Using the word love in a sentence

The word (


), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Creative individuation of the self, and by contrasting


    for the few with,


    ,for the many. Love confirms others in their freedom, shuns propaganda and
  2. For the good of the other, and he agrees with feminists who note that sometimes,


    ,requires acting for one’s own good when the demands of the other undermine
  3. Is the exemplar of


    for others. He does think though, that we should,


    ,God more than ourselves and our neighbor, taken as an entirety, more than our
  4. And internal disputes have proven perennial within anarchist theory. Free,


    ,An important current within anarchism is free


    . Free


  5. Of twenty alive. He was ambushed and killed by Achilles. Apollo also fell in,


    ,with Cassandra, daughter of Hecuba and Priam, and Troilus’ half-sister. He
  6. Suffering (compassion). » Many illnesses can be cured by the one medicine of,


    ,and compassion. These qualities are the ultimate source of human happiness, and
  7. With physical, financial or psychological risk, such as a business venture,a,


    ,affair, or other major life undertakings. Adventurous experiences create
  8. To play music on the lyre he had invented. Apollo, a god of music, fell in,


    ,with the instrument and offered to allow exchange of the cattle for the lyre.
  9. Spontaneous self-centeredness of most of us, Buddhism encourages us to focus,


    ,and compassion on others, and thus can be characterized as» altruistic. » Many
  10. Free


    and birth control advocates (see Anarchism and issues related to,


    ,and sex),individualist naturists nudists (see anarcho-naturism)
  11. And was revived, briefly,in 1901. In Europe the main propagandist of free,


    ,within individualist anarchism was Emile Armand. He proposed the concept of la
  12. See below). Another version of Achilles’ death is that he fell deeply in,


    ,with one of the Trojan princesses, Polyxena. Achilles asks Priam for Pollen
  13. Achilles is portrayed as a former hero who has become lazy and devoted to the,


    ,of Patrols, in William Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida. Fiction *
  14. In the Summat Theological, I: II Question 26,Article 4 states that we should,


    ,ourselves more than our neighbor. His interpretation of the Pauline phrase is
  15. Under the heading of» disinterested


    ,» as in the Pauline phrase «,


    ,seeks not its own interests. » In his book Indoctrination and Self-deception
  16. And everything that happens is to raise humanity to the level of altruism,


    ,for one another. Ashley focused on society and its relation to divinity.
  17. Freedom as a clear, direct expression of an individual’s self-ownership. Free,


    ,particularly stressed women’s rights since most sexual laws discriminated
  18. Abit onus (» The old woman dies, the burden is lifted» ). In 1821,he fell in,


    ,with nineteen-year old opera singer, Caroline Richter (called Melon),and had
  19. As stated above. Many biblical authors draw a strong connection between,


    ,of others and


    of God. In 1 John 4 it is stated that for one to


  20. The common good is a more desirable good for the individual. ‘You should,


    ,your neighbor as yourself’ from Leviticus 19 and Matthew 22 is interpreted by
  21. Knowing that she would not be ready to join the strikers. He remains deeply in,


    ,with her throughout the book, while also being a good and loyal friend of her
  22. Of our being» ( Dalai Lama). Since» all beings» includes the individual,


    ,and compassion in Buddhism are outside the opposition between self and other.
  23. Many biblical authors draw a strong connection between


    of others and,


    ,of God. In 1 John 4 it is stated that for one to


    God one must


  24. Truth Seeker. E. C. Walker was co-editor of the excellent free-thought / free,


    ,journal Lucifer, the Light-Bearer «. The schools’ stated goal was to» educate
  25. Love of others and


    of God. In 1 John 4 it is stated that for one to,


    ,God one must


    his fellowman, and that hatred of one’s fellowman is the
  26. And practice from within. As in practical arts, the presence and meaning of,


    ,becomes validated and grasped not by words and reflections alone, but in the
  27. Friends, as » war buddies «, as being in a teacher/student relationship, or in,


    ,with each other as an egalitarian homosexual couple. Whichever the case may be
  28. Creatures, to stay alive and to reproduce. Schopenhauer refused to conceive of,


    ,as either trifling or accidental, but rather understood it to be an immensely
  29. And both are focused on all beings equally: the wish that all beings be happy (,


    ,) and the wish that all beings be free from suffering (compassion). » Many
  30. The desired goal of creation. The famous Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook stated that,


    ,is the most important attribute in humanity. This is defined as bestowal, or
  31. Was another of Apollo’s liaisons. Pregnant with Asclepius, Coronis fell in,


    ,with Inches, son of Elates. A crow informed Apollo of the affair. When first
  32. world’s largest copper mining empire. He is a childhood friend, and the first,


    , of Deign Haggard. A child prodigy of exceptional talents, Francisco was dubbed
  33. A small but diverse following of Bohemian artists and intellectuals, free,


    , and birth control advocates (see Anarchism and issues related to


    and sex
  34. Interpreted by St Thomas as meaning that


    for ourselves is the exemplar of,


    ,for others. He does think though, that we should


    God more than ourselves
  35. Taken as an entirety, more than our bodily life, since the ultimate purpose of,


    ,of our neighbor is to share in eternal beatitude, a more desirable thing than
  36. From Leviticus 19 and Matthew 22 is interpreted by St Thomas as meaning that,


    ,for ourselves is the exemplar of


    for others. He does think though, that we
  37. Explained this philosophy as» Yaratılanı Severin, Yaratandan our» or» We,


    ,the creature, because of The Creator «. In practice, for many Muslims, i’their
  38. Jay Word has argued in several books that altruism is but one possible form of,


    , An altruistic action is not always a loving action. Word defines altruism as
  39. Armand. He proposed the concept of la camaraderie amorous to speak of free,


    ,as the possibility of voluntary sexual encounter between consenting adults. He
  40. Of other-regard within creative individuation of the self, and by contrasting,


    ,for the few with


    for the many. Love confirms others in their freedom
  41. Agassi entered the history books in 1999 when he came back from two sets to,


    ,down to beat Andrei Mercedes in a five-set French Open final, becoming,at the
  42. Agree that they want a world of» liberty, peace,justice, and brotherly,


    ,», they have not been able to agree on how to achieve it. Heard introduced
  43. And


    of God. In 1 John 4 it is stated that for one to


    God one must,


    ,his fellowman, and that hatred of one’s fellowman is the same as hatred of God
  44. S The Word (1872–1890,1892–1893). The publication staunchly advocated free,


    ,and women’s rights, and critiqued» Comstock» — censorship of sexual
  45. And other-regard were sometimes discussed under the heading of» disinterested,


    ,» as in the Pauline phrase»


    seeks not its own interests. » In his book
  46. Loyal to Deign and to Haggard Transcontinental. He is also secretly in,


    ,with Deign. Willers is generally assumed to represent the common man: someone
  47. E. Lazarus was an important American individualist anarchist who promoted free,


    , And the openly bisexual radical Edna St. Vincent Millay and the lesbian
  48. Anarchist theory. Free


    An important current within anarchism is free,


    , Free


    advocates sometimes traced their roots back to Josiah Warren and to
  49. Woman, indeed the first and only American, to take up the defense of homosexual,


    ,before the public. » In fact, before Goldman, heterosexual anarchist
  50. Theory. Free


    An important current within anarchism is free


    . Free,


    ,advocates sometimes traced their roots back to Josiah Warren and to

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Examples of how to use the word “love” in a sentence. How to connect “love” with other words to make correct English sentences.

love (n, v): the feeling of liking another adult very much and being romantically and sexuallyattracted to them, or strong feelings of liking a friend or person in your family; to like another adult very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to them, or to have strong feelings of liking a friend or person in your family

Use “love” in a sentence

I’m in love!
Do you love me?
Do what you love and love what you do.
I realize that this may sound crazy, but I think I’ve fallen in love with your younger sister.
Our children love ice-cream.
I love chocolate creams.
The power of love is enormous.
If you truly love someone, being faithful is easy.
She falls in love with him.

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Synonym: adore, be fond of, care for, cherish, fancy, idolize, like. Antonym: abhor, enmity, hate, spite. Similar words: glove, all over, fall in love, all over again, fall in love with, all over the world, over and over, over. Meaning: [lʌv]  n. 1. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection 2. any object of warm affection or devotion 3. a beloved person; used as terms of endearment 4. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction 5. a score of zero in tennis or squash 6. sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people. v. 1. have a great affection or liking for 2. get pleasure from 3. be enamored or in love with 4. have sexual intercourse with. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Love makes the world go round. 

2. When love puts in, friendship is gone. 

3. Love asks faith, and faith firmness. 

4. Love is not to be found in the market. 

5. All’s fair in love and war. Anne Frank 

6. All is fair in love and war. 

7. Falling out of lovers is the renewing of love

8. Quarrels of lovers but renew their love

9. The greatest pleasure of life is love

10. No love is foul, no prison fair. 

11. Where love fails, we espy all faults. 

12. Love rules his kingdom without a word. 

13. Whom the gods love die young. 

14. Love, and love only, is the loan for love. 

15. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 

16. Men love to hear well of themselves. 

17. Hatred is blind as well as love

18. Without respect, love cannot go far. 

19. Love is the true price of love. 

20. Love is the mother of love. 

21. Labour is light where love doth pay. 

23. Love of money is the root of all evil. 

24. Love is never paid but with true love. 

25. Love me little and love me long. 

26. Whom the Gods love die young. 

27. Love will find out the way. 

28. Love makes a wit of the fool. 

28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

29. Love can neither be bought nor sold. 

30. Love understands love; it needs no talk. 

More similar words: glove, all over, fall in love, all over again, fall in love with, all over the world, over and over, over, oven, move, novel, shove, stove, cover, oversee, get over, go over, be over, move on, overall, remove, recover, approve, hand over, lay over, run over, governor, over there, cover up, uncover. 

Definition of Love

to like or enjoy

Examples of Love in a sentence

The Dean children love to bake and enjoy serving treats to family and friends.


Even though I don’t love riding roller coasters, I will get on one if my husband insists.


George might love to fish, but his wife certainly doesn’t enjoy being at the lake all day.


Darby liked to have parties in her home and wished her husband shared her love for hosting.


Because they love animals, the two best friends have decided to become vets and care for hurt pets.


Other words in the Positive Emotions Respect category:

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If you have decided to write definition essay about love, at this point, it is recommended to limit the word love, as you will fail to reveal its definition in the measures of a simple essay.


She recalled the Norfolk and Western man’s gentle teasing, I’ll bet you loved ciphering in school, and at the sound of her name used in the same sentence as the word love, a surprising heat bloomed between her legs, rising, spreading, until her whole body burned and ached pleasantly.


People are tossing this around like cupid tosses around the word love but is there any merit to it?


They also counted the number of times the author used the word love.


But as you say replacing the word love with God makes a lot of sense.


«I can’t put into words the love we felt today as we had to put our beautiful baby girl down.


Some feel the word love means forever, which isn’t always the case.


I like writing, some days I really like it, but I don’t think I could attach the word love to how I feel towards something that I often prefer to not do.


At first, saying I love myself felt hard, so I replaced the word love with care.


You would think that love is bigger than like, but in our Christian context and considering how the word love has been misappropriated by those who always say «love but….»


I am single good and young looking girl who is seeking for a real relationship and would want to meet with a trust worthy man that will care and respect the word love and also family.I am an outgoing, laid back, type of girl.


Women, meanwhile, prefer a slightly slower pace: only 32 % will use the word love at the one-month mark (2 % after a week).


If McCabe’s approach to ethics centers on questions of language — how we use the word love and how we describe a situation — even more so does his approach to questions about God.


Each time you use the word love, sign it to your baby and then cross her arms over her chest and help her sign it too.


I just can’t help myself when it comes to holidays — especially ones that involve things like the color pink, hearts, and the word love (I’m a romantic, what can I say).


With more and more people relying on online dating to meet a. the word love more were more successful in finding it, the researchers discovered that men benefitted from using the words heart, children, romantic, and relationship..


«I’ll never be able to put into words the love I have for you fans.


Don’t use the words love making or the word love AT ALL!


Haha well thanks for the adorable word love Nagi YOU NEED ONE.


We can’t even put into words the love we feel for this little girl (as I’m sure you all understand).


As a word love myself, I can see where this would make someone feel truly special.


But it did seem ridiculous that we use the word love for many different things.


I printed out the word «love» and used it as a guide to form the word love out of remaining copper wire.


I couldn’t come up with a 6 word love sotry myself, but I enjoyed reading everyone else’s —


I guess the best way to describe me is my definition of love… should cover all the bases here: In the past five years i have dicovered alot of the word love and how easily people throw that word around to get either what they want or use it as a way of saying hello or goodbye and i wonder if they…


57 % of all songs used the word love, most frequently as a romantic term.


★ Whitney Museum of American Art: «Robert Indiana: Beyond Love» (through Jan. 5) This terrific show will be a revelation for viewers who know Mr. Indiana only for his famous representations of the word love with the suggestively tilted «o.» There are several versions in two and three dimensions here, but most of the show consists of non-love paintings of words and numbers rendered in graphically punchy compositions from the 1960s.


love… the word love, epspeially in the Greek has a number of words… eros (erotic love, Phileo brotherly love, and agape action love) onie who SERISOUSLY studies the Bible should take key words..


She begins to slowly repeat — like a mantra — the word love.


  • Use the word Love in a sentences

Sentence Examples

For you’ve shown that your hearts are too withered to receive the love of your divine Father.

At last the freat over- whelming love — only to be halted by the stark ghosts of her past.

All this was caught in the whirlpool of his love.

I love you gaily, happily, high-heartedly.

Don’t be beastly We’ll share true love

Don’t be beastly We’ll love each other truly

And our love I never have denied

When a man of genius is denied of his great love, he goes mad.

She gave them the love that had been denied them.

Thy love philter. Thou gavest him one, I presume.

Prepare a love philter at once.

Which bewept to the grave did go With true love showers

Your love deserves my thanks… but my desert unmeritable shuns your high request.

The leisure and the fearful time cuts off the ceremonious vows of love… which so long sundered friends should dwell upon.

┬ñ «Clear water who flows between the leaves and twigs,… ┬ñ «tell him that roses have their thorns… ┬ñ «tell him I’m missing no color in my feathers,… ┬ñ «tell him I’m dying of love. Tell him to come home!» ┬ñ

I’ll give him a love philtre.

Irritability, rapid loss of enthusiasm, Insular, love of imitation, Inplacability, meanness,

You love mud puddles, don’t you?

As I hope for quiet days, fair issue, and long life, With such love as ’tis now, …the murkiest den, the most opportune place, the strong’st suggestion our worser genius can, shall never melt mine honour into lust, to take away the edge of that day’s celebration,

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time th’ oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely the pangs of disprized love, the law’s delay the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of th’ unworthy takes when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin?

You know we’d love to stick around but some brain- dead sycophant left my buddy out here to die.

Quero to say, all this besteira of John Riley, for the love of God, find that it gives to the minim pra now you?

Bin, your emptyness would be fulfilled by love.

I love Point Dume. There ‘s a viewpoint, it’s the first turn north of Kanan.

It’s a little over-whelming to feel all that love from your family and friends

«…for the love of the Pachamama what shall we leave behind…»

I love Susan, and I won’t ask heto do this.

And you’ve never been involved in a gender-fluctuant love triangle.

I love the ground, the Pachamama.

hey, you know what I love about these Looxcie cameras?

God, I love Interleague Play.

The only thing I love is you.

And always giving me so much love. Mom, you are my sunshine and idol.

I love you, mom. I love you

Is it wrong if you think of love as a game too?

I’m sorry but I don’t believe in love.

Especially guys like you who always talk about love? I don’t believe in it more.

Would a love like that.. Exist really?

She gave birth to me, and raised me well. And giving me so much love.

«Kang Minjoo reveals all: love‘s a just a game to me, I was only playing»

I didn’t think love was real, But through Yoon, I’ve come to believe.

Dreams of love. The damp disappointments of everyday life. The beach and the seafront were the stage on which these classic themes were played out.

You have to leave, my love.

From my experience nothing is more remarkable than when two people truly love each other.

 God’s Love: This means God is love

“And we’d love to hear you talk about it on the show,” he grasps my hand and squeezes it

But she looked fine, he had to admit he had enjoyed making love to her even as she was haunted by this ghost from space

«So you’re actually still in love with Kulai?»

without blame before him in love:

2Cor: 13:14: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with

John: 14:23: Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love

of pure unconditional love we have

You should love your children

It was far from the same thing, and where did that leave Leand in her parentage? Did she have three parents, but didn’t the child who became the ghost also have two? Could he ever make love to such a creature? He had made love to such a creature, made love to her so much that she ran from him

It is a fear conjoined with love and hope, and is therefore

The opportunity to enjoy them, spend time with them, teach them your values and beliefs, play with them, show them how much you love them, that opportunity is happening

When you love God enough you repent on the

will; develop the fear and love of God in our lives

“I love that man

For peace, joy and love to exist, we should control violence

We need to understand that, it is the love of God that

comes as the result of experiencing unconditional love of

Those people who are closest to you that are supposed to love you and support

“I bet they’d love to have a big piece of sausage between their legs

I get it, kids love fast food

Kids love to stop at McDonald’s and eat that stuff but you don’t have to stop there and, if you do, you don’t have to get yourself something to eat there

our true love for God

It was communication of love between Father and His

fear and obey God because we love Him

love sinners and those who have fallen from grace

The love and devotion he has always felt toward his wife now carries to this tiny, fragile child he holds in his hands

I love you, therefore you should sleep around a bit until you’re quite, quite sure whilst I get on with all this work for you, regardless of the outcome

When you have an open heart you allow love to come in

I love to learn about:

Matt: 22:37: Jesus said unto him, Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with

To love my life I would have to:

is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and

When you love God, everything He says and does matters to you

So when you love God in that level, it will not be a big

you, where I will hear you communicating your love to

contemplating about that love all day long

Psalms: 119:165: Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them

Even so, she told Hermann that she still loved her mother and they should all love her and take care of her because she’s family

Lawns love compost; top-dressing lawns once per year with a good rich compost will keep the soil alive and allow for deeper root systems and a pest-free lawn

This is about the woman I fell madly in love with for about a week and a half

So, after ten days of being together, off and on, I told her how I felt, all those things about the love and the past lives

I love this stuff! Agri-Gro is not an NPK fertilizer but it works to enhance the relationships between soil and plant

The testing of your faith will reveal why you love God

reveals whether you love Him more than what He can do

this isn’t my love story

Only love is natural

You should experience everything with love

Whatever God does, He do it out of His love, not

Therefore, God out of His love He blesses us and out of

the time to prove to Him how much you love and

«The movies here are all tangled love stories,» Herndon griped

He pours out His unlimited presence on you, His love

You just talk with Him in love and adoration

What you love most is what you most wish for yourself

Love brings happiness and not hatred

than the fact that You Love and Delight in Jesus

because thou hast left thy first love

with a joyful heart and out of love is not a burden

with them that love him and keep his commandments to a

Our approach is to be afraid of these ‘Gods’ while God wants unselfish love

John: 15:13: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends

However, His love for you is as fresh as if

Mom told me that she had a terrible childhood growing up with Grandma, though she said she loved her mother all the same and we should all love her and take care of her because she’s family

It’s not a requirement to hide your disapproval in all situations—just let your grandchildren know that while you disapprove of their decision, you will always love them

You must control the ants since they herd aphids which produce nectar which the whiteflies love! See my web site entitled Dances with Ants

Whether or not they will become musicians or play some musical instruments in their adulthood, love of music is a gift that will continue to enrich them all their lives

With grandchildren, you make time to be with them, answer their questions and just love them

We have watched our mother and mother-in-law when they spent time with our kids and saw how gently they enfolded our children with their wisdom and love and tenderness

It is a fine line we walk as grandparents, to love our grandchildren without interfering with their relationship with their own parents

We either didn’t have the time or energy to SHOW the Love for our children as we can our grandchildren

Give with love

He did love me, Stephen, I know it makes me sound like a fool clinging to a daydream, but he did

We all love our children

We plan for old age and build house, invest intelligently but if we succumb to love and write away every thing to our children then we are sowing the seed of pain and suffering

“Bats love to eat flies and other insects

«My love, this is the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil

‘Yes, love, I’m out of it now

Japanese Beetles love poor dead soil since their natural enemies are not present

Commercial rose growers are not organic and therefore when you first buy your roses they have been grown chemically! Don’t Panic! Given time your roses will love being grown organically

Functions, festivals parties are full of love and fun due to large number of participants

We know and love me

Trees love compost: Compost is one of the few things you can feed trees with

Aphids for example produce a sweet nectar that the ants love

She was a new-age hippie who fell in love with the idea of all religions coming together

She was slow and intimate with her love, but strong enough to enjoy without worry of hurting her

Though the word “God” was taboo, the songs were inspirational, secular pieces about love and salvation

Trees love slow, deep watering

Trees also love Rock Dust

David was blindly in love with his fabulously fake creation, seeing in her weave and

Your plants will love it

He spoke with her about love and truth and timeless bliss, imagining her voice

creation, but now that this simulacrum of love stood rigid above him, he had to admit

he were to die for love, he would leave the girl standing as cold as stone in his flat,

Bacteria love heat and work best within a range of 140-180 F

“Oh, yes,” he whispered to his love

Without strength and without a word from his one true love, he slipped away

I just love this game

He loved being out with that lawnmower, waving to the neighbors

Everyone stares at their drink, a sort of collective moment of silence for lost loved ones

» Ennin loved the game so that was a disaster for him, costing him another couple irons a year

He loved us despite of

The Yingolian ghost was the soul he loved, the reason he loved that body more now as Ava than in the past as Tdeshi

commandments, which I have loved

Even if you’ve been an avid golfer, a fiend for tennis, loved playing hockey or zooming downhill on skis, you can’t assume you’ve retained your sense of balance

Even so, she told Hermann that she still loved her mother and they should all love her and take care of her because she’s family

It was dying—James was dying—and while she was afraid of what he had become, it was miserable to watch the man she loved in this condition, struggling against death

Mom told me that she had a terrible childhood growing up with Grandma, though she said she loved her mother all the same and we should all love her and take care of her because she’s family

She loved to flaunt her skill and never missed an opportunity to do it

It didn’t change that he loved the silly cunt

‘But, I suppose if she loved him enough, and she thought it was what he wanted, she might do that

Although Serpent loved God most of all, he knew that his mate was of God

Christopher—back then Topher went by his full name—had always loved going to the Unitarian Universalist Church in Titusville every Sunday

someone who loved me with all her

You must have loved her dearly

How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody’s beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion

Yeah, Clarisse loved it here

loved me, not in so many words, but I didn’t care

» Her voice had a captivating musicality that Theo loved

He knew it pained her to bring these things up at all and loved her even more because of it

Who loved you so much, that He consented to be born in the

embraced his father, told him he loved him, and then sunk his mouth to the old man’s

‘Yes, I loved him

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that

But her father had been a criminal and she loved him no matter what, despite everything, despite her own career

matter is that after he said farewell to the woman whom he loved with all his heart, he

His yacht was something he loved and would notice if something was out of place

colloquial term, loved silence but with love comes an inevitable discontent

Smith loved the Universal Light Programme that fizzed

across the unseen radiation waves of His thought, but He loved each and every aspect

young woman has her life in his hands or your loved one

Man in love —> (Sad) I thought you loved me, without her in

She loved him and wanted him to know, but they were getting much closer to his villa and the appointment with those androids

who should have loved

you, you end up with what most loved, only to leave this place

Interpretation: The dream shows my inner feeling of not being loved by my parents, especially in comparison with Alice, the star of our family

Did they love their fathers as I loved mine? I conjectured and felt sympathy for them

It was like a love of dogs, of some farmyard animal, loved while useful, loved while sitting by the fire on a cold evening, one ear cocked for the intruding fox, but not a love enduring or warm when the cold winds of survival blow

He loved children, wherever we went he’d draw a crowd of them, a bit like Fred does

He was convinced she loved him, in some sense at least, but in almost everything, she was a native and he was a foreigner

He wished he could imagine what it was like for Angels a century and three quarters beyond the one’s who’s sister he once loved

The boy child had, when the time came, embraced his father, told him he loved him, and then sunk his mouth to the old man’s neck to taste the acrid, metallic taste of heaven for the first time

We all lose a loved one at least once in life

Her diary makes that very clear – although she only knew you for a very short time, she loved you deeply, James

” She was always involved in extracurricular activities, had great parents, and had friends who loved her

Then she couldn’t let go of her lifestyle, nor did she feel confident in telling those who loved her about it

The instrument I once loved so dearly, became a symbol of

The women of the kingdom loved Son because he had spared the lives of

Even though they were loved by most, there were still those who wished

The truth of the matter is that after he said farewell to the woman whom he loved with all his heart, he had simply been too scared to admit that he felt the same for all his family

He loved her so much and she died

Smith, using a modern colloquial term, loved silence but with love comes an inevitable discontent

you loved dearly and unconditionally? Is it really

Smith loved the Universal Light Programme that fizzed across the unseen radiation waves of His thought, but He loved each and every aspect of silence as if, for a fleeting moment, it was the only silence He had ever heard

Perhaps JJ would want her around as a sort of honorary aunt … or would that be too weird? As if she were clinging to a facsimile of the man she loved? No, maybe it would be best not to hang around … for the first time she felt the rootlessness of her existence

of freedom, liberation and being here for my loved ones

He was playing with her hair, something he still loved to do

be a colony on Mars; individuals I am certain will have nullification, or college education) and thus would all be friends and loved ones back here on Earth

“I would have loved a ride on Ethereead,” said Joe, “never met

His little sister loved

the weakness that makes him loved

warming his loved ones

all loved and dirt and hanging thread mouth

‘He loved those roses

Memories, thoughts play as he misses his loved ones

She had loved him dearly

How we treat our loved ones, young and old

He loved a captive

The bag heavy in her hand, she walked along stuffed full of more happiness than she had felt for … since … that he should have loved her so much …

Is our freedom constituted in that our death serves an ultimate purpose of God? Can we die in such a way as to express a mystery? Revelation 12:11 says that they loved not their lives even unto death

God, how she loved this house! The hardwood floors, the airy openness in all the rooms

[She loved that most of all!] It also had the largest walk-in closet she had ever seen

He may be gone now, but he had loved her very much

He loved the idea that he had a friend he could talk to, and who accepted him for himself

Ethereead loved to fly, the dragon was feeling weary

«I told you about how I loved Chofa, I could tell you many more

‘I loved your mother very much, Lintze, and had been searching for her for several years

I would have said ‘No, I would have loved to lie with you if you did it of your own free will, but now that you are ordered to, no

If she did feel like a mother to him, she probably only loved him as a mother would love a child, if at all

And then when he felt she was ready he took her and loved her like he had never done before

He loved watching her tremble at his touch

loved this and were shouting for him to do it again

loved this and he rode around the green and took a long fast run

folk again loved this

I loved her then for her beauty, for her sport,

Loved as a Child

I’d secured the cottage and left food and water for Ebby but there was no sign of him anywhere and I would have loved to say goodbye even though I knew he was in good hands with Demelza

but simply because I was loved

that I loved them, when it is too late to kiss their beautiful,

He loved her hair and the way it played

‘I loved him, Lintze

She didn’t mention how deeply she’d loved a sailor once and the pain of how little of that love was returned

He whispered that he loved me and would never, ever, ever cheat me again and I think I felt him sob

This is what it is all about, caring and loving someone, being loved in return; watching out for each other, helping your fellow man, trying to make a difference

the man who once loved to run

The man had a good heart, and obviously loved her; but there was no relationship between them

She’s a cuddly little thing and he loved the tight little curves of her body next to his

She explained that she loved Jackson, but she was unsure how to tell him

that, Jesus loves us regardless of the mess we come to

Jesus loves sinners, to a point He sat down and had a

He loves us and He loves the Father

blesses you because He can and He loves you

Janet hates doing laundry but she loves to iron

You need to know that Jesus loves you

endure here on earth was to show how much He loves

Q: You’re saying he loves me?

Up until fairly recently, I have seen him at least once a week … he loves his old gran

He loves everything and everybody, it has no limitation to its perception and it is eternal and Godlike

God loves making us happy, revealing Himself to us in all His mag-

confess, God loves to forgive and heal your heart

God loves us as His children

We have just had lunch and the guru wants to show us how much he loves Bessy, his big, pitch-black, hairy dog

some one who loves us, isn»t that better?

On that brilliant night there began the simplest and most direct of loves, a love that bound us together through the days to come

And here God just continues to display that He isn’t angry, He does care, and He is satisfied simply because He loves

We know that a father chastens whom he loves

The Man Who Loves Comets

as He loves me

wanting a lover who loves with careful abandon,

Becky answered her, “Did you see the way he looked at Kate all during dinner and after, it was love; he truly loves her

He thinks I’m sexy, loves the chest department,

SAMANTHA: Why aren’t you thinking about my happiness? I think I love Erick, and I think he loves me

the kids, the ones in back of the car, are the loves of your life,

read this, that he loves her and makes no excuse

that he loves you, that he misses you, that he is with you

Behold your mate who loves you

That way she’s a happy grandmother who loves being appreciated and the future takes care of itself

He passes time on his own because he loves her,

and because he loves her he hates

He catches glimpses of the women he loves

He walked down the street towards his home plucking the petals from the flower as he repeated that lover’s mantra of old: “She loves me, she loves me not”

Many people suspect their loves ones might not

By placing love into the middle of a lust based relationship, you might get someone who loves

one loves to the point of receiving verbal, emotional, and, sadly, physical abuse

champ in his pol and loves that position

she loves a nice suck on something tasty and hard boiled»

‘I know – several times during that period, I nearly went crazy and when you started withdrawing from me … well … you see, Jo, and I don’t think I’ve ever told you this before … right from when I was a boy all I’ve ever wanted out of life is to be able to work with my music and to have a family … and by that I mean a woman I love and who loves me and, possibly, children

the Sewer Rats and the King of the Sewer Rats loves rain and dirt

«You can know that as a friend who loves you deeply,» Alan said

She is in her element and loves every minute of it; he chuckled to himself, look at my men

However, she loves

‘Nice to meet a local who loves the place

loves me, she loves me not”

The whore hates those that think she loves

With each kiss he asked, “Loves me? Loves me not? Loves me

that He lives and that He loves us all

The universe (God) loves you and always (in every instant) gives you

Of course, your mum loves you; she is just in a hurry

He has a history, a list, a little black book chock-full of names from his illustrious past, but like his own parents, as he grows older he finds the subject increasingly difficult to talk about to people younger than himself, especially those he loves

She is high maintenance and loves looking good

Billy loves the primary colours that teenagers use when daubing the world with their opinions

10 He who loves silver shall not be

satisfied with silver; nor he who loves abundance, with increase: this also is vanity

The boy blushes spectacularly and nearly runs off stage, only to be called back to clear away his props, and suddenly he loves it

He’s cooked for the woman, for Christ’s sake, pleading guilty, under house arrest, but he loves her and he wants to make amends

Bex loves him for it, loves him for the awkwardness that separates their respective generations, but he seems a little flat, a little down, monotone

Bex has worked hard all week and he loves her

Matt smiled at the thought, ‘Grennal loves a good

Billy endures these minor social events because it brings him closer to Maggie, and he also has to admit that he loves the house, although he finds the contents a little twee

Determination is one of Maggie’s more pronounced character traits and is one of the things that Jock loves about her

Loves a Woman isn’t how he is in real life

A moment, an idyll, a place of worship, and in that moment he truly loves her, briefly and without question, and continues to do so until he recognises the sounds of the promised land for what they are; tyres on ribbed concrete, car doors slamming and leather soles on gravel

The feeling is almost purely childish and Ken loves play time

He gives me a hug; he’s proud of his daughter and loves to hear her praises sung

’ … and I doubted this man loves me?

Just remember that he loves you – that is all that matters

Dad loves showing me off to the other residents and has booked a tea for us

But finally, finally just this once they had a chance to recuperate, a chance to stop and rest and take some time to think about things, to think about their past, present and future, about their lives, their loves, their friends and family

You’re still his sister, he still loves you

“Roman loves blackjack, but can’t ever play because he’s always got the

but he who loves him discipline him

abomination to the Lord, but he loves

I know he loves Trenton with a

Do you know that He loves you

And yet, He accepts us and loves us and forgives

We thank you for having a family that cares and loves

at God loves them

The revelation that God loves me set my heart free to follow

When I had a true revelation that God loves me and calls me His son, I

that the Heavenly Father loves

is real and that He, unlike any other, really loves us

He disciplines the ones he loves

loves His children and desires that they would walk in the beauty

She plays yandrille quite well and sings very well, she plays out in an up-and-coming band, and she loves to have her tits caressed

passed them she finds the one her heart loves

Heaven who loves them and has made a way for them to come

I can’t believe you’d even think of giving her up for me, especially when she loves you so

Desa brought Alan here because she loves him, he’s nothing like the deformos that pursue him

He came with her because he loves her and because he loathed being a slave

encounter a God who loves them and has power to help them,

“Sir,” replied Scheherazade, “I have a sister who loves me

loves them and has a destiny in His Kingdom as a son and co-

loves, and discipline is not always pleasant, but when one knows

A true shepherd loves his sheep even when the sheep reject him

which is a heart that truly honors God and loves people

«Oh probably not for hours, he loves that knitting machine

here is that, not only righteous are capable of loving God

These can be followed by respect giving salutations, cleanliness, loving others, and other experiences to give them the foundation to develop in to a good human being

One has to realize that women evolved as child bearing and home defender- hence nurturing, loving and caring while men evolved as hunter (chaser!), protector, provider and problem solver

moment, wrapped up in each other’s lustfully loving stare, but even they couldn’t

himself might say it was faith in his loving God of all mankind and all the good Karma accrued from fighting the good fight

‘I never thought I could stop loving him, you know, but I did

how close to you loving and almighty God was that moment and He had

Oliver looks away to a loving couple that with such glee

One never loses if he deals with people in loving

From my own brief life, growing up in the security of a loving family and a stable and prosperous society, I had few further points of reference by which I could really measure the guards

relationship with yourself is key to building a deeply loving,

in building a mutually respectful, loving, and honorable

But what if there isn’t need for chastening? What if we’re blameless? Why would God allow for tribulation and hardship and suffering to befall us? Why would God allow for His children to be martyred or tortured? Does that sound like a loving father? In the Holocaust, where was God? Does that look like a loving father?

shortcut to unconditional loving acceptance of all that

He was eating his corn, fingers dripping with butter when she reached under the table and gave him a loving squeeze

Ha! Not anymore, and he’s loving all the attention

just that run of the mill, that living and loving,

ROBERT: My first witness will demonstrate to the jury that my client is a loving, caring, and a considerate young man

Lady Beth had finally gotten over her fear; and Jerry had listened to Jake’s advice, and took his time and showed her what pleasure there was in loving well

dressed in your loving and in the knowing of love

The teachers had protected them, and taken loving care of them over the years

This is what it is all about, caring and loving someone, being loved in return; watching out for each other, helping your fellow man, trying to make a difference

Then we agreed he had to keep working and if you were to have the best start you would need the warmth of a loving family

‘Because he never stopped loving your mother

«I imagine you want some loving

It is possible to have a loving, lustful

Loving goes beyond

Even though loving someone is a choice of self sacrifice, there are always the times where

characteristics of a loving relationship and reverse them

missing supports of emotional and loving connection will quickly be felt

Early migrants to America and Australia were often photographed at weddings and in bars, raising a loving glass to the old country, showing great bravado, cigarettes drooping from their lips; young men sipping whisky in shirt sleeves and armbands, unbuttoned waistcoats and slackened ties, slicked back hair

As if responding to his loving touch, the magnificent red flower head threw up new feathers, filling out and flaming into glorious bloom at just the right moment

For the rest of the time she spent in that town, my loving ex was seen with anyone and everyone and at any hour and always she made sure I found out

Even those close friends and relatives who knew about the hole were amazed at the couple’s loving resilience in the face of such deep shadow, and unlike so many people who find that their strength and union is built on sand rather than on firm foundations, Ken and Eileen simply wouldn’t let the darkness at the heart of their marriage tear their relationship apart, choosing instead to face their enemy in a committed search for the one thing that could complete the turn of the seasons in their lives

Their love was born of hope and that hope always took the form of imagined blue lines and smiling doctors, but their loving was in vain

I think it proves there’s a loving God more than anything

but one way that you can access a more loving, peaceful

began to see that the angel’s face was pure and loving

I’d never thought about love much and it came as a total shock when I realised just what really loving someone meant

She wished she was sober enough to appreciate the loving this soldier gave her that evening because he was very romantic and sensual

knowing there will be those around her or him very accepting, very loving

As if responding to his loving touch,

I once lived on a farm with a loving master and tended his sheep

energy abuse and is not a loving thing to do to yourself

couple’s loving resilience in the face of such deep shadow, and

and smiling doctors, but their loving was in vain

The key to what you seek — happiness — comes from loving self

So, how can you be more loving to yourself? One of the best ways is

Another great question is, “What’s the loving thing to do for myself

being loving to ourselves

Why do you choose to not be committed to having a loving and happy

Many people think they are in love, or being loving

Do your best to emulate what you see as loving and positive within

Al the support you ever need to be more loving to others and

Then it becomes very easy — you wil be having more loving and joyful

Being unconditional y of service is the most loving thing

This is a loving way to be

“But I’m a good and loving monster, I might add, and I will

He won’t be missed by his loving family, believe me

To the untrained man, to the casually aggressive, violence is a blunt instrument wielded on a whim and a skin full, but to Alex it is a tool employed with the loving care of a master craftsman

loving mother routine, and the manipulative synapses in her brain began to fire

«This house was built to house a loving family

But what she’d learned about the man was very different though, he was gentle, loving, and not at all the way he said he’d been

without self-control, brutal, not loving

» she grinned, with warm loving eyes

Lifting his hand from her face, she to become a witness to one of the most loving scene’s she’d ever seen

» When she nodded her head, the tears spilled from his warm loving eyes and he turned back to the wheel

Tom’s loving eyes undressed her

He never had been much on the little things, that make a relationship work, but now he’d even stopped the occasional loving strokes, as they passed in the hall

I like gentle, loving, quiet, caring, and easy – going (like you) and then decided to find an introduction service and correspond with the Orient

I tell Faheed from Saudi Arabia they are very sweet and loving dogs

I told them they were very loving and gentle and they just bark at a new person for the first 5 minutes and then jump in your lap

They ride; spiraling into the loving laughter of the beauty while time crystallized into a late-party blitzo-constructiod around the hollow in that bottle

Jesse met them at the door with a loving hug that reminded her of the way her own mother use to hold her

He is not like your father on earth and he is not a man that he should lie; rather, he is loving in every way and the healer of your soul

This is a hard concept to understand in light of a loving God, but very true to life

” He is like a loving father who hates to discipline his children, but in love, knows it is best for them

If this principle works for an annoyed neighbor, how much more will it work with a loving Father

He showed me that he was going to heal her of that wound and show her the loving way to use that sword

mattered most: loving the Creator and loving my neighbor

Greed is loving the things of this earth

His lovely daughter, at his loving touch, turned hard and fast to gold

wedding that was in the street was very friendly and loving to

bridegroom is going through the streets of the city loving the

monstrous soul, she’d been surrounded by a large and loving clan

Far more to his credit, Theoton seemed a loving father, warm-hearted and kind

He was a loving father, generous, and kind

both are sisters, dear and loving

compose long loving letters to each other

loving relationship and commitment

This gossip loving woman had urged the slaves who carried her to run

The loving promise of John to some of

She almost seemed loving, when she wrote about my birth and the first time I walked

I would surely die if you stopped loving me

While Mary played the role of loving wife and caring mother and home manager, her mate fulfilled his duties as a responsible breadwinner and attentive husband and father

Her eyes clouded over as death took her and he knew he would never see those beautiful eyes stare at him in loving caress again

The bed was cold where her warm body had often lain next to his in loving embrace

He was indeed a sly coyote, having initially learned his skills under the patient and shrewd guidance of his mother, and then perfecting them over time when he became independent of her loving care

She was indeed a vigilant gopher, having initially learned her skills under the patient and shrewd guidance of her mother, and then perfecting them over time when she became independent of her loving care

She found an unmistak-ably more vivacious Kallias at Katla’s farm, and she greeted her mare with a sugar cube and loving stroke of the nose

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«She couldn’t hide her deep love for him.«
(deep, great, intense, passionate, tender, genuine, pure, real, sincere, true, obsessive)

«You have my undying love.«
(undying, unfailing, steadfast, unconditional)

«He was very excited about his new-found love.«
(new-found, secret)

«They share a mutual love for one another.«
(mutual, forbidden, lasting, lifelong, selfless)

Used with verbs:

«She feels no love for him.«
(feels, have)

«He had never experienced true love until now.«
(experienced, known, discovered, found)

«The couple tried to rekindle their love for each other.«
(rekindle, rediscover)

«They have earned love and respect from many people.«

«You need to prove your love for her.«
(prove, demonstrate, express, show)

«He publicly declared his love for her.«
(declared, confessed, proclaimed, professed)

«I don’t deserve their love.«

«She didn’t return his love.«
(return, reciprocate, doubt)

Used with nouns:

«They were involved in a love affair.«
(affair, triangle)

«He has no love life.«

«She sent him several love letters.«
(letters, notes, poems, songs)

«Who plays his love interest in the movie?«

«The witch made a love potion.«
(potion, spell)

Used with prepositions:

«He did it all for love.«
(for, out of)

«We are very much in love.«

«There is no greater love than the love between a mother and a child.«

«She expressed her love for him.«

«He has a great love of horses.«

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  • Using the word like too much
  • Using the word one instead of you
  • Using the word like in writing
  • Using the word like in poetry
  • Using the word like in every sentence