Using the word dreamt

- past и p. p. от dream

I never dreamt that I’d get the job.

Я никогда не думал, что получу эту работу.

I dreamt about you last night.

Ты мне вчера ночью приснилась.

He was dreaming of a better future.

Он мечтал о лучшем будущем.

Who’d have dreamt it? They are getting married.

Кто бы мог подумать! Они женятся.

I’ve found the man of my dreams.

Я нашла мужчину своей мечты.

He enjoyed a life most of us only dream about.

Он вёл такую жизнь, о которой большинство из нас может только мечтать.

The idea came to him in a dream.

Эта идея пришла к нему во сне.

ещё 21 пример свернуть

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would be so much fun.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

мечтать, грезить, фантазировать, сниться, мечта, сон, сновидение, греза, видение


- видеть сон

you must have dreamt it — тебе, должно быть, это приснилось
to dream of /about/ home — видеть во сне дом
I dreamed that I was at home — мне приснилось, что я дома

- мечтать, грезить (о чём-л.)

to dream of happiness, to dream that one will be happy — мечтать о счастье
you must be dreaming — тебе (всё это) кажется

- (of) преим. в отриц. предложениях думать, помышлять

I shouldn’t dream of such a thing — мне бы никогда в голову не пришло такое; у меня в мыслях не было ничего подобного
no one would have dreamt of suspecting him — никому бы и в голову не пришло заподозрить его
he never dreamed that such a destiny was to be his — он никогда не думал, что его ждёт такая судьба
little did I dream that I should meet you — ≅ мог ли я ждать, что встречу вас

- поэт. плыть, висеть (над чем-л.)


- сон, сновидение

good [bad] dream — хороший [дурной] сон
waking dream — мечта, мечтание; сон наяву
dream fantasies — галлюцинации
sweet dreams! — приятных снов! (пожелание перед сном)
to have /to see smth. in/ a dream — видеть сон
to go to one’s dreams — возвыш. ложиться спать
to awake from a dream — проснуться

- мечта

- видение

sweet dream — дивное видение

- блаженство; красота

dream of delight — райское блаженство
it worked like a dream — ≅ успех был полный, всё удалось как нельзя лучше

Мои примеры


as irrational and surreal as a dream — абсурдный и нереальный, как сновидение  
a wild-eyed dream of a world state — безумная мечта о мировом государстве  
in a dream — во сне  
childhood dream — детская мечта  
a dream comes true — мечта сбывается  
to dream of a world at peace — мечтать о том, чтобы на земле воцарился мир  
a lingering dream — давнишняя мечта  
love’s young dream — пылкая и безрассудная любовь  
a weird dream — чудной сон  
good dream — хороший сон  
the dream factory — фабрика грез, Голливуд  
to go / work like a dream — работать как часы  

Примеры с переводом

I dreamt about you last night.

Ты мне вчера ночью приснилась.

How did you dream up that idea?

И как ты такое выдумал?

I never dreamt that I’d get the job.

Я никогда не думал, что получу эту работу.

Dreams go by opposites.

Наяву всё наоборот.

She appeared to him in a dream.

Она явилась ему во сне.

I wouldn’t dream of saying such a thing.

Мне бы и в голову не пришло сказать такое.

He dreamt a strange scene.

Ему приснилась странная сцена.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I have just met the man of my dreams!

His dream is to hike the Appalachian Trail.

Six months ago, peace seemed an impossible dream.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

dream away — проводить, в мечтах
dream on — Мечтать не вредно!
dream up — придумывать, фантазировать, выдумывать

Возможные однокоренные слова

dreamer  — мечтатель, фантазер
dreamily  — мечтательно, как во сне
dreamless  — без сновидений
dreamlike  — сказочный, призрачный
dreamy  — мечтательный, сказочный, восхитительный, смутный, чудный, непрактичный, неясный
dreaminess  — мечтательность, задумчивость
dreamful  — полный сновидений

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dream
he/she/it: dreams
ing ф. (present participle): dreaming
2-я ф. (past tense): dreamed or dreamt
3-я ф. (past participle): dreamed or dreamt

ед. ч.(singular): dream
мн. ч.(plural): dreams

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Royal Abbott

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(46 votes)

Dreamed and dreamt are both acceptable past tense forms of dream. Dreamed follows the pattern of regular verbs, ending with «-ed» while dreamt is irregular. Often the irregular, or «strong,» form of a word gives way and is replaced by the normalized form, but both dreamt and dreamed are still in use.

Is dreamt grammatically correct?

Dreamed and dreamt are both past tense versions of the word dream. Dreamt is used by Brits in the past tense. Dreamed, however, is the preferred past tense of dream used by Americans. But, overall, dreamed is the preferred past tense version.

What does dreamt up mean?

dreamed up or dreamt up. DEFINITIONS1. to think of a new idea or plan, especially one that is silly or unusual. He was continually dreaming up schemes to expand his business.

Which preposition is used after dreamt?

You can use either «of» or «about» after the verb dream, without any difference in meaning. You use either of the prepositions after dream to mean; 1, to experience a dream in your sleep. The use of » dream about» is more common in the first sense whereas «dream of» is more common in the second sense.

How do you use dreamed in a sentence?

Dreamed sentence example

  • I dreamed about Annie all last night. …
  • She was everything he ever dreamed of. …
  • Every night she dreamed about him — about the way his voice sounded when her ear was on his chest. …
  • But it didn’t, and even when she slept, she dreamed of him again.

25 related questions found

What is the sentence of dreamt?

Dreamt sentence example. I dreamt about you. He’d dreamt many times about his sister and his family, but she’d never talked to him directly. She’d dreamt of sleeping with Darkyn.

Had dreamed or had dreamt?

Dreamt and dreamed are both past tense forms of dream. Dreamt is more common in Britain, while dreamed is more common in other English-speaking countries, including the U.S. Dreamed seems to be more popular than dreamt when talking about sleeping, but when dream has a hopeful, literary sense, dreamt might be used.

How do you use dreams as a verb?

‘Dream’ (noun) means the images that take place in our mind while we are sleeping. Sentence using the given word ‘dream’ as a verb is : I dreamt that I was living in London. ‘Dream’ (verb) means to experience the images that are going on in our mind while we are sleeping.

Are dreams transitive?

dream. 1[intransitive, transitive] to experience a series of images, events, and feelings in your mind while you are asleep Did I talk in my sleep? I must have been dreaming.

How do you use dream up?

What kind of art did she have in mind when she dreamt up her plan? It was dreamt up in London by people in offices and big houses.

What is the meaning of dream of?

dream of (someone or something)

1. To fantasize about someone or something, especially doing something as one’s goal or ambition.

What is another word for dream up?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dream up, like: devise, contrive, concoct, imagine, invent, dream, think up, think of and hatch.

Is it burned or burnt?

‘Burned’ is the usual past tense of ‘burn’, but ‘burnt’ is common in many contexts when the past participle is used as an adjective («burnt toast»). Both are acceptable forms. … Unless you’re a speaker of British English or have been binge-watching «Sherlock.» In American English, burned is usually past tense.

What English words end in MT?

According to Oxford Dictionaries, ‘dreamt’ is the only English word that ends with ‘mt’. The word’s derivatives including undreamt, daydreamt, and redreamt are the only other words that end with the same letters.

Is Dream A action verb?

An action verb animates a sentence, either physically ( swim, jump, drop, whistle) or mentally ( think, dream, believe, suppose, love). Verbs make sentences move; sometimes dramatically, sometimes quietly.

How do you use dreams as a noun?

Noun He had a dream about climbing a mountain. You were in my dream last night. I’ve found the man of my dreams. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

Why do we dream?

Dreams as memory aides

One widely held theory about the purpose of dreams is that they help you store important memories and things you’ve learned, get rid of unimportant memories, and sort through complicated thoughts and feelings. Research shows that sleep helps store memories.

What is the future tense of dream?

I will/shall dream. … You/We/They will/shall be dreaming. Future Perfect Tense. He/She/It will/shall have dreamed or dreamt or drempt (dated).

What is the difference between a dream and a daydream?

A ‘dream’ is a wish we put into-action to achieve our goal in the near future. A ‘daydream’ is a thought we talk about but no action is taken to fulfill it.

Is dreamt a Scrabble word?

Yes, dreamt is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the sentence of instead?

Instead sentence example. Instead of braids, she brushed her hair into a ponytail. Instead , she had heard nothing from him. Instead , I asked a question.

How do you use dedication in a sentence?

the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action.

  1. I admire her dedication to the job.
  2. With enough hard work and dedication, anything is possible.
  3. The country’s greatest resource is the dedication of its workers.
  4. Not everyone has the dedication and the talent to achieve this.

dreamt — перевод на русский

«No, it wasn’t a dream!»

«Нет, это был не сон!»

Sometimes I feel as if my love was only a dream.

Иногда мне кажется будто наша любовь просто сон.

Dreams are so foolish!

Какой глупый сон!

If this is a dream, Helen, I hope I never wake up.

Это сон, Хелен. Надеюсь, я никогда не проснусь.

But I guess it’s just a dream.

Но я представляю себе, что это всего лишь сон.

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And I’m so sorry if I did anything to delay that dream.

И прости меня, если я отсрочила исполнение этой мечты.

In any case, suddenly, lickety-split, planning the wedding of my dreams.

В любом случае, вдруг я во всю прыть планирую свадьбу мечты.

I’m gonna plan you the wedding of my dreams.

Я спланирую для тебя свадьбу моей мечты.

All that I seem to do Is dream

Все что я вижу – это мечты.

Wonderful dreams

Волшебные мечты

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-Exactly the type of case I’ve always dreamed of.

— Случай, о котором я мечтал.

I always dreamed of being a domestic.

Я всегда мечтал служить в доме.

I’ve always dreamed of wearing a uniform.

Я всегда мечтал носить форму.

But now, Trudy, now that everything in the world is right here beside me… everything I’ve ever dreamed of, to have and to hold, to cherish and to protect…

Но теперь, Труди, теперь, когда весь мир, прямо здесь, рядом со мной… все, о чем я когда-либо мечтал, чтобы оберегать, лелеять и защищать…

I’ve dreamt about eating one of her seven-course meals.

Я мечтал съесть одно из её блюд.

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If I tell you now what I dreamed, you’ll go ballistic and burst from jealousy.

Если я тебе расскажу, что мне снилось, ты на стену полезешь и лопнешь от зависти!

Oh no. I know what you dreamed already.

— А я знаю, что тебе снилось. Откуда?

What’d you dream?

Что же тебе снилось?

Thursday night, I dreamt that you, aunt Polly, were sitting on the sofa, and you were sitting on the wood box, and Mary next to you.

В четверг мне снилось, что вы, тётя Полли, сидели на диване, ты у ящика для дров, а Мэри рядом.

Did you dream any more?

А что ещё тебе снилось?

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«Did we dream this whole thing up?»

«Неужели нам всё это только приснилось?»

I dreamed you went off and left me.

А мне приснилось, что ты бросила меня. Вот кошмар.

I probably would have dreamed about it going wrong, if you had let me sleep tonight.

Если бы он дал мне сегодня ночью поспать, мне бы точно приснилось, что что-то не так!

I dreamed I got up and went over to the window.

— Дайна. Мне приснилось, что я встала и подошла к окну.

I dreamed I was eating a great big steak dinner, and I got chewing too fast and I choked.

Мне приснилось, что я ужинаю за прекрасным столом, но я жевал слишком быстро и подавился.

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Am I dreaming or am I awake?

— Я сплю или нет?

Either I’m dreaming, or I’ve lived through this before.

То ли я сплю, то ли это уже когда-то происходило.

Maybe I’m dreaming.

Возможно я сплю,

— You mean I’m not dreaming?

— То есть я не сплю?

I’m dreaming again.

я снова сплю.

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I slept badly. But I dreamt a man came into my room.

Я плохо спала и видела во сне, как в мою спальню вошел мужчина.

Last night I dreamt about keys.

Я видела во сне ключи.

— It is good, as it I dreamed about the two of us.


I was dreaming I was taken out to the countryside…

Я видела сон, что была в деревне…

I had a dream.

Я видела сон.

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I didn’t dream it was this late.

Я и не думал, что уже так поздно.

I never dreamt I’d be buying them back.

Никогда не думал, что буду выкупать их обратно.

Never did I dream I could feel like this toward a sergeant.

Никогда не думал, что буду испытывать такое к сержанту.

My wife laughed in a very peculiar way, and when I got home, I made a discovery. I found out my wife was a snob, and even more stupid than I dreamed.

Моя жена подняла меня на смех, и я понял, что моя жена — сноб и более глупа, чем я думал.

I never dreamed I’d see you here in Tokyo. OKAYA ODEN Here’s a warm one.

Вот уж не думал, что увижу тебя в Токио.

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I dreamt that…

Мне снился сон…

I’ve been dreaming.

Мне снился сон.

Did you ever dream that you were crying out that you were in dreadful trouble and crying for help?

Тебе когда-нибудь снился сон, что ты кричишь, зовёшь на помощь?

I dreamt… that I was in bed and the bed moved.

Мне снился сон… что я была в кровати, а кровать двигалась.

Oh, oh, I must have been dreaming.

Ох, ох, должно быть, мне снился сон.

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But tomorrow morning, if you should wake out of your dreams… and hear a knock and the door opens, and there, instead of a maid with a breakfast tray… stands a policeman with a warrant, then you’ll be glad you are alone.

Но завтра утром, когда ты очнешься от своих грез… услышишь стук, и откроется дверь, и там, вместо служанки с завтраком на подносе… будет стоять полицейский с ордером, ты будешь счастлива, что ты одна.

ere we will eat our meal in fear and sleep in the affliction of these terrible dreams that shake us nightly.

И рухнут оба мира, чем я буду Со страхом есть мой хлеб и спать под гнётом Ужасных грёз, пугающих в ночи.

The mist of my dreams surrounds them. They walk in beauty to the music of a shepherd’s pipe.

Их окутывает туман моих грез под чудесные звуки пастушьего рожка.

And there’s the ship of your dreams … a ship that didn’t prove seaworthy…

А там корабль ваших грез … Корабль, который оказался непригодным к морю…

You have arrived in the Turkey of your dreams

Вы прибыли в Турцию ваших грез

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dream — перевод на русский


«No, it wasn’t a dream!»

«Нет, это был не сон!»

Sometimes I feel as if my love was only a dream.

Иногда мне кажется будто наша любовь просто сон.

Dreams are so foolish!

Какой глупый сон!

If this is a dream, Helen, I hope I never wake up.

Это сон, Хелен. Надеюсь, я никогда не проснусь.

But I guess it’s just a dream.

Но я представляю себе, что это всего лишь сон.

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And I’m so sorry if I did anything to delay that dream.

И прости меня, если я отсрочила исполнение этой мечты.

In any case, suddenly, lickety-split, planning the wedding of my dreams.

В любом случае, вдруг я во всю прыть планирую свадьбу мечты.

I’m gonna plan you the wedding of my dreams.

Я спланирую для тебя свадьбу моей мечты.

All that I seem to do Is dream

Все что я вижу – это мечты.

Wonderful dreams

Волшебные мечты

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-Exactly the type of case I’ve always dreamed of.

— Случай, о котором я мечтал.

I always dreamed of being a domestic.

Я всегда мечтал служить в доме.

I’ve always dreamed of wearing a uniform.

Я всегда мечтал носить форму.

But now, Trudy, now that everything in the world is right here beside me… everything I’ve ever dreamed of, to have and to hold, to cherish and to protect…

Но теперь, Труди, теперь, когда весь мир, прямо здесь, рядом со мной… все, о чем я когда-либо мечтал, чтобы оберегать, лелеять и защищать…

I’ve dreamt about eating one of her seven-course meals.

Я мечтал съесть одно из её блюд.

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If I tell you now what I dreamed, you’ll go ballistic and burst from jealousy.

Если я тебе расскажу, что мне снилось, ты на стену полезешь и лопнешь от зависти!

Oh no. I know what you dreamed already.

— А я знаю, что тебе снилось. Откуда?

What’d you dream?

Что же тебе снилось?

Thursday night, I dreamt that you, aunt Polly, were sitting on the sofa, and you were sitting on the wood box, and Mary next to you.

В четверг мне снилось, что вы, тётя Полли, сидели на диване, ты у ящика для дров, а Мэри рядом.

Did you dream any more?

А что ещё тебе снилось?

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«Did we dream this whole thing up?»

«Неужели нам всё это только приснилось?»

I dreamed you went off and left me.

А мне приснилось, что ты бросила меня. Вот кошмар.

I probably would have dreamed about it going wrong, if you had let me sleep tonight.

Если бы он дал мне сегодня ночью поспать, мне бы точно приснилось, что что-то не так!

I dreamed I got up and went over to the window.

— Дайна. Мне приснилось, что я встала и подошла к окну.

I dreamed I was eating a great big steak dinner, and I got chewing too fast and I choked.

Мне приснилось, что я ужинаю за прекрасным столом, но я жевал слишком быстро и подавился.

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Am I dreaming or am I awake?

— Я сплю или нет?

Either I’m dreaming, or I’ve lived through this before.

То ли я сплю, то ли это уже когда-то происходило.

Maybe I’m dreaming.

Возможно я сплю,

— You mean I’m not dreaming?

— То есть я не сплю?

I’m dreaming again.

я снова сплю.

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I slept badly. But I dreamt a man came into my room.

Я плохо спала и видела во сне, как в мою спальню вошел мужчина.

Last night I dreamt about keys.

Я видела во сне ключи.

— It is good, as it I dreamed about the two of us.


I was dreaming I was taken out to the countryside…

Я видела сон, что была в деревне…

I had a dream.

Я видела сон.

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I didn’t dream it was this late.

Я и не думал, что уже так поздно.

I never dreamt I’d be buying them back.

Никогда не думал, что буду выкупать их обратно.

Never did I dream I could feel like this toward a sergeant.

Никогда не думал, что буду испытывать такое к сержанту.

My wife laughed in a very peculiar way, and when I got home, I made a discovery. I found out my wife was a snob, and even more stupid than I dreamed.

Моя жена подняла меня на смех, и я понял, что моя жена — сноб и более глупа, чем я думал.

I never dreamed I’d see you here in Tokyo. OKAYA ODEN Here’s a warm one.

Вот уж не думал, что увижу тебя в Токио.

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I dreamt that…

Мне снился сон…

I’ve been dreaming.

Мне снился сон.

Did you ever dream that you were crying out that you were in dreadful trouble and crying for help?

Тебе когда-нибудь снился сон, что ты кричишь, зовёшь на помощь?

I dreamt… that I was in bed and the bed moved.

Мне снился сон… что я была в кровати, а кровать двигалась.

Oh, oh, I must have been dreaming.

Ох, ох, должно быть, мне снился сон.

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But tomorrow morning, if you should wake out of your dreams… and hear a knock and the door opens, and there, instead of a maid with a breakfast tray… stands a policeman with a warrant, then you’ll be glad you are alone.

Но завтра утром, когда ты очнешься от своих грез… услышишь стук, и откроется дверь, и там, вместо служанки с завтраком на подносе… будет стоять полицейский с ордером, ты будешь счастлива, что ты одна.

ere we will eat our meal in fear and sleep in the affliction of these terrible dreams that shake us nightly.

И рухнут оба мира, чем я буду Со страхом есть мой хлеб и спать под гнётом Ужасных грёз, пугающих в ночи.

The mist of my dreams surrounds them. They walk in beauty to the music of a shepherd’s pipe.

Их окутывает туман моих грез под чудесные звуки пастушьего рожка.

And there’s the ship of your dreams … a ship that didn’t prove seaworthy…

А там корабль ваших грез … Корабль, который оказался непригодным к морю…

You have arrived in the Turkey of your dreams

Вы прибыли в Турцию ваших грез

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Слово «Dream» может вызывать путаницу у новичка, изучающего английский. Например, я постоянно путалась, в каких случаях оно обозначает слово «сон», а в каких — слово «мечта». И вообще, как его правильно употреблять?
Dream может выступать как в качестве глагола, так и в качестве существительного. Форма простого прошедшего времени и причастие прошедшего времени — dreamed или dreamt. Dreamed более употребительно в американском английском.

1. Употребление в качестве существительного:

A dream — это серия визуальных событий, которые происходят у вас в голове, пока вы спите. Проще говоря, в русском языке мы называем это явление словом «сон».

In his dream he was sitting in a theatre watching a play.

Если мы хотим сказать, что кому-то снятся сны, мы используем глагол to have.

The other night I had a strange dream.
Oliver has bad dreams every night.

НЕПРАВИЛЬНО говорить, что кто-то (someone) ‘dreams a dream’.

A dream также обозначает ситуацию или событие, о которых вы постоянно думаете, потому что хотели бы, чтобы это произошло. То есть, по-нашему — мечта.

My dream is to have a house in the country.
His dream of becoming a pilot had come true.

2. Употребление в качестве глагола:

Когда мы говорим, что кому-то снится сон, мы можем использовать dream (something happens) или dream that (something happens). Если непонятно, то поясню на примерах:

I dreamed Brendon was in trouble.
Benny dreamt that he was back in New-York.

Когда мы видим во сне кого-то или что-то, мы используем dream about или dream of.

Last night I dreamed about you.
I dreamt of him every night.

Когда же мы хотим сказать, что мы мечтаем о чем-то, то следует употреблять dream of having (something) или dream of doing (something).

He dreamt of having a car.
I’ve always dreamed of becoming a writer.

Ни в коем случае не говорите dream(s) to have (something) или dream(s) to do (something).

Recent Examples on the Web

Set in Sri Lanka during the civil war, the novel follows Sashi, a young Tamil woman who has dreams of becoming a doctor.

The Editors,, 6 Apr. 2023

And thank you to those who helped make our dream of having a family into this wonderful reality.

Jen Juneau, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023

Decades later, people have nightmare dreams of walking into tests without having studied.

Chris Fleming, SPIN, 4 Apr. 2023

There are also dreams of taking Shucked into corners that Broadway musicals have never ventured before.

Melinda Newman, Billboard, 3 Apr. 2023

Now, after his release, Dan has big dreams of proving his innocence while fostering his relationships with his family.

Mckinley Franklin, Variety, 3 Apr. 2023

While every mid-major who makes an NCAA tournament run dreams of being the next Gonzaga, the reality is that San Diego State is a much more attainable and aspirational model.

Dan Wolken, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2023

Enter Email Sign Up With his shaggy hair, hepcat beard and racy poems touching on British youth’s anxieties, dreams of freedom and lust, he was hailed as Britain’s answer to Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, which raised eyebrows among some guardians of traditional British values.

Alex Williams,, 1 Apr. 2023

Tupperware was created to help families save money after World War II, Trader Joe’s was conceived to cater to an emerging middle class that would soon travel internationally, and Nike was built on one man’s dream of creating the ultimate running shoe.

Hudson Lindenberger, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

Beba is awaiting her papers and managing expectations, hoping for resident status but not daring to dream of citizenship.

Sheri Linden, The Hollywood Reporter, 5 Apr. 2023

Authors who dreamed of being published in Hugo Gernsback’s Amazing Stories—the first magazine devoted solely to science fiction, which published from 1926 through 1980—knew that Gernsback himself was a pioneering radio and television broadcaster.

Michelle Delgado, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 Apr. 2023

For the first time in over a century, our campus will be re-opened to admit individuals a minimum of 16 Earth years (or species equivalent) who dream of exceeding their physical, mental and spiritual limits, who value friendship, camaraderie, honor and devotion to a cause greater than themselves.

Samuel Axon, Ars Technica, 30 Mar. 2023

Thankfully, snoozing in a sleeping bag or pitching a flimsy tent aren’t the only ways to dream surrounded by nature.

Lindsay Cohn, Travel + Leisure, 25 Mar. 2023

France likes to dream of revolution, ever re-enacting the popular uprising of 1789 that led to the guillotining of the king and queen and the abolition of the monarchy three years later.

Liz Alderman, New York Times, 24 Mar. 2023

Being Mary Tyler Moore explores Mary’s vanguard career, who, as an actor, performer, and advocate, revolutionized the portrayal of women in media, redefined their roles in show business, and inspired generations to dream big and make it on their own.

Matthew Jacobs, Vulture, 20 Mar. 2023

Practice your craft, and then be open to really dreaming big.

Megan Dubois, Forbes, 17 Mar. 2023

Although many high schoolers will dream about attending college ahead of National Decision Day in May, college enrollment has plummeted in recent years, dropping 8% between 2019 to 2022, according to data from the National Student Clearinghouse.

Chloe Taylor, Fortune, 16 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘dream.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Dreamed and dreamt are both acceptable past tense forms of dream. Dreamed follows the pattern of regular verbs, ending with «-ed» while dreamt is irregular. Often the irregular, or «strong,» form of a word gives way and is replaced by the normalized form, but both dreamt and dreamed are still in use.

Let’s say it’s Monday morning at the water cooler and your coworker is recounting another one of their fascinating dreams: «It was cold, and we were all walking across a big field, and there were fish swimming around our feet even though there wasn’t any water, and …» It can be hard to stifle a yawn, can’t it?

We’re not going to weigh in on whether or not other people’s dreams are always boring (of course they’re not!), but we will weigh in on what the past tense of dream is.

is it dreamed or dreamt

You know, maybe we’ll just take a quick nap first.

What was it your coworker did last night? They dreamed about that cold fish-filled field? Or is it more correct to say they dreamt about it?

The answer is either.

Both dreamed and dreamt have been past tense forms of dream since the 14th century. «I dreamt a dream tonight,» says Romeo to Mercutio in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, written in the late 16th century. Shakespeare typically opted for dreamt in his works, but occasionally employed dreamed as well. A century and change later, Jonathan Swift vacillated between dreamed and dreamt in Journal to Stella, a series of letters written between 1710 and 1713 and published posthumously in 1766, but chose dreamed for the one past-tense occurrence of dream in the 1726 Gulliver’s Travels. By the 19th century, evidence suggests that most major writers (or perhaps their editors and/or publishers) were somewhat conflicted. While Jane Austen and William Makepeace Thackeray were dedicated dreamt users, and Edith Wharton and Virginia Woolf consistently favored dreamed, other 19th and early 20th century writers—among them Charlotte Brontë, Mark Twain, G.K. Chesterton, Herman Melville, Walter Scott, Joseph Conrad, Jack London, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, H.G. Wells, James Joyce, and P.G. Wodehouse—used both. But both the literary world and English speakers generally were moving decidedly away from dreamt, with dreamed becoming the clearly dominant form in the first half of the 19th century.

Regular and Irregular Verbs

Dreamed, of course, follows the pattern of most verbs. The great majority of English verbs take the familiar -ed for their past tense and past-participle forms. These are «regular» verbs that play by the rules. Other not-so-predictable verbs are «irregular.» The regular verbs are sometimes called «weak» and the irregular verbs sometimes called «strong,» presumably because the former are a docile and tractable bunch while the latter seem to do whatever they gosh darn well please. Merriam-Webster’s Advanced Learners English Dictionary (a dictionary for non-native speakers) lists about 300 irregular verbs, the majority of them being simple, usually single-syllable words. It’s a small number, but its members are powerful: they include those we use most often; as linguist Steven Pinker has pointed out, the ten most common English verbs (be, have, do, say, make, go, take, come, see, and get) are irregular, and chances are quite good (70% good) that if you’re using a verb it’s an irregular one.

Both regular and irregular verbs date back to Old English, but the number of ho-hum -ed forms has increased over the centuries, and only the most common irregular verbs have kept their quirky conjugations. There are still glimpses of the less common strong verb forms here and there, especially in dialectal English. Someone native to parts of the South might say «I love to climb trees but have never clomb/clome that one there.» Climbed has been the norm since around the 16th century, but the other form still exists, secreted away in dialects.

Every once in a while things go in the opposite direction. Sneak had the regular past tense form sneaked when it appeared in the late 1500s, but in the late 1800s the form snuck showed up in the United States. That form is now more common here by some estimations than sneaked. Snuck is widely derided in the UK—but still used there some, and in respected newspapers—and it’s got its haters on this side of the pond too.

Although dream appears to be yet another verb that has followed the expected trajectory of weakening into regularity, both dreamed and dreamt are in current use, and you can use the stronger and less common form if you prefer it. We wouldn’t dream of telling you otherwise.

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