Using the word patient

пациент, больной, терпеливый, упорный, настойчивый


- больной, пациент
- раненый
- объект воздействия


- терпеливый

to be patient with /towards/ smth. — терпеливо сносить что-л.
she was patient with her aunt’s infirmities — она терпеливо переносила хвори своей тётушки
he is patient in adversity — он терпеливо переносит трудности /испытания/

- упорный, настойчивый

years of patient labour — годы упорного труда

- (of) терпящий, допускающий

plants patient of cold — растения, не боящиеся холода, холодостойкие растения
facts are patient of various interpretations — факты допускают разные толкования

Мои примеры


extension of the patient’s life — продление жизни больного /пациента/  
a patient with a damaged kidney — пациент с нарушением функции почек  
a patient who is on tranquilizers — пациент, который находится на транквилизаторах  
the concept of total patient care — концепция тотального ухода за пациентами  
refer a patient to a specialist — направить больного к специалисту  
chronic patient — человек, страдающий хроническим заболеванием  
acute patient — больной в тяжёлом состоянии  
many years of patient labour — долгие годы упорного труда  
to handle a patient — лечить больного  
to treat a patient — лечить больного  
physician-patient privilege — привилегия на сохранение врачебной тайны  
he is patient under adversity — он терпеливо переносит несчастье  

Примеры с переводом

The patient cannot walk yet.

Пациент пока что не может ходить.

Louise was very patient with me.

Луиза была со мной очень терпелива.

Try all that ever you can to be patient.

Изо всех своих сил старайся быть терпеливым.

The patient made a quick recovery.

Пациент быстро выздоровел.

The patient is sinking fast.

Пациент быстро угасает.

Is the patient conscious yet?

Пациент уже пришёл в себя?

The patient was attended by Dr. Ronald.

Больного лечил доктор Роналд.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Ms. Hart was familiar with local medical-review policies from her work as a patient advocate.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

impatient  — нетерпеливый, нетерпимый, раздражительный, беспокойный, нетерпящий
inpatient  — стационарный больной
patiently  — терпеливо

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): patient
мн. ч.(plural): patients

patient — перевод на русский


In here, you’re just my patient.

Здесь вы просто мой пациент.

As your patient, Dawson, I am asking.

Как твой пациент, Доусон, я спрашиваю.

I hope the patient is worthy of Jekyll’s attention.

Надеюсь, пациент заслуживает внимания Джекилла.

The patient expired.

Пациент истек кровью.

And the patient died.

И пациент умер.

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I’ve been very patient with you, Jerry.

Я был очень терпелив к тебе, Джерри.

If you’re patient, you’ll have the last word then.

Будь терпелив, и придет твой последний день.

— I’ve been pretty patient… with you, Carter, but if you insist, I’ll lock you up for kidnapping.

— Картер, я был терпелив с тобой, но если настаиваешь, посажу тебя под замок за похищение.

As a matter of fact, I’ve been extremely patient.

Я очень терпелив.

Captain Patch, I’m being very patient with you.

Капитан Патч, я достаточно терпелив с вами.

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Nurse Crane, your patient awaits.

Сестра Крейн, ваша пациентка ждёт.

— Your patient.

-Твоя пациентка.

Well, the patient should have come back.

Хорошо, пациентка должна вернуться.


Итак, вы моя пациентка, мисс Ливви.


Что за трудная пациентка.

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I ask my viewer to understand that in the following I let the same actress portray many different patients of related nervous disorders.

Попрошу только зрителей учесть, что в следующих сценах играет одна и та же актриса она изображает больных со схожим недугом.

It’s very late, yet he’s still out seeing patients.

Час поздний, а его ещё нет — обходит больных в городе.

About heart patients, I have to tell you a story.

По-поводу больных сердцем, я расскажу тебе историю.

I fear the other patients would find him rather shocking.

Я думаю, это шокирует других больных.

You want to say that you were with variola patients?

— Хочешь сказать, что видел больных Variola?

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«Take my advice… go home and wait patiently… until my treatment and the country air have done their work.»

«Мой вам совет: идите домой и наберитесь терпения, пока моё лечение и деревенский воздух не сделают свою работу.»

You must be patient.

Наберитесь терпения.

We must be patient.

Наберитесь терпения.

Oliver… be kind, be patient.

Оливер будь добр, наберись терпения.

We weren’t always patient with him.

У нас не было терпения к нему.

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Now, now… just be patient.

Ну, ну… потерпи.

Do be patient, just a little while.

Ну потерпи еще немного.

You have to be patient.

Только потерпи.

Now, just be patient.


Be patient, you’ll see.

Потерпи, вот увидишь…

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Just be patient.

Я больше не могу это терпеть.

Just be patient.

Твое дело — терпеть.

Well, we have to be patient.

Ладно, придётся терпеть.

Nick, my people have been patient long enough.

Ник, мои люди терпели очень долго.

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So perhaps you will swallow your prejudice against a humble astrologer… whose only medical diploma is the gratitude of his patients.

Возможно, ты переборешь своё предубеждение против скромного астролога, чей медицинский диплом — благодарность его клиентов.

I once knew a specialist, used to send his patients to me.

Я когда-то знала специалиста, он присылал своих клиентов к нам.

They rob patients to fund a political…

Но это деньги клиентов, основавших кассу в пользу соцпартии.

A therapist shouldn’t call her patients nuts.

Терапевт не должен называть своих клиентов сумасшедшими.

No, of course you don’t, because you wouldn’t have any patients.

— Конечно. Иначе у Вас не было бы клиентов.

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I’ll come to if you’ll just be patient and give me a little time to get over being confused.

Я хочу сказать, если ты сможешь немного подождать, чтобы можно было меня не стесняться…

Why not be patient, Val?

— Почему ты не можешь подождать, Вэл?

She said: If you’d be patient, she’ll come thank you herself.

Она хочет поблагодарить вас лично, если вы готовы подождать.

I’m afraid you’ll have to be a little patient, but, uh, we should know this evening.

Я боюсь, вам нужно подождать, эм-м, до вечера.

Wait, be patient. Your time will come.

Надо подождать.

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A mental patient?


He is a mental patient that I am taking downtown.

— О, нет. Он душевнобольной, за которым я присматриваю.

He’s gonna think you’re a mental patient.

Он подумает что ты душевнобольной.

You dumb assholes, I’m a mental patient.

Полегче кретины! Я — душевнобольной!

Meantime, police have pieced together a scenario of the series of events… that began with escaped mental patient James Cole-

Тем временем, полиция восстанавливает цепь событий, которые начались возле университета, когда душевнобольной Джеймс Коул…

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If during fundraising the patient is given free treatment, the money will be returned to donors or redirected to another patient.

Если в период сбора денег, пациенту предоставляется бесплатное лечение, пожертвования будут возвращены донорам или перенаправлены другому пациенту.

So, thoughts should belong to the patient, they are not a product of delirium or hallucinations, and the patient understands this.

Так, мысли должны принадлежать больному, они не являются порождением бреда или галлюцинации, и пациент это понимает.

Observation of the patient should be especially attentive within 24 hours, at this time the patient is advised not to bend over.

Наблюдение за пациентом должно быть особенно внимательным в течение 24 часов, в это время пациенту рекомендуется не наклоняться.

This always meant that there had occurred a serious worsening in the patient‘s condition, about which the patient himself had not yet complained.

Это всегда означало, что в состоянии больного наступало серьезное ухудшение, на которое сам больной еще не жаловался.

So, if a person is diagnosed with furunculosis, warming up the patient‘s ear and taking antibiotics will help the patient recover more quickly.

Так, если у человека выявлен фурункулез, то прогревания больного уха и приём антибиотиков помогут пациенту выздороветь быстрее.

The decision that a patient needs transport to another hospital very often takes the head physician of the medical institution where the patient.

Решение о том, что больному нужна транспортировка в другую клинику очень часто принимает главврач медицинского учреждения где находится больной.

But even urgent and adequate medical care can not always save the patient, especially if we are talking about a patient of old age.

Но даже неотложная и адекватная медицинская помощь далеко не всегда может спасти больного, особенно если речь идет о пациенте преклонного возраста.

Therefore, building trust with the patient is imperative, as this will allow the patient to divulge private issues more easily.

Таким образом, создание доверия с пациентом является обязательным условием, поскольку это позволит пациенту легче раскрывать личные проблемы.

Maintaining contact between the patient and doctor after leaving the patient out of the country.

Сохранение контакта между пациентом и врачом после отъезда больного из страны.

Talk with the patient, during which to the patient explain plan of care and jointly assess its effectiveness.

Обязательной является беседа с пациентом, во время которой больному разъясняют план ухода и совместно оценивают его эффективность.

For most of the local decision makers, the TB patient is only one thing: a patient.

Для большинства местных лиц, принимающих решения, больной туберкулезом является только одним: пациентом.

In one patient, PWC reduction was related to obesity (this patient was disregarded in the analysis).

У одного больного снижение ФР было связано с ожирением (в анализе этот пациент не учитывался).

Parents, Joe is my patient and nobody interferes with my patient.

Дорогие родители, Джо — мой пациент, и никто не должен мешать моим пациентам.

Since the patient this time is Professor Hiruma’s special patient, and also due to the unique circumstance…

Поскольку настоящий пациент является специальным пациентом профессора Хирумы и в силу особых обстоятельств…

The patient who attacked me was a former patient of Dr Lecter.

Пациент, который напал на меня был бывшим пациентом доктора Лектера.

I saw your patient Maggie Thornhill this morning…

Я видела твою пациентку, Мегги Торнхилл, этим утром… О, нет.

Following hygiene standards throughout every contact with the patient can improve patient safety.

Высокая приверженность гигиеническим стандартам во время каждого контакта с пациентом может существенно повысить уровень защищенности от инфекций.

Documenting patient care services by charting in patient and department records.

Документирует услуги по уходу за пациентами путем составления диаграмм в отчетах пациентов и отделов.

Furthermore, his responsibilities include partnerships with patient organisations and patient advocates globally.

Кроме того, в круг его обязанностей входит сотрудничество с союзами пациентов и защитниками интересов больных по всему миру.

Each patient is assigned a patient coordinator who speaks their home language.

У нас каждым пациентом занимается его индивидуальный медицинский координатор, который разговаривает на родном языке пациента.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат patient

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


To pry apart violent Islamic radicals, the United States has to become knowledgeable about internal cleavages and be patient in exploiting them.

Samantha Power, New York Times Book Review, 29 July 2007

I pack them into the compartment for a visit, pack till it’s full far beyond capacity and weep with them, share with them my scanty bit of good fortune, tell them I care, tell them be patient, tell them I’m on their side …

John Edgar Wideman, Harper’s, December 2003

There’s no sense being patient with people who make you wait, because they’ll only make you wait longer the next time.

Andrew A. Rooney, And More by Andy Rooney, (1979) 1982

I hate having to stand in long lines. I’m just not very patient.

The teacher treated her students in a patient and understanding way.

“Aren’t you finished yet?” “Be patient. I’ll be done soon.”

Proofreading requires patient attention to detail.

They put in years of patient labor on the project.


Several patients were waiting to see the doctor.

the nurse asked the patient to change into a paper gown

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Recent Examples on the Web

Florida State and Miami basketball fans, for whatever reason, seem to be more patient and realistic.

Mike Bianchi, Orlando Sentinel, 5 Apr. 2023

And always be patient, persistent and polite.

Christopher Elliott, USA TODAY, 31 Mar. 2023

Be patient and aware, because even though there is some luck supporting you, throwing caution completely to the wind will likely result in disappointment.

Tarot Astrologers, Chicago Tribune, 31 Mar. 2023

Take your time, and be patient with yourself.

Dakota Kim, Los Angeles Times, 30 Mar. 2023

The burden bearer could be patient and self-sacrificing but also bitter.

Jaeah Lee, New York Times, 28 Mar. 2023

Scheduling doctor’s appointments, calling your kid’s school and ordering takeout are all instances where the other person is supposed to be patient and professional with you.

Erin Hahn, CNN, 28 Mar. 2023

Current and past employees describe the recruiters of Axis Medical Staffing as responsive, patient, knowledgeable, and collaborative.

Riley Blanton, Verywell Health, 23 Mar. 2023

People have been so great, so patient, so understanding for the most part.

Josh Chesler, SPIN, 22 Mar. 2023

Bleeding and clotting complications, which can lead to stroke and heart attack, are more common in COVID patients, said Lekshmi Santhosh, an associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

Jason Gale, Fortune Well, 6 Apr. 2023

In patients undergoing invasive surgical procedures, listening to relaxing music can decrease their levels of the stress hormone cortisol and reduce pain.

Claire Bugos, Verywell Health, 6 Apr. 2023

Thirty-seven of the patients were linked to four healthcare facilities.

Wire Reports, oregonlive, 6 Apr. 2023

During last year’s especially bad RSV season, some children’s hospitals had to set up tents in their parking lots to deal with the overflow of patients.

Jen Christensen, CNN, 5 Apr. 2023

Campbell’s bill in its current form would bar physicians from providing puberty blockers, hormone therapy or surgery to treat gender dysphoria in patients under the age of 18.

Lauren Mcgaughy, Dallas News, 4 Apr. 2023

And homeless shelters or nursing homes that aren’t equipped to take care of these patients won’t take them.

Ken Alltucker, USA TODAY, 4 Apr. 2023

The number of patients actually treated was far outstripped by need, but Gomperts came to realize that employing eye-catching methods — breaking silence and taboos — could lead to changes in attitudes.

Laura King, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

Our first study was in cancer patients.

David Marchese David Marchese, New York Times, 2 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘patient.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A patient is any recipient of health care services that are performed by healthcare professionals. The patient is most often ill or injured and in need of treatment by a physician, nurse, optometrist, dentist, veterinarian, or other health care provider.


The word patient originally meant ‘one who suffers’. This English noun comes from the Latin word patiens, the present participle of the deponent verb, patior, meaning ‘I am suffering,’ and akin to the Greek verb πάσχειν (paskhein, to suffer) and its cognate noun πάθος (pathos).

This language has been construed as meaning that the role of patients is to passively accept and tolerate the suffering and treatments prescribed by the healthcare providers, without engaging in shared decision-making about their care.[1]

Outpatients and inpatients[edit]

Receptionist in Kenya attending to an outpatient

An outpatient (or out-patient) is a patient who attends an outpatient clinic with no plan to stay beyond the duration of the visit. Even if the patient will not be formally admitted with a note as an outpatient, their attendance is still registered, and the provider will usually give a note explaining the reason for the visit, tests, or procedure/surgery, which should include the names and titles of the participating personnel, the patient’s name and date of birth, signature of informed consent, estimated pre-and post-service time for history and exam (before and after), any anesthesia, medications or future treatment plans needed, and estimated time of discharge absent any (further) complications. Treatment provided in this fashion is called ambulatory care. Sometimes surgery is performed without the need for a formal hospital admission or an overnight stay, and this is called outpatient surgery or day surgery, which has many benefits including lowered healthcare cost, reducing the amount of medication prescribed, and using the physician’s or surgeon’s time more efficiently. Outpatient surgery is suited best for more healthy patients undergoing minor or intermediate procedures (limited urinary-tract, eye, or ear, nose, and throat procedures and procedures involving superficial skin and the extremities). More procedures are being performed in a surgeon’s office, termed office-based surgery, rather than in a hospital-based operating room.

A mother spends days sitting with her son, a hospital patient in Mali

An inpatient (or in-patient), on the other hand, is «admitted» to stay in a hospital overnight or for an indeterminate time, usually, several days or weeks, though in some extreme cases, such as with coma or persistent vegetative state, patients can stay in hospitals for years, sometimes until death. Treatment provided in this fashion is called inpatient care. The admission to the hospital involves the production of an admission note. The leaving of the hospital is officially termed discharge, and involves a corresponding discharge note, and sometimes an assessment process to consider ongoing needs. In the English National Health Service this may take the form of «Discharge to Assess» — where the assessment takes place after the patient has gone home.[2]

Misdiagnosis is the leading cause of medical error in outpatient facilities. When the U.S. Institute of Medicine’s groundbreaking 1999 report, To Err Is Human, found up to 98,000 hospital patients die from preventable medical errors in the U.S. each year,[3] early efforts focused on inpatient safety.[4] While patient safety efforts have focused on inpatient hospital settings for more than a decade, medical errors are even more likely to happen in a doctor’s office or outpatient clinic or center[5].[citation needed]

Day patient[edit]

A day patient or (day-patient) is a patient who is using the full range of services of a hospital or clinic but is not expected to stay the night. The term was originally used by psychiatric hospital services using of this patient type to care for people needing support to make the transition from in-patient to out-patient care. However, the term is now also heavily used for people attending hospitals for day surgery.

Alternative terminology[edit]

Because of concerns such as dignity, human rights and political correctness, the term «patient» is not always used to refer to a person receiving health care. Other terms that are sometimes used include health consumer, healthcare consumer, customer or client. However, such terminology may be offensive to those receiving public health care, as it implies a business relationship.

In veterinary medicine, the client is the owner or guardian of the patient. These may be used by governmental agencies, insurance companies, patient groups, or health care facilities. Individuals who use or have used psychiatric services may alternatively refer to themselves as consumers, users, or survivors.

In nursing homes and assisted living facilities, the term resident is generally used in lieu of patient.[6] Similarly, those receiving home health care are called clients.

Patient-centered healthcare[edit]

The doctor–patient relationship has sometimes been characterized as silencing the voice of patients.[7] It is now widely agreed that putting patients at the centre of healthcare[8] by trying to provide a consistent, informative and respectful service to patients will improve both outcomes and patient satisfaction.[9]

When patients are not at the centre of healthcare, when institutional procedures and targets eclipse local concerns, then patient neglect is possible.[10] Incidents, such as the Stafford Hospital scandal, Winterbourne View hospital abuse scandal and the Veterans Health Administration controversy of 2014 have shown the dangers of prioritizing cost control over the patient experience.[11] Investigations into these and other scandals have recommended that healthcare systems put patient experience at the center, and especially that patients themselves are heard loud and clear within health services.[12]

There are many reasons for why health services should listen more to patients. Patients spend more time in healthcare services than regulators or quality controllers, and can recognize problems such as service delays, poor hygiene, and poor conduct.[13] Patients are particularly good at identifying soft problems, such as attitudes, communication, and ‘caring neglect’,[10] that are difficult to capture with institutional monitoring.[14]

One important way in which patients can be placed at the centre of healthcare is for health services to be more open about patient complaints.[15] Each year many hundreds of thousands of patients complain about the care they have received, and these complaints contain valuable information for any health services which want to learn about and improve patient experience.[16]

See also[edit]

  • Casualty
  • e-Patient
  • Mature minor doctrine
  • Nurse-client relationship
  • Patient abuse
  • Patient advocacy
  • Patient empowerment
  • Patients’ Bill of Rights
  • Radiological protection of patients
  • Therapeutic inertia
  • Virtual patient
  • Patient UK


  1. ^ Neuberger, J. (1999-06-26). «Do we need a new word for patients?». BMJ: British Medical Journal. 318 (7200): 1756–1758. doi:10.1136/bmj.318.7200.1756. ISSN 0959-8138. PMC 1116090. PMID 10381717.
  2. ^ «Unpaid carers’ rights are overlooked in hospital discharge». Health Service Journal. 8 September 2021. Retrieved 16 October 2021.
  3. ^ Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America; Kohn, L. T.; Corrigan, J. M.; Donaldson, M. S. (2000). Kohn, Linda T.; Corrigan, Janet M.; Donaldson, Molla S. (eds.). To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press. doi:10.17226/9728. ISBN 0-309-06837-1. PMID 25077248.
  4. ^ Bates, David W.; Singh, Hardeep (November 2018). «Two Decades Since: An Assessment Of Progress And Emerging Priorities In Patient Safety». Health Affairs. 37 (11): 1736–1743. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2018.0738. PMID 30395508.
  5. ^ Muñoz, Roberto (3 July 2022). «AI-enabled patient experience improvement in the Philippines». Proto. Archived from the original on 28 November 2022. Retrieved 27 February 2023.
  6. ^ American Red Cross (1993). Foundations for Caregiving. St. Louis: Mosby Lifeline. ISBN 978-0801665158.
  7. ^ Clark, Jack A.; Mishler, Elliot G. (September 1992). «Attending to patients’ stories: reframing the clinical task». Sociology of Health and Illness. 14 (3): 344–372. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.ep11357498.
  8. ^ Stewart, M (24 February 2001). «Towards a Global Definition of Patient Centred Care». BMJ. 322 (7284): 444–5. doi:10.1136/bmj.322.7284.444. PMC 1119673. PMID 11222407.
  9. ^ Frampton, Susan B.; Guastello, Sara; Hoy, Libby; Naylor, Mary; Sheridan, Sue; Johnston-Fleece, Michelle (31 January 2017). «Harnessing Evidence and Experience to Change Culture: A Guiding Framework for Patient and Family Engaged Care». NAM Perspectives. 7 (1). doi:10.31478/201701f.
  10. ^ a b Reader, TW; Gillespie, A (30 April 2013). «Patient Neglect in Healthcare Institutions: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Model». BMC Health Serv Res. 13: 156. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-156. PMC 3660245. PMID 23631468.
  11. ^ Bloche, MG (17 March 2016). «Scandal as a Sentinel Event—Recognizing Hidden Cost-Quality Trade-offs». N Engl J Med. 374 (11): 1001–3. doi:10.1056/NEJMp1502629. PMID 26981930.
  12. ^ Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry: Executive Summary. London: Stationery Office. 6 February 2013. ISBN 9780102981476. Retrieved 23 June 2020.
  13. ^ Weingart, SN; Pagovich, O; Sands, DZ; Li, JM; Aronson, MD; Davis, RB; Phillips, RS; Bates, DW (April 2006). «Patient-reported Service Quality on a Medicine Unit». Int J Qual Health Care. 18 (2): 95–101. doi:10.1093/intqhc/mzi087. PMID 16282334.
  14. ^ Levtzion-Korach, O; Frankel, A; Alcalai, H; Keohane, C; Orav, J; Graydon-Baker, E; Barnes, J; Gordon, K; Puopulo, AL; Tomov, EI; Sato, L; Bates, DW (September 2010). «Integrating Incident Data From Five Reporting Systems to Assess Patient Safety: Making Sense of the Elephant». Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 36 (9): 402–10. doi:10.1016/s1553-7250(10)36059-4. PMID 20873673.
  15. ^ Berwick, Donald M. (January 2009). «What ‘Patient-Centered’ Should Mean: Confessions Of An Extremist». Health Affairs. 28 (Supplement 1): w555–w565. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.28.4.w555. PMID 19454528.
  16. ^ Reader, TW; Gillespie, A; Roberts, J (August 2014). «Patient Complaints in Healthcare Systems: A Systematic Review and Coding Taxonomy». BMJ Qual Saf. 23 (8): 678–89. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2013-002437. PMC 4112446. PMID 24876289.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Patients.

Look up patient in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Jadad AR, Rizo CA, Enkin MW (June 2003). «I am a good patient, believe it or not». BMJ. 326 (7402): 1293–5. doi:10.1136/bmj.326.7402.1293. PMC 1126181. PMID 12805157.
    a peer-reviewed article published in the British Medical Journal’s (BMJ) first issue dedicated to patients in its 160-year history
  • Sokol DK (21 February 2004). «How (not) to be a good patient». BMJ. 328 (7437): 471. doi:10.1136/bmj.328.7437.471. PMC 344286.
    review article with views on the meaning of the words «good doctor» vs. «good patient»
  • «Time Magazine’s Dr. Scott Haig Proves that Patients Need to Be Googlers!» – Mary Shomons response to the Time Magazine article «When the Patient is a Googler»

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