Using the word finally

окончательно, в конце концов, в конечном счете, в конце, в заключение, под конец


- в конце, в заключение, под конец

finally, I have to say … — в заключение я должен сказать …

- окончательно; раз и навсегда

the matter is settled finally — дело решено окончательно

- в конце концов, в конечном счёте

finally he agreed — в конце концов он согласился

Мои примеры


the final act of the play — заключительный акт пьесы  
in the final minutes of the game — на последних минутах игры  
finally compact — финально компактный  
to vote finally — голосовать окончательно  
finally cleaned gas — газ тонкой очистки  
this point has not been finally established — этот вопрос ещё окончательно не решён  
after 5 days of lying they have finally come clean — после 5-ти дневного вранья они наконец-то сознались  
bar all claims completely and finally — исключить все претензии полностью и окончательно  
be finally alienated — окончательно стать друг другу чужими; окончательно разойтись  
engine in the old car finally went — мотор в старой машине окончательно пришёл в негодность  
finally-formed structure — окончательно сформированная структура  
finally-formed — окончательно сформированный  

Примеры с переводом

Phew! We finally did it.

Фух! Всё-таки у нас получилось.

The skies finally cleared.

Небо наконец прояснилось.

He finally has a steady job.

В конце концов, он нашёл постоянную работу.

He finally settled down.

Он наконец-то остепенился.

The storm finally tapered off.

В конце концов шторм утих.

Finally, Karpov cracked under the pressure.

Наконец, Карпов не выдержал давления.

I finally got to work at home.

Наконец-то я смог поработать дома.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the hikers were finally rescued after a three-day ordeal in the wilderness…

…finally checkmated the billionaire in his attempt to take over the movie studio…

She finally ended months of worry over her credit card debt when she finished paying off her bill.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

final  — окончательный, конечный, заключительный, выпускные экзамены
finals  — выпускные экзамены

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


She finally abdicated officially in 1654.

Она, наконец, решила отречься от престола официально в 1654 году.

And I finally found the missing link.

Я думаю, мы, наконец, нашли последний недостающий краеугольный камень».

Ok, I finally finally saw this film tonight and REALLY enjoyed it.

И буквально на прошлой неделе я наконец-то посмотрел это кино и получил удовольствие.

After five years it’s finally here.

Но теперь, пять лет спустя, наконец-то здесь.

By 1983, the relationship finally cracked.

К концу 1983 года отношения в коллективе окончательно испортились.

It produced coins until 1895 when it was finally closed.

С этого года он существовал до 1859 г., когда был окончательно закрыт.

Three years later, they finally meet.

И вот, спустя много лет они, наконец-то, встретились.

I was glad Dominic finally learned this.

Сейчас же мы видим, что Доминик к этому, наконец-то, привык.

After the manager finally stopped thrashing around, I finally managed a cloaking spell.

После того как менеджер наконец-то прекратил метаться вокруг, я наконец то применил заклинание сокрытия.

See, finally, finally I get to meet a man who pillages and plunders.

And more importantly, The Shield’s reunion will finally, finally happen.

И казалось, что воссоединение группировки Щит могло наконец-то произойти.

In April 1814 when Napoleon finally abdicated it seemed that the Napoleonic wars were finally over.

В апреле 1814 г., когда Наполеон окончательно отрекся от престола казалось, что наполеоновских войн были, наконец, закончилась.

Then Sergei was waiting Leningrad University, from which he finally graduated and finally moved to Moscow.

Затем Сергея ждал Ленинградский университет, который он, наконец, закончил и окончательно переехал в Москву.

Now you can finally stop embarassing yourself.

Так что теперь вы, может быть, наконец прекратите щеголять своими самоистязаниями.

The magic finally had time to work.

И вот, наконец у актера нашлось время, чтобы приступить к работе.

I just spent fifteen minutes holding an umbrella over this dog until she finally finally did her business.

Я пятнадцать минут держал зонт над этой собакой, пока она наконец не сделала все свои дела.

So finally, finally, he comes down with this giant cage filled with doves.

Наконец, наконец он выходит с гигантской клеткой голубей.

And it finally made some free throws.

И, наконец, он позволил им употреблять свободные штрихи.

Not until then can you finally sit.

Только после этого она, наконец, сможет сесть.

He is grateful the police are finally involved.

Мужчина очень рад, что полиция, наконец, подключилась к процессу.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


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Выражение Finally употребляются, когда необходимо структурировать информацию, перечисляя определенную последовательность. Finally обычно закрывает этот список перечисления.


На русский язык выражение Finally обычно переводятся как: в конце; в заключение; в конце концов; в конечном счёте; наконец и т.д.


Finally, I’d like to thank everyone for coming this evening.
В конце я хотел бы поблагодарить всех, кто пришел на этот вечер.


Синонимичным выражением является: lastly.

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finally — перевод на русский


So, anyway, you know, he’s finally ready, and he’s got, you know, his tray of cheese, you know, it’s just right.

Ну, в общем, он наконец готов, и у него эта тарелка сыра, все как надо.

And finally, Pistachio, the Labrador Retriever, squired by novice trainer — Detective William Murdoch. — Oh!

И, наконец, Фисташка, лабрадор-ретривер, в сопровождении начинающего дрессировщика, детектива Уильяма Мёрдока.

…and young Hutter traveled down countless dusty roads, until finally the Carpathians gleamed above him.

…и молодой Хуттер долго ехал по пыльным дорогам, пока наконец не засияли перед ним вершины Карпатских гор.

I’d finally found him and look what happens.

Я, наконец, нашел его, и смотри, что получилось.

And finally Kenji’s work…

И, наконец, работа Кэндзи…

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This is finally the beginning.

Наконец-то всё началось.

So you’ve finally come.

Ты наконец-то пришла.

I’m so glad we finally moved in together.

Я так рада, что мы, наконец-то, решили жить вместе.

He is Josh’s best friend, okay, and if you sleep with Josh’s best friend, that ruins any possibility for when you finally come to your senses and realize that you were meant for Josh.

Он лучший друг Джоша, и если ты спишь с лучшим другом Джоша, ты лишаешься любой возможности, когда наконец-то придёшь в себя и осознаешь, что вам Джошем суждено быть вместе.

So you’re galloping through the forest looking for me, ’cause I was stolen by the evil witch, and you finally find me in the enchanted woods.

Итак, ты скачешь через лес, ищешь меня, потому что меня украла злая ведьма, и ты наконец-то находишь меня в зачарованном лесу.

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Ladies and gentlemen the final number. By popular demand..

Дамы и господа последний номер.

-Its verdict is always final.

— Ее вердикт всегда последний.

Then we paid five hundred for you as the final installment on that plot of land at Marsh’s subdivision.

Тогда мы заплатили пятьсот за вас, как последний взнос за участок земли в подразделении Марша.

«I hereby bequeath all my worldly possessions… to those with me at the final moment when the coppers dim my lights. »

» Я настоящим завещаю все мое имущество… Тем кто был со мной в последний момент, когда потух свет в моих глазах.»

And tell Allen we’re getting out the final edition as usual.

И скажи Аллену, мы печатаем последний выпуск как обычно.

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You have finally lost it.

Ты окончательно слетела с катушек.

My troupe’s finally disbanded.

Моя труппа окончательно распалась.

So you finally found out what advantage secretaries have.

Так ты окончательно выяснила, какие преимущества есть у секретарш?

I’m through with Mr. Peter Denver forever, and that’s final.

Я порвала с мистером Питером Денвером окончательно и навсегда.

That’s final and absolute for me.

Для меня это окончательно и бесповоротно.

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The time has finally come when we must give up all of our assets including this house.

— В конце концов, пришло время, когда мы должны отказаться от всех наших активов включая этот дом.

Finally, he picks himself out a bush big as a piano and he lets out a squawk and takes a run at that bush.

В конце концов, выбрал куст размером с рояль и с воплем бросился к нему.

Finally, he agreed, and his daughter and Dummling lived happily ever after.

И, в конце концов, дал своё согласие И его дочь и Дурачок жили долго и счастливо

I hoped a nice man, honest and kind, would finally appear.

Я надеялась, что хороший человек, честный и добрый, в конце концов появится.

You can finally follow the impetus of your wishes

В конце концов, ты можешь поддаться побуждению своих желаний.

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And here, the final surprise from Grandpa Fenoccio!

Финальный сюрприз от дедушки Ферруччо!

Shall I blow the final whistle?

Дать мне финальный свисток?

Final countdown commences now.

Начинается финальный отсчёт.

Final surprise,

Финальный сюрприз.

On Monday we have a basketball final match.

— В понедельник у нас финальный матч по баскетболу.

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Trouble is,even if he gets just three months he’ll still be in the stockadefor the boxing finals.

Просто обидно, что он не попадет в финал, вот в чем дело.

The mixed singles final.

Смешанный финал одиночек.

— … final.

— … финал.

Cup final, cloth ears.

Финал Кубка, глухая тетеря.

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The caning at school resulting in the failure at the music examination and fear that her hands might be injured, the attempt by her guardian to smash her hands finally the car crash, the shock of finding herself in hospital with her hands bandaged.

наказание палкой в школе привело к неудаче на экзамене по музыке и страху, что её руки могут быть повреждены, попытка её опекуна раздробить её руки и под конец автокатастрофа, потрясение от обнаружения себя в больнице с перевязанными руками.

If they learn I possess a federal agent’s badge, then I’ve every chance of facing my final scene.

Если они узнают, что у меня знак агента ФБР, тогда у меня все шансы увидеть свой конец.

We finally escaped and now it’s been 2 days we’ve only had water.

{C:$00FFFF}Под конец мы удрали, и что? Последний раз попили водички два дня назад!

Let bloody vengeance take its final course, and see what difference it makes to this universe of yours.

Положите конец вашей кровавой мести, и посмотрим, как это изменит вашу вселенную.

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Key among whose many vital functions will be the final analysis of the physical environment of the new planet.

Ключевым моментом при прибытии на новую планету будет заключительный анализ окружающей среды на пригодность её для жизнедеятельности человека.

Making final approach.

Делаем заключительный подход.


Заключительный этап автоматический.

The final phase of the operation is to commence immediately.

Заключительный этап операции должен начаться немедленно.

DALEK ON RADIO: Now commencing final approach to ship.

Сейчас начинается заключительный этап посадки в корабль.

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Well, my mother and father talked it over, and they finally moved to New York.

Мои мать и отец говорили, что это пора заканчивать, и в итоге переехали в Нью-Йорк.

She kept snatching at it… and he finally became very upset and started to cry.

Старалась сорвать её… В итоге он очень расстроился и заплакал.

She kept changing to the wrong train… and finally wound up here again this morning.

Она пересела не в тот поезд, и в итоге сегодня утром опять появилась здесь.

The next town and the next… and finally…

А дальше следующий город, и еще, и еще… и в итоге…

Nani, that Nobel Prize will finally be bagged by Boudi.

Знаешь, Нани, в итоге нобелевская премия достанется Буди.

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Is it «finally» or «finaly»? This is a question that many people ask themselves at some point in their lives. If you are curious about this too, here you can find the correct answer to this.

The word «finally» means something that happens after an extended time. The proper way of spelling it is finally. Unfortunately, the term «finaly» does not exist, and it is a common spelling error in the English language.

finally in the dictionary

Etymology And Origin Of The Word «Finally»

This term is initially from old French and the Latin word finalis. People started using the word «finally» around the year 1300 (14th century).

How You Can Use «Finally» In A Sentence

You can use the word «finally» in a sentence if you want to describe the final point of a text or speech or something that you have been waiting for a long time to happen. Here, you can see some great examples of how you can use «finally» in a sentence.

Examples of the word «finally» in a sentence

  • After three months of hard times, they finally decided to break up. They believe that there is no other way of solving their issues at this point.
  • I finally found what I have been looking for over the past five years, and I am incredibly excited.
  • He finally convinced her to go out. She is a stay at home girl, and she does not like going out at all.
  • He complained too much about this house. But finally, he moved out. I feel at peace now, and I know that he is happier in his new home.
  • Finally, I want to say some heartfelt words to you because you have changed my life since the very first day we met.
  • The word finally contains seven letters. It is one of the most famous words in the English language.
  • Finally, I want to thank every single person that is here today with us. Without you, I could not do this.
  • I feel like she is a new woman. She finally has achieved what she had dreamed of before, and she is an inspiration to others.
  • My landlord finally understood my issue. At first, I thought that he could never understand something like this, but he got used to it after a few times.
  • Finally, he moved on from that last relationship. I thought this day would never come, but it did.

What Type Of Word Is Finally, And Why?

The term finally is an adverb of time because it transforms a verb and tells us when something is happening. It is also a transition word of order, and it is used to show a relation between paragraphs or phrases in a text or speech.

Synonyms Of This Word

  • After a long time
  • At last
  • Eventually
  • In the end
  • Lastly
  • About time
  • One and for all
  • Someday
  • Sometime
  • Sooner or later
  • To conclude
  • Ultimately
  • Yet

synonym of finally about time

Examples Of Synonyms Of «Finally» In A Sentence:

  • After a long time, the day finally arrived. We are getting married in six hours, and I cannot believe it.
  • At last, John and Matt arrived. Johnny’s house was full when they came but better late than never.
  • Eventually, things will get better. I will feel better, and I will start living my best life.
  • He said he would call 911, but he did not do it in the end. They managed to save the cat with a ladder.
  • Lastly, I want to state some final points. Please pay attention to this important information.
  • I know that someday I will succeed, and my family will thrive too. But, we need to have patience and perseverance.
  • Sooner or later, he will need to change his dirty game. But if he keeps doing that, Karma will pay him back.
  • To conclude, keep in mind that this is not the end. There is a lot more that you need to know about this topic.
  • Karen is ultimately responsible for her actions. But remember, we are not young kids anymore. We need to act like adults now.
  • I do not believe what you are stating. Yet, I do respect it. I know that we cannot agree on every single thing, and that is completely fine.

Antonyms Of This Word

  • At first
  • At no time
  • At the beginning
  • At the start
  • Firstly
  • Immediately
  • In the first place
  • Never
  • Nevermore
  • Right away

Examples Of Antonyms Of «Finally» In A Sentence

  • At first, I could not believe what he was saying. But then, he showed us some evidence. He had many videos that proved what he said.
  • At no time did the bank tell me that I was subscribed to this. Now, I have a debt of five hundred dollars that I cannot pay.
  • At the beginning of our bonding experience, he treated me like a queen. But now, he does not take care about me at all. I am disappointed.
  • Molly could not do it at the start. But she learned that everything takes time and practice makes perfect. Now, she is a professional.
  • Firstly, I would like to take into consideration some big mistakes that you made. This essay has poor quality, and you need to fix too many things.
  • Take the garbage out immediately. I cannot stand this smell, and I feel nauseous.
  • No one asked for her opinion in the first place.  But, she continued to tell us how we need to think, ignoring our beliefs.
  • You cannot say, «Oh, I could never do something like that.» You do not know how you would act until it is happening to you.
  • I will nevermore be the one I used to be. Many life experiences changed my point of view, and now I am a better person.
  • She noticed that small detail right away. After that, I knew that she cared about my outfits as much as I do.

girl celebrates finally accomplishing goal

Famous Quotes With The Word «Finally»

  • «You are my sibling,» he said finally. «My blood, sister, and family. I shall aspire to take care of you»—he smiled with no fun—»to defend you from the kind of guys who desire to do with you precisely what I want to do.» — Cassandra Clare.
  • «My arduous effort is finally developing with excellent timing.» — Future.
  • «Finally, eventually, you compose music for your pleasure. I mean, I want public, I demand people to play, I want everything else. I will not work in privacy. But finally, the person who is composing the music is alone and feels alone. And I have to acknowledge those standards which are kind of like internal requirements or internal answers.» — Philip Glass.
  • «It is consequently undeniable that every person should finally understand and acknowledge that their narcissism has no relevance compared to our nation’s presence. The condition of a person is entirely accustomed to the advantages of the country as a whole.» — Adolf Hitler.
  • «I finally realized what true love was. The meaning of love is thinking about another person’s happiness without thinking that much about your own and at the same time, doing it unconditionally.» — Nicholas Sparks.
  • «Right now. I finally comprehend why it is not easy for a woman to raise a man.» —  Tupac Shakur.


To summarize everything, «finally» is the correct way you can spell this word. The spelling «finaly» is not an option because it does not exist. After reading this, if you need to write this word, you can do it perfectly, and now you can identify when you can use it or not.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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