Using the word firstly

first firstly at first

Если вы путаетесь в словах first, firstly, at first, first of all, эта статья для вас. Мы разберем, что значат эти слова, выражения, какая между ними разница. Мы также разберем несколько примеров со всеми этими first-подобными выражениями.

В основном, трудности вызывает именно эта парочка. Причина в том, что их значения немного пересекаются.

  • Firstly — это наречие «во-первых». Оно звучит несколько формально, в большинстве случаев (практически всегда) стоит в начале предложения.

Firstly, put some flour in the bowl, then add a glass of water. — Во-первых, положите муки в чашку, затем добавьте стакан воды.

Firstly, you need to apologize. — Во-первых, тебе нужно извиниться.

Учтите, что firstly никогда не может значить «первый».

  • First — это 1) порядковое числительное «первый», 2) синоним firstly, то есть наречие «во-первых» (вариант first звучит менее формально).

Примеры, где first = «первый»:

This is the first time I watch a movie in English. — Это первый раз, когда я смотрю фильм на английском.

Do you remember your first date? — Вы помните ваше первое свидание?

Примеры, где first = firstly = «во-первых».

First, put some flour in the bowl, then add a glass of water. — Во-первых, положите муки в чашку, затем добавьте стакан воды.

First, you need to apologize. — Во-первых, тебе нужно извиниться.

Как вы, наверное, заметили, я просто взял те же самые примеры, что приводил выше, и заменил firstly на first. Почему? Чтобы показать еще раз, что между ними нет никакой смысловой разницы. Единственное отличие (стилистическое, а не смысловое) в том, что firstly звучит немного формальнее, чем first.

Наряду с first и firstly, для перечисления могут использоваться наречия:

secondly (second) — во-вторых,

thirdly (third) — в третьих,

Чисто технически, возможны и такие слова, как fourthly, fifthly, sixthly, но на практике они редко встречаются, так как звучат довольно по-канцелярски и многим режут слух. При перечислении нескольких пунктов лучше разбавлять все эти «в третьих» такими словами, как: next — затем, следующее, then — затем, потом, and finally — и наконец-то (про заключительный пункт).

First, Firstly и At First

Что касается at first, его значение похоже на firstly и first (как наречие), но не идентично ему. At first значит «сперва», «поначалу». Обычно его используют для создания контраста между тем, что было поначалу и тем, что случилось потом. Используется обычно в начале или в конце предложения.

At first, I thought that Lara was a lazy, irresponsible employee. Now I can see I was wrong. — Поначалу я думал, что Лара — ленивая, безответственная сотрудница. Теперь я вижу, что был неправ.

They didn’t believe me at first, then I presented the proof. — Они мне сначала не поверили, но затем я предъявил доказательство.

В этих примерах мы вряд ли сможем заменить at first на first или firstly — они не вполне подходят по смыслу. Представьте, что я сказал бы по-русски: «Во-первых, они мне не поверили, а затем я предъявил доказательство». Что-то звучит не так, не правда ли? Так и хочется вместо «во-первых» сказать «сначала». Точно так же first или firstly были бы не вполне уместны в этих примерах.

First of All

Выражение first of all значит «прежде всего». С его помощью мы подчеркиваем важность некоего пункта, действия.

First of all, you need to have some rest, then you can get back to work. — Прежде всего тебе нужно немного отдохнуть, потом ты сможешь вернуться к работе.

First of all, make sure the power is off, then change the light bulb. — Прежде всего убедитесь, что электричество выключено, затем замените лампочку.

Как видно из примеров, first of all — отличается по смыслу и употреблению от слов, рассмотренных выше. Мы не используем его для контраста между «до» и «после», как at first, а также не используем для перечисления пронумерованных пунктов, как firstly или first.


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Even though they are both adverbs, ‘first’ and ‘firstly’ are hardly interchangeable in all situations: we never say “I firstly noticed it yesterday.» One might say «firstly, what are you doing in my home?» or «firstly, I hope you have insurance»—but if you want to avoid criticism, ‘first’ is the best bet for most …

Can you use firstly in a sentence?

Firstly it was rather uncanny as the engine drifted past the signalbox almost silently. Her diving career began in 1992, firstly with PADI before crossing over to BSAC, where she spent every possible weekend underwater. Firstly , the rather unseemly mess concerning the means of electing a leader.

Is it firstly or first of all?

Both «firstly» and «first of all» are used when there is a list or subsequent events. «First» is used like that as well.

Can I say firstly and secondly?

First, and firstly are both correct, since first is also an adverb. So you can say: I prefer the train because I can see the landscape. Secondly, I have control over my luggage, and thirdly, it is better for the environment.

Is firstly grammatically correct?

The Oxford English Dictionary on firstly: Used only in enumerating heads, topics, etc. in discourse; and many writers prefer first, even though closely followed by secondly, thirdly, etc. First, and firstly are both correct, since first is also an adverb.

25 related questions found

What is after Fourthly?

You can say ‘fourthly’ if you wish, but as you continue, it becomes less and less idiomatic. First, second, third, etc., stay more idiomatic in longer sequences. Traditionally, it was «first, secondly, thirdly«, if I recall correctly.

Is Fifthly a word?

in the fifth place; fifth.

Is firstly formal or informal?

You can use either first or firstly as an adverb to introduce a statement that is the first in a series of statements. The use of firstly is more formal. Similarly, you can also use second, third, etc. instead of secondly, thirdly, etc. to refer to further points or statements.

Is fastly a word?

Many English learners use the word “fastly” as an adverbial form of “fast”, which seems quite logical because this is the way adverbs are usually formed. If something is slow, we say that it “moves slowly”, and such usage is completely correct.

Can you say Fourthly?

Senior Member. You can use «firstly, secondly, thirdly, and fourthly,» but these end up sounding repetitive. Personally, I would vary by using phrases like «in the third place» and «finally.»

How do you use firstly secondly?

Firstly, I would love to see the Colosseum. Secondly, I’m sure the pope is dying to meet me. Thirdly, they have great pizza. I have three reasons for wanting to visit Rome.

Is there a comma after firstly?

one should use commas after their transition word or phrase that starts a new sentence. However, the example sentences in Cambridge Dictionary seem to invalidate this rule. Firstly I would like to thank you for your kind offer of a job … Firstly the sodium chloride is dissolved in the water and heated gently.

Is it wrong to use firstly?

Even though they are both adverbs, ‘first’ and ‘firstly’ are hardly interchangeable in all situations: we never say “I firstly noticed it yesterday.» One might say «firstly, what are you doing in my home?» or «firstly, I hope you have insurance»—but if you want to avoid criticism, ‘first’ is the best bet for most …

How is the word firstly used?

: in the first place : first. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About firstly.

What can I say instead of Fourthly?

Fourthly synonyms

  • sixthly (related) …
  • fourth. in the fourth place. …
  • thirdly (related) …
  • fifthly (related) …
  • secondly (related) …
  • lastly (related)

Is nextly correct?

adverb. In the next place; next.

Is firstly a connective?

Time connectives are words that join phrases or sentences together to help us understand when something is happening. Words such as before, after, next, just then, shortly, afterwards, last, eventually, firstly, secondly, and thirdly, are all-time connectives.

Is Sixthly a real word?

In the sixth place; sixth in a row.

Is Filthily a word?

Covered or smeared with filth; disgustingly dirty.

What is the meaning of filthy rich?

informal. : extremely rich —used to imply that a person’s wealth is excessive or offensive I happen to know that the woman is filthy rich and can well afford to compensate you.

Is it third or thirdly?

You should use first, second, and third to show textual enumerations in your writing. Many authorities prefer first, not firstly, even when the remaining items or points are introduced with secondly and thirdly. Example: First, through practice you will develop a better style.

How do you replace Firstly Secondly Thirdly?

Re: Is there any alternative to «First, Secondly,thirdly…»? «Last but not least» is used quite commonly. It sums up a list, and re-inforces the importance of all of the points. «Last but definitely not least» may also be used.

How do you use firstly secondly and lastly?

Following, Later, Once, Next, Subsequently, Thereafter, First, Firstly, Initially, To begin, Next, Second, Secondly Then, Third, Thirdly, Finally, Last, Lastly. As for your sentences, they are correct.

Perhaps you have seen the words first and firstly in sentences and wondered which one is correct—or if firstly is even a real word. If so, today’s post can help.

First Things Firstly

As a starting point, let’s note that both first and firstly are technically correct in a grammatical sense. That means you can use either one without being wrong. Either word falls under the category of “enumeration,” which involves using numbered lists to make a point or explanation. If you were showing a friend how to bake a cake and said something such as “first, you pour in the flour, and second, you add the eggs,” you would be using enumeration.

With that understood, you could use firstly instead of first. As we mentioned, it is grammatically correct.

We do however recommend that you don’t make a habit of it. Here are some good reasons why:

Firstly is a longer word with an extra syllable. Shorter is often better in writing, speaking, and reading.

Firstly is an uncommon word. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but in this case, using it could make it seem as if you are trying to hide a point or “dress up” an otherwise lacking idea. In other words, it’s distracting.

Because firstly isn’t common in usage, some teachers, professors, and employers may consider it to be incorrect even when it isn’t. So, it could hurt your grades or your ability to communicate.

Firstly is more awkward to say out loud than first is. Whether it’s verbal or written, good communication calls on us to be as clear and simple as possible.

To be consistent, we would need to follow firstly with secondly, thirdly, fourthly, and so on. That can get cumbersome. Such writing or speaking might not be grammatically wrong, but it isn’t always going to help us win a reader’s or listener’s attention.

The First and Last Line on Firstly

If you wish to continue writing and saying firstly, you won’t be defying grammatical principles. But don’t be surprised if other people act as if you are. It’s a word most native English speakers don’t use, and many might assume it implies a lesser understanding of the language.

Unless you have a specific reason to use firstly, secondly, thirdly, and so on, it’s better to stick with the shorter, simpler, and more commonly accepted alternatives first, second, and third.

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- во первых; прежде всего

Мои примеры


intend firstly — первоначально намереваться  

Примеры с переводом

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this success.

Во-первых, я хотел бы поблагодарить всех, кто внёс свой вклад в этот успех.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…firstly, gather all the ingredients together…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

first  — первый, ранний, первый, сначала, впервые, начало
firstling  — первенец, первые плоды, первенец животного

First и firstly для перечисления

«Do not dress words up by adding ‘ly’ to them, as though putting a hat on a horse.»

Фраза принадлежит E. B. White, соавтору Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style (1959)

Цитирую неизвестного мне автора из Интернета:

Ultimately, the choice is one of style: Since first is a perfectly good adverb just as it stands, there is no need for the -ly.

Выбор между first/ firstly для перечисления не такой уж и сложный. Оба варианта имеют право на существование, выбор зависит от стиля. Firstly считается более официальным вариантом и, как пишут знатоки языка, чаще употребляется в Великобритании, чем в Америке, где предпочитают first.
Кроме того, вариантом с -ly (firstly, secondly, thirdly) ограничиваются при небольшом перечислении, так как fifthly, sixthly, eleventhly и так далее режут слух.

Вот что пишет wictionary:

Usage notes

  • Whether it is proper to use «firstly», rather than «first», has often been disputed.
    • Beginning in the early 19th century with de Quincey, who erroneously believed that «firstly» was a neologism, some have argued against the use of «firstly», advocating the sequence: «First», «secondly», «thirdly», ….
    • The usage of «firstly» is also deprecated by some modern style guides. The Chicago Manual of Style further recommends that all such -ly forms be avoided, and that list items begin only with «first», «second», and so forth.
    • Other authorities disagree.
    • The American Heritage Dictionary comments:

It is well established that either first or firstly can be used to begin an enumeration: Our objectives are, first (or firstly), to recover from last year’s slump.

  • The Oxford English Dictionary notes the dispute but does not pass judgment: «many writers prefer first, even though closely followed by secondly, thirdly, etc.»
  • «Firstly» may appear more formal than «first» and is often recommended for the formal enumeration of arguments.

На одном из англоязычных форумов обсуждался вопрос употребления first/firstly. Мнение носителя языка:

They both sound fine to me, but the «ly» ones quickly get boring. If you find yourself saying «tenthly» then you’ve definitely gone too far!

Ещё одно высказывание:

It’s a matter of choice, but you must be consistent.


Firstly adverb

used to introduce the first of a list of points you want to make in a speech or piece of writing

There are two reasons for this decision: firstly

Usage note: first
Ordering your points

This study has the following aims: first, to investigate how international students in the UK use humour; second, to examine how jokes can help to establish social relationships; and, third, to explore the role that humour plays in helping overseas students adjust to life in the UK.

Usage note: firstly / first of all / at first
Firstly and first (of all) are used to introduce a series of facts, reasons, opinions, etc:

The brochure is divided into two sections, dealing firstly with basic courses and secondly with advanced ones.

Firstly is more common in British English than in North American English.

Правило: если хочешь перечислить что-то, бери или first, second, third, etc или наречия с -ly, но не смешивай, придерживайся одного варианта.

About Author


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

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