary substitution for the perfectly useful phrases “a year,” “each year,” or even “per year.”

Why do we use per?

According to Oxford dictionary, per is a preposition and means: for each and by means of. While as per is a phrase, which means in accordance with.

Is it correct to say per say?

“per say” correct, everyone! It’s not Latin itself that trips people up, per se, but it’s the spelling of the dead language. When interwoven with our everyday speech, Latin usage sometimes allows us to say our ideas in a more sophisticated tone, but this sophistication crumbles if we spell it “per say.”

Can you say per someone?

Per person, not per someone, means ‘for each person (per means for each). Two per person = two each.

What does it mean to say per?

1 : by the means or agency of : through per bearer. 2 : with respect to every member of a specified group : for each. 3 : according to —often used with as per instructionsas per usual.

What does Per mean in text?

Per is a Latin preposition that means “through” or “by means of”. Per (pronounced like “purr”) is also an English preposition that can mean “for each”, “to each”, “by means of”, or [lastly, annoyingly] “in accordance with”; somewhat interchangeably with the [even more annoying] “as per”.

Is per say formal?

Per Se IS the formal usage. It means in, or of, itself, intrinsically. It is from the Latin and is entirely appropriate in a formal document.

How do you say per person?

2 Answers

  1. I’ve always read it as “on behalf of.” “According to,” works most of the time, but “as laid down by,” seems to translate better as “on behalf of.”
  2. “On behalf of” is usually rendered per pro or pp, as when secretaries sign letters for their absent boss.

Is it wrong to say as per?

The choice of which to use (or avoid) is entirely a matter of taste. The more ponderous as per is often found in business and legal prose, or in writing that attempts to adopt a formal tone. It is not incorrect to use, but some find it overly legalistic and counsel avoiding it for that reason.

What’s another word for per?

What is another word for per?

apiece each
all per capita
a throw respectively
individually singly
successively aside

How do you use per request in a sentence?

Examples: We have delivered your ordered as per your request. Sir,Your room is arranged as per your request. I’ve cooked your favourite Pasta as per your request.

What is the difference between as per And according to?

The two phrases have the same meaning but different in register. “According to” is normal register while “as per” connotes commercial correspondence as in: The shipment will arrive prior to December first, as per our agreement.

Is it correct to say as per usual?

As usual or per usual
In English, the correct way of saying something is done in the same customary way or as it is habitually done, we say as usual. Per usual or as per usual should not be used in formal writing, contracts, legal documents, correspondence or communications.

Is it correct to say as per your request?

Both ‘as per your request’ and ‘per your request’ are grammatically correct and widely used in written English. What is this? ‘As per your request’ might seem pretty old-fashioned to some. Using something like ‘as you requested’ is a more modern way of saying ‘as per your request’ and might sound less ‘cumbersome’.

Do you say per say or per se?

It’s written per se, which is Latin for “in itself”, “as itself”. When spoken in an English utterance it is pronounced like “per say”, but quite how that sounds depends on the accent of the speaker; for RP it could be rendered as “puh-SAY”, IPA /pəːˈseɪ/.

What can I write instead of as per?

What is another word for as per?

following in accordance with
in keeping with according to
in line with consistent with
in conformity with accordant with
as stated by as reported by

Examples of how to use the word “per” in a sentence. How to connect “per” with other words to make correct English sentences.

per (prep): used when expressing rates, prices, or measurements to mean “for each”

Use “per” in a sentence

An awful accident will happen inevitably if you drive at 140 km per hour.
You may spend a maximum of $100 per day.
Each member has to pay a membership fee of $150 per month.
How many books do you read per month?
How much do you charge per hour?
I make 100 euros per day.
We restrict the number of students per class to 12.

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Use ‘per’ in a sentence | ‘per’ example sentences

1- Standard acceleration is in metres per second per second.

2- The voter abstention rate was put at between 65 and 67 per cent.

3- All of the above-mentioned states suffered more than five reported cases per million.

4- There should be immediate abolition of the minimum 20 per cent.

5- She earns dollars per day.

6- His salary is thousand yen per month.

7- The expenses are ten thousand yen per head.

8- Distance per degree of longitude at equator.

9- The cost averages out to about $5 per person.

10- The new secretary types about words per minute.

11- What’s the price per night including all charges?

12- The velocity of light is about , miles per second.

13- Light travels at a velocity of , miles per second.

14- The hand on its axis turns at revolutions per hour.

15- The common housecat purrs at about 26 cycles per second.

16- A female dog generally has around 4 offspring per litter.

17- epoEn Esperanto derivita adverbo finiĝas per e.

18- GrizaLeonoDuring migration, geese may cover up to 600 miles per day.

19- Middle Eastern oil prices jumped by five dollars per barrel.

20- My fishing license only allows me to catch two salmon per day.

21- The standard escalator moves at a rate of 120 feet per minute.

22- Hot stars emit more radiation per second than do cooler stars.

23- The average child watches almost 3 hours of television per day.

24- Each employee is entitled to a two week paid vacation per year.

25- Rent for the apartment is $750 per month, not including utilities.

26- An adult gray whale consumes about 1,100 kilograms of food per day.

27- In general, a car’s trade-in value decreases by about 30% per year.

28- Twenty-four frames per second are projected in most animated filMs. The average cough comes out of your mouth at over 50 miles per hour.

29- The quantity of goods ordered determines the price you pay per unit.

30- The mortality rate per live births are set out in figure .

31- .

32- The factory now under construction will assemble , VCR units per day.

33- Most animated films are projected at a speed of 24 frames per second.

34- Typhoon No.

35- is moving up north at twenty kilometers per hour.

36- Find someone who has a heart rate of under 60 beats per minute.

37- ratherI was driving at kilometers per hour when the police stopped me.

38- SUZIEThe plant grows best under full-spectrum light of 10-12 hours per day.

39- On the professional golf tour, players are allowed 45 seconds per shot.

40- itaOgni giorno uccidevano un lama per rendere felice il dio Sole.

41- PharampGenius is one per cent inspiration and ninetynine per cent perspiration.

42- Americans generally have an intake of about 400 grams of sugar per week.

43- The first bottles of Coca-Cola sold for a mere 5 cents per bottle in 1899.

44- Consumer spending on alcohol amounted to over $250 per household last year.

45- The supermarket set a quota of two chickens per family during the big sale.

46- Our earth is moving constantly, spinning at a rate of 1,000 miles per hour.

47- Two hundred beats per minute is the maximum heartbeat possible for a human.

48- The buffalo can run up to 30 miles per hour, despite weighing almost a ton.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word per, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use per in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «per».

Per in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word per in a sentence.

  1. The price per coin was $1.

  2. Left cladogram per Horner et al.

  3. The per capita income was $9,600.

  4. Volunteers were paid £6 per year.

  5. There is only one brood per year.

  6. Sixty rounds per gun were carried.

  7. The ground rent was £100 per annum.

  8. The interest rate was 6% per annum.

  9. The ship stowed 160 rounds per gun.

  10. Acetic acid has 349 kcal per 100 g.

  11. Kitten survival rates are just over one per litter.

  12. Polonium is available for about $100 per microgram.

  13. By 1923, HMBB were producing 12,000 units per year.

  14. There are around 50 physicians per 100,000 Indians.

  15. By 1940 the coin sets were selling for $15 per set.

  16. Tests soon indicated 180 fissions per gram per hour, which was unacceptably high.

  17. In good habitat, there may be 20 pairs per square kilometre (50 per square mile).

  18. Asians are the area’s largest ethnic minority, at 4.9 per cent of the population.

  19. A limit of 100 sets per person was set on proof sales, with none on uncirculated.

  20. Towards the end of 1940 Popular doubled Pohl’s salary to twenty dollars per week.

  21. In the next season, Duncan averaged 22.2 points, 12.2 rebounds, 3.0 assists, and 2.3 blocks per game.

  22. Trump Tower has been described as one of the city’s least energy-efficient buildings per square foot.

  23. The population is growing by an estimated 4.2% per year, one of the highest rates among Asian cities.

  24. Egg laying begins about a week after nest completion, with one egg per day being laid in the morning.

  25. His overall scoring rate was 42 runs per hour, with 856 (or 38.5% of his tally) scored in boundaries.

  26. The shower peaks on January 1 and has very slow meteors, with a maximum rate of 1–5 meteors per hour.

  27. Note: Pos = Position; GP = Games Played; G = Goals; A = Assists; Pts = Points; P/G = Points per game.

  28. Their body temperature drops to below 40 °F (4 °C) and heart rate can slow to three beats per minute.

  29. By September 1889, Hall’s production grew to 385 pounds (175 kilograms) at a cost of $0.65 per pound.

  30. Its GDP per capita measured in purchasing power standards amounts to 121% of the EU27 average (100%).

  31. Estimates indicated that each resident of La Jolla would save 80 hours per year by using Ardath Road.

  32. They were sold at a 4 per cent discount, paid 5 per cent interest and were due for repayment in 1908.

  33. It also contains Synaxarion and Menologion, both written in one column per page, 20 lines per column.

  34. The group toured in an old blue van driven by Holt, and lived on a food allowance of $2 each per day.

  35. Of that amount, 259,121,554 were sold to the United Kingdom at the cost of one dollar per troy ounce.

  36. The City of San Francisco spends more per resident than any city other than Washington D.C, over $10,000 in FY 2015–2016.

  37. Rwanda also has a shortage of medical professionals, with only 0.84 physicians, nurses, and midwives per 1,000 residents.

  38. Of those aged 16 and over, 15.2 per cent had no academic qualifications, similar to the 18.6 per cent in all of Trafford.

  39. In 1828 MacGregor began to sell certificates entitling the holders to «land in Poyais Proper» at five shillings per acre.

  40. The Hokies’ defense was ranked sixth in Division I-A during the regular season, permitting 275 yards per game on average.

  41. Due to this, Jordan set records in player salary by signing annual contracts worth in excess of US$30 million per season.

  42. Parsons submitted a memorandum on the subject to the Bureau of Ordnance (BuOrd) requesting $5,000 per annum for research.

  43. Without instruction-level parallelism, a processor can only issue less than one instruction per clock cycle (IPC < 1).

  44. In May 2004 and per the court decision, he instructed town clerks to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

  45. The population is young, with 73 per cent of residents being less than 30 years old, and 94 per cent under the age of 50.

  46. Around the turn of the 20th century, an attempt was made to attract younger boys into the school by reducing fees for those under the age of 12 from £2/20s to £2 per term.

  47. It is a remastered version of God of War III, and features full 1080p support targeted at 60 frames per second, a photo mode, and all downloadable content of the original.

  48. He led the NBA in rebounds four times, had a dozen consecutive seasons of 1,000 or more rebounds, and remains second all-time in both total rebounds and rebounds per game.

  49. The local ILP leadership was committed by an electoral pact to support the Liberal candidate, and could not endorse Lansbury, who secured less than 9 per cent of the vote.

  50. The researchers also gave the parrots a choice between two apparatus, one from the solo task and one from the loose-string task, now stacked with double the food per bird.

General information about «per» example sentences

The example sentences for the word per that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «per» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «per».

Similar words: par., her, peer, pet, pop., Rev., sec., veg. Meaning: [pɜː]  prep.1. for each; for every: Membership costs ten dollars per year. This cloth is two dollars per yard. 2. by means of; by; through: I am sending the recipe per messenger. 3. according to; in accordance with: I delivered the box per your instructions. adv. 4. Informal. each; for each one: The charge for window-washing was five dollars per.. 

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1. 30 dollars a day, plus 20 cents per mile.

2. They have the world’s largest per capita income.

3. Membership is 350 dollars per year plus tax.

4. Growth will accelerate to 2.9 per cent next year.

5. Most restaurants add a 10 per cent service charge.

6. The hotel costs £65 per person per night.

7. The government raised defence appropriations by 12 per cent.

8. Five per cent of children stammer at some point.

9. A postman’s wages are 180 per week.

10. Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.

11. The blades spin at 100 rotations per minute.

12. How much is it per day?

13. The park attracts 4 million visitors per year.

14. The price was reduced 9 per cent.

15. The car does about 50 miles per gallon .

16. How much is it per person?

17. The system is not 100 per cent foolproof.

18. What per cent of the population read/reads books?

19. Only 13 per cent of consultants are female.

20. Top speed is 120 miles per hour.

21. Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum.

22. The curve illustrates costs per capita.

23. I’m sending a parcel to you per bearer.

23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

24. My car can go 140 kilometres per hour.

25. Ten per cent of the population lived in poverty.

26. The population is increasing at about 6% per year.

27. Pay increases were pegged at five per cent.

28. The fruit costs 30 pence per kilo.

29. We restrict the number of students per class to 10.

30. He was treated in hospital for 60 per cent burns.

More similar words: par., her, peer, pet, pop., Rev., sec., veg, air, bar, be, beg, bet, car, deer, era, ever, far, fee, few, for, fur, gear, get, he, hear, herb, here, hero, hers. 

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