Using the word institute

институт, учреждение, общество, учреждать, устанавливать, вводить


- институт (научно-исследовательское учреждение или учебное заведение)

Medical Institute — институт медицины (научно-исследовательский)
Institute of Technology — технологический институт (учебный)

- ассоциация, общество (научное, религиозное и т. п.); кружок
- вечерняя школа, особ. профессиональная

teaching in the village institute — преподавание в школе для сельской молодёжи

- амер. краткосрочные курсы; серия лекций (для повышения квалификации и т. п.)

teachers’ institute — сбор /методическое совещание/ учителей

- институт, установление

institutes and customs — законы и обычаи

- pl. юр. основы права; институции

Institutes of Justinian — ист. свод законов Юстиниана


- устанавливать, вводить

to institute restrictions on smth. — вводить ограничения на что-л.

- учреждать, основывать

to institute a society — основать общество

- начинать, возбуждать (следствие, расследование и т. п.)

to institute an inquiry — назначить расследование
to institute legal proceedings [an action] against smb. — возбудить судебное преследование /дело/ [иск] против кого-л.

- церк. назначать (священника); облекать властью
- назначать на должность и т. п.
- юр. назначать (кого-л.) наследником

Мои примеры


fragments of a nearly complete jug, skillfully restored at the institute of archaeology — фрагменты почти полного кувшина, умело восстановленного в институте археологии  
institute of marriage — институт брака  
research institute — исследовательский институт  
institute for theoretical research — институт теоретических исследований  
institute for the blind — общество слепых  
to institute legal proceedings — начинать судебный процесс  
to institute prosecution — возбудить уголовное преследование  
institute prosecution — возбудить уголовное преследование; возбуждать дело  
institute for stock market and management — институт фондового рынка и управления  
cooperative credit institute — кооперативное кредитное учреждение  
institute of traumatology and orthopedics — травматологии и ортопедии институт; институт травматологии и ортопедии  

Примеры с переводом

We will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public.

Мы введём ряд мер для лучшей охраны людей.

We had no choice but to institute court proceedings against the airline.

Нам ничего не оставалось, кроме как возбудить дело против этой авиакомпании.

Hormon replacement therapy is very important and should be instituted early.

Гормонозаместительная терапия очень важна, и её следует начинать как можно раньше.

American National Standards Institute

Американский национальный институт стандартов

They have instituted new policies to increase public safety.

Они положили начало новой политике с целью повышения общественной безопасности.

The government intends to institute court action against such firms.

Правительство намерено начать судебное преследование таких предприятий.

American Institute of Accountants

Американское общество бухгалтеров

ещё 11 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

institution  — учреждение, институт, организация, заведение, учебное заведение, ведомство
institutes  — основы права
institutive  — учреждающий, устанавливающий, учрежденный, установленный
institutor  — учредитель, основатель, организатор

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): institute
мн. ч.(plural): institutes


They founded an institute for research into the causes of mental illness.

the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


By instituting these programs, we hope to improve our children’s education.

They have instituted new policies to increase public safety.

Recent Examples on the Web

Sixty-eight men were staying in that part of the one-story building, according to the government-run institute.

Lorena Figueroa,, 28 Mar. 2023

Sixty-eight men were staying in the building, according to the government-run institute.

Adela Suliman, Washington Post, 28 Mar. 2023

The centers of both were about 18 miles from Balao, a town located in the coastal province of Guayas, according to Ecuador’s seismic institute.

Aicha El Hammar Castano, ABC News, 18 Mar. 2023

The institute will be housed at the university’s School of Biological Sciences, led by researchers from Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the School of Physical Sciences.

San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 Mar. 2023

Editor’s note: Shafi Goldwasser is the director of an institute that receives funding from the Simons Foundation, which also funds this editorially independent publication.

Ben Brubaker, Quanta Magazine, 2 Mar. 2023

The institute will be named the Bruce White Undergraduate Institute. White, who died on Jan. 19, was founder and chairman of White Lodging, a former member of the Purdue Board of Trustees, and a longtime university benefactor.

Staff Report, Chicago Tribune, 17 Feb. 2023

The University of Delaware, Mr. Biden’s alma mater, is home to an institute named for the president, and the school’s library houses a collection of his senatorial papers and records.

Adriana Diaz, Andres Triay, Arden Farhi, CBS News, 15 Feb. 2023

In 2004 the couple gave an initial $100 million to create The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, which evolved from collaborations on scientific research between the two universities; to date the couple has committed $1 billion in funding to the institute to enable its biomedical research.

Forbes Wealth Team, Forbes, 23 Jan. 2023

The board also has the power to institute a citywide ban of the bottles on its own, according to Arroyo.

Danny Mcdonald,, 3 Apr. 2023

For most dates, including Detroit, anti-scalping measures will be instituted using the Ticketmaster Face Value Exchange, which limits ticket transfers to original prices.

Brian Mccollum, Detroit Free Press, 24 Mar. 2023

The Wall Street Journal also reported that the central bank is strongly considering instituting a set of tougher rules for mid-sized banks.

Nicole Goodkind, CNN, 16 Mar. 2023

In downtown San Francisco, a shelter-in-place order was instituted for the area around a 52-story skyscraper at 555 California St. One window was blown out amid winds of up to 50 mph and another was damaged on the 43rd floor of what was previously called the Bank of America building.

Hayley Smith, Los Angeles Times, 14 Mar. 2023

It was instituted nationwide in 1966 with the passage of the Uniform Time Act.

Leada Gore |, al, 10 Mar. 2023

Bill Kramer, the academy’s chief executive, has said the academy has since instituted a crisis communications team to prepare for and more rapidly respond to the unexpected.

Jake Coyle, ajc, 5 Mar. 2023

Bill Kramer, the academy’s chief executive, has said the academy has since instituted a crisis communications team to prepare for and more rapidly respond to the unexpected.

Dallas News, 5 Mar. 2023

Bill Kramer, the academy’s chief executive, has said the academy has since instituted a crisis communications team to prepare for and more rapidly respond to the unexpected.

CBS News, 5 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘institute.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Other forms: instituted; institutes; instituting

An institute is an organization or association designed to study or promote something. If you’re interested in politics, you might want to do an internship at one of Washington D.C.’s many political research institutes.

While you may have heard of an institute, whether it’s the National Institute for Art Advancement or the National Cancer Institute, you may not know institute in its verb form. To institute something means to establish or advance it. You might institute the hiring of Spanish-speakers at your company, or, if workers complain about being overworked, you might institute a new policy on taking breaks.

Definitions of institute

  1. verb

    set up or lay the groundwork for

  2. verb

    advance or set forth in court

  3. noun

    an association organized to promote art or science or education

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘institute’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Examples of how to use the word “institute” in a sentence. How to connect “institute” with other words to make correct English sentences.

institute (n): an organization where people do a particular type of scientific, educational, or social work, or the buildings that it uses

Use “institute” in a sentence

He is now working as a chemist in an Institute.
This institute was established in 2004.
She has been working in the Institute since 1999.

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An institute refers to an organization having a specific purpose. However, institution has two main meanings, referring to either an established law or practice or an organization or corporation. This is the key difference between institute and institution.

There is no special difference between institute and institution when you are referring to an organization established for a specific cause such as education, research, and science. You can use either of these words. However, institute, unlike institution, doesn’t refer to a significant practice or tradition in a society.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is an Institute
3. What is an Institution
4. Similarities Between Institute and Institution
5. Side by Side Comparison – Institute vs Institution in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is an Institute?

Institute is an organization having a specific purpose, especially one that is involved with education, science, research or another specific profession. You can often notice this word in names of organizations; for example, Institute of Chartered Accounts, Stockholm Environment Institute, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, etc.

Difference Between Institute and Institution

Figure 01: Allen Institute for Brain Science

The word institute comes from instituere meaning “build”, “raise”, “create”, or “educate”. Given below are some example sentences to illustrate the meaning of this word more clearly.

They established an institute to research this phenomenon.

The government has announced the establishment of two new technical institutes.

The event was organized by the students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Institute can also be used as a verb. As a verb, it means to introduce or establish, especially something like a policy or scheme.

What is an Institution?

The noun institution has two main meanings. One of these meanings refers to “an organization founded for a religious, educational, professional, or social purpose”. The other definition is “an established law or practice”. The first definition is quite similar to institute. In fact, this is why most people use these two words interchangeably when they are talking about an established organization or corporation.

As mentioned above, institute also refers to an established practice or law. For example, you must have heard the phrase ‘institution of marriage’. This phrase derives from this second meaning of institution. Let’s now look at some example sentences to understand these meanings more clearly.

He argued that social institutions including politics and religion are of no use.

She needed a certificate from a professional institution in order to get selected.

Institution of slavery was the focal point of the U.S. civil war.  

The government imposed a tax on banks and other financial institutions.

What is the Similarity Between Institute and Institution?

  • You can use either of these words when you are referring to an organization established for a specific cause such as education, research, and science.

An institute refers to an organization having a specific purpose. However, institution has two main meanings: one referring to established law or practice and one referring an organization or corporation having a specific purpose. Thus, institution can refer to a significant practice or law in the society whereas institute cannot.

Difference Between Institute and Institution in Tabular Form

Summary – Institute vs Institution

Institution has two main meanings: one referring to an established law or practice and one referring an organization or corporation having a specific purpose. The latter meaning is similar to the meaning of institute. Thus, there is a difference between institute and institution.

Image Courtesy:

1.”Allen Institute for Brain Science Building 01″By Joe Mabel, (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia 

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